Terry, We All Have Reasons

By Mark Larner

Published on Dec 7, 2015



This story is a work of fiction, none of the characters are based on real people, any similarities with people or places are coincidence, this story contains sexual activities with consenting adult males, if the content of this story is illegal in the area you are in to read this content read at your own discretion it is illegal to copy this story all right are reserved to the author For comments and feedback contact me at markalarner@live.com.au Chapter 1

Terry sat on the lounge in Daniels office, the middle aged man was on the phone discussing some kind of deal. Truth be told Terry didn't know or care what the middle aged man was talking about, that wasn't why he was there. Daniel hung up the phone and sat heavily behind his desk looking at the young man he had engaged for a few hours of fun. Terry stood up smiling and walking seductively toward his client. Terry had a business agreement with Daniel all of his own.

Daniel watched the male escort approach him, he moved seductively and with purpose. Terry lightly ran his hands over Daniels shoulders giving them a slight squeeze and pulling the office chair and man back from the desk. The resulting space was enough for Terry to kneel down and nuzzle at Daniels crotch, making the other man hard. Terry grinned and stood up. Slowly removing the tight fitting polo shirt he had on revealing his broad shoulders, hard chest, perfect swimmers abbs and pale hairless skin. Sinking once more to his knees, Terry quickly undid and pushed Daniels suit pants and silk boxer shorts down. Unsurprisingly Daniels cock sprung out hard and ready.

An hour and half later Daniel was balls deep in Terry's ass tacking his time to pound the young man who was groaning softly. As he thrust in Daniels secretary patched a phone call through to him, "Sorry to disturb sir your wife is calling". Daniel grunts and tells his secretary to put his wife threw. Terry listens quietly to the conversation, noting how calm Daniel was. As Daniel hung up he started to pull out of Terry. Terry wasn't having any of it he pushed back onto Daniels cock and proceeded to fuck Daniel. Rapidly he bought Daniel to climax, with a sigh Daniel pulled out and pulled of the condom he had been wearing. By the time he had trashed it Terry had already pulled his jeans back on and was looking for his shirt. Daniel handed it to him and quickly dressed himself.

Terry finished dressing and stood waiting for Daniel to finish. Daniel took an envelope from his desk and handed it to Terry. Terry was about to open it and remove some of the cash. "Keep it, it's not your fault my wife has decided to stop in". Terry nodded and put the envelope into his messenger bag. "Thank you it was great as always", Terry nodded and headed for the door knowing that Daniels wife would soon be there. "Terry", Daniel stopped him before he left, "I will be in touch", Terry nodded once and left. Once out of the office he took the envelope out and counted the cash inside. Daniel had always been good, Christen, Daniels secretary glared at him as he past her. Terry just nodded politely and headed to the elevator.

As he was entering the elevator a truly stunning middle aged women stepped out. She took one look at Terry and smiled at him as if she knew why he had been there. Terry ducked his head politely. As the elevator doors were closing the women stopped them and faced Terry. Terry felt a little faint and who wouldn't with the wife of your client watching you like you were some kind of pray. "I take it as your out here my husband is descent" the women had a very pleasant sounding voice. Terry just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. It was one thing for the secretary to know but the wife as well. "He is currently unengaged at the moment and decent as you say". Terry spoke softly looking at the floor. The women laughed, "Next time tell my husband to tell me when he is busy". All Terry could do was nod and watched as the attractive women walked away. As the elevator door closed Terry sighed and lent back into the mirrored surface of the elevator wall.

Terry entered the house he shared with two other university guys. He sighed as he realised the house was empty. Heading for the shower he figured he had enough time to quickly clean up. The cold water from the shower washed away the sex and revitalised him. It was as he was rinsing his short black hair that he heard someone else in the house. "Nice ass Terry" David sniggered from the door way. Terry turned giving David a full frontal view. "I know", Terry grinned at his house mate. The pair shared a bathroom and had seen each other naked before. David just laughed and walked away.

Terry sat on the bus to the outer suburbs; he made this trip twice a week. He looked out the window and sighed. At twenty one he had only just started his first year of university. Having dropped out of high school in year eleven. He had, had to do a course last year to finish what he should have when he left to find a job. Finding a job at sixteen had been easy enough but it still didn't pay well enough. Resulting in getting multiple jobs at different fast food joints. It wasn't until he met Bridget that things changed a bit.

