Texas Football Bros

By Chase Ree

Published on Jun 29, 2016


Usual warnings apply. Always love feedback from you guys and don't forget to donate to Nifty. Enjoy!

Chapter 6

I walked out of the air conditioned lecture hall and into the hot, sunny Friday afternoon. The sun warmed my tanned shoulders as I walked through campus and towards my apartment. My roommate was gone for the week and my older brother Drew was on his way into town. I stopped at the store and picked up some brats and burger patties, walking through the produce section I saw a pile of cucumbers and laughed to myself. I hadn't hung out with Duncan and Jeff in ages it felt like. Jeff had his "girlfriend" now so I didn't see him as much, but I saw them both at practice all the time.

Back at home I fired up the grill on the back deck and cracked open a beer. Drew's pickup pulled into the driveway, he emerged with two twenty four packs of beer, sporting a Longhorns cap and a tank top.

"How you been bro?" He asked me, giving me a big bear hug.

"Good dude, just throwing the pigskin and studying my ass off" I said.

"Nice man, living the college dream. I miss it, man. Corporate life is a fucking bore" He said, cracking open a beer.

"Well, let's get this weekend started" I said, and we clanked our cans together.

"Cheers to that."

We loaded the beers into the fridge and grilled up some brats and burgers, shooting the shit in the evening sun. We wolfed down our food and talked with our mouths full, chugging beer and going wild, catching up.

"Dude Amanda is drier than a dusty bookshelf. I swear, I'm gonna get some girls this weekend bro, I don't even care. All she does it sleep and complain and drink wine with her friends from yoga." Drew lambasted.

"Marriage seems like a shit deal" I responded, taking a swig from my beer.

"It is man, she just spends all my fucking money and bitches at me when I get home at night. I need to get away more often, man. It's great being here" He continued. I felt bad for him, and also wanted to show him a good time while he was here.

"Let's go out man, let's get fucking wasted as shit and make an ass of ourselves" I said, standing up. "We can't sit around moping, let's hit the town dude." I raised my fist in the air valiantly, Drew laughed and nodded in agreement.

I put on a coral button down and some tan shorts, my Top-Siders. Drew dressed up a little more than I, being the corporate slave he was now. "Never be ashamed about being overdressed" he always told me.

We walked towards a strip of bars about a half mile away, chugging beers and checking ourselves out in the reflections of car windows on the way. It was still pretty early, only around 10pm. We started off at Drew's favorite old bar, drinking scotch and sharing a cigar on the back patio. Drew talked business with an old frat brother he ran into, then we headed to the Tiki bar for some Hurricanes and jello shots, becoming obscenely drunk a few beers later. Drew started talking to some blonde chick at the bar, I sat back and watched it unfold, giving him grins and thumbs up. I checked my phone, opening a snap from Duncan of Jeff passed out on a couch with a zero mph title on it. Drew eventually got the girl's number, and we walked back toward my apartment in the street with our shirts unbuttoned, howling at the moon drunkenly.

Drew, no longer acquainted with the college life, passed out moments after we got home. I stayed up for a while watching The Simpsons and eating leftover burgers.

The next morning I awoke with a hangover, eating a bowl of cereal while Drew stirred awake on the couch.

"Damn bro, if I hadn't been so wasted I could've nailed that chick from the bar last night.." Drew said, rubbing his eyes.

"Text her dude, see what she's doing tonight" I offered, taking a bite of Lucky Charms.

"I might. Was she as hot as I remember?" He asked, looking at me skeptically.

"You might've had your beer goggles on a little bit but her body was nice" I said, and we both laughed.

We packed up a cooler and headed to the park, tossing around the football and tanning our shirtless bodies in the sun. There were a couple other dudes our age hanging around and we started a little game going, which ended with Drew tackling me and us wrestling around in the grass, our sweaty bodies rubbing against each other. We're both competitive and wouldn't give up, though he finally pinned me down. It was hot as balls outside, so we took a break and chugged some beers. My phone vibrated, it was Garrett seeing what was up. I texted him to meet us at my place.

