Term Paper

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 13, 2007


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Term Paper

Part Four By Chris

"Well don't just stand there, get naked. I'm dying to ravish that body of yours." Kerri told her in a sultry voice.

Rhianna smiled brightly and she put her hands to her tee shirt and she ripped it off. Her bra followed and then she pushed her shorts and panties down and off in one motion. She walked to where Kerri was standing watching her. "You may want to ravish this beautiful body of mine but that will have to wait until I ravish yours first." She told Kerri as she put her hands to Kerri's shoulders and she gave her a none too gentle push sending her back onto the bed. Rhianna heard the air rush out of Kerri's lungs as she caught her off guard. Rhianna gave Kerri a wicked grin as she leaped on top of her.

"I'm going to kiss every part of your body, and then I'm going to suck your nipples until they hurt and from there I'm going to lick your pussy until you scream for mercy. Then do you know what I'm going to do?" Rhianna asked.

"What?' Kerri asked as she tried to catch her breath.

"I'm going to fuck you blind." Rhianna told her.

"Oh god!" Was Kerri's only reply as Rhianna plastered her lips to Kerri's lips. She felt Kerri's hands move to her shoulders and she felt Kerri pulling her in tight. She also felt Kerri push her hips up and she could feel Kerri begin to push her hips upwards trying to get some friction going.

"I don't think Kerri is going to wait for me to do all those things to her that I said, I think it's time to go to plan B." Rhianna thought to herself.

Rhianna pushed her hips downward and ground her hips into Kerri's and she opened her mouth and she pushed her tongue into Kerri's mouth. She felt Kerri sucking hard on her tongue and she felt Kerri's tongue move in. They were kissing so hard and passionately that neither of them were taking the time to breath and so Rhianna ran out of air in her lungs and she had to get a fresh batch. Rhianna sucked in deeply as she let her lips break contact with Kerri's lips.

"Oh god, I need you." Kerri whispered out hoarsely and with desperation in her voice.

"I know you do baby and I'm going to give it all to you." Rhianna told her and she gave her a light kiss on the lips. She was going to give Kerri everything she had left in her body. Kerri was crying out to be made love to and she was going to do just that.

She moved on down Kerri's body until her mouth was over Kerri's breasts. She brought her hands up and she grasped Kerri's breasts. She squeezed them tightly and then she brought her mouth down to Kerri's right nipple and she sucked it into her mouth hard. She used her tongue to tease the tip of the nipple and she felt it grow hard in her mouth. She used her fingers to squeeze and twist the left nipple making Kerri grown and moan. She also felt Kerri pushing her hips upward, thus rubbing her smooth pussy against Rhianna's stomach. She moved her mouth to the left nipple and she bit it gently and then a little harder and that brought forth a deep moan from Kerri. She sucked and bit this nipple as her fingers were now twisting and pulling on the right nipple. She was about to go back to Kerri right nipple with her mouth when she felt Kerri place her hands on the top of her head and she felt Kerri pushing her downwards. Rhianna kissed the left nipple and she moved quickly down to Kerri's pussy. She looked down at it for only a moment and she saw that Kerri's juices were running out of her and her clit was already sticking out from its hood. Rhianna dipped her head down and she gave a tender kiss to Kerri's clit. She felt Kerri's body shiver and she glanced up to see a pained expression on Kerri's face and she knew that Kerri just had a small orgasm. This produced a small gush of Kerri's girlcum to splash out of her pussy and Rhianna lowered her head so that she could suck it up. She used her fingers to spread Kerri's pussy lips apart and she began to lick on the insides of those lips. She moved her tongue around the entrance Kerri's' entrance, teasing her just a little and when she felt Kerri shove her hips upwards, Rhianna pressed her tongue in deep into Kerri's pussy. She moved it around inside of her as she used her finger tips to tease Kerri's clit.

"There you go baby, just like that." Kerri cried out.

Rhianna sucked and licked the inside of Kerri's pussy as her fingers played and teased with Kerri's clit. She would press her fingers hard against Kerri's clit and then ease up before starting to press down hard again. She kept doing this over and over again before she felt Kerri's body began to jerk and twist. She then pressed down hard on Kerri's clit with her fingers and she rubbed it hard and fast. Kerri let out a scream and Rhianna opened her mouth just as a flood of Kerri's juices came rushing out of her pussy. Rhianna swallowed as much as she could with the rest splashing off her face and onto the bed. Rhianna knew she had given Kerri a great orgasm but she wasn't done with her yet. She licked up the last of the girlcum and she got up on her knees. She grabbed the strap-on and she started to put it on as Kerri lay there in pure bliss, in that world where she could only feel goodness.

Rhianna moved up in the bed and she placed the head of her fake cock at the entrance to Kerri's pussy. She moved her hips forward until the head popped in and she saw Kerri's eyes begin to flutter as she came down from her orgasm. Rhianna then leaned forward and she let the cock slide into Kerri's pussy as she lay down on top of her. Rhianna gave Kerri a long lingering kiss as she felt Kerri bring her knees up. Rhianna put her knees down against her bed and using them she lifted her hips up drawing the cock out of Kerri's pussy and then she pushed it back in quickly. Kerri let out a grunt and the cock bottomed out inside of her. Rhianna let the kiss end and she started to kiss Kerri all around her face and neck as she used her hips and thigh muscles to fuck Kerri with her cock.

"Fuck me hard baby." Kerri said into her ear as she gripped Rhianna's shoulders.

"I will honey, I will." Rhianna said with a smile and then she started to kiss her all over again. Rhianna did pick up the speed of her fucking, driving the cock that she was wearing deep into Kerri's pussy. She could hear their bodies slapping together and the squishing sound that her fake cock was making as it moved in and out of Kerr's body. Rhianna started to sweat and she felt both of their bodies getting wet. And the end of the cock that was inside of her own pussy was making her very excited. She continued to move her hips up and down and then she would stop on the down stroke and twist her hips around making the cock move inside of Kerri. This would cause Kerri to scream out in pleasure and Rhianna would do it a moment more before she would go back to fucking her. When she felt Kerri's legs wrap around her waist, she knew that she was ready to cum. Rhianna took in a deep breath and she started to really drive the cock in and out of Kerri's pussy.

"Oh god... I'm so close!" Kerri screamed.

Rhianna shifted her hips into high gear and she really started to fuck Kerri and this quickly brought Kerri to an orgasm. Rhianna watched at Kerri's eyes fluttered open and then close as the fluids from her pussy squirted out. Rhianna slowed her fucking down until she finally stopped but she kept the cock inside of Kerri. She watched as Kerri's face moved from hard concentration to a peaceful blissfulness. Rhianna kissed Kerri's face tenderly and with love. Then when she saw Kerri start to come around, Rhianna prayed that she had something left in her worn out body and she began to lift her hips and she brought them down with a forcefulness that she didn't know she had. She saw Kerri's eyes fly open and then she saw the need that was still inside of Kerri's body. Rhianna wanted to fuck Kerri until the need that was inside of Kerri was gone. She just hoped that she could last that long. Rhianna gave it all that she had and she moved the cock in and out of Kerri's pussy as fast and as hard as she could. She was soaked in sweat and she felt it dripping from her face and running down her back to her ass. She heard Kerri moaning and groaning but her body seemed to demand more for her. Rhianna felt her thighs start to cramp but she drove herself on. She fucked Kerri harder than she had ever done before. She was almost afraid that she was hurting her but Kerri made no attempt to stop her, in fact, she seemed to want more and Rhianna gave it to her. Their bodies slapped together and the sound seemed to echo around the cabin. Rhianna grasped Kerri's head in her hands and she kissed her hard as she fucked her. She was having trouble getting enough air into her lungs but she forced herself to go on. She pushed her hips up and down until she finally heard Kerri cry out, "Rhianna, I love you!" and then she felt Kerri's body spasm beneath her.

Rhianna fell on top of Kerri and that was all that she had left in her body. It could go no further. She felt Kerri holding on to her tightly and then after a while she felt Kerri kissing her.

Then somewhere in the distant reams of her exhaustion induced sleep she heard Kerri tell her, "Thank you baby, I needed that so bad. Now sleep and I will look over you as you looked over me for this past week." Rhianna could only smile in her sleep and she felt Kerri kiss her lips lightly as her mind gave up and she was lost in a sleep deeper than she had ever had before.

Sometime later, Rhianna began to come out of her hard sleep. She smelled something good in the air and she inhaled deeply and she could distinguish one smell from the other. She turned over and keeping her eyes closed she took in the sweet smell of bacon frying and biscuits baking in the oven. She slowly opened her eyes and she saw that the sun was beginning to set and she saw Kerri standing in the kitchen with an apron on and nothing else. The back of the apron framed her cute ass so perfectly and she felt a stirring in her lower region and that felt so nice but then she felt her stomach growl and that seemed to be the need that had to be filled. She watched Kerri cook in the kitchen, not saying a thing, she just wanted to watch her but then Margret had to peek up over the side of the bed and she grasped out loud.

Kerri turned and she was smiling, "Morning beautiful." She said as she came over and bent down to give her a kiss. "Go take a quick shower and breakfast will be done by the time you come out."

"I think we've missed breakfast by a few hours." Rhianna said correcting her.

"Smarty pants! Go jump in the shower and we'll eat." Kerri said as she returned to the kitchen.

"And you scared the shit out of me." Rhianna told Margret as she scratched her ears and gave her a quick hug. "You miss us girl?' Rhianna went on to ask Margret as the dog followed her into the bathroom.

"That looks good." Rhianna said as she came out of the bathroom drying her hair and with Margret walking beside of her. The table was set and Kerri had bacon, scrambled eggs, gravy, and biscuits sitting on the table.

"I hope you're hungry, I think I cooked everything we have to eat." Kerri said as she came to Rhianna and gave her a little kiss.

"I think I passed hungry and went straight to starving." Rhianna said as she realized how weak she did feel.

"Good, let's eat then." Kerri said and then Margret gave out a bark.

"Okay girl, hold on for a second and I'll get you something to eat too." Kerri said with a laugh.

Rhianna sat down at the table and she watched as Kerri got a can of dog food and opened it. She put it into Margret's bowl and then she went to the table and got a couple of pieces of bacon from the table."Hey, that bacon is all mine!" Rhianna told her as she playfully slapped at Kerri's hand.

"You mean that you would deny this poor dog of something tasty." Kerri asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"Hell yes," Rhianna said and then she added, "Well maybe she can have a piece or two since she is such a good dog."

"Well Margret thanks you, I'm sure." Kerri said laughing as she tore up the pieces of bacon and mixed it up with her food. She then placed the bowl down on the floor where Margret sniffed at it first then she began to gobble it up.

"You didn't have to wait for me, dig in." Kerri said as she took off her apron and she sat down across from Rhianna.

"I was just admiring the view." Rhianna said with a wink and a little laugh.

"Why thank you and the view I got of you coming out of the bathroom with your skin nice and pink from the shower was so bad either." Kerri told her.

"Well if we are done buttering each other up, I think I'll butter a biscuit." Rhianna said with a laugh.

"Nice turn of words there." Kerri said laughing with her and then she too reached for a biscuit to butter.

Rhianna looked at all of the food on the table and she felt like she could eat it all. She really was starving to death but then it had only been over twenty four hours since she had last eaten anything so she was sure she could put a dent into all the food and from the way Kerri was putting food onto her plate, she was just as hungry. The talk was limited until they both had cleaned their plates and went back for seconds. It was only then that they sat back and let their food begin to digest did then start to talk. The conversation centered around the show and then they talked about Natalie for a while. Rhianna told her that she thought that Kerri would receive a letter from Natalie by Wednesday at the latest but Kerri thought it would be at least a couple of weeks before she heard anything from her. Rhianna then suggested a little side bet. They talked for a while on what they would both put up for the bet.

"I know what we can bet." Rhianna told her when the perfect idea came to her.

"What?" Kerri asked.

"If I'm right, you get to do anything to me that you want and if you're right then I get to do anything I like to you." Rhianna said with a wicked grin on her face.

"Don't you have that backwards, shouldn't it be that if you are right you can do anything to me and visa versa?" Kerri asked.

"No, I meant it the way I said it. Think about it, if I'm right, I will be on the receiving end of what I hope will be some interesting and fun things. You will have to do all the work; I'll just get to enjoy it." Rhianna said.

"What if I turn the tables and have you do things to me?" Kerri asked.

"Then I will have fun doing them and I will learn what you like have done to you." Rhianna said.

"But you already know that." Kerri said.

"Not everything right, I'm sure that you have held things back and this will give you the chance to really have fun. What I'm getting at is that whatever we do to one another, it has to be different. We may later incorporate them into our lovemaking or maybe this is the only time, if one of us decides that while it was fun at the time, it's not something we want to do again. You see where I'm going with this?" Rhianna told her.

"I do now but now I got a problem." Kerri said.

"What's that?" Rhianna asked with some concern.

"I don't know which I want to happen, me being right or you being right." Kerri said.

Rhianna laughed with more than a little relief and then she said, "You got a good point."

"Tell you what, let's put this food away and go out on the porch and watch the sun set." Kerri said as she started to get up.

"I think we already missed that." Rhianna said as she pointed out the window to the darkness."

