Tessler Hall

By peregrin

Published on Feb 10, 1999


First Day at Tessler Hall

In the movies you always see tear-felt farewells as parents drop off their kids at the dorm for the beginning of the great college experience. Jared only got a quick "see-ya" from his Dad in front of Tessler Hall after he finished pulling his three duffel bags from the trunk. Looking down at the bags and the vanishing Buick he felt very alone. With a sigh and a quick push of his hair out of his eyes he pulled two of the bags onto his shoulders and picked up the third with his right arm.

Jared stepped into the front lobby of the huge dorm and felt like he was stepping into a different world. The place was ancient and filthy. The floor in the entranceway looked as if a sand blaster couldn't get the dirt out. There was a table about ten feet in front of him with two bored looking young men sitting behind it and a bunch of guys tossing a Nerf football around down the hall behind the table. The boys behind the table were staring at him. Jared walked slowly over to the table.

"Name?", said the blond kid on the left

"Huh?" Jared had been paying too much attention to the ball flying around down the hall.

"What. Is. Your. Name." Blondie looked annoyed.

"Jared Thompson. I'm supposed to live here."

"Obviously, unless you're lost." The blond guy looked through a list. "Nope. Not lost. Here you are. Room 326. Tripled. Too bad about that. Hope you don't need a lot of space. Sign here." He shoved a piece of paper and pen at Jared. He dropped the bag out of his and hand and quickly scrawled his name on the paper. He wondered what he was signing. Blondie quickly grabbed the paper and pen and handed Jared a key. "Okay Jared, go all the way down the hall, through the football game, ducking if needed, and the elevator and stairs are at the far end. Your room is on the third floor, all the way back down this way. One of your roomies is already here and the other hasn't moved in yet. Have fun and welcome to Tessler Hall."

Jared took the key and for the first time and realized how cute the blond boy was. As he picked his third bag back up he muttered some random thanks at the guy and headed around the table and down the hall. He only got nailed by the damn Nerf ball once on his way to the elevator. He pushed the up button and waited. And waited. He was about to give up and trudge up the stairs but then a weak ding sounded and the elevator opened. The lift was empty so quickly slipped into the battered and dirty little car. As the elevator squeaked and lurched its way to the third floor Jared wished that he had avoided the obviously dying device and had taken the stairs. Luckily he arrived safely at his destination and quickly exited on to solid ground. After the Nerf chaos of the lobby he was amazed by the lack of any movement in hallway. He quickly walked down the hall, noted the location of the bathroom halfway down, and found room 326 second to last on the left.

Jared sighed and stared for a moment at the big dent under the room number on the door. "So this is home," he thought as he turned the knob and found the door unlocked. He walked into the room and immediately saw a tall red-haired boy quickly jumping off one of the three beds stuffed into the room. The boy was shirtless and was quickly buttoning his jeans.

"Hi! I'm Kevin!" said the boy. His face was flushed. Jared was sure he knew what had been going on before he had burst in.

"Jared. I probably should have knocked."

"Why? It's your room to. Such as it is!" Kevin was smiling from ear to ear. Cute, Jared thought. "I think we're gonna want to bunk two of the beds but I wanted to wait until all three of us were here to rearrange."

"Sounds good," Jared said as he surveyed the room. Kevin had apparently already set up his stereo and computer. Jared chucked to himself as he looked at the ancient Compaq Deskpro 486. Ancient history and not worth being used as a paper weight. The stereo was nice, though. JVC components running through a pair of Paradigm bookshelf speakers. No video but if the mysterious third roommate didn't have anything Jared could buy a TV and VCR later.

"That all the stuff you have, Jared? No toys or anything? Just clothes?"

"Yah. All of the other stuff I left for my little brother. I have money from my Dad to buy things."

"Cool. We need a TV."

"And a VCR. You look pretty settled in here. Was this your room last semester?"

"This is the only room I've been in since I got to college. My roommate chose to move to another room after last semester."

"You two didn't get along?" Jared was concerned that maybe this guy wasn't as nice as he seemed. Kevin opened up a couple of drawers in the dresser and started helping him unload all of his clothes.

"Jeans, T-shirts, boxers, socks, more jeans and T-shirts. Pretty uncomplicated wardrobe Jared? Yah, we didn't have a lot in common and he was bit of a tight-ass. He was always afraid to relax. He wouldn't even shower when there were other guys in the bathroom. He always came back between classes so no one would see him naked. What a twerp. Hope you're not like that."

"Uh-uh. Four brothers will cure anyone of that. The showers are communal here? I didn't see that in the brochure." Jared wasn't sure if he liked that idea. Cute naked guys are one thing, erections in the shower were another.

"You have to be a junior to get in the dorms with private showers, Jared. Don't worry about it."

