Texas Ranger

By Mathew Davidson

Published on Jan 21, 2010


This is a work of mostly fiction, if it is illegal to read this sort of thing where you are then you probably shouldn't do it, or at least don't get caught doing it. I have nothing else to say, all usual disclaimers apply.

Texas Ranger: Part 2

I walked into the bathroom and peeled off my boxers, tossing them in the laundry basket I had in the corner, turning the water on in the shower and waiting for it to heat up. I stood there idly glancing around, then something caught my eye right above the drain. Was that cum? Yeah it was! I grinned, looks like Andy had needed a bit of relief after all, and that wasn't such a bad idea actually. Feeling the water was now hot, I stepped into the shower and relished the feel of the steaming water all over me. I grabbed my body wash and lathered up my chest, my hands inevitably roaming downwards to my raging hard on. It hadn't gone down in the entire time I had lain with Andy, then again, nor had his.

I started slowly jacking off, letting the suds provide lubrication as I jerked myself to climax thinking of him. He was so warm, and his skin was so soft. I could still taste him, and if I tried hard enough, I swore I could smell him. It didn't take long, and before I knew it I was cumming all over the shower floor. That business completed, I quickly finished in the shower and stepped out. I grabbed a new towel from under the sink and dried off, wrapping it around my waist when I was done. I walked back into my room and saw Andy sitting on the couch texting someone on his phone. He had only bothered to put on shorts, foregoing a shirt for now. He was so gorgeous, I found myself staring at him. Blinking quickly, I looked away and walked over to my wardrobe and pulled on some boxers while I hid behind the wardrobe door, then grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on as well. I opened the next door and grabbed a T-shirt and was about to put it on when I felt hands encircle my waist. Smiling to myself I dropped the shirt to the floor and turned in Andy's arms to face him. When I turned my eyes were level with his chest right below his throat. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled myself closer so that our chests were touching. I looked up and saw that he was looking at me intently. Our eyes locked and he leant down. I felt his breath on my face and my breathing became erratic. He roamed his hands up and down my back, and my own hands went lower until I felt the waist of his shorts. I stopped and let my hands rest on his lower back while his still rubbed my back gently, it was a perfect moment. The entire time I had been looking into his eyes, I felt as if I could stand like this forever.

He leant down farther and his lips touched mine. The kiss was long, not as passionate and full of longing as the first had been, but a soft, sweet kiss full of affection and love. I returned it tenfold, pressing him into me. I had never kissed someone like this, and I meant it with all my heart. He pulled away after a long while and rested his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes. Neither of us said anything, being content to be as close as possible to each other. After a few second I stood on tiptoe and kissed him again, more earnestly, biting his lip again and forcing my lips against his. I felt his hands settle in the middle of my back and push me into him. His tongue snuck along my lips then slipped into my mouth and once again I tasted him. He was like a drug, I wanted more. I sucked his tongue farther into my mouth and as I did so, snuck a couple fingers on each hand below his waistband, then again below his boxers touching his bare skin. He was so warm, and softer there then any other place I had touched as of yet. I stopped there, not sure if I should go farther then having a few fingers touching him in intimate places. He moaned a little into my mouth and I felt one hand leave my back, then I felt the same hand on my wrist, pushing down. I smiled into the kiss and both my hands entered his shorts, cupping his rock hard cheeks in either hand. God he was so hot. He returned his hand to my back and then brought both hands sliding down to my lower back and pushed me into him hard, causing me to gasp into his mouth. I felt him smile and found myself smiling as well. We came apart, breathless and I looked into his eyes. His sparkling, beautiful eyes. And in them I saw something I had never seen before in another person; There was love. I saw lust, but overpowering it all was affection and acceptance, and he was looking at me. Me, the one who's dad had always said that nothing good would ever happen for, who's mom had never shown the slightest bit of affection or love towards. But he did, and I loved him so much at that moment it hurt. I felt a tear escape from my eye and slide down my face. Andy's face suddenly had a worried look and he brought both hands up and cupped my face, using his thumbs to wipe my tears away.

"What's wrong? I'm sorry if I-"

"It's not you. I mean... it is, but not in a bad way. This just seems to good to be true. You're too perfect." As I finished saying this Andy leaned towards me and kissed me softly.