We headed back to the house, walking down the street tossing the ball back at each other. We got into my apartment and drank some water, trying to cool off. Both of us were shirtless and sweaty. Garrett showed up with a bottle of Fireball.

"Garrett, nice to meet you man." He said to Drew and they shook hands.

"I'm Drew, this little fucker's older brother." Drew replied, giving me a playful punch to the gut.

We all passed around the bottle, taking a swig of the Fireball.

"Damn bro, you're looking cut" Drew said, gesturing towards my abs.

"Course bro, football practice kicks my ass every day" I said. Drew knew how that was, he'd played football his whole life too. "You still look fit though man, even though your ass is in a chair all day" I continued, slapping his stomach. Drew turned around and dropped his shorts down below his butt cheeks, making me crack up laughing.

"You mean this ass?" He said, spanking his own butt cheek. Drew had the same hairy bubble butt that I did, two globes.

I reached out and grabbed one of his ass cheeks in my hand and squeezed it. "See bro? All that beer you drink is going straight to your trunk."

Drew punched me in the arm, his shorts still pulled down. "Oh please, your ass is the same as mine!" He said, reaching over and pulling my shorts down. Neither of us were wearing underwear and my schlong flopped out, long and veiny in the hot and humid afternoon.

"Damn Chase, packing some meat there today bro!" Drew said with a grin and a thumbs up. "Props dude, I forgot about that monster." He added.

"What can I say? We have good genes" I said, smiling mischievously.

"So who's bigger?" Garrett asked, taking a swig of beer.

"Totally me, I make Chase's cock look like a baby fucking carrot with this fucking sausage" Drew said, pulling the front of his gym shorts down and displaying his massive prick. His thick, dark pubes didn't remotely conceal his long and thick cock and big balls. He wasn't even hard and it was massively hung. Drew and I stood next to each other and Garrett rubbed his chin, mocking a scientist examining our packages. We all were drunkenly laughing at our mid afternoon hi jinx.

"I don't know boys, it's hard to tell. You're both packing heat. Who's a grower?" Garrett asked, barely holding back his laughter at the ridiculousness of it all. I tugged at my cock, looking over at Drew who was doing the same thing.

"Guess we'll find out" I said, my cock growing fast. We both started stroking our cocks. It didn't take either of us long to get full on woodies. We stood facing each other and pointed our cocks next to each other. Drew took both of them in his hands and determined himself the bigger one.

"Whatever dude, my cock's like an inch bigger" I said, challenging him.

"No way bro, I got like an inch and a half on you at least!" He responded, reaching over for the bottle of Fireball.

My dick was still hard as a rock but I pulled up my shorts anyway, Drew doing the same. We still had massive tents in our shorts.

"I know one thing I got on both you goons, I could kick both your asses in Mario Kart." Garrett challenged with a cocky grin.

"No way bro, Chase and me played that shit for hours as kids." Drew said, shaking his head.

"We'll annihilate you bro." I warned.

Garrett was up for the challenge though, so we sat our asses down on the couch and fired up the N64.

"Koopa Troopa Beach" I shouted out as Garrett scrolled through. I chose Luigi, like always, Drew got Mario. Garrett chose Bowser. By the final lap he'd crashed into a rock wall and both Drew and I were taking the ramps like fucking pros. We dominated. Garrett sunk his head in defeat, although he wasn't taking it too hard.

"You never said what would happen if you lost" Drew said, a mischievous smile spreading across his face.

"Ah, jeez. Here we go.." Garrett said, laughing and putting his hands over his face.

"So, uh Garrett. Go get us some beers" I said, grinning at him. He went along with it, grabbing a couple Millers.

"Here you go your majesty" He said, handing them to us. Drew and I were seated next to each other on the couch.

"I haven't had any action all fucking week man, why don't you give me a little lap dance, huh buddy?" Drew said, giving him a cocky smile. Garrett laughed and picked up the Fireball and took a long swig. I turned the channel on the DirectTV to some throwback Slow Jams. We all started cracking up.

"There's no way I'm drunk enough to do that" Garrett said.

"Keep drinking then dude" I responded, pointing at the Fireball.