"You and your technicalities." Kerri said with a big sigh that Rhianna could tell was mostly fake and that made her smile. For some reason, they both loved to push each other's buttons and Rhianna did it every time that she could.

"I want to thank you for this week. I know I have acted strange all week and then this morning I asked more of you than I should have. If I really loved you I would have let you sleep like you wanted to do." Kerri said as they stood on the porch side by side.

Rhianna turned Kerri around so that she was facing her and she said softly, "Kerri, I knew that something was going on with you and I was glad that I could be with you. I wish I could have done more to make the show easier and about this morning, there is nothing more that I wanted to do this morning than to make love to you."

"Well thank you all the same and I think that I might have a way of showing you that." Kerri said.

"And that would be..." Rhianna was saying when she felt Kerri put her hands on her waist and she pulled her in tight. Then she leaned in and gave her a kiss.

"I think that I'm going to like this." Rhianna told her in a lusty whisper.

"Oh you will." Kerri said as she kissed her again this time pulling her in tight and she opened her mouth as they kissed. Rhianna moved her tongue into Kerri's mouth and she felt her sucking gently on it as she met it with her own tongue. Rhianna felt Kerri's hands running up and down her back as they kissed. Rhianna started to caress Kerri's back when Kerri ended the kiss and she took her head back.

"This is for you, I just want to make love to you." Kerri told her and then she went back to kissing her before Rhianna could argue, so she just put her arms around Kerri and held on to her as Kerri's hands went down to her ass and they began to caress her ass cheeks. Rhianna let out a moan into Kerri's mouth as Kerri kissed her. Rhianna felt Kerri's fingers slip between the crack of her ass and she felt those lovely fingers run up and down the crack of her ass. Rhianna felt goose bumps come to her skin and she melted into Kerri's caresses.

Kerri kissed her over and over and then she began to kiss her way to Rhianna's neck and then on to her breasts. Rhianna felt her knees go weak as Kerri kissed her right nipple and then she sucked it into her mouth.

"Oh god, that feels good baby." Rhianna whispered to her.

Rhianna felt the fingers go deeper into the crack of her ass and she also felt Kerri's right hand slowly move to the side of her hip. The fingers teased her there and then they ever so slowly made their way to the front of her body. She felt Kerri's fingers comb though her pubic hair. She felt Kerri pulling on her hair as she moved her mouth to her left breast. She kissed all around her nipple before she sucked it into her mouth. Rhianna let out a loud moan and an even louder one when she felt Kerri's fingers touch her sensitive clit.

"Oh fuck!" Rhianna cried as Kerri's fingertips began to tease her clit.

Rhianna wasn't sure that she could stand up for much longer, her legs began to shake and she felt her body started to quiver.

"Come here baby." Kerri told her as she let Rhianna's left nipple pop from her mouth.

Rhianna thought that Kerri was going to take her to their bed but instead, she guided her over to the swing. "Out here?" Rhianna asked, not so sure about making love out on the porch, being naked was one thing but making love out in the open was another.

"Oh yes," Kerri said as she sat Rhianna down on the swing and then she got down on her knees in front of her. Kerri put her hand under Rhianna knees and Rhianna felt her lifting them up. Rhianna replaced Kerri's hands and she pulled her legs in tight to her body. Kerri let her hands trail down Rhianna's thighs and she let them stop just on each side of Rhianna's pussy. Rhianna waited for Kerri to do something but she felt nothing at first, then she felt Kerri's breath on her pussy. The next thing she felt was Kerri's tongue as it touched the bottom of her pussy and it slowly moved its way up. When it got to her clit, Rhianna felt Kerri suck her love button into her mouth. This felt so sweet and Rhianna felt her body began to move from this world. All that was in the world that she went to was her and Kerri. The sounds of the night disappeared from her ears and she only heard and felt Kerri's tongue as it licked up and down her slit. She could hear the sucking sounds that Kerri made as she sucked on her clit and she felt it even more than she heard it. Kerri moved her fingers on in and Rhianna felt Kerri pull her open. She felt Kerri's tongue go deep into her pussy and it moved around inside of her. The fingers pulled her lips out wide and Kerri's tongue moved up and down her slit and it would lick on her clit, keeping her on the edge of an orgasm. Then as it left her clit, Kerri moved her tongue on down to her pussy and then it kept going. Rhianna felt it touch the skin between her pussy and asshole and then made her moan. The tip of the tongue moved on down and Rhianna felt it touch the edge of her asshole.

"Oh fuck yes!" Rhianna cried as her pulled her legs in tighter to her body so that Kerri could lick around her asshole better and she did just that. The tip of the tongue went around her asshole again and again. Rhianna relaxed her asshole as she felt Kerri's tongue get to the center. She felt Kerri's tongue press lightly and then harder as it began to part her asshole and it slipped inside of her. The tongue seemed to keep going as it stretched her asshole open then Kerri brought it out only to push it back in. She Kerri fucked her asshole with her tongue, as her fingers went to her clit and they began to rub. Rhianna moaned so loud, she knew that Aliza would be able to hear her and she was at least a half mile away as the crow flies. Rhianna felt her eyes fluttering and she felt the tension rise in her body. She began to feel an intense feeling in her pussy and it was almost painful but a good pain. She knew she was getting to the edge of her orgasm and then it hit. She let out a cry and she felt her body going back to that place where there was only her and Kerri.

As she came back to her senses, she felt something inside of her pussy and she looked down to see that Kerri had two fingers deep into her pussy and they were slowly moving in and out of her body. She smiled down at Kerri and Kerri smiled back before she dipped her head down and she began to lick in and around her fingers. Then she would go to her clit and lick it as she slowly brought Rhianna close to another orgasm. Rhianna moaned and groaned as she approached her second orgasm and again the painful feeling became intense pleasure.

When she came back to the earth from her second orgasm, she pulled Kerri from her pussy and she kissed her, tasting her juices that were on Kerri's lips and face. "Let's take this inside." Rhianna whispered to Kerri as the kiss ended. Kerri nodded as she got up and then helped Rhianna up. When they got to the bed, Rhianna picked up the strap-on and she handed it to Kerri. "Just..." Rhianna started to say when Kerri put her finger to Rhianna's lips.

"I know what you want." Kerri replied in a whispered. She then helped Rhianna into the bed and Rhianna watched as Kerri put the strap-on onto her body and she came to the bed. Rhianna opened her legs and her arms for Kerri. She kept her eyes glued to Kerri as Kerri moved over her and using one hand, she placed the head of her fake cock to the entrance of Rhianna's pussy. Rhianna felt the head part her pussy lips and it slowly entered her body as Kerri lay on top of her. Rhianna wrapped her legs around Kerri's waist as Kerri adjusted her hips. The cock filled her pussy so nicely and made her feel so good inside. She accepted Kerri's kiss as she felt Kerri move the cock ever so gently. She moaned in pleasure and when the kiss ended, she pulled Kerri on down so that she had all her weight on top of her. Rhianna ran her hands up and down Kerri's back as Kerri moved the cock with her hips but only going out about an inch and then back in. This kept Rhianna slightly aroused but not enough for sleep not to begin to take over her body. The last thing that she heard was one of Kerri's soft snores before she too was gone.

When she woke the next morning, she found that Kerri was still sleeping on top of her and the cock that Kerri was wearing was still stuffed deep inside of her cunt. It felt so good to wake up and have her pussy feeling so full and then having Kerri soft body laying on top of her just made it perfect. Rhianna kissed the top of Kerri's head and she felt Kerri start to stir. This caused the cock that was attached to Kerri's body to move too. This caused her to moan a little. Kerri raised her head and she smiled at Rhianna.

"Morning sweetie." She told her.

"Morning, did you sleep well." Rhianna asked.

"Very well, thank you and you?" Kerri asked.

"I slept great. I always do when you are inside of me and I can hold on to you." Rhianna said as she gave her a little kiss on the lips.

"I am inside of you aren't I." Kerri said as she moved her hips up and then brought them back down just as slowly.

"Mmmmm... yes you are and it feels great." Rhianna told her as she put her right hand behind Kerri's head and brought her down for another kiss; this one lasting much longer and it became very passionate. As Kerri kissed her, she started to move the cock that she was wearing in and out of Rhianna's pussy.

"Oh that feels so good, don't stop." Rhianna said as she brought her knees up and she wrapped her legs around Kerri's waist.

"I don't plan on it." Kerri told her and then she brought her hands around and she cupped Rhianna's breasts, squeezing them and pinching her nipples as she moved her hips up and down. Rhianna flexed her pussy muscles and she gripped the cock that was moving in and out of her body. Kerri fucked her softly and slowly until Rhianna was ready for more. Then Kerri picked up the speed and forcefulness of her thrusts and Rhianna began to feel the familiar sensations that started in her pussy and went throughout her body. She felt her body tense and then her orgasm came and she felt the release that her body needed. When she came back to her senses, she turned Kerri over unto her back and she sat up. She then lifted her hips up and the cock slowly came out of her body. Her pussy felt so empty when the cock left her but it felt good too. She then took the strap-on off of Kerri's body and placed it on herself. Kerri smiled as she opened her legs for Rhianna and her cock. Rhianna took hold of the cock and she moved the head against Kerri's slit. This caused Kerri to moan and she tried to move down to get the cock inside of her body. But Rhianna moved back preventing Kerri from getting what she wanted.

"Come on baby, give me what I want." Kerri pleaded.

Rhianna just smiled and she took the cock and began to run the head up and down Kerri's slit and she rubbed Kerri's clit with the cock head making her moan. She did this for a few minutes causing Kerri to moan and shift her hips trying to get the cock inside of her body.

"Baby, please give it to me." Kerri pleaded again and Rhianna heard the desperation in her voice.

"When I'm good and ready." Rhianna teased her and she was about to give Kerri what she wanted when Kerri suddenly sat up.

"No when I'm good and ready." Kerri cried as she pushed Rhianna onto her back.

Rhianna was so surprised that she just laid there as Kerri climbed on top of her and she sat down on the cock hard. "Oh god yes!" Kerri cried. Rhianna gave out a little laugh and she started to push up with her hips when Kerri came down on her cock. Rhianna reached up and she took Kerri's breasts into her hands. She gave each a tender squeeze and then she began to pinch and pull on the nipples. Kerri was riding her cock hard and fast and Rhianna loved to see Kerri enjoying the fucking she was getting. As she saw Kerri getting closer to her climax, she pinched and pulled harder on her nipples causing the orgasm to be more intense. Rhianna felt a flood of warm liquid come out of Kerri's pussy and she gave Kerri's nipples a final hard pinch and then she pulled Kerri down to her and she held her as Kerri rode out her orgasm.

"That felt nice." Kerri told her as she gave her a kiss.

"Yes it did, I'm sorry if I teased you too much." Rhianna told her.

"Oh you did it perfect, I just decided I wanted to be on top and you gave me a good excuse to do that." Kerri said as she gave her a last kiss and she climbed off the now wet bed. "I think we need to clean the sheets." Kerri said with a laugh.

"I think you're right plus all out clothes that are still in the car." Rhianna said as she let Kerri take the strap-on from her body. Kerri also took the opportunity to take a few licks at Rhianna's pussy causing her to moan. But then she pushed her away. "We got clothes to wash baby." Rhianna then brought Kerri up to her and gave her a kiss.

They spent the rest of the day washing clothes and then hanging them out to dry in the summer sun. That evening they went down to Aliza's house and they talked to her and played with her little girls. The next day Kerri worked on the last of the editing on her book and Rhianna started working on another story. This time she started out intending it to be an erotic story. She had already thought up a good plot and so she worked on just getting her notes down on paper before she started to write her story. They worked during the day and made love at night only they left the toys out of it. Those urges were satisfied that first day back from the show and also they were saving them for when one of them won the bet that they had made.

"So you ready to lose your bet?" Kerri asked as they pulled up to the post office on Wednesday.

"You're feeling awfully confident that you are going to win." Rhianna told her.

"Oh I have no doubt. I know she will write but you know kids, she will have other things to do before she'll sit down and write a letter, now if I had given her my email address, then she probably would have written me by now but I didn't do that, I wanted her to have to sit down and think about what she wanted to say and then go through the process of mailing it. So yes I'm confident." Kerri said and Rhianna could see that she truly believed that it would take a while for Natalie to get around to mailing a letter but Rhianna had seen the effect that Kerri had on the young girl and she knew that Natalie would sit down and write her right away.

"Well let's just go in and see." Rhianna said as she got out of the Escape and she met Kerri at the front of the vehicle. They went in and Kerri went to her mail box and she opened it with her key. There was a bunch of bills and advertisements in the box and Rhianna could see Kerri beginning to smile as she went through the mail and no letter from Natalie. When Kerri got to the next to last letter, her smile changed from one of confidence to one of pleasant surprise.

"What you got there?" Rhianna asked her trying not to sound like she was saying "I told you so."

"A letter from Natalie, How did you know she would write so soon?" Kerri asked.

"I'm been trying to tell you what you did for that girl. When you asked her to be your assistant you changed her life forever. I watched that girl turn from a shy scared girl into a confident young woman in just one day. You made her believe in herself. I know you were busy with your fans but you still took the time to talk to her and listen to her. That was all she needed to feel good about herself." Rhianna told her.

