
By Tristan Brock

Published on Jul 22, 2001


If you want to write to us: Rory - sierboy@hotmail.com Wulf - barefootmuscle@hotmail.com

Hope you enjoy it.

"The Benefits of Testosterone" Part 2

I know that you might find it hard to believe after seeing what I had just seen the day before, but I didn't think about Wulf for a while. The next day was packed with classes and I barely had time to think about anything but work. I didn't see Wulf on campus for a whole week and I didn't try to go back to his room. It was strange, it made me feel the way I did after my first sexual experience. After I'd had that I didn't talk to the guy I had it with for almost ten months, and before that we'd been best friends. I think we were both so embarrassed by it that we just didn't want to be reminded that we'd done something so "gay".

Of course I knew I was gay and I was ok with it, although I'd only had sex with 2 guys after that first. I wasn't sure if Wulf was gay or not. I mean I'd seen him fuck that girl like the quintessential college-age boy he was but didn't he offer his dick to me after he was done? I thought he did.

The more I thought about it the more I felt the blood rushing to my dick and I needed to concentrate, I had an exam the next day, and the weather was beautiful so I decided to study in my favorite place out on the quad.

I wasn't there long before I got hungry and decided to move my studying into one of the cafeterias. I got some grilled chicken and pulled up a table by myself. I was there for quite a while, trying to go over the basics of foundation for my building construction class when Wulf sat down at my table.

I looked up in surprise about to be annoyed that I was interrupted.

"'Sup?" he asked and gave me a smirk.

He was wearing a school sweat shirt, his keys and ID on a shoelace strung around his neck, a backwards cap and shorts.

"Nothing. I'm just trying to study, I have an exam later today."

"Yeah that sucks I finished up yesterday."

"And you're still here?"

"Sure, where would I go."

"I thought you'd be going back to South Carolina."

"Why would I want to go back there?"

"Don't you miss your family?"

"I miss my brothers sure, but the fraternity fills in for that."

"You're in a frat?"

"Frat-er-ni-ty... you don't call your mother moth or father fath, so say the whole word."

"Well I call my sister sis, and you call your brother bro."

He clicked his lips at me and pointed at me with his index finger as if to indicate my point was taken."

"So Rory I meant to ask you, what did you think about what you saw?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, did you enjoy it? I didn't see any loads in my closet so I was worried you didn't enjoy it."

"Oh no, I enjoyed it."


"I've seen a couple pornos but I've never seen a guy and girl fuck in person like that?"

"You haven't?"

"What and you have?"



"At the fraternity house..."

"You mean they just fuck girls out in the open there?"

"Well not on the hallway floor right when you walk in the door..." he smiled to himself, "Well not all the time anyway, no most of it happens in the bedrooms or when most of the guys aren't around, but if I'm with someone who wants to hook up and I have a brother in the room, sleeping or studying or reading or whatever, there's no shame in me going on with it."

"You're not embarassed?"

"I think you know the answer to that. I don't even know your last name and you watched me dick a girl."

"Yeah you do seem pretty shameless."

"Well I dance."

"What?" I asked.

"I dance, you know, strip, on weekends, it's how I pay for school."

"I bet you have a lot of stories."

"Yeah I've seen a lot. Hey what are you doing today?"

"Studying for my construction exam."

"Architecture major... sucks to be you."

"No shit."

"Well I am going down to the village, need to pick up some things, want to come with me?"

"I thought about it for exactly one jillionth of a second and said, "sure" even though my brain said FUCK YES.

We walked to the subway stop and got on the Brooklyn-bound D Train.

"So what's your best story?"

"What story?"

I asked him, "You said you've seen a lot, so what's the best thing you've seen."


"I don't rate my experiences."

"I do."

"Was last week's show on your list?"

"I'm ashamed to admit it, but yeah, it is."

"Why ashamed to admit it?" he asked me.

"Because, I'm not that experienced, I haven't seen a whole lot, and watching you fuck Keri was very hot, but I don't have any scale to judge it on."

"Oh, well, she is a pretty good fuck but my favorite one was a girl back in high school."

"Your girlfriend?"

"I didn't have any girlfriends in high school."


"Well I fucked a lot but none I would consider a girlfriend, no one I was in love with, but I loved a lot of them, all of them at the time."

"Have you had girlfriends in college?"

"None I was in love with."

"Any you loved?"

"Sure, but I'm in a fraternity."


"We all fuck around on our girlfriends and whatever. When you are young you should feel kinda free like that. I am sure my brothers have already dicked half the girls I dated. I don't give a fuck. I fucked a lot of their girls too. Keri is my fraternitys president's girlfriend. I met her when we all had a threeway together."

"A threeway with another guy and her."

"With the pres. and her."

I was dumbfounded.

"The house is really tight. Initiation was hell and we all got close and comfortable with each other. So we all fucked when the roomies were in the next bed and walked around naked in the bathroom or the house so no one thought it was weird if we were fucking chicks together."

I was utterly stunned to know that the things I had fantasized about from the time I was thirteen were actually going on and somewhat put out that I wasn't being asked to participate. I understood of course, due to my low self esteem at the time, but as a rule I wanted to be happy and that meant believing everyone else's life was generally no more remarkable than mine, but here was this beautiful specimen of a teenage male telling me that he was living something I thought was much better.

