Term Paper

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jun 29, 2007


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Term Paper

Part Two

When she got to the brook, she sat on the rock that she and Kerri had sat on before and she put her head into her hands and began to cry. She cried until she couldn't cry anymore. Then she sat up and began to think. She went over everything she had been taught as a child and she knew that loving a another woman was wrong but then her mind would go to the previous night and she thought about how gentle Kerri was and how understanding she was about her being scared of the thunder storm. Then she thought about how Kerri had made love to her and how right it felt. Nothing in her life had felt more right in her life than that moment. She went back and forth all day trying to figure out what was right or wrong. She didn't even hear as Kerri and Margret came up the path until they could see her. Kerri kept Margret from going to Rhianna as she knew that Rhianna needed to be alone. Rhianna didn't hear them leave; she just sat there until her mind was in a mess. She didn't know what was right or wrong and that made her cry. She stayed there until dusk and she knew that she had to go back and face Kerri.

As she came out from the woods, Margret was the first to greet her. She petted her for a few minutes and let her lick her face and then she looked up to see Kerri standing on the back porch. She could see the worry on her face and she didn't know what to say to her. She got up and went toward Kerri.

"I'm sorry honey. I should never have done that to you. It wasn't right and I promise it will never happen again." Kerri told her as she pulled her into a hug. Rhianna wanted to hug her back but she couldn't. Kerri slowly let her go and she looked into her eyes. Rhianna tried to look back but she couldn't and she hung her head in shame but not about what she had done but because of the hurt in Kerri's eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, please forgive me." Kerri whispered as she went on into the cabin.

Neither talked as Rhianna sat down at the table and Kerri put some food in front of her. Rhianna didn't want to eat as she wasn't hungry but she knew she needed something inside of her. She ate as much as she could and then she went into the bathroom and took a shower. She dressed in her gown and went on to bed. She soon fell asleep and she didn't see Kerri sitting at the table crying. Rhianna woke up briefly as she felt Kerri getting into the bed and in a way she was thankful that Kerri didn't come to her side but yet a part of her wanted Kerri to pull her in close and tell her it would be all right.

The next morning when she went out on the porch, she found that this time Kerri was dressed and a part of her was thankful but a part of her wanted to see Kerri's beautiful body. Wilbur had brought another load of wood so they started to work on it. They both worked hard as it kept them from having to talk. But at lunch and supper they were forced to talk but what had happened wasn't brought up. They both stayed away from that subject. But Rhianna wanted and needed to talk about it but she couldn't bring it up. She was still too confused.

That night as they lay in bed, Rhianna tried to go to sleep but she couldn't. She turned and looked at Kerri and she could make out her shoulders shaking and she knew that Kerri was crying. This only made her cry too. She so wanted to tell Kerri that it was alright but something stopped her. They both ended up crying themselves to sleep. The next three days were a repeat of that first day. They talked little and they both cried themselves to sleep. But over those days Rhianna began to look at Kerri more closely even thought she didn't realize that she was doing it. Her subconscious mind was working out her dilemma when her conscious couldn't. Then on the forth night, Rhianna turned over and she watched Kerri cry. Kerri had her back to her but she knew she was crying all the same. She knew she had hurt Kerri badly by rejecting her as she was doing. She then began to think again. She first thought about how she was brought up to believing that being a lesbian was wrong. Then she thought about the men that she had dated and how none of them seemed to get her. They didn't understand her needs and they didn't try to please her when they made love like Kerri did. Then she thought about Kerri as a person. She thought about how she had put her up on a pedestal as she grew up but once she got to know her she became less a hero and more of a friend. She seemed to get where she was coming from. She also took the time to get her to understand what writing was all about, even when she had made her mad, it didn't change what she felt about her. Then she got to the night that the storm came. As she grew up, she found that she had to hide her fear of thunderstorms. Her mother seemed to understand her fear until she got to be a teenager and then she started to tell her to grow up. So she stopped showing her fear and just learned to deal with it. She would hide in the bedroom and put her headphones on. Then turn the music up so she couldn't hear the storm. But Kerri didn't make fun of her. She took the time to help her begin to get over her fear. She knew she wasn't cured but Kerri made her see the storm for what it was. Then she got to the point where Kerri made love to her. She knew that Kerri didn't take advantage of her because she wanted Kerri to do to her what she did. No one could make her feel the way that Kerri made her feel. Kerri was what she had been looking for and wishing for. She knew that she was at that point where she had to make a decision and she needed to be away from Kerri to make it. She slipped out of the bed and went outside. She sat down in a chair and Margret came up to her. She looked at Margret and she saw the love that the animal had for her. She reached down and started to scratch her ears as she thought.

"Why does love have to be so complicated?" She asked the dog. But Margret didn't answer; she just moved her head so that Rhianna would start to scratch her ears again. She then looked down at Margret and saw that the dog had given her the answer to her question.

"You're right Margret. You find someone that loves you and you return that love. It's really that simple isn't it? Fuck everyone else." She kissed Margret on the nose and then she got up.

She went back into the cabin and she went straight to the bed. She took in a deep breath and then she reached down and pulled her nightgown up. She then pushed her panties down her hips and she stepped out of them. She took another deep breath and then she slipped under the covers knowing that she was doing the right thing. She moved across the bed until she got to Kerri. She put her hand on Kerri's shoulder and turned her over onto her back. She saw that Kerri was awake and she could just see Kerri looking up at her. Rhianna wanted to tell her a thousand different things but she knew that none of them would come out right but she knew of one way that would say all the things that she needed to say. She slowly lowered her head and she closed her eyes as her lips touched Kerri's lips. She felt Kerri stiffen at first then she gave into the kiss. Rhianna kissed her gently and tenderly but then she felt Kerri pushing up on her shoulders and she was so afraid that Kerri would stop her from doing what she knew she had to do.

But all she said was "Are you sure?"

"More sure than anything in my life." Rhianna replied.

"I'm sorry about the other night." Kerri said and was about to go on but Rhianna kissed her tenderly stopping her.

"We can talk about it in the morning; just let me make love to you tonight." Rhianna whispered to her.

Rhianna then felt Kerri push her over onto her back and Kerri started to kiss her. Rhianna wanted to protest but Kerri didn't give her a chance as her hands began to caress her face and she melted. So instead she reached down and she began to pull Kerri's tee shirt off. She needed to feel Kerri's naked body against her and this Kerri let her do. The shirt came off in a flash and then Kerri quickly shed her panties and was back on top of Rhianna kissing her and caressing her face with her fingers. Rhianna opened her mouth and she felt Kerri's tongue enter her mouth. She pushed her tongue against Kerri's and she heard Kerri moan. Rhianna put her hands to Kerri's back and she ran them up and down her smooth skin. Their tongues dance in Rhianna's mouth and she let out a moan herself. Rhianna brought her legs up and she felt Kerri's pussy press against her pussy. She could also tell that it was getting very wet. Kerri began to rock her hips and Rhianna had to groan from the pleasurable feeling the pressure the Kerri was putting on her pussy was giving her. Rhianna pushed back against Kerri's pussy and she got a groan and moan from her. Kerri then started to kiss her face and then her neck. Kerri started to move on down Rhianna's body and she wanted to lock her legs around her to stop her. But there was no stopping Kerri and Rhianna knew that so she let her go. And when Kerri had kissed her way down to her breasts and she started to kiss and suck on them, Rhianna didn't care what she did to her as long as she did it. Kerri was kissing and nibbling on her nipples and Rhianna could only moan her approval. Kerri soon moved on down Rhianna's body but she left her hands on her breasts, squeezing them and tenderly pinching them with her thumbs and index fingers. Kerri kissed and nibbled on Rhianna's belly making her giggle then she went on down. Soon Rhianna felt Kerri's hot breath on her pussy then she felt her tongue touch her pussy on the bottom and then it slowly made its way to her clit.

"Fuck Kerri!" Rhianna cried out and she felt Kerri move her tongue back to the bottom of her slit and again she ran it up all so slowly. Rhianna was about to go crazy with the way Kerri was teasing her. When the tongue got to the her clit, it stayed there for a few seconds, teasing it and Rhianna felt like she was gushing a gallon of fluids from her pussy. Kerri then went back down and she pushed her tongue in deeper but she went up just as slow. Rhianna was twisting her body and pushing her hips up wanting Kerri to really lick her pussy, but Kerri did another stroke of her tongue before she finally settled in and she started to lick Rhianna like she wanted to be licked. She felt Kerri's tongue move deep into her pussy and move around.

"Oh yes Kerri, do it just like that!" Kerri cried out.

"Like this?" Kerri asked as she made another painfully slow lick up Rhianna's slit.

"Nooo... the other way." Rhianna painted out.

"Oh like this?" Kerri asked and she dove into Rhianna's pussy licking hard and fast.

"Oh god damn yes!" Rhianna cried out as she gripped the sheets in her hands and she fought off her orgasm. Kerri's fingers were now pinching her nipples harder and pulling up on them. Rhianna knew she was going to die any second now. She was getting overloaded with new and wonderful sensations. Kerri's tongue went up to her clit and she started to lick at it. She moved her tongue around it and then she went up and down with her tongue. Rhianna screamed, cried, jerked, and moaned as she felt that same feeling come over her as it did the previous night. Her clit got very sensitive and she felt that intense pain and pleasure come through her pussy to her mind. She then felt her body lifting from the bed and she carried Kerri with her as her orgasm hit. She rode her orgasms for as long as she could and then her body just collapsed back onto the bed. She was exhausted but feeling wonderful.

"Oh god Kerri, you are..." Rhianna started to say but the words left her.

"I know what you want to say, just rest my beautiful lady." Kerri told her as she kissed the tears that were flowing from Rhianna's eyes. Kerri was holding her tight and Rhianna took it all in. She slowly got her strength back and she slipped from Kerri's hug and she pushed Kerri onto her back. She rolled on top of her and she gently kissed Kerri. She then started to kiss her way down to Kerri's neck but then she stopped. She realized that she had no idea as to how to please Kerri. This wasn't something that she had thought about before.

"Oh god!" Rhianna said as she rolled over onto her back and she covered her eyes with her hands.

"What's wrong baby?" Kerri said as she rolled back on top of Rhianna pulling her hands away from her face.

"I don't... I don't know how to please you." Rhianna said and then she sobbed.

"Honey, you have already pleased me. Just by coming back to the bed and letting me make love to you. That's all that I want." Kerri said and Rhianna knew that she was being perfectly serious but that didn't solve her problem. She had to make love to Kerri tonight. She had to show her that she was worth loving.

"No, it can't work that way. We both have to give and receive. Well I know how to receive but I need to know how to give. Please teach me now." Rhianna pleaded.

"I can't teach you everything that I know about pleasing a woman in one night and I really don't need to teach you anything, you already know what you need to know." Kerri told her sweetly.

"Huh?" Rhianna said not understanding where Kerri was coming from. She had never made love to a woman before Kerri came along.

"Do what this tells you to do, it will never lead you astray." Kerri said as she bent her head down and she kissed Rhianna right under her left breast.

"Oh, will you at least tell me when I do something wrong." Rhianna asked hopefully.

"Baby you won't do anything wrong, you can't. Just the fact that's it's you making love to me is all that I care about." Kerri said as she kissed Rhianna again and Rhianna felt a little better about it all. She didn't have a clue as to what she was going to do but she was going to try.