"I was just being nice to her. She seemed so shy and I just wanted her get from behind her mother's skirts." Kerri said.

"Well you did that and more, but now you have a responsibility to her, you need to be there for her." Rhianna warned her.

"I know and that is why you're going to run to the dollar store over there and get me some nice stationary while I read her letter and think of what to write back to her. I know she is checking her mail everyday waiting for me to write her back." Kerri said as she went over to one of the benches and she sat down.

When Rhianna came back, she saw that Kerri had finished the letter and there was a far off look in Kerri's eyes and she knew from experience that Kerri was lost in her thoughts.

"Here's your stationary." Rhianna told her hating to interrupt her thoughts.

"Thanks," Kerri said as she took it and she got an ink pen from her purse.

"May I?" Rhianna asked pointing to Natalie's letter.

"Huh?... Oh yea, go ahead." Kerri said as she started to write.

Rhianna picked up Natalie's letter and the first thing that she noticed was how neat and careful Natalie had written her letter. It was like she had taken pains to write every work and Rhianna thought that she probably had done just that. Natalie first thanked Kerri for letting her help her at the show and then taking them out to have pizza. Rhianna knew that Helena had made her daughter put that in first, and then Natalie began to talk about her life and how she had loved Kerri's books. She talked about wanting to be more like Sid and also how she wanted to do something with her life. She also talked about the scars that she had and how she was afraid that no one would ever want to marry her but she could live with that. She also mentioned her father briefly but Rhianna could see that was something that she really wanted to talk more about. She hoped that Kerri would encourage her to do that. She knew that Natalie must feel responsible for her father's death, since her had died saving her. The letter was five pages long and it ended with "Love, Natalie". Rhianna felt the tears in her eyes and she looked over at Kerri who appeared to be on the third page of her letter going back to Natalie. Rhianna got up carefully not wanting to disturb Kerri and she went outside and walked around giving Kerri time to write Natalie back. About an hour and half later she saw Kerri walking out of the post office.

"So did you get your letter off?" Rhianna asked her as they got into Kerri's Escape.

"Yea, it was hard to start but once I did, I got a nice long letter out to her. I hope that she likes it, I didn't want to sound like her mother but more of a friend, an adult friend but a friend all the same. I also told the post master to call me when I get another letter from Natalie. That way she won't have to wait around for me to find time to pick up my mail." Kerri told her.

"I'm sure that she will appreciate the letter, I know if I was her, I would be on pins and needles until I got a letter from you so it was nice of you to go ahead and send out a letter right away. And telling the postmaster about alerting you was a nice touch. Will you ever give her your email address so she can write you that way?" Rhianna asked as they started on their way home.

"Yea, eventually but right now I want to keep it this way." Kerri told her. And then she went on to talk a little about what she wrote to Natalie and she got Rhianna opinion to see if she agreed and for the most part, she did.

"I guess you won the bet." Kerri said as she turned off the main road and started toward her cabin.

"I was wondering when you were going to bring that up." Rhianna said and then she noticed that Kerri was pulling off the road into a grassy area beside of the road.

"I was waiting for the right time to do so and you know that you could have brought it up by saying, I told you so." Kerri said with a little laugh.

"Well, I wasn't one hundred percent sure that I was going to be right and I didn't want to rub it in. I was just happy that she wrote to you and that you write her right back." Rhianna told her.

"Well anyway back to the bet, since you won, I get to tell you to do anything I want and you have to do it, right?" Kerri asked with her eyebrows arched.

"That right." Rhianna said and she began to wonder just what she had gotten herself into but all the same she felt a tingle down low.

"Anything I tell you to do, you have to do it, no matter what it is?" Kerri asked.

"That's right, anything at all." Rhianna said and she began to feel just a little nervous.

"When does the bet end by the way?" Kerri asked.

"I will let you know." Rhianna said knowing that when she made the bet, she didn't intend to ever stop it if she was the one who won.

"Why do you get to decide?" Kerri asked.

"Because I'm the one who came up with the bet in the first place, so I get to decide when to end it. But to ease your mind a little, I don't plan on ending it in the next few days." Rhianna told her.

"Then let's get started. Take off all your clothes and give them to me." Kerri told her with a straight face.

"Is this a test to see just what all I will do?" Rhianna said after she had recovered from the shock of what Kerri was asking her to do.

"No, it's just my first request. I've always wanted to drive around with a naked girl sitting beside of me; you have just given me a way to make that wish come true." Kerri said.

"Okay," Rhianna said and she reached down to the bottom of her tee shirt and she started to pull it over her head. She tried to hide the fact that her hands were shaking from the fear of being caught naked in Kerri's car and she also knew that she was excited by the request. When she got the tee shirt off she handed it to Kerri. She went to her bra next and she unsnapped it from the back and she pulled it off her arms and from her breasts. She looked down and she saw that her nipples were already hardening and she knew that Kerri could see that also. She went down to her shorts and with her fingers shaking, she unbuttoned them and she pushed them with her panties down her hips and onto to her thighs. She pushed them on down her legs and she brought her knees up so that she could get them off. She handed them to Kerri and she could feel the cool air coming from the air conditioner hitting her pussy. She then slipped her sandals off and she handed them to Kerri.

"Didn't think I'd do it did you?" Rhianna asked feeling more confidence than she really felt.

"I figured that you would." Kerri said as she turned back in her seat and put the car back into gear. She eased back onto the highway and Rhianna could see her glancing over at her at every chance that she could. Rhianna also kept an eye out for oncoming traffic hoping that no one could see her sitting there naked. She was also glad that Kerri put towels down on her seats as she could feel her pussy getting wet and she didn't want to stain Kerri's seat. Kerri started to talk about her new book as she drove then when she got a long straight stretch in the road; Rhianna suddenly felt a hand on her left thigh. The hand moved on between her legs and Rhianna opened her legs knowing where that hand was going. She looked down as the fingers went to her pussy and they ran up and down her pussy lips.

"A wee bit wet are we?" Kerri asked with a little smile as she brought those fingers up to her mouth and licked the juices from them off.

"Who me?" Rhianna asked as she reached over and she slipped her fingers under the waist band of Kerri's shorts and she went down to Kerri's pussy and she found it just as wet. "Looks like I'm not the only one." Rhianna said with a giggle.

"Hey I'm the one who is supposed to be telling you what to do." Kerri said.

"You are but that doesn't mean that I can't do things on my own." Rhianna told her.

"That's good to know." Kerri said with a laugh as she reached over and gave Rhianna left nipple a little pinch.

"Mmmm..." Rhianna said and then they went on toward Kerri's cabin and Rhianna was hoping that Kerri would hurry so that she could start the games as she was getting horny.

When they did get to the cabin, Rhianna got out thankful that no one decided to show up and wait for them. There wasn't much of a chance of that but all the same; they did have guests on rare occasions. Kerri carried Rhianna's clothes on into the cabin and set them on the couch and Rhianna knew that she would be naked for a while which suited her just fine.

"Now what to make you do or shall I do something to you, there are just so many possibilities." Kerri said as she walked around Rhianna eyeing her carefully. Rhianna felt so exposed being naked like this and Kerri still having her clothes on and she also could feel her pussy practically leaking juices. Rhianna watched her carefully and then she saw Kerri's eyes zero in on her pussy. She could also see an idea come to Kerri's mind and she then saw that Kerri was undecided.

Rhianna then spoke up before Kerri could change her mind. "Just say it Kerri and I will do it, don't hold anything back, okay?"

"Are you sure?" Kerri asked still not convinced.

"Dammit Kerri, how many times do I have to tell you this, Yes I'm sure." Rhianna said getting a little angry with her.

"You really do want this don't you?" Kerri said and Rhianna said as she saw that Kerri was finally getting what she was wanted.

"Yes baby I do. You've showed me what loving a woman could be like and now I want you to show me the rest. I'll love you no matter what you have me do or you to do to me. I want to experience it all and I want you to show it to me. I trust you and that is why I feel safe doing this. And to put it in terms that you can understand, I want to write about all these different things and to do that, I want to experience them first. Why do you think I made the bet like I did?" Rhianna said as she came up to Kerri and she pulled Kerri to her. She kissed her sweetly and then she told her, "I'm yours to do as you please so do it before I really get mad." Then she kissed her again and as her lips left Kerri's, she gently bit Kerri's lower lip.

Kerri stepped back and Rhianna watched Kerri suck on her lower lip and then she saw a devious smile come across her face and Rhianna knew for sure that she had finally gotten through to her. "Stay right here and don't you dare move a muscle."

Rhianna didn't say a word as she knew that anything she said would be unnecessary. She heard Kerri rummaging around in the bathroom and a few minutes later, she came out with a bath towel, a hand towel, a razor, a can of shaving cream, a bowl of water, and a pair of scissors. Rhianna looked down at her pubic hair and she knew that in a few short minutes, it would all be gone.

"Get up on the table with your butt at the edge and your feet up on the table so that I can get to work." Kerri told her after she had put the bath towel down.

Rhianna was glad that Kerri had a sturdy table as she slipped her butt onto the edge and she placed her feet on the edge of the table so that her pussy was open and exposed. Kerri arraigned the other stuff on the table so that she could get to them. She then sat down and pulled her chair up close. She studied Rhianna's pussy for a moment.

"You know what we need?" Kerri asked.

"What?" Rhianna asked not sure she really wanted to know.

"A before and after picture." Kerri said as she got up and went to where Rhianna's digital camera was sitting. Rhianna wanted to protest but she was the one that told Kerri to do as she pleased and she couldn't turn back now. She also wished that her parents hadn't got her such a good camera when they found out that she was going to go to school in Tennessee. "Say Cheese!" Kerri said and Rhianna couldn't help but to smile as Kerri snapped off the first picture. She felt her face as well as the rest of her body go red as she thought about being photographed naked and with her legs spread out, totally exposing her pussy. Rhianna had hoped that Kerri would stop at one picture but she didn't. She snapped off several more pictures much to Rhianna chagrin. Then to make matters much worse, Kerri sat back down in her seat and she focused the camera in for a close up of Rhianna's pussy. Rhianna was about to die from embarrassment but she could also feel her juices running and she knew that the camera was picking it all up. Kerri snapped off a dozen or so pictures and then Rhianna decided that she would go ahead and give Kerri a show. It was too late to be modest at this point anyway. She reached down and she put her fingers to her pussy lips and she pulled them open. She saw the surprise on Kerri's face but it was only there for a moment as Kerri put the camera back up and she snapped off a few more pictures. She then got back up and while Rhianna held her lips open, Kerri snapped off a bunch more pictures. Finally she was done and she came back to the table and she sat back down. Rhianna thought that Keri was ready to start shaving her pussy hair off but Kerri had something else in mind first.

"You know before I shave you, I think I'll take a few last licks as you are now, just for memory's sake." Kerri said and then she leaned forward.

Rhianna closed her eyes anticipating Kerri's tongue touching her pussy. But she got a pleasant shock when she felt Kerri's cool breath on her hot pussy lips, then she felt one of Kerri's fingers lighting touching her pussy and it went up to her clit where it made a circle around it using a feathery light touch.

"Oh godddd..." Rhianna moaned out.

Rhianna waited for what Kerri would do next and she felt Kerri's warm tongue touching her pussy lips and it made a long slow trip up her pussy to her clit. Kerri sucked her hard little nub into her mouth. She sucked on it hard and Rhianna put her hands to the back to Kerri's head and she held her in place as Kerri began to lick her pussy. Kerri's tongue licked the outer lips first then it delved between her lips. Rhianna let out another moan and she pushed Kerri's face into her pussy a little harder. Kerri licked and sucked on her pussy and Rhianna moaned and groaned. Kerri's mouth went on up to her clit and Rhianna felt a finger enter her pussy. It moved on inside of her and Kerri twisted the finger as she sucked a little harder on her clit. Rhianna could feel her juices really flowing and she could feel that an orgasm was beginning to gather within her body. She had been aroused since Kerri had made her take her clothes off in the car and she really needed this release. She didn't even try to hold off her orgasm this time; she wanted and needed to cum. She felt her clit get more sensitive and her pussy was clinching down on Kerri's finger. Rhianna felt a sense of pain hit her as her orgasm hit and then it was pure pleasure as she got lost in her orgasm.

"Oh god I needed that." Rhianna said when she was finally able to open her eyes again.

"I know, I saw how aroused you were which gave me an excuse to do what I wanted to do anyway." Kerri said smiling and then she let Rhianna catch her breath before she picked up the scissors.

Rhianna wanted to look away as Kerri made the first snip of her pubic hair but at the same time she couldn't look away. She had thought about doing this herself after seeing how cute Kerri's pussy was shaved but she never got up the guts to do it, now Kerri was doing it for her. Slowly her bush disappeared as Kerri worked. When Kerri was done with the scissors, she was down to about half an inch of stubble. Kerri then got a wash cloth and she dipped it into the warm water. Rhianna sucked in her breath as Kerri placed the warm cloth onto her pussy. She got the area nice and wet before she got the can of shaving cream and she put some onto her palm. Kerri gently smeared the cream all around her pussy and all Rhianna could now see was white. Rhianna's eyes never left Kerri's hand as it went over and got a razor. Again she sucked in her breath as Kerri made the first stroke of the razor. Rhianna could now see that where the razor went, bare skin was left showing. Kerri went slowly as she cut the hair off, going back to places that she missed or where the hair got stubborn and didn't want to be cut off. Eventually it was all gone around her pussy and Kerri told her to lie back on the table and clutch her legs to her chest. Rhianna wondered just what Kerri was up to until she felt the shaving cream being applied around her asshole. She never thought about hair being there but then she had never really looked at her asshole before. She felt Kerri go around her asshole getting what hair that was there. She then felt Keri wash all the cream off her pussy and asshole.