"So what's your best story?"

"I don't rate them."

I thought a minute and rephrased the question, "When you beat off thinking about your past... experience..."

"Fucks. It's ok you can say it."

"What previous fuck do you jerk off thinking about most often."

"That's easy: Donna Summer."

My mouth dropped, "You fucked the singer Donna Summer?"

Wulf smiled and shrugged his shoulders before letting laughter erupt and saying, "NO! I never fucked Donna Summer the singer. I fucked a woman in high school, I must have been fifteen or sixteen who also happened to be named Donna Summer."

I looked at him, swaying there above me, holding on to the rail of the subway car and said, "Tell me about it."

Donna Summer (but not the singer)

It should be noted that this section of the story was not written by Donna. This spring I actually had the chance to meet her and she told me all about her and Wulf. The following is being told from her point of view integrating things that both she and Wulf told me, so if she appears to know his side of the story as well as hers, that's why.

I'd only been working at my new job a short time when something truly unusual happened to me. A teacher asked to see me. That's not so unusual being a high school psychologist, but when she said she wanted to talk to me about something she was practically fuming about it, that's not surprising considering this is the kind of woman that most kids were scared of. I'm sure they called her some wicked things behind her back. "Donna I need to talk to you," she said, "I'm having a problem with a new student." "OK, no problem," I told her, "After school today?" "Sure," she said almost huffing away. I wondered all day what it was that could upset her. Even though she was rather vile, and not a single student on campus liked her, she was known to keep to herself, she wasn't the type to ask for help with a student. She was the type to bitch to the vice principal until the student got weeks of detention or a suspension. I didn't think much of it and completely forgot about it by the time that she knocked on my office door at quarter after three. "Hey Janet come in and sit down," I said. She smiled and closed the door behind her before taking a seat in front of my desk. "What can I do for you?" "Have you heard of the student Wulf Lightfoot?" I thought about it for a moment but I honestly hadn't heard anything about him." "No, who is he?" "He's a little scoundrel." "Scoundrel, well what do you mean?" "He's new here, his family just moved into the area over the summer." "That seems normal enough," I told her. "He hit on me this morning." "He hit on you? Sexually?" I said disbelieving. "Yes sexually!" "Why don't you tell me exactly what he did." Because I had trouble believing anyone would ever want to fuck this woman let alone a teenage boy I really wanted to hear all the sordid details of what she considered sexual harassment." "He keeps this cocky grin on his face all the time, and he shows up in class today with his shirt unbuttoned almost down to his navel." "That's hardly sexual harassment." I pointed out. She looked at me smartly and her face seemed to say to me that she wasn't finished yet and how dare I interrupt her. "As I was saying... I was doing some simple algebra and called students up to the board to put their homework problems up for everyone to see and compare them too. I called him up. "I was walking around helping out the students who obviously needed help, and he brushed against me. I felt him." I was silent. "I felt him," she repeated. "The desks are tight in my room and as he was passing me in the aisle he put both his hands on my waist and slid past me and when he did I felt him, his crotch. He rubbed it against my bottom." I did all I could to keep from laughing. Some student in her class who probably had no intention of ever doing anything with this wrestched woman in front of me probably had a hard-on because the girl next to him was making him all hot. Then she made him get up to put a math problem on the board and accidentally rubbed his hard-on against his 60 year old algebra teacher's ass... and she thought she was being sexually harassed." "Would you like me to talk to him?" I offered. "Yes that would be fantastic, I already spoke with the vice principal about this, he said that he would like you to evaluate Wulf to see if he has a problem." "Janet honestly, I'm not even sure if it was intentional or not, it probably wasn't." "Donna, believe me, he meant it." "Ok I'll talk with him tomorrow."

The next day was Friday. I left an envelope with Wulf's homeroom teacher asking him to come to my office at 3pm. I normally don't schedule anything after school on Friday but I wanted to get this overwith. I didn't want to wait until Monday.

At 3pm there was a knock on my door and standing in the doorway was a god. There really is no other way to describe him except to say that he was godlike. He stood about 6'2" with long blond hair past his shoulders, a square jaw and narrow face with large green eyes, and a body to die for. He had to be at least two hundred pounds and from the look of his forerms and his neck there wasn't an ounce of fat on him. Despite his size he didn't seem to have the bloated stomach of a bodybuilder, instead his rather wide shoulders tapered into his jeans in one fluid motion. Speaking of jeans, I felt myself get wet and my own nipples get hard when I took in his jeans.

It looked like he had stuffed half his sock drawer down there or else he was as genetically gifted there as he was everywhere else. He was wearing a grey A&F T-shirt which wasn't tight, but which could not hide the slabs of muscle that made up his square pecs. His shirt also slightly betrayed a six pack stomach which I thought must have been huge to be seen through such a relatively loose fitting T-shirt. His skin was dark, it appeared he had a beautiful tan, possibly even a mild sunburn. His skin had a definite red hue. My mouth was actually hanging open for a few seconds before I realized he was talking to me.

"Mrs. Smith?" he asked.

"Yes that's me." I replied, "but I'm not married."

He grinned and I could easily see how Janet could mistake it as mischievous or cocky but in reality I don't think it was either.

"I got a letter that said I should see you."

"You must be Wulf."

"Yes." He replied and offered his hand.