Bridget was old and appeared grandmotherly. Bridget also ran an escort business. She was getting a burger when she saw Terry. It was not the first time she had seen him. It wasn't the only fast food joint she had seen him working in either. Bridget saw an opportunity, and not being one to miss and opportunity she took it. For two years Terry had worked for Bridget. Terry knew without the work that Bridget gave him he would never have stopped working multiple shit jobs. Which would have meant he would not have been where he was. And where he was, was far better than some of the people he had known in school.

Terry looked at the small three bedroom house. It wasn't much but his grandmother did own it. With a smile Terry entered the house straight into the living room. In the living room sat two fifteen year olds playing a game on the large HD TV. He greeted his brother and his brother's friend receiving grunts from both. Shaking his head and laughing to himself he entered the kitchen. Where a small grey haired women was at work making dinner. "Why you bother I will never know. That pair are too into whatever that game is to notice you". Terry laughed with his grandmother and hugged her. "Save it boys it's time you did some homework", Terry's grandmother grinned at her elder grandchild. From the living room there were identical groans from the fifteen year olds.

Terry and his Grandmother laughed as the boys went to Brent's room. "Some things never change", Terry grinned. His Grandmother just smiled, "You were worse at his age". Terry frowned and nodded he had been difficult at fifteen. "So what's for dinner"? Terry asked innocently his Grandmother just smiled. "Pasta bake", Terry grinned his Grandmother knew him well.

It was getting late as Terry pushed his brothers door open. The meal had been great as always even with Bret's friend there. Bret sat up from reading and looked at his older brothers. The pair shared the same black hair, blue eyes and pale skin. "So how you been"? Terry asked, his brother grinned as he indicated for Terry to sit. "The same as last time you asked it was only four days ago". Terry laughed it was true it had only been four days. "Well till, I want to know". Brent went on to tell his big brother everything important that had happened to him in the past four days. Well everything important to a fifteen year old boy.

As Terry exited his brother's room he sighed. Brent had been ten when their mum had walked out on them. Their father had never been in the picture which was odd as their grandmother was their fathers mum. "He has a good life thanks to you Terry", Terry jumped he had not heard his grandmother come up behind him. "I just hope he never has to know what I do", Terry sighed. His grandma took him into her arms. "It's alright my little one. You only do what has to be done". Terry saw the tears in his grandma's eyes and nodded. "Here", Terry handed his grandma all the spare money he had. Terry wanted to see his brother succeed and never have to fight for the things he had fought for. "Don't worry he never needs to know". Terry nodded and headed to the door it was time he was going.

Terry had just finished brushing his teeth when David entered their shared bathroom. The first thing Terry saw was that David had a black eye. "You look like shit man, what happened", Terry asked with concern. David just waved it off as he started to undress. "Ok just come have a drink with us, you look as if you could use one". David nodded as he entered the shower. Terry shock his head, this was not the first time he had seen David black and blue. It seemed to happen every couple of weeks.

Terry was pouring himself another vodka when David entered the kitchen. David was built like a tank all hard muscle and obvious strength. Tanned skin brown hair and eyes a very attractive man. The very thought of sex made Terry take a drink. It had been a long time since Terry had truly felt or even had sex for fun, it was work. Terry poured David some rum and coke they had lived with each other long enough to know what the other wanted.

"You go see your Grandma and brother"? Terry nodded; David knew how he went and visited. Terry looked up and saw David down his drink. With a sad smile he filled his house mate's glass again. "Sorry for asking what happened", Terry spoke softly. David just nodded; the pair had come to an agreement. Terry was never to ask where all the bruising came from. And David was never to ask Terry about what he did for work.

Paul walked in on the pair silently drinking. Paul had been out with friends drinking and having a good time in general. "What you pair of moody bustards moping about now". The pair just looked at their house mate and smiled. Nothing was their response, nothing was always their response. As far as both knew Paul had few to no problems in his life. "Ok well if it's nothing you guys won't mind if I join you". Both smiled and indicated for Paul to join them in a few drinks.

To be continued

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For comments and feedback contact me at markalarner@live.com.au

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