"I wasn't worried. Just suprised." The last of Jared's unimaginative clothing disappeared into the large drawers. "How about we get out of here so I can show you around the campus? It sucks getting lost on your way to your first class."

"That would be nice. Thank you." Jared was beginning to like this guy.

The tour of the campus began with all of Tessler hall. Kevin showed Jared the restroom and he was pleasantly suprised to find that the facilities were very clean and well maintained. The dreaded shower area was a large room with about 30 shower heads along the walls and a bunch of benches and hooks right outside. The boys made use of the urinals before they left. Jared took a quick look over at his new friend and saw a fluffy mass of red fur and very nice sized dick held gently between two of his new friend's fingers.

Kevin showed Jared all of the large campus, taking him to the door of each of his new class rooms. Jared was amazed at how different this looked from High School. For some reason he had expected to see rows of mini-desks and lockers instead of auditoriums and casual looking discussion rooms. He liked what he saw. Kevin kept up a running commentary on good study spots, teacher quality, classes that you could skip a lot (which Jared had no intention of doing), and even that a specific bathroom in one of the smaller buildings was good for a quick jerk. Jared thought he was kidding but he seemed completely serious. College was different.

The campus grounds were all green and cheerful, already busy with wandering students. Jared found that he was having a very good time with Kevin even if his legs were about to fall off from trying to keep up with the older boy's longer-legged and seemingly tireless pace. Eventually the arrived at the Mess Hall, a large, sprawling building that Kevin described as "chaos central, otherwise known as the local Student Union". Kevin led him into the building and Jared discovered that it was really a small mall with a few clothing shops, a convenience store, several restaurants, a couple of computer shops, an office supply shop, and a Starbucks. Without discussing it they both went straight for the coffee. Mochas obtained, the boys found a seat in the huge seating area. The place was about half filled and the acoustics were good enough that you really couldn't hear what anyone else was saying. Jared sipped his coffee while taking in the new sights. Neither boys had said anything since they had sat down almost ten minutes before. Kevin broke the silence.

"What do you think of the place?"

"I love it, this is fantastic."

"That was my first impression, too, and I haven't really been disappointed. Do you have a girlfriend, Jared?"

The question suprised him. He had hoped to get through the day without having to lie about being gay. After a moment he replied, "No. Never had much luck in that area. A bit too not into sports and too into computers and stuff, I guess." Jared's answer seemed to suprise Kevin.

"Really? That's weird. You're a pretty good-looking guy. Seems like someone would be interested!" Jared was about to stammer a response when Kevin continued, "Oh well.whatever happened before doesn't matter. You're in college now and there's twenty thousand students here. You will find people a lot less closed-minded here. I don't have a girlfriend right now either. Haven't for over a year. Let's head back to our room and see if our third has shown up yet." The boys chatted about little things on the way back to the dorm and found no change in the occupancy of their room. "It's almost six...maybe he's not going to show up until tomorrow."

Jared collapsed on the middle bed which he had decided to claim since the one on the right looked in need of repair and Kevin's blankets were on the other. He realized that he felt sticky. It had been a long, hot walk. He was about to tell Kevin that he was going to go take a shower when Kevin beat him to it and invited him along. Jared fished his shampoo and soap out the drawer while Kevin did the same. He had to search a bit to find his towels since he hadn't been the one who unpacked that bag. As he found his favorite towel, a big fluffy blue on, Kevin undressed down to his briefs. Jared found himself appreciating the sight of his roommate dressed only in tight blue cotton. Jared dropped his pants and pulled off his shirt and socks. He hoped he didn't look young and foolish in his white boxers.

"Lets go, buddy!" Kevin threw his towel over his shoulder and headed to the door. Jared followed, unable to keep from staring at Kevin's cotton covered cheeks. A couple of guys passed them in the hall and didn't seem to even notice their state of undress. When they arrived at the showers they found it occupied by a soap covered young man whistling while he washed his hair. Jared followed Kevin over to the benches where they hung their towels and removed their underwear. The boys walked naked into the shower room and turned on two of the showers. As they started to rinse off Jared looked over at the now mostly soapless guy across the room. He was tall, about six four, and almost ridiculously thin. His hair was short, black, and slicked back against his head above a face that could only be called regal. Jared's eyes moved down the boy's body to his crotch and found a cute little bush of wet black hair above a small-looking set of balls and an erect penis that was far from small. It looked about seven inches long and was curved very slightly to the left. The guy must have noticed Jared staring and met his eyes and smiled at him. Jared quickly looked away and couldn't help feeling more than a little excited. The guy finished rinsing off and left.