So as they kissed, she pushed Kerri onto her back and Kerri didn't resist. Rhianna moved her mouth down to Kerri's breasts and as she kissed each nipple, she brought her hands up and cupped them. They felt so soft and pliable and she felt the nipple start to harden in her mouth. She began to suck on them harder and she got a moan from Kerri and that pleased her as she knew that it was a real moan. Kerri's skin tasted so good to her and she found that she enjoyed sucking on Kerri's nipples and the way her breasts felt in her hands. She was content to suck and play with her breasts all day but then she could feel Kerri trying to rub her pussy against her body and she knew what Kerri needed. She had felt that need before in her own body and she knew how to she was going to relieve it. She gave a last kiss to each nipple and she kissed her way down Kerri's body. Then she found herself over Kerri's pussy and she could smell her arousal. She was afraid that she would get to this point and not be able to go on but once she had gotten here she found that not only did she want to lick Kerri's pussy, she needed to do so. She lowered her mouth and she took her first lick of another's woman's pussy and it tasted great. She then shoved her face deep into Kerri's pussy and she began to lick. She knew she wasn't teasing Kerri like Kerri had done to her but she just couldn't stop and from the way that Kerri was moaning, she was doing something right. She could taste all of Kerri's juices and she wanted more. She forced her tongue in deeper and she sucked up all she could. She licked and licked as fast and as hard as she could. She kept licking until she finally remembered Kerri's clit and she knew that she had neglected it terribly. She moved her mouth up to it and she sucked it into her mouth. She found that it was much longer than her own clit. She began to use her tongue to lick it and she heard Kerri scream out her name. She at first thought she was hurting Kerri and she was about to remove her mouth but then she felt Kerri's hands on the back of her head holding it in place. Then she knew she was doing what Kerri wanted her to do. She began to lick faster and harder and Kerri jerked her hips up and screamed that she was cumming. Rhianna then felt a flood of liquids rush from Kerri's pussy and hit her chin. Rhianna went down to Kerri's pussy and licked up the salty liquid that was still there. Kerri finally relaxed and Rhianna moved up in the bed and she hugged Kerri tightly as she kissed her.

"Oh hell yes, did you ever." Kerri said as she kissed her.

"You sure, you're not just saying that are you?" Rhianna asked wanting to know for sure that she please Kerri.

"Let me have your hand honey." Kerri said and she took it and put it on the sheet just below her pussy. "Feel that, you made me cum and I came hard."

Rhianna giggled as she felt the huge wet spot and then she remembered the fluid that hit her chin only moments before. "Oh yea," Rhianna said sheepishly.

"I kind of forgot to warn you that when I cum, I tend to squirt my girlcum out." Kerri said. "I hope that doesn't bother you."

Rhianna answered her by leaning down and kissing Kerri's wet pussy. Then she sat back up and kissed Kerri.

"I don't mind a bit but you are the one that has to sleep in the wet spot." Rhianna said laughing as she pushed Kerri down on the bed so that she was lying right on the spot that she had made wet.

"You caused me to do that so you get to sleep on the wet spot." Kerri said laughing as she flipped Rhianna over and made her lay there.

"Oh no you don't." Rhianna said laughing as she rose up and she pushed Kerri back down on the wet spot.

They then fought and wrestled around on the bed laughing and play fighting until they gave out. Then they both scooted over to a dry place and cuddle until they fell asleep. When Rhianna woke up the next morning, she turned to her side hoping the Kerri would still be in the bed but she found that she was alone. She was slightly disappointed as she wanted to cuddle a bit but she knew where Kerri would be. So she got out of the bed and stretched, then she headed for the bathroom. Now normally she would have just peed, brush out her hair and then brush her teeth. But this morning she took a couple of extra minutes to make sure that every hair was in place and she put a little lip gloss on. She was going to do her eyes up a bit but then decided that would be going too far, but she decided that a little body spray wouldn't hurt. She took a last look into the mirror and adjusted her hair one more time before she stepped out. She went to where her nightgown was laying and she started to pick it up but then she stopped. She stood back up and decided that if Kerri could go out on the porch naked then so could she. She went and poured herself a cup of coffee and fixed it up with cream and sugar. She then headed for the door. She only hesitated for a second at the door before she opened it and stepped out. The cool morning air hit her body and she felt her nipples tighten but she felt good.

"Good morning." She said as she walked to Kerri's side taking a moment to scratch Margret's ears.

"Good morning." Kerri said as she turned to look at Rhianna. "Whoa! Who is that beautiful creature coming out of my door?" she said as her eyes widen as she looked at Rhianna's naked body.

"Thank you." Rhianna said as she stepped up to her and she kissed her. She felt Kerri circle her waist with her right arm and she was pulled in tight against Kerri's warm body. Rhianna blindly placed her mug of coffee on the porch rail and then she put both her arms around Kerri and the kiss deepened. Rhianna felt a moan come from her body and she let it out as Kerri caressed her back. The kiss went on and on before Kerri finally drew her head back.

"I could get use to this." Kerri said breathlessly.

"So could I." Rhianna replied as she put her head against Kerri's chest. Rhianna was just getting comfortable when she felt something cold against her left butt cheek.

"Oh shit!" Rhianna yelped as she jerked back from Kerri's arms and she heard Margret let out a bark. She looked at Margret who gave her a lost puppy look and Rhianna scolded her and that made Margret look even more pitiful. She then look over at Kerri and she could see that she was about to burst out laughing. "Don't you even think about laughing." Rhianna warned her and that was all it took as the laughter spilled out of Kerri's mouth.

"Go stick your cold nose up her butt." Rhianna told poor Margret who didn't have a clue as to what she did wrong only knowing that she did something wrong. She went over to the corner of the pouch and looked even more pitiful if that was possible. Rhianna looked over at the poor dog and then at Kerri still laughing and finally she let out a laugh too. But she went over to Margret and petted her and made her feel better. Then she went back to her coffee and picked it up but she didn't go back to Kerri.

"She scared me to death by doing that. Just wait until she does it to you." Rhianna said.

"Oh she has, more than once, and I screamed just like you did. That was what made it so funny. I've just learned to listen for toenails clicking on the porch and I turn and pet her before she can sniff me. She's just doing what she was born to do." Kerri told her as she came over ruffled Rhianna's perfectly placed hair and before Rhianna could protest, she found that she was in Kerri's tight grip and was being kissed passionately. But then she heard Margret get up and she quickly turned them around so that Kerri's back was to Margret.

"You're learning quick." Kerri said with a little laugh as she ended the kiss.

"My mamma didn't raise a fool." Rhianna said with a laugh of her own and she again placed her head on Kerri's chest and they stood there holding each other for a few minutes. Then Rhianna finally let go of Kerri with her right arm and she reached for her coffee. She took a sip and found that it had gone cold on her.

"Is it cold?" Kerri asked.

"Yea, I'll go get another cup, do you want one?" Rhianna asked.

"I'll go get us a cup. You can have a talk to Margret and explain why it isn't nice to interrupt an intimate moment." Kerri said with a smile.

"Yea, like she'd understand what I'm talking about." Rhianna replied.

"You never know, she's a smart dog." Kerri said as she went into the cabin leaving Rhianna to deal with Margret.

She did go over to her and squatted down and as she petted her, she began to explain the times and places to sniff and when it is better to just stay where you are. Margret listened to her carefully but Rhianna knew she didn't understand a word she was saying but she did understand being petted and loved on. When Kerri came out, Margret went to her as she handed Rhianna's cup of coffee to her and she nosed her wanting to be petted. Kerri petted her a minute and then she sent her out into the yard to go explore.

"So did you straighten her out?" Kerri asked.

"Yep she knows whose butt to sniff from now on." Rhianna said with a smile as she stood back by Kerri's side and they held each other as they watched the sun come up and begin to warm the day.

"You know you're just as beautiful as I dreamed you would be." Kerri told her as she gave her a kiss as they headed back into the cabin to fix breakfast.

Rhianna blushed at the comment and then she realized that Kerri hadn't seen her naked before. When they had made love it was in the dark. Then when she had taken a shower outside, Kerri had always given her privacy to bath. They fixed breakfast and sat down to eat and Rhianna couldn't help to glance down at Kerri's naked breasts from time and time and she also noticed that Kerri was doing her own share of looking.

"Can we talk a while before we get to work?" Rhianna asked as they were finishing the dishes.

"Sure, anything you want. Let me put another pot of coffee on and we can just enjoy the morning." Kerri said as she went over to the coffee pot and she filled it up and then put more coffee into the filter. Kerri then chatted about how she had gotten Margret. It seemed that she runt of the litter and the family that bred this breed of dog couldn't find a buyer. Kerri then heard about her and decided to check the dog out. She said that she fell in love with the cute little pup. She brought it home and then with a little love the pup thrived and grew up to be beautiful dog. By the time that she got done with the story, the coffee was ready and Kerri made them both a cup. Rhianna was relieved that Kerri didn't press her about what she wanted to talk about as she was still trying to figure it out herself; she just knew that she needed to talk. Rhianna wasn't surprised that Kerri didn't bother to put any clothes on as she headed back outside, so she didn't either. When they got outside, Kerri went over to the swing and she sat down. Rhianna sat beside of her and she took a sip of coffee and they sat in silence as Rhianna form her thoughts.

"How did you know that I was a lesbian when I didn't know it?" Rhianna finally asked.

"I didn't know and I still don't know that you are. That is something that you have to determine on your own. And don't think that because we have made love a couple of times that you are lesbian. You may be bi or maybe this is something that somewhere deep inside of you that you had to try and once you have done it a few times then you may decide that you're not lesbian and you will go back to living a straight life. I can't make that decision for you or tell you what you are or aren't." Kerri told her.

"I know that and maybe I didn't ask the question right but that is something that I want to talk later but first I need to know something else." Rhianna said.

"What is it you want to know honey?" Kerri asked.

Rhianna thought of a way to ask her question and then she said, "When you made love to me that first night, when I got scared of the storm, how did you know I wouldn't reject you?"

"I didn't know for sure." Kerri said but before she could continue Rhianna gave out a big sigh as Kerri wasn't giving her a direct answer. "You know Catherine was right about you about wanting a simple answer to a complicated question and then you get frustrated when you don't get it." Kerri said smiling.

"And you are just as bad about not answering my questions as Dr. Conley is." Rhianna told her and then she something about Kerri's answer hit her. "Hey how did you know Dr. Conley's name was Catherine? I never told you that." And she saw Kerri blush and she knew that something was up. Something that had gone on that she was completely unaware of.

"Can I put that off and let's get back to what you need to hear from me. I do promise to tell you about me knowing that, I just hadn't planned on telling you some things until later on but it is just as well that we get it out of the way now. Will you let me put you off for a moment?" she asked.

"Yes as long as you promise to tell me. I have a feeling that it is important that I know." Rhianna said.

"It will have an effect on our relationship but not nearly as much as you are currently thinking." Kerri told her.

"Okay but now go back to answering my original question." Rhianna said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"I think you are asking me if I had a clue that you wouldn't reject me if I made a pass at you, right?" Kerri asked.

"Yes, that's exactly what I want to know." Rhianna said relieved that Kerri was finally going to answer her question as it was important that she knew the answer.

