Terris Awakening

By Brenda Chaplin

Published on Jul 9, 2012


Terri's awakening

Chapter 7

The plane landed at Newark airport and Terri stood with the other crew members to say goodbye to the passengers. Terri felt a little silly as she would be travelling with them to the hotel and the rest of the trip. She was glad she would not be working the return flight. She checked all the mess was cleaned up and handed the rubbish to the ground crew cleaners. 10 minutes after landing the ground crew left the plane was clean and Terri head to the cockpit. He pilots had just finished their power down procedures and Sally rose from the captains chair put her peak cap on her head and grabbed her flight bag. First office Simon would stay with plane until it was handed over to the ground engineers for the turn around procedures. He would meet them for dinner later.

Sally and Terri disembark the plane into the cool New York breeze. The day was over cast. Sally walked Terri thought immigration lounge and the perks of being air crew was they had reached the baggage claim before the others. With the others arrived and their bags reclaimed they were greeted by a man holding up Kevin's name. Kevin made himself known and the man led them to a large mini bus. The bus was black with tinted windows and the interior would rival the best limos.

They travelled to Manhattan and onto 5th Avenue. He bus pulled up outside the Waldorf Astoria hotel and small army I bell hops took their bags and they were escorted to the reception desk to get checked in.

Kevin told the rest they should meet in the lobby in an hour to head off to the meeting. He and Terri rode the lift to the 10th floor and the bell hop dropped off their cases. Kevin slipped the hop a $10 bill and closed the door behind him. Terri looked out at the view of central park. This was her first time in the states. Kevin walked up behind her and skipped his arms around her kissing her neck. Terri turned to face him and their lips met. Terri reached down and found Kevin's cock hard inside his trousers. Kevin said it was her in that uniform that got him so horny. Terri said she would have to take care of it and pushed him back onto the bed. She reached behind herself and unclasped her skirt and eased the zip down and let it fall to the floor. Soon it was joined by her panties.

She slowly walked towards the bed unbuttoning her jacket then her blouse. At the foot if the bed she pulled down the cups o her bra releasing her new breasts. Her stewardess neck scar sat neatly in her cleavage. Still wearing her blouse, jacket, pillbox hat and heels she climbed on the bed and opened Kevin's trousers and pulled them down to his ankles. She cock a leg over him and lined her arse up to his shaft and lowered herself straight on him. His cock slid inside her and she felt his pubic hair on her cheeks. She slowly started to bob up and down as she rode him. He reached up and grabbed a tit in each and played with them. Terri's own cock was rock hard sticking out in front of her bouncing in time with her. Terri picked up her pass and it was not long before Kevin let loose a load into to Terri. Terri in turn fired a stringy load over Kevin's shirt and tie. Terri dismounted Kevin and the two laugh at Kevin's condition. The shared a quick kiss and cuddle before Kevin stripped off and headed for the shower. Terri collected his clothes up and called room service to collect them for cleaning.

Terri stripped off her remaining uniform and retrieved her panties. She slipped a tampon into her arse to collect Kevin's seed and not leave white puddles everywhere. She took her flight bag and opened it. She took out the clip holding her hair up and let it fall to her shoulders. Taking a scrunchy she pulled it back into a ponytail from the case she took out a ivory silk string top and pulled it on. She removed her black stockings and removed her garter. She pulled on her grey skirt and slipped on the matching jacket making sure to pull out her pony tail. She took her make bag and applied a more aggressive business looking make up over the light conservative air hostess make up. She hung a string of pearls around her neck and a matching bracelet. She just slipped on her ivory heels when Kevin exited the bathroom. Ask he dressed in a fresh suit they went over the points of the upcoming meet. When he was ready they grabbed their briefcases and head for the lobby.

The met up with the others and headed off to the meeting with the US software company. The meeting lasted several hours and Kevin was impressed with his team especially Terri who performed as a seasoned pro.

After the handshakes and goodbyes Kevin took them to the hard rock cafe in time square to celebrate. They were joined by Sally and Simon. Both looked different out of their pilot uniforms.