I expected his handshake to be rough, and tight, instead he held my hand so gentle that it might have been a little girl shaking my hand.

"Sit down." I walked behind him and closed the door, as I did I looked him over from behind. His long hair was pony tailed at the back of his neck, and it was long enough so that it ended just between his shoulder blades which were clearly visible through his T-shirt. I took note of how thick his body was by staring at the skin on his neck where it disappeared beneath his T-shirt.

As I walked back to my chair I caught a scent of his cologne. It wasn't quite recognizable and yet I felt that I knew it, even though I don't remember ever smelling anything quite so good. It was making my pussy wet.

He removed the school bag he had slung over one shoulder and put it on the floor.

I sat down and said, "Wulf, one of the teachers recommended that I talk to you."

"Really? Did I do something wrong?" he asked.

"Well, I am not sure really. Wulf, can I be very frank with you?"

"Sure what's up?"

"A teacher came to the principal this week and said that you had been sexually harassing her."

Wulf upon hearing this leaned back in his chair and sighed.

"Do you know who I am talking about?"

"Mrs. John."

"Mrs. John," I repeated.

"But she came on to me." He said. This floored me.

"Wulf you mean you didn't intentionally rub yourself against her the other day when you went to put your homework on the board?"

"Hell no that's the last thing I'd want to do. That hag has been trying to get a hold of my monster since she first saw me in her class."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Hey Mrs. Smith listen, can I talk to you? I mean I don't want to get in trouble or anything."

"Wulf, of course you can talk to me, and I'm not a Mrs. Call me Donna."

"Ok. See... ever since I was real young, a lot of people have been attracted to me. They feel like they can talk to me and touch me. I think she wants me. I think that's why she got all put out when I rubbed up against her. I'm almost always at least half hard. It makes things difficult sometimes. Other times its great. I love my body and lots of other people love it too. A girlfriend of mine once said she never felt as comfortable as she did when I was," he paused, "when we were together."

"Sexually together?" I prodded.

"Yes sexually."

"So I take it you aren't a virgin then."

"Definitely not."

I suppose that it wasn't that common when you were as attractive as he was to have lost your virginity already.

"How old are you Wulf?"


"It's not that unusual for a seventeen year-old to have lost his virginity already."

"I lost mine when I was nine."

"Nine!?" I said disbelieving.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Now admittedly this was not the line of questioning that I was supposed to follow to determine if the sexual harassment complaint were real, but he'd already said that he didn't mean to do it intentionally.

"Not really... I mean my family is really open about our bodies and sex in general so it's not like I think I was messed up cause I got laid when I was nine."

"That's a very mature attitude."

"Well my dad is great," he said smiling, "I don't know if I'll ever measure up to him."

"Its good that you have that attitude most guys don't much appreciate their parents, most boys especially don't get along with their dads, most seventeen year-olds anyway."

"I love my dad."

"What's he like," I pried.

Wulf shifted in his seat and leaned back a big, spreading his legs. His quads were built to be handled, and I could easily imagine a beautiful young girl going to town on that huge thing caged inside his jeans with her hands gripping his massive leg muscles.

"Well my dad is a full blood Cherokee indian."

Well that explained both his name and his peculiar reddish tan.

He continued, "He's a full blood warrior in the tribe. They do all sorts of sexual initiation rites. A lot of it's gay too."

"So your dad has been with men?"

"Of course he has. You can't be a real man unless you've enjoyed the company of men," said Wulf.

My pussy almost exploded at the thought of this young teenage male mounting other boys and bending over in front of them, feeding them his meat.

"Have you had sex with boys, Wulf?"

He looked at me like I was from another planet, "of course."

"Well you say that as though it's a common thing."

"Oh I know it's not a common thing, but that doesn't mean it's bad. See I was raised with a different set of values, a different set of ideas. To me, masculinity, friendship, love, male bonding, sex, etc. they can all be the same thing, all branches of the same tree. It's hard for me to explain."

"Wulf, if you don't mind, I'd really appreciate you explaining it to me."

"Miss Smith, that could take forever."

"Call me Donna, and I don't mind. I think I'd like to see you after school at least twice a week. I'd like to learn about your mindset and how it developed, if you don't mind."

He pondered it, and said, "Well as long as it doesn't interfere with my wrestling and gymnastics practices I don't mind."

"OK, I'll see you tomorrow then."

He got up and when he did I couldn't help but stare at his chest.

When I looked up to his face he was already staring at me.

"BUSTED!" I thought.

He smiled and playfully punched me in the arm and said, "It's ok... Donna... but lots of people stare at me. They're impressed that I'm seventeen and that I have the body that I do."

"Well with good reason," I said trying to calm the storm in my crotch, "You've worked hard on it, and should be proud of it."

He took my hand and shook it before leaving. I stared at his ass on the way out, and could clearly make out the lines of the jockstrap he wore underneath his tight jeans.

I went back into my office and looked at my chair. The center of it was soaking with my own juices. When I pressed the cushion down I felt the liquid bubble up out of it.

"Holy shit" I said and then looked down at my pants. Very clearly visible was a wet spot descending halfway to my knee. It looked like I had pissed myself. And he saw it! How could I face him tomorrow?

I jerked off imagining Wulf fucking me as hard as I could possibly take it.