"Yes I did, you gave me lots of clues that you might be interested in me as more than just a friend." Kerri told her "But I need to ask you something first okay?"

"Okay, as long as it leads me to the answer I'm looking for." Rhianna said.

"When you went to the rock to think the day after I made love to you, you went out there to try to resolve the conflict between what you felt inside of you and what you had been taught growing up. That is, that homosexuality is wrong and a sin." Kerri asked.

"Yes, you made me feel things that I had never felt before and nothing had ever felt more right to me but then I had been taught that it was wrong to feel what I was feeling. That was something that I had to work out and I did but still I need for you to answer my question. How did you know what I didn't know then?" Rhianna asked.

"Actually there are two separate things that you did that lead me to believe that you wouldn't reject any advance that I might decide to make if and when I decided that the time had come to do so." Kerri told her.

"And the first would be what?' Rhianna asked impatient for Kerri to get on with it.

"Don't get your panties in a wad, I'm getting there." Kerri said with a smile and then she went on with her reasoning. "The first time that I saw you, I saw a young girl looking at her hero, someone that she had looked up to all her live and had never dreamed of ever meeting. You were awl struck. But then the next day when you saw me naked, I saw something different in your eyes. You were looking through the eyes of a grown woman who had discovered something that you desired. I really had planned to get dressed before you came out that morning but you got up sooner than I thought you would. And that gave me my first clue but it was the second clue that really made me know that you were interested in me as more than a friend." Kerri told her and she paused for a moment.

Rhianna went back in her mind and she thought about seeing Kerri naked and she knew now that what Kerri had said was true. She did feel something that morning, an urge deep inside of her that she didn't recognize and thus she quickly dismissed it but it was there under the skin. "And the second clue was what?" Rhianna asked as she realized that Kerri had stopped talking as she was lost in her own thoughts.

"Well after I had gone to sleep after that first morning that you saw me naked, I was awaken late into the night by you calling out my name. I started to answer you but then you let out a moan. I thought that you might be sick or something but then a second moan escaped your lips and it definitely wasn't a moan that comes from someone who is sick. I lifted the sheets and I could see that your hand was somewhere between your legs and I knew what it was doing." Kerri was saying and Rhianna could feel her face blush as she finally knew what she had dreamed about those nights after she had seen Kerri naked.

"It was then that you said "Oh Kerri" and then you mumbled something else that I couldn't make out but I knew that you were having an erotic dream and that I was very much a part of that dream." Kerri said with a gentle smile. I bet you didn't know that you talked in your sleep did you?"

"Ahh.. nno" Rhianna shuddered out as she was slightly embarrassed but at least she knew why she woke up feeling good and why she had wet panties every morning.

"So the next morning I came out here naked on purpose. I wanted to see if what I saw the previous morning was still there and it was, in fact it was even more in evidence. Then that night I was again awoken by you calling out my name and by your moaning. So I continued to go naked when I could without making it too obvious." Kerri told her.

"I'm sorry that I woke you up." Was all that Rhianna could think to say at that moment as her mind was beginning to piece everything together and it made sense to her.

Kerri then went on to explain her reasoning for coming on to her that night of the storm. "As I got to know you, I began to develop a genuine affection for you and I found that I wanted you to be more than just a friend. You are a bright woman and very talented. I'm not a person that just makes a pass at someone unless there is a lot more involved than just plain old lust. I have lived without a lover for a long time and I was content to continue to do so. As you can see, I'm not much of a people person; I like and enjoy my solitude. So once I saw that there may be interest on your part and I knew there was interest on my part then I knew before the summer was over, I would see if there could be something between us. I was thinking more about the middle to end of the summer, that way we could really develop our friendship before I did something that could cause you to reject me or worse, end our friendship. But then the storm came and you were so scared. So I tried to get you to understand that nothing was going to harm us. That is why I took you outside to show you and I think that worked." She said and Rhianna had to nod her head as she remembered that moment in vivid detail as she did that whole night. Then Kerri went on talking. "We went back inside and I got your clothes off of you and I dried you down. I really didn't think about you sexually right then, even though I had you naked. Then I put you to bed and you curled up together. It was about this time that a streak of lightning came down and it lit up your face. It was at that moment that I saw a great need and desire in your eyes. My heart took over and I did what it was telling me. I don't know if it was the right thing to do and I still don't. I know that it has caused you a lot of pain and it has made you reject everything that you were taught and I'm not sure I had a right to do that to you." Kerri said and Rhianna could see her eyes begin to tear up.

"But you were right to do what you did." Rhianna said as she put her hand on Kerri's arm and she gave it a squeeze.

"Was I?" Kerri said and the tears did start to fall from her deep blue eyes and Rhianna's heart melted. She slid over and took Kerri into her arms and she kissed her cheeks trying to stop the tears but she didn't seem to be able to so she put her hand under Kerri's chin and she slowly brought it up.

"You're right that you caused me to question everything that I had been taught but that is something that I needed to do. Isn't that what I'm supposed to be doing at college, questioning things and trying to find the right answers for me? Answers that make sense to me, even if no one else agrees with the answers that I decide are right. Isn't that what you and Dr. Conley are trying to get me to do with my writing?" Rhianna asked.

"Well yes, but this is different." Kerri said.

"No it isn't. Let me tell you something and I want you to believe me when I say it because it is true. When you made love to me that night, nothing had ever felt more right to me in my life. I have had a few male lovers and none has ever satisfied me. They would go home happy and I would have to lay there and frig my clit until I could have the orgasm that I needed. I always thought I was dating the wrong man so I would go to another but I always got the same result until I gave up. It wasn't until you came along that I realized that I needed a woman to make me feel the way I needed to feel. And you were the woman that I needed. I don't want another man in my life and I only want you to be my lover. And that comes from the depth of my heart." Rhianna told her and then she pulled Kerri's chin on up and she kissed her. But just as Rhianna was getting into the kiss, she felt a paw hit her knee and she felt Margret licking her face.

"I think someone is jealous." Kerri said with a laugh as she ruffled Margret's ears and petted her.

"You know your dog has perfect timing. Just as things get interesting, she pops up and wants attention." Rhianna said as she petted the dog.

"She thinks you're taking her place in my heart." Kerri told her.

"Tell her that I don't want to replace her, just share you." Rhianna told her as she bent down and nuzzled Margret's fur.

"Let's go for a walk or something." Kerri said as she pushed Margret down and she got up.

"I think I'll go for the 'or something'" Rhianna said as she gave Kerri a wink.

"I bet you would!" Kerri said with a laugh, "But first the walk, we still have some talking to do."

"You do have a story to tell me don't you." Rhianna told her as she followed Kerri into the cabin.

"I was hoping you would have forgotten about that." Kerri told her.

"You know better than that, I don't forget anything."

"Well I was hoping all the same." Kerri said.

"You don't have to tell me now if you don't want to. I know that it's personal and may not be any of my business." Rhianna told her.

"No you need to know this, just let me wash out the coffee pot and these cups, and then we can get go for that walk." Kerri said as she turned her back to Rhianna and started to rinse the cups out.

Rhianna looked at Kerri as she washed the cups out and she felt the desire for Kerri begin to rise within her body. She watched as her hips moved and she looked down at that ass she liked so much. Then she stepped up behind of Kerri and wrapped her arms around her waist and as she pressed her body against Kerri's back she kissed her lightly on the back of her neck.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Kerri asked as she stopped washing out the coffee pot for a second.

"Nothing," Rhianna said as she brought her hands up Kerri's stomach and she cupped her breasts.

"That sure feels like something to me." Kerri said as she took her wet hands and she moved Rhianna's hands back to her stomach but she didn't try to take them from around her body.

Rhianna then began to kiss the back of Kerri's neck again, going from one side of her neck to the other as she started to rub her breasts against Kerri's back. She kept this up until she got an "Mmmm" from Kerri. Rhianna didn't know a lot yet about making love to another woman but she did know that she had Kerri just where she wanted her. So she put her hands back up to Kerri's breasts and she ran her fingers lightly against her nipples and she could feel them harden. She started to tenderly bite Kerri's shoulder and that got her a moan. She then went for it all as she moved her right hand down Kerri's stomach and she moved it on down. She felt her hand move over the rise of Kerri's pubic bone and then she felt the top of her pussy. She let her fingers play across Kerr's clit.

"Oh fuck you girl!" Kerri moaned out as she opened her legs.

Rhianna let her fingers go to Kerri's pussy and she ran them lightly up and down the rapidly moistening lips. Rhianna still had her other hand on Kerri's breasts and she moved it from one to the other pinching and twisting them. This only served to arouse Kerri more and Rhianna pressed her middle finger down between the lips and she pushed it inside of her. This brought out a loud moan from Kerri as she started to turn around. Rhianna allowed her just enough space to turn around and she pressed her finger back inside of Kerri's pussy. When Kerri got turned around, Rhianna pressed her body forward pinning Kerri back against the counter. She looked into Kerri's eyes as she leaned forward and kissed her. They mouths opened and their tongue met. Rhianna pushed her finger in against Kerri's pussy and she heard her moan as they kissed. Then when it ended, she dropped her head to Kerri's left breasts and she sucked the nipple into her mouth. That got her another moan from Kerri and she felt her hand pressed against the back of her neck. She switched from one nipple to other as her finger continued to explore Kerri's warm moist pussy. She then felt Kerri's hand push down on her head and Rhianna let the nipple she was sucking on pop from her mouth. She then dropped down to her knees and she was eye level to Kerri's pussy. She hadn't seen it this close before. When she had made love to her the night before, she did it more by feel than anything else. But now she was face to face with it and it was so pretty that it made her pussy wet. She moved her finger in and out and she watched as Kerri's pussy lips were pulled in and out as they tried to hold onto her finger. Rhianna slowly pulled her finger out and she saw that it was coated with Kerri's juices. Rhianna put the finger to her mouth and she sucked the juices off of it. She then glanced up at Kerri who was watching her and she had a sweet smile on her face. Rhianna smiled back and then she leaned forward and as her tongue touched Kerri's outer lips, she closed her eyes. She licked the juices off the outer lips and then she pushed her tongue in deeper. She put her hands to Kerri's tushie and she caressed it as she licked her. Kerri opened her legs up more and Rhianna licked in deeper. She loved the way Kerri tasted and she wanted all of her juices. She could hear Kerri moaning and groaning and she knew that she needed to cum. She moved a finger to Kerri's hole and she pushed it in as she moved her mouth to her clit. She licked it slowly at first but as her finger picked up its speed in fucking her, so did Rhianna's tongue go against her clit. She felt Kerri's hands gripping her shoulders as she tried to maintain her balance. Rhianna pushed a second finger into Kerri's pussy and she could feel how tight it felt. Rhianna then started to move her tongue across Kerri's clit and she felt her push her hips out against her mouth.

"I'm about to cum!" Kerri cried out and Rhianna increased the tempo of both her fingers in Kerri's pussy and she tongue against her clit.

"Oh fuck girl!" Kerri than cried out a moment later.

Rhianna was ready for Kerri this time and she removed her fingers from Kerri's pussy and she placed her mouth there. She felt Kerri shiver and then she felt a something warm squirt into her mouth. There was more girlcum than she thought there would be and she had a hard time keeping up with it but she wanted all of Kerri inside of her. She drank it all down and then she licked up the rest as Kerri enjoyed the glow of her orgasm.

