Term Paper

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 20, 2007


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Term Paper

Part Five

Rhianna then heard Dr. Conley hang up. She was in shock at the way Dr. Conley had talked to her. Dr. Conley had chewed her out before but never anything close to this. Rhianna didn't know what to think but she did know that she had to talk to Kerri so she tried again but again got no answer. She left another message for Kerri to call her back. When she got back to where her parents were waiting, her mother asked her what was wrong and Rhianna just tried to laugh it off and say that it had been a long day. Rhianna tried to think of a way to get out of going home with her parents but she knew they expected her to spend some time with them. Rhianna then figured that maybe it would be better if she gave Kerri some time to cool down before she talked to her, especially if Kerri was as mad at her as Dr. Conley was and since Kerri wasn't answering her calls, this appeared to be very likely.

The next two weeks were hell for Rhianna. She kept trying to call Kerri but still there was no answer and her messages were going unanswered. She even tried emailing her but there was no response there either. She was trying to appear happy for her parent's sake as they were excited to have her home and they were so proud of her. She kept on trying to get Kerri on the phone as the days ever so slowly wound down for her to return back to Tennessee.

She had a friend drop off her car at the airport so that when she arrived; she would have her car already there waiting for her. The closer that she got to Kerri's cabin the more nervous she became. It seemed like it was taking her forever to get there. The roads were crowded with tourists and they made for a big traffic jam. It got to the point that she was screaming at the cars in front of her to move on, but one, they couldn't hear her and two, they couldn't go on ahead if they wanted to and they did want to. As one lane started to move, she would force her way into it but then it would stop and the lane that had just left started to move. This raised her frustration level to the boiling point. She knew that her blood pressure was getting to the stroke level and she started to cry. The gods must have seen her cry and they had mercy on her as the traffic finally began to move at a decent pace. This calmed her a bit and she tried to get her mind off of the traffic and tried to plan on what she would say to Kerri when she got there. Eventually she got to the road that led to Kerri's place and she was able to increase her speed a bit but not much as the road was narrow and had a number of sharp curves.

She felt her heart pounding as she pulled into Kerri's drive and she had hoped that Kerri would come out to meet her but as she got closer, no Kerri appeared and she didn't see Margret around. This was very unusual and didn't make Rhianna feel any better. She saw Kerri's Escape parked out front so she knew that she hadn't gone anywhere. Rhianna thought that maybe Kerri had gone down to see Aliza but she knew that she was supposed to arrive that day so she should have been here waiting. She pulled on up and put her car into park. As she got out, she could hear Margret barking from inside of the cabin. Again Rhianna was confused as Margret never stayed inside unless it was very cold outside or it was storming. Rhianna slowly walked on toward the cabin and then she stopped in her tracks. There on the porch were all of her clothes and things. She knew then that she really was up a shit river with no paddle. She walked on up the steps and she saw a piece of paper on top of her clothes. She picked it up with shaky hands and she read what it said.

"Go home bitch!"

Rhianna felt her knees buckle and she fell to the porch and she started to sob. She knew that it was over between her and Kerri but she didn't understand why it was over. All she did was to get Kerri to meet with Dr. Conley and that didn't seem to be that great of a crime. She just didn't understand why Dr. Conley and Kerri now hated her with a passion. She knew she had to get herself under control and figure out what to do from here. So she willed herself to stop crying and that wasn't easy but after a few minutes, she was able to stop sobbing and she was crying softly. She thought about what to do from here and she wasn't sure what the right thing to do was but one thing she wasn't going to do was leave. She was going to stay until Kerri talked to her and she could find out why getting Kerri and Dr. Conley together was such a wrong thing to do. She just wanted them to meet and talk about how they had parted and see if there was anything left of their relationship as lovers. As she sat there, she heard Margret scratching on the door and whining to get to her. The next thing she heard was footsteps coming from inside of the cabin and she heard Kerri from behind the door telling Margret to hush and to get away from the door.

Rhianna jumped up and ran to the cabin door. "Kerri, talk to me. I'm sorry for what I did but please don't make me leave until we can talk!" She called loudly through the door.

She didn't hear a response so she tried again, "Kerri, I said I was sorry, Please open the door and let me talk to you."

Again, no response from Kerri but Margret was now barking up a storm. So Rhianna tried again, "I'm not going anywhere until we talk."

"Suit yourself bitch!" Kerri called out.

Rhianna was getting tired of being called a bitch but she bit her tongue this time. "I just want to talk, and then I'll go if you want me to."

"I want you to go now!" Kerri called back but at least she left the bitch off this time.

Rhianna spent all afternoon saying that she was sorry and how she wanted to talk but Kerri gave no further response to what she was saying. Margret did but Kerri said no more. Rhianna sat on the porch hoping that Kerri would give up and come on out but she didn't. As the afternoon ran into evening, she did get both thirsty and hungry but she was afraid to go get something to eat. She did have a half a bag of chips in her car so she went and got them. She knew that she was going to be here for a while so she only ate a few. And then she used the shower to get some water to drink. Later that night, she made a bed in front of the door from her clothes that Kerri had put out. She had put off going to the bathroom but all the water that she had drank to keep her belly from feeling empty had made her bladder full. She looked out at the outhouse and she knew that she had no choice. She went to it quickly and leaving the door open so that she could see if Kerri tried to get out, she sat down and peed. Then sometime during the night, she felt something wet on her face and she woke up scared that a wild animal had wandered up on the porch but then she saw that it was only Margret licking her face. She was never so happy to see a dog in her life. She hugged and scratched her and then she got her to lay down with her for some warmth.

The next morning, she was awakened by Kerri's voice calling for Margret from the back door. Margret got up and ran around the house toward her mistress's voice. Rhianna called her a traitor but she knew that Margret was just as hungry as she was. Rhianna knew better than to try and catch Kerri out so she got up and went to the outhouse and did her business. She was out of chips and she was starving but she resisted the urge to plead for Kerri's mercy and beg for food. Kerri knew that she had to be hungry and maybe that would be the break that Rhianna needed, so she went to the shower and drank lots more water but it didn't stop the growling of her stomach. When she got back to the porch, she again pleaded her case to a silent Kerri. By afternoon, she was hot and extremely hungry and she was beginning to question her own sanity for keeping this up. Margret was going from her to Kerri and back again and she seemed confused by the strange behavior. Rhianna could understand poor Margret's confusion as she felt it herself. Later that evening, Rhianna was about to the point of walking down to Aliza's place and get something to eat. She figured that she could stay in the middle of the road and if Kerri tried to leave, she could stand there and not let her pass. Then the more she thought about it the more stupid it sounded. Plus she didn't want to bring Aliza into this if she could help it. The only thing was that Rhianna knew that she had to get some food soon. She knew that if Kerri didn't come out by morning, she would be forced to leave and get some food. She sat there crying when she heard Margret coming around the corner of the cabin and she was holding a paper bag in her mouth. She called Margret over and she took the bag. Her fingers were shaking from hunger as she opened the bag and she found something wrapped up in foil. She reached in and opened it up and found that Kerri had made her a sandwich. She quickly tore into the sandwich and she ate it down. Nothing had tasted better in her life.

"Thank you." Rhianna called through the door of the cabin. She was still hungry but at least the sandwich eased the growling of her stomach.

The next morning when she woke up, she found a thermos of coffee on the edge of the porch and she saw a covered plate of food. At first she was scared that Kerri had slipped off on her during the night but then she saw that her Escape was still in the driveway and she could hear Kerri inside of the cabin walking around.

"Thank you Kerri." Rhianna called into the cabin and she started to say that she was sorry again and that she just wanted to talk but she changed her mind. Kerri was beginning to soften and she decided to wait her out just a little longer. That evening, Margret again came around the cabin with a paper bag that contained another sandwich. The next morning, she was awakened by stick breaking. She started to open her eyes but then she heard some soft footsteps. She lay there quietly and she let her eyes open just a slit. She could just make out Kerri carrying another thermos of coffee and another plate of food. She figured that Kerri would place the items down and leave but she didn't. After leaving the food, Kerri stepped back and she stood there looking at her. Rhianna could just make out Kerri's face in the early dawn light. She could see how lined her face was and just how sad that she looked. Then what Kerri did next almost broke Rhianna's heart and made her feel good at the same time. Kerri brought her right hand up to her face and she wiped the tears that Rhianna could now see were running down her cheeks. Rhianna wanted to jump up and go to her but something deep inside her told her that it wasn't the time to do that yet. So she waited until Kerri went back into the cabin through the back door, then she got up and she uncovered the meal that Kerri had made for her. This morning, she had made her eggs, bacon and toast. Rhianna tore into the eggs and bacon before she opened the coffee and had her first cup of the day. Both of them stayed in their respective prisons that day.

The next morning when Rhianna opened her eyes, she didn't see any thermos of coffee or any food waiting for her. She became scared all over again but then she heard the squeak of the porch swing. She was about half afraid to look over but she knew she had to. She slowly turned her head and she saw Kerri sitting on the swing holding out a mug of coffee for her.

"It's time for us to have a talk." Kerri said softly.

Rhianna wanted to scream that the time to talk was days ago and then they wouldn't have had to play out this silly game for all these days but then she saw the pain in Kerri's eyes and she knew that it was time for her to keep her mouth shut and listen.

"Okay," Rhianna said as she got up and took the mug of coffee offered to her. She took a sip and then she sat down on the swing with Kerri. She looked into Kerri's eyes and then her facial expression and she felt like Kerri was trying to come to some decision. Kerri averted her eyes and she looked off into the mountains and Rhianna sat there patiently waiting for Kerri to make whatever decision she was trying to make. Then a sort of peace came to Kerri's face and she turned back so that she was facing Rhianna.

"There's something that you need to read. Stay here and I'll be right back." Kerri told her and then she got up quickly and went into the cabin.

Rhianna sat there sipping and wondering just what Kerri wanted her to read. She then heard Kerri moving about in the cabin and she wanted to get up and see just what she was looking for. Just about the time that Rhianna could wait no longer, Kerri came out of the cabin carrying a big binder of paper and she also had an overnight bag that she set down on the porch.

"I want you to read this carefully and think about what's in there. I'm going to go away for a few days so that you can concentrate on what is in those pages." Kerri said as she handed Rhianna the binder and she picked up her bag.

"Are you coming back?" Rhianna asked.

"Yes honey, I'm coming back but the question is whether you will be here when I do." Kerri said and Rhianna could see the fear in her eyes as she said that.

"Of course I'll be here, I love you." Rhianna told her.

"You may not after you read that." Kerri said and then she ran to her Escape and got in before Rhianna could say anything.

Margret came to her and they both watched as Kerri backed out and headed down the road. Rhianna could see that Kerri was crying as she left and that made her cry. She sat there for a minute crying as she petted Margret. Then she opened the binder and she read the title of the book that Kerri had given her. The title was "Falling from Grace". The next page was the forward to the book and it was just a short paragraph.

"This book is for all the people that I have hurt and also to the person that I hurt the most, my dear sweet Catherine. I'm so sorry."

Rhianna reread that paragraph and she found herself confused as far as she was knew, it was Dr. Conley who had hurt Kerri and not the other way around. She started to flip to the next page and then decided that she would go take a long shower and get the dried sweat that coated her body off, plus the fact that she had been sleeping with Margret laying against her, she knew that she had to be smelling quite rank about now. She had taken quick showers the past few days but she was afraid to take too much time for fear of Kerri getting away from her. The showers were more like rinse jobs than showers. So she got up and let Margret inside with her and she went to the bathroom. She stripped out of her dirty clothes and jumped into the shower. She washed off her body and hair and then she stayed under the shower spray until long after the warm water ran out. From there she put some food out for Margret and then she fixed herself some breakfast. She ate slowly and she thought about Kerri and what the book that she had given to her would reveal. Seeing how Kerri was afraid that she wouldn't love her anymore after reading it, Rhianna wonder just what Kerri had done to create such fear. She then washed up her dishes and poured herself a cup of coffee. She went out to the porch and picked up the binder and opened it to the first page.

"I wish I could blame all the things that I'm about to write about on Catherine. She is the one that made me go to New York in the first place, but that would be a lie. I'm the one to blame and not her. She did send me there alone but from that point on, I'm the only one that can be blamed for what happened there. But I guess I should get on with my story." Kerri wrote.

"My downfall started when Catherine told me that I was better off with a big publishing company that could really promote my books and not the small one that she worked at. She was about through her doctorate program and had planned on going to Europe for a year and then get a job teaching at a college somewhere. She had it all planned out. She would go to Europe and study and I would go to New York and get with the editor and publishing company that she had picked out for me. Then when she came back we would get back together and live wherever she got a job teaching. So we said goodbye and we went our own ways both thinking that in a year or so, we would be back together again."

"Leeann, my new editor, turned out to be a real nice lady. She was in her early forties and had two children, one four and the other seven. She helped me settle into a small apartment that she had secured for me. It was nice but that first night I had trouble sleeping with the noise of the city but eventually I did. The next day I started my new life in New York. I worked hard and then nervously explored the city on the weekends. All the people there both scared and excited me in a way. This was something all new to me. As time went on, I ventured farther and farther from my apartment and began to explore the night life. I would write to Catherine and tell her all the things that I was doing as she did me but with her being in Europe, it took a long time for the mail to reach each other. Email was still something new then and neither of us had access to it."