"Sit back up and let me go get you a mirror." Kerri told her as she got up and went toward the bathroom.

Rhianna could feel how the cool air felt around her pussy now that there wasn't any hair there now. She had to make herself reach down and feel around her pussy and the skin was so smooth just like Kerri's was. She could see how her outer lips covered her inner lips and it made her pussy look so different than she was use to. Kerri was back now and she sat down in front of her and handed the mirror to Rhianna who drew in a deep breath before the put the mirror in front of her pussy and she got her first good look.

"What do you think?" Kerri asked.

"It's different, that's for sure but I like it." Rhianna told her and she really did like it.

"Okay, now for the real test." Kerr said as she took the mirror from Rhianna and she placed it on the table. She then put her fingers to the sides of Rhianna's pussy and she ran them all around the area that use to have hair but was now bare. Rhianna like how Kerri's fingers felt as they stroked her bare skin. Rhianna then felt Kerri's tongue touch her pussy lips as Kerri's fingers continued to tease the skin around her pussy. Kerri licked up and down Rhianna's pussy lips and Rhianna found herself getting quickly aroused, not that it took much to do that to her but she was definitely aroused now that she had a bare pussy. Kerri's fingers pulled her pussy lips apart and she licked even deeper inside of her and Rhianna's hands went back to the back of Kerri's head holding her in place. Kerri took her time as she licked and sucked on Rhianna's pussy lips and then as Rhianna felt a finger enter her pussy she felt Kerri's mouth go to her clit. Rhianna groan aloud and she pulled Kerri's mouth in harder against her clit. She let her mind go and Kerri took her to that special place that she loved to go. She felt that familiar pain that came just before her orgasm hit and she cried out Kerri's name.

"I think that you deserve some attention now." Rhianna said as she got herself back under control.

"Oh no, we still got the after pictures to take." Kerri said as she got up and picked up the camera before Rhianna could grab it which she was trying hard to do.

"Shit why did I ever bring that camera in the first place." Rhianna cried out just as Kerri snapped the first picture and Rhianna knew that she had a pain expression on her face which she was sure that the camera caught.

"Now smile this next one is going to be my wallpaper for my computer." Kerri said.

"Oh hell no!" Rhianna cried just as the flash went off.

Kerri started to laugh at Rhianna reaction which sort of pissed off Rhianna but Kerri's laugh was contagious and she was soon laughing. She laughed even harder when Kerri came over and she show Rhianna the picture. Rhianna saw herself with her feet on the edge of the table and her now bare pussy completely exposed. Her mouth was formed into an O and her hands were reaching out as if to try and stop the picture.

"Well now you got that out of your system, put that camera down." Rhianna told Kerri.

"Hey who is giving the orders here? I'm the one who is giving the orders now and I think that I want a bunch more pictures. You're going to be gone soon and I want something to remember you by. Besides you got a beautiful body and I want to gets lots and lots of pictures. So hop down and let's get started." Keri told her.

"Oh god!" Rhianna sighed out. She had never thought that she had that great of a body but she had lost some weight working with Kerri this summer and it made her feel nice that Kerri wanted pictures of her. Plus it was kind of exciting standing in front of the camera naked and exposed. "No one will ever see these right?" Rhianna asked.

Kerri gave her a frown and it made Rhianna feel bad that she asked the question. "You know better than that. I'll never show these to anyone, I promise." Kerri said and then she hesitated before saying, "But I can't say I won't threaten to do so when you are being a pain in the ass." Kerri said seriously before laughing.

"That means you will be threatening be every other day!" Rhianna replied.

Kerri laughed and said, "Yea, your right so you had better be good or I will send them to Leeann and Catherine."

"Okay now straighten up and let me take some pictures." Kerri said.

Rhianna put a serious look on her face and just as Kerri brought the camera up, she started giggling.

"Quit that, I want some good pictures of you." Keri said as she stomped her foot down and Rhianna realized that Kerri was serious about wanting the pictures of her.

"I'm trying, really I am." Rhianna said as she tried to stop her giggling and she did for a moment, then she started all over again.

"Rhianna!" Kerri cried out and Rhianna tried once again to look serious and she did for a split second before the giggling started again.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying really I am.' Rhianna told her.

"I'll put a stop to this right now!" Kerri said as she put the camera down on the table and she came over to Rhianna taking long quick steps. It scared Rhianna for a second until Kerri got to her and she took Rhianna face in her hands and gave her a long wet sloppy kiss. Rhianna got her giggling under control fast and she returned the kiss with enthusiasm. Just as the kiss was getting really passionate, Kerri ended it and she left Rhianna standing there with weak knees and her heart beating about a thousand beats a minute.

Kerri stepped back and she took a picture of Rhianna with a dreamy look on her face. But Kerri didn't stop there, she said that she wanted lots of pictures of Rhianna and she did. She had Rhianna stand by the kitchen table and then she had her turn around and she got a shot of Rhianna looking over her shoulder. Rhianna started to get into Kerri taking pictures of her. Kerri had her bend on over the table and Rhianna felt her butt cheeks open up and this embarrassed her just a bit. Then when she heard Kerri come up close behind of her and she got down on her knees. Rhianna knew that Kerri was about to take close up picture of her ass and pussy. This really embarrassed her but it also excited her. She could feel her juices start to flow as Kerri started to snap off a few pictures. Rhianna then felt Kerri's cool breath on her asshole and then she felt Kerri tongue go across her asshole. Her tongue licked her there for a moment getting her asshole wet with her saliva. Rhianna heard a few clicks of the camera and then she felt Kerri's tongue on her pussy and that made her moan. Again as soon as Kerri's tongue left her pussy, she heard the clicks of the camera.

"Reach back and pull your pussy lips open. I want some good close ups of your pussy leaking all those juices." Keri told her.

Rhianna felt her face go flush from embarrassment and having Kerri tell her to do it made the embarrassment worse. Still something inside of her liked having Kerri tell her to do it. She wanted Kerri to embarrass her and make her do these things. It was like Kerri was waking something inside of her that she didn't know existed. She wanted Kerri to tell her do things like this and maybe this was the real reason that she made the bet as she did. She wanted Kerri to have complete control of her body and mind, at least when they played like this. So Rhianna reached back and she took her pussy lips in her fingers and she pulled them out wide. She felt the cool air hit the insides of her pussy and she heard the clicks of the camera.

"Put a finger in your pussy." Kerri told her.

"Oh god." Rhianna thought to herself as she slid a finger into her pussy. She could feel just how wet she was and her pussy tingled as Kerri took more pictures of her.

"Now stand back up and move over to the bed and lay down on your back." Rhianna almost hated to remove her finger from her pussy but she did. She went over to the bad and she lay down. She kept her eyes on the camera and Kerri as Kerri took more pictures of her laying there. She had her move around and then she had her spread her legs for some really explicit pictures of her pussy and her holding it open. Rhianna saw that Kerri's eyes were on fire and she was getting very excited making her do these things. This made Rhianna want to please her even more. Kerri had her get up and her hands and knees and she took some side and rear pictures and Rhianna could now feel her juices running down the insides of her thighs. She was getting so horny that she couldn't stand it.

"Oh god I'm getting hot!" Rhianna heard Kerri say and when she looked around she saw Kerri rapidly stripping out of her clothes.

"Get up on your knees." Kerri told her in a husky voice. Rhianna did so and she watched as Kerri came over to the bed and she got up on it with her back against the headboard. Rhianna thought that the pictures were finally over and they could get down to some fun but she saw the Kerri was keeping a firm grip on the camera.

"Eat me now!" Kerri demanded as she put the camera back up. Rhianna looked into the camera as Kerri took her picture and then she bent down and she put her mouth to Kerri's wet pussy. She began to lick as Kerri kept snapping off pictures.

"Look up at me." Kerri commanded.

Rhianna looked up without taking her mouth off of Kerri's pussy and she saw Kerri take a picture of her with her mouth covering Kerri's pussy. The thought of someone seeing that picture almost made her cum and Rhianna kept looking up at Kerri as she licked her pussy. Rhianna lifted her mouth up and she stuck out her tongue so there would be no doubt as to what she was doing to Kerri. Rhianna then closed her eyes and she went back to licking Kerri's pussy and sucking on her clit until she made her cum. Then as she sucked down Kerri's girlcum she heard the camera click. She didn't know how Kerri could take a picture while she was in the throes of an orgasm. So she glanced up and saw that Keri had her eyes sealed shut and she was holding the camera up and she had her finger on the button. Rhianna knew that it would be a wonder if that picture didn't come out blurry.

Once Kerri recovered, she was back in command. She had Rhianna get up and had her follow her outside. Rhianna had been out there naked before but for some reason this was completely different. She followed Kerri outside and Kerri directed her over to the edge of her yard. With the mountains in the background, Kerri snapped off a bunch more pictures. These were more decent and more of an erotic nude picture. Rhianna started to enjoy posing for Kerri but she couldn't help the horny feeling that she was feeling. Even thought Kerri had brought her to two orgasms earlier, she was getting so horny that she couldn't stand it. Once she had enough pictures there, Kerri moved her around the outside of the cabin taking pictures of her doing different things like stacking some wood or getting in and out of Kerri's Escape. Rhianna knew that her camera held over five hundred pictures and it seemed that Kerri was intent on taking every one. They finally ended up back on the porch and it was there that Kerri had her go back to the explicit pictures. She stood on the bottom step and Kerri had her bend over so that her hands were touching the top step. Then Keri had her spread her legs out as wide as she could. Rhianna could feel the cool air go up into her pussy and she was dying. She so wanted to frig herself or better yet, have Kerri lick her to an orgasm. Once Keri had taken a few pictures of her there, she place Rhianna on the porch with her legs up on the edge of the swing. Again Kerri got lots of pictures of her with her pussy exposed and spread open. Kerri kept snapping off pictures until she finally filled the memory of the camera.

"Looks like the memory is full, just stay right there and I'll download them to my laptop and then we can continue." Kerri said as she got up off her knees.

"Oh god!" Rhianna said in frustration.

"What's the matter, aren't you having fun?" Kerri asked.

"Yes, but..." Rhianna said and she didn't know how to tell Kerri just how horny she was.

"What's the matter?" Kerri asked and she had this smirk on her face that told Rhianna that Kerri knew just what was wrong with her.

"I'm horny!" Rhianna cried out.

"What do you want me to do about it?" Kerri asked with a superior tone in her voice.

"I want you to fucking eat me, fuck me or just do something." Rhianna cried out.

"You now are telling me what to do? I think you got things reversed here." Kerri told her as she put one hand on her cocked hip.

"No I'm not telling you, I'm asking you." Rhianna said now that she realized that they were playing here.

"I don't think asking will be enough. I think you need to beg me to give you an orgasm." Kerri told her.

"Will you please eat me?" Rhianna asked.

"Not good enough! You haven't convinced me that you really want it." Kerri told her as she turned to go back into the cabin.

"No please don't go, I need you to eat me please. I beg you. I'll do anything you want." Rhianna told her getting into the role and enjoying it.

"You're already suppose to be doing anything I say sweetie." Kerri said

"Please!" Rhianna cried as she jumped down from the swing and got down on her knees before Kerri. She bent down and kissed the top of Kerri's feet and she looked up at Kerri with what she hoped was pleading eyes.

Rhianna saw Kerri's eyes light up and she knew that she had brought something out of Kerri just as she had done to herself. "Well maybe I can think of something, go on inside and get on the bed on your hands and knees. Then close your eyes and keep them closed." Kerri commanded.

Rhianna yelped and she got up and ran to the bed and she jump upon it. She landed on her stomach and the promptly got up on her hands and knees and she closed her eyes. She heard Kerri move around the cabin and she hoped that Kerri wouldn't make her wait too long and she didn't.

Rhianna felt Kerri get on the bed behind her. She felt Kerri's hands on her hips and the she felt Kerri blow on her wet and hot pussy. "Oh fuck!" Rhianna cried out and then she moaned when she felt Kerri's tongue touch her pussy lips and she started to lick her pussy. He tongue moved up to her pussy to her clit and then back down until it reached her asshole and she licked her there for a few moments. Again Rhianna let out a long moan and she laid her head down on the bed to give Kerri more room to lick her. Kerri kept licking her asshole and then she pushed her tongue inside her ass as her fingers started to play with her clit.

"Oh god yes, just like that." Rhianna cried out.

Kerri fucked her asshole good with her tongue and then she went back to her pussy licking and sucking up the juices. Rhianna was in heaven and she was finally getting the relief that she needed. She had gotten so aroused when Kerri was taking so many pictures of her that she was about to die. Now she felt her body responding to Kerri's tongue in her ass and Kerri's fingers rubbing her clit which was becoming so sensitive that she couldn't stand it. She moaned and cried out as Kerri worked her body and then she felt the pain that came before the release and then her body just came alive as she came so fucking hard.