I couldn't help it. I imagined that smell on him filling my lungs, and I imagined the weight of his muscled frame crushing me into the bed as he took my pussy for his own. Niagara falls flooded out of my cunt. I had to change the sheets when I woke up.

Monday dragged. It was a never a slow day for me previously but I couldn't help but want to hear what Wulf had to say to me. Something about him held my attention, and I had to know what his life was like, what his stories were.

I was at my desk when he gentled rapped on my door frame.


I looked up at him and wet my pants a little.

"Hi Wulf, come in and close the door." He was wearing a faded red tank top that was rather low cut with very slender straps holding it on to his shoulders. His armpit hair was clearly visible, but I didn't see the slightest hint of any other body hair, not on his chest or on his arms. His nipples poked through the edge of the top where the fabric curved around and under his massive pecs.

He set down his bookbag at the foot of the chair and sat down. He motioned to the couch I have and said, "What you don't want me to lie down over there?"

"Wherever you feel most comfortable is fine with me."

He sat down on the very edge of the couch and let his frame fall backward onto it, hiking his hips out and spreading his legs with his head on the back of the couch seemingly looking at the ceiling.

I sat on the chair next to the couch opposite him.

"Very funny." I said.

He smiled at me, "You said I should be comfortable."

"Wulf I'd like to talk about your past, about your experiences."

"What do you want to know?"

"Well you said you lost your virginity when you were nine. Was that your earliest sexual experience?"


"What happened before that?"

"Well, I grew up in South Carolina on the beach there. Our family owned a horse farm that stretched for 10 miles of the coast. It was beautiful. I have two older brothers one's 22 now, the other's 21. They first told me about sex when I was 7."

"How did that happen."

"Well, they shared a room. I shared one with my younger brother. One day coming in off the beach I just opened their door. Tom was naked on his back, jerking off... can I say jerking off? I don't want to offend you."

"Wulf you can be as crude as you want I won't get offended."

"OK, so he was jerking off and he has a huge dick, back then I don't think it was much smaller, at least 8 inches which on a thirteen year old is even more impressive. He told me to get out of there he was busy but I wanted to know what he was doing, so he said he'd show me."

"I hopped up on the bed and stared at him intently. And then he told me that touching your dick made you feel good and that rubbing it made it feel even better and the best was when you got someone else to rub it, or kiss it.

"I must have looked at him funny but then he asked me to try it out for myself and I touched my crotch. It was fun. It felt good. Then I asked him if he wanted me to rub his dick for him, if it felt better with someone else doing it, I wanted to make my brother happy. He said that it would be great if I did that, I just shouldn't tell mom or dad, so I did.

"I reached over and grabbed his cock with my hands and started jerking him off, two handed. He gave me some pointers telling me to twist my hands while I did it and move it slowly sometimes, other times faster. He eventually told me he was going to cum and not to stop, so I didn't. I kept jerking his dick until he spurted out his wad all over his stomach. I didn't really know what it was, but he seemed to really enjoy it, and I was jealous that I wasn't as manly as he was because I knew my dick couldn't do that."

"Did he ever make you do it?" I asked.

"Oh no never, whenever I did it for him again he'd always ask or well, actually I always offered. Within a year he asked me to lick his dick for him, he said that made him feel even better than when I did it with my hands. I thought about it and I did it.

"I remember that I was eight years old, and that I couldn't get his dick into my mouth cause it was so big, but I remember that it was really salty tasting and even a little funky smelling. I was worried he would piss in my mouth and then he reassured me that he wouldn't do that, but he said that he wanted to cum in it. I didn't really want that either, but then he told me that's how you become a man. He learned in school that in some African tribes boys become men by drinking the cum from another man. He explained to me that he sucked off some friend of his and that's when he became a man.

"I didn't know what to think about the whole situation but I knew that I really wanted to become a man so when he told me he was as I was licking him, I moved my head up so that my mouth was covering as much of the head of his dick as I could get in it and he unloaded in me. I took one swallow and spit the rest out. It really didn't taste very good.

"Did you ever do it after that?"

"Do what?"

"Have oral sex with your brother?"

"Oh yeah, but not for a few years. I told Hank, my other older brother what I had done for Tom and he said that a boy didn't become a man by eatting cum. He became a man by getting pussy.

"I knew what pussy was, but I didn't know where to get any, I didn't have any female friends. So I forgot about it.

"On my ninth birthday my dad starting taking me to the gym with my older brothers because he said it was time I started working out. He said he didn't want any weak sons. I loved it there. Even though I was too young to put on much muscle weight, the fitness bug bit me hard, and I really enjoyed the running and the swimming. That's when I noticed that the girls really started to notice me too, even though I really hadn't developed much.

"I noticed that my dick would get hard, and that I could jerk it off but that I wasn't squirting any cum, even though I was getting that good feeling that Tom and Hank were always talking about."

"Did you ever have sex with Hank?"

"At that time or ever?"


"Of course."

"Wulf you say that like it's a common thing," I said.

"Oh I know it's not a common thing, but remember what I told you, I said that in my family love, and masculinity, and friendship, they can all be expressed sexually."

"Have you had sex with all your brothers?" I asked.

"Yes I have."

"Have you had sex with your parents," I asked.

"No, never."

He changed position on the couch and in doing so flexed almost every muscle he had in his chest. I reached under my desk and started slowly rubbing my crotch as I was listening to what he was saying.