Garrett took another long pull from the bottle. Drew and I were both shirtless, only a thin pair of shorts on our bodies. It was kinda hot in my living room too and we were all shiny looking from the sweat. Drew spread his legs out and took a swig of his beer, motioning for Garrett to start.

Garrett reluctantly started moving his hips a little bit, me and Drew howling at him and whistling. He sat down on Drew's lap first, moving his ass around on Drew's package and up on to his abs. His back had sweat forming on it as he gyrated around, rubbing his butt all over Drew's lap.

"Gimme some action too, man" I said, motioning for Garrett towards my lap.

Garrett moved over to my lap and sat down, his warm bubble butt rubbing right onto my hardening cock. I took a swig of beer and pulled his shorts down over his hairy ass cheeks. Drew whistled. Garett rubbed his bare butt all over my abs, going down to my lap. I took another swig of beer and decided to go for it, pulling my shorts all the way off, down to the floor. Drew nudged me and gave me a fist bump, both of us clanking our beers together and grinning as my bare, hard cock was rubbed down by Garrett's sweaty butt crack.

Drew reached over and smacked Garrett's ass, prompting him to move back over to Drew's lap. Drew had pulled his shorts down too, now all three of us were naked and ready for some drunk, sweaty, afternoon fun. Drew's cock was hard as a rock, his long veiny shaft pointing straight up into Garrett's butt. Garrett turned around and put his legs on either side of Drew, facing him. Garrett's dick had swelled as well, his thick member poking Drew in the abs as he rubbed his butt around.

Drew took a swig of his beer and gave Garrett a cocky grin, then reached down and grabbed Garrett's boner in his hand and tugged on it. Garrett closed his eyes and moaned a little bit. Feeling bold and drunk, I leaned over and took Garrett's cock in my mouth, sliding my lips down his shaft until I could feel his pubes on my nose. I sucked down his boner, steadying myself with my hand on Drew's chest. Drew had reached his hand up and laid it on my shoulder, rubbing it as I blew Garrett dry.

Drew spit on his palm and rubbed his saliva onto his cock. Garrett sat down on it, letting Drew slide into his butt. Here we were, me blowing Garrett as he took my older brother's cock up his butt.

Drew put his hands on Garrett's hips and starting bouncing him up and down, his long dick sliding in and out of Garrett's massive butt. I stood up and kneeled down behind them, Drew sitting on the couch with Garrett facing him. I lifted Drew's legs so that he held them up, his hairy butthole exposed. I spit on my cock and lined it up with my brother's ass, sliding my huge dick into his warm and hairy butt. It slid in slowly, the tight warm hole swallowing my throbbing, veiny cock. We all stank like guys do, like sweat and ass and booze. I started ramming Drew up his butt, all of us moaning loudly and panting as we hungrily pounded each other's butts.

I kept pounding Drew, my long, hard dick filling up that tight, warm ass of his. My sweaty balls were slapping his butt as I watched his cock disappear into Garrett's muscled, toned ass globes.

"Dude, I'm gonna bust..." Drew said, having surrendered his ass and cock to us as we serviced him from both ends. I agreed, I knew my nut would bust any second now. We all started moaning, Garrett whacking his wang off and shooting his load all over Drew's chest and face, all of us lost in the moment, my load being unleashed into Drew's butt. Drew hands were gripping the couch cushions as he started jizzing up Garrett's butt.

We all were covered with sweat and jizz, panting heavily and slowly pulling our cocks out of each other's holes. I sat back on the ground and grabbed my beer, taking a long swig. I was thirsty after that pound party.

"Now that hit the spot" Drew said, giving Garrett a fist bump. Garrett sat down on the floor next to me, grabbing another pull from the Fireball.

"Did my cock feel an inch and a half smaller up your ass, bro?" I asked Drew, who grinned widely. He jumped down from the couch and tackled me, both of us cracking up. We wrestled around for a little bit, Garrett joining in too. The jizz that was all over our bodies was rubbing around all over each other as we wrestled around on the floor. We'd worn ourselves out for the most part though, got up and started drying the jizz out of our butt cracks and off our stomachs.

