Terris Awakening

By Brenda Chaplin

Published on Apr 27, 2012


Terri's awakening

Chapter 2

Terri awoke as the sun from this beautiful spring morning burst through the window. Kevin had left soon after the second blowjob with promises to call her. She looked down at herself; between the alcohol and the lateness of the hour she was still fully dressed in her uniform. Her had drifted under her skirt and rubbed her morning wood. As she replayed the previous nights activities through her mind her rubbing got faster and faster. Sooner there was an explosion in her panties.

She licked her fingers clean and thought she should have more than that for breakfast.

She slipped out of bed and pulled on the knot of her tie. She freed the top button of her collar and headed for the bathroom. She striped off the rest of her uniform and slipped into the shower. She enjoyed the warm water cascade down her naked body.

The last night had been the happiest of her life. She hoped out of the shower slipped on her silk robe and headed to the kitchen and had coffee and a light breakfast.

The phone rang and it was Denise. She was still had the guys house she pulled last night. Terri said it was ok for her to come over and get her stuff.

There was no way Terry was coming out today so she dressed in floral bra and panties. Skinny jeans and low cut string top. And light make up.

There was a knock at the door and she let Denise in, still wearing her lucky little black dress. Terri just had to laugh. They had a coffee and Denise hit the shower and went to her suitcase and dressed in a pale blue dress. Terri recounted the events of the previous night and Denise giggled as the event unfolded.

The phone rang and Terri answered it. It was Kevin, he asked how she was and hoped she enjoyed their reunion as much as he had. They flirted on the phone for a few minutes when he asked her out to dinner that night. He promised there was no expectation for sex and would leave after their date.

Terri accepted and Kevin said he would collect her around 8 o'clock. Denise mocked Terri singing Terri has a boyfriend. The girls giggled and Terri made them a lite lunch.

Denise left around 3pm and sat and watched TV for the rest of the afternoon.

At 6pm she decided it was time for a long soak in the bath. Soon she was naked and up to her neck in bubbles. She felt her flat chest and wished she real breasts.

She had thought often about coming out to her family and friends and live as Terri full time. After last night she felt she had taken the first step on the road to making it a reality.

Terri decided to get ready early for her date with Kevin. She black dress with a plunge back and fake diamonds I encrusted on the shoulders. The dress fell to just below her knees. Underneath she had stuck on her breast forms and due the low plunge on the back the dress left off her bra. She had in a deep red lacy thing with black trim with matching garter to which she had clipped a fresh pair fully fashioned black seemed stockings. She did a light covering of make up to enhance her features and add an air of elegance. For her hair she let the back fall freely but clipped the front back causing to small bangs either side of her face framing it beautifully she slipped on her 2" black strap heels and was ready for Kevin to call.

She poured her a large class of wine to calm her excited nerves. At 6pm the doorbell rang and Terri answered the door to the sight of Kevin dressed in a full tailored suit.

Broad smiles beamed over each other's faces as their eyes meet. Kevin took Terri's hands and complement on how beautiful she looked. She blushed as he gave her a peak on the cheek. She took her clutch bag and put her phone and keys in it.

They headed out to Kevin's car. Terri was impressed and the expensive two seat sport coupe. Like a gentleman he held the door open for her. She glanced over and saw the middle age woman neighbour staring back at her. Terri smiles she did not care anymore. She was out and she was proud.

Kevin drove them to the small restaurant as they made small talk.

As they ate and sipped wine they blended in to the background of couples enjoying a romantic evening. Kevin told her about his software business. He had made a load of money quickly when his program became a hit. Terri had not known that the main program she used for work Kevin wrote.

The conversation turned to Terri and Kevin asked that now she was out would Terry ever come back. She said that for the time being Terry would be needed for the day-to-day stuff. But she felt that she would make the change and leave Terry behind.

Kevin lightly caressed her knee. Kevin paid the bill and drove them to a romantic park for a moon light walk. They walked hand in hand chatting about the past and the possible future. Terri told him that he had slept with girls as Terry but Terri was still pure. Kevin had also slept with other girls but none that were the special kind as Terri.

They stopped and looked in to each other's eyes as Kevin leaned in for a kiss. Their lips met and Terri's mouth parted to allow Kevin's tongue slipped in. Kevin's hand slipped down her back and cupped her arse. She let out a soft moan. She felt his harden cock pushing against hers. He whispered that he wanted her. She said that she was not ready to go the whole way and that it had to be special and needed to be her living out her fantasy. Kevin said he understood and that he would wait.

Terri winked at him and said she had something to tide him over. She crouched down in front of him and pulled down his fly and fished his cock out. Right there on the moon lit path she swallowed his cock down her throat. She boded up and down his shaft as he moaned with pleasure. All to soon he cried in ecstasy and blew into her mouth. She swallowed his seed and look into his as with a wicked grin as she cleaned his softening cock. She put his cock way and pulled up his zip. She stood and they shared another kiss. Kevin turned her around and held her firmly around the waist and pulled up the front on he dress up and rubbed her cock through her thong. Terri closed her eyes as turned and kissed Kevin. He pulled the thong aside and rubbed her shaft with long firm strokes. Terri's legs felt weak and Kevin's free hand held her up and pumped her cock faster. Terri whimpered into his mouth as she too blew her load on to his hand and the path. Kevin took his fingers into his mouth and licked them clean. He them pulled her into a kiss and snowballed Terri's juices.

They walked back to Kevin's car and he drove her home. She rested her hand in his lap. As he dropped her off he whispered that soon her fantasy will come true and he would call her in a few days. He saw her to the door and kissed her goodnight. She went inside and pulled herself another glass of wine. And went up and got ready for bed. She would have to go into work tomorrow but dressed in her lacy nightie she fell into a deep happy sleep.

A couple of days went by he had not heard anything from Kevin. He was sat at his desk in his office when the kid from the mailroom dropped off a package for him.

He saw the return address was Kevin's so waited till he was alone to open the box.

Inside was an envelope on top of something wrapped in crate paper. He opened the note and read it.

It said. Hi beautiful, as promised I have made arrangements to make your fantasy come true. Be ready wearing the contents of the box at 6pm sharp. Please follow an instructions you are given and I promise you the night of your life. Love Kevin.

He unwrapped the paper and found another note, which read for your first night you, should have a new uniform. And inside was a complete brand new schoolgirl uniform in his old school colours. Also there was some matching white lace underwear.

His hands trembled as he reached for the phone and told her boss that tomorrow he would work from home. He looked up at the clock and wished the last 3 hours of the day to fly by and wondered what tomorrow would bring...

By Brenda Chaplin

Want more, then let me know.


Next: Chapter 4

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