"Ok Wulf, so what do you consider your first sexual experience?" I asked.

He pondered a moment, raised his thick arm to his chin scratching it and said, "I dunno really. You mean like... with a chick right?"

"Well, it's obvious you had sex with your brothers before you were mature, so I suppose I'm asking what you did with others."

"I think I was 10 years old before I came for the first time, but I fucked a girl already by then."

"Please tell me about it."

Wulf smiled, and conspicuously dragged his hand over his enormous crotch, adjusting himself slowly before taking a deep breath and cracking a smile.

"Do you mind me asking you about your life?"

"Nope. I really sort've like it."

"Ok well go on then." I said, and as I did so I moved my hand into my panties, and was rubbing my pussy lips with my fingers, just palming my mound.

"I was nine years old, I think I said that already and she was a girl that I met at camp. She was older than I was. I find that happens a lot... Whenever I get with a girl, they always seem to be older..."

"By 'get with' you mean..."

"Fuck. Whenever I fuck a girl, they always seem to be older. Is that what you wanted to hear Donna? Wanted to hear me say fuck?" He spoke it with a peculiar dominance that I'd never seen in a young teenage male.

By this time I had my index finger into my pussy up to my first knuckle, and was trying to be discreet about the movements.

"Well, no I..."

"It's ok, I'm used to it. When I interact with people it takes me a while to adjust but once I do I usually interact with them exactly the way they want me to. I just thought you wanted to keep this professional." He sniffed the air as he said it, and I pulled my hand out of my panties, rubbing my mound from outside. "God, what was I doing!"

"It is professional." I said, in a whisper, "Please continue."

"Well the girl was my mom's best friend's daughter, and she was thirteen at the time, or maybe fourteen, I don't remember. My parents had gone away and my brothers were staying with friends, but they didn't think I was old enough to stay at a friend's house for a week, I didn't really have a close friend. So my mom has a friend Katie, and I stayed with her. Aunt Katie has a daughter named Nicole who everyone calls Nikki.

"I had been working out for a few months by the time this happened and even though I wasn't putting on any weight it was definitely firming up the little muscles and body that I did have.

I remember that I thought she was cute and she had the biggest set of tits I'd ever seen and then I remembered something that Hank had told me. He said that you don't become a man by eating cum, you become a man by getting... er well, by fucking pussy. I was jerking off at least twice a day by this point. Because I was so young I guess Aunt Katie didn't know how sexual I was by this point so the first night she put me in the same bedroom with Nikki. I slept on a sleeping bag on the floor. She was in bed wearing a T-shirt to bed, and I couldn't believe it. I changed into my PJ's and got into my sleeping bag. Then she totally shocked my self esteem. "You wear Pajamas?" she said with some scorn. "Yeah so?" I replied. "I thought you were older." "What do you mean older? I'm nine." "Yeah but you got a body already, you're buff. I didn't think you'd wear pagamas." It really hurt my feelings, "What am I supposed to wear?" "My dad wears just his underpants." "He does not!" "Yes he does. And sometimes he goes to bed naked!" "He..." I was about to argue back with her, but I was wondering what my dad wore to bed, and I knew that he wore nothing to bed. Gus, my younger brother still wore pajamas. So did I. Tom and Hank both wore sweats to bed, but I didn't know if they had underwear on underneath them. "I just thought you were more grown-up," she said as she crawled into bed. I wasn't ashamed of my body so right there I stripped everything off right there in front of her, before rolling over into my sleeping bag. She was eyeing me the whole time. The room was dark for at least ten minutes before she said into the darkness, "you have a big dick." Any esteem that she may have sucked out of me by telling me I wasn't a man because I wore pajamas she just gave me back. I know I was young to know that men with big dicks were held in high esteem, but like I said my family was very sexual. "I think it's just normal," I said proudly. "No, it's big. And you're only nine. I know boys who are fifteen that aren't that big when they're hard." Now I was confused. I didn't get bigger when I was hard. I just got hard. I thought maybe that's why she thought it was big, cause she thought when I got hard I'd get a whole lot bigger, but I knew I wouldn't. "Really?" I said, interested. "Yup." "How do you know?" "I'm not a virgin." "You're not?" By this time of course I was totally fascinated because I thought if this girl was fucking around maybe she'd do it with me. "You're still a virgin right?" I nodded sheepishly. "Well you're only nine." "Yeah but I turn ten soon." "Can you cum yet?" "Squirt that white stuff out?" "Yeah?" I shook my head. "Cool," she said, Wanna fuck me?" My eyes almost popped out of my head. "I'll let you fuck me since you can't cum yet. I can't get pregnant... It's cool. I've made the other two guys use condoms." She seemed to know a lot for someone who was thirteen. "Sure I'll do it." She pulled back the covers and slipped the large T-shirt off her head and patted the bed next to her. I climbed into bed next to her and she started kissing me, pushing her lips against me and opening her mouth. "Put your tongue in my mouth," she said. "What?" "It's a kind of kiss that's really cool, you put your tongue in the other person's mouth." "You just keep opening your mouth though." "Of course, I'm the girl." I thought to myself, "Ah ha!" I thought now I had the secret to being a man, putting your tongue in the girls mouth. We resumed kissing and I put all of myself into it, writhing my body around next to her and forcefully pushing my tongue into her, licking her teeth, and tugging at her lips with my own teeth. Before long she was panting, and her hand was reaching for my cock. When she grasped it I moaned and she said to me, "Holy shit you're big." I grinned and rolled over, so she was sitting on top of my legs, stroking my cock. She tossed her hair and grabbed my hands, putting them on her tits. I was squeezing and tugging her nipples and she was moaning loudly finally she said, "You ever had a blowjob before?" I shook my head no. I'd given a lot to my brothers, but I'd never got one before. She slid off me, backing toward my feet, as she did, she push my legs apart, and my dick, at full mast, slapped against my stomach. She leaned forward and nuzzled her face against my balls. "I can't believe you're this big and you're only nine... You're at least six inches." "OK." I reached down there and started feeling her head, rubbing my hands and fingers around in her hair. She continued to lick around my balls and I was really getting into this feeling. Now I understood why it was that my brothers always talked about getting with girls, and getting sucked off. It sounded to me like they lived for it and now I understood why it was. She then slowly started licking up my shaft toward the head, until she was sucking and licking the underside where my head meets the shaft, and I was really enjoying it. When she started to slide back down I couldn't take it anymore and I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back toward my dickhead. I grabbed my dick and rubbed it over her face. She grabbed it and popped it in her mouth. I thought that this was it. I thought that I was finally a man. I was getting a girl to suck my dick. Of course I knew it was pussy that made me a man, but I had to admit that this felt pretty good. She started going up and down, bobbing her face on my dick, fucking her face with it. I loved it. She wasn't really deep throating me, because well, you can't deep throat six inches, there isn't enough there. I felt my cockhead hit the back of her mouth though. I loved that. I love being taken in all the way. I kept holding her head all the way down on me. She pulled off me and said, "You like it deep huh?" I had a sinister grin on my face and nodded. "Good, that's how I like to suck it." she said before returning to poking her nose against my stomach.