"Baby I'm going to do something to you that I haven't done before just let your body relax for me." Kerri told her in a soft soothing voice as Rhianna came back around.

"Okay," Rhianna responded as she became aware of her body again. Something was different than before and then she felt Kerri put a finger to her asshole and she pushed it in. The finger slipped in so easily and then Rhianna realized that Kerri had put some lube in and around her asshole. She instinctually closed her asshole around Kerri's finger.

"Just relax baby, I need to do this and I think you will like it if you just relax. I won't do anything to hurt you, you know that." Kerri told her and Rhianna made herself relax. She did trust Kerri and she also found that she wanted to do it for Kerri.

Rhianna felt Kerri put something firm to her pussy and she felt Kerri putting pressure on it. Rhianna felt Kerri put the fake cock inside of her with the strap-on that she had obviously put on. Rhianna felt the cock slowly enter her pussy. Kerri kept pushing the cock inside of her until her hips met Rhianna's butt cheeks. Kerri left it in her for a minute or so until Rhianna got use to it then she began to fuck her slowly as Rhianna liked to be fucked. The cock moved in and out of her slowly and Rhianna could feel her pussy lips being pushed in and out with the friction of the cock. Kerri's finger was still moving in and out of her asshole and she was getting use to it. Then Kerri pulled it out and a moment later it was back but this time a second finger came with it. Rhianna really had to relax to be able to accept both fingers and she was becoming worried that she could take the cock there. Kerri took her time and she let Rhianna get use to both fingers stretching her asshole and the cock slowly fucking her pussy helped her to do so. Rhianna could feel her body getting aroused again. Just as she was getting into the fucking, she felt Kerri pull the cock out of her pussy. Rhianna tensed up again as she knew what was coming next.

"You said I could do anything to you and I'm going to so relax and take it." Kerri told her sternly.

To Rhianna's surprise, Kerri telling her this made her want Kerri to fuck her ass and she relaxed. Kerri pulled her fingers out of her ass and Rhianna then felt the head of the cock at her asshole. She could feel the cool jell on the end of the cock and she knew that Kerri had put more lube on it. Rhianna tried to relax as she felt Kerri move the cock forward. She felt her asshole being stretch and she felt some pain. It wasn't bad at first but as more of the cock tried to ender her the pain got worse. Rhianna moaned from the pain and she was about to tell Kerri to stop as it wasn't going to fit when she felt the head pop into her asshole.

"There you go baby, you took the head." Kerri told her and Rhianna felt her asshole begin to relax more and the pain eased some. Rhianna let out a big breath knowing that she had gotten the cock inside of her. Rhianna then felt Kerri begin to push more of the cock inside of her and she felt her asshole being stretch more. The pain returned and Rhianna gritted her teeth as Kerri slowly pushed the cock on inside of her. Rhianna felt like her asshole was going to tear and she felt tears coming to her eyes but she refused to tell Kerri to stop. Then when she thought that she couldn't take any more, she felt Kerri's hips touch her butt cheeks.

"It's all the way in, how are you doing?" Kerri asked this time nicely.

"It hurts." Rhianna told her honestly.

"I know baby but just let your body relax." Kerri told her and Rhianna felt Kerri's hands on her back, stroking her and caressing her skin. Slowly the pain began to ease and she just felt full. Rhianna felt Kerri hands move around to her breasts and they started to caress them and to tease her nipples. This caused Rhianna to start to get aroused much to her surprised. After a few minutes, Rhianna felt Kerri pull her hips back taking the cock with her. This caused a little pain but not as much as before. Kerri pulled the cock back a couple of inches and then she slowly pushed it back in. The pain intensified for a moment until the cock was all the way back in her. Kerri began to slowly fuck her asshole with the hard cock and while the pain stayed with her, it began to become almost pleasurable. Kerri kept her stroke slow and even and Rhianna let out a moan but this time in pleasure. Kerri was teasing her breasts more and then she moved one of her hands down to Rhianna's pussy. She felt Kerri started to rub her clit and the cock moved in and out of her asshole. Rhianna found that the cock fucking her ass was starting to feel good and she found herself moving back as Kerri came forward. Kerri began to fuck her a little harder and she was rubbing Rhianna's clit with more pressure. Rhianna felt herself going toward that bright light and her body was telling her that she was going toward an orgasm. Rhianna pushed back harder against the cock fucking her asshole and Kerri picked up her speed and forcefulness of her thrusts. Rhianna moaned and groaned as she felt her soul leave her body and all she felt was the cock in her ass and Kerri's fingers on her clit. She wrapped herself in her pleasure with Kerri right there with her. Her legs gave out and her knees slipped out from under her and she fell to the bed taking Kerri with her. When she came around, Kerri was kissing the back of her neck and stroking her cheek. Rhianna also found that the cock was still buried deep inside her ass.

"How was your first ass fucking?" Kerri asked kindly.

"Not as bad as I thought it would be, but it did hurt at first." Rhianna replied as she let her brain concentrate on the hard object still in her asshole.

"I know, it usually does the first time but it gets better the next time." Kerri told her and making her wonder if Kerri intended to do it to her again and that question was answered by Kerri's next question. "Would you let me do it again if I asked?" Kerri asked.

Rhianna thought for only a second before she answered and the answer she gave surprised her, "Yes I would, all you got to do is ask." Rhianna said as she turned her head around so that she could kiss Kerri.

As Kerri kissed her she began to move her hips again and Rhianna felt the cock moving in her ass. Rhianna moaned as she returned the kiss and Kerri slowly fucked her again as they lay on their sides with Kerri behind of her. Kerri kissed her lips and then her shoulder and the back of her neck as she slowly moved the cock in and out of Rhianna's ass. Kerri's right hand came around and she started to tease her nipples. Rhianna let out a moan and even though her asshole was beginning to become sore, the pain was feeling good. And when Kerri's fingers found her clit, she felt even better. The fingers teased her clit and then they started to rub it harder. Rhianna let out a loud moan and she grabbed Kerri's hand keeping it on her clit as she moan and rode out her orgasm.

She was exhausted when she came down from her orgasm and she felt Kerri slowly pull out the cock from her ass. It was a little sore and she moaned from the soreness. Kerri kissed her and the cock popped out from her asshole. Rhianna rolled over on her stomach to catch her breath and she felt Kerri getting off the bed. She wanted to tell Kerri not to leave but she didn't have the energy. Then a moment later she felt Kerri sit beside of her and she felt a cool cloth on her butt. She felt Kerri wiping the lube from her ass and then she pried apart her asscheeks and Kerri tenderly cleaned the lube from her asshole. The next thing Rhianna felt was Kerri kissing her asshole with tender loving care. Rhianna woke up enough to pull Kerri in beside of her and they took a nap.

"How did you like your first day of fulfilling your bet?" Kerri asked her as they cooked supper.

"I was hoping that the first day of the bet wasn't over yet." Rhianna said with a sly grin.

"Oh I think I can think of something else to do this evening." Kerri said with a wink.

"Like what?" Rhianna asked.

"Like maybe you getting down on your knees and eating me out as soon as I finish supper." Kerri suggested and Rhianna did just that. As soon as Kerri took her last bite Rhianna got down on her knees under the table and she was licking Kerri's pussy like she was born to it, which Rhianna was coming to believe.

"I think it's time to go and download those pictures. What do you think?" Kerri said after the sun had gone down and the air started to turn cool.

"You know what I think." Rhianna said dreading having to go and look at a bunch of pictures of herself and the fact that she was naked only made that worse.

"Yea I do but we're still going to download them and check them out." Kerri said with a laugh as she got up and she held out her hand for Rhianna to take which she did. "Don't worry, I sure that they will all be beautiful." Kerri told her as she leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"If you think they will be beautiful, then you got to be half blind." Rhianna told her.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Kerri reminded her.

"Yea I know but still." Rhianna started to say but Kerri stopped her.

"Now hush and let's just see what they look like before you say anything more." Kerri told her as they went on into the cabin.

Kerri sat down at her computer as Rhianna went and got the camera. She knew that she could quickly delete all the pictures but she knew that would make Kerri mad and secretly she wanted to see what they looked like. She gave the camera to Kerri and she sat down beside of her. She helped Kerry to hook up the camera to the laptop and then she showed her how to download them. It took a few minutes since Kerri had taken so many. Rhianna just hoped that a couple of them would come out halfway decent.

"You ready." Kerri asked smiling softly.

"As ready as I ever be." Rhianna responded.

"It'll be fun, just wait and see." Keri said and then she clicked on the first picture.

Rhianna grasped as the first picture popped up with her sitting on the kitchen table and her pussy, still with hair, exposed. She felt her face go red and she wanted to hide. And she did hide her face behind Kerri's shoulder.

"Honey, your beautiful, come here and look with me." Kerri told her as she turned around and took Rhianna's face in her hands.

"But look how fat I look!" Rhianna said.

"Oh god honey, show me where you see fat. I dare you to!" Kerri told her.

Rhianna looked carefully at the picture and the fat she had always seen on her body was gone. So she had to look carefully and she could see a little weight on her hips and maybe a little that was still on her belly but the fat she had come here with was mostly gone.

"You can't find it can you?" Kerri asked.

"Yes I can, see here and here." Rhianna said as she pointed to her hips and to her belly.

"Stand up a minute." Keri told her and she did. "Is this where you see fat in the picture?" Kerri asked as she pointed to Rhianna's hips.

"Yes," Rhianna said but as she stood up, it was harder to see than in the picture.

Kerri leaned forward and she went to Rhianna's right side and she kissed the area that she had pointed to and then she kissed the other side. "I think those hips of yours are perfect as well as your belly." Kerri said sweetly as she placed a gentle kiss there. She then looked into Rhianna's eyes and Rhianna could see that Kerri was very sincere in what she was saying. "Now will you sit with me and let's look at these pictures and looked at them through the eyes of someone who loves every part of your body or if you really want I can delete them all."

"No don't delete them, let's look at them." Rhianna said determined to look at them without seeing every flaw of her body.

So she sat back down beside of Kerri and looked at the first picture again, this time she wasn't so critical of herself and she saw that it wasn't a bad picture even if she was in a very explicit pose.

"You know I wished I had taken more pictures of you with your pubic hair." Kerri said as she looked closely at the picture.

"Do you like me better with or without my hair?" Rhianna asked her.

"Which do you like better?" Kerri asked back.

"I asked you first and do say whichever I like better is what you like." Rhianna told her.

"I don't want you to do what I like but what you like, it's your body and you should do as you like and not what I like." Kerri told her.

"Tell you what, write what you like and I will write what I like on a separate piece of paper and then we can compare." Rhianna said as she took a piece of paper and handed it to Kerri. They both wrote down what they liked and then handed them to each other. Rhianna read what Keri had written and she wasn't surprised at what she read.

"Do you really like it bare?" Kerri asked her.

"I wasn't sure I would but now that it is bare, I think I do. It feels so nice and smooth. But one thing about it I can always just let it grow back if I want." Rhianna told her.

"Yes you can, now let's go back to these pictures." Kerri said as she turned back to the laptop and she went to the next picture.

The first really explicit picture that came up made Rhianna blush again but she was also getting aroused as she saw herself so lewdly exposed. They talked about the pictures and Kerri commented on the ones she really liked. Rhianna also had to admit that she thought her pussy looked better bare than with hair surrounding it. Then when they got to the picture that Kerri took after kissing her, she saw that she had this dreamy look in her face.

"Now that is the picture." Kerri said as she quickly went to her desktop and she saved the picture to it.

"You're not going to put that on your desktop are you? I looked like I'm a lust crazed schoolgirl." Rhianna asked.

"I know and I made you that way." Kerri said smiling and she leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"You know if you get to put a naked picture of me on your computer then I get to put one of you on mine." Rhianna told her.

"Like hell you do, there's no way I will pose nude for you." Kerri protested but Rhianna saw that she was thinking about it.

"Yes I do, it's only fair. The only way you're going to put that picture of me on your computer is if I get a picture of you on mine." Rhianna said with determination.

"But you're so beautiful in this picture." Kerri said.

"Only one way you get to keep that picture on that computer." Rhianna said again.

"One picture and only one picture!" Kerri said and Rhianna squealed her delight and she kissed her.

"Now let's get on with these pictures." Kerri said. And she went back to her laptop. When they got to the picture of Rhianna suckling on Kerri's pussy, Rhianna felt her pussy getting real wet. She also noticed that Kerri was rubbing her legs together. Rhianna moved her left hand to Kerri's upper thigh and she slid it down to her pussy which she found to be very wet. She heard Kerri moan as she went to the next picture. This was the once where she was having her orgasm and to Rhianna's surprise it was actually in focus. Rhianna saw that she had her mouth open and there was a clear liquid being splashed on her face. Rhianna looked at Kerri and she saw that her face had turned red and it made her happy that Kerri was the one embarrassed. She leaned over and kissed her cheek as she let her fingers go deeper into Kerri's pussy. By the time they were done with the pictures and they were both horny as hell. They practically raced to the bed to make love and they did so for most of the night.

"Well you ready?" Rhianna asked the next morning after they had their late breakfast and Kerri was finishing up the morning dishes.

