Terris Awakening

By Brenda Chaplin

Published on Jun 30, 2012


Terri's awakening

Chapter 6

Terri accepted Kevin's offer to become his new PA and resigned from her job still as Terry. Kevin made the arrangements for Terri's initial surgery and offered to go with her when she came out to her family.

On the day she was to visit her family she arranged for her sister to be there. She dressed as Terry for the final time in jeans and a t-shirt though she had lacy panties underneath. She had booked herself a hotel near her parent's house in Greenford London. And packed Terri's clothes for the return trip.

Now with her expense account from Kevin she decided to fly from Manchester to London. And had both her old passport as Terry and the new one Charlie arranged as Terri along with her new female ID.

The flight was smooth and soon at Heathrow. Taking a cab she was soon back where she was just 3 weeks earlier when dressed as a schoolgirl she made love for the first time with Kevin. Butterflies rose in her stomach when she saw her folk's house. She paid the cab and knocked in the door.

Her mother let her in and they shared a quick hug. And she went into the living room where her dad and sister were sat waiting. After quick hello and catch up her dad said you've brought us here for a reason son so why not get it over with. Terri swallowed hard and told them that she had met someone and has discovered the true self. Her father interrupted and said your having a sex change aren't you. Terri's mouth dropped open how did they know. Terri's mum said they knew about her dressing up as a girl when she was younger and put two and two together when she said she had a big announcement to make. It was this or she was gay. They said they loved her and would support her though it would take some getting use to.

Her dad asked if she had brought some female clothes and she sheepishly nodded. Well he told her to go up to her room and change into something more suitable for a girl.

Terri went up to her old room and shed the mask of Terry. 15 minutes later she entered the living room in a floral dress light make up and 1" white court heels. You look beautiful her mother said. Terri asked how they knew. Her sister said they noticed their clothes moving in their draws and wardrobe. So they planted a trap by leaving the sacks of old clothes behind when she went off to university when her parents got back they checked the bags noticed several things missing. Teri blushed and said how did you know it was not a passing phase. Her dad said the way you kept your hair that long and shaved your body told us you were still doing it. Terri was amazed. She spent the next two days telling them about Kevin leaving out the sexy details and how she was going to go for the reassignment surgery stage by stage and that she had yet to make up her mind regarding the removal of her penis.

Her dad drove her back to the airport to see her off. Just before she got out of the car she broke down and cried that she was so relieved that her parents accepted the change. Her dad cuddled her and told that they loved her and support her no matter what.

She composed herself fixed her make up and kissed her dad goodbye. She checked in to the airport with her female passport without problem and fly back up to Manchester. Kevin had send Greg to collect her and the two had a quiet dinner where she told him about her trip home. She stayed the night and they had great sex.

Kevin had arranged for Terri to start her new job 2 months after quoting Terry's old job. This was to give her time for the first phase of her transformation to take place.

3 weeks after her first visit home as Terri she was back this time with Kevin. He took them all to a top hotel and they all got along. The next day he took Terri to a private hospital and checked her in. The following day Terri had breast implants fitted and her facial reconstruction to soften her looks to be feminine.

Her whole family was present when a week later the bandages were removed. Terri cried when she saw herself in the mirror. When asked what was wrong she said nothing she was happy that Terry was now gone.

Kevin whisked her away to a private country cottage for her to heal in private and comfort. Just over a month and her wounds had healed and from the waist up no one could tell she was not born the beautiful woman she now appeared I be.

Using her allowance from Kevin she kitted herself out in with that latest in women's office fashions including tailored skirt suits and blouses.

One her first day of work she filed her Gucci briefcase with her work essentials and got into her trusted Ford Ka. She arrived her the office with plenty of time and reported to HR for her orientation briefing. The girl took her up to the main floor, which the lift opened onto a lobby with a receptionist. The girl behind the desk was called Karen and was a member of the building security hence she wore a smart guards uniform with a black cravat clip under tight collar rather than a tie. After a small hello and introduction Terri was taken on to the outer office where sat a heavily pregnant woman. Terri out stretched her had to Samantha. The HR girl left them and the girl had a good getting to know you chat.

For the rest of the day Samantha showed Terri the robes and booked her for a fitting with Kevin's tailor for her uniform. Terri was a little confused till Samantha explained that part of her duties would be to be the stewardess on Kevin's private jet and as such she need to wear a uniform for when he had cooperate guests on board. Samantha giggled saying it is designed to get the make libido pumping.

Terri did not see Kevin all day as he was off in London. Sam said that usually the PA would travel with him but since she was so close to her due date she thought it best not to travel.

The next couple of days went by in a blur as Terri took in her new role. She had her uniform fitting and Sam was right it was tight in all the right places to show off her figure. It was almost a exact copy of the current British Airways stewardess uniform.

At the end of the week Sam said her goodbyes and was in tears when Kevin sent £5000 of baby gift vouchers as a leaving gift.