Rhianna then felt Kerri pull her away from her pussy and she slowly stood up. "Well little girl, I see that you can give but can you take it!" Kerri told her just before she kissed her. Then she saw Kerri dipping her shoulder and she felt an arm around her back and then an arm under her knees. She was about to wonder just what Kerri was up to when she was literary swept up off her feet and she was being carried to the bed. Rhianna couldn't help to giggle as she put her arms around Kerri's shoulders holding on but then when they got to the bed, Kerri unceremoniously dumped her onto the bed. Rhianna screeched aloud as she fell to the bed and she bounced once before falling back down and it was then that Kerri jumped on top of her and started to kiss her passionately.

Rhianna wrapped her arms around Kerri and as they kissed Rhianna moved her legs out wide and she wrapped them around Kerri's back. Kerri moved her hips against Rhianna's pussy and Rhianna let out a moan. She was very aroused and needing to cum badly. Rhianna pushed up with her hips and she could feel Kerri's wet pussy rubbing against her own pussy. The sensation was purely bliss and with Kerri moving her lips to Rhianna's neck, she could moan freely and she did. She clawed at Kerri's back as Kerri ground her pussy against her. Rhianna was getting close to a climax when she felt Kerri move on down her body.

"No wait, I need to cum and I'm about there." Rhianna begged her not to move yet.

"Oh baby, you'll be cumming real soon." Kerri told her as her mouth sucked upon Rhianna's right nipple. Rhianna let out another moan as Kerri start to bite that nipple as her fingers lightly teased the other nipple. Rhianna still had her legs wrapped around Kerri's body and she was rubbing her pussy against Kerri's stomach. It didn't feel quite as good as it did when she was rubbing it against Kerri's pussy but it was some contact and that was what she needed. Kerri didn't spend too much time on Rhianna's breasts as she moved on down her body and then Rhianna felt her mouth on her pussy. Rhianna spread her legs out as wide as she could and she concentrated on the way Kerri's tongue was spreading her lips and going into her pussy. She pushed her hips up trying to make Kerri's tongue go even deeper than it was. She felt one of Kerri's fingers on her asshole and the tip was just circling it. That made her moan so loud that Margret heard it outside and gave out a yelp. The finger kept going around her ass and then she felt it at the center. Then she felt pressure being applied and she relaxed her asshole and the finger slipped inside of her. She didn't think she could get any more aroused but that definitely raised her arousal up one more level. Rhianna put her hands on her breasts and began to pull and twist her nipples. She felt her orgasm begin to gather within her body as the finger began to fuck her asshole. Then Kerri moved her mouth to her clit and she felt the warmth engulf her. Kerri's tongue was licking at her clit and the intensity of the feeling caused her to shout out, Oh fuck, I'm cumming!" and her orgasm hit her hard. It took her a few minutes to come down from her high, and when she did she could feel that Kerri's finger was still deep in her asshole and she was gently licking up her girlcum.

If Rhianna thought that Kerri was done with her, she was sorely mistaken. As just as Rhianna started to reach down to Kerri up to her, she felt Kerri's tongue again part her pussy lips and the tongue began to explore the depths of her pussy. She also felt Kerri's finger that was still in her asshole start to move in and out. She tried to tell Kerri that she had enough for the moment but when she opened her mouth, only a deep moan came out. The pleasure that Kerri was giving her had now blocked out all other thought except for how good Kerri was making her feel. Kerri moved her mouth to Rhianna's clit and Rhianna cried out as it was still very sensitive from her last orgasm just moments before. Rhianna then felt something at the entrance if her pussy and then she realized that Kerri had put her thumb inside her from the hard that had a finger in her ass. She used a seesaw motion to fuck her asshole and pussy. Rhianna moaned and groaned as she approached another orgasm. Kerri's tongue against her clit felt like sandpaper and she both wanted to push her head away and hold it in place at the same time. Her second orgasm hit her even harder and she felt her girlcum pour from her pussy. She felt Kerri increase the speed of her fingers fucking her and her tongue licking her clit. The orgasm just got stronger and stronger until she couldn't take it anymore. She had reached the sky and was entering heaven when she pushed Kerri's head away and she curled into a ball as the orgasm took over control of her body.

"I guess you can take it." Kerri told her as Rhianna opened her eyes and she felt Kerri's arms around her and she was kissing her sweat soaked body.

"Oh god that was intense. I've never felt anything like that before." She said as she uncurled her body and she lay flat on her back. Kerri leaned over against her and she began to kiss her face and lips as she placed her right hand on Rhianna's stomach. She began to move it around getting ever closer to Rhianna's breast when she was at the top of the circle and then close to Rhianna's pussy when she was at the bottom of the circle.

"No stop, I can't take anymore." Rhianna told her as she put her hand on top of Kerri's hand.

"Shhh... just relax by love." Kerri told her as she took Rhianna's hand and placed it to her side. "Just let me caress you a moment." Kerri went on to say as she put her hand back on Rhianna's stomach and she kissed her keeping Rhianna to raise any other protest. Rhianna let her body relax and she returned Kerri's kisses as she felt Kerri's hand resume it feathery caress of her body. The fingers went back to their circular caresses. They once again approached Rhianna's breasts and pussy but they always stopped short of actually touching those sensitive places. Rhianna slowly felt her body becoming aroused again and she pussy start to leak its juices. It was only then that Kerri's fingers started up the rise of Rhianna's right breast and the fingers lightly crossed over her hardening nipple. Rhianna sucked in her breath and let it out as the fingers went past that nipple but she had to suck it in again as they went across her left nipple. The fingers continued on their erotic journey as they went down her left side to her hip. Then they veered to the right and Rhianna moaned as they went just above her clit. The fingers went to Rhianna's right hip and up her right side then veered to the left. They went up her right breast and they stopped when they got to her nipple. This time they stayed in place as she fingers circled her nipple and then Kerri used her fingernail to tease her nipple. Rhianna's breathing became rapid and shallow. Rhianna didn't think that she could take anymore of this but she couldn't stop what Kerri was doing to her, plus Kerri's sweet kisses were keeping her mouth occupied. The fingers stayed on her right breast for a few moments then they went across to her left nipple and they teased it unmercifully. Eventually the fingers went on down her left side and when they got to her left hip, Rhianna opened her legs up for Kerri's fingers. She was ready to be touched again and Kerri moved her finger tips across her hip and went downward to her inner thigh. Then they crossed over and Rhianna felt them on her pussy. The fingers lightly touched her outer lips and Rhianna let out a deep moan. The fingers went up and down her slit touching her all so tenderly. Normally Rhianna would need more contact but as sensitive as she was, this was all she needed to start toward yet another orgasm. Rhianna felt her pussy gushing juices and she could feel the bed getting wet under her ass. She moaned and groaned as the fingers kept up their caresses and as she got close to her orgasm, she felt them lightly touch her clit. Rhianna felt her body lift once again as the pain pleasure hit her hard and she was lost in the world of just her and Kerri. This orgasm was so intense that it was an hour lasted that she woke to see Kerri sitting on the bed beside her.

"Well you did come back to me." Kerri said smiling down at her.

"Oh god that was incredible, I have never cum that hard or often before. Where did you learn to do things like that?" Rhianna asked as she struggled to sit up.

"Here, let me help you." Kerri said as she reached down and pulled Rhianna to her and then she kissed her tenderly and gave her a hug. "And to answer your question, well that I'm afraid will be the subject of our afternoon conversation."

"Like I told you, you really don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Rhianna said as she hugged Kerri tightly to her body.

"I know but I want to, it's something I want to go ahead and put behind of us and there are some things that you need to know." Kerri said but first let's go take a shower, you smell like sex." Kerri said with a laugh as she kissed her.

"You say that like you didn't have anything to do with the way I smell." Rhianna said laughing.

"Hey, I'm not the one who kept going after I told you to stop when I was washing out the coffee cups and pot." Kerri reminded her.

"Well I'm not the one with the cute ass that keeps my mind in the gutter." Rhianna countered.

"I don't know, your ass is a lot cuter than mine." Kerri said.

They went on this way complementing each other's asses as they gathered their clothes and stuff and then they went out to the shower. Once they were done, they decided to sit on the porch were it was cooler than go for a walk in the midday sun. So they sat on the swing with one of their legs tucked under the other so that they could face each other as they talked. They both had a glass of ice tea that they could sip on as they talked.

"So do you want me to start from the beginning and work forward or work from now and go backward?" Kerri asked her.

Rhianna studied the question for a second but since she had no idea just what Kerri was going to say, she didn't really know which one was the better way to go. "Either way is fine with me." She told her as she settled back on the swing.

"As I told you earlier, I wrote my first book with one editor and publisher but then changed to my current editor and publisher for the second one and all those that have followed. But now I need to go back and fill in some details about my first book. I was eighteen when I sent it out to all the well known publishing companies but all I got was reject letters. I was very disappointed as I just knew that I had written a best seller but then I was young and full of myself. I then went to the second tier of publishers and that was when I got a bite from one based in Nashville. One of the editors invited me over to see her so I packed my bag and my word processor and I went to the big city of Nashville. I met with the editor and I instantly liked her but then again she was saying all these good things about my book and I was eating it up. We talked all afternoon and then she took me out to dinner on the publishing company's money of course. Then as we left the restaurant, she asked me where I was staying and I told her that I was going to find a cheap hotel. She said that this wasn't a place to be a single girl in a bad area of the city so she offered to put me in her apartment. I was hesitant at first but she convinced me to stay with her. The next morning she went off to work and I sat down at her kitchen table to review what she called minor changes to my book. I opened the first two pages and saw a few minor grammar corrections but then I got to page three and that bitch had crossed out half of the page and had written that it needed to be rewritten."

Kerri was smiling when she said "that bitch" and Rhianna didn't make the connection at first but then it hit her who that editor probably was and then Kerri clinched it with her next few sentences.

"The farther I went in the book, the more corrections and / or suggestions she made. I was getting so mad at her and after about twenty pages of this I was so angry I was crying. I finally had to stop reading and I went for a walk to try and cool down before she got home. I decided that I was going to repack my bag that I had unpacked that morning and I was going to go home and take my book with me. Well she got home about five thirty and as soon as she entered the door, I let her have it and she actually acted surprised that I was angry with the way she had chopped up my story."

Rhianna had to smile as that sounded just like Dr. Conley. She would red line half of what you have written and then she would wonder why you were so upset.

"Anyway, she got me calmed down and said that she had a class that evening as she was near completion of her doctorates. But she wanted to work with me the next day at her office. For some reason, I gave in and agreed but I was determined to leave. But anyway I went with her to her little office and she sat down with me. She first read out a sentence that I had written and then she read the same sentence making the changes that she had suggested. As much as I hated to admit it, her way sounded better. We went on all morning and I started to see things her way. She wasn't changing the theme of the story, only helping me to say it better. So we worked all morning together and then I worked in the afternoon by myself but still in her office. That evening, she cooked us supper and we began to talk and she told me that she was working as an editor to pay her way through graduate school. She was going to be a college professor and teach literature and writing. She said that she could never be a writer as she didn't have a creative mind but she could help those that did have a talent for writing. Well I stayed with her and we became friends as we worked on my book and I have to admit that she made me a better writer." Kerri said and then she paused for a second before she said, "I guess you have figured out who my first editor was by now haven't you?"