"Ready for what?" Kerri asked and Rhianna saw that Kerri's eyes zeroed in on the camera that she was holding. "I was hoping that you had forgotten about that." Kerri said as she dropped the towel she was drying the dishes with onto the cabinet top.

"You should know better than that, I have the memory of a elephant." Rhianna said.

"And you look like one too!" Kerri retorted.

"Good one and for that I'm going to fill the camera with pictures of you!" Rhianna told her and she saw Kerri grasp.

"Oh no, I only agreed to one picture." Kerri said and she stood firm on that.

"Okay then only a few pictures but more than one." Rhianna countered.

"Fine a few then." Kerri said and then she asked, "Where do you want me?"

"Let's go outside and please smile; I really do want some good pictures of you." Rhianna asked.

"Make me." Kerri said just as she got to the door and Rhianna grabbed her arm and she spun her around.

"Okay I will." Rhianna said and she pulled Kerri to her and kissed her hard.

"That'll work." Kerri said smiling.

They went outside and Kerri did manage to smile but Rhianna could see that she was uncomfortable with getting her picture taken, clothed or otherwise. So Rhianna enticed her to smile by lots of kisses and soft caresses. She did manage to get more than a few pictures out of her but not nearly as many as Kerri had taken of her. When they downloaded them to Rhianna's computer, it was Kerri's turn to say that they were terrible and Rhianna had to convince her that she was beautiful.

The next three weeks went by much too quickly for Rhianna as she had promised her parents that she would return home for a few weeks before going back to school. She tried to make the most of her time left with Kerri. On most days, they just worked on their onn stuff, Kerri editing her book and Rhianna writing on her new story. Then when they were both feeling kinky, the bet would come up again and Kerri would take charge of her. She would make Rhianna masturbate in front of her or she would tease her all day not letting her cum until late into the evening. Her bottom was also invaded a time or two more and she returned the favor to Kerri but that didn't happen very often. Still most nights, they just made love using only their fingers and mouths.

"Here is your check for the summer; we never got around to discussing the amount I would pay you so I just made the decision myself." Kerri told her as they waited for Rhianna's plane to board to take her back to Oregon.

"You know you don't have to pay me at all. I learned so much from you this summer that I feel like I should be paying you and beside with the way things are now, it doesn't seem right to take your money." Rhianna said not taking the check from Kerri.

"I'm paying you for all the wood you helped me split, the lessons on writing are free and the love making came from the heart and has nothing to do with this." Kerri said.

"I don't know, I still don't want to take it." Rhianna said.

"Tough, I'm invoking the bet on you and I say for you to take it." Kerri said as she stuffed the check into Rhianna's pocket.

"You're not playing fair!" Rhianna told her.

"Hey who said I had to play fair, I sure didn't." Kerri told her and Rhianna frowned as she knew she was beaten.

"You know I could stay another week." Rhianna said hopefully .

"No, you need to spend some time with your parents; they love and need you too." Kerri countered.

"I still don't understand why I have to wait a month after I get back to school before I can see you again." Rhianna said as she heard over the loud speaker that they were starting to board her plane.

"We talked about that, I just think that we need some time apart and you can get back to your studies." Rhianna said.

"No you talked about it, you never listened to what I was saying." Rhianna told her showing her irritation with the whole argument that they had on this with her not getting anywhere with Kerri.

"I did listen and I want to be with you but I think the time apart will be good." Kerri told her and then she whispered into her ear as she brought Rhianna in close, "Beside think about the love we will make after being apart so long. Now be a good girl and get on the plane before it leaves without you."

"Yes madam." Rhianna said and then she gave Kerri a big kiss before rushing to board the plane with tears in her eyes. What she didn't see was the tears flowing down Kerri's face as she watched Rhianna's plane lift off.

It wasn't until she stopped for her layover in Dallas that she pulled the check that Kerri had given her. She about died when she saw that the check was made out for ten thousand dollars. There was a short note attached to the check.


Three thousand is for the wood that you helped me split. That is what you said that you made last year working and I thought that was the least I should pay you. The rest is just for you to spend. This is your last year in school and you shouldn't have to worry about money. Beside I got plenty to spare and I want you to have fun.

Love you,


Rhianna wanted to kill Kerri for giving her so much and she also knew being mad at her or trying to give the money back would be a waste of time. So she just called her up and fussed for a good five minutes with Kerri laughing at her the whole time. Then she told Kerri that she loved her and then she hung up on her before Kerri could say anything.

She did enjoy her time with her parents and she got to tell her mother what Kerri was like but she did leave out the whole romance thing that they had. She did email and talk to her as often as she could and she could tell that Kerri missed her as much as she missed Kerri. She didn't push Kerri into getting together sooner than what Kerri had said. She didn't want to fight with her and she figured that the time would go by faster if she kept busy so that is what she did. Still time didn't go fast enough for her but eventually she made her way back to school and she got started in her classes.

Rhianna's first class was, of course, with Dr. Conley. It was an advance writing class and when she had signed up for it before the end of spring semester, she was looking forward to it. However the summer she spent with Kerri had changed all that, plus the fact that she now knew that Dr. Conley and Kerri were once lovers and that Dr. Conley had been the one to break it off, made taking the class difficult. She had thought about dropping the class but she knew that she would have to face Dr. Conley sooner or later so she decided to go ahead and take the class. Nevertheless, it was going to be hard to face her the first time. She walked into the class early and she started to sit into the back but she knew that there wouldn't be that many in the class so she went ahead and sat up front. Soon everyone came in and just as the class was to start, Dr. Conley walked in and put her things down on the desk. She then looked up and made eye contact with Rhianna and gave her a knowing smile. Rhianna figured that Kerri had told Dr. Conley about her spending the summer with her and the smile only confirmed that fact. What she didn't know was if Dr. Conley knew that she and Kerri were now lovers. Dr. Conley immediately called roll and she then launched into her prepared speech about what the class was going to be about and what she expected from each of them. She said that she was a hard teacher but a fair one. Rhianna had heard all this before and she could almost give Dr. Conley's speech for her. Then Dr. Conley did something that shocked the hell out of Rhianna. She gave them their first assignment and she let them go. Dr. Conley was one of those professors that tried to take advantage of every second allotted to her for her class. Rhianna wrote down the assignment and she put her notebook into her book bag. She got up hoping to get out before Dr. Conley said anything to her but then she heard Dr. Conley speak up.

"Miss Tanner, may I speak to you for a moment."

Rhianna looked up and she saw one of her friends smile at her showing both her relief that it was her being called and also sympathy for Rhianna. "Sure Dr. Conley," Rhianna said as she turned around.

"So how was your summer with Kerri?" Dr. Conley asked her.

Rhianna was made speechless with Dr. Conley's blunt statement and she tried to see if there was any jealously in her facial expression or her voice but she couldn't tell. Rhianna knew she was hesitating too long before giving her answer and Dr. Conley didn't saying anything but Rhianna knew the longer it took for her to answer, the more she was telling Dr. Conley without having say a word. "It was great, I learned a lot from her, about writing that is." And then Rhianna cringed when she heard those last words come out of her mouth. She knew she was telling everything without meaning to say anything about her summer with Kerri.

"That's good; I was hoping that she could teach you some things, about writing that is." Dr. Conley told her and this left Rhianna trying to figure out what Dr. Conley was really saying but then she knew.

"I even wrote a couple of stories while I was there. I would love for you to read them. That is if you want to." Rhianna said trying to change the subject but then she remembered what the stories were about and she knew she had just dug the hole she was in, a little deeper.

"I'd love to; just bring them by my office." Dr. Conley said as she began to pack up her things.

"Okay but they are ah..." Rhianna started to say not knowing how to describe the stories so she just finished with, "A little explicit."

Dr. Conley gave her a kind smile and she told her, "That's fine; we'll keep these stories just to ourselves."

"Thanks, I bring them by this afternoon." Rhianna told her then she made her escape.

She took her stories to Dr. Conley later that afternoon however she made sure that Dr. Conley wasn't there when she did. She didn't want to have to face her twice in one day. She was pins and needles waiting for her next class to find out what Dr. Conley thought of them. But as it turned out that she didn't have to wait that long. She had a class in the building that Dr. Conley had her office in the next day and as she was coming out of her class looked up to see Dr. Conley coming down the hall going to her office. It was too late to head in the other direction as she saw that Dr. Conley has seen her.

"Rhianna, you got a minute?" Dr. Conley asked as she came closer.

"Sure, this was my last class of the day." Rhianna told her.

"Come on in my office and let's talk." Dr. Conley told her as she led Rhianna into her office.

"I read your stories last night." Dr. Conley said and Rhianna felt her stomach flip as she waited for Dr. Conley to say more but she didn't, instead she rummaged around her desk as she looked for the stories.

"What did you think of them?" Rhianna finally asked.

"Well you were right, they were explicit and I have to admit that they did get to me. But more important, I think that this was some of the best work that you have ever written. What made you write stories such as these?" Dr, Conley asked and then she added, "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"No I don't mind. I always wanted to write books like Kerri but then she suggested doing a story and she showed me how she wrote down the plot and things first then she started to write so I did the same. Then once it was written, she wanted me to add in the love scenes so that I would have experiences of doing that so I did." Rhianna told her avoiding the real question that she felt Dr. Conley was asking and that was why she wrote a lesbian story.

"You would be wise to listen to Kerri, despite what I may have told you about Kerri's writing in the past, she is truly a great writer. I did make some suggestions to your stories. I hope that you don't mind, I guess that it's the editor coming out of me." Dr. Conley told her.

"Yea, Kerri told me that you were her first editor and that she learned a lot from you." Rhianna told her.

"Well she was a better writer than I was an editor. I think that Leeann has done wonders with her." Dr. Conley said.

"Kerri said that you did a lot for her too and I know that you have helped me. That is why I keep taking your classes." Rhianna said sincerely.

"That or you're a glutton for punishment." Dr. Conley said with a little laugh and Rhianna felt the tension that was building between them ease a great deal.

"Maybe a little of both," Rhianna said laughing with her. Then she added, "If I get a change to write another story or two this semester will you read them and let me know what you think, off the record as they say."

"I would love to, like I said, I did enjoy your stories, maybe you found your writing niche." Dr. Conley told her.

"I think I have, at least for now." Rhianna told her.

"Well check out what I have done and let me know what you think of my edits." Dr. Conley told her signaling that the meeting was coming to an end.

"I will and thanks for editing the stories for me. She said and then she added. "I go ahead and get out of your way now."

"Take care of Kerri; be good to her, okay." Dr. Conley said in what to Rhianna sounded like a sad voice.

"I will." Rhianna said as she went out the door and she was left wondering just what Dr. Conley's feeling were for Kerri. The way things ended for them, she wondered if Dr. Conley let Kerri go not because of the way she was afraid they would end but because she thought Kerri's career would be better off without her. She thought about this all day and as she went to sleep she was more than a little afraid there was still feelings between Kerri and Dr. Conley that were long since buried by both of them. This worried her more than a little bit and the thought of getting the two together one day so that the feelings if there could come out. That was something she was going to have to think long and hard about.

"Hello," Rhianna answered her cell phone as she got into her room not bothering to look to see who it was.

"Where are you?" The person asked.

"Kerri?" Rhianna asked excitedly as she dropped her books and she looked at the number on her phone just to make sure it was Kerri.

"Yes its Kerri, now where are you." Kerri asked with impatience showing in her voice.

"I just got in my room. Where are you?" Rhianna asked.

"I'm just outside your dorm, at least I hope it's your dorm, just get your fat lazy ass down here." Kerri told her.

"But we have two more weeks before you said we could get together." Rhianna said.

"Do you want to argue because if you do, I'm leaving right now." Kerri said.

"Fuck no." Rhianna cried out and she snapped her phone shut and ran out the door taking her keys and nothing else with her.

Rhianna found Kerri waiting in her Escape, just outside of her dorm. She ran to the truck and got in and Kerri took off before she could even get her seat belt on.

"Where are we going?" Rhianna asked once she got her breath back.

"My cabin for the weekend." Kerri told her.

"But I didn't bring any clothes." Rhianna said.

"I don't plan on you being out of the bed long enough to wear any." Kerri said as she winked at her.

This made Rhianna blush and she felt a tingle in her pussy and her nipples began to harden. Rhianna had been thinking about this since she had left Kerri at the airport a few weeks before. She was half tempted to tell Kerri to just find a motel and get them a room but she knew that waiting until they got back to her cabin was better so she began to talk about school however she didn't mention Dr. Conley or the fact that she had let Dr. Conley read her stories. She didn't want to bring her up this weekend that could wait for another day. By the time that she had finished talking about school, Kerri was pulling into her driveway. She got out and she found that Kerri was waiting for her in front of the vehicle.

"Come here baby." Kerri told her and when she got there, Kerri swiftly pulled her in close and Rhianna barely had time to close her eyes before she felt Kerri's lips on her lips. Rhianna could sense Kerri's urgency and she went with it. She wrapped her arms around Kerri and she began to caress her back and then her hands went down to Kerri's ass. She grasp's Kerri's ass cheeks in her hands and she squeezed tightly. She felt Kerri moan in her mouth as she felt Kerri's tongue enter her mouth and she sucked on it. She let the kissing go on for a couple of minutes then she leaned back thus breaking the kiss.