"Well it is true. So deal with it." He grinned at me and looked into my eyes. I smiled and rested my head on his chest, loving the feel of his silken skin on my cheek and his breath on me as he kissed the top of my head. I hugged him close and stayed there, not wanting the embrace to end. He seemed content as well, and began rubbing my back again, his soft caresses giving me sense of wholeness. I have no idea how long we stood there but it was a long while. When eventually we separated, he looked down at me and smiled. I beamed back, then leaned down and picked up my discarded shirt. He walked over to the table where his luggage was sitting and withdrew a tight white T-shirt, pulling it over his head. Once we were both fully clothed we went upstairs. I set about making some french toast and he sat at the table. I sensed his eyes on me and I turned to see him staring at me.

"What?" I asked, blushing.

He giggled and waved his hand dismissively.

"Nothing, don't worry about it."

I raised my eyebrow and gave him a `whatever' look, then finished making breakfast. As we were eating, he asked "So what are we doing today?"

"I have no idea, I was too nervous about you coming to actually plan any events. Ummm... well we could do one of two things. The Calgary Stampede is in town for the next week, so we go down and hit the rides and buy some world famous mini doughnuts, or we could take a drive out to the country, there's something I want to show you there."

Andy looked thoughtful for a moment. Indecisiveness always irritated me, but for some reason on him it was cute and I felt like I could wait all day for him to decide. After a long couple seconds, he spoke up and said "A country drive sounds nice, I'd like to get settled a little before I brave the masses of people."

I smiled widely, I had hoped he would say that. There was a certain place I had never shown anyone before, that I desperately wanted him to see and share with me.

We finished eating and cleaned up, then I went downstairs and grabbed a couple things and threw them in a backpack. I went up to the kitchen again and grabbed the bag of sandwiches I had made the previous day for this occasion. So maybe I had planned it a little...

An hour later we were driving on the highway outside the city limits heading east towards my dads house. I hated this road, no matter where I was going or, I glanced to my side at the god sitting next to me, who I was with, this road always led to him. To dad. Memories flashed through my mind now, being 13 years old teaching my half sister archery. We emptied our quivers and I went to retrieve the arrows, she shot one I didn't think she had and it hit me in the arm, sticking directly out of my elbow. I had cried when dad had pulled it out, he told me to shut the fuck up and stop being a baby. Sister got a new bow, I got a cast and got hit for teaching her bad habits. I was 15, helping my dad fix the electric fence. It was powered off and I had the spare wire I was hanging on the posts between my legs while I stapled the wire on. Dad flicked on the switch and laughed as enough electricity to stop a full grown bull shot into my balls, rendering me mostly sterile and unconscious with pain. I woke up in the hospital eight hours later and he was still laughing. I was 17 and he was yelling at me about how I never had a girlfriend and was a little fat faggot who would never be happy and wouldn't find a single person in the world who would ever love me, it wasn't the first time I had heard it, but it still stung my very soul.

"You alright baby?" Andy's voice brought me back from memory lane. I looked at him and saw him looking at me with concern in his eyes. I smiled when I saw his face, and the genuine care in his eyes. Who needs a fucking girlfriend?

"Yeah, never been better!" Andy returned the smile and looked out the window as I hung a left off the highway and pulled onto a dirt road. The tiny sign marked it as the "Township of Lyalta". We drove down the road for about 10 minutes. I stopped the truck and pointed at an ugly yellow house sitting surrounded by farmland. It had a beat up barn behind it and two horses could be seen standing in the shade. There were no cars in the driveway, thank god.

I stared at the house, looking at the darkened window with the security bars across it on the far right side of the house. My room, in a place that would never be home. My bed was still there I knew, but most of my possessions I had brought with me to my mothers when I moved out. Besides, I had never really had enough stuff to matter there. Wouldn't want to have to many material possessions, they might get in the way of my sisters things.



"Where are we?"

"Dad's house. This isn't where we're going though, we get to go four wheeling."

With that I turned the wheel and sent the truck into the field on the right hand side of the house. It was a bumpy ride, but it wasn't far, only about a 7 minute drive. Or a 20 minute walk, I had made it many times. I crested the slight incline of the field that had been obscuring our view past that point and before us was a small forest, a oasis in the midst of a dry and depressing landscape. I drove down and parked beside the barbed wire fence and got out, Andy following suit. I walked a little ways along the fence and then found the post I had marked with an X over 8 years ago. I lifted my foot up high and stepped on the wire, and since I had long ago taken the staples off this particular fence post, the wire came down with my foot allowing us to pass into the small forest. Andy stepped over and then I followed suit, allowing the fence to pop back into place behind us.