"Let's go to the fucking pool" Drew said, fishing a beer from the fridge.

"So down" I said, putting some sneakers on. Garrett nodded to and we headed out the door and into the hot evening.

Later that night Garrett headed back to his place and I went to the bar with Drew. We sat in a corner booth with frosty mugs and ice cold Bud Light. It was hot as shit outside and we'd unbuttoned the top few buttons from our shirts that exposed our tan, lightly hairy chests. We'd both been growing out our facial hair, our thing beards which made us look even more alike in the low lighting of the dive-y, off campus bar.

"Hell of a weekend bro, Garrett's cool as fuck too" Drew said, taking a swig.

"I know man, and that fucking Lacrosse body can sure take a rough ride" I said, both of us laughing.

"It's crazy, man. I can't believe I gotta go back to real life tomorrow" He added, looking off into the distance.

"Don't think about it like that man, besides you can come down here any time you'd like" I said, giving him a reassuring squeeze to the shoulder. I didn't blame him though, it had to suck to go back to his bitch wife and boring job. I felt like I needed to make his last night a good time.

We paid our tab and headed back out into the evening, walking down the empty neighborhood streets. The glow of orange streetlights cast out over us as we walked towards my house, Drew's face illuminated. He looked kind of troubled, but was handsome as always. He'd always been a ladies man, more so than I was. I could see it, he was built. He was looking over at me too. He looked over his shoulder, back at me and bit his bottom lip. He reached up and grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me in and kissed me. We started roughly making out, he pinned me against the side of someone's car and put his hands on either side of my face as our lips touched and our tongues explored each other's mouths.

"Let's go to your place bro" Drew said, whispering. He looked hungry, dazed. He pulled me into a headlock, both of us laughing, and we walked the block to my house.

I had barely closed the door and Drew tackled me to my bed. We quickly pulled our clothes off, our long, veiny bare cocks springing up after we pulled our shorts down. I could feel his cock rubbing against mine as we rolled around on the bed, licking and kissing every part of each other. Drew flipped me on to my stomach and dug his face into my ass, his beard rubbing on my ass hairs and his mustache grazing over my butthole as he sucked and licked it. I moaned, deeply and loud. His hands grabbed each of my ass cheeks and spread them apart as he went crazy into my butt. I could feel his hot breath, making my cock leak precum.

"Come here buddy, sit on my face.." Drew said, guiding me up. He laid down on the bed and I squatted down onto his face, my balls hanging down on on his chin. "I'll kill you if you fart right now dude" Drew said, making us both laugh.

"Whatever bro, you love my ass" I said, pushing my butthole down on to his face.

"You got me there" He said, shrugging, and started going to town on my ass. I started whacking off, I could barely contain it as I felt his hot breath and tongue, his mustache, all over my ass, rubbing into the crack and going into my butthole. My balls slapped his chin as I furiously stroked my cock. Drew's hands gripped my ass cheeks and squeezed them as his face was buried up my butt.

"I'm gonna blow dude.." I said, unleashing ropes of jizz all over his body, my ass muscles relaxing onto his face, sweat dripping down the hair on my chest and ass.

"My turn man" Drew said, switching places with me. I laid down and watched his package sway back and forth as he stood over me, his ass cheeks spreading to expose his hairy asshole as he squatted down onto my face. Drew rubbed his cock with my jizz to lube himself up, and started stroking. I spread his butt cheeks with my hands to give me full access, licking around his crack and sticking my tongue up his hole. The more he jacked off and the more I sucked his butt the more his hole relaxed. I was going at it, his crack stank of sweat and ass and my face was all in. His muscles started tightening and I could feel him start to spray his load all over my abs.

I continued to lick his ass while he finished squeezing every drop out. He collapsed on the bed next to me and we laid there, until we fell asleep, staring up at the ceiling.

Drew left the next afternoon, giving me a big bear hug before hopping in his truck.

"Let's do this again soon buddy" He said, waving as he drove away down the street. I went to the gym and lifted some weights for awhile, listening to The Doors and pumping iron until I was dripping with sweat. I popped into the shower and soaped my body, letting the hot water fall over me and circle down into the drain beneath my feet.