"Let's go inside so I can fuck you senseless." Rhianna told her and then she stepped out of Kerri's grasp and she took her hand. She led her up to the front door and she held the screen door open as Kerri unlocked the door. Rhianna then pushed Kerri inside and stepped up behind her. Rhianna put her hands down to the bottom of Kerri's tee shirt and she began to pull it up as they kept walking. When Kerri got to the bed, Rhianna pulled Kerri's tee shirt on over her head. Kerri then started to turn around but Rhianna stopped her.

"Don't move, just stand there." Rhianna told her as she stepped closer and she placed her hands to Kerri's side. She slowly brought her hands upward and inward until they reached Kerri's breasts. She cupped them in her hands and she could feel their weight and she tenderly squeezed them. This brought a moan from Kerri. Rhianna then began to kiss the back of Kerri's neck and shoulders. She let her fingers graze Kerri's nipples and she could feel that they were already hard. She took Kerri's nipple between her thumbs and index fingers and she gave them both a pinch and Kerri let out a loan moan. Rhianna began to gently bite the back of Kerri's neck and Kerri moaned louder. Rhianna then began to kiss her way down Kerri's back as she slowly went down to her knees. She gave Kerr's breasts a squeeze before she let her hands slide down Kerri's stomach. Kerri was wearing bicycle shorts and Rhianna put her hands to Kerri's side. She hooked her fingers into the waistband and she started to pull the shorts with Kerri's panties down. As Kerri's ass was exposed, Rhianna placed light kisses on the bare skin. As she pushed Kerri's shorts on down, she left her mouth on Kerri's ass and she kept kissing those perfect globes and Kerri stepped out of her shorts. Rhianna then put her tongue at the top of Kerri's ass crack and she let it slide down the crack. Kerri moaned and she bent forward as Rhianna's tongue got closer to her pussy. Kerri also spread her feet out wide opening her pussy to Rhianna's tongue. Rhianna smiled to herself as she let her tongue go to Kerri's pussy. She started to lick up the juices flowing from Kerri's pussy. There wasn't any need to tease Kerri as she was overly excited as it was. Rhianna placed her hands on Kerri's ass and she opened up her cheeks so that she could also tease Kerri's asshole as she licked and sucked on her pussy. Kerri's pussy was flowing with juices and she was moaning to beat the band. Rhianna licked around Kerri's asshole and then she went back to her pussy. She dipped her head in low putting it at an odd angle but allowed her to get to Kerri's clit. It was swollen and hard and Rhianna sucked it into her mouth. She used her tongue to lick it as she sucked on it. Kerri bent over farther as she placed her elbows on the bed. Rhianna licked and sucked until her heard Kerri cry out and she moved her mouth down to Kerri's pussy to drink down Kerri's girlcum as it squirted out of her. Rhianna sucked for all she was worth and she got all Kerri's juices and there were a lot of them.

Rhianna slid from under Kerri and she saw that Kerri was about to lie down on the bed but Rhianna had other ideas. "Hey, don't lie down yet woman, I'm not down with you yet!" She told her as she gave her a gentle slap on her right ass cheek. This seemed to bring Kerri out of her daze and she straightened her knees. Rhianna went to the bedside table and pulled out Kerri's strap-on and she put it on quickly and then she placed a little lube on the head of the cock. Rhianna placed the head of the cock at Kerri's pussy and she ran the head up and down Kerri's slit.

"Oh god yes! Fuck me baby!" Kerri cried as she twisted her head around and Rhianna could see the lust in Kerri's eyes.

Rhianna teased Kerri a little more by running the head of the cock up and down her slit and then she pushed just the cock head into Kerri's pussy. She heard Kerri moan and then groan as she pulled the cock back out. Rhianna immediately pushed the head of the cock back into Kerri only to pull it back out and this time Kerri moved her ass back trying to keep the cock inside of her but Rhianna was too quick for her and the cock came out despite Kerri's efforts to keep it in.

"Stick it in me and leave it there bitch!" Kerri cried out and this made Rhianna smile. She had Kerri just where she wanted her and she placed the head of the cock back at Kerri's entrance and she left it there as she placed her hands on Kerri's hips. She then pushed her hips forward and she sank the cock deep into Kerri's pussy.

"Oh fuck!" Kerri cried as Rhianna pulled the cock back out until only the head was inside of Kerri and then using her hips to push forward and her hands on Kerri's hips to pull her back,she plunged the cock back into Kerri hard. She soon got into a rhythm and she watched as the cock that she was wearing push Kerri's pussy lips inward on the in stroke and pulled them out on the outward stroke. She could see that Kerri's juices were quickly coating the cock and it slid into her easily. She fucked her using long slow strokes for a while as she enjoyed watching the cock move in and out of Kerri's pussy. But when Kerri started to push back, Rhianna picked up the speed of her thrusts and she began to fuck her harder. Rhianna could feel the sweat form on her body and Kerri's body was already coated in sweat. Rhianna drove the cock into Kerri as deep as she could and she really started to fuck her. She moved her hands from Kerri's hips to Kerri's breasts and she started to caress them. She used her fingers to pinch the nipples and this seemed to really turn Kerri on so she pinched them harder and pulled down on them. Kerri cried out and she let loose with a long moan. Rhianna picked up the speed of her thrusts and she felt Kerri start to shake. She pinched and pulled on Kerri's nipples even harder and she increased the speed of her thrusts.

"I'm cumming!" Kerri cried out and Rhianna felt a splash of warm girlcum hit her thighs and she knew that Kerri was having a wondrous orgasm. This time Kerri did fall to the bed and the cock was pulled from her pussy. Rhianna dropped to her knees and she started to lick up the girlcum that was flowing from Kerri's pussy. She pulled Kerri's ass cheeks apart and she licked her way up to Kerri's asshole getting it wet.

As Kerri began to stir, Rhianna got up and she said, "Get up on your knees girl."

Kerri was still in a state of bliss and she blindly did as she was told. Rhianna got the tube of lube and she places a little on her fingers and she placed this on Kerri's asshole. She placed a dab on the end of the girlcum coated cock that she was wearing. She took the cock in her right hand and using her left hand she pulled Kerri's hips back until her ass opened up for her. She guided the cock to Kerri's asshole and she saw that Kerri was relaxing it. Rhianna pushed her hips forward slowly and she saw Kerri's asshole open to accept it. The head popped in and she stopped for only a second before slowly pushing the cock deep into Kerri's asshole. She didn't stop until her hips came into contact with Kerri's ass cheeks. Rhianna paused for a moment to let Kerri get used to the cock stretching her asshole so wide, then she pulled it back a few inches before plunging it back in. Kerri was reduced to moaning and groaning by this time. The two huge orgasms that she had already had had taken most of her strength but not all of it. She was soon pushing back against Rhianna on the in strokes. Rhianna felt her own asshole tingle as she watched the cock move in and out of Kerri's asshole. Rhianna leaned forward and she began to play with Kerri's breasts again as she fucked her asshole. Kerri groaned and she pushed her hips back with more force and Rhianna fucked her asshole a little harder. Rhianna fucked her for a long time giving Kerri's a good workout before she moved her right hand down to Kerri's clit and she started to tease the sensitive nub making Kerri cry out in painful pleasure. Rhianna rubbed Kerri's clit harder and faster until Kerri gave out a loud moan and she let fly with her girlcum. She then fell to the bed curling up into a ball as she rode out her third massive orgasm. Rhianna looked down at her lover and friend for a few minutes before going and cleaning up the cock that she had been wearing. She then brought a warm wash cloth and wiped the sweat form Kerri's body and then she cleaned the lube for Kerri's ass. She then lay down on the bed and she curled up against Kerri pulling her in tight as they both fell asleep.

Rhianna woke up a few hours later with Kerri lying on top of her and something hard slowly entering her pussy. "Mmm... that feels good." Rhianna told her as the cock sank into her pussy.

"I wanted to do this earlier but someone wore me out." Kerri whispered to her as she settled between Rhianna's legs.

"I told you that I was going to fuck you senseless." Rhianna told her as she accepted the kiss for Kerri.

"Well you made good on your promise, young lady." Kerri told her as the kiss ended.

"I always do." Rhianna said as she put her hand to the back of Kerri's neck and brought her down for a long slow sensuous kiss.

Rhianna could feel the cock stretching her pussy open and it felt good. She needed this just as much as Kerri had earlier. Rhianna kissed Kerri hard and she welcomed Kerri's tongue into her mouth and she moved her tongue against it. She moved her tongue around Kerri's tongue and she heard Kerri moan from the erotic kissing she was doing to her. Rhianna then felt Kerri's hips rise and she felt the cock slip out a few inches and then Kerri brought her hips back down slowly and Rhianna moaned. Kerri was starting to fuck her just like she liked to be fucked. The cock moved slowly in and out of her pussy and she groaned from the pleasure. Kerri slowly let the kiss end and she started to move her lips around Rhianna's face planting sweet kisses all over it. Rhianna raised her chin as Kerri moved her lips there and she placed light kisses all around her neck going from side to side. Rhianna let out a light moan and she started to move her hips with Kerri's hips letting her know that she could go a little faster. Kerri rotated her hips a little on the next in stroke causing the cock to move around in Rhianna's pussy.

"Oh fuck that feels good." Rhianna moaned out.

"You haven't felt anything yet, sweetie." Kerri whispered into her ear as she kissed it and then bit her earlobe gently.

Kerri then pulled the cock almost all the way out and as she pushed it back in she moved her hips in a circular motion and Rhianna let out a loud moan. She could feel her pussy really warming up and she felt her juices leaking out of her pussy to her ass. Kerri kept this motion up for a few minutes as Kerri felt her breath shorten into a pant. Her pussy was squeezing down on the cock and she pulled Kerri to her. She was now needing more and more of Kerri's fake cock inside of her so she moved her legs up and she wrapped them around Kerri's waist. She pushed her hips up as Kerri pushed her hips down and their bodies met with her hips just off the bed. Rhianna felt the cock move in and out of her pussy and it felt so damn good.

The feeling she got as she felt the cock rub against her pussy lips as it entered her and the way Kerri moved it so that her clit got into the action. As Rhianna got closer to her orgasm, she felt her body shake and she had a hard time getting enough air into her lungs. Her body was taking control of her mind and Kerri was controlling what was happening to her body. She grasped for air and her mouth formed an O as she felt the first wave of her orgasm. She felt her body lift up and she was transported to that place with Kerri riding along making her body do the things that it was doing to her. Her body jerked and Kerri drove the cock into her hard and fast now as she rode out her orgasm.

"That was wonderful." Rhianna whispered to her when she could talk again.

"I'm glad that you liked it but I'm not done with you yet." Kerri told her as she started to slowly lift her hips and Rhianna felt the cock move out of her cock and then Kerri pushed it back in. Rhianna still had her legs wrapped around Kerri's waist and she moved her hips with Kerri's movement. Again Kerri took it slow and easy and Rhianna let out a gently moan as she felt the cock move within her pussy. She so loved how Kerri just knew how to fuck her. She loved to feel the cock move slowly in and out of her pussy that way she could feel every bump of the fake cock as it moved within her pussy. Rhianna pulled Kerri's mouth to hers and she kissed her hard as Kerri fucked her pussy. Rhianna urged Kerri on quicker this time as she needed the cock within her. Kerri started to push the cock deeper and faster into Rhianna's body and Rhianna was soon riding the waves of her second orgasm.

"Are you ready for more?" Kerri asked her as she kissed the sweat off of Rhianna's brow.

"Just a little bit more." Rhianna said with a little smile.

"Turn over and let me get some lube." Kerri said as she started to get off of Rhianna but she could see the questioning look in Kerri's eyes and she knew what she was asking.

"Maybe a lot of lube." Rhianna told her telling Kerri that she was willing and Rhianna saw that made Kerri smile.

Rhianna turned over and got up on her knees with her head on the pillow thus raising her ass into the air. She watched as Kerri got the lube and put some on the head of the cock head that was already coated with her juices. She lost sight of her as Kerri got back behind of her and she waited to feel the head of the cock at her asshole. She waited for a moment then instead of the cockhead, she felt Kerri's warm breath on her asshole and she shivered. Kerri blew on her asshole and then on her hot pussy, then Rhianna felt Kerri's tongue on her pussy licking up her girlcum and then the tongue moved up to her asshole and Rhianna let out a loud moan as Keri's tongue ran across her asshole. The tongue rimed her asshole for a moment then she felt Kerri's tongue at the center. Rhianna felt Kerri's tongue begin to press in and she relaxed her asshole as it entered her.

"Oh baby that feels good." Rhianna cooed as she felt Kerri's tongue fucking her ass hole.

"That's good, it will soon get better." Kerri said as she pulled her tongue from Rhianna's ass and then she pushed it back in.