Jared tried not to look over at Kevin's naked body as he began to soap himself. He also tried to ignore the fact that he was a bit more than half hard. Kevin was chatting at Jared about how they should set up their room. Jared continued to clean himself while supplying Kevin with vacant responses to his conversation. He could not get his mind off of the tall thin guy's smile. It had seemed rather, well, knowing. Maybe the guy was gay? Maybe he had been looking back at Jared? Or maybe the guy was just trying to make a new guy feel comfortable? Jared had no idea but at least the guy hadn't attacked him when he caught him looking like that asshole had in the eleventh grade. Jared realized that Kevin was finishing up and found that somewhere along the line he had washed his hair was pretty much finished as well.

Jared followed Kevin over to the benches after they turned off the showers. Kevin was still babbling about something or other and as they began to towel themselves dry Jared finally found himself peeking at his roommate. Kevin was lean and vaguely muscular with a light covering of red hair on his chest. Kevin's armpits were practically bursting with red fur and Jared's second view of his friend's crotch again revealed red hair that could only be described as fluffy. Jared struggled to continue to dry himself rather than stop and just stare at the beautiful penis in front of him. It had to be six and a half inches long and it is was only about half hard. The fact that it was even half hard was rather suprising and Jared knew without looking that he was far more than half erect himself. Even more impressive than Kevin's penis was his absolutely huge, hairless balls. Jared thought they looked almost strange because of their lack of hair while surrounded by that huge bush of fur. Jared was really enjoying himself until he realized that he had most likely been less than obvious in his staring and that he was standing next this guy he had just met and he was completely hard. He saw Kevin looking at him with an odd expression.

"Don't worry about the hardon, kiddo. It happens to all of us more than we like to admit."

"Thanks," Jared said.

"You ready to head back to the room, Jared?"

"Ummm." He had just pulled on his boxers and he was staring down at the very obvious tent produced by his erection.

"Just put your towel over your arm and hold the towel to your chest. Everyone who's been here for a while will know why you have the towel there but no one will say anything."

"Thanks." Jared followed Kevin's instructions and they walked back to their room. None of the several people who passed them in the hall said anything at all except the occasional quick greeting.

Once back in their room Kevin and Jared dropped their towels. They stood staring at each other for a moment. Jared's erection had not gone down at all and from the appearance of Kevin's bulging underwear his had come to full mast. Jared was so horny he thought that he was going to cum in his shorts. Kevin reached down and slipped his underwear off, revealing a perfectly straight seven and a half inch and very thick cock. There was a drop of glistening precum about to drop off of the tip. Jared pushed his boxers to the floor and stood in front of his new friend with his six inch dick pointing towards Kevin. Jared felt the rather copious amounts of precum that he always produced dripping out of his penis.

"Jared?" Kevin said in a soft voice.

"Yes, Kevin?"

"I have to tell you that I almost always need to jerk off after I take a shower. Would you, umm, you know, mind if jerked my dick right now?"

"I, uh, wouldn't mind. I need to do it too."

"Cool. My last roommate moved out because he was disgusted with how much I jerk off"

"Well hopefully our third won't be such an ass."

The boys moved to their beds and sat down facing each other. Kevin reached under his pillow and pulled out a bottle of lube. Real jerk off lube. Jared had see stuff like that before but had never been able to bring himself to buy any. He sat holding his dick, not jerking it yet, and watched Kevin squeeze a bit of the clear stuff out of the bottle onto his palm. Kevin stroked his dick with his lubed hand, covering the whole big length of it with the shiny substance. Kevin held out the bottle to Jared, offering to share. Jared took the bottle and squeezed some into his hand. Jared stared intently at the sight of Kevin slowly stroking his gorgeous, slick penis. As Jared covered his dick with the lube and started stroking he almost screamed with how good it felt. He had used a bit too much of the stuff and his hand actually slipped off of his cock a few times as he stroked. They had not moved from their original positions across from each other and the sight of pretty Kevin sitting there not three feet from him jacking off pushed Jared over the edge and almost without warning he came. Jared had always been proud of his ejaculations due to the distance the cum shot so he was not suprised when his cum blasted out of his dick and splattered against Kevin's chest with the successive shots landing in a line down his friend's chest and stomach and then the last few shots landed right on the other boy's pubes, hand, and cock. As the last spurt hit the tip of Kevin's dick he came. Kevin's orgasm was almost as impressive as Jared's. Jared's stomach, crotch and thighs were covered by Kevin's semen. Jared heard a loud noise and realized that it was Kevin practically screaming with his orgasm.

After they had cum, both boys leaned back and smiled at each other. Jared decided that he was going to like it here.

"Nice shooting, kiddo," Kevin said with a smirk.

"Not bad yourself, Kev. So...can I expect not to have to worry if you're in the room and I want to jack off?"

"Only if you don't invite me to join you!"

Kevin got up, dripping with Jared's cum, and retrieved their towels. He kept Jared's towel and gave the other boy his. They were still wiping themselves clean when the door opened and in walked their third.

***More to come...the boys still need to find out who their third is. ***any comments feel free to email me at peregrin@micron.net

Next: Chapter 2

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