
By Tristan Brock

Published on Aug 20, 2001


If you want to write to us: Rory - sierboy@hotmail.com Wulf - barefootmuscle@hotmail.com

Hope you enjoy it.


Part 3 "Rory's Best Time"

I couldn't believe the things Wulf had just told me. Part of me of course was seriously revolted. I mean what kind of guy was so intense about his sexual urges that he truly couldn't control it? Or was it the other way around? Was it that his effect on everyone around him made it so that everyone else couldn't control themselves. I know I had a raging hard-on from almost the moment he began to describe what he'd done.

Wulf broke the pause in the conversation and asked me, "So how about you, what's your best time?"

"I don't have a best time."

"You have ... had a time, right?"

"Yeah you can say it. I've had sex. You can use all the four letter words around me you want, who do you think I am ... Donna?"

Wulf smiled lasciviously at me. "Ok, so you've fucked. What's your best time?"

"I've never fucked. Just gotten a few blowjobs."

"So you've never fucked anyone?"

"Nope. And I'm gay, so I haven't been with a girl. Ever."

"Yeah I know you're gay, so am I."

"Fuck yeah, you're gay," I laughed.

"I am, and you can fuck me if you want, although I'd rather fuck you."

"You'd let me fuck you?"

"Sure. It feels good. Not as good as slipping your dick in a nice tight virgin ass, but it's good."

"So your ass isn't virgin then, huh?"

"Hell no. I lost my ass cherry when I was fifteen."

"Yeah?" I was curious. "Did it hurt?"

"It hurt like hell."

I swallowed hard. [I would strongly encourage you to stick in some of what you were thinking and doing while you were saying all of this. It's great banter, but I'd love to have some context for what you were saying, and it would be nice to have some idea of how Wulf is reacting to what you're saying.]

"No, don't think that. It doesn't always hurt; we just didn't know what we were doing. I thought getting fucked would be easy because I'd fucked girls before and never needed lube with them, but when you fuck ass you really need lube, and if you use enough it doesn't hurt at all.

"Then it just hurts going in and until you get used to it. After that, it feels downright incredible -- almost like taking a shit, but not really like it, you really have to do it a few times before you can tell the different between the two.

"By that I assume you mean being able to tell the difference between something going in or out or your ass."

"Don't be a smartass, it just feels great to cum with a dick up your ass." "Ok," I told him. Ever since I realized I liked guys anal sex has always bothered me. Let's face it, it is putting your dick where someone else's shit comes out. Not exactly the kind of thing most sexual fantasies are normally made out of. I'd never had anything bigger than a thermometer up there and the thought of Wulf putting his dick in anyone's ass was bringing out vicarious thrills of pain in my own mind. How could anyone like much less love that? Of course I also knew that millions of gays all over the world loved it and once heard that bottoms outnumber tops by more than two to one. Maybe I really was missing out on something or else millions of people were horribly wrong. "So what was your best time?" Wulf asked again. "I guess it was just a year ago ..."

While chilling out online last year in the fall semester I met a guy online who seemed intelligent; he was a local student at a college some fifteen miles away. I love intelligent conversation, and we started talking. Once we got talking, of course the conversation eventually drifted off to sex, and once it did I mentioned something about making guys give me blowjobs.

I fantasized about some hardcore kinky ass shit, but I've honestly never done any of it, and anal sex... maybe as a top I'd try it... maybe. My mom has no idea what I do in bed or how little I have done and thinks I'm the sweetest guy on the planet. To be sure, I am. I'm a skinny guy, only 155 lbs. or so, but cute and ripped in all the right places. I have 7.25" of cut meat, not thick but my dick looks small next to my enormous balls, easily the size of large eggs. They're my best genital feature I guess you could say.

He told me I was turning him on by talking that way and we agreed to a phone conversation. We agreed to exchange pictures online and if we liked what we saw, we'd meet. We traded pictures and I wasn't impressed, but I wasn't grossed out either and thought "why not?" I invited him over and became increasingly nervous. When he showed up I noticed he was hot.