"Dr. Conley. I knew it when you said that she was surprised that you were upset by what she did to your book. In case you're wondering, she's still butchering everything that anyone turns into her and she still gets surprised when we are upset by it." Rhianna told her and that brought a laugh from Kerri.

"That's my Catherine." Kerri said still laughing but then she turned serious as she said, "And here is where the plot thickens."

Rhianna tensed for a second but she didn't know why, and then again she did know what was coming next and she wasn't sure that she wanted to hear it. But she couldn't stop Kerri from telling her the rest of the story. She knew she had to hear it.

Kerri sat there for a moment as if she was trying to bring back a memory that she thought she had put behind her forever but now she had to bring it back to the present where it could hurt her again.

As the days and weeks passed, I became closer to her and she me. Our relationship developed from editor and writer to friends. Then one night we were sitting on the couch watching a movie. She turned to me and I looked into her eyes and saw something there that I knew was in my own eyes. She moved toward me as I moved toward her. That first kiss led to a love affair that lasted for two wonderful years." Kerri said as she placed her hands in her lap and Rhianna could see that she was holding them together tightly. She wanted to reach out to Kerri but then Kerri unclasped her hands like she had just realized how hard that she was holding her left hand in her right.

"Who ended it and why?" Rhianna finally asked.

"She did and it hurt me for a long time but then over time, I realized that she was right to do so." Kerri told her.

"Why did she break it off." Rhianna asked.

"To tell you that I must tell you some things that you may or may not know about her but then I have already revealed to you that she is a lesbian so I guess I can trust you with some more minor details."

"You know you can. I hate Dr. Conley when she rips my stories to pieces but on the whole I respect her and I do think she is the best teacher that I have had at college." Rhianna said.

"Catherine is a very outgoing person. She loves to go to parties and she wants to attend every school function and very department event. As you know, I'm more inwardly turned. If I had a choice of staying at home and watching the sunset or going to a party, I would, of course, chose the former and Catherine would go to the party. When we were together, I went with her to every event but she knew I did it because I loved her and not because I wanted to go. And she tried to stay home as much as she could but if there was an event going on and she stayed home to be with me, I could see that she was miserable, so I would give in and off we would go. I told myself that I could do this for the rest of my life if that was what was required to be with my Catherine. But as I came up with my character Sid and started my second book, Catherine kept putting me off about signing a second book deal with her publisher. What I didn't know was that she was seeking a better publisher that could take me where her employer couldn't. So when my current publisher came calling, she encouraged me to go and see them. I wanted her to go with me but she refused. She said that I had to go alone. So I went and when I came back with their offer, she told me that I would be a fool to turn it down. I had to go to New York to become a great writer that she knew I could be.

I told her that I wouldn't go without her but she gave me that smile of hers and said that she had accepted an offer to go to Spain and start her teaching career there. She said that she could visit all the great libraries in Europe. So I told her that I would go with her but she said no. She told me that our relationship had come to a fork in the road and we both had our own path to travel down. I fussed and cussed her for two days as she packed up her stuff. Then she put me on a plane and sent me to New York. I hated her for two years and during that time I put all my energy into my writing. I lived it twenty four hours a day. Then as I was getting ready to move back here I got a simple typed letter from her." Kerri said and then she got up and went into the cabin.

Rhianna was left there thinking about Kerri and Catherine and her heart was breaking. She knew Dr. Conley and while she could be a hard ass, she just couldn't see her breaking someone's heart like she did. It just didn't seem like her to do so. Then Kerri came back out and she sat down on the swing and she handed Rhianna a single piece of paper. Rhianna wasn't sure she had a right to read something that was so personal but Kerri seemed to want her to so she took the old piece of paper.

My dearest Kerri,

I do hope that you have stopped hating me for what I did to you but I understand it if you still do hate me. I do want you to know how much it hurt me to leave you but I had to do what was best for both of us. I was so afraid that one day you would grow to hate me if we stayed together. You need someone who will sit and watch the sun go down and then get up and watch it come up again with you. Me I like to go out until late in the evening and then sleep long past the rise of the sun. Please know that deep in my heart I will always love you.



P.S. Your book is great but you can do better, what with your usage of "but" It was all in your book and you need to find a way so say something without using But so much.

Rhianna had to smile at that last sentence. Dr. Conley would be a teacher until the day she died.

"So did you go see her when you moved back here?" Rhianna asked her.

"No, I didn't know where she was. I didn't have her address. But later when I got email I found her email address and I wrote her to tell her that I forgave her and that I knew she was right. If we had stayed together, then we would have parted hating each other. It was better to part when there was still love between us. So we would exchange emails but the love that I once felt for her was gone. I still love her but now it is as friends. It was another couple of years before I figured out that she was so close to me and by then I really had no desire to see her again. So now we talk a few times a year by phone and exchange emails just to keep up with each other."

"If you had a chance to see her again would you?" Rhianna asked.

"No, I like the way things are now and I want to keep it that way. So you don't need to be jealous of us and what we had. She is someone from my past but there is one more detail that I have to tell you."

"You are just full of surprises aren't you; just how many more do you have in store for me?"

Kerri smiled and told her, just this last one, I promise."

"I'm holding you to that." Rhianna said but she was serious as she wasn't sure she could take in much more today.

"Deal," Kerri told her then she went on with her surprise. "Catherine called me and told me that she had a student that wanted to do a paper on me but she told the student that she had to get an interview from me. I immediate cussed her out for doing that as she knew that I don't do interviews. She listened for a while and then she calmed me down. She then went on to say that you were a very bright and talented student and that talking with me might help you. She told me how much you looked up to me and how great a writer she thought I was but personally she thought my work still needed some work. I, of course, cussed her for that comment too but I eventually gave in but then she sprang her next surprise. She wanted me to put you off until the last minute then give into the interview. She wanted to see what you were made of."

"That bitch!" Rhianna said as she thought about how much worrying she did trying to get the interview only to find out that she had it all along.

"No don't blame her, she was right. She needed to know and I agreed with her. I wanted to make sure that you were willing to put it all on the line. Put your grade on the line to get what you wanted. So if you are going to be mad at her, you have to be mad at me too." Kerri told her.

"Well you're a bitch too then." Rhianna said seriously but then she smiled and told her, "But you I forgive, Dr, Conley will take a little longer to forgive."

"Don't take too long to forgive her, you know she can teach you a lot, she did for me. She made me a better writer." Kerri warned her.

"I know and I will forgive her but do you know how worried I was about getting that damn interview with you." Rhianna told her.

"Yes I do but look where that effort has brought you." Kerri said.

"I hadn't thought of it that way before. Did she tell you anything else about me?"

"Some but she did leave one important part out." Kerri said.

"What was that?" Rhianna asked very curious.

"Just how damn cute you were." Kerri said as she leaned over and gave her a kiss.

Than just as the kiss was getting passionate, Kerri's phone rang and she got up to get it. Rhianna was left thinking that every time they got passionate something happened to interrupt it. It was then Margret came up wanting to be petted.

"That was Aliza; she wants us to come down to see if she needs to do any trimming on your hair." Kerri told her.

"Oh no, she has cut enough." Rhianna said reaching up to feel her short hair. She liked her hair short but she definitely didn't want it any shorter.

"Don't worry, she just wants some company and she's using that as an excuse to ask us to come and see her." Kerri said laughing.

"In that case, then I guess we can give her a break." Rhianna said as she got up and followed Kerri off the porch with Margret following along but she quickly ran ahead sniffing away and looking back at Kerri and Rhianna to make sure they were still behind her.

When they got to Aliza's cabin, they found her out on the porch waiting for them and the girls rushed not to them but to Margret and they started to play with her. To Rhianna's relief, Aliza told Kerri sit down on the chair that she had set up. Rhianna saw that Kerri was going to say that she didn't need it trimmed but Aliza was already out talking her and she went ahead and sat down. But as she did, she smiled at Rhianna and she could almost read Kerri thoughts that would be something like "Don't smile too big as you'll be in this chair next."

Rhianna watched Aliza trimmed up Kerri's hair and she saw that very little was actually coming off. She was just cutting places where Kerri's hair had grown more than others. Once she was satisfied that Aliza could be trusted not to cut too much of her hair, she concentrated more on what Aliza was talking about and she joined in where she could but that was easy as Aliza was a talker from the word go. Soon it became her own turn in the chair and she saw that even less of her hair was finding the floor. Kerri was right, this was more about getting them down there so that she could have someone to talk too. She also made a mental note to come down here more often. She liked Aliza and she enjoyed just talking to her. She also realized that someone like Aliza would make a good character in a book. They spent the rest of the afternoon there and Rhianna even volunteered to get the kids bathed and into bed so that Kerri and Aliza could talk. Once the baths were done, she gathered then in the smallest one's bedroom and read one book after another to the kids. The youngest one fell asleep during the second book and she was about to get horse from reading when she heard Aliza call up to them that it was way past bed time. The kids didn't protest much but they did give Rhianna a big hug before they ran down to their own bedrooms. She followed them and tucked each in before joining the grownups.

"You have been awful quiet since we left Aliza's cabin. You okay?" Kerri asked as they lay in bed that night.

"I was just thinking, that's all." Rhianna told her as she cuddled up closer to Kerri.

"Was it about what we talked about this morning?" Kerri asked.

"Yea that, but also about what you said about me and the clues that I gave you about being interested. It sort of puts a new perspective on things for me. It just gave me a lot to think about." Rhianna said.

"Does it bother you that Catherine and I had a relationship?" Kerri asked.

"No, I mean I know that you have been with other women, I meant someone had to have taught you all those things that you did to me today. So that isn't an issue but I do ask you one favor." Rhianna told her.

"What's that honey?" Kerri asked.

"Just don't tell me that it was Dr. Conley who taught you everything that you know about pleasing a woman. It's going to be hard enough taking her class without thinking about her making love to you. I can just see myself imagining her naked with you as she stands up in front of the class." Rhianna said and this brought a big laugh from Kerri.

"I can see your point but she wasn't the one who taught me all that I know, she was a part of it but I had a few lovers while I was in New York and some were very good at making a woman feel real good." Kerri told her as she gave her a gentle kiss.

"But there is one thing that does bother me and that is how Dr. Conley ended your relationship. It just wasn't right. It was like she dropped you off a cliff. She didn't let your relationship end at it should have. Maybe you were meant to spend the rest of your days with her but she stopped it before you could find that out." Rhianna told her and it was what bothered her the most about what Kerri had told her. And if the back of her mind she began to think that Kerri wasn't telling her everything. There was just this weird feeling that she was getting plus the fact that Kerri seemed to be more distant when she talked about Dr. Conley.

"It ended when it should have ended. I truly believe that. Don't worry about something that has long since has ended. And I believe that it did end when the time came for it to end. It's just that Dr. Conley knew it before I did but as time passed; I do believe that she was right, so for the time being let's put that to bed okay. I got over it a long time ago and right now all I'm worried about is whether you will be still in my bed in the morning." Kerri told her sincerely but Rhianna wasn't sure how sincere she was but she didn't push it.

