
By Tristan Brock

Published on Oct 21, 2001


If you want to write to us: Rory - sierboy@hotmail.com Wulf - barefootmuscle@hotmail.com

Hope you enjoy it.


Part 3 "Rory Gets Fucked (kinda)"

"No," I told him," I really have to know a guy better before have sex."

"That's ok, I understand," Wulf said.

"So where are we going?"

"A store I know."


"I'm buying you some porn."

"Um, you don't have to buy me any porn, hell, you fucked Keri in front of me. Porn doesn't get any better than that."

"You think so?"

I looked at him.

"It gets much better. Wait here, and then we're going back to my dorm."

Before I could say anything to him, he had disappeared into the bookstore, and reemerged less than five minutes later with a small flat brown paper bag.

"So show it to me."

"No way, not yet, if you're gonna wait to sample my dick, you can wait half an hour to look at some porn. Besides, it's video."

We walked back to the subway stop and got on the next uptown train.

I couldn't help staring at his arms. He seemed to be rather huge. I wondered just how big he was. I didn't have any stats on him at the time, but he had this pair of veins on his forearm that were relatively close together. He was vascular enough to have them stand out even though he clearly hadn't worked out yet today.

"How often do you work out?" I asked him.

"Twice a week."

"You do not, it has to be more than that, you're too big. You're lying. You probably work out every day, twice a day."

"No seriously, once a week. I am on Mike Mentzer's H.I.T. system."


"High Intensity Training. He's the thinking man's bodybuilder, great physique, great mind. His biggest argument is that you should stress a muscle just enough to get it to grow and then wait an exceptionally long period of time to let it grow and repair. Then work it out again."


"Well, I'm a pure example of his theories," said Wulf, striking a double biceps pose, "So you might want to believe the things he says," he added smiling, before relaxing his arms to his sides.

Believe it or not, the return subway ride was very crowded and we didn't really get the chance to talk as we had on the way downtown. I enjoyed myself simply taking in all that I could of his body and his face. Occasionally he'd catch me staring at wink at me. I also enjoyed watching other people looking at him. More girls looked at him than guys, but there were at least 2 guys who gave him the once over, and one of them was clearly glaring at his crotch.

When I noticed that I decided to look too. Holy shit! He had to be hard. His dick must have slipped out of his pouch and slid down his shorts. He did say he always wore jockstraps didn't he? I would think they'd hold him in place better than briefs and way better than boxers. He seemed not to notice it. And once the trained stopped and we got off I completely forgot about it.

We went up to his dorm room where he quickly closed the door and plopped down on the bed. I noticed that the room was absent of laundry.

He handed me the bag, "Here put this in."

I took it out of the box, "Big River". The guy on the cover sure was fuckin hot, like an older version of Wulf almost, except with chest hair. I stared at both sides of the box.

"$54.99?," I asked him.

"Yeah so?"

"You paid fifty dollars for this?"

"Yeah so?"

"Just seems expensive for someone who clearly can have all the sex he wants."

"Well that's not true, I can't have sex with you."

"Yeah well I noticed there's no laundry in here. You fuck Keri this morning?"


"So where's your laundry?"

Wulf took off his shirt and laid down on the bed, "Dave."

"Who's Dave."

"A totally submissive hardcore slave boy."


"He's a submissive guy, into being used by other guys, fucked long and hard, he'll do anything for a load."

"Yeah right."

"No I'm serious, I don't lie to you."

"So if he was here he'd take my load?"

"Fuck yeah, I'm sure of it."

"In his ass or mouth?" I asked, my own dick beginning to get hard.

"Wherever you wanted to put it," Wulf paused, "You want him to come over? You could fuck him and I could hide in the closet this time."

I smiled, "No remember, I wanted it to be special, the first time."

He said, "I thought you said you wanted your own virginity loss to be special. You aren't giving up your cherry, you're fucking someone, you're being the top." I just looked at him quizzically looked at him until he said, "Come on sit down here next to me, the movie's coming on." He patted the bed next to him.

I laid down on the bed next to him, my back and shoulders propped up so I could watch TV, Wulf lay shirtless next to me, and as soon as I had gotten comfortable, he turned to face me, in essence laying on his side, his head on another pillow looking at the side of my face.

I turned to him, "What?"


"Are you going to watch me, or look at the video."

"I've seen this video before, a friend of mine has it, it's good, you'll like it."

"So you've seen this?"

"That's what I just said."

Another minute went by when I turned to him and said, "Quit staring at me."

"I can't help it, you're so beautiful."

I had to suppress a laugh.

As soon as I started to giggle at the thought he moved his arm, placing his hand on my chest, not holding me down, but I felt the weight of it on me, "Don't laugh. If you do that you're laughing at yourself, and you are beautiful. Get over it. Don't answer me. Shut up. Accept it. You're beautiful."

I took in a breath about to respond when he said again, "Shut up, You're beautiful." As he said it this time his hand on my chest pulled off slightly before returning. He repeated this motion, almost like he was pawing me, which I suppose is exactly what he was doing. A moment later, his hand was making a circular motion, rubbing my stomach.

"Why don't you take this t-shirt off?" he asked me.


"Why not?"

"Cause I'm not the incarnation of masculinity like you are."

Wulf laughed out loud and said, "What's the incarnation of masculinity?"

"The personification of the male gender, he's you... Testos, the essence of the real man."


"There's this fantasy writer, Piers Anthony who wrote a series of books set in the future, presumably when magic is a scientific reality and relatively commonplace.

Wulf nodded his head in understanding.

"In this future world, there are seven major incarnations, Death, Time, Fate, War, Nature, Evil, and Good. Of course God and Satan are the incarnations of good and evil. The idea however is that these beings are not permanent individuals, they're like the president. Death isn't the Grim Reaper, it's an office occupied by a human who has been chosen because they are best suited for the office. Each one had its own rules about how long they stayed in office, and how the transitions worked, for example the office of war was occupied by an individual until all war on earth ceased, then he would die, go off to Heaven or Hell as his deeds demanded and that was it. As soon as war started up again, a new Mars would be sought out.

"And I'm Testos, the new incarnation of masculinity?"

"Well hell, I'd vote you in."

He rubbed his hand around on my stomach and smiled and gave a masculine giggle. I know, before I'd heard it I'd never thought it would have existed either, it's almost a smile or a smirk with a sound of approval. The first time you tell a guy you want to blow him, if he's not a flamer, you'll hear a masculine giggle.

He asked me, "How do you think that would happen?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, how do you think the office of the incarnation of masculinity changes hands. Like if tomorrow the current one decided to retire, how do you think it would be handed off?"

I had to really think about this, it threw me off, but I was glad he was talking to me. I'd all but forgotten about the video tape, well into it's first scene by now, and even his hand on my chest which I now noticed was on my stomach. Did he move it?

"I don't know, in the stories, Fate picked out her replacement based on how well she thought she would perform. Maybe that's how it would work. Maybe it went to the guy with the highest blood testosterone level.

Wulf said, "Well then that can't be me. Look at this." He held up his hair and exposed its roots, "If I was so high on testosterone my hair would be falling out. That's how come some girls actually like bald guys."

"Yeah but look at this," I said putting a hand on his right chest, and moving my index and middle finger together squeezing his nipple.

He closed his eyes and breathed out through his mouth.

"Are you ok?"

He caught his breath and said, "Yes I'm ok, but be careful."

"What's the matter?"

"My nipples are very very sensitive."

I smacked his pectoral.

"What I meant to say was that you have to be testosterone heavy, I mean, look at the size of this slab of muscle on your body. You don't get that from estrogen."

"No, you get it from Creatin... Don't ask, it's a chemical that occurs naturally in meat and protein, and if you have your muscle cells loaded with it, they grow much faster than they would otherwise."

I smiled and just said, "Ok, so it's not based on testosterone level, maybe it's something else."

Wulf continued to stroke my chest while he laid on his side looking at me. "So?" "I'd never even thought about this before, but tried to focus my mind on how the incarnation of masculinity really would change office. "Well, all of the higher order incarnations don't have term limits like death and time, they more or less select their own replacements, choose people to take over for them when they get tired." "And then they die?" he asked me. "I guess so." "You don't know?" "Well you might not have to die..." He looked at me intently as if urging me to continue, his hand never stopping its motion on my chest. I continued, "I mean maybe the incarnation of masculinity sees you, Wulf, a worthy successor, and offers you the office, and instead of him dying when you taking office and you ceasing to exist, he becomes you, takes over in your life as you." "No, I don't like that. I mean, if I became an immortal incarnation I'd want this body with me." "Even if his body looked like that." At this point I indicated the TV screen still showing Big River. By now well into second scene it was showing a well built twinkish guy maybe nineteen or twenty sucking the monstrous cock of what looked to be an enormous guy, well over six feet tall, seriously muscular, another literal incarnation of masculinity, the one I'd seen on the cover of the box. "Ken Ryker is pretty hot isn't he." "Yeah, I don't know how that guy is sucking that dick." "You want to find out?" "What?" "Do you want to suck my dick? I'm probably as big as Ken is. I can teach you how to take a big dick." Wulf rubbed his crotch a moment and indeed the growing lump there did indicate that he was every bit as big as he claimed to be. "No." "Come on," he urged me, "You're not even the least bit curious." "Oh no, I'm curious." "I know," he added before lifting his ass off the bed and slipping his shorts completely off exposing a jockstrap. It wasn't the ordinary kind either, it was a swimemrs jock, or a runner's jock, the elastic band supporting the pouch was very thin, not the normal thick band, and the pouch was made of a very very loose mesh fabric. It wasn't designed to hold a cup in place, just simply support the dick. He rubbed it with both hands before grabbing one of my wrists and dragging my hands across his belly. I shivered and he kissed the side of my face, "You're beautiful, don't be nervous." I pulled away. "Ok," he said, "It's ok. I just thought you'd want to touch it. Most guys do." "So you show it off a lot?" "Hey this dick is putting me through school. I strip remember? I show it off every weekend almost." Normally and if I had been in the right frame of mind I would have berated him with questions about stripping. As someone who didn't think he was anywhere attractive enough to ever be offered sex with a stripper, let alone be one, the concept of showing off one's body for the enjoyment of others was a new and interesting concept to me. My mind obviously wasn't working all that well, or at least not focusing on that subject, so no questions came to mind. "So, yeah I love to show off." "Even to me?" "I'd love to show you." "Ok, you can show me." I said tentatively. He smiled, "Cool." He hooked his hands in the thin band and tucked the jockstrap to his feet, bending at the knees before relaxing back into position on his back. He dick really was enormous, at least nine inches. Yes, nine inches, longer than the short side of a piece of paper, and in retrospect, Jeff Stryker thick. His dick lay on his cut abdominal muscles, the head of it at least a couple inches above his belly button. He didn't have much of a muchroom head, and he wasn't particularly veiny that I could see, but the pronounced tube of flesh that ran along the bottom was beautiful, disappearing into a pair of proportionately large balls. I strained to look from where I was laying. "Wait," he said, "Let's do this the right way. Get off the bed." I did as I was told and he moved over to the center of the bed, bending his knees, and placing his feet flat on the sheet. "Ok, now sit here," he said motioning between his legs. I paused. "Come on, you don't have to touch, but you won't have to break your neck to look." I sat on the edge of his bed, looking up at him between his knees. "No," he said, "listen to me. Sit between my legs, facing me. Sit on your ass, and put me between your legs, one leg on each side of me." I had to think a minute about what he meant, but eventually I moved into position. It was a little uncomfortable because I haven't sat on my ass with my legs out in front of me since I was maybe five or six. Wulf moved his legs, so that my legs were now under his, his knees over my thighs, and he gripped each of my feet with one of his hands. At first I giggled because I'm ticklish, but then I realized he wasn't kneading my feet to make me laugh, instead just to hold on. I have to add, that he has a mother fucking tight-ass grip. "How big is your dick?" I asked him. He reached over and opened a night table drawer which I noticed had a lot of tubes and even some condoms in it and tossed me a plastic ruler. "Why don't you tell me," he said, smiling. I thought I wouldn't have to touch. "You don't have to if you don't want to." I leaned over a bit and inadvertently breathed on his dick. As soon as I did it got even bigger and I could now make out it pulsing slightly with his heartbeat. "I can touch it right?" "Rory, I really want you to." I reached out and put one hand on the monster pulling it off his abdomen, pointing it at the ceiling. He had a small rectangle of almost platinum blond pubic hair just above his dick. Clearly he had shaved the more scraggly portions of his hairiness into this neat little square. The head of his dick was perfect, and the piss-slit looked rather enormous. I gripped it one handed at the base and just looked at it. Wulf had his eyes closed and every so often would moan or gasp as I varied my grip or hand position on it, pointing it at me, then letting it fall back on to his stomach, even slapping his stomach with it. Then I gripped it with my other hand. I was amazed. Even with two hands on it, one on top of the other, there was room for most if not all of a third hand if I had one. He was easily nine inches. I didn't want to admit it at the time, but in retrospect I knew I was enjoying the control I had over him at that moment. I was a nobody, a skinny guy, a nerd by some counts and here I was with the sexual pleasure of a future incarnation of masculinity literally in the palm of my hand. I wanted to see just how much control I had over him. I rotated my fists on his dick in opposite directions. The moment I did, he let out a deeply sexy moan followed by a breahty "Fuck yeah, keep that up for me Rory." I liked the way he said my name. The head of his dick swelled for a moment, and the piss slit surged open. He moaned again, his chest arching off the bed, and his pecs stretched tightly against his body, and his nipples for the first time looked like they too were relaxed. His dick turned from a fleshy rubber feeling into steel, but my sweaty hands did little to lubricate my motion that I could tell was roughly dragging the skin on it. He threw his head back, and cum started to flood out of his dick. It didn't squirt out the way that I always did, it just poured out of him, like he was pissing. It dribbled down the side of hid dick in between my fingers and became an efficient lubrication for my rotating masturbation, to which I now added the normal up and down motion. "So? Was it good for you?" I asked. Wulf opened his eyes and looked squarely at me, "I didn't cum, that's precum." I looked down at the thick amount of it on his dick and squishing out between my fingers. It was even leaking down his balls and dripping onto the mattress below. I couldn't believe it, there was easily enough outside his body to make up two of my normal sized loads, and it was still leaking out of him at almost the same rate. I couldn't believe it. It was like he was literally pissing cum. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" "This is precum? It's coming out like piss." "Yeah I know. I've always precummed buckets, especially when I'm turned on. It's gotten me in trouble before." I thought that I would be grossed out at the sight of so much precum. I'm not especially big on cum, and precum does gross me out a bit. I don't like the idea of swallowing, and a guy who precums a lot means that he's leaking into my mouth when I'm sucking dick, and I don't like that. Of course I shouldn't have expected to be grossed out. I had after all licked this boy's load right off the sheet. But maybe I hadn't eaten his load, maybe that was all precum. I recalled how it looked to see the fuck liquid leaking out of Keri's pussy while Wulf was throwing her that intense fuck the other day. I imagined the load leaking out of her pussy along the crack of her ass and just puddling into the fabric of the bed. I grinned. That liquid was now doing exactly the same thing, except not at the pleasure of Keri's tight cunt, but at the feeling of my fists. My fists against his cock were working his precum into a strange sticky glue and I realized that the entire room was starting to smell like cum. Wulf rubbed his own chest and tweaked his own nipples, all the while watching me repeat robotic movements on hid dick. We almost played a game. I'd slow down and then he'd pick up the pace, raising his hips off the bed essentially fucking my twisting hands. "Want to do something better?" he asked me. "No I'm content with jerking you off." "That's what I'm talking about. We can continue this, but make it better." "You don't like this position?" I asked him. "No actually I love it, it's the best, I feel like the guy has total access to my dick and can watch my whole body, I feel like such an exhibitionist." "You are an exhibitionist." "Yeah, but this makes me feel it." "What position did you have in mind?" Wulf got up and as he did I watched his cock. He gripped it himself and it looked as though he was holding it rather tightly. And motioned for me to get on the bed. "On your back ok?" I nodded. "Bend your knees and put your feet in the air." I was curious what he was going to do given that I still had my clothes on, and only my shirt and sneakers had been taken off. "Now you can see what it was like to be Keri, you can see how it was from her point of view," he said climbing back on to the bed, kneeling in between my legs. I noticed that unlike straight porn stars who always seem to be stroking their dick in between positions in films he didn't stroke, he just held it closed. "Is everything ok?" I asked him. "Yeah why?" "You're holding your dick... kinda tightly." He smiled and said, "Yeah I have to." He released his dick for a moment and as soon as he did, his precum resumed leaking from his dick. I watched it for a few seconds as it fell to the bed. I want to be clear on this too. It wasn't a leak, Wulf was fucking pissing precum. I could hear it splashing into the puddle already on the bed, that's how much there was. He gripped it again and leaned over me with the weight of his body supported on his left arm and his knees. "Give me a tube. Make your hands into that fuck tube like you were doing before. Put it just above your crotch, like where your cunt would be if you were a girl." I did as Wulf asked and as soon as I did Wulf put his dick at the entrance to my "cunt" and pushed his dick all the way through my interlocking hands. I couldn't believe how much of his dick poked out the other side, depositing a hefty amount of precum right on my belly button. He put his other arm down on the other side of me, giving me a fantastiv view of his pecs and abs as he lifted his knees off the bed and started a slow fucking motion. A lot of precum was leaking out of him, and dripping onto my stomach. It felt much hotter than it did between my hands, and to try and stem the flow I tightened my grip. Wulf threw his head back, his ponytail falling across his right shoulder as he continued to fuck my fists. "Fuck yeah, that's a tight cunt you got there. I love fucking a nice tight cunt." By now my own boner underneath was raging of course, and Wulf was picking up his pace, instinctively, I rubbed my feet up and down his thighs and over his ass. And even tried to lock my legs around him completely, but he was moving too fast by now. "I'm gonna cum Rory, I'm gonna cum all over you." He said a moment before he did. His cum shot out of his cock, hitting the wall over my head. As soon as I saw that I redirected it and the next shot slid up my chest hitting me on the bottom of my chin. Four more followed, each one, if this is even possible, larger, but slower than the last. He had another two smaller spurts before his dick returned to simply spilling out precum piss. His grunting continued as well, loud groans accompanied every spurt, and I noticed something else too. Wulf was taking enormous thrusts as he was fucking my fists, pulling his dick out to the point where his head was barely even in them, then thrusting back in balls deep. After that first blast of cum left his dick, his dick remained in my hands almost completely, and his thrusts turned into short quick stabs barely withdrawing 2 inches from my hands. This of course meant that I wasn't stroking his dick at all, because it stuck out so far past my hands. He looked down at me and said to me very gently, and still panting, "Can I kiss you." I looked up at him for a split second before nodding approval. He lowered himself completely on me, his weight, all two hundred plus pounds of muscular flesh slowly descended onto my body, and its warmth enveloped me. As soon as I could I locked my legs around his ass and felt his lips brush mine. At first he only licked my lips, running his tongue along the edges of them and finally running it along the groove in between them. Eventually I relented and opened my mouth to gasp and take in a breath. As soon as I did he shifted his weight on me, pulling himself further up my body and forcing his tongue into my mouth essentially fucking my face and my mouth with his tongue just as thoroughly and as forcefully as he had fucked my fists moments ago. Within a minute I wasn't even bothering to tongue his own tongue anymore, or suck it, I just laid there with my head back, my eyes closed and my mouth open and let him lick and suck and poke with his tongue whatever he wanted. As he did this his left hand moved up to my cheek and caressed me, eventually finding its way to the cum on the bottom of my chin. He rubbed his fingers around in his cum on my chin and then pulled off my face a bit to look at my eyes and lick my left cheek. He began sucking my ear and earlobe and as he did it, his cum coated fingers came across my lips. I licked them. I couldn't help it. I lapped at his thick creamy jock load, as it sat there webbed between his fingers and then he bent his middle finger and put it in my mouth. Immediately I wrapped my lips tightly around it, swirling my tongue around it as he left his meaty paw on my face and moving only his finger fucked my mouth with it. I sucked on his finger like a new born baby, reveling in that tingling and numbness that his cum brought to my tongue and lips. I felt his lips and tongue in my ear, felt him licking and even nibbling. If he wanted to consume my entire body I think I would have let him. He put his arms down on either side, and rested his body weight on his elbows and stared at my face. I stared at his chest. I could see the goose bumps on the top of his pectorals, and I could see a smear of his own cum that he'd obviously gotten on his chest from laying on me. He pulled himself off of me and sat back on his feet, kneeling between my legs, his own dick no longer pissing cum, and no longer hard, but still hanging heavily and full sized between his legs. The shininess of it was an incredible turn on. He grabbed my clothes and removed them suddenly, pulling them completely off my body, leaving only my briefs loosely clinging to my body, my hard-on clearly visible. He hooked his hands in the elastic of my underwear. "What are you doing!" I said, sitting up suddenly. "Returning the favor," he said smiling. "No, I don't want to," I said, putting my hands on him, and pulling back on the bed. "What's the matter Rory?" "I'm just not comfortable." "Can I at least see your dick?" "No." He looked at me clearly wanting me to explain my reasoning. "I don't want you to see it. I'm not anywhere near as big as you." "So you're embarrassed?" "Well yeah." I didn't expect him to, but he smiled at me and said, "Ok." He moved back and leaned forward, putting his face about an inch from my crotch and began licking the fabric. "What are you doing?" "I don't have to see it to lick you off." I just stared at him. "Do you have something better in mind?" "Actually Yeah I do... Would you jerk me off the way I do it?" "I'll do whatever you want." "Whatever I want?" I asked him. "Sure." "So if I said to you I wanted you to suck my dick you'd do it?" "In a second." "Would you let me cum in your mouth." "Definitely." "Swallow?" "I don't let someone cum in my mouth if I'm not going to swallow." I opened my eyes quickly, blinking and thinking before laying down on my back, "Here lay next to me," I told Wulf, "facing me." He resumed the position he was in before, completely naked now, and me only in my briefs and socks. I pulled my briefs tighter, pressing my dick into the pouch tightly. This is going to be hard to explain but I'm going to do my best. My dick has a curve to it, it bends down toward the ground, even when I'm fully hard. Later on Wulf would tease me that god must have put the stiffy tissue in there upside down. I have also heard that it meant my dick was built to be sucked. The upside to my down curve is that when I'm hard, even ball breaking rock solid hard, my dick can still fit compactly in my shorts, draped over my balls. "Show me what to do." Wulf asked me. I grabbed his wrist and placed the palm of his paw on my bulge, his fingers reaching around and down, just barely touching the rim of the head through the fabric. "Just cup your hand on it," I told him, putting my own hand on top of his, "Now move it like this," I directed as I began to make small circular motions with my hand on his. I spread my legs to allow for greater motion of his hand on my dick. It's hard for me to explain this technique. I've heard it said that everyone's favorite way of jerking off is the first method they use to do it, and since I didn't learn from anyone, I actually started it myself, it's still probably my favorite way of doing it. What it really does is rub the head of my dick against my balls in a small circular motion. I began panting and he Wulf began nibbling my ear again, whispering things to me. I wish I could remember what he said, but I really don't. I know he tends to say strange things when he's close to bringing a guy off, most of it is meant to shock or surprise, but this first time he was going to bring me off, I truly don't remember what he said. My breathing got heavy and I began moaning which is unusual for me, but then again how often do you get the incarnation of masculinity to jerk you off? It only took a couple of minutes given how turned on I was before I held my breath clenched my teeth and shot a load right into my drawers. Wulf removed his hand for a moment, put it in the leg hole of my drawers holding my dick skin to skin, and rubbing the cum around on it before pulling it out and holding it to his own mouth. He sniffed it some and licked it. "It's not so bad." He said, "Too bad you couldn't put it in my mouth for me," he continued, licking his fingers before kissing me. I lay on my back and Wulf rolled over, eventually we both fell asleep, me in the wet spot, and him... well he was laying rather strangely. I was on my back and Wulf was more or less on his stomach to my right, but the left half of his body was up on top of and covering the right half of mine. I felt his dick against my thigh, because he was lower than I, his head about even with my shoulder. I stared at his pony tail of blond hair, and at his muscular back and ass for a while before I noticed that the VCR was rolling the credits to the movie. I scanned the area for his remote, found it next to some change on the night table and turned the whole system off, and enjoyed the feel of the heavy teenage male sleeping on half my body. I thought about it and came to the conclusion that if I wasn't careful, I was going to fall in love. I didn't have much time to think about that though, before I knew it, I was asleep too.

OK guys I know it's taken me a while to put out another story and I hope you can forgive us, but we've been a little busy. You'll find out why eventually, because I'm absolutely sure it will be written about. Keep up the fan mail because that's always appreciated.

I'm Wulf. FLEX I think Rory's done a pretty fine fuckin' job of getting me across, and I'm totally into all the email that you guys are sending me. Makes me feel good to know that so many of you are rubbing one out thinking about me and the things you want me to do to Rory (or you). I want to say that because I want to know what those fantasies are. I've heard it all so lay it on me. Rory thinks I can't get enough and he's right but not completely. And if you have any inspiration for us let us know that too. We already did a movie theatre fuck when someone suggested it so you never know. Later.

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