He was about my height, 5'10" or so, with an adorable babyface and one tuft of his thick black hair dyed blond. He had pale skin and light eyes. I didn't want to take him right upstairs and get busy with him though; I was still used to love and relationships and wading through at least three or four dates before anyone got naked, I asked him to go get ice cream.

We took his car to a local diner and had ice cream. The whole time we were there, I kept staring at his lips. They were perfect pink lines across his face, and I couldn't help wondering how they'd feel on my dick. He seemed like a really sweet guy too. He told me his fantasy was to be used by an older guy -- used for his ass and his mouth. Knowing that was a pure turn on, and it killed all the cuddly feelings I had about him. I wanted to use this guy. I wanted to rape his mouth until I busted a nut, treat him like the blowup doll he wanted to be.

He went on and on about his student career and I became more interested in what he was saying as he continued. The more he talked, the less I was concentrating on my balls although I was still turned on. I began to like him as a whole person again.

Eventually we went back to my dorm room, and that's when it became really awkward. I knew by now he was there looking to be dominated, but I didn't get into the whole master/slave thing right off the bat. I had no idea what to do with him. The best masters usually get that way by being the best slaves first, but I had no experience either way and didn't know what to do.

I sat down at my computer. "Hey look," I said, "you're a really nice guy ... but I'd rather date you than fuck you." He was surprised at this and put down his bag just looking at me. It was really very awkward, the silence, and his stare. "Well, ok." He finally said, acting awkwardly himself picking up his bag and coat. "I just don't want to give you the wrong idea,"I said to him as I sat down at my desk and switched on computer, eager to return to my online fantasy life "I'm sorry I made you come out here for nothing."

"I understand," It's just a little meaningless sex, not a big deal. He smiled as he said, "Well, you know my number then." But it was a fake smile, borderline sarcastic.

I looked at him standing there, and I saw the disappointment it in his eyes. It's a hard thing to explain but his reaction spoke volumes in that eight seconds. He wanted to get used, and I had to get over my misgivings about using him. I didn't need to feel bad about dominating him; I needed to feel bad about not using him. This all slapped me in the back of the head like an Italian aunt.

"Wait," I said. "How about you put all that shit down and come over here."

He looked at me, surprised.

"I want to see you naked."

He didn't crack a smile, just walked over to where I was. I swiveled the computer chair toward him, and spread my legs, slumping so that my swelling package was painfully obvious.

He put his bag down and quickly unbuttoned his shirt. He then undid his belt, and before his pants hit the floor, he glanced at me, but carefully avoided looking my gaze. "I'm not a bodybuilder," he said shyly, head lowered.

"Oh I know. I don't expect you to be. I just want to see you naked." I was beginning to get excited. He was actually doing it. He was obeying me.

I had told him to get naked and here he was stripping his clothes off at my command. Beginning with childhood when your parents first let you put your own clothes on, the concept of indecency is shamed into you. It's wrong to take your clothes off in a place that isn't totally private, and you should never do it for a stranger. Here was a guy who had known me for barely an hour, and just because I'd told him to get naked, he was stripping down to nothing. He slipped out of his trenchcoat and his shirt at the same time, letting them slide down his arms. His smooth chest came into view. His body wasn't all that bad looking. After the shirt and coat were off, he grabbed his underwear and his pants and pushed them to the floor. It all happened in such a fluid motion and so quickly, his clothes seemed to have fallen off his body. He stepped out of his pants and stood there looking at me, dick bobbing in front of him. It was huge; about as long as mine but twice as thick. When I saw his dick for the first time I thought about his mom telling him as a little boy to never ever take his pants off for anyone, and here I was ordering him to show me his ding-a-ling. "Hey you take off your clothes, I wanna see your cock," I had said, and he did it. I'd never had this much power over anyone before; it was so exhilarating, it made my skin tingle. I'd gotten him to go this far, so now I was wondering how much more I could get him to do. I reached out and grabbed his dick. It was hard, much harder and straighter than mine gets, and his slit was almost dripping his with shiny precum. He gasped when I grabbed it, and shuddered; my hand slid a little when I wrapped my fist around it and pulled him forward. "You're big," I said.

"Not really, just six inches," he muttered.

"It's enough. On your knees."

He knelt, and I grabbed his shoulders, almost shoving his face into my bulging crotch.