I was writhing on the bed, and moaning, when I screamed and orgasmed, my dick pulsing and convulsing in her mouth.

She looked up at me and pulled off my dick. After she did I looked down at my dick. My cockhead has always been big, and it looked really big that time. I remember thinking it was the biggest one in the world. I loved how it looked with her spit all over it, shiny and slick, like it really should look like that.

She asked me, "did you cum?"


"Wow, it's true, you didn't squirt anything, that's the best. Want to rest a minute?"

"No way, I wanna fuck you."

"You don't need to relax?"


"Wow cool!"

I didn't know that most guys need a moment to relax after they cum. I still really don't need a rest after I nut.

I laid on my back and she climbed on top of me straddling my stomach and reaching behind her, gripping my spit coated cock and rubbing it against her pussy lips.

"It feels so wet," I whispered to myself.

"Wet for you loverboy."

Just when I thought she would drive me out of my mind, She nudged it against her bud and sat down on me. I bucked in half on the bed, throwing my head back and enjoying the sensation of woman wrapped around me. She continued bouncing on me, eliciting deeper and deeper moans from me, and higher and higher suppressed screams from her.

She wasn't moving as fast as I wanted it. I was anticipating it for so long, I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed her off me, and threw her down on the bed, she gripped her legs holding them around her knees and pulling them up to her tits.

I rolled over and grabbed my cock at the base, kneeling between her legs, and that's when I first knew what it was like to be a man, to see a beautiful big-titted young woman on her back with her feet in the air and her pussy opened up totally dripping beautifully onto the bed, her own juices pooling in the dent in her mattress.

I kneeled in front of her, between her legs, stroking my hard cock before leaning forward over her and planting my cock at her tunnel. I lean in close and felt myself slip inside her.

"Fuck yeah," I said.

"Christ you're big," she said.

I flushed with embarassment but continued to pump her pussy. Within a few minutes and her moaning continuing to grow louder, I ground into her and experienced the finest orgasm I'd ever experienced to that time.

"So you felt like a man after you fucked her?" I asked Wulf.

"Oh yeah, definitely. I knew I hadn't done it all yet, I knew there was a lot more to do but I was really proud of it, my dad was too."

"You told him that you had sex with Nikki."


"And how did he react?"

"I remember him telling me that he first got laid when he was eleven so he said I was obviously better looking that he was when he was younger.

"He also told me not to lie to people. It was totally fine with him to have sex for fun, but not to lie and say things you know you don't mean."

"Did you fuck her after that first time?"

"Oh yeah whenever I got the chance. I fucked her regularly for the next three years. I did her almost every night Nikki was here when she came visiting this past summer. She says I'm the best lay she's ever had, and I know she's had a lot, so I think that's really a neat thing. She said I have the biggest she's seen."

I smiled at Wulf, watching him delight in his own somewhat backward sexual prowess. "Can I ask... how big is your dick?" "Just under nine and a half inches when I'm hard and just over 2" wide."

Wulf adjusted himself proudly and orgasm quaked through my body at the thought of this boy's sheer size.

"Donna are you ok?"

"Yes Wulf I'm fine."

He smiled at me and said, "I know what you're doing."

"Wh... what?" I tried to compose myself.

"I know you've been fingering yourself while I was telling you about my first time with Nikki."

"Wulf, I..."

"It's ok, I don't mind. But if you're up for it, there are better ways you can be satisfied."

"Wulf, I'd lose my job if I let you..."

