Texas Football Bros

By Chase Ree

Published on Apr 11, 2016


Usual warnings apply. Always enjoy hearing feedback too! Enjoy guys.

Chapter 3

After my final class ended Friday, I walked out of the stuffy Humanities building and out into the Texas sun. It was a nice, warm spring day and I was heading back to my place to change and do a quick workout before heading over to my buddy Duncan's house. His roommate was out of town for the weekend, so him and I and our buddy Jeff were gonna get wasted and probably ram each other up the ass. It was kind of our thing, we didn't really give a fuck.

I lifted some weights and ran a little, doing a nice light workout. I wanted my body to look toned tonight when the boys saw me butt ass naked. Also football practice was coming right around the corner and I needed to be in shape for next season.

I arrived at Duncan's house later that evening in my usual shorts and t-shirt look with my Longhorns ball cap. I brought a six pack of beer and chilled with Duncan for awhile waiting on Jeff's slow ass to get there. He was always late to everything.

"So bro I was thinking tonight we should bust out the tequila and see what happens" Duncan said, grinning.

"I think I know what will happen" I replied, sipping my beer. We laughed. Tequila always made my cock grow.

Jeff got there shortly after, we all started playing Spades and drinking beer around Duncan's kitchen table.

"Alright boys, time to play a drinking game" Duncan said after the third round of cards, shuffling up the deck.

"How about Circle of Death?" Jeff suggested.

"Nah man, we always play that" I said. "Let's do strip poker" I said, grinning.

Duncan and Jeff both smiled and nodded in agreement. Duncan dealt the cards and I got some shot glasses from his kitchen. It was tequila time.

So we started playing five card draw. My hand was absolute shit. Even though I loved getting naked with my boys I was still pretty competitive, I guess that's the athlete in me. I've played enough card games with these two to know that Jeff has a terrible poker face, but Duncan is pretty good at hiding it. I could see Jeff started to smile and knew he had a good hand.

We all took a shot of tequila and laid down our cards. Fuck. Jeff had a straight. Duncan and I both chucked off our shirts.

About three rounds later Duncan and I were down to our boxers, and Jeff still had his shorts on. We kept taking shots and slamming beers and were getting pretty rowdy. The last hand I just knocked most of the cards off the table and we all cracked up laughing.

"I'm gonna kick your ass Chase!" Duncan yelled out, laughing. I jumped up from the table and ran into the living room where he tackled me onto the couch.

Jeff ran in after us and jumped on top of both of us and started wrestling around. We ended up on the carpet, Jeff had me in a headlock and Duncan was poking my abs, trying to tickle me.

"Nooooo!" I yelled out, kicking and writhing around. Eventually I over powered Jeff and landed him on his back.

"Tables have turned pussy" I said, putting both my knees on his arms, pinning him. Duncan crawled over and pulled down his boxers and cock slapped Jeff in the face. Jeff was cracking up. I pulled down my boxers too and joined in. Duncan's cock and mine hit each other while we slapped his face, it started making my dick grow. We all got quieter and Jeff smiled, stuck his tongue out and licked the head of my cock as it slid across his face. We all laughed.

I let Jeff up and we all went back to our card game. We were all getting drunk though and couldn't concentrate, it was Friday after all and we'd been in class all week and were ready to let loose.

"Dude I'm starving" Jeff said, "let's get a pizza or something"

"Agreed" I said, Duncan nodded. He picked up his phone and ordered a couple big ass supreme pizzas, just like we usually did. We sat around the table, sipping our beers. We shuffled the cards, half-heartedly continuing our poker game.

"Next round's loser has to answer the door for the pizza guy butt ass naked" Jeff said, looking up at us and grinning.

"Deal bro" I said, feeling drunk and cocky. I picked up my hand and was reassured of my confidence, I had a straight. Jeff looked pretty pleased, I couldn't read Duncan's expression though.

We set down our cards. I won, Duncan didn't have shit though. "Well Dunc, it looks like the Papa John's guy is gonna see your wang" I said, reaching across the table an punching him in the arm.

Duncan put his face in his hands and laughed, he was a cocky son of a bitch though and I doubted he really cared that much.

We took a couple shots and hung out for awhile, eventually the doorbell rang.

"Your time to shine bro" Jeff said. Duncan pulled down his boxers and swung his cock back and forth a couple times. We all cracked up. He walked arrogantly towards the door, I slapped his ass as he walked by. He grabbed his wallet and opened the door, putting both his hands on his hips confidently as the pizza guy stood there speechless. Jeff and I were literally on the ground rolling with laughter.