Rhianna read on as Kerri talked about the night clubs that she went to and the plays that she got to see. But then she started to talk about this lesbian bar that she had found. She liked the women there and she enjoyed talking to them, but she always refused their advances. But after she had been there for about six months she began to feel very lonely. Rhianna knew when she got to this point that Kerri's life was about to change and it wouldn't be a good change. She almost wanted to put the book down and not read any more but she had to know what had happened to her. Rhianna stopped reading for only a moment but then she had to know so she picked it back up and started to read again. Kerri then wrote about how she met a woman named Evita at the bar. She was a dark haired lady in her mid thirties and was very sure of herself. Kerri said that she talked to her a number of times but always resisted going home with her but eventually she had a weak moment and she left with Evita. She described the big beautiful apartment that Evita had and then she talked about how they sipped on some wine before Evita made her first move. She leaned over and Kerri said she wanted to jump up and leave but then she found herself leaning forward as she accepted Evita's kiss. Then she let Evita lead her into her bedroom where Evita undressed her and then she took her clothes off. Kerri then explained in imitate detail how Evita made love to her and Rhianna discovered where Kerri learned some of her lovemaking ability. Kerri spent the weekend with Evita and come Monday, she received a letter from Catherine. She was so overcome with guilt for what she had done with Evita that she couldn't open the letter and instead put it aside. But she vowed to never go back to the lesbian bar that she met Evita in. Unfortunately it was a vow that she was unable to keep as that Friday she was back at the bar and again she went home with Evita. She spent the next several weekends with Evita and she learned many new things about lovemaking, introducing her to the strap-on and also introducing her to anal sex as Evita loved to fuck Kerri in the ass. Rhianna could see that Evita was casting an evil spell over Kerri and for some reason Kerri was unable to resist her. Time went on and Evita introduced Kerri to more evil things as she convinced Kerri to snort some coke one night telling her that it would make the sex that they have even more intense. Again Kerri wanted to resist but again she gave in. Rhianna couldn't believe that her Kerri who was so strong willed could be at the same time so weak willed. When Kerri returned to her apartment on Monday, she was still flying high on coke and she sat down and wrote more on her book than she had ever written only to find on Tuesday when the coke was out of her body, that she had written mostly drivel and she had to redo it all. More letters came from Catherine but they were put aside unopened as Kerri couldn't overcome her guilt.

Rhianna read on as Kerri became more addicted to the coke that Evita was giving to her. As soon as she got to Evita's apartment, Evita would have it set out for her and she would have Kerri do a couple of lines to get things started. Kerri wrote how she wanted to leave Evita and stop doing the coke but there was something inside of her that she couldn't control and she admitted that she loved the sex that she was having with Evita. Kerri then went on to tell about how Evita had told her about a party that she was having, only Evita didn't mention that Kerri would be the main entertainment.

Kerri told how she arrived at Evita's apartment excited about finally meeting some of Evita's friends. When she got there, Evita introduced her to the four ladies sitting in her living room. They looked to be in their thirties and early forties and they all were looking her over very carefully. This, Kerri said, gave her the crepes but Evita then took her into the kitchen and gave her a couple of lines of coke. Kerri took it readily as she was very nervous. She said that the coke was much stronger than any that she had taken before and her mind became weak. She let Evita remove all her clothes and Evita then escorted her back into the living room. The women's eyes took in her body and she could feel that they were lusting after her. Evita then told her to go to each woman and she was to undress them and make love to them until they came. Kerri said that she looked back at Evita not believing what she had just told her to do. But she found no relieve from her orders as Evita pushed her toward the first woman.

This was slightly overweight but had a certain attractiveness to her and Kerri said that she held out her hand and helped the woman up. She then began to undress the woman as the woman's hands caressed her breasts and she reached down and fondle her pussy. When she had the woman undressed, the woman took her head into her hands and she kissed her hard. Then the woman pulled her head down to her breasts. Kerri grasped them in her hands and she squeezed them as she took the left nipple into her mouth. She sucked on the woman's breasts and she let her hands go down to the woman's plump pussy and she felt the wetness there as her fingers began to arouse the woman. After sucking and biting on the woman's nipples for a few minutes, the woman sat back down on the couch and she spread her legs out wide. Kerri wrote that she knew what the woman wanted her to do next so she got down on her knees and she opened the woman's pussy with her fingers. She then lowered her mouth to the pussy and she began to lick and suck on the woman's juices. They were bitterer than she had ever tasted on a woman before but that didn't stop her from sucking them up. Kerri then wrote that despite the circumstances, she found that she was getting aroused knowing that she was making love to a woman while four other women looked on. When this woman came, she let go with gob of white girlcum that Kerri sucked up quickly.

Kerri then stood up and went to the next woman and helped her up. As she undressed this woman, the woman reached down and pinched her nipples hard causing Kerri to cry out in pain but she also felt her pussy spasm with excitement. She undressed her and she made love to her like she did the first one, making her cum quickly as this woman was already close to an orgasm before she even got to her. The third seem very passive as Kerri undressed her but that changed quickly. She grabbed Kerri once she was undressed and kissed her hard. She then dropped to the floor and she lay down on her back. She put her hands behind her knees and she drew her legs up exposing her pussy and asshole to Kerri. She then told Kerri to lick her asshole and to lick it well. Kerri wrote that she got down on the floor and she put her hands on the woman's ass cheeks and she opened them up wide. She then stuck out her tongue and she began to lick around the asshole of the woman. She got it nice and slippery and then she stuck her tongue inside. She licked and fucked the woman's asshole with her tongue for what seemed forever before the woman grabbed her head and pressed it to her pussy. Kerri then licked up the juices there before going to the woman's huge clit and she sucked and licked it until the woman came. The next woman had her quickly undress her and then she got down on her knees and pushed her ass up in the air. Kerri knew what the woman wanted so she got on her knees and she licked and fucked this woman's asshole and pussy until she came hard. Kerri wrote that her tongue was getting tired by this time but then Evita called her over to her. Kerri saw that Evita was already undressed and she had her legs spread out wide. Kerri wrote that she went to her and she began to lick on her juice pussy. She said that she heard movement on the room but Evita had her head in her hands and she couldn't see what was going on.

Then she felt someone behind her and she felt something hard at the entrance of her pussy. Before she could prepare herself she felt the fake cock being pushed hard into her pussy. She felt hands on her hips and then as she licked on Evita's pussy, one of the women was fucking her pussy hard. She let out a groan into Evita's pussy as the woman drove the cock in and out of her pussy. The woman fucking her wasn't gentle at all and she called her a slut, cunt and whore as she fucked her. Kerri wrote that her face was being driven into Evita's pussy on every stroke and she had a hard time licking and sucking on Evita's pussy as she was being fucked. Soon she felt an orgasm coming at her and she came hard. Somehow she kept on licking Evita as she enjoyed her climax. When she came back to her senses, she felt different woman behind her and this time the fake cock was placed at her asshole. She barely had time to relax her asshole when she felt the cock was pushed deep into her asshole. She let out another groan as she felt her asshole being stretched to the limit. This woman fucked her a little easier but not much easier. Kerri then felt someone crawling underneath her and she felt a mouth on her pussy. This caused her to moan and she tried her best to keep licking at Evita's pussy. Evita had already cum a couple of times but she still held Kerri's face to her pussy. Kerri said she soon felt herself coming to another orgasm and she felt herself go so weak when it was over with. She felt the cock come out of her asshole and then the forth woman got behind her and started to fuck her pussy again. She was just as rough as the first one and she could feel her pussy getting sore but she knew that these women didn't care. This woman fucked her hard and long and didn't stop until she came once again. It was only then that Evita pushed her away from her pussy.

Kerri wrote that she thought that she was going to finally get a rest but then she saw that Evita was putting on a strap-on. Kerri said that she was moved to where one of the women was laying on the floor and was wearing a strap-on. She was placed over it and then pushed down. She felt the cock penetrate her pussy and she cried out as it was a large wide cock. She was then pushed forward and she looked back to see that Evita was getting on her knees behind of her. She then felt Evita's cock at her asshole and then Evita pushed it deep into her ass. Kerri felt like she was being split in two by the two cocks. She had never been double penetrated before and she wasn't sure that she liked it but she wasn't in a position to say anything. Evita and the other woman soon got into a rhythm where when Evita pulled out of her asshole the other woman was pushing her cock into her pussy. Kerri tried not to become arouse but the two cocks were too much for her and soon she was cumming despite herself. The woman kept on fucking her until she came yet again and then they withdrew their cocks and Kerri said all she could do was to lay there and rest. The woman got up and got some wine and they sipped on it as Kerri rested curled up on the floor. Kerri said her pussy and asshole were sore but she felt satisfied and the coke that was in her brain was making her feel very mellow and compliant.

Then Kerri said she heard Evita say that she had to pee and the women joined in saying that they had to also and they said it excitedly. Kerri in her state couldn't understand why this was exciting and then Evita called to her and told her to come to the bathroom. Kerri wrote that she started to say that she didn't have to pee but she got up and went to the bathroom where the women were all gathered and they had a gleam in their eyes. Kerri didn't understand what was going on until Evita told her to get into the bathtub. Kerri wrote that then she knew why the women were so excited. Kerri told Evita that she wasn't into water games but Evita's reply was that it was okay as they were and to get into the tub and lay down. Kerri said that she protested but Evita and the heavyset woman grabbed her and put her into the bathtub. They made her lay down and then Evita stepped into the tub. Kerri watched as Evita pried her pussy lips apart and the she bent her knees a bit. Evita then let her pee go. It first hit her stomach and Evita directed her pee up Kerri's body to her breasts and finally to her face and Evita told her to keep her mouth open. Kerri knew that she had sunk down as low as she could possibility go and she let all the women coat her body and hair in their pee. She then had to lick them all clean before she was allowed to shower and get the pee off her body. She wrote that she cried the whole time that she showered. When she got out of the shower, Evita had another line of coke for her to snort and when she hit her high, she was led back to the women and it started all over again. She wrote that she spent the weekend being the women's whore and they did things to her that she never dreamed that she would ever do.

Rhianna put down Kerri's book and she couldn't believe that this was the Kerri that she knew. She let herself be the whore for these women and let them use her anyway that they wanted. She knew that the coke that Evita had her now hooked on played a big part but even with that, Kerri was a willing victim. For the first time she began to dislike Kerri and that was something that she had never thought that she could do. Suddenly Kerri wasn't such the hero to her as she once was. However, there was something else that bothered her and that was what she felt as she read the explicit account of Kerri's ordeal and that was that Rhianna found that her panties were wet and she was very aroused. She put the book down and she decided that she needed to go for a walk and clear her mind. She had spent most of the day reading and she still had a long way to go. She called for Margret and they went down to Aliza's cabin. She played with Aliza's girls as Aliza went shopping. She was glad to help Aliza out and playing with the girls took her mind off of Kerri's book.

The next morning, she picked up Kerri's book and started to read how Kerri just kept on going downward. Coke and alcohol seemed to be her best friends and she did manage to keep writing which Rhianna couldn't believe but as that first year turned to the second year in New York, Kerri's output was lessened. She wrote only when she was straight and that was only three to four days a week. Kerri kept up her relationship with Evita but she also ventured out to other women. Some were nice to her and some were not so nice. As she entered into her third year, which Rhianna knew now that Kerri had lied to her about how long she was in Ney York as it was obviously longer than two years. Kerri began to mention how Leeann was becoming concerned for her. She checked on her more often and she tried to find out what was changing Kerri but as Rhianna knew, it was hard to get inside of Kerri when she didn't want you there. It was late evening when Rhianna got to Kerri's forth year. She was tired of reading but she was down to the last part of the book and she had to know what happened in the end. So she stopped reading only long enough to eat and take a shower. Then she went to bed, taking the book with her.

Kerri started to mention a girl by the name of Abbey. She was a girl about Kerri's age and seemed to be nice but the problem was that Kerri had met her through Evita and Abbey was just as much hooked on coke as Kerri was. But she was more submissive than Kerri was, if that was possible. It was Abbey that first introduced Kerri to heroin. Rhianna couldn't believe that Kerri would even think about trying such a hard drug. Leeann stepped in about this time and she started to really get on Kerri about her writing and how poor what she turned in was, if she turned anything at all in. But Kerri wouldn't listen to her and she let the drugs and sex rule her life. These were the only things that she thought about. Leeann held back some of the money that Kerri was still earning from her books so that Kerri wouldn't waste it on the drugs that Leeann knew she was on. Leeann tried to get help for Kerri but she just brushed her aside. Rhianna wanted to go back in time and shake some sense into Kerri. Abbey had moved in with Kerri and was her full time lover and also her source for the drugs that they were taking.