"Who said anything about me satisfying you?"

I stared at him dumbfounded.

"But now I know what you were thinking about while you were doing it."

I blushed and I felt the blush move down my body.

"Were you thinking about my cock? About my big fat dick when you came? I know you came, this whole room smells like pussy, and it's not coming from me."

He rubbed his hand up and down the enormous bulge in his sweats and asked me again,"Do you want to see my cock? Want to see if I was telling the truth when I told you how big it is? Lots of people don't believe it until they see it, or feel it in them."

He got up off the couch and walked over to me. I turned to face him still seated in my chair.

"Wulf, I can't, you know that. It's illegal."

"Sure it is."

The scent of this teenage male serged through me. I felt his masculinity creep its way into my brain, and I could imagine his huge organ pounding at my cervix as I stared at the large outline it created in his pants.

He gripped his tank top at its bottom and tugged it off and up over his head, his pony tail getting caught for a moment before falling down against his back.

I looked up at him. He was downright beautiful. His shoulders were unusually wide with enormous bulbous deltoid muscles. His pecs were also unusally large for his body. This is not to say his body was small either, because it wasn't, but even large bodybuilders, which Wulf was not all that different from, didn't have the pecs that Wulf had.

I have to talk about his pecs some more because they were so amazing. His nipples were also unusually large, the areolae of them covered a large part of his pec and they looked to be erect. Of course later on I realized that this was always the case, his nipples could easily be seen through his T-shirts, not because they were always erect, but because the muscle underneath them was so tight and toned that it simple pushed them out more.

He grabbed my hands around the wrists and pulled them up, placing both my palms on his chest, before dragging my hands down his body, over his pecs and then over his rippling muscled abdomen.

"Wulf, oh god you're beautiful," I said to him. He still gripped my wrists and held my hands to his body as I slid down to my knees in front of him, inhaling the slight scent emanating from his crotch.

"You're beautiful too Donna, come on, take it out for me, I know you want to see it, we don't have to fuck, you don't even have to touch it, just take it out for me, just look at it."

Now don't get me wrong, I knew that what I was doing was wrong, I thought about that teacher up in New Hampshire who's teenage lover killed her husband, and that other Washington woman, the one who got pregnant by one of her sixth grade students, not once but twice. I thought they were insane, and I'd seen pictures of the guys they messed around with, and I wouldn't have fucked either one of them but Wulf was completely different. And it's not because I wasn't thinking. I was thinking, and I was thinking nothing except how much I wanted him. Wanted to feel him, bathe him, serve him, use him until I watched what his face looked like in the moment of orgasmic bliss.

I undid the fly on his jeans and pulled the zipper down, exposing an enormous bulge covered by a thin breathable fabric pouch.

"What's this?" I asked him looking up at his face.


"Not boxers, not briefs."

"It's a jock."

I gripped the thin waistband and slipped it slowly lower, exposing his meat to the air, and me for the first time.

It was beautiful and enormous. A perfectly sculpted specimen of male genitalia, I just stared at it. It wasn't hard, and it pulsed with his heartbeat, gently angling downward at my breasts.

"Wulf, it's amazing."

I just stared at it transfixed.

"You can touch it if you want."

"I know, but, it's wrong Wulf."

"You don't seem to be pulling away."

"I've never had one... like this before."

Wulf reached down and grabbed his dick, as soon as he did it seemed to harden up, it didn't get much longer, just stiffer. Before I knew what he was doing he slapped my face with it, right across the cheek.

"Do you like that?"

I just looked up at him shocked. He slapped his cock back across my face the other way and asked me again, "Do you like that baby girl. Do you like getting slapped with my dick."

"No," I whispered to him, "I don't like it."

"You don't like it huh?" he asked me as he continued to do it. Within a minute his dick was fully hard, pointing out over nine inches from his body and hanging just below the horizontal. As soon as he was fully hard, he cocked his hips up and began to swivel his hips, slapping my face with his dick from side to side.

"You don't like this little girl, don't like being slapped with a real dick."

"No I whispered in between hits."

"Well if you don't like it, then stop me, stop me. STOP ME."

His last words vibrated through me like a command and I reached up with one hand and put it on his dick to stop his hips from moving.

"Yeah that's it grab my cock."

I made a fist on his cock and once I did it was like I was hanging on for my life.

"Jerk me off," he told me.

"Wulf, I don't know what to do," I told him, my own conscience fighting with my pussy.

"Ok babe, don't worry about it, I'll do it for you."

He pulled back a bit and slid his cock out of my fist and then pushed it back in. He repeated this motion slowly and within a minute, precum began a steady flow from the tip of his cock. It dripped all over the palm of my fist and it lubricated his fist fucking.

"Ok, I'm tired of this, give me more baby girl."

He reached down to me and gripped my chin opening my mouth and rubbing his dick over my lips for a couple of minutes before popping the massive mushroom head of his beast into my mouth. I sat back on my knees trying to back away from him.

"Damnit, just suck on it. Don't be a cunt," he told me. He put both of his hands on the back of my head and the moment he did, I took as much of his dick into my mouth as I could. I struggled and squirmed, and slicked my neck from side to side to try to snake more of his meat down into me.

"OH yeah, yeah yeah babe yeah, you're taking my cock like a fucking pro. Yeah now pull off suck it around the head."