"This is for you," I hissed.

I started out holding him on me, but he just went off on his own. I had on black sweats at the time, and thrusting my crotch into his face was just making my rock-hard dick stick out even more. The shaft was pointed up at my navel, head sticking far enough into the waistband to hold it vertical, and my balls were just obscenely bulged out, stretching the loose fabric like a pair of oranges in a plastic grocery bag. He opened his mouth and gripped my bulge with his lips, then grazed it with his teeth, nibbling as if it were an ear of corn. He then pulled back and stuck his tongue out, slobbering greedily on my shaft through the jizz and spit soaked fabric. He continued like this for some time, and I got hornier by the second. All the while I was rubbing the back of his head as if I were massaging my own dickhead, and the cum in my balls was slowly churning. I held up a foot, kicked one of his splayed legs and said "untie my shoes."

I was wearing wrestling shoes, so he had to undo all the laces to get them both off. When that was done, I slipped my thumbs into my waistband and slid the soaked sweats down past my ass and over my knees. As soon as I'd kicked them off my feet, he went to go back to work on my dick through my briefs, but I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him away. "No," I said. I grabbed a bottle of skin lotion and threw it at him. "Show me how much you love my legs."

He began massaging it into my skin slowly and was doing okay, but the lotion was cold and I didn't like it that much. So, I pulled the fly of my briefs open and widened it so he could easily see the space between my balls and hardening cock in my crotch. I grabbed him by the hair again. "See this?" I hissed. "This space here? When I got my first blowjob I always wished that the guy would have stuck his tongue in there while I still had my briefs on. I fantasized about it for years. Lick it. Suck it out. Put your tongue in there."

Then I pushed his head against the side of my dick, and he performed as instructed. He opened his mouth and thrust his tongue into my fly, continually licking the back/bottom of my cock, and the front of my balls. I'm sure it was the sweatiest, tastiest part of my cock. He continued sucking and licking, and every so often I would gasp as my fingers twisted in his hair. I'm not sure what he was doing because I was feeling too damned good to watch, but every so often he would hit a sweet spot that curled my toes. I think he was running his tongue around the edges and every so often he would rub the underside of my cockhead just where it meets the shaft which is, of course, the most sensitive part. Every time he hit it, I let out a breath and wheezed, "Good boy." I peeled my shirt off and pulled my briefs to the side, allowing my raging bone to pop out for the first time. I wasn't sure I wanted him to put the head of it in his mouth, so I held the head in my hand around the rim and tightened my grip in his hair just enough to get his attention. "Suck where it meets my balls," I said, and he resumed licking and sucking. Eventually I reached over and rubbed my fingers over his mouth, and forced one, then two fingers into it which he began to suck like he was blowing them. His tongue danced across my lower knuckles while he lightly dragged his teeth up the length and flicked his tongue at their tips. That drove me over the edge. I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed to feel his face on my cock. I gripped the base of my dick, pointed it at him and said "let's see what you got." Like the good little boy he was, he licked the head a little and then, opening his mouth wide, went down on it as far as he possibly could. He tightened his lips and slurped his way back up my shaft, tickling my tube with his tongue as he went. I started to get into it. I slumped down in the chair, and pushed my hips out toward him. He wrapped his hands around my thighs and let his face glide up and down my dick. Sometimes he'd pull off completely, and then I'd grab my dick by the base and slap his face with it. The power was intoxicating. It was amazing to feel it.

Here I was an average guy who'd never really thought he had much to offer sexually, using this other guy to get off. I was using his juicy lips and warm, hot mouth to masturbate myself until I blew seed down his throat. That thought kept running through my mind over and over again, and I started to note the finer details of being blown by such a devoted cock whore. I loved the slightly wet splat my knob made when it hit his face with his spit and my cum coating it. He'd flick his tongue at the tip, then lift his head up a bit before tilting it slightly to go back down on me. It was delicious. Wulf once told me that getting his dick sucked felt very hot to him, like putting his penis in an oven. I tried really hard to concentrate on the temperature difference, but I honestly didn't notice anything. I looked down at this boy rubbing my cock around against the inside of his mouth and noticed his hair. I wanted to grab his hair again. He was slowing down, and I wanted him to move faster. I grabbed his hair and put one hand on the back of his head, forcing him to move quicker, effectively urging him on, so that I was fucking his face without moving my body, just by moving his head. I made him go faster and faster, then I slowed him down.