Leeann finally had enough and she had a meeting with Kerri and flat out told her that she had to straighten out her life or Leeann would be forced to drop her as one of the company's authors. Kerri just laughed at her and told her to go fuck herself. Of course, she was high as a kite and she didn't care what Leeann did. Kerri then stopped by Evita's place and got some coke using the last of her money to pay for it. She went on home, hoping to get on another high and forget about that bitch Leeann. When she opened the door, she called out to Abbey but she got no response. She went on into the bedroom and she found Abbey lying naked on the bed. Kerri stripped out of her clothes and jumped onto the bed with Abbey and she kissed her hard as she was horny as hell and needed some relief. Kerri pressed her lips hard against Abbey's lips and they felt cold and Kerri felt her heart drop. She jumped up and she was suddenly sober as she looked down at Abbey's lifeless body. Kerri wrote that it was only then that she saw the needle sticking out of Abbey's arm and she knew that her friend and lover was dead. Kerri wrote that she let out a scream and then she called the one person who she knew would help her. She called Leeann. Rhianna was thankful that for once in her four years in New York, she actually did something right. Leeann came quickly and when she got there, she hugged Kerri in her arms as she cried. She then did something that surprised Rhianna as she wouldn't let Kerri get rid of all the drugs before she called the police. She calmly told Kerri that judgment day had arrived for her and it was time she faced up to what she had done to herself and to everyone else in her life. The police got there and then the medical examiner. It didn't take the police long to find the coke and heroin and Kerri was arrested for procession. She wasn't arrested for Abbey's death as she was in Leeann's office when Abbey had OD'd.

Leeann got Kerri a lawyer and she helped her though the questioning. The lawyer got the police to drop the charges if Kerri would tell all she knew about Evita and her source of drugs and also if Kerri would go to rehab. Kerri looked to Leeann and Leeann told her that if she didn't agree to both, she and the lawyer she had hired would walk out of the room right then. Kerri knew that she didn't have any choice so she started to talk. The police got what they wanted and that was the names of the pushers and also got some information on Evita as Kerri wasn't the first girl that she had gotten hooked on drugs and then forced her to do her bidding. When Kerri wasn't with the police, she was with Leeann as Leeann wouldn't let her out of her sight until she was safely inside of a rehab center. Leeann got her into one of the best rehab places in the country as they got their patients off the drugs and then they treated the addictive behavior of the patient.

Leeann dropped Kerri off at the rehab center with another warning, she was to get well or get the hell out of her life. This was the last thing that she would ever do for her. It took Kerri a month to get the drugs completely out of her system and she wasn't a good patient. She cussed all the doctors and nurses that were there to help her but they had seen it all before and didn't pay any attention to what Kerri called them. When Kerri realized that she wasn't getting anywhere with the doctors and nurses, she turned her venom on Leeann, calling her every chance she could get and calling her everything but a milk cow one minute then she turned on the sweetness and begged Leeann to get her out of there. Neither worked and Kerri was back to cussing Leeann out. Rhianna wondered why Leeann would take it but then from what she had seen of Leeann at the book show, she knew that she was someone that cared deeply about people that she loved and she did love Kerri, loved her enough to make her stay and get better. Once the drugs left her body, Kerri was left to deal with the pain that she had caused. She thought about Catherine and the letters that she put aside unopened until they stopped coming. She thought about Leeann and the trouble that she caused her and also about her fans, who she felt that she had let down.

This is where the doctors and nurses did their best work. They had healed Kerri's body and then they started on her mind. They showed her how she would always be an addict but she could move that addiction to writing and let that be her passion as it once was. When three months was up, the doctors said that she could go if she liked but that there would be hard times ahead. Kerri called Leeann and she made Leeann come and see her. When she got there, Kerri talked to her about leaving and Leeann told her that she should stay another three months. She wanted her to be as well as she could be and also that would give her time to find Kerri a place to live, somewhere far away from New York as she could get. Kerri thought about it for a while and agreed but she then realized that she didn't have any money left; she had spent it all on drugs and stuff. It was then that Leeann told her that she had held back most of her money while she was in New York. She told her that she could see that Kerri was going downward and when she hit bottom, Leeann wanted her to have something left when she got back on her feet. Leeann told her that she actually still had a few million left in the bank. Her books were selling like hotcakes and she was actually a rich woman. Kerri wrote that she looked Leeann straight in the eye and call her a bitch but this time it was with genuine affection. It was at this point that Leeann became "the bitch" to Kerri.

Kerri finished the book by telling how she finished out the last three months of her rehab by writing this book so that she could get it out of her system for once and all. On the day that Kerri got out, she made Leeann take her to Abbey's grave and she put some flowers on her grave and then she and Leeann hopped on the company's plane and they went to Tennessee and to Kerri's new home. Leeann stayed with her for a week setting up Kerri's satellite system that had internet which was new and expensive but worth it for both of their piece of minds.

Rhianna then put the book down and she tried to sleep but she couldn't. Her mind was going a mile a minute as she thought about Kerri and all that she had gone through. The part that she couldn't get right in her mind was the two different Kerri's that she now knew. The one she fell in love with, which was the present Kerri and the one she read about in Kerri's book. They were so different that Rhianna couldn't believe they were the same person but yet they were. Rhianna worked it around her mind as she walked around the cabin. She made a pot of coffee and continued to think about Kerri of the past and the one she knew now. Once the coffee was made, she went out on the porch and she sipped on her coffee as she let her mind think. The moon was full and she could see the mountains perfectly. As she thought, something inside of it began to come to her. She explored the idea that was forming in her mind and she realized that the person that she loved so much now was a product of the Kerri that was of the past. They were one and the same, it was just that Kerri of today had learned from her past and instead of letting it destroy her, it made her stronger. It was then that Rhianna started to cry for all that Kerri had been through and she cried because she wanted her home so that she could love her even more. She knew why Kerri did some of the things that she did and why she had the fear of going to Chicago. It was in a big city that she was not prepared for, that was her downfall and she feared going back to a place like that. Rhianna wanted to go get her cell phone and tell Kerri to come back home but she knew that Kerri had a few demons left to battle and she would have to wait for her to come home on her own.

It was another two days before Kerri would return and Rhianna was left to find ways to keep her mind occupied. So she worked on the cabin, getting it clean as Kerri had let it go down after Rhianna had tried to get Kerri and Dr. Conley to meet. She still had some questions about that but they would have to wait. She cleaned everything that she could find to clean and she washed load after load of clothes. It was just getting hot outside so it didn't take long for the clothes to dry out on the line. She also took Margret on lots of walks through the woods. Rhianna was out hanging up sheets from the bed when she heard Margret barking excitedly and she heard a car door slam shut. She dropped the sheet on the ground and she ran through the cabin to get to her.

When Rhianna burst through the front door she saw Kerri down on her knees ruffling up Margret's fur and loving on her. Rhianna stopped there for a moment and she let Kerri love on her dog for a moment and then she saw Kerri look up and she locked eyes with her. Rhianna made a hesitant step toward Kerri and she watched as Kerri stood up. Their eyes locked and they both had questions in their eyes that needed to be answered. Rhianna decided that she would answer Kerri's question first. She took another step and then she jumped off the porch skipping the three steps and when she hit the ground she was running toward Kerri. She felt the tears running down her cheeks as she ran and in a few short steps she was face to face to Kerri. She hesitated for only a second before she opened her arms and she pulled Kerri in tight.

"I still love you, I love you with all my heart!" Rhianna told her as she raised her head to kiss Kerri who accepted her kiss and she felt Kerri's tears hit her cheek. The kiss was long and sweet and Rhianna felt her heart burst with love at having Kerri again.

"I think we need to talk." Kerri told her as she ended the kiss.

"The last time you told me that, you threw a book at me and then left me alone for four days." Rhianna said in a kidding manner.

Kerri gave out a little laugh and then she said, "I'm not going anywhere this time, I promise. But I know that you have a lot of questions and I think now is the time to answer them."

"They can wait, I know you must be tired and need something to eat. I'll fix you something." Rhianna told Kerri.

"No, I want to answer them now. I want to get this over and done with so that we can decide where we go from here." Kerri told her.

Rhianna then knew that Kerri was all business and she wasn't going to change her mind but she did want to put a end to the "Where we go from here thing" right then so she told Kerri, "Where we go from here was decided long before I read that damn book of yours."

"Still, I want to talk about it." Kerri said and then she broke away from Rhianna and started toward the cabin.

"Damn you girl!" Rhianna said half under her breath and then she saw that Kerri's head turn back toward her and she realized that she had said it just a touch too loud. "Sorry," Rhianna added.

"That's okay; you want a glass of tea while we talk." Kerri said as she got to the top of the stairs of the porch.

"Yea sure, that'll be fine." Rhianna said as she got to the porch and resigned herself to having the talk that she wanted to put off until they had some time together.

"So hit me with your questions, I know that you must have plenty." Kerri said as she sat down on the swing with Rhianna.

"I do but they are so jumbled in my mind that I don't know where to start." Rhianna told her as she took a sip of her tea.

"Start with the most obvious one and we'll go from there." Kerri told her.

Rhianna thought for only a second and then she spit out the first question that came to her mind, "Why in the fuck did you ever snort that first line of coke. You know better than that. That was what I didn't understand."

"I could give you a lot of excuses but they all would be just that, excuses. I was stupid and dumb and crazy and any other adjective you would like to use. But to understand it you have to know where I was. I was in a big city far from home. I was lonely and afraid. Then along came Evita and she was beautiful and very pervasive, no she was extremely pervasive and I found that I wanted to please her. You see that there is a very submissive side to me that I don't show but it is there. She found that side and she used it against me. She also quickly found out how much I love sex and she used that against me too. I just didn't see it then. I was young and wanted to please so I did."

"That is what confused me, you seem so strong and dominate and seeing the other side of you took me aback." Rhianna told her.

"That's because you also have a submissive side and you want to please. And I learned to be more assertive at rehab and that is the part of me that you have seen." Kerri told her.

"What about the things that she made you do? Did you enjoy them?" Rhianna asked.

"You're talking about the sex she made me have with all those other women?" Kerri asked.

"Yes, I mean I couldn't believe that you let them fuck you like they did and you then let them piss on you. How could you do that and how could you say that you liked it." Rhianna asked.

"I didn't like how I had to do those things at first but you know that I was high at the time and also that I was so into sex. The pissing part was terrible at first but then it grew on me. I know that it sounds sick but that's the case. Think about it for a moment. When you make me cum, I sometimes let some pee come out and you suck it right up and it doesn't bother you so what would be the difference if I actually peed on you?" Kerri asked.

Rhianna wanted to say that it was a big difference but before she replied, she let her mind mull it over and she knew that if Kerri asked to do that to her, she would consider it. So that made her not so much different from Kerri. "Okay you got me on that point. I guess if you asked me to do it, I would probably refuse you at first but in the end, I may just try it once. So let's move on to something else.'

"Okay, shoot." Kerri said.

"Why did you lie to me about you and Dr. Conley? All this time, I had thought that she was the one that had hurt you and I hated her for that but now I know it was the other way around, you hurt her. And the timing was all wrong, you had said that you were in New York for two years but it was closer to four." Rhianna asked.

"Because that was something that I wasn't very proud of and I didn't want anyone to know about, even you. When you asked me that day I was stuck with giving you an answer. So I lied. And I lied about the timing as it fit with the other lie." Kerri told her and Rhianna could see the hurt in her eyes.

"But what about the letter that you gave me from Dr. Conley?" Rhianna asked.

"I typed that out when you went off to try and figure out what your feelings were about me after I had made love to you. I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it but then it became obvious that I needed it. If you notice that the letter is typed written and Catherine typed her name, something she would never do in reality." Kerri told her.

"It was wrong to do that to me! You should have told me the truth!" Rhianna said feeling the anger rising up within her.

"It was my life and I did what I thought was best at the time. I wasn't proud of what happened to me and it had no bearing on us." Kerri told her.

"The hell it didn't! It had everything to do with us. Your past is my past!" Rhianna told her.

"Man you are so full of shit, you know that. My past is my past and it has nothing to do with you or us, if there is an us." Kerri told her and Rhianna saw that she was getting angry too.

"Now you're the one who is piling on the shit but the sad part is that you believe what you are saying. You haven't learned a God Damn thing from your past have you? You are just as stupid now as you were then and that's sad." Rhianna said as she got up from the swing as she was feeling so much anger toward Kerri that she had to step away from her.

"What do you want from me girl! I showed you my past so you will know the real me, the drug addict, the slut, the whore that I really am." Kerri said as she too stood up and as she said those last words, Rhianna could hear Kerri's voice cracking.

"You want to know what I want from you?" Rhianna turned toward Kerri and she saw that Kerri was on the edge.

"Yes I do." Kerri said in half a whisper.

Rhianna rushed to Kerri and she put her hands to her blouse and she tore it open revealing Kerri's bare breasts. "This is not what I'm after." She said as she grabbed Kerri's breasts in her hands none to gently. "This is what I want from you, this and only this." Rhianna said as she placed her right hand just under Kerri's left breast where her heart was.

"I don't know that I can. I don't know how to do that." Kerri said as the tears began to fall.

"But you have already started; you did that the moment that you handed me that book of yours. I'll help you with the rest if you'll let me. You just need to let me see all of you; let me see the flaws and the scars. Don't you see that they are all a part of the woman that I love?" Rhianna said as she lowered her head and she placed a kiss under Kerri's left breast.