"Oh I plan on being her tomorrow morning and every morning for the rest of the summer and then some. Dr. Conley let you go and it's her lost. I don't plan on letting you go." Rhianna told her and then she pushed Kerri onto her back and she kissed her passionately. And then she began to make love to her.

The next morning, it was back to work on the stack of wood. As Kerri told her as they sipped their coffee that morning, "The wood isn't splitting itself.", so once breakfast was done, they went back to work. As the week passed, they continued to talk about what being a lesbian was about and Rhianna began to understand herself better. It was like it was opening a hole into her soul and she saw things as they were for her and not how she thought that they were supposed to be. Then at night, as they made love, Rhianna kept asking Kerri if what she was doing was pleasing to her and Kerri always replied that anything she choose to do would please her. But eventually Rhianna learned what she like and what she didn't like as much. And Kerri was always doing new things to her and they always took her to new heights of pleasure.

"I told Wilbur to hold off on any more wood as I need to work on editing my latest book for a couple of weeks. That will give you a chance to write something too, if you like." Kerri told her as they sat on the porch after finishing the last of the wood that afternoon.

"What I'd like to do it to help you edit your book, if you don't mind." Rhianna asked as she bit her lower lip.

"Why?" Kerri asked as she arched her eyebrows.

"Because I want to see how you go about creating a story and then recreate it in your mind. I know you are going to say that I have to find my own way to write but I just want to see how a real writer does it. I have developed my own style of writing and rewriting a story but that doesn't mean that that I couldn't learn a way to make the process easier and better." Rhianna reasoned.

"Okay, but once we have worked a couple of weeks, then it will be your turn to write something and I will watch you recreate it in your mind and then go through the process of making it better without ruining it. Maybe it will be me who will learn something from you." Kerri told her.

"Yea right, like I could teach you anything." Rhianna told her almost laughing at the thought of her teaching Kerri anything about writing.

"You never know. I haven't changed the way I have done things in a long time, maybe now is the right time to reinvent myself and you may give me a clue as to how to do that." Kerri told her and at first Rhianna thought she was joking but then she realized that she was being very serious.

"But I don't want you to change the way you write." Rhianna told her, "I like it just the way it is now."

"But we all change as we go through life. Haven't you changed since you have been here?" Kerri asked.

"Of course I have, you have been a big part of bringing forth that change." Rhianna told her.

"And then maybe you can return the favor by helping me to change." Kerri told her and then she gave her a kiss.

Rhianna then knew that it was settled, they would both help the other to find a new way of doing things. Maybe the changes would be minor and not really noticeable or they may be major changes that the world couldn't help to see.

"Can I ask you something but it's kind of personal so you don't have to answer if you don't want to?" Kerri asked her later that night as they lay in bed kissing.

"Sure, I'll tell you anything you want to know, you know that." Rhianna said as she reached up and brushed the hair from Kerri's eyes.

"What would you miss the most about making love with a man, if you were never to make love to one again?" Kerri asked her.

Rhianna thought for a minute as she tried to figure where Kerri was going with the question and she knew that there would be only one thing that she would miss and the thought made her blush.

"There is something isn't there?" Kerri asked and Rhianna forgot that with Kerri lying on top of her, she could feel her body heat up as the blood rushed to her skin.

"I guess there is but it's not something I'm not willing to give up. I mean you have given me so much more enjoyment than any man could." Rhianna told her.

"I know that but there is a 'but' there isn't there." Kerri pressed her.

"Yes there is. I like the way I feel when I feel my pussy filled and he is..." Rhianna said but she didn't know how to finish the sentence.

"You liked feeling of being fucked, right?" Kerri asked.

"Yes but like I said, I can give that up and gladly do so." Rhianna reiterated.

"Maybe you don't have to." Kerri told her as she leaned down and gave Rhianna a kiss. Then she got up off of her and she went toward her dresser that she now shared with Rhianna.

"You got a vibrator?" Rhianna asked as she turned to her other side to see what Kerri was up to.

"No, I got something much better." Kerri said as she reached to the bottom drawer and she began to rummage around. Then she seemed to have found what she was looking for. "Now close your eyes." Kerri said leaving her hand in the drawer.

"It's so dark in here I can't see a thing." Rhianna lied.

"I know better than that. There's a full moon tonight and I can see that your eyes are wide open and if you don't close them then whatever is in here, stays in here." Kerri said as she brought her hand out and it was empty.

"You're mean, you know that." Rhianna said as she was disappointed at not seeing what Kerri had hidden. But she then closed her eyes and she lay down on her back so she wouldn't be tempted to look. She tried to listen to what Kerri was doing but then she heard Kerri start to sing out an old country song that she tended to sing when the mood struck her, thus drowning out what she was doing. Rhianna heard Kerri singing for a few minutes then the singing stopped. A moment later, she felt Kerri getting back onto the bed.

"Now keep your eyes closed." Kerri warned her just as she was about to open them.

Rhianna let out a big sigh but she did as she was told. She could tell that Kerri was on her hands and knees and then she felt Kerri's lips on hers and she began to kiss her. She started to reach up and hug Kerri to her but again Kerri stopped the kiss to tell her, "Leave your arms down by your sides until I tell you. Just let me do all the work for a moment."

Soon Kerri's lips moved down to her nipples and Rhianna let out a moan as Kerri's lips caressed her nipples and then Kerri's mouth sucked her right nipple into her mouth. Rhianna let out a loud moan and she pushed her chest upwards. Kerri licked and sucked on them and she could feel Kerri's hands squeezing her breasts and she became very aroused. She soon forgot all about what even Kerri had gotten from her dresser drawer as she became lost in Kerri's sensual kissing and sucking of her breasts. Kerri then came back up and she began to kiss Rhianna's lips and Rhianna so wanted to pull Kerri down against her body but she remembered Kerri telling her to leave her arms down by her side. So she returned the kiss with all the passion that she had, opening her mouth ad allowing Kerri to move her tongue into her mouth. Rhianna met Kerri's tongue with her own tongue and they French kissed for a few minutes. Kerri kissed her for a moment and then their lips parted and Rhianna felt the loss of contact with Kerri. She could feel her moving on the bed and then she felt Kerri's hands on her thighs pushing them apart. The next thing she felt was Kerri's tongue going up and down her pussy lips. She let out a long sigh and then when she felt Kerri's tongue part her lips she let out a long moan. She brought her knees up and then out opening her pussy to Kerri's wonderful tongue. Kerri licked her outer lips again and the she went much deeper with her tongue and Rhianna pushed her hips up off the bed wanting more of Kerri's tongue inside of her. But instead Kerri withdrew her tongue and Rhianna groaned until she felt that tongue back on her clit. This sent a wave of pleasure through her body and she cried out her joy. But again Kerri left her wanting more.

"Don't stop now." Rhianna cried out to her.

"Oh I'm just getting started baby." Kerri whispered to her as she came back up in the bed. "Now feel this." Kerri told her as she took Rhianna's hand and guided it to what was now hanging between her legs.

Rhianna felt something brush against her fingers and she grasped it in her hand. It had a soft velvety feel but yet was hard too. She could also feel that it was coated with a slippery substance. At first Rhianna though Kerri had grown a real cock but then she let her fingers go up to the base and she could feel the harness that held it to Kerri's body. "Oh my god, it feels so real." Rhianna cried out.

"It should, it cost me enough." Kerri told her. "Now guide me home."

Rhianna pulled the cock to her pussy and she let the head rub against her pussy lips getting it nice and wet. Then she positioned the head at her entrance. "Okay, you're there."

Rhianna felt the head of the fake cock slip past her lips and she felt it begin to fill her but then it stopped and Kerri moved her hips back an inch or so. Rhianna thought she was going to take it out but then she felt Kerri push it back in going a little further this time. She stopped and Rhianna felt Kerri lower her upper body and she felt Kerri's breasts brush against her own breasts. She loved the feel of her pussy being filled but also feeling Kerri's breasts pressing against her and she knew that it was a beautiful woman fucking her. Kerri pulled the cock back a couple of inches and pressed it back in going most of the way in. Rhianna let out a groan and she felt Kerri's soft lips touching her lips. She returned the kiss as she felt Kerri lift her hips and bring them back down and this time she didn't stop until she was laying down on top of her and her pussy was filled with Kerri's cock.

"Stay there a moment." Rhianna told Kerri as she adjusted her legs bringing her knees up more and feeling her pussy adjust to the cock. She wrapped her arms around Kerri's back and she kissed there as they laid there not moving. She loved the filling of being filled and just laying there kissing Kerri. This is what she had always wanted with a lover and she knew that Kerri would do it the way she wanted. Rhianna then moved her feet up and she wrapped her legs around Kerri's body placing the heels of her feet on Kerri's ass.

"Go slow" Rhianna instructed Kerri between kisses and she felt Kerri raise her hips and the cock moved back then she brought it back down inside of her. Rhianna put her hand to the back of Kerri's head and held it in place as they kissed and she moved her hips in rhythm of Kerri's fucking. She could feel every inch of the fake cock as it slowly moved in and out of her pussy. Rhianna loved to slow fuck and Kerri seemed quite content to do that for her. The cock pulled out on her pussy lips and then pushed back in against them. Rhianna moaned and groaned as they fucked this way and Kerri would stop and rub her hips against Rhianna pussy when she got to the end of the downward stroke. That just put pressure against her clit and made the fucking even more enjoyable. After a few minutes, Rhianna was ready to go a little faster. So she started to move her hips against Kerri's hips and Kerri got the unspoken message. Kerri started to use longer and faster strokes and Rhianna let out a long moan between kisses. They both started to grunt and Rhianna could feel the sweat begin to gather on their bodies. They both were grunting and moaning as they fucked harder and faster. The cock was just the right length and thickness for Rhianna's pussy and she gripped Kerri's body against her own. They had stopped trying to kiss as they were breathing too hard to kiss. Rhianna began to feel an orgasm gather within her body and she knew she was close but she had never been able to cum while fucking before but she knew this time would be different. She felt Kerri change the motion of her thrusting and she felt the results on her clit. She cried and moaned and then she felt her pussy start to spasm and she felt the pain of her impending orgasm. Her breath came is short bursts and she was so damn close.

"Oh god Kerri, I'm cummingggg!!!" Rhianna cried out as her orgasm hit her. She felt Kerri continue to fuck her and she felt her kisses as she rode out her orgasm. When she felt the last waves of her orgasm fade away she felt Kerri slow down and start to pull out of her.

"No don't, stay in me a while longer." Rhianna told her breathlessly.

"Okay, whatever you want baby." Kerri said as she kissed Rhianna's face.

"I like feeling you inside of me." Rhianna said even thought she knew it really wasn't Kerri but in a way it was.

Rhianna began to run her fingers up and down Kerri's back as they kissed and she could feel Kerri move her hips slowly just adding to the sensation of the cock inside of her. After a few minutes of kissing and caressing, Kerri began to slow fuck her again and Rhianna let out a moan. Rhianna didn't have to tell her what she wanted this time and just when Rhianna was ready for more, Kerri gave it to her and they were fucking hard again. The cock went in hard and fast and soon she was cumming for a second time and Kerri left it in place after Rhianna had finished cumming. They kissed for a few minutes and this time when Kerri went to pull out Rhianna let her but still she hated to feel the cock leave her pussy.