As I walked beside Andy deeper into the woods, I felt his hand slide into mine. I smiled and felt my heart swell. This, was how it should be. We eventually came to a dam-like occurrence. It had small tree's on the top, I had never learned what type they were, and was covered in bright green grass. On the side we were on there was only a little moisture, but I knew that when we climbed to the top there would be a large pond on the other side. The sunlight caught the leaves of the trees and reflected as if off the facets of an emerald. It was beautiful to me, and had always helped me deal with life.

With his hand still in mine, I climbed up the incline to the top of the dam. I stood for a moment admiring the view. On either side of this place there was desolate fields of dirt, that would soon be planted with wheat, but here, there was life and beauty. Andy squeezed my hand slightly and said so quietly it was almost a whisper "What is this place?"

I didn't say anything, but led him to the middle of the dam where there was a wooden bench seemingly placed randomly and hidden in the thickest part of the trees. I sat down and pulled him down next to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his arms around me as well and said "This is... my place of solitude you might say." I didn't say anything for a bit, but he remained silent, somehow knowing I was just organizing my thoughts into words.

"This place... is probably the reason I'm alive. I used to come here when my dad was really mad, or when I just needed to get away. He hated this place, I don't know why but my cynical side says its just because its beautiful and he cant love anything that's... nice. I would ride my ATV sometimes, but usually I would just walk. I'd bring a book or just my music and sit and think. Sometimes I would think that I could just stay here, that I wouldn't have to go back. But I always did. I would end up in my closet sized room sitting on my bed being yelled at hoping he was in a good enough mood not to hit me."

"Your room was the one with the bars on the window wasn't it?"

I laughed bitterly, giving him a gentle squeeze.

"However did you guess? Yeah, I snuck out through my window once when I was 15 to see my friend who lived down the way one night, I had a major crush on him and he may have returned the feeling. I'll never know. Dad heard the window open and he almost ran me over with the ATV on the road to my friends house. He made me run all the way home with him driving behind me at the fastest I could run. I never saw Sam again, I was never allowed to talk to the neighbors again after that and he put the bars there the next week. So that no one will `sneak into the house'. After he put them up I was almost 100% sure he was going to burn the house down with me in it since I couldn't get out the window now and he locked my bedroom door at night."

"He locked your door?"

"Yeah, learned fast to go to the bathroom BEFORE lights out." I grinned as I said this and looked at his face for the first time since we sat down. He didn't smile back. Andy's face was set in a frown as he looked down at me.

"How can you joke about this? You always read about how people with abusive parents go shoot up a school or become serial killers, yet you make jokes about your dad locked you in your room every night so you couldn't see other people."

I slipped my arms from around his waist and sat up straight, turning on the bench so I looked into his eyes.

"Andy... When you have to live through crap every day, you can do one of two things. You can let it slowly destroy you inside, let him win and kill you. Or you can SURVIVE. I didn't have it too bad, I know a few people who had it a hell of a lot worse then I did. Dad never beat me badly, he never put me in the hospital more then once. I lived through it, I beat him. Just saying that makes me happy. I win, he spent 18 years telling me I wouldn't succeed and that I would never find happiness. Until five months and one day ago, I agreed. I never showed it, but I thought I would never be truly happy. Then... You. I don't care if I live on the street, if I have you, I will have succeeded in life. Do you know how many people I have ever shared this place with?"

Andy shook his head no.

"No one. I have never brought another soul here. This was always my place to be alone, because being alone, away from my family, was enough for me. But now, that's not enough at all."

I felt tears swelling behind my eyes, and I looked into Andy's eyes and saw them moist as well. I managed to choke out a laugh.

"Don't you cry too, we're not THAT gay." Andy laughed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. I managed to lift one leg up and ended up sitting in his lap facing him, straddling his thighs. I rested my arms on his shoulders and leaned in for a kiss. It was a long tender kiss and I enjoyed it immensely. Surrounded by the peaceful harmony of chirping birds and the soft melody of the ever-present wind in the trees, and the smell of moss and earth, but more importantly the smell of HIM.

We kissed for a long while, then eventually I broke off and pulled him close and nibbled on his earlobe, He groaned a little so I stared kissing down his neck, and lightly biting the soft skin there. I slipped my hands down and under his shirt then back up again, pulling the garment off. I once again pressed my lips to his for a brief moment, then pulled away, letting my hands rest on his shoulders. I could feel that he was hard as a rock through his shorts.

"You know..." I whispered.

"What?" He asked, pouting a little bit at the attention I was no longer giving him. I grinned mischievously.

"I used to come down here for other reasons..."

"Such as?"

"Dad checked on me too often to jack off at home, so once or twice a week..."