It was early afternoon New York time and Kevin decided to take Terri shopping in 5th Avenue. The got some dresses and a couple of work suits each and something saucy from Victoria secret. Nearing the hotel he took her into Tiffany's and looked at the jewellery they tried on several items. When they got to the top floor Kevin excised himself and headed down stairs for a moment in the pretext of a business call. In reality he went and purchased a diamond ring in Terri's size. He slipped the velvet covered box into his pocket and rejoined Terri looking at necklaces. He brought her a matching earring, bracket and necklace set and a pearl choker.

Leaving the store they went back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. Back in the room Terri stripped off and had a bubble bath as Kevin loosened his tie and watch some TV. As se laid in the bath Terri looked down at her body. It was totally female with one noticeable difference, her cock. Not as impressive as it once was thanks to the female hormones but still there. She suddenly welled up with anger at it as it was the last part of Terry left about her. She decided it had to go and soon. Then she would be a complete woman.

She let the water out of the bath and turned on the shower to wash her hair and body. She stepped out of the bath wrapped a towel around her chest and another over hair. She. Walked into the main room Kevin had nodded off on the bed she smiled to herself she was deeply in love with this man. She turned her attention to the dressing table plugged in the hair dryer. Removing the towel she blow dried her hair and took her curling tongs out and turned them on to heat up. The dryer stirred Kevin awake and he looked at his watch. He got out of bed and walked over to her pulling his tie off and unbuttoning his shirt. He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down to kiss her neck.

He headed to the wardrobe and hug his suit up and took out tuxedo. Whilst she waited for the tongs to heat up Terri applied her make up with dark shadowed eyes and ruby red lipstick. She then took the tongs and fashioned her hair in to a pinned up loose bun with curly bangs cascading down her back. When she was done she turned to see Kevin tucking his dress shirt into his trousers and she dropped her towel revealing her naked body. She said she was over the moon with her new body but something was not right. Kevin stopped what he was doing ad gave her his full attention. She pointed to her cock and said I need this to go then I will be the woman I was met to be. Kevin smiled and said they would make it happen. He closed the distance kissed her gentle on the lips and pulled her into an embrace. He told her that he loved her. She felt a tear well in her eye. Lucky the eye shadow was water proof.

They broke the embrace and both continued dressing. Terri wore a emerald green gown over black bra and panties and accessorised with matching green heels and an emerald pendant necklace. She put her things in the matching clutch bag and wrapped a green chiffon wrap over her shoulders. They took the lift down to the lobby where the others were all waiting in the bar all dressed in evening wear.

After a couple of drinks they went into the dinning hall and had a 3 course meal. At around 10pm Kevin asked them to excuse Terri and himself. As it was her first time to New York he want to take her to the top if the rock. Arm in arm they left the hotel for the short walk to the Rockefeller plaza. Having prearranged their visit they bypassed the visitors entrance and was escorted to a private lift that took them to the observation deck of the tower.

There was a light breeze as they stepped into the New York night all around them Manhattan skyline stretched out into the distance. Kevin wrapped an arm around her and walked to the edge. He turned to her and said this past few months have been the most magical of my life. I have never connected with anyone like this before. You own my heart for now and for ever. Kevin lowered himself to his right knee and pulled out the velvet box he brought earlier from Tiffany's opening it to reveal the diamond ring. Terri he said will you do me the honour of becoming my wife.

Shock hit Terri as her emotions exploded. Again her water proof eye liner was test as she cried and said yes with all her heart.

Kevin removed the ring from the box and slipped it on to Terri's left ring finger. Kevin asked a someone to take their picture with the empire state building as a back drop. In a daze they left the observation deck and exited the tower waiting was a horse drawn carriage. Kevin helped Terri into the back and it set off towards central pack. As the carriage slowly made its was through the park Kevin and Terri discussed their future together. First Terri would have her final operation. Then they would move in together then marriage. Kevin cuddled his woman in back of the carriage.