"Oh god that was great. You can fuck me anything you want." Rhianna told Kerri as she got her breathing back under control.

"I plan on it." Kerri told her and Rhianna looked at Kerri and she saw that she had a gleam in her eyes. She could tell then that Kerri had enjoyed fucking her just as much as she enjoyed being fucked.

"Good but now the question is, do you like being fucked with that thing?" Rhianna asked her as she reached down and put her hand around the fake cock and she could feel that it was coated with her juices.

"I think I could be talked into it." Kerri said coyly.

"Then help me get this thing off of you and let me try but you will have to tell me what to do. I've seen these things but obviously I've never used one." Rhianna said as she sat up in the bed.

"Hell there's not much to it. I mean if a man can do it, I know that you can." Kerri said with a laugh.

"Very true but you knew just how to use it on me." Rhianna told her.

"Not really, everyone is different; remember you had to tell me what you wanted done." Kerri reminded her as she began to unbuckle the harness.

"Do you want me to clean it off first?" Rhianna asked as she took it from Kerri.

"No, I like the thoughts of your juices coating it as you begin to fuck me." She told her and that made Rhianna smile.

As Rhianna started to put it on, she noticed a three inch nub that went out from the base of the cock. She then knew why Kerri seemed to like fucking her, she was getting pleasure too. Kerri helped her to slip the harness on and she felt the little nub slip into her pussy and she let out a little moan. Kerri kissed her and then she smiled as she lay down and she spread out her legs. Kerri then reached out her arms and Rhianna bit her lower lip as she came forward. Rhianna looked down at the cock sticking from her belly and she thought it looked so weird and obscene. Rhianna took the cock in her hand and she guided it to the entrance of her pussy. Now it was time for Kerri to bite her lower lip as Rhianna started to push the cock into Kerri's pussy. As she moved it in, she could feel the other end pressing into her pussy and it did feel good. Rhianna let her knees slip down the bed as she lay on top of Kerri. Rhianna then felt Kerri's hands on her ass pulling her up a bit. Rhianna then lowered her head down and she kissed her allowing Kerri to get use to the cock in her pussy.

"I like a nice steady rhythm and when I tell you to fuck me hard then that is what I mean." Kerri told her as she brought Rhianna's head down for another kiss.

Rhianna brought her hips up and she pushed down. She could feel the nub of the cock that was in her pussy press inside of her and she let out a little moan as Kerri let out a much louder moan. Rhianna then began what she hoped was a nice rhythm and Kerri was kissing her between moans. It didn't take Rhianna long to start sweating again and she found that fucking someone was hard work. But from the look on Kerri's face it was worth it. Rhianna kept up her fucking and she could feel Kerri's fingernails scratching her back and she felt her wrapping her legs around her waist. Kerri was now pushing back against her thrusts. Rhianna was grunting as she thrust her fake cock into Kerri's pussy. She could hear the wet slapping sounds when their bodies came together and she could feel Kerri's juices slapping against her thighs. Rhianna kept on fucking Kerri and she could tell that Kerri was having a series of small orgasms as she fucked her. She kept on fucking Kerri in that steady pace and she could feel the strain in her thighs and back.

"Now fuck me so god damn hard!" Kerri cried out to her.

Rhianna took in a deep breath and she put all her effort into fucking Kerri. She pulled the cock up and she pushed down as hard as she could. She heard Kerri grunt and cry out "Oh yea, just like that baby."

That comment gave Rhianna the energy that she needed and she really started to pound her hips into Kerri. She was sweating profusely now and it was dripping onto Kerri but she didn't seem to notice. She was too busy moaning and pushing her hips back against Rhianna's thrusting hips. Rhianna thrust her hips down harder and faster and then she felt Kerri arch her back and a flood of liquids came flowing from her pussy and onto Rhianna's thighs. Rhianna then felt a small ripple flow through her own body and she had her own small orgasm. She then collapsed on top of Kerri and she felt Kerri's arm reach around her and hold her tight. They kissed for a minute as they rested then Kerri rolled Rhianna off of her and then she got up and began to take the harness from Rhianna. Once it was off, Rhianna felt Kerri kiss her pussy and it felt so nice and she let out a coo. She felt Kerri began to gently lick her pussy and she was getting aroused all over again and then she noticed that Kerri was putting the harness back on and she wasn't sure that she could handle getting fucked again so soon. When she had it on, she stopped licking her and she lay back down on her back and Rhianna could see the cock sticking up from Kerri's crotch.

"Come here baby." Kerri told her and Rhianna wasn't sure what Kerri was up to but she got up on her hands and knees and she let Kerri guide her over so that she was straddling Kerri's body. She then felt Kerri's hands on her sides and she felt her guiding her hips downward. Rhianna then felt the head of the cock slip pass her pussy and she began to realize what Kerri wanted her to do. She reached down and she guided the head of the cock to her pussy and she let Kerri pull her down so that the cock slipped into her body. She let out a moan as it did so. When she was sitting down on the cock, she felt Kerri move her hands up to her shoulder and she pulled her down.

Rhianna slipped her legs down and she adjusted herself as she lay down on top of Kerri. The cock felt good inside of her and she just wanted to stay that way all night and Kerri seemed to be reading her mind when she said, "Just rest here baby, I want you to feel me as you sleep."

"Mmmm, that sounds nice." Rhianna told her as she lowered her head and kissed her. When the kiss ended, she then lay her head down on Kerri's shoulders. Rhianna could feel Kerri move her hips every once in a while and she could feel the cock move inside of her. She loved the feeling of being so full and feeling Kerri's body under her made her realize just who was inside of her, even if it was a fake part of her, it was her all the same. Rhianna didn't want to fall asleep but with Kerri caressing her back and running her fingers through her hair, she found that her eye lids were getting to heavy to hold open and she fell to sleep.

Rhianna woke up the next morning to Kerri gently moving her hips and thus the cock that she was still wearing moving ever so slightly inside of her pussy.

"Mmmm... that feels nice." Rhianna said as she opened her eyes to see Kerri smiling at her.

"Then this will feel even better." Kerri said as she jerked her hips upwards driving the cock deeper inside of Rhianna.

"Oohhh... yes, that does." Rhianna replied as she lifted her hips up a bit and she started to push back against Kerri's hips.

Rhianna lowered her mouth to Kerri's and she kissed her as Kerri got into a nice rhythm of fucking her. Rhianna let out a long moan as the cock moved in and out of her pussy. She couldn't think of a better way to be awakened in the morning. Soon Rhianna was pushing back harder against Kerri's thrusts and they were both groaning and moaning. Having the cock in her all night had kept her aroused and she needed to cum bad. She slipped her knees up and she sat up and she started to ride the cock. As she pushed down, this drove the small end of the cock into Kerri's pussy and she was groaning and moaning just as much as Rhianna was. Rhianna wanted to make this last but her orgasm was coming up quick on her and she had no control over it.

"Oh god, I'm cummingggg..." Rhianna cried out and she sat down hard on Kerri's fake cock. She felt the release that the orgasm gave her and before she knew it her full bladder gave away and she felt her fluids flow out of her and she couldn't stop it. The orgasm had control of her body. She fell down on Kerri and she could feel how soaked the bed was.

"Oh god I'm so sorry." Rhianna said as she sat back up and started to get off of Kerri. The cock seemed to want to stay in her but finally her pussy gave it up and it left her body with a wet pop. Rhianna could feel her whole body go red from embarrassment as she saw how big a wet place there was on the bed.

"Honey, don't worry about it, not all of that is yours. I kind of lost control too. When you sat back down on me that last time it drove the cock into my pussy and I came too and like you my bladder was full." Kerri told her as she brought her face forward and she kissed Rhianna.

Rhianna wasn't so sure that Kerri wasn't just saying that just to make her feel better but she was grateful all the same. Rhianna kissed her again when the first kiss ended just to say thank her for being so kind. They then got up and as Kerri was removing the harness, Rhianna took the linen off the bed and put it into the wash. Then they went outside to shower but Kerri first stopped and started to print off her book.

"I can't believe I'm getting to read your new book before anyone else does." Rhianna said with an enthusiasm that she couldn't contain after they had come back from their shower.

"You're not going to get to read it first." Kerri cautioned her and Rhianna felt her heart drop but then Kerri added, "You're going to help me edit it, there is a big difference. But first there is a lot to go over before we can even get to that point."

"Like what?' Rhianna asked.

"Well first we need to read over my outline and the notes that I have taken as I go along. That is my bible for the book. I first sketch out the characters and then I put down the chain of events that I see happening and finally how it should end. But as I will show you, how I start out think how the book will go doesn't often end up being the way it goes. I make lots of changes along the way and sometimes I have to go back to the first of the book and change something so that it will match the end of the book. Those are the things that you need to look for. Did I catch all my changes? Do I need to make more changes? It is a long process and I'm running behind already but that is cool. My editor knows that I rarely meet a deadline. But I try not to be too late." Kerri told her as she got out a note book and Rhianna could see all the notes that she had taken along the way.

"I didn't realize how complicated it all was. I mean you told me about all of this before but seeing it now makes it clearer to me." Rhianna said impressed at the details that Kerri put into the writing of a book.

"Oh it is a lot of work, work that I enjoy doing but work all the same." Kerri told her.

"I can see that now." Rhianna told her.

"And this is what I want to see you do when you write me a story once you see how I edit my stories." Kerri told her.

"But I thought I would help you edit your whole book." Rhianna said slightly disappointed.

"It'll take me all summer to edit this book, you will see more than you want to by the time I done. I just want to see you write another story or two this summer, and putting down on paper what you want to write and the plot first before you start." Kerri told her.

"But with a short story, why would you need to put all this work into it?" Rhianna said and then she knew what Kerri was going to say before the words ever left her mouth.

"To make it a better story." Kerri said.

"You and Dr. Conley are two of a kind." Rhianna said smiling.

"Who do you think taught me to be a better writer?" Kerri said smiling.

"The same person who is trying to make me a better one," Rhianna replied.

"Yep," Kerri said laughing.

Kerri then moved to Rhianna's side and showed her the notes she made as she first thought of the story and how she had described the main characters and then she pointed out the notes where she changed some minor details to fit something that she had written later in the story. Next she went over the general plot line and then again Rhianna saw where Kerri had crossed out some scenes and added others. Almost all of the notes that she had first written had been changed along the way, some were very minor changes but some were major ones that would actually change the direction of the book. Rhianna was amazed at the way the book had changed along the way and she questioned Kerri about that. Kerri simply stated that as she wrote new ideas would come to her and she would incorporate them if they fit into what she wanted to say. She told her that sometimes ideas would just come to her as she wrote and she would just write them in. Rhianna then remember Kerri talking about all of this when they had talked about writing but again it was made clearer by seeing how it happened. Rhianna wondered aloud if she really had it in her to actually write but Kerri assured her that she did. She just had to find her own way to do it. Then it was time to get started. Kerri had Rhianna study her notes and then once she was familiar with what Kerri was trying to write. She slid next to Kerri and read along with her as Kerri went through the first chapter. It was a long and slow process and Rhianna was constantly going back to Kerri's notes to check things. She did find one thing that Kerri missed and that made her proud that she saw it and Kerri was able to correct it. They only got through half of the first chapter before stopping for lunch and then just completed that chapter when they stopped for the day at about six. That night Kerri changed the subject from her book to what Rhianna wanted to write a story about. Rhianna wasn't sure but she was able to come up with an idea or two.