The fingers he had in my hair were slowly twisted into a fist knotted with my hair which he used to pull my head slowly off his dick. I tongued and licked the underside as he pulled me off him. He stopped before the tip of his dick emerged and I felt the precum pouring out of him and across my tongue.

I don't know what came over me in that moment, but I wanted him in me, and I didn't give a fuck who knew about it or what came of it, I just didn't care, and even in retrospect, I still have no regrets about what was happening.

"Fuck me Wulf, take my pussy I want you to put your dick in me."

"Yes Ma'am," he said, holding my hand and helping me to my feet. He gripped my pants and undid my belt, roughly pulling my pants to my knees and rubbing his palm and fingers over my hair and pussy.

"Holy shit you're wet. Yeah you must have been really waiting for this," he said shaking his cock, and spraying droplets of precum and spit from the end of it.

He grabbed my by my arms and forcefully laid me on the couch, tugging off my pants and tearing my panties apart. As soon as they were off, I pulled my legs lasciviously apart and he stood before me shucking his own jeans and jock, even taking off his socks so he stood before me completely naked, where I took in the beauty of his tan muscular teenage form.

He walked to the couch and laid his form on me, his weight laying heavily across my own body, pushing me into the couch with over two hundred pounds.

"There's condoms in my desk, put one on ok loverboy."

"No," he said, positioning his head at the door to my pussy while he licked my lips.

"Wulf, I'm not on the pill, and you told me yourself you've had a lot of partners. It's not safe."

"I'm clean, Donna, trust me."

"No, Wulf," I said and tried to push him off me.

"Come on Donna, you were being good, don't get all cunty on me again, just take my cock, be the good little girl for me."

As he said "good" he popped the head of his cock in me and grunted. As he said "little" he grunted and slid more of it in me. When he said "girl" his cock hit my cervix and there was still a few inches of cock not in my hole.

"Oh fuck yeah see, I'm in you now, and you're a shallow bitch, you're in for a rough fuck little girl."

"No Wulf, no take it out."

"Shut up," he said and let his weight lay on me more heavily as he continued thrusting.

This wasn't behavior I had ever tolerated before from any of my previous lovers, and I'd had several jock-boy fraternity types in college. The slap stunned me into being quiet, and instead of protesting and biting or continuing to fight, I just laid there and took it, my panting betraying my true feelings.

When he slapped me the energy of it went straight to my clit which felt as if someone had just turned it on and it began sensing the stretching my cunt was getting. I began to have the famous female multiple orgasm and it didn't stop for at least ten minutes, my body just writhed there on the couch while he fucked the shit out of me.

He continued to berate me call me a cunt and so forth but I honestly don't remember anything that he said. I do remember that after the first fifteen minutes of this muscular teenage male's fucking, he pulled open my blouse and tore my bra so that he could grope my tits. At about the same time my pussy really started to tingle, it was almost a numbing burning sensation.

Finally he whispered into my hear, leaning over me, "Holy fuck little girl I'm about to nut, are you ready to take my load."

I panted back at him, "No Wulf, no don't, don't cum in me, you can't."

"Oh come on, don't make me stop now, it's so fucking good!"

I don't know how no one outside didn't hear the noise we were making because he was getting loud with his pants and grunts, his, "Fuck yeah's" and my "Oh god's".

"Oh that's it, I'm cumming," he said before clenching his teeth, banging the head of his dick painfully against my cervix and unleashing ribbons of sperm into my cunt.


"So you raped her?"

"Technically I guess so."

"There's no technical when it comes to rape."

"That wasn't the only time we fucked, I continued to fuck her that whole school year. I don't think she would have continued taking my dick if she didn't enjoy it the first time."

There was some kind of twisted logic to his explanation. "So, can I ask you about it."

"Hey Rory, listen, I like you, and you can ask me anything anytime you want I won't be upset and I'm not ashamed or embarrassed."

"Yeah I kind of figured that part out."

"So why did you do it?"

"Because she was hot and wanted it."

"Is that why you fucked her or is that why you raped her?"

"Both. I just, I knew she wanted me, I knew it, I was sure of it, when a girl wants you, believe me you know it. And I knew she wanted me and she was lying to me, she was telling me she didn't want it, and wouldn't like it, and I knew she would. "I hate liars. I always have and I always will.

There were a couple other times when I got into shit with people over what they wanted and what I knew they wanted, I just... it's hard to explain, and I was raised never to lie, and I find so many people do it, it just really pisses me off."

The subway pulled into its stop and the doors opened.

I tried to hide the boner in my shorts and followed him outside as he said, "Come on there's some place I want to take you."

Part of me couldn't wait to get where he was going, part of me was scared shitless.

OK guys, we've both appreciated your feedback so far, and if you continue to like the stories we'd appreciate it if we continued to receive it.

Another thing, I know this part of the story probably will put off some people. For a while after we had this talk on the subway I wondered what kind of person he really was. What I can say is that this happened when he was in high school, and I think he's done a lot of growing up.

No gay sex yet, I know, it's coming, these stories are harder to write than I thought they'd be! I thought they'd more or less write themselves considering the material I already have.. I've decided that the first gay sexual scene I want to detail will be the first time between Wulf and I, and like my boyfriend says, "The longer I tease, the harder you cum."

Next: Chapter 3: Rorys Best Time

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