Monday morning was soon here as she stepped of the lift to be greeted by the security guard Karen. A quick chat on how he weekend was then off to her desk. At 9am Kevin walked in dressed a tailored 3-piece suit.

Kevin took one look at his girl all dolled up in her business suit a charcoal grey two piece skirt suit and black satin collarless blouse. He swept her in his arms and kissed her deeply. It had been over 2 weeks since they had been together and the first time Kevin saw Terri since dropping her at the cottage to heal. He told her how beautiful she was and led her by the hand on to his office. He closed and locked the door then turned to Terri. The two attacked each other with renewed passion. Kevin open Terri's jacket and found Terri's new breasts. Soon the jacket followed by the blouse was in his office floor as he licked around the black bra cup. He reached around and unclipped the bra letting it join the other discarded items in the floor. Kevin's mouth found Terri's new enlarged nipple and sucked in it. Terri felt she would cum on the spot. After letting Kevin work her breasts for a few minutes she pulled him off and sunk to get knees and indifferent his belt button and zip of his trousers and and with on big tug they were around his ankles boxers and all. Terri wasted no time feasting on his man meat giving him a passionate blowjob. 2 minutes of the Kevin was grunting he was close so Terri stopped stood up pulled her black panties down from under her skirt over her black seemed hold up stockings and step out of them. She walked over to Kevin's desk and bent over it presenting Kevin with her arse. Kevin wasted no time closing the gap to her and dropping to his knees flipped her skirt up exposing her hole and started to rim her getting plenty of spit into we're love channel. Soon from her moaning he knew she was ready so he stood behind her and feed his Precum dripping cock in to her arse pussy. Her hole accepted him and he was deep with in her. He started to pump her for all he was worth fucking her like a savage and she loved it. Her nipples were rubbing back and forth on the desk as Kevin pumped in and out sending tingling electric shocks to her own throbbing cock. Suddenly she list it and shot her load under the desk. The spasm of her arse as she came sent Kevin over the edge and he unloaded in her arse. Spent he leaned on top of her pinning her to the desk. They share a sensuous kiss whilst the gathered their strength. Kevin released Terri and said he knew he had chosen a good PA. Terri giggled as she dressed. Once their clothes were back in order Terri gave him another kiss and cheekily asked if sir needed anything else and returned to her duties.

Time flew by and soon Terri's presents was commonplace with Kevin's at his meetings and she performed like a pro keeping his business life on track for him.

They continued to see each other outside work as partners but kept that hanky panky at work to a minimum. The odd blowjob was the most they got up to. Kevin had a meeting scheduled in New York and that would be Terri's first time on the company jet. She was spending most o her nights at Kevin's house at this point but decided to stay home the night before the flight. She rose early and did her usual beauty tasks. She slipped a black bra and panties set on loving her new boobs. A matching garter and black stockings followed. She unzipped her uniform back and slid the crisp white blouse up her arms and buttoned it up the buttons stopped just over half way up to the collar creating a lovely V shape giving a great view of her cleavage. The red white and blue scarf tied around her neck and tugged into the V of her blouse she sat at her dresser and pined her hair into a tight bun. She slipped on the figure hugging dark blue with silver pinstripe skirt and the pattern leather belt with Kevin's company logo engraved on the buckle. She slipped her 2" Inch Square toed black leather heels on and took the matching uniform jacket and affixed the nameplate above the left breast and pulled the jacket on. She check her black monogrammed flight brief case and her many suitcase for when she was back to being Kevin's PA in New York. There was a knock on the door and she let Greg in. By now they where both on friendly first name bases. Terri got Greg a coffee as he briefed her on the airport procedures now she was considered crew on this flight. When she had all her passes and Papers put into her black leather handbag she let Greg put her cases in the car a she pinned the matching dark blue uniform pill box hat to her head clipped the silver wings to her jacket above her name plate and left the house locking the door behind her.

It did not take long for Greg to driver to Manchester international airport. He parked the car up and walked her and her bags to the crew lounge. She was greeted by a woman with a similar looking uniform to Terri's with the exception on a full buttoned collar and a black tie tied in a neat Windsor knot. She introduced herself as Captain Sally Wilson. And she point out the other pilot First Officer Simon Taylor. Greg to his leave in order to get the boss.

Sally told Terri all she would need to know. And explained that when they were on board the plane was to be addressed as captain or sir. They had a coffee as Simon check the latest reports and then gathered their things. The stopped off at the security desk and had their papers check Sally introduced Terri to Mike who ran the crew check in desk. He took her bags leaving her with just her hostess case. She followed the pilots through the departure lounge feeling the eyes of several men staring at the sexy uniformed stewardess. They arrived at the private jet departure gate and boarded the bus to their stand.

Terri was surprised when the bus stopped next to an Airbus A318. The plane was painted in the company colours with a large logo on the tail. Sally laughed that it was more than a Lear jet that's for sure. Once on board Simon gave her the your. The interior had seating for 30 people. Two offices and 3 staterooms. Also there was a conference room.