They worked for the next two weeks on Kerri's book and at night they continued to talk about Rhianna's story ideas. Rhianna came up with a few that she liked and they discussed them as Rhianna took notes in the notebook that Kerri had given her. It was an adjustment for Rhianna to try and write a story this way but after two weeks of doing it and seeing how Kerri's notes helped her, the idea and process grew on her and soon when an idea would come to her, she was running to her notebook to write it down before she forgot it. Every time she did this, a smile would come to Kerri's face.

"So are you ready to write a story for me?" Kerri asked her as they sat down to work.

"Yea, I think I am. At least I can give it a try." Rhianna told her and she felt a little nervous wondering if she could write something that Kerri would like.

"You'll do fine. I go on with editing my book as you start to write and when you are ready for me to see it let me know.

"Okay," Rhianna said as she opened up her notebook and she looked over her notes. She had always liked to write stories about love or had love as a main theme. Not romance stories per say but a story that had a plot but somewhere in there; there was a relationship that turned to love. She had always had as her main characters a male lead and a female lead. But since she and Kerri had become lovers, she began to think about having two females as the leads. She had an idea that she had been working on about two girls that become roommates in a halfway house after they had gotten out of a juvenile institution. She had decided to write in the first person and her name would be Missy and the other's girl's name would be Karen, who just happened to have gotten put away for killing her stepfather. The story would be how they became friends and had to overcome the justice system to get a new start. She started a new page in her notebook and she sketched out the descriptions of the two main characters and then a plot line. She ended up working all morning on just creating the story in her mind and putting it down on the notebook before she was ready to start but as she started to type, Kerri decided it was time for a break and lunch. Rhianna was disappointed as she was just getting into the mood to write. But she deferred to Kerri and she helped her fix up some lunch and they went out on the porch to eat. Rhianna was anxious to start her story so she quickly gulped down her food and ran back into the cabin to start her story.

Rhianna sat down at her laptop and quickly started to write. For once the words seemed to flow from her fingers and onto the screen. Usually she had to stop and think as she wrote as she wanted every word to be perfect. But as she had learned from Kerri, editing was the time to make things perfect, now was the time to put her thoughts down on the paper. She wrote all afternoon, only stopping when she needed to rest her fingers or her mind.

"I think I'll go and write a little more before bed." Rhianna said as she started to get up from the swing that she and Kerri were sitting on after they had finished dinner.

"Sit here and let your mind rest. You've been writing all day and you need to take a break." Kerri warned her. "You'll have more fresh ideas in the morning."

"But I just got a new idea and I need to get it down before I forget it." Rhianna told her and she tried up get up once again but Kerri stopped her. She then got up and she returned a few moments later with Rhianna's notebook.

"This is what the notebook is for." Kerri said as she handed it to Rhianna.

Rhianna sighed as she took the book and she wrote her idea down. "But I still want to write just a bit, just to get the thought completely out of my mind then we can talk about anything that you want." Rhianna told her.

"Oh I think I have an idea as to how to clear your head." Kerri told her as she gave her a little wink.

"How might that be?" Rhianna asked as her head suddenly cleared of everything that was in it only moments before and her only thought was of Kerri's lips coming toward her head.

She closed her eyes and then she felt her lips kissing her. Rhianna put her right hand to the back of Kerri's head and she held her in place as she opened her mouth. She urged Kerri's tongue into her mouth and she closed her lips around it. She heard Kerri groan and she felt Kerri's hands come up and cup her breasts. This time she let out a moan and she had to release Kerri's tongue.

"Let's take this inside." Kerri said as she gave Rhianna's breasts a tender squeeze and then she stood up.

She put her hand out and she helped Rhianna up and then she led her into the cabin. When they got to the bed, Kerri let go of her hand to pull the covers down and Rhianna came behind her and she put her hands on Kerri's ass and she began to caress it through the material of her shorts.

"Mmmm... that feels good." Kerri told her as she stayed bent over.

"Then this should feel really good." Rhianna told her as she let her fingers go on down between Kerri's legs and she could feel the heat radiate from her pussy even through the material of the shorts. She let the fingers of her right hand continue to caress Kerri's pussy as she ran her left hand up under Kerri's tee shirt and she let them roam around Kerri's back. This caused Kerri to let out a long moan and then she suddenly stood up and turned around.

"I've got to get you naked girl." Kerri said fiercely.

This took Rhianna completely by surprise and she couldn't do anything but stand there as Kerri pulled her tee shirt off and then her bra. Kerri then dropped to her knees and pulled Rhianna's shorts and panties down, not bothering to unsnap and unzip them. She stepped out of them and then she felt Kerri's hands on her sides as she swung her around and then pushed her onto the bed. Rhianna landed with a thump and she watched as Kerri quickly shed her own clothes and then she climbed onto the bed. Rhianna looked up into Kerri's eyes and she could see the lust there but she also saw the love that was the base of that lust.

"Toy night?' Kerri asked

"No, lets save that for tomorrow." Rhianna answered and she saw that Kerri was pleased. Since Kerri had introduced her strap-on, they had used it several more times but they mostly made love without it but Kerri usually asked to see what Rhianna was in the mood for.

Kerri then lowered her body down and Rhianna wrapped her legs around Kerri's hips. Rhianna put her hands to Kerri's face and she pulled it down and she kissed her. Rhianna felt Kerri start to move her hips and she could feel Kerri's pussy rub against her pussy. This made her moan and she started to work her own hips. They soon got into a nice rhythm and they both moaned between kisses. Rhianna loved the feeling of Kerri laying on her and she used her arms to pull Kerri even closer to her, if that was possible. Rhianna then moved her hands down to Kerri's ass and she grasped a cheek in each hand. She pulled the cheeks apart and she let them go so that she could run her fingers around her ass only to pull the cheeks apart again. She let her fingers run down Kerri's crack and that brought a big moan from her. As her fingers slid across Kerri's asshole, Kerri broke off the kiss that they were in the middle of and moaned. Kerri then gave Rhianna a wicked smile as Rhianna's fingers continued to play with her asshole. She would let her middle finger go around the rim and then she would press it at the center but she didn't penetrate her. But every time she did this Kerri would push her pussy down harder against Rhianna's pussy and that would cause her to moan. Kerri kept on pressing down hard on her pussy and soon Rhianna felt an orgasm begin to gather within her. She didn't want to cum right yet but Kerri was rubbing her faster and harder and she seemed determined to make her cum and eventually she did. Rhianna let out a loud moan and she felt the first rush of pleasure course through her body.

She felt her body relax and she felt Kerri move away from her. She tried to reach up and stop her but her movements were too slow. Rhianna let her orgasm pass and as her mind returned to her she felt Kerri between her legs. She opened her eyes and looked down to see Kerri looking back at her smiling. Then Kerri dropped her head and Rhianna felt Kerri's tongue on her sensitive pussy lips.

"Oh baby that feels so fucking good!" Rhianna told her as she opened her legs wider.

She felt Kerri place her tongue at the bottom of her slit and slowly move upward until she got to her clit. She then stopped there and she licked tenderly sending waves of pleasure through Rhianna's body. She only stayed there for a moment before sliding her tongue back down Rhianna's slit and this time she went on down until Rhianna felt Kerri's tongue make a pass around her asshole. Then it slowly made its way back to her clit and there she would lick gently. Kerri then moved her way back down to her asshole and she would lick around it. Kerri kept this going for what seemed like forever to Rhianna. Rhianna felt her pussy leak out gallons of juices and Kerri would suck them up at each pass up and down. Rhianna was more than content to let Kerri make love to her this way but eventually Rhianna got to the point that she needed to cum again. So when Kerri got to her clit, Rhianna reached down and she took Kerri's head into her hands and she held her in place. Kerri started to lick harder and faster at her clit and then Rhianna felt a couple of Kerri's fingers at the entrance to her pussy. They slipped inside of her and then Kerri started to pull them in and out. The fucking of Kerri's fingers in her pussy help Rhianna get to her orgasm quicker and it overpowered her sending her off into space. She cried out as she came and she clamped her thighs against Kerri's head as she came.

When she came back around, she felt Kerri's fingers still in her pussy and Kerri was using her tongue to lick around them so that she could drink in all her girlcum. Rhianna knew that if she didn't do something quick, Kerri would start to work her toward yet another orgasm and while Rhianna loved having Kerri make love to her, it was time for Kerri to receive some of that pleasure. So she gathered what remaining strength that she had and she pushed Kerri's head away from her. She then sat up and she pushed Kerri backwards. The only problem was that Kerri was about at the end of the bed and her head ended up near the floor and her back was arched backwards. At first she thought that she had hurt Kerri but then she heard her laughing. Rhianna realized that she had Kerri right where she wanted her, that being defenseless. She also saw that Kerri's legs were spread out and her pussy was in just the right angle to lick. So she plopped down on the bed and she placed her hands on Kerri's thighs. She could smell how aroused Kerri was and she could see all the moisture that had gathered at her lips. Rhianna went right to work at licking all those juices off of Kerri's lips and then she pulled Kerri's lips apart and she worked her tongue in deeper. Kerri groaned and moaned and she slipped a little further down in the bed until it was just her ass on the edge of the bed and her shoulders were on the floor. Rhianna wrapped her arms around Kerri's thighs holding her in place as her tongue made love to Kerri's pussy and clit. She drank in Kerri's sweet juices and she sucked on her clit until Kerri came violently. Rhianna opened her mouth and she sucked in Kerri's girlcum as it squirted out of her. She had sucked most of it down when Kerri's body twisted and jerk from her strong orgasm and that sent her the rest of the way off the bed. Rhianna could help to giggle as she saw Kerri sprawled out on the floor at the end of the bed.

"You think that was funny!" Kerri said in a very stern voice after she had recovered from her orgasm.

"Yes I do." Rhianna told her just as seriously but Rhianna knew that Kerri wasn't mad at her but just playing.

"Well, let me see if I can just wipe that smile off your face." Kerri said as she got to her feet.

"Go for it, if you think that you're woman enough." Rhianna replied and as soon as she got the last word out she saw Kerri lunge at her but Rhianna was ready for her and she screamed and jumped off the bed. "Damn you're slow. I guess age has really caught up with you." Rhianna said and then she saw the determination on Kerri's face and she knew she was in trouble now.

"Oh, you're in for it now girl!" Kerri said as she rolled off the bed.

Rhianna screamed and she started to run for the door. She didn't care if she was naked; she just wanted to stay away from Kerri for as long as possible. She pushed the back door open and she ran out with Kerri close on her heels. Rhianna screamed and laughed as she ran from one tree to another trying to hide behind it until Kerri caught up with her and then she would go to the next one. Margret heard them screaming and laughing and she came running wanting to get into the game. They screamed and Margret barked until they were all out of breath and that was when Kerri finally got Rhianna by the wrist. Rhianna didn't try to pull away as she wanted to see just what Kerri would do to her now that she had caught her.

"You ready for your punishment for saying that I was old." Kerri asked her.

"I didn't say that you were old, I just said that your age was catching up with you." Rhianna corrected her.

"Word games, is that what we're playing now." Kerri asked.

"Well, we're both in the word business." Rhianna said feeling proud of herself for the