"I'm afraid that you won't like me if you see what I'm really am." Kerri said.

"And what do you think that you are?" Rhianna asked as she looked into Kerri's eyes.

Kerri looked into Rhianna's eyes for only a moment then she looked away as she said, "I told you already. I'm a slut, whore, addict, and maybe a murderer when I let Abbey die."

"Oh god Kerri, you're none of those things. You didn't cause Abbey's death, if anyone did, it was Evita. You're probably the only good thing that ever happened to that poor girl. And as far as those other things, if you are those things then so am I. You name what you want me to do and I'll do it. You know that of me, you said before that I had a submissive side and that makes me do anything to please you and I mean that. I made our bet so it would work out for me to do as you wanted. Hell I probably would let you pee on me if you wanted to. I don't care as long as it makes you happy." Rhianna said and then she got an idea, one she didn't really look forward to but she had to make a point and she had to now.

Rhianna stripped off her clothes and she dropped down to her knees. She put her hands to the sides of Kerri's shorts. She pulled them down without bothering to unsnap them. She then placed her hands on Kerri's ass and pulled her in close so that her face was at Kerri's pussy. She took a long lick and then she sucked on Kerri's clit for a moment getting Kerri slightly wet. She looked up into Kerri's eyes and saw the shock on Kerri's face and then she shocked her even more.

"Pee on me!" Rhianna practically screamed at her.

"No, don't do this. You don't have to do this. Get up now." Kerri said crying as she reached down to pull her up but Rhianna knocked her hands aside.

"No, pee, god damn it. I want you to pee on me now. Do it, you fucking whore!" Rhianna screamed at her and she saw the anger come to Kerri's face.

Rhianna then took her hands off Kerri's ass and she placed them on Kerri's pussy lips and she pulled them open. "Well you going to piss bitch or don't you have the guts that I thought that you did." Rhianna said to her.

"You asked for it you stupid bitch!" Kerri said and Rhianna saw her start to concentrate on trying to pee so she prepared herself .

She knew if she was going to do this then she had to go all the way, so she opened her mouth and she placed it over Kerri's pussy. It took a second and then she felt a drop of liquid drop onto her tongue. She tried not to think about what Kerri was doing but then she thought about how Kerri was right, she had already drank Kerri's pee when she had cum so this wasn't any different. She then felt more of Kerri's pee come out and she sucked it up. Then when the flow really started to flow she leaned back so that Kerri could see her take her pee into her mouth and drink it. Then she leaned on back and let her pee hit her chest and run down her body. The pee kept coming and Rhianna let her head drop so that Kerri was now peeing on her head, soaking her head. Kerri must have really had to pee as it kept coming and Rhianna let it run all over her body. Then as it slowed to a dribble, Rhianna moved her mouth back to Kerri's pussy and she licked up the last drops of her pee.

Rhianna then stood up and she looked Kerri in the eyes and said, "Now I'm your whore, no better than you and no worse."

Kerri started to cry as she said, "You didn't have to do that."

"Yes I did. I can't have you thinking that you are something worse than I am because you're not." Rhianna said.

"Then I can't either." Kerri said as she dropped to her knees.

"No..." Rhianna was saying when Kerri looked up at her with an expression that said not to argue.

Rhianna looked down as she felt Kerri kiss her belly just above her pussy and the she began to lick up some of her own pee that was still there. Rhianna couldn't believe how erotic that looked and felt and she felt herself becoming aroused and she felt the moisture come to her pussy. Kerri licked her way on down and when she got to her pussy, Rhianna felt her open up her lips with her fingers and she licked for a moment. Then she stopped as she waited for Rhianna to start. This proved harder than Rhianna would have thought and having Kerri's mouth on her pussy made it hard to think about peeing. She kept her mind on her bladder and soon she felt it relax. The first few drops came out and she felt Kerri begin to suck. The pee came stronger and she found that she really had to go. She looked down as Kerri first sucked up her pee then she leaned back. Rhianna watched as the pee came out of her body and into Kerri's open mouth. Kerri then leaned back and Rhianna watched as her pee splashed off of Kerri's chest and then it ran down her body. Then as she was getting near the end of her stream, Kerri dipped her head down and Rhianna's pee soaked her hair. When her pee ended, Kerri leaned forward and she began to lick Rhianna's pussy lips and that made her moan from the pleasure that it was giving her. But Kerri stopped before Rhianna could get even close to an orgasm.

"Oh god what have we done?" Kerri asked not really to anyone as she got up.

"The way I figure it we have done one of two things." Rhianna said seriously.

"What's that?" Kerri asked and Rhianna could still see that Kerri was bothered by what they had done to each other.

"Either we have proved that we're both whores or we have proved that we are the stupidest bitches this side of the Mississippi." Rhianna said simply and she watched as Kerri thought that through. Slowly a smile began to creep upon Kerri's face and then she burst out laughing. Rhianna started to laugh with her and she pulled Kerri to her as they laughed.

"I'm afraid that we have probably proved the latter." Kerri said as her laughter died down.

"I'm afraid that you're right." Rhianna said as she looked into Kerri's eyes and they both became silent as they both wondered where to take it from here. Rhianna wanted Kerri to make the first move and after a long wait, she did. Rhianna felt Kerri's hand slide up her side and it stopped at the back of her neck. She then felt her head being pulled towards Kerri's and she closed her eyes as Kerri's lips touched hers. She first tasted her salty pee on Kerri's lips and then she just tasted Kerri's sweet mouth on hers. It was a soft kiss and they kept their lips closed for a few moments before Rhianna slowly began to open her mouth and Kerri followed along. She eased her tongue into Kerri's mouth and she felt Kerri suck on it and she let out a moan. Rhianna gripped Kerri's shoulders in her hands and she held her in tight. Slowly the kiss ended and they laid their heads on each other's shoulders. They stood there and held each other tight. They stood there for a long time with neither one willing to let the other go. They both had been through too much and they needed to be held and to hold. But the afternoon heat began to have an effect on their pee and sweat soaked bodies.

"You know you're beginning to stink." Kerri said over Rhianna's shoulder.

"I wonder why." Rhianna asked with a little giggle.

"Maybe because you haven't bothered to bathe in a while." Kerri said and Rhianna could feel Kerri's body shake as she tried not to laugh.

"Or it could be because I'm covered in your pee." Rhianna replied.

"I guess it could be that too." Kerri said and now she was giggling.

"We could go and take a shower." Rhianna suggested but she didn't lessen her grip on Kerri's body.

"Yes we could and should." Kerri said but she also didn't stop hugging Rhianna.

"You know we are going to have to let each other go, if we are going to shower." Rhianna said but she still didn't release Kerri from her hold.

"I know but I just don't ever want to let you go." Kerri said and Rhianna felt her grip her even tighter, almost to the point that she couldn't breathe.

Rhianna waited until Kerri eased her grip on her before she eased her grip on Kerri and she lifted her head from Kerri's shoulder. Kerri slowly raised her head and when she was looking Rhianna in the eyes, Rhianna told her, "You won't have to as I'm never letting you go. I've got you now and you aren't ever going to get away from me." She then gave Kerri a light kiss.

"You know we still have lots to talk about." Kerri told her.

"I know and we will." Rhianna told her.

"But you know what I want to do more than anything right now?" Kerri asked.

"What baby?" Rhianna asked.

"Sleep, I haven't gotten much sleep these past four days worrying about what you would think of me when I got home, or if you would even be here when I got home." Kerri told her.

"Well you shouldn't have worried. I was going to be here no matter what I read in that book. Nothing was going to change the fact that I love you." Rhianna told her.

"You you see me differently now, don't you?" Kerri asked.

"Yes I do, but that is because I know more about you now. I always knew that you were hiding something behind those pretty eyes of yours; I just didn't know what it was. Now I do and that helps me to understand you. From the day I met you until today, I have been changing the way I looked at you and I will continue to do so for as long as I'm alive. Just as you will see me differently as each day passes. You now know that I do stupid things and stick my nose into places I think it belongs and where others may not think so. That's something that you are just going to have to get used to and prepare yourself for." Rhianna said with a smile.

"Oh I figured that out long before all of this happened. It was you that got me to go to that damn show last year and who promised that I would go to Denver this year for the show." Kerri said with a frown.

"But I'm worth the trouble aren't I?" Rhianna asked hoping for the right answer but she got one she didn't expect.

"Not if you don't start taking a damn shower!" Kerri said and then she broke away from Rhianna before she could do anything.

"You little bitch!" Rhianna screamed as she lunged for Kerri but Kerri jumped off the porch and headed for the yard laughing as Rhianna gave chase. They ran around the yard naked and laughing as Margret barked and ran with them. Kerri escaped Rhianna grasp a number of times before she tried out and she let Rhianna catch her.

"What am I going to do with you?" Rhianna said out of breath as she held onto Kerri.

"Give me a bath and put me to bed?" Kerri asked.

"That wasn't what I had in mind but I guess I can do that." Rhianna said smiling and then she gave Kerri a quick kiss before leading her to the shower. She let Kerri soak under the cold water as she ran and got the soap and shampoo. When their showers were done, she put Kerri to bed and lay with her until she was asleep which didn't take long at all. Rhianna then slipped from the bed and she watched Kerri sleep for a moment, then she went out and got the sheet that she had dropped when Kerri had came home. She rewashed it and she hung it out to dry as she took the other clothes down. Rhianna let Kerri sleep until she had supper ready and then she woke her with a gentle kiss. They took their food out on the porch and ate as the sun began to take it leave. They talked about the weather and things like that; they talked about everything but the book and Kerri's past life. It was only when they were laying in bed late that night did the conversation turn back to that subject.

"Are you mad at me for lying to you about Catherine?" Kerri asked.

"Yes..." Rhianna said and she hesitated for a moment before she continued. "I mean after I read your book I did see how wrong I was. I don't know if that would have changed anything. I might have done the same thing but for a different reason. I think that is something that you and Dr. Conley need to resolve but I'll leave for another time. I am mad at you about that but I have long since forgiven you but I do want to know how you two are friends with the ways things ended. I do want to know how you two became friends again. I don't understand how that happened."

"I'm sorry about that. I know I was wrong to do that and then treat you the way I did when I knew all along that you didn't know the whole story. And I do expect you to talk to me before you plan another reunion." Kerri asked as she waited for an answer.

"I will but one day I will begin to push again." Rhianna answered firmly letting Kerri know that while she wasn't going to forget about getting Kerri and Dr. Conley to meet for the moment, the subject wasn't closed by any means. "So now tell me how you became friends again."

"It seems that while I was in rehab, Leeann told me that Catherine had tried to get in contact with me. Leeann told me that she told Catherine that I had been sick for a long while and was getting some help. She sort of implied that had some mental problems and in a way it was the truth, it just wasn't all the truth." Kerri said and was about to go on when Rhianna spoke up before she could stop herself.

"There you go again, living behind half truths..." Rhianna said and then she felt Kerri's fingers on her lips.

"I know and I'm sorry about all of them but I can't put it all straight tonight, give me some time to work it out." Kerri told her.

"I'm sorry and I know you will and I'll help you." Rhianna said knowing that wasn't what Kerri wanted to hear but that was the way things were going to be and there wasn't a damn thing that Kerri could do about it.

"So anyway, I had been living here for about six weeks when I got a call from her. It was awkward at first but we managed to have a conversation with neither of us saying anything about my illness or the way things had ended for us. We just talked about her teaching at the University and about my books and that she said that she loved. From then on, we began to talk more and it was like we were both old friends. Then when she got email, we talked that way also. Then she had this stupid student who got the bright idea to write a paper about me for her class."

"And I haven't forgiven either of you for setting me up like that. First Dr. Conley calls you a fluff writer and that pissed me off and then you both conspired against me making me wait until the last possible moment to grant me the interview. If I'm pissed off at you for anything it should be that." Rhianna told her.

"Actually I thought that was Catherine's and mine finest moment." Kerri said and Rhianna could hear in her voice that she was smiling broadly.

"You would." Rhianna said as she poked Kerri in the ribs causing her to jump and cry out.

"What happened to Evita, if anyone she should have been punished for what she did to you." Rhianna asked.

"Actually she ended up with life in prison but not for what she did to me or Abbey, at least not directly. Once I told the cops everything that I knew, they started to work the other ladies and they began to talk. It turned out that she was one of the biggest importers of coke in the country. She was one of the people that the cops had been after for a long time, they just didn't know who she was until I came along. But then I didn't know it either, I just gave them my piece of the puzzle and happened to be the piece that completed the puzzle and they were able to see who the big coke imported was." Kerri told her.

"Did she try to get to you after she found out that you squealed on her?" Rhianna asked now concerned for Kerri.

"She never knew it was me. The cops told the other ladies that it was Abbey that had talked and when she OD'd, the link to me was lost. So there was no one for Evita to go after and since it was the other's ladies that lead the cops to Evita, she never knew that it was me that actually made her house of cards fall down."

"You know you got lucky on that point and it was good of the cops to protect you." Rhianna told her.

"Well Leeann and her lawyer should get most of the credit for protecting me." Kerri told her.