Terri got to her duties meeting the catering truck and stowing all the gear.

Terri was so busy she did not notice that an hour had past since she boarded the plane. The PA system chirped and Captain Wilson voice echoed through the plane telling the crew to welcoming stations.

As Terri got to the main door Sally and Simon were standing ready to greet the passengers. First on was Ted Stevens Kevin's corporate manger. He was followed by Matt Parker the lead software developer.

Next a couple of girls Tammy and Liz came on they were Ted and Matt's PA's. They shared a quick hello with Terri before taking up their seats.

Five minutes later Kevin boarded greeting his staff and crew. He stole a moment to tell Terri how hot she looked in that uniform.

The PA system chimed again to tell Terri to lock out the air craft. She went to the door and stared at it. Kevin came up to her and said perhaps we should have sent you on the course to working on this plane he joked. Calling the cockpit Simon came out and gave her a crash course on using the door.

With the door closed and the jetty removed the pilots started the engines as the plane was pushed back from its stand. Terri offered everyone a drink and got herself ready for take off. She unpinned the pillbox hat from her hair and stowed her jacked and transferred the badges to her blouse. But silly she thought as everyone on board was on first name terms with her back at the office. Sally came over the PA to give the one-minute warning as the taxied to the runway. Terri strapped herself in to the forward crew seat an winked at Kevin as the planes engines roar to full thrust and the plane started to speed down the runway.

The A318 rose in to the Manchester sky and headed up to the north tip I Ireland bound for the states. 10 minutes in to the fly the PA chimed again to tell Terri to go about her duties. She served up the breakfast to the passengers and also ate her own whilst chatting to Tammy and Liz. Terri was glad to hear that the senior PA's take turns being the hostess on the jet and when there was a full load two of them would be on duty. Liz showed Terri how the on board systems work. She took breakfast up to the flight deck and lingered for a while watching the clouds pass around them.

In the main cabin Kevin asked Terri to come to his office and give him a hand sorting his presentation out.

Inside the small cabin were desk and two chairs. Kevin locked the door and pressed the do not disturb light on. He reached his arms around Terri's waist and pulled her onto him. He whispered in her ear that he would love to join the mile high club with her. Kissing her neck he rubbed her breasts through the thin blouse. Terri felt the lump in his trouser pushing against her skirt covered arse. She reached behind and cupped his cock. He was good to go. She pulled off him and bent down to slip her panties off she stood up and walked to the desk leaned over it flipping her skirt up leaving and open invitation for her boss to fuck her.

Kevin opened a draw and took out some hand lotion. He squirted some on his finger and pushed up Terri's hole. Next he had his trousers open and round his ankles followed soon after by his boxers. He lined his cock up and slowly fed it into Terri's boy pussy. Kevin took no time for Terri to get use to his cock nor did she need any as he pumped her arse with all his might. Terri bit down on her lip as Kevin fucked her to muffle her panting screams. Kevin like a man in sex mad trance gripped the uniform scarf like horse reins and rammed his cock into her fast and harder. Kevin was usually a gentle lover but not this time. He was letting Terri have it. Terri was also caught up in the moment even though the scarf was restricting her breathing. Kevin let out a restrained scream and fired a load deep with the beautiful stewardess draped over his desk. Panting he pulled his cock out. Terri took the lead and dropped to her knees and took the softening member into her mouth. As she suck her hand reached under her skirt and found her own cock and stroked it in time to he head bobbing after 5 minute the cock in her mouth reacted to her kiss of life and started to grow. When she was satisfied it was at full mast she stood sat on the edge of the desk and laid back Kevin wasted no time feed her arse his cock again. Terri undid the buttons on her blouse and freed her breasts from the bra cups. Kevin leaned over kissed her full on the lips and his hand cupped her breast and squeezed the nipple Terri could stand it no longer and shot her load over Kevin's cock. Kevin released his second load in to his woman. The laid together kiss gently as they came down from there orgasms. Kevin pulled out of Terri and grabbed a towel wiping Terri's cum off of himself. Terri straightened her uniform and pulled on her panties they shared a kiss and a cuddle before Kevin said they had better get done work done.

The next few hours flew by as they were deep into the work at hand. There was a chime on the intercom. Kevin answered it. Sally asked if it was not too much trouble can she have her stewardess back as it was lunch time.

Left the room and headed to the galley. She saw that Matt and Liz had gone into the other office to work on his presentations. Ted and Tammy were sat chatting. Kevin walked our of his office and turned to Tammy and said she would hostess on the way home as he needed Terri for work.

Matt and Liz joined then for lunch and Terri cleared it all away.

All to soon Sally called out of the intercom that they were 20 minutes from landing. Terri stowed the gear and got her jacket and pillbox hat back on and strapped herself into the crew seat.

To be continued?

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Next: Chapter 7

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