"Thanks brother, have a good night" Duncan said, giving the pizza guy a salute as he walked away laughing.

"Dude, mad props. That was fucking amazing" I said, high-fiving Duncan. Jeff did the same, and we both congratulated him.

Duncan stayed naked as we wolfed down a few pieces of pizza each, talking with our mouths full and washing it down with beer like we always did. Interrupting each other, yelling, spilling shit. A usual night with us three.

We drank some more tequila, at this point getting wasted as shit. I started feeling pretty uninhibited. We stood in the living room and shotgunned our beers in a circle, smashing them on the ground. We had some music blaring. I turned around and pulled down my boxers over my ass, shaking it a little bit. Duncan and Jeff both started slapping it as I made my butt cheeks jiggle. I chucked off my boxers completely and felt free and uninhibited. Jeff still had his on so I yanked them off when he was turned around.

"Tequila shot anyone?" Duncan asked, bringing the bottle over. At this point we weren't even using shot glasses anymore. I took a long pull from the bottle.

"Holy shit I'm wasted" I slurred, punching Jeff on the shoulder. He put his arm around me. "We all are bro".

After swinging our cocks around and slapping each other's asses we were all getting pretty in the mood. I kept looking down at Jeff's hairy bubble butt. "Dude, bend over" I said, feeling cocky and drunk. He grinned at me.

"Sure thing bro" he replied, biting his bottom lip and giving my cock a squeeze. He got onto the couch and bent over, spreading his legs out a little and sticking his butt out.

I'd been horny all week and hadn't had these guys in ages, so I just dove right in. I kneeled down behind Jeff and plowed my face into his butt, it stank of sweat and ass and I was loving it. I was drunk and aggressive too, taking big chunks of his ass cheek between my teeth and gnawing on them, licking over his asshole and sticking my tongue in and out. My cock was rock hard by this point. Duncan kneeled down behind me and started kissing my neck, rubbing his hands on my abs and chest. I could feel his dick poking my butt cheek. He reached down and gave my cock a squeeze, tugged at my balls. I felt like I could blow any second.

Jeff continued to moan and back his ass up into my face, pushing back hard as he panted and moaned. I made out with his ass like there was no tomorrow.

"Dude, Jeff, your ass is a great kisser" I said, and we all chuckled. Jeff reached back and grabbed my head and pulled it into him, my hot breath and tongue and face rubbing into his hairy crack. "Suck my ass man, suck my ass.." He said, groaning deeply.

Meanwhile, Duncan was squeezing my ass and breathing down my neck, biting my ear and my kissing my neck roughly. His long, hard cock was rubbing on my ass. "Dunn, fucking ram me bro.." I almost whispered, without even realizing I'd said it.

I could hear him spit down onto his cock and felt his warm breath on my ass as he started eating me out. I arched my back and spread my legs to give him all access to my butt. I continued licking and sucking Jeff's ass crack, his hole was wide open and ready. I started inserting a finger and then two. He moaned and pushed back on my fingers, hungry for more.

Duncan rose his head from my ass and started pushing his big cock into me. I was ready. My ass was so horny for him, I pushed back until I'd swallowed the whole thing. He moaned loudly, putting his hands on my abs and pulling my in to him, hugging me tightly and resting his head on my shoulder, breathing onto my neck. He started going back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of me.

I added a third finger to Jeff's hungry ass as well, then a fourth. I knew he was loving it. "Chase man, give it all to me..." Jeff said under his breath, almost pleading with me. His cock was hard as a rock and rubbing against the couch. I could see a trail of precum falling down. Beads of sweat were dripping down his hairy body, as was mine. It was hot as fuck in the room and we were all covered in each other's sweat and spit and jizz and ass.

Duncan's balls were slapping my ass as put my fifth finger into Jeff's butt. My hand felt so warm in his ass, it was unreal. It was so hot too, seeing my buff friends surrender themselves to their deep desire. Jeff pushed back on my hand, wanting more. His ass was just passing my knuckles when I felt like I might blow my load without even touching my cock. Duncan's cock felt huge in my ass, he was slamming my prostate and I kept pushing back, wanting more of him. His fingers dug into my chest and abs, his pubes brushing against my ass cheeks.

"I want your cock.. I want both of you.." Jeff said, turning around. I pulled my hand out of his ass slowly, watching his hole quiver as I emptied it. All his ass hairs in his crack were wet with my sweat and saliva.