"You owe her big time, you know that." Rhianna said.

"Oh I know. It's a debt that I can never repay." Kerri told her.

"Yea and you go about trying to repay her by calling her a bitch all the time." Rhianna told her.

Kerri laughed big and then she said, "Hell, if I didn't call her a bitch at least once a day, she'd think that I didn't love her anymore."

Rhianna laughed and replied, "I guess that means that you don't love me since you don't call me a bitch every day."

"Oh I call you a bitch at least once a day; I just do it under my breath so you won't hear me." Kerri said laughing even harder.

"You probably do, you little shit." Rhianna said as she poked Kerri in the stomach gently.

"Next question." Kerri said after they had stopped laughing and poking at each other. Rhianna was getting tired but she could sense that Kerri was in the mood to talk and she didn't want to stop her now. She knew that in a way this was long overdue therapy for Kerri so she decided to ask her more of a general question and see if Kerri would just start to let it all out.

"Why did you go to the lesbian bar?" Rhianna asked.

Kerri thought for a minute and then she started to talk about the first few months in New York, how it was okay at first but then sitting in her apartment all day writing and then going to all the tourist places by herself. However it quickly started to get to her and Leeann had her own family to spend time with. She was just looking for a friend when she went into the bar for the first time. Rhianna listened carefully as Kerri began to fill in the details that she left out of the book. Rhianna would say something only when it was necessary or when she needed for Kerri to clarify something. When Kerri's throat got dry from talking, Rhianna got up and she made them a pot of coffee. She then found a couple of terry cloth robes and they went out on the porch and Rhianna got Kerri starting talking again. She began to understand everything a little better but she also had more questions so she asked them to keep Kerri going. One thing she learned that really surprised her more than anything was that she was Kerri's first lover since she had left New York. She wanted to ask her what she had done for companionship for that long but then given what she had been through; she could see why Kerri was hesitant to venture out into the dating scene. And when Rhianna had come along, she wasn't looking for a lover in her that was something that just happened. Kerri talked for most of the night and it was only after Rhianna had made them both some biscuits and gravy at about four in the morning and they had eaten did Kerri begin to tire out. By this time Rhianna was way beyond tired but she had hid it up to this point but with the biscuits and gravy sitting heavy in her stomach, she was at the end of her energy so when Kerri suggested bed, Rhianna was quick to grab onto the idea. They slipped into bed and Rhianna cuddle up close to Kerri and kissed her goodnight. Rhianna was just about to fall asleep when she felt Kerri turn in the bed. Rhianna settled back down beside of her when Kerri turned again.

"What's wrong baby?" Rhianna asked her.

"My mind is running a mile a minute, I just can't get relaxed." Kerri told her as she turned onto her back.

Rhianna knew what to do; she just hoped that Kerri was receptive to the idea. She moved up over Kerri and she kissed Kerri on the lips lightly. She felt Kerri's hands on her shoulders gently trying to push her off of her but Rhianna began to move down her body kissing her neck and then she went to Kerri's chest kissing the area between her breasts.

"No don't..." Kerri pleaded quietly and she kept the pressure on Rhianna's shoulders trying to push her off but there wasn't that much force behind her hands. Rhianna kissed around the inside edges of Kerri's breasts, not moving too fast as she wanted Kerri to gradually warm up.

"No Rhianna, I'm not ready yet, give me some more time, Please Rhianna... please..." Kerri told her as Rhianna moved her lips to Kerri's right nipple and she kissed it tenderly.

"Fuck you Rhianna, I said nooo..." Kerri was saying as Rhianna sucked the nipple into her mouth. "Oh goddd..." Kerri then cried out as Rhianna sucked harder on the nipple.

Rhianna moved her hands up to Kerri's breasts and she began to caress them and she felt Kerri move her legs up and wrap them around her hips. Rhianna pressed her hips down and she could feel Kerri's began to rub her pussy against she abdomen. Rhianna sucked a moment on this nipple and then the other one. Kerri was now moaning a little louder. The hands that were pushing her away were now gripping her tightly. Then they pushed downward and Rhianna went with what Kerri wanted. Rhianna moved on down Kerri's body and when she got to her pussy Kerri had her legs stretched out wide. Rhianna placed her fingers at the edge of Kerri's lips and she pulled them open. She lowered her head down and she began to lick up and down Kerri's slit. Kerri wasn't as wet as she normally was, but then this wasn't a normal situation. Rhianna used some of her own saliva to help get Kerri lubricated. But it didn't take her long to get Kerri to start to produce her own juices. Rhianna probed deep into Kerri's pussy with her tongue and she moved it around. She got Kerri moaning and she then went to her clit. She kissed it lightly and then she began to stroke it with her tongue. She felt Kerri lift her hips up and Rhianna covered Kerri's clit with her mouth. She sucked hard and she used her tongue to flick it.

"Oh fuckkk..." Kerri cried and she bucked her hips hard and Rhianna had to hold on to keep her mouth attached to Kerri's clit. She sucked and tickled the clit hard trying to get Kerri to cum. Rhianna moved her tongue hard against Kerri's clit and then she felt her start to buck hard. Then she felt the familiar rush of fluid hit her chin and she lowered her mouth to Kerri's pussy and she sucked it up. As Kerri's breathing slowed, Rhianna moved back up in the bed and she hugged Kerri tightly.

"Remind me tomorrow to be pissed off at you for doing that, I love you too much right now to be mad at you." Kerri told her sleepily.

The next morning, Kerri woke her up with a kiss and Rhianna saw that she had a smile on her face and not the frown that she had been wearing since she came back. However it was a sad smile all the same. Rhianna got up and she helped Kerri fix something to eat and then they began to talk again. And once Rhianna got her talking, she kept her talking as it seemed that as they talked the weight was slowly lifting off of Kerri's shoulders. It was like she had been holding it in all these years and it was time for it to come out and Rhianna was glad that Kerri had chosen her to tell her story to but then again, she kind of forced the issue but all the same, Kerri was talking and she was listening. They took long walks and they just spent time together. Sometimes Kerri would go quite and Rhianna didn't push, she just let Kerri think and eventually Keri would open back up again. They let the wood splitting go for a while as they relaxed and got to know each other again. Rhianna also didn't push making love to Kerri again. She waited for Kerri to make the next move. She knew that Kerri would eventually come back to that; she loved making love too much to go without for too long. Rhianna did have to admit that she was suffering from a severe case of horniness.

Kerri made her wait for about a week, then as they were talking one night in bed, not about anything dealing with Kerri's past but just talking. Keri was lying on her back and Rhianna was on her stomach, lying up against Kerri with her head on Kerri's shoulder. They had been talking for a while when Kerri then grew silent and Rhianna was wondering if she had gone to sleep on her so Rhianna raised up on her right elbow and she saw that Kerri was looking at her. Rhianna could tell she was doing some seriously thinking and she wondered just what was on Kerri's mind. Rhianna was about to ask Kerri what she was thinking about when Kerri cleared her throat.

"Are you as horny as I am?" Kerri asked.

"Oh god yes!" Rhianna told her with relief as she knew the long wait to make love to Kerri was over.

"Oh good, I feel like fucking all night." Kerri said as she pushed Rhianna over onto her back and she kissed her hard.

Rhianna gripped Kerri to her and she kissed Kerri back with all the passion that she had in her body. They kissed as they rolled around in the bed. They kissed and chewed on each other's breasts and their fingers found the most sensitive parts of each other's bodies. They caressed those parts and brought each other to beautiful orgasms. Then they brought their mouths and tongues to into the action and they had more orgasms and finally the strap-on was brought out and when the light peaked through the kitchen window, Rhianna was lying on her back and Kerri was on top of her and the cock that she was wearing was buried deep in Rhianna's pussy. Rhianna went to sleep knowing that everything would be okay between then but for one thing that had to happen but as she drifted off, she knew that would have to wait a little longer.

They worked through most of June splitting wood for the winter to come and enjoying the evenings together. They visited Aliza and her girls often and they even watched the girls for her when she needed some time away from her girls. Kerri was also kept busy with her letters to Natalie. They had written back and forth since they had been in Chicago for the book show. Since the beginning of May, Natalie had begun to drop hints about where she and her mother were going for vacation. Her mother promised her that they would go anywhere she wanted within reason. Natalie would repeat that to Kerri every chance she got. Kerri and Rhianna discussed the idea of inviting Natalie and her mother there but first they knew that they had to talk to Helena as they knew that Helena needed to know about their true relationship. Kerri made Rhianna call Helena since she knew Helena better than Kerri did. Rhianna told her that she was just too chicken to call, something that Kerri didn't protest with too much vigor.

"Hello," Rhianna heard Helena say.

"Helena, this is Rhianna, Kerri's assistant from the book show.

"Oh yes Rhianna, I remember you well, is everything okay?" Helena said sounding concerned.

"Yea, everything fine, Kerri and I are both doing great, thanks for asking." Rhianna told her.

"Natalie isn't here right now, she is at her grandmother's this weekend, and she'll be so disappointed that she was gone when you called." Helena said.

"She had written and told Kerri that and that is why I'm calling." Rhianna told her.

"She didn't say something she shouldn't or tell Kerri something that you think I should know about did she?" Helena asked and Rhianna could hear the worry in her voice. She knew that this conversation wasn't going the way she had meant for it to.

"Oh no, actually we wanted to invite you and Natalie down here for your vacation. She had mentioned that you had told her that you would take her anywhere she wanted, and Kerri and I thought it would be a good idea for you to come here." Rhianna said and she heard Helena grasp.

"I'm going to bust her butt for doing that. She shouldn't have mentioned that knowing that you would offer for her to come down there. I'm sorry that she did that and I will have a talk to her about it. You just don't do things like that and especially not to busy people like you and Kerri are. I'm so sorry." Helena told her and she would have kept apologizing if Rhianna hadn't interrupted her.

"Don't you dare get on her, we both thought it was cute and we respect her for dropping the hint. It is something we would love to do but would never have thought about asking. So it's cool and we'll be mad at you if you get on her. So now that is settled, we do hope that you will come down here but before you make that decision there is something that I need to tell you and that is why we called when we knew that Natalie wouldn't be there." Rhianna told her.

"Would that be that you're not really her assistant or not just her assistant but her lover?" Helena asked.

Rhianna was taken aback by Helena's statement and she had said it so calmly. It took her a moment to say something, "Well yes that's right but how did you know?"

"I suspected it that day that Natalie helped Kerri. I could see by the way that you kept Kerri in your eyesight that you liked her more than any employee should like her boss. And then there was the next night when you invited us to dinner, you kept giving Kerri that look and I was convinced of your relationship when she gave you the same look back. I just sort of knew it." Helena told her.

"Well you're very observant but this isn't something that we want to be known, for Kerri's career sake. One day she will let everyone know but she wants it to be in her time and on her terms, you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yea I do and you can trust us, you have done so much for Natalie that I can never repay you but even if she hadn't done that, we wouldn't tell." Helena said and Rhianna then knew that Natalie knew but she had to ask anyway.

"So you've talked to Natalie about Kerri and me." Rhianna asked.

"Yea when she got the first letter from Kerri, I sat her down and we talked. She was cool with it and so am I." Helena said.

"So that puts us back to inviting you down here for vacation and why I called you when Natalie wasn't there. If you say no then Kerri won't invite her down here in her next letter. That keeps you from being the bad guy and be forced to tell her no." Rhianna said.

"I do appreciate that and I think that would be a good vacation, we would love to come. But don't do this just to be nice to Natalie." Helena said.

"That's great and we're not. Personally I think that Kerri is tired of just looking at me all day and she wants a reprieve from my nagging." Rhianna said with a laugh and then Kerri said loudly "Amen!" Rhianna then heard a laugh from Helena and she knew that she had heard Kerri over the phone.

Rhianna then talked to Helena about what time would be best for them to come down. It turned out that the beginning of July was the best time so Rhianna wrote it down so that Kerri could put it into her letter to Natalie. She talked a while longer, and then Helena made Kerri get on the line to make sure that she was cool with them coming down and, of course, Kerri assured her that she was. Rhianna then heard Kerri say something about them having a sleeper sofa which was news to Rhianna as she looked at their regular sofa and then she looked back at Kerri who mouthed to her, "We're buying one." Kerri then went on and talked for a while longer before she hung up.

"I didn't know our sofa made into a bed?" Rhianna said as she went over to the sofa and she tried to pull a bed from the sofa.

"Oh shut up smarty pants and get your purse, we're going to town to get a damn sleeper sofa." Kerri said like she was irritated about having to go get a new sofa but Rhianna could see that it was an act. "You drive and I'll write Natalie on the way."

"Like you're going to be able to write as I drive, your letter will look terrible." Rhianna said as she headed toward the door.

"Then you're going to have to drive carefully aren't you." Kerri said as she grabbed her stationary and an envelope on her way out the door.