I got back to my locker and saw that Garrett had texted me telling me to come over and chill. I packed up my backpack and walked toward his neighborhood, climbing up his fire escape and into his apartment. We cracked open some beers and stood in the kitchen.

"Dude, your older bro is cool as hell, my ass might never be the same" Garrett said, grinning. We both cracked up laughing at that one.

"I'm still bigger" I added, gripping my package through my shorts.

"It's hard to tell, maybe you'll have to remind me what yours feels like.." Garrett said, putting his hand on my shoulder. He bent over and pulled down his shorts, leaning against the counter with his bare butt out. I got behind him and pulled down my shorts, hardening as I rubbed the head of my cock back and forth up and down his butt crack. He arched his back more and stuck his butt out further.

"I want you man, I want you so bad.." Garrett said, quietly. He reached his hand back and grabbed my cock, pulling it toward his ass.

I kissed the back of his neck and started pushing my dick into his butthole. It was warm and tight, swallowing my cock whole. Garrett pushed back on it, wanting more. He didn't even flinch as I started pounding him raw, still wearing our shirts and our shorts pulled down to our ankles, sweating and pounding. I grabbed his waist with my hands and pulled my cock all the way out and then rammed it all the way back in. Garrett moaned. I continued this for a few more thrusts before rapidly pounding him. I pulled out and grabbed the back of Garrett's head, guiding him down toward my cock.

"Wanna taste your ass?" I asked, taunting him. He nodded and got on his knees, wrapping his mouth around my dick and slowly sucking from the bottom up. He licked all around the head, bobbing up and down before moving his mouth down the shaft. Maybe it was the intense workout I had done that day, but I was feeling crazy. I felt pumped full of testosterone and started fucking his face with my cock, which he gladly went along with. He got on all fours on the kitchen floor and spread his butt for me. I got behind him and stuck my dick in, pounding him good. Sweat was covering my forehead and collecting beneath my shirt as I fucked Garrett's butt as hard as I could. I was getting close to unloading in him and reached back and stuck a finger up my sweaty butt, pulling my finger out and sucking on it before sticking two back in. The taste and feeling sent me over the edge and I blasted his ass with a massive load.

Once I came back down to this planet I looked down to see Garrett has spewed his load all over the kitchen tile. I pulled him up and put my arm around him, leaning back against the cabinets while we sat on the floor. I pulled him in to my chest and kissed the top of his head.

"Damn buddy, you know just what to do.." Garrett said, putting his hand on my abs. He rubbed them lightly back and forth and we sat there for awhile, soaking it all in.

I went back to class the next day, back to the grind. Stayed up in the library at night that week drinking Monster and eating shitty delivery food. Practice was kicking my ass, but it only made me a stronger player.

I went to a party at our teammates house that week, the house full of crazy drunk girls and dudes passing blunts, Drake blasting from some speakers in the living room. I found the keg in the basement and poured myself a cup, then joined Duncan and Jeff for a game of beer pong.

"Where you been bro? I hardly see you outside of practice anymore" Duncan said, giving me an excited hug. Jeff came over from the other side of the table and gave me a fist bump.

"Good to see you outside of the field man, let's get fucking wasted" He said, grinning at me.

Duncan and I absolutely killed Jeff and Nathan, another teammate, at beer pong during three straight rounds. Eventually we gave the table up to the next people who wanted to play and went back to the keg.

"Losers do a keg stand" Duncan called out to Jeff and Nathan. They both shrugged, it was hardly a punishment. Jeff went first, we held him up as he chugged along. His shirt fell down as he did it, his lightly hairy chest and abs visible. His boxers were low and you could see his pubes poking out over the top. It had been awhile since I'd had any fun with him, and I felt my cock stirring in my shorts.

After we continued to get more and more obscenely drunk, we filed into the crowded living room where everyone was dancing to some crazy trap music. We were all in the middle of the crowd, goofing off mostly. Jeff started joking rubbing his ass on my package, dancing on me. We were all wasted and cracking up. After sweating our butts off out there we went back to the keg for a refreshment.