The carriage dropped them back to their hotel where they noticed the other still up drinking in the bar with the acceptation of the two pilots who had to fly them home in the morning. Kevin ordered a couple of bottles of champagne and raised his glass for a toast. He dedicated it to Terri his bride soon to be. The girls all gushed over the ring and wanted the details and the boys slapped Kevin on the back.

After the bottles had been drunk the all said their good nights and headed to the their rooms.

Terri striped off her clothes and put on a nighty as Kevin stripped to his boxers and headed for the bathroom. Terri let her hair down and cleaned her make up off. She used the bathroom after Kevin and slipped in to bed beside him. The rolled into a spooning position and fell asleep.

They rose at 8am showered and dressed in their business clothes. At breakfast they were joined by the others Sally and Simon were back in their pilots uniforms and Liz was wearing the company stewardess uniform. All but Sally, Simon and Liz left in the car for the final meeting and they headed to the plane to prepare for departure.

The meeting went well and Kevin completed the purchase of another up and coming software house. They drove back to Newark airport and checked in for their flight home.

As they boarded the plane Liz and the pilots were on hand to welcome them aboard. Terri felt a little more relaxed being just a passenger in this trip.

Soon after they boarded the doors were closed and the plane pushed back to taxi. Sally steered the plane to the runway and soon they were climbing to the cruise attitude. Liz went about serving food and drink whilst the others used the on board entertainment. Kevin said he needed to get so worked done and called Terri into his office.

Terri sat at the small assistance desk and typed emails Kevin dictated. Kevin walked up to Terri and she heard the sound I a zip lowering. She turned to be greatest by the sight of Kevin's cock next to her mouth. Kevin had a wicked look in his eye as Terri leaned forward taking him into her throat. Kevin closed his eyes as his soon to be wife blow his cock for all she was worth. Kevin did not last long at this pace and feed her his load. He pulled out of her mouth as she swallowed the cum left behind. She dabbed a tissue on to corner of her mouth to swipe away any spillage and popped a mint into disguise the smell on her breath.

Kevin stuffed his cock away and started to dictate the email. He paused an heard a moaning coming from the next cabin. Kevin rolled his eyes and finished his narration. Terri sent the emails off and the two of them returned to the main lounge. Terri was curious to see who was in the rest room moaning both Matt and Tim were sat there as well as Tammy. They heard the door lock click and out stepped Liz. She adjusted the collar in her uniform and headed to the galley trying to repress a smirk in her face. Terri expected that Simon was in the room but was surprised when Captain Sally exited the room straightening her tie. She nodded to the passengers and returned to the cockpit. Terri looked at Kevin a gasp, Kevin just winked back at her. A couple of minutes later Simon came out of the cock pit and went into the restroom. He left the door open and Matt got up and followed him in closing the door.

Kevin explained that most of his employees are bisexual. And since most of the senior company members don't get much time for relationships they enjoy each other. He did quickly point out that he has not taken advantage of this arrangement just in case he was compromised. The sound of manly moan emitted from the cabin. Tim tried to hide his own excitement but Tammy giggled an took him by the had into the other rest cabin.

Liz came back with drinks as Terri and Kevin watched the in-flight movie.

After 10 minutes Simon emerged tucking his shirt back into his trousers. Matt decided to stay in there for a rest. Tammy and Tim did not come put again for the rest of the flight.

They touched down in Manchester it was late evening. Sally, Simon and Liz saw the passenger disembark and soon Terri and Kevin were in the arrivals lounge. Greg was there waiting for them and took them to the car. Kevin dropped Terri off at her house an carried on home.

Terri got in had a quick shower and throw on so girlie pj's. With a glass of wine poured she called her t-girl friend Denise and filled her in on the events of the last few days.

Denise was happy for her and was over joy that she was asked to be a bridesmaid.

The girls chatted for a couple if hours before they hung up.

Terri brushed her teeth and went to bed. She fell into a deep sound sleep dreaming of being Mrs Kevin Harris.

To be continued?

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