They looked all at every furniture store in town trying to find just the right sofa. By the end of the day, Rhianna wanted to tell Kerri that they had three weeks to get the sofa but she kept her trap shut as she could see that Kerri was determined to get one that day. So they kept going then they hit the last store just as it was closing. Kerri talked her way in and they looked around. They didn't see anything at first but then the manager took them to the back of the store where he had the newest model sofa. The color was right and he pulled the mattress out. Kerri laid down on it and made Rhianna join her. It felt almost like a real bed and she could tell that Kerri was finally impressed. Kerri asked how much it was and Rhianna saw the dollar signs going around in the manager's eyes.

"I'm afraid that it's not for sale yet. This is just a display model for the new line." The manager said.

"Just tell me your price; we both know that you're going to jack the price up on me so go ahead and do it and get it over with. But just remember that this may be the only piece of furniture that I ever buy here or I could come back and get more. What you charge me affects how much you can make from me in the future." Kerri told him as she put her hands on her hips and gave him a stare that dared the manager to screw her over the price.

Rhianna saw the dollar signs disappear from the manager's eyes as he decided if Kerri was telling him the truth about future purchases or not. "I'm really not supposed to sell this sofa but I guess I can let you have it for two thousand cash." He said and then Rhianna could tell that he was hoping that he put the right price on it for Kerri.

"Sold, a man named Wilbur will be here tomorrow to pick it up, don't give him any shit." Kerri told him as she reached into her purse and pulled out a wad of one hundred dollar bills and she counted out twenty and pressed them into the man's hand. "Come on Rhianna, let's get out of here and start to see what else needs to be replaced in that old cabin we bought."

"Let me hazard a guess here. You haven't bought a single piece of furniture since you moved in and I bet that Leeann picked out what is in there now." Rhianna said after they had gotten into the car.

"Yep," Kerri said smiling.

"And I bet that you have no intention of replacing anything in the cabin." Rhianna said.

"Nope," Kerri said smiling.

"You are devious, you know that." Rhianna said.

"Yep," Kerri said still smiling.

"I happened to have noticed a price tag on the back of the sofa listing it at fifteen hundred. He didn't screw you too bad." Rhianna told her .

"But he was about to until I told him that there could be future sales from me. Then he decided that he may have more opportunities to screw me so he took it easy on me this time." Kerri said laughing and Rhianna joined in with her.

"By the way, what are you doing carrying around all that cash, that's dangerous." Rhianna warned her.

"This is just my mad cash that I keep around for emergencies just like this one." Kerri told her.

"One more thing; why did we have to find a sofa today? We got a three weeks before Natalie and her mother gets here." Rhianna asked.

"I told her we have a sleeper sofa and it can't look brand new when they get here, we need to break it in before then. I figure three weeks of making love on it will have it well worn by then." Kerri said with a wink and five minutes after Wilbur had delivered the new sofa and taken the old one away, they were naked and having fun on the new sleeper sofa.

"There they are." Kerri said as they watched the people come through the gateway door from the airplane.

Rhianna saw them and she gasped at how much Natalie had grown. She was now only a couple of inches shorter than her mother now and they shyness and fear that was in her eyes when she first saw her last summer seemed to be about gone. She saw Natalie's eyes lock on them and a broad grin come to her face and then just a bit of the shyness come back but when she saw that both she and Kerri were smiling and waving at her the shyness went away and she left her mother and ran to them. Natalie came up to them and she gave Kerri a big hug and then she gave one to Rhianna.

"You've grown girl." Kerri and Rhianna said together as they looked her over.

"Almost three inches, I'm almost as tall as mom now" Natalie said proudly as her mother finally got there.

"Well you look great!" Kerri said to her.

"Thank you and I sorry that I kind of pushed myself on you, I know that I shouldn't have." Natalie said as she glanced at her mother to make sure she said it as her mother wanted it said.

"Now is that you saying that or is that what your mother made you say?" Kerri asked as she winked at Helena. "Wait don't answer that yet, let's walk on ahead and you can tell me the truth." Kerri said as she grabbed Natalie's arm and led her on down the corridor.

"You know that they are going to gang up on us the whole trip." Rhianna told Helena.

"Oh I know." Helena said laughing and then they both heard Natalie say to Kerri quietly but not quite quietly enough, "Mom made me say that, this is where I really wanted to come for our vacation all along."

"Natalie, it's not too late to catch a plane back home." Helena said in a stern motherly voice.

"Mom..." I didn't want to lie; this is where I wanted to come." She said as she came back to her mother and she wrapped her right arm around her mother's waist.

"I know baby and we're here but be good okay." Helena said as she kissed Natalie's forehead.

"I will, I promise." Natalie said as she quickly let go of her mother and she ran to catch back up with Kerri.

"We are sorry to impose ourselves on you both." Helena said.

"Now Helena, we've gone through this before. If we didn't want you here we wouldn't have invited you here, so relax and enjoy it. It's going to be a great vacation." Rhianna told her as she gave her a quick hug and then she saw Kerri and Natalie waiting impatiently for them. "I think we had better hurry along or they may leave us here."

"Natalie probably would." Helena said laughing as she picked up her pace to catch up with her daughter who was now growing up too fast for her liking.

When they got to Kerri's cabin, Kerri showed Natalie and Helena around as Natalie pulled out her camera and started to take pictures. Rhianna could see that Kerri wasn't pleased with this development but she didn't protest about having her picture taken. That night as they all got ready for bed; Rhianna felt weird wearing panties and a long tee shirt to bed. But this seemed to be the sleepwear of choice for all of them. She was the last one out of the bathroom and she turned off the lights before slipping into bed with Kerri. She gave her a goodnight kiss which was much shorter than she would have liked but with Natalie and Helena sleeping just a few feet away, this would be the way it would have to be. The next morning Rhianna woke to the smell of coffee and bacon cooking on the stove. At first she thought that Kerri had already gotten up but then she realized that she was lying on top of her and she was sleeping soundly. She opened her eyes to see Helena at the stove cooking and Natalie setting the table.

"Rhianna's awake; I told you that this would get those sleepy heads awake." Natalie said proudly to her mother.

"Yes you did child, now finish setting the table and be quiet and let Kerri sleep." Helena said.

"Too late." Kerri said sleepily as she sat up and gave Rhianna a morning kiss with Natalie watching. As the kiss ended, Rhianna looked over at Natalie to see if she was jealous of her kissing Natalie's hero and friend but she saw that she was smiling broadly and she knew that it was cool. She was a little afraid that Natalie would be a little jealous of her but saw that she was a mature girl and knew that Rhianna was a part of Kerri's life.

"Make them some coffee Natalie." Her mother told her.

"How do you take it?" Natalie asked.

"I like mind with lots of cream and sugar and Kerri takes her black." Rhianna told her.

"I like mind with lots of cream and sugar too when mom lets me have some." Natalie said as she dropped a not so subtle hint to her mother.

"Go ahead but just a half a cup." Helena said as she began to put the eggs on to fry.

"Thanks," Natalie said as she poured the coffee and fixed it up and Rhianna noticed that Natalie had fixed herself a full cup and not the half that her mother said that she could have but her mother kept quiet about it.

Rhianna thanked Natalie for her coffee as Kerri did the same and they both gave her a morning hug. They then got up and got dressed as Helena finished breakfast. As they ate Natalie kept mentioning about getting on the road to get to Dollywood as Kerri had promised to take them. This was a huge amusement park and Natalie was dying to go. The three adults smiled and they ate as fast as they could as they saw how excited Natalie was about going. Natalie even washed the dishes as they all finished getting ready and then they were out the door. Once there, Natalie wanted to ride every ride and she pulled them from one to the other. Rhianna figured that Natalie would want to sit with Kerri on every ride but on the more scary rides she always chose her mother to sit beside. There wasn't anything like a mother for a little security when you are getting the shit scared out of you. It ended up being a great day and they were all worn out by the time that they got home late that night. Once the showers were done, they all went to bed to recover. The next day they invited Aliza and her girls up for a cookout. The girls took an instant liking to Natalie and they had her playing all sorts of games with them. The only tense moment came was when the girls discovered the scars on Natalie's back and naturally they asked her about them. Rhianna noticed that Helena listened closely as Natalie calmly explained how she had gotten them. The girls was sad for her about losing her father but that was something they too had done so once they had their answer, they went right back to playing.

The week's vacation turned into two weeks as Helena and Natalie were having so much fun. Plus Aliza's girls quickly grew to love Natalie and they had her come down or they came up about every other day to play. Helena did take Natalie shopping for clothes a couple of days and that gave Rhianna and Kerri some time alone to make love and they did. This was something that was a big part of their lives and they missed the intimacy of being together alone with their only thoughts being to please the other one. Kerri did mention the show that she had to do in Denver in early August and Natalie latched onto that real fast. She began to drop hints about coming along to help out with the show. Helena put a stop to that idea real quick but Natalie knew just how to work her mother and Kerri helped her cause so that by the time they left, Natalie had Helena's permission to come along as long as she finished her summer reading list and she minded her for the rest of the summer. Rhianna knew that Helena would have the perfect child for the next six weeks as Natalie wasn't going to do anything to keep her from going.

Once they got back from dropping Helena and Natalie off at the airport, they headed back home in breakneck speed to get back to the bed. There they stayed for the next two days making love only getting out long enough to eat and wash up for the next session. When their lust was finally satisfied, they went back to splitting wood and editing Kerri's last book.

Rhianna began to think again about Dr. Conley and Kerri now that she knew the whole and correct story. She knew that she had been wrong about Dr. Conley as Kerri was the one to have done the hurting and not Dr. Conley. She also knew that her first attempt at getting them to meet and talk wasn't the way to go but that didn't change their need to meet again in Rhianna's eyes. She just had to figure out the correct way to do it. Kerri was more open to talk about her past now that Rhianna knew it all and she did so. They would often talk late into the night about it. She was now seeing the whole Kerri and not just the surface that Kerri let everyone else see. Rhianna would bring up Dr. Conley during these talks and she tried to find out all she could. She knew that Dr. Conley hated her now and there was no way she would get Dr. Conley to talk to her but in the end she knew that she had to try. She let her mind work as the weeks went past and she knew that after they got back from Denver, she would have to try something. She wanted this resolved in her mind before winter hit and she and Kerri were stuck inside of the cabin for days on end. She wanted her relationship on solid ground by then and the only thing in the way was Kerri's and Dr. Conley's relationship, whatever that was.

The trip to Denver went well. They picked up Natalie in Chicago before flying on to Denver. Natalie was excited about going but Rhianna could tell that she was a little fearful of leaving her mother behind. So Rhianna decided that they best way to keep Natalie from being homesick for her mother was to keep her busy and she did. The days were filled with book signings and keeping Kerri supplied with books and the evening they went out to eat, skipping the after show parties entirely. But by early evening Natalie was worn out and most time fell asleep on the couch in their two bedroom suite. Rhianna and Kerri would have to get her undressed and into bed with Natalie only half awake. However, the next day Natalie was raring to go at first light and they would start again. The last day of the show, they took Natalie out and got her a beautiful evening dress and fixed her up for the closing party. They made her feel so beautiful and grown up that she seemed to finally realize that she could be beautiful on the outside as well as the inside. They stayed over for a couple of days taking Natalie up into the Rockies but soon Rhianna could see that Natalie was getting homesick for her mom so she cut their trip short with by saying that they had to get home to finish Kerri's current book which was actually already in Leeann's hands.

When they got home, Rhianna started to work on Kerri about getting together with Dr. Conley again. She wanted Kerri to accept the idea before she even thought about talking to Dr. Conley. Kerri resisted and Rhianna didn't push her. She wanted her to agree that it was a good idea this time and not try and surprise her. She wasn't sure Kerri would take her back a second time if she pulled another stunt like the last one she did. Plus she didn't want to spend a week out on the porch in the middle of August. It was too damn hot out there, even this high up in the mountains. She wasn't sure she was getting anywhere when she heard a car pull into the driveway early one morning.

"I wonder who that could be." Rhianna asked as she got up from her laptop where she had just started working on her latest story.

"I don't know why don't you get up and see before Margret goes crazy." Kerri said so calmly that Rhianna felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise. She knew something was up.

Rhianna went on out onto the porch and she said back to Kerri, "Its two women." She then looked closer and she saw that they were familiar looking, one more so than the other. Then the driver opened her door and started to get out and Rhianna's knees went weak as she saw Dr. Conley start to get out.

"Oh fuck, it's Dr. Conley and some other woman." She said to Kerri as she rushed back into the cabin hoping that Dr. Conley hadn't already seen her.

"So go out there and welcome them in before Margret licks them to death." Kerri told her as she saved what she was writing on her computer.

"I can't go out there, Dr. Conley hates me." Rhianna told to a still much too calm Kerri.

"She doesn't hate you; she's just very pissed at you. Now go out there and welcome them in like I told you to do." Kerri told her and Rhianna wished she had stopped that stupid bet that she had made with Kerri long before now.

Rhianna looked at Kerri and saw that she didn't have a choice so she turned on her heels and started back for the door. She took one last look back at Kerri and she saw that her face was just as calm as it could be and she knew that she had been had. She then went back out on the porch and called for Margret to come to her before she started down the steps. When Margret got to her side, she felt a little better as if Margret would protect her for whatever was to come. She wanted this to happen but on her terms and she didn't like being the one left out. She knew that she had just learned a lesson but she was too nervous to think just what the lesson was.