"Damn Jeff, you know you can't tease me like you were in there" I said, fucking around with him. We laughed.

When we headed back into the house I felt Duncan grab my shirt. He was walking up the stairs and was giving me a sly grin. I walked up with him, Jeff in front of us. We went upstairs and followed Duncan to a small, hidden door that led up a narrow, unused staircase up to the attic. There were boxes everywhere and a small window that illuminated the glow of the streetlight throughout the room. It was hot as balls up there, and we all immediately chucked off our shirts. We just sort of looked at each other for a minute, getting closer. Duncan put his hand on the waistband to my shorts, tugging at the elastic. I grabbsted Jeff's shoulder and pulled him closer to us. He leaned in and we started kissing, Duncan getting behind me and kissing my neck. I felt their hands pulling down my shorts and grabbing my dick and my butt. It was so unbelievably hot in the attic that we were sweating and rubbing on each other, all getting butt ass naked. Jeff went down to his knees and started blowing me, playing with my balls while he did. Duncan was kissing my neck, his cock poking my ass cheek. I felt his tongue go down my back until he was on his knees with his face in my ass. Jeff blowing me, Duncan eating out my ass, this was fucking awesome.

"I missed this ass of yours man.." Duncan whispered, licking and sucking my butt crack. I got on my knees and bent over, Jeff bending over in front of me. Duncan burying his face in my ass, mine buried in Jeff's.

Jeff's ass was hairy and sweaty and stank and I was digging it. We rimmed each other in a line for awhile, making out with each other's asses in the heat of the dark attic.

"Come on dudes, let's fuck." Jeff said, spreading his ass cheeks apart and motioning toward me. I got behind him and lined up my dick. Jeff's ass was the best, a hairy bubble butt that could take a pounding. And he loved it up the ass. I immediately started pounding him, feeling Duncan come up behind me and sticking his prick into my butt. Covered in sweat and rubbing our bodies together, we pounded ass and moaned, my cock sliding in and out of Jeff's butt while my own was getting rammed by Duncan's massive, bare cock.

We were panting and moaning, slapping balls and ass cheeks with each other, our sweaty athletic bodies rubbing together. My ass was so full of Duncan's cock and my own was deep in Jeff's ass, it was only a matter of time before I blew my load. Duncan had his hands wrapped around me, rubbing my abs and chest, the hair on us covered with beads of sweat. Jeff's bubble butt bounced back and forth against me, the muscles in his back and arms tightening and flexing with each pound. I grabbed the back of his short hair and pulled it back as the warmth of his ass devoured my long, bare cock.

"Ah, Dunc.. Fuck me bro.." I moaned. He was pounding the hell out of me, felt awesome.

"Dude, I gotta fuckin cum.." Jeff grunted, jacking himself off. His ass muscles tightened and his body tensed as he shot his jizz all over the floor of the attic. I let out a deep moan and began spewing cum into his ass as the hole tightened around my cock, Duncan moaning into my ear and my butt filling up with his warm load.

We kept sliding in and out of each other until our cocks had drained themselves. I pulled out of Jeff's butt and felt Duncan slip out of mine. Jeff farted and we all cracked up laughing, catching our breath and covered in sweat.

"Dude Chase let's see how I did up there" Duncan said, spreading apart my cheeks. Jeff got behind me too and I farted out some jizz, and they took turns licking it out of my ass crack. Then Jeff turned around and Duncan and I both ate him out, our faces buried in his sweaty ass crack. I can't describe the feeling of bonding like this with my boys, my teammates. It felt like I was home again.

"So Jeff, how's your girlfriend?" I asked, all of us busting out laughing.

Jeff shook his head and me and Duncan tackled him, wrestling around for a second and laughing. It was too hot up in the attic though, we had to get back to the party. We put our arms around each other for a few seconds and sort of soaked in the last few moments of it before we had to put our clothes back on and dry off and go back down into the party. We all got beers from the keg and told everyone we were smoking a blunt upstairs and then parted ways.