Rhianna then felt Kerri's fingers as they started to play with her pussy. Rhianna let out a big moan as the fingers caressed her pussy lips and then they tenderly caressed her clit. Rhianna was quickly getting into the licking that Kerri was giving her asshole but then the tongue left her asshole and a moment later she felt Kerri's fingers that were coated with lube on her asshole. She felt a finger enter her asshole and she relaxed so that it could go all the way in. The finger slowly fucked her asshole as Kerri put more and more lube on her asshole. When she was well lubed, Kerri withdrew her finger and Rhianna felt the hard end of the cock at her asshole. She relaxed more and she felt Kerri start to push the cock head in. She felt the head putting pressure onto her asshole and soon she felt her asshole opening up and the head popped in. She felt her asshole being stretched and if felt painful at first as it always did when Kerri fucked her there. Rhianna made herself relax and the cock felt a little better. Kerri slowly started to push the cock on into her ass and it hurt just a little but she quickly got into it. The pain felt good in a weird way. When Kerri had the cock all the way into her ass, she stopped for a few moments until Rhianna was used to something that big in her ass.

"Are you ready sweetie?" Kerri asked sweetly as she started to caress Rhianna's back with her fingers.

"Oh yes, it's starting to feel good." Rhianna replied and she felt Kerri pull the cock back a few inches and slowly she pushed it back in.

"Mmm... that does feels good." Rhianna said as the cock slid back into her ass.

Kerri started to move the cock in and out of Rhianna's ass as her hands caressed Rhianna's back and then they went around Rhianna's sides and she cupped Rhianna's breasts. She tenderly squeezed them and then her fingers went to Rhianna's nipples and let her fingers glide across them getting them even harder. Kerri was moving the cock in and out of her ass slowly letting Rhianna get use to it but then she started to go faster. Rhianna liked her pussy fucked slowly but her ass, she liked it faster. Kerri knew this and she was soon at a quick pace but she didn't go too hard. She took it easy on her and that please Rhianna to no end. The cock moving in and out of her ass was feeling so good. She started to move her hips back against Kerri's hips as they came forward and the cock slid in and out of her pussy. Kerri let one of her hands go down to Rhianna's pussy and she let her fingers play across Rhianna's clit sending a flow of electricity throughout Rhianna's body. She moaned loudly and she felt her asshole clinch down on the cock that was sliding in and out of it. Rhianna cried out and her breathing quickened. Rhianna tried to hold off her orgasm but it was a lost cause. She held it off as long as she could but then she felt that feeling start to come over her and she let her body go. Kerri was rubbing her clit harder and the cock was going ever faster in and out of her asshole. Kerri pressed down on Rhianna's clit and this drove her over the cliff and Rhianna let out a moan as she felt her pussy squirt out its girlcum. She fell forward on the bed as she body floated on high with Kerri going with her. As she felt the waves of her orgasm go through her she felt Kerri kissing her ass cheeks and then the kisses moved up her back to her neck and then her cheek and finally her lips. She kissed Kerri back as her mind swirled around in the pleasure zone that she was in. She did feel Kerri clean her up and then she felt her cuddle up against her as she feel into a deep sleep.

It was about three in the morning when she woke up with a growling stomach. She tried to go back to sleep but her stomach wouldn't let her. So she tried to slip out of bed without waking Kerri.

"Where you going?" Kerri asked sleepily.

"I got hungry and I was going to get me something to eat." Rhianna told her as she sat back down on the edge of the bed.

"And you were just going to leave me here starving." Kerri said with a little pout that she couldn't quite pull off as she sat up in the bed.

"Well get you fat lazy ass off the bed and help me fix something." Rhianna told her and she started to get up but Kerri grabbed her arm and pulled her back down in the bed. And then she was pulled across Kerri's lap.

"Now who has a fat ass? It looks like I looking down at the biggest ass this side of the Mississippi." Kerri told her as Rhianna felt her caressing her ass.

"You have the fat ass! Now let me up." Rhianna said as she tried to wiggle out of Kerri's grip but she wasn't trying too hard.

"Not from my view, I don't. Now take it back or I'll have to do something that you will regret." Kerri told her.

"Take what back? That I don't have a big ass and that you do?" Rhianna asked as she couldn't help giggling. "Sorry I can't do that, it would be a lie and you know I don't tell lies."

"You don't well we'll see about that." Kerri said as she lifted her hand and gave Rhianna a good slap across her ass cheeks.

"Ouch!" Rhianna cried out.

"Take it back!" Keri warned her.

"No!" Rhianna said and then she clinched her ass as she waited for the next slap and it came. It stung a bit but not that bad.

"Ouch! That hurts." Rhianna cried out like it was killing her.

"Then take it back, tell me that I got a cute little as." Kerri said as she gave her another slap.

"No never!" Rhianna said defiantly as she felt the next slap come.

They went on this way for a while and Rhianna felt her ass getting warm however before it got too warm she gave in as she intented to do all along. "Okay you got a cute ass, the cutest that I've ever seen."

"That's better." Kerri said as she leaned forward and gave each of Rhianna's ass cheeks a kiss. Keri then let her up and Rhianna got off the bed rubbing her ass.

"But you do have the biggest as I've ever seen." Rhianna said and she laughed out loud at Kerri grabbed at her but she jumped away. "And you're as slow as an eighty year old woman!" she added as she let Kerri grab her this time.

"You never learn do you?" Kerri asked her as she pulled her back down in the bed.

"Nope," Rhianna said as she gave Kerri a kiss and then she got back up and she pulled Kerri out of the bed. "Now go fix me some food old woman." She added as Kerri started to walk toward the kitchen.

"Oh you little shit!" Kerri said laughing as she grabbed Rhianna and pulled her toward the kitchen with her.

"You know we have got to quit eating breakfast in the wee hours of the morning." Kerri said as she got the eggs out of the fridge.

"We're not eating breakfast, we're eating supper." Rhianna said with a grin.

"I stand corrected; anyway we are making this a habit." Kerri said.

"I know and I like it, it is so quiet and the world is asleep as we sit here and talk." Rhianna told her.

"I hadn't looked at it that way, it is nice isn't it." Kerri said as they started to cook up the eggs and bacon.

"Speaking of quiet, where's Margret, nothing bad has happen to her has it?" Rhianna asked as she realized that she hadn't seen her .

"No, unless being trapped with three little girls giving you all the attention you could ever want being something bad." Kerri said with a laugh. Then she added, "I dropped her off at Aliza's place on my way to pick you up. I wanted you all to myself before she came and demanded your attention."

"Poor old dog being handed off like that to be petted to death." Rhianna said and then she laughed before adding, "We should get those girls a dog of their own, you know."

"I talked to Aliza about that very thing and she wants to wait until the girls get a year or so older and then she will get them a dog of their own. I wish Margret was younger then we could breed her but alas she is getting a little long in the tooth for that plus I had her fixed years ago."

"That would put a kink in the plans wouldn't it?" Rhianna said with a laugh.

"Yep," Kerri said and then they sat down to eat.

They sat and talked for a couple of hours before crawling back into bed and making love, this time going slow and just using their fingers and mouths to bring each other to numerous orgasms. The next morning as they were having their coffee, they heard Margret yelping in the woods and then she burst out of the forest in a mad dash. She first went to Kerri for some loving and then she turned to Rhianna for some more. The poor dog acted like she hadn't seen them for years and maybe in dog time it had been years to her and not just overnight. They played with Margret for a while then they got dressed and went for a long romantic walk in the forest. They held hands and stopped often to kiss and hug, and then when they got to the creek, they sat down on the rock and just talked for a while. They began to kiss and the kissing led to caressing and before they knew it they were naked and making love in the outdoors.

Soon the weekend was over and Rhianna was back at school. She had to work all Sunday night to catch up with the homework that she didn't do over the weekend but she felt the lost sleep was worth it to spend the weekend with Kerri. She knew she would do anything to spend time with her. Kerri had told her when she dropped her off that maybe they could start to spend every other weekend with each other. Rhianna, of course, wanted to spend every weekend but Kerri said no. Kerri did get her way for the first weekend and Rhianna stayed at school. The next weekend Rhianna was back with Kerri at the cabin. The following weekend, Rhianna found an excuse to come to the cabin and after that weekend, she got her way, not that Kerri minded as far as she could tell. The only weekend they were apart was over Thanksgivings when Rhianna flew home and then over Christmas break. However, Rhianna did come back early to spend a few days with Kerri. The winter was a mild one and they had only a couple of weekends when the roads into the mountains were too bad to travel on and Rhianna had to stay at school.

As the spring semester worn on, Rhianna began to talk about moving in with Kerri when she graduated. That way she could help her with her books and also start to write on her own. Kerri wanted her to get a regular job for a year or so that she could build up some work experience. Rhianna thought about what had happen when Kerri and Dr. Conley went their own ways for a while and she didn't want that to happen to them. She didn't bring this up with Kerri but it was never far from her mind. Rhianna made the decision to move in with Kerri whether she liked it or not so when they talked about it or rather when Kerri talked about it, she listened and then she just told her that her decision had been made and if Kerri didn't want her then she needed to tell her right then. Kerri couldn't do that and Rhianna knew that so she just told Rhianna that she thought it wasn't a good idea but she never said that Rhianna couldn't come and live with her.

She didn't have a class with Dr. Conley in the spring semester, however she did see her every couple of weeks, talking about her stories and how to make them better. They also talked a little about Kerri and Rhianna could see something in Dr. Conley's eyes when did talked about her. Rhianna could never figure out what that something was. She knew that Dr. Conley knew that she and Kerri were lovers but that was something that they didn't talk about. Rhianna always left Dr. Conley's office confused. She liked her as a teacher but she was also afraid of Dr. Conley's friendship with Kerri. Then when she talked to Kerri about Dr. Conley she was left with the same confused feeling, it was like there was something between them that she didn't know. In the end she knew that she had to get the two together so that they could talk face to face. Their friendship was based on emails and a phone call every once in a while and that wasn't right. They were lovers once until Dr. Conley left Kerri because she thought it was for the best for both of them. Maybe, Rhianna thought, this ending was never the right ending and it was up to her to correct it for Kerri's sake and also for her own sake. If Kerri was really meant to be with Dr. Conley then she would step aside but if that was to be the way it had to be then she needed to know now and not several years later when leaving Kerri would be much harder, not that it would be easy at this point as she loved Keri with all her heart.

Rhianna had thought long and hard about how she would get Kerri and Dr. Conley to meet and she just couldn't come up with the right way. She had to make it seem casual but also be a situation that they would have to talk. She was running out of time and it was when she was talking to her mother on the phone one day about them coming up for graduation that she came upon her idea. That is where she would get Kerri to meet up with Dr. Conley. Rhianna had to study for her finals so she didn't get to see Kerri the weekend before graduation as she wished but they did talk several times.

Graduation day came and Rhianna was running all over the place. Going from her dorm room to her parent's hotel room and then coming back with them in a cab to the arena for graduation. She looked around for Kerri but she never saw her but she knew that she would be there somewhere. Rhianna gave her parents a hug and then went to where the graduating students were supposed to assemble.

After the ceremony, Rhianna found her parents first and got hugs and kisses from them. Then she saw Kerri waiting in the background and she ran to her and got a hug and a kiss on the cheek since her parents were watching and she hadn't gotten around to telling them what her real relationship with Kerri was. She then brought Kerri over and she introduced her to her parents. Her mother made a big fuss as she loved to read Kerri's books too. They talked for a while before Rhianna noticed Dr. Conley talking to some students. Rhianna excused herself telling her parents that she wanted to introduce Kerri to a friend of hers.

"Is this a way to get me alone for a while?" Kerri asked and she gave Rhianna a mischievous grin.

"Well I do want to do that but actually I really do want you to meet someone." Rhianna told her.

"You know how I feel about meeting people." Kerri warned her.

"I do but this is someone that I think you need to see." Rhianna told her as she took Kerri by the hand and led her to where Dr. Conley was just finishing talking to the student that she was with. She turned around just as Rhianna and Kerri got to her.

"Dr. Conley, I believe you know my friend Kerri." Rhianna said and then before either of them could say anything she added, "I thought after all these years, you two needed to get together and talk."

"Kerri, I'll see you in a week." Rhianna said as she gave Kerri a kiss on the cheek.

She then turned and she walked away and it wasn't until she looked back and she saw the look on Kerri's face that she realized that neither Kerri nor Dr. Conley had said a word when she brought them back together again. But when she saw the look of terror and pain on Kerri's face did she realize that maybe she had just made the biggest mistake in her life. Dr. Conley's face had a look at anger but it wasn't toward Kerri, it was toward her, Rhianna saw. She wanted to go back to them and see what was wrong but then her parents came to her and she was being whisked away to a waiting taxi that they had gotten.

When she got to the airport, she tried to call Kerri but she wasn't answering her cell phone. She tried Dr. Conley at her office, not really believing that she would get her but she picked up on the first ring.

"Dr. Conley, this is Rhianna, what..." Was all that Rhianna got out before Dr. Conley ripped into her and ripped into her good.

"What the hell do you think that you were doing? You had no right to bring Kerri to me, if we had wanted to meet then we would have done so years ago. That was our decision to make and not yours. You god damn little bitch, if I ever see you again, I'll beat you to within an inch of your no good fucking life. You don't know what damage have done to Kerri and pain you have caused her. I thought you had some intelligence but you got to be the dumbest fucking bitch I ever laid eyes on and I'm sorry that I ever introduced you to Kerri. I thought you would be good for her but after the knife that you stuck in her back, I would hope that she never sees you again, god knows that I don't ever plan on laying eyes on you again, you filthy bitch!"

End of Part Four

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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