"Hello Dr. Conley, what a surprise it is to see you." Rhianna said as she got to dr. Conley's car.

"I bet it is." Dr Conley said in her "Don't mess with me voice." that Rhianna had heard many times during the classes that she took from her. "This is my friend Darlene. Darlene this is the infamous Rhianna."

Rhianna knew that she was being put down by Dr. Conley and none to subtly. "It's nice to meet you Darlene." Rhianna said as she went over to Darlene's side of the car to shake her hand.

"Actually we have met in a way, when you were a freshman." Darlene said as she put out her hand to shake Rhianna's Hand. Rhianna felt the warm hand shake she got from Darlene and she sensed that Darlene was not a part of what was going on and she didn't agree with it. When the hand shake ended, it hit Rhianna where she knew her from

"You're Dr. Magellan, you teach freshman biology." Rhianna said as she remembered her and remembered how nice and caring a teacher that she was. Where Dr. Conley intimated her students, Dr. Magellan nursed them along.

"That among other things, it's nice to see you again Rhianna." Dr. Magellan.

"Well Dr, Magellan and Dr. Conley please come on into the cabin and let's get out of this heat." Rhianna said as she started to turn to go toward the cabin.

"You can call me Darlene; I'm not your professor anymore." Darlene told her.

"You can call me Dr. Conley if you don't mind." Dr. Conley told Rhianna and Rhianna felt like she had been stabbed in the back.

"Catherine!" Darlene told Dr. Conley in none too nice of a tone.

"I'm sorry but Catherine doesn't seem to be in the best of moods today, you will just have to overlook her demeanor." Darlene told Rhianna and she was glad that Darlene had come along for whatever reason that Dr. Conley had come.

"Well welcome to our home." Rhianna said as she went up the steps and she let Dr. Conley and Darlene into the cabin.

"Our home?" Rhianna heard Dr. Conley say half under her breath but plenty loud enough for Rhianna and Darlene hear. Rhianna wanted to slap the shit out of Dr. Conley right then but she didn't. Instead she followed them into the cabin where Kerri was waiting.

Kerri came up to Dr. Conley and she looked at her closely before she opened her arms and she gave her former editor and lover a hug. Rhianna watched them carefully and she tried to determine what either of them was thinking but she couldn't and then the hug was over. Dr. Conley then introduced Darlene to Kerri and Kerri gave her a hug. Kerri asked them what they wanted to drink and Rhianna got the tea for Kerri and Darlene and ice water for Dr. Conley.

"Well you finally got Kerri and I together, now what do you want us to do?" Dr. Conley said in a very sarcastic tone.

"Catherine, that's enough of that, you won't treat Rhianna like that. She knows what she did was wrong and that's over and done with. I forgave her and it's high time that you did too." Kerri told Dr. Conley forcefully.

Rhianna saw the shock on Dr. Conley's face as Kerri had dressed her down. Rhianna figured out that Kerri and Dr. Conley had planned this little get together. However it seemed that Kerri had her own agenda that even Dr. Conley didn't know about.

"I thought we had agreed that we would settle this here and now." Dr. Conley said angrily.

"That is what we agreed but that isn't why I wanted to do this. Catherine you're my friend and Rhianna is my lover. I want us all to be friends and we're going to sit here until we are or until we go our separate ways. Are we agreed?" Kerri said and then she stared Dr. Conley down until she shook her head yes and then she looked over at Rhianna who quickly said "Yes."

"Good, now that is settled let's sit here and talk this out." Kerri said.

"This is where I take my leave. I'll let you all talk in private." Darlene said as she started to get up.

"Please don't go. You're as much a part of this as the rest of us. You're Catherine's lover and partner and I want you to stay." Kerri said as she put her hand on Darlene's knee and held her in place.

Darlene looked at Dr. Conley and she nodded for her to stay.

"Catherine please tell Rhianna why you are so angry at her." Kerri told her and Rhianna could tell that Catherine didn't like having to go first when it was she that started this mess.

"I guess I'm angry with her for the same reason you were. She stuck her nose into something that was just between you and me. I saw how angry you were that day when Rhianna brought you over to me and I knew that she had hurt you by what she had done and that made me angry. I didn't want you to be hurt again. I thought she was the one to make you happy and then she does something stupid like that and it pissed me off. Then she calls me trying to figure out what she had done wrong and I couldn't believe how stupid she could be and that pissed me off more. That is why I was so angry with her and I guess that I still am. I'm pissed that she hurt you so much after all you had done for her." Dr. Conley said, this time she was a little more contrite.

"Before Rhianna responds, I want to say something first. She was acting on the lies that I had fed her. I made her believe that it was you that had left me, it was you that had hurt me and not the way it really was. I was the one that dropped you. I also lied to you Catherine by allowing you to believe that I was sick and that is why I stopped writing. I was sick but not the way Leeann led you to believe. I got hooked up with the wrong crowd in New York and I did some things that I'm not proud of and Catherine, you weren't the only person I have hurt. I have told Rhianna all of the truth now and I will tell it all to you if you want to know it. But Rhianna wasn't completely to blame for what she did. She played a big part in it but she didn't know the whole truth." Kerri said calmly.

"I did act in ignorance but I can't let Kerri take any of the blame. I was stupid for what I did. I just wanted to make sure that..." Rhianna started to say but then she couldn't say anything more.

"Make sure of what Rhianna?" Dr. Conley asked but this time she did so with some compassion in her voice.

"Nothing, I was just being stupid and I'm sorry for what I did. I do want you to forgive me, Dr. Conley." Rhianna said as she felt the tears come to her eyes.

Dr. Conley then did something that shocked the hell out of Rhianna as she got up from where she was sitting and came to Rhianna and sat beside of her. She then took Rhianna's hand in hers and she asked softly, "Were you afraid that Kerri and I were still in love with each other?"

Rhianna looked over at Kerri and saw that she was very interested in her answer and she knew that Dr. Conley had gotten to the bottom of the whole situation. "Yes, with the way that your relationship ended, no matter the version, wasn't the right way for it to end with neither of you knowing what had happened. I just wanted you two to get together and talk it out and then if there was something there then I would step aside. I know it's stupid but I had to know. I love Kerri so much that I couldn't stand to lose her but if I was going to lose her then I wanted it to happen then and not later on."

"Oh honey, that wasn't ever going to happen. Yes Catherine and mine relationship didn't end as most do but the main thing that you must know was that it did end. We went our separate ways and we're both happy." Kerri told her and then she continued with,"I love you and only you and Catherine loves Darlene and they're happy together."

"Yes we are Rhianna, I just wished that you had done it differently, you know. Come and ask me and I would have told you then and there. Then none of this heartache would have occurred." Dr. Conley said.

"Actually all this heartache served a purpose. I needed to tell Rhianna the truth and she made that happen and I feel better about it all. It was sooner than I had wanted but it's out in the open and we can start to move on. I can start to move on with my life. Now I want us all to move on okay. I have avoided seeing Catherine because I didn't want to have to do what I'm about to do now." Kerri said and then she turned to Catherine and she said, "Catherine I screwed up and I'm sorry, I know that it's a decade too late but I'm sorry all the same."

"You don't have to apologize but I accept it all the same." Catherine said and then she stood up as Kerri stood up and they hugged. Rhianna felt her tears start to flow all over again and she knew that she had done what she wanted to do. She got Kerri and Dr. Conley to meet and talk.

"Wipe that shit eating grin off your face before I wipe it off for you." Dr. Conley told her as she and Kerri ended their hug.

"Yes Dr. Conley," Rhianna said but she couldn't help herself and she smiled bigger.

"Come here and give me a hug, if we're all forgiving each other then I guess I can forgive you and you can call me Catherine." Catherine told her as she held out her hand to Rhianna and Rhianna took it. She stood up and accepted a hug from Catherine and then she found herself in Kerri's arms and then she was being kissed like she had never been kissed before.

"That's just to let you know that you're stuck with me for a long time to come" Kerri said breathlessly as the kiss ended and Rhianna felt like her legs were jelly. Then she heard Darlene and Catherine "woo hooing" at them and Rhianna felt her face heat up and she knew that she was blushing.

"Shut up you guys." Kerri told them and Rhianna saw that Kerri was blushing too.

"Let me refresh everyone's drinks and let's go out on the porch and sit. It's getting to stuffy in here with all these emotions flowing." Rhianna told them as she shooed them outside were Margret was whimpering trying to get in on all the attention that she knew she was missing out on.

Once outside they all began to get to know each other and Rhianna began to see Catherine as something other than her professor and her rival. She began to see that Kerri and Catherine did hold great affection for each other but Kerri was right, what they had ended long ago. She also saw that Catherine and Darlene were very much in love, it was a more mature love than what she and Kerri had but then they had been together a lot longer than she and Kerri had been. She found that she liked Catherine very much and she saw that Catherine had forgiven her of her sins of the past. They did begin a new that day. They all talked and laughed and even cried a little as the day went on and soon it was evening. It took Kerri and Rhianna some talking but they finally convinced Catherine and Darlene to stay the night. They found them some tee shirts to wear and they all went to bed.

"So are you satisfied that there's nothing ever going to happen between Catherine and me?" Kerri whispered to her as they lay facing each other in bed.

"Yea, but I'm kind of pissed on how you sprang them on me. I wasn't prepared for meeting Catherine today." Rhianna whispered back and she knew what Kerri was going to say as some as she closed her mouth.

"Now you know how Catherine and I felt, neither of us were prepared to meet that day at your graduation and I'll admit that we reacted to the meeting rather badly. It's just that we had settled into this new friendship that didn't require us to ever meet again and we liked it that way. But I think that we did have to meet and you made that happen in your own way." Kerri told her.

"I'm glad it has worked out this way and I'm sorry for ever thinking that you would ever toss me aside. I guess I was a little insecure in our relationship and I guess that I was reading things wrong. It's just when you talked about her there was this long lost look in your eyes that I couldn't read and I thought I saw the same thing in Catherine's eyes when I talked to her about you. I thought I was seeing love there." Rhianna said.

"You did see love in our eyes but for me it was like I was going back and thinking of the times that were good between us and that felt nice. But it was something that was long ago. Now when I look at you I do hope that you see a different look of love in my eyes, a more intense and real love as that is what I'm feeling." Kerri told her.

"Yes I see that, even more today than I ever have." Rhianna said as she leaned in close and she gave Kerri what was meant to be a light kiss but Kerri soon had her on her back and was kissing her passionately.

Rhianna then felt Kerri's hands as they began to pull up on her tee shirt. "Kerri, they'll hear us." Rhianna said as she pushed Kerri up.

"They won't hear a thing; they're too busy creating their own mischief." Kerri said then Rhianna heard a muffled moan coming from the sleeper sofa and then she heard a creak of the sofa.

"Oh god make love to me." Rhianna said as she pulled Kerri back down for a deep kiss.

When that kiss ended she sat up and as she kissed Kerri again she let Kerri pull her tee shirt off as she pulled Kerri's shirt off. They both then quickly shed their panties and they were naked as they came back together. Their lips came together as their hands sought out the other breasts. Rhianna squeezed Kerri's soft breasts in her hands and she gave the nipples a pinch causing Kerri to moan aloud. Somewhere in the back of Rhianna's mind she heard a couple of giggles but she didn't care at this point as Kerri's fingers had found her breasts and Kerri was pinching and pulling on her nipples causing her to moan even louder than Kerri had done. It was at this point that both couples gave up being discrete and they began to make love in earnest. Kerri pushed Rhianna down onto her back and Rhianna felt Kerri's mouth on her right nipple sucking hard. Rhianna put her hands to the back of Kerri's head holding her in place as she Kerri sucked and chewed on her nipples. Kerri had her fingers at Rhianna's pussy and she was stroking and getting her very wet. Soon Rhianna pushed Kerri on down her body and she had her legs open wide with Kerri got there. She felt Kerri's lips kiss her clit and that set ripples of pleasure through her body. Then Kerri began to lick her way lower and she feasted on the juices that Rhianna was now producing. Rhianna felt Kerri's tongue go between her pussy lips licking her deep and she groaned from the intense feeling that she was getting from the contact of Kerri's tongue on her pussy. She began to twist her body and lift her hips off the bed as Kerri teased her pussy lips and then her clit. Kerri licked some more on her pussy then she slipped two fingers inside of Rhianna and started to fuck her as she sucked on Rhianna's clit.

"Oh fuck yes, Kerri!" Rhianna screamed as she felt the pleasure that was almost too intense to fathom. She twisted as the pleasure turned into almost pain as Kerri sucked and licked hard on her clit. Then she felt her orgasm overwhelm her and she drifted off to her orgasm. It was as intense an orgasm as she had ever felt and she enjoyed it so much.