"You jacked off down here? Am I sitting in 8 year old cum!"

"Probably, there's newer stuff there too." I leaned forwards and pressed our lips together again, cutting off the next sarcastic response. I ran my tongue over his lips, letting his taste fill my mouth. I brought my hand down and groped his massive bulge. I pulled away and silently looked into his eyes, asking permission to go to the next level. He nodded very slightly and I smiled, kissing him again briefly before starting back down his neck, kissing, licking, biting and tasting his soft skin.

I slid off of his lap and was soon on my knees on front of him. Andy leaned farther back, looking down at me, and I stared up at him, then began mouthing his cock through his shorts. A wet spot appeared near where the tip was and I figured he mustn't have been lying, he always said he leaked a lot. I brought my hands up and pulled down on his waistband gently, and he raised his ass a little so that I could slide his shorts and underwear down to his ankles. His eight inch cock bounced free, and he did indeed leek a lot, it was covering his perfect mushroom head and dripping down the shaft. Still looking into his eyes, I moved closer to him and brought my mouth close to his dick, letting my hot breath wash over it. Andy whimpered a little bit and more pre-cum oozed out. I leaned down a little farther and licked from base to tip, taking all the juice along the shaft into my mouth, then swirled my tongue around his head a few times gathering all the delicious wetness. I straightened and let his taste wash through me. It was the most amazing thing I had ever had in my mouth, salty and slightly sweat, it was the flavor of...him. I looked into his eyes again then slowly brought my mouth down onto his head, sucking softly on just the head for a few moments, my tongue playing in small circles offering as much stimulation as possible, eliciting a series of small moans from him. Eventually I felt his hands on the back of my head pushing down gently. I slowly slid as far down as I could go before I felt myself start to gag. I sucked upwards as I came back up, and I felt a fair amount of pre-cum slide down my throat. He leaked more then anyone I had ever sucked off before and I loved it. I went down again, a little farther this time. I hadn't even been with a guy in almost six months, and I had never had to deep throat someone as big as him so it took a little while but eventually I managed to get his entire eight inch length into my throat. My nose was pressed into his pubic hair and I smelt the same scent as I had that morning, but stronger. It was intoxicating. I came back up and started bobbing up and down sucking furiously. I brought my left hand around and fondled his balls, squeezing slightly and rolling them around. My right hand pushed his legs farther apart and then snuck under my left, my right index finger finding his tight hole and softly touching it, while my thumb pressed against his prostate through his taint. He moaned loudly and ran his hands through my hair as I bobbed up and down. Eventually he grunted out "I'm gunna cum!" I brought my right hand up and started jerking his shaft while I moved my mouth to just encompass his head, and I sucked hard and licked it quickly. Andy was breathing very heavily and then he gasped and I felt the first jet of cum shoot into my throat with such force that it went down my throat with no assistance from me. I was prepared for the next one though and the seven shots after that. I had never seen anyone cum so much. Once again, I loved it. I made sure to make sure to suck him dry before letting his softening shaft slide out of my mouth. He was still leaning against the tree behind him on the bench, and breathing very heavily with his eyes closed. I stood and once again sat in his lap facing him. He didn't open his eyes but smiled, and I leaned down and kissed him passionately, and I was sure he could taste some of his cum in my kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt them slide up my back under my shirt. I bit his bottom lip and pulled away.

"Come on, its getting late, we need to head back to the city. I'd rather not meet my dad as we drive out." I stood and looked down at him, enjoying the view since he was still sitting with a puzzled look on his face and his shorts around his ankles.

"But... don't you want me too..."

I laughed and said "More then anything, but I want you to wait until your ready. That was for you, and only you, to show you how much you mean to me. Let the blood rush back to your other head and then we'll talk about returning the favor."

I leant down and picked up his T-shirt and as he stood and pulled hi shorts up, I slipped it over his head. As his face emerged from the neck of the shirt, I leaned in and kissed him before he was fully oriented. He smiled and returned it. He broke the kiss and pulled me into a hug. Softly he whispered into my ear "Thank you."

We walked back to the truck hand in hand. On the ride home he sat right next to me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. Every five minutes the urge to kiss him became overpowering and I leaned towards him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. He would smile and squeeze me, then rest his head peacefully on my shoulder again. I loved the feel of him there, his skin touching mine and his warmth flowing into me. Two weeks was not enough at all, how I loved this boy.

There's chapter two! I cant think of think anything intelligent to say, so email me at matt-k-d@hotmail.com with any questions or comments, negative or positive.

Next: Chapter 3

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