On a downstroke, before he hit the base I took my hand out of his hair, slapped it on his forehead and pushed him off my dick. Covered with a thick coat of liquid, it smacked into my stomach when it popped out of his mouth and left a little wet spot. I got up out of the chair and said "I'm gonna lay down. I'm tired."

I lay down on the bed and he cautiously approached me. My softening dick was laying across my thigh, still dripping precum. He carefully laid across the end of the bed, licking my calf as he watched to see if there was any resistance. When there was none, he continued up past my knees, spent a minute working my inner thigh and sucked my softening mass of meat into his mouth, resuming the exquisite blowjob he had been giving me moments earlier.

I twisted my hand back into his hair and waves of ecstasy rippled through my body as I manipulated the speed with which he was worshipping my scepter.

I continued to work my hands in his hair and finally realized I was close.

I pulled him off my cock and said " it's time for me to cum" "Where do you want to cum?" He asked, surprising me.

Now if he was a truly devoted cocksucker, I figured he should have begged to take my load in his mouth, even if he ended up spitting it out. So I asked, "Where can I cum?" "On my face, on my chest, on my ass, on my dick." His mouth was not on the list. I said, "OK, lay down." I straddled his waist facing his dick and jerked myself off. I was panting hard, and practically shaking from the excitement of it all. Then I came ... I unloaded an enormous load of man seed in streaks across his chest. He sat up, grinning from ear to ear, and said "I still have to cum." I glared at him. I didn't think slaveboys needed to cum. I thought that they got off on getting their masters off. So I asked, "How do you want to cum?" He paused for a minute and said, "I want to jerk off while sucking your dick."

"Come on."

I laid on my side, cocked my leg as if I were a dog about to piss on him, and invited him to rest his head on my thigh while he sucked my now limp dick and jerked off. I rubbed his face and watched my tube swell his cheeks as he went up and down on it. With interest, I watched him stroking his own cock as well, and noticed that it wasn't really as huge as I'd first thought, just thicker. The girth was what made it look huge; I've found that thickness can make a dick look bigger than length can. Eventually he gasped and sucked my half-hard cock past his tonsils as he came on his own stomach. It was a curious feeling ... having my dick sucked after I'd already come; something I could get used to.

"Fuck," Wulf said, rubbing the massive slab in his shorts. "You've got me hard," said Wulf.

"That turns you on?" I asked him.

"Hell yeah. You're really very hot, and so is what you were talking about."

"Are you into kink?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah sure, I can get off on it. I mean, the reason I'm such a top is because no one ever wants me to bottom. If you see a muscle guy you just want him to fuck you and fuck you hard. I've never had anyone bigger than me, so that's why I'm such a top. Don't get me wrong though, cause I love it. I love fucking. I could go for it now, but I don't need to be that way." "So you want to fuck right now?"

"Are you asking me?" Wulf grinned.

"I don't know. I only did it without love that one time that I just told you about and I'm not sure I even liked it."

"But I do love you," said Wulf.

"You don't even know me!" I shouted at him.

"Yeah I do, you're Rory Brock, a very sweet, super-smart, cute ass virgin guy. What's not to love?"

"You're insane."

"I love my fraternity brothers. I really do. I love them, and I don't know them that well."

"Have you fucked them?"

"A few of them."


"Yeah really."

We paused. Wulf asked, "Would you like me to fuck you?"

I know I said that the first gay male sex would be between me and Wulf, but technically no one has fucked a guy yet, so I guess that still counts. Keep up the writing and let us know what you think (or at least me). Wulf thinks that all the slave-boy types will write to me now. I sure wouldn't mind, but we've developed a small fan base, and you guys are the ones I'm writing for. I know this one was short, but this is the size I think I can turn out regularly. Sorry for the break, but I needed a vacation, and what a wild vacation it was. Maybe it will end up a story.

Next: Chapter 4: Rory Gets Fucked Kinda

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