When she came back around she started to pull Kerri up in the bed so that she could make love to her like she had just done to her but Kerri had something else in mind. She did come up in the bed and she kissed Rhianna on the lips and Rhianna could taste her girlcum on Keri's lips. Then when the kiss ended, Kerri moved on up in the bed until her pussy was right over Rhianna's face. Rhianna placed her hands on Kerri's ass and she pulled Kerri's pussy to her lips. She licked the vast amount of juices from Kerri's inner thighs before she let her tongue touch Kerri's pussy lips causing Kerri to groan loudly. Kerri was pouring pussy juices from her pussy and Rhianna did her best to suck them up as she licked up and down Kerri's slit. Kerri was moaning to beat the band and she moaned louder when Rhianna finger slipped between her ass cheeks and she began to play with her asshole. Kerri started to grind her pussy down on Rhianna's face making it hard to breath at times but that didn't stop Rhianna from licking and sucking away. She licked her way up to Kerri's clit and she sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue to tease the tip of her little nub and she pushed her finger into Kerri's asshole. She started to fuck her asshole as she sucked hard on Kerri's clit. This sent Kerri over the edge and she screamed out that she was cumming. Rhianna moved her mouth down to Kerri's pussy and she opened her mouth as the fluids came rushing out of her. She almost choked on Kerri's girlcum and pee but she was for the most part able to drink them all down and that made her feel so good. It was like she now had a part of Kerri inside of her and it was hers to keep.

Kerri soon slipped down in the bed and she used her tongue and lips to clean up Rhianna's face. They kissed for a few minutes then they settled down to sleep and for Rhianna it was a welcome sleep as it had been a very stressful day and she needed some rest. However it seemed that she had only slept a short while when she was awakened by a gentle shake of her shoulder. She opened her eyes and turned over and she saw Catherine wrapped up in a bed sheet and she had her finger to her lips telling Rhianna to be quiet. She then motioned to the front door and Rhianna knew that Catherine wanted to talk to her. This made Rhianna more than a little nervous as she thought that they had already resolved everything for the most part but obviously Catherine didn't think so. Rhianna slipped from the bed careful not to wake Kerri and she followed Catherine outside.

"I wanted to talk to you in private for a minute if you don't mind." Catherine said as she turned to sit down on the swing and then Rhianna saw Catherine's eyes lock onto her naked body that was highlighted by the full moon.

"Oh I can go and put something on but Kerri and I come out her early every morning without clothes and I kind of forgot myself." Rhianna said as she started to go back inside.

"Oh no that is fine, you have a beautiful body and I don't mind looking at it as we talk." Catherine said paying her a sincere compliment.

"Well thank you. Kerri keeps telling me how pretty I am but I always figured that she was just being nice and she just wanted into my panties." Rhianna said with a little laugh hoping to ease some of the tension that she was feeling.

"Well she wasn't lying to you; you do have a beautiful body. Now sit down and let's talk. I promise that it will be a good talk, no anger or anything. I even heated you a cup of coffee to drink as we talk. Well us a cup as there was only enough to make one cup." Catherine said as she padded the seat of the swing.

"Thank you." Rhianna said as she sat down and took the cup of coffee from Catherine and took a sip. She then turned in the seat so that she could face Catherine. She put her right leg up on the seat and without realizing it she opened up her pussy to Catherine's eyes and she saw her looking. She started to put her other leg up but then she thought that she had already shown Catherine her pussy and there wasn't any reason to be modest now. Then she saw Catherine loosen the sheet that she had covering her body and Rhianna saw that while Catherine's body was showing its age, she was still well put together.

"Now what did you want to talk about?" Rhianna asked as she handed the cup of coffee back to Catherine.

"I left some things out when I told you why I was so angry with you about the meeting that you arraigned. I did so on purpose because I didn't want to say them in front of Kerri but after thinking about it, I thought that you should know everything." Catherine told her.

"I don't like keeping anything from Kerri and I don't like talking behind her back now that everything is out in the open." Rhianna said knowing that she had learned a hard lesson and she didn't want to make the same mistake again.

"You can tell her everything I have said, I just ask that you wait until after Darlene and I leave to do so. I don't want to keep anything from her but at the same time I think that it is something that I need to tell you. It might be something that you already know and if so I still think that it is worth talking about." Catherine told her.

"Okay but I will tell Kerri everything we talk about tonight." Rhianna warned her as she took the coffee cup back and took a sip of the hot coffee.

"That's fine, now on to what I want to talk about. What happened to Kerri in New York is as much my fault as hers. As I got to know Kerri when I was her editor, I discovered two things about her. One was her talent for creating stories in her mind and putting them down on paper. She had a talent and maturity in her writing that few writers have in such a young age. The second thing took me a little longer to discover but after we became lovers she slowly revealed it to me. As strong as she is on the outside, there is vulnerability inside of her. I could see that and it attracted me to her. I wanted to take care of her and protect her even when she didn't want to be protected. I did love her with all my soul and I thought that in our time together I had made her stronger and ready to take on New York. I thought I had her prepared for the world out there but I over estimated my ability. All I did was to help Kerri to hide her frailty from the world and even from myself. I wanted to go to Europe and I knew that Leeann would be a better editor for her than I was. I was half right; Leeann was a much better editor but Kerri wasn't ready for New York and she'll never be ready. I also know everything that happened to Kerri in New York. I got a hold of Leeann when Kerri stopped writing me and I found out what had happened and was happening to her. I wrote more trying that way to get Kerri to come back to me but I didn't know that Kerri had long since stopped reading my letters. I even went up to New York once I had gotten back to the states. I went to see Leeann and we talked. I even went to see Kerri but she was so high and strung out that I don't think she knew who I was. She looked a mess and she told me to go to hell and get the fuck out of her life. I don't think that she even remember me ever being there." Catherine said and then she began to cry.

Rhianna reached over and she pulled Catherine to her and she hugged her tightly as the tears ran down her own face. It took Catherine to get it back together again and she went on with her story.

"I went back to Leeann and we talked about what we could do but Leeann knew that the only thing we could do at that point was to let Kerri go her way and then be there when she hit bottom. I didn't think that was a good idea but I went along with it. I came back here and Leeann kept me up to date on Kerri until I could stand it no more. I stopped taking Leeann's calls because I would just cry for days afterwards. Then a couple for years later came the call from Leeann and I was scared to death that Kerri was dead but it was only that Kerri had indeed reached bottom and she needed my help. Leeann wanted me to find a place that Kerri would be isolated from the world where she could write and heal her wounds. So I began to look for a place and this is what I found. I got the cabin fixed up while Kerri was in rehab and then once Kerri got here, I made the first call and began to renew our friendship. I kept an eye on her and reported back to Leeann. And when I felt like Kerri was getting lonely, I would call Leeann and she would fly down for a couple for weeks. She always told Kerri it was about one of her books and she needed to see her. Leeann would spend a couple of weeks fussing at her over any and everything and soon Kerri was ready to face the world again. Then you came along and Kerri reached out to you. I was scared at first but you seemed to be what Kerri was looking for and needed. And then I looked at you more closely and saw that you had just what Kerri did need. You were strong and determined and you never took no as an answer, not from me or from Kerri. After you had spent last summer with Kerri that was all I heard about when I talked to Kerri. You did this or you did that. Then she would fuss because you made her go to that damn show and in the next breath she would praise you from being there by her side the whole time she was there. I then knew that you were the perfect person and lover for Kerri. Then you pulled that stunt of getting us to meet. When Kerri saw me, all I saw was the fear in her eyes and I was so afraid that she would fall apart. Kerri knew that she had hurt me badly so many years ago and last thing she ever wanted to do was to face me again. She was afraid that if we met that I would remember what she had done to me and I would end our friendship. So when you called me that day wondering what you had done that was so wrong, I was angry with you. I thought that you had taken Kerri back to the place where she couldn't ever come back from. She had come from it once but I didn't think that she was strong enough to do it a second time. But she didn't go back there; instead she chose to make you pay for what you did and then she forgave you and took you right back in. It was at this point that I should have forgiven you too but I couldn't stop my anger at you. But I was no longer angry with you over what you had done to Kerri but what you had done for her." Catherine said and she paused for a moment.

Rhianna thought for a moment but she couldn't see what Catherine was getting at. She hadn't done anything for Kerri at that point that she could see. "What was that?" she finally asked.

"Child, you made her strong on the inside where I couldn't. Kerri had found someone worth fighting for and she damn well did it. I was jealous of you in a way. Not because she loved you and not me but because she needed you more than she had ever needed me. And because of that I want to ask a favor of you." Catherine said.

"Okay?" Rhianna said.

"I want you to continue to look after my friend, fuss with her, fight with her, but most of all fight for her. She needs you and she always will. She is strong now but she will never be as strong as you are. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?" Catherine asked softly.

"Yes I do. I guess I never thought about it in that way before. I mean in a lot of ways, she controls what happens between us." Rhianna said and before she could continue Catherine interrupted her.

"You mean in bed, she takes over." Catherine said with a little laugh and Rhianna blushed as Catherine knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Yea big time," Rhianna said as she giggled in her embarrassment then she went on with, "but in everything else she fusses but she tends to go with whatever I decide we need to do."

"I thought so, it is everything other than writing and lovemaking that she needs to be cared for and even mothered a little. That is the part of you I want you to look after and be there for her. Kerri can be a pain in the ass but she worth the fight." Catherine told her.

"Oh I know but then I can be a pain in the ass too and she tells me that every chance that she gets." Rhianna said.

"I bet she does. So can we be friends now?" Catherine asked.

"I thought we settled that already." Rhianna said as she put out her arms to Catherine for a hug.

Catherine reached out and she pulled Rhianna in toward her and Rhianna let her. She lay down against Catherine and she felt Catherine kiss her forehead in an act of love and kindness. Rhianna only meant to lay there a second but before she knew it she was fast asleep.

"If I didn't know better I would think that our lovers have decided to dump us and that after we had made love to them so sweetly last night." Rhianna awoke hearing and she opened her eyes and saw Kerri and Darlene standing on the porch in front of her. Rhianna saw that Kerri and Darlene were smiling and she felt Catherine stirring. It was then she realized that the sheet that Catherine had covered herself with was now around both of them and she was lying against Catherine's naked body. There was no way to get up without uncovering her or both of her bodies. She wasn't sure what to do when Catherine solved the problem for her.

"Oh shut up you old cow and fix me a cup of coffee." Catherine said as she pulled the sheet from both of them. "And while you're at it fix this beautiful young vixen that you don't deserve one too." Then she helped Rhianna up off of her and they both proudly walked into the cabin with cat calls coming from Darlene and Kerri.

"Fuck you both!" Catherine called out as she threw them a bird. This only made them whistle harder and then they both started to laugh and as Rhianna followed Catherine into the bathroom she turned and bowed to Kerri and Darlene.

Rhianna thought long and hard about telling Kerri what she and Catherine talked about out on the porch but she never got around to it and Kerri didn't seem to care. All she seemed to care about was that Catherine had taken the time to talk to her and that they had become good friends. Catherine did become a frequent visitor to the cabin, always bringing Darlene along. And when they came, the moaning from the cabin became intense at night. Some nights, Rhianna wondered if there wasn't a completion as to which couple could make more noise. All she knew was when Catherine and Darlene visited the lovemaking would be intense and fun. It was like both she and Kerri got a rush out of knowing that Catherine and Darlene could hear them make love and from the sounds of it, Catherine and Darlene got the same rush.

As fall turned into winter, Rhianna got to see how Kerri actually wrote a book. She had seen her edit her books during the summer but that didn't compare to writing a book. She watched as Kerri got into her writing and she completely zoned Rhianna out, it was like she didn't exist. Rhianna made the mistake of interrupting her only once and Kerri fussed for three days about Rhianna asking her a question while she was writing. Then once she got over being mad at Rhianna, they talked about how Kerri was used to writing all alone and she was going to have to adjust her being there. However after that Rhianna waited until Kerri was done for the day before she said anything to her. She did notice that Kerri shortened her writing time down by a couple of hours per day so that they could spend some time together. Rhianna also got to write in earnest and was able to put out four stories that first winter. And after a couple of years had gone by, Rhianna had enough good stories to get them published in a book. While her stories never sold as many copies as one of Kerri's book, Rhianna was satisfied as she had become a published author, which was her dream. And Kerri threw a big party for her, inviting Leeann, Catherine, Darlene, Helena and Natalie to the party as well as having Aliza and her girls there. Since it was in the beginning of June when the book got published, Natalie naturally convinced her mother to let her stay with Kerri and Rhianna for the summer. Her mother said she could stay one month and they finally settled on a month and half. At the end of the party, Rhianna was standing out on the porch thinking about everything that had happened to her in these past two years, she was so deep in thought that she didn't hear Kerri come up behind her.

"Are you happy?" Kerri asked her and she put her hands on Rhianna's shoulders and she kissed her cheek.

"Oh yes, are you?" Rhianna asked.

"I'm as happy as I have even been in my life." Kerri said. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Rhianna replied as she turned to give Kerri and big kiss.

And about that time, Natalie came out and said, "Yuck, get a room why don't you."

"Shut up and go back to bed or we'll send you back with your mom tomorrow." Kerri threatened her.

"You two love me too much to do that." Natalie said laughing but she did go back inside not wanting to take a chance.

"Smart girl." Kerri said laughing and then she hugged Rhianna tight and Rhianna thought that she couldn't be happier than she was right then. She had what she wanted in life, someone to love and care for and someone to love her, the book was just a bonus.

The end.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

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