Duncan pulled his cock out as I stood up. I stuck my rock hard cock into Jeff's butt in one smooth motion, his ass easily swallowing my giant dick. He moaned into the couch, deep and low. My dick felt so warm in his ass, I could blow any second. Duncan stood next to me, his arm around me and his other hand rubbing my six pack as I slammed Jeff's hungry butt hole. Duncan whispered into my ear, "Yeah buddy, fuck his ass, get in there..." I put both my hands on Jeff's ass cheeks and spread them, feeling his hairy cheeks in handfuls. I spread them and fucked him deeper and deeper, my balls banging against his gooch.

I felt on the verge of cumming so I pulled out, allowing Duncan to take over. We went back and forth, taking turns pounding Jeff, all of us covered in sweat. Jeff switched positions, getting on his back on the couch with his legs in the air, his cock pointing straight up. Duncan grabbed Jeff's balls and held them with one hand while he fucked him.

While Duncan plowed Jeff's ass I started grabbing Duncan's ass cheeks, squeezing them and spreading them. I put my fingers in between his butt cheeks and started playing with his hole. He moaned. I got behind him and started rubbing my cock on his ass. He stuck his butt out in anticipation. My cock and his ass were so covered in sweat and precum that I started sliding it in, and with little resistance it dug deeper and deeper into his hairy ass.

Duncan, while getting rammed up the butt by me, leaned down towards Jeff and started making out with him, Jeff pulling Duncan closer and closer. Duncan was sliding his cock in and out and his butt back and forth, sandwiched in between his bros and moaning.

"I want you guys, both.. in me.." Jeff said, his voice husky and low, hungry. Duncan and I looked at each other and grinned.

We all took a swig of the tequila, Duncan sat down on the couch. Jeff came over to him and sat down on his cock with his back to Duncan. I knew what to do. I came over and bit my bottom lip, grinning at Jeff, who was about to get it. I pulled his legs up into the air so that his ass was still filled with Duncan's cock. He leaned back and I started sticking my cock into his ass, rubbing against Duncan's cock as we both filled Jeff up. All covered in sweat, we started pounding Jeff's ass, I leaned in and started making out with him, Duncan kissing the back of Jeff's neck as we all moaned louder and louder. I knew this was it.

"I'm gonna.. Blow.." I said, panting loudly. I felt it erupting from deep inside me. Duncan started moaning louder and too and we both made eye contact with each other, Duncan nodded at me, and we both started blowing our loads into Jeff's ass. Not wanting to leave a bro out, I started to furiously stroke Jeff's cock as my orgasm continued until he shot his jizz all over my chest and abs.

I collapsed next to them on the couch, covered in sweat and cum and ass and panting. We all caught our breath for a moment, looking at each other. We all just busted out laughing, Jeff jumping over on top of me and putting me in a head lock.

"Dude, Jeff, bend over so we can see how we did" Duncan said, grinning cockily. Jeff got on all fours in front of us and spread his legs out so we could see his ass. His hole looked pretty ravaged.

"Let's see how much we came in you" I said, Duncan and I getting on our knees behind Jeff. Jeff started farting out some jizz, lots of it, all dripping down his ass, until all his sweaty ass hairs has jizz in them. Duncan put his arm around me and pulled me in, both of licking Jeff's ass crack of all our cum. As we licked and sucked our mouths joined in the middle until we were making out and sucking Jeff's butthole. My cock was starting to harden again. Jeff turned around, grinning. "My turn" He said, and started sucking my cock. He sucked long and deep, tasting his ass on my dick. He stroked it a little and moved over to Duncan's dick, swallowing it whole. Duncan looked over at me and we kissed.

"Wanna jump in the shower boys?" Duncan said, being a great host. I followed them into the bathroom with three beers. We cracked them open and filled the room with steam, soaping up and shooting the shit like we always did after practice. Just three normal dudes who loved each other's bodies. I put a large dollop of Old Spice shower gel in my hand and started soaping up Duncan and Jeff's cocks, both of them tugging on mine. We all kind of laughed, sporting boners, and poked each other's asses and slapped them.

Shortly after we passed out, all in Duncan's bed piled on top of each other.

The next morning I woke up to the early morning sunlight pouring into his room. I looked over at the clock. It was 7:40 am. My hangover had come on pretty strong, but I was a trooper. I got up and pissed for like three minutes straight, chugged some water and popped a couple aspirin. I looked in the mirror, my short hair sticking up all over the place, my neck and back and chest had faint scratch marks and hickeys. I bent over and looked back at my ass in the mirror, still puckered up from getting pounded. I smiled at myself. I had stood in this very spot months ago the day after all these shenanigans started. I felt content, and felt no shame at all, I only imagined what I'd do next when those boys of mine woke up..

Part 4 is coming your way soon!

Next: Chapter 4

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