That night I walked home wasted, stumbling down the sidewalk. I walked into an alley between houses and pissed behind a bush, letting my shorts fall to my ankles while a long, almost never-ending drunken stream came from my cock. My ass felt the late night breeze and I could almost feel Duncan still up there.

My phone buzzed as I continued walking, Jeff had texted me and Duncan in a group text. "Ur my dudes".

We beat Notre Dame that weekend, dominating 43-20. I felt on top of the world, pounding my dudes up the ass and going side by side with them in the field, leading them to victory. The crowd's roar was almost deafening, even with my helmet on.

In the locker room after the game we all smacked each other's asses naked and in our jockstraps, spraying bottles of champagne on each other and living it up. Duncan and Jeff came up to me and we had a group hug, butt ass naked. Coach Henderson and Coach Dean stood in the locker room talking and I looked over at them, both of them nodded at me and gave me a sly smile.

Afterwards, we went back to our hotel and sat in the hot tub until the front desk ladies finally kicked us out. We drunkenly went back up to our floor, Jeff and Duncan heading off in opposite directions to pass out after the long day. Coach came out of the vending area with a bucket of ice.

"Get kicked out of the pool finally?" He asked, laughing.

I nodded. "Everyone's passing out, you still up?" I asked him, adjusting myself through my wet swimsuit.

"I'm still up for awhile, want a beer?" He asked, gesturing toward his room.

I followed Coach in, my wet swimsuit was starting to chafe my legs so I pulled it off and hung it in his shower, grabbing a towel and drying off my ass crack and junk. He looked over and shook his head. Even though he'd rammed my ass in his garage, we hadn't addressed it and I'd assumed it was a one time thing. He tossed me a beer as I emerged with a towel wrapped around me and we sat on the bed.

"You were great out there buddy." He said, clanking his bottle with mine.

"Thanks Coach, we all played our best." I said, feeling drunk as shit. I laid back on his bed and rested the beer on my abs. We kept talking for awhile and I felt my towel sliding apart as I adjusted myself.

"Jeez Chase, your fucking schlong is hanging out." He said, laughing.

"Sorry Coach.." I said, sitting up and pulling the towel together. "It's too big to contain with this little towel" I added, giving him a mischievous grin.

"Oh please, I think you felt how big mine is" He said, taking a swig of his beer. I hadn't expected him to acknowledge it.

"Yeah, you're packing some heat.." I said, slurring my words a little bit.

He reached his hand down to his shorts and rubbed his growing package. I could see the outline of it in his shorts, his monster was getting hard as a rock.

"Wanna sit on it?" He asked, pulling his giant meat from his shorts. His cock was thick and long, his veins pulsing as he slowly stroked it. His balls slid out too as he pulled his shorts midway down his hairy thighs.

I sort of nodded drunkenly and pulled down my towel and turned my back to him as I started sitting down on his boner. It felt huge and tight and he pushed it up my butt, filling my ass with his raw cock.

He put his hands around my waist and bounced me up and down, my ass sliding up and down on his long schlong. I steadied myself on the nightstand as I felt him slide in and out, my ass clenching him. I went all the way down on his dick until it hit my prostate, rubbing my butt cheeks on his lap as I felt him all the way up my butt. My cock was pointing straight up, my balls tightening.

He moved me down to the floor and got behind my bent over ass, pounding me hard. His balls slapped my ass, which always makes me feel close to cumming. I didn't even touch my cock, just gripped the hotel room carpet in my hands and he fucked the living hell out of me. It felt awesome to get pounded like this after a long, hard day on the field. I spread my legs a little to let him in further, backing my ass into him to let his bare skinned cock go deeper and deeper.

Coach started grunting and then pulled his cock out, jizzing all over my asshole and cheeks, his hot load splashing all over me. I moaned and grunted too, backing my butt up further to feel his dick again. When did I start loving it up the butt so much? Just a year ago I'd never thought of letting a dude stick his dick up my butt, and here I was weekend after weekend taking cocks and sucking them, eating ass and plowing my bros like no tomorrow. Whatever the reason, I didn't give a fuck.

Chapter 7 coming soon!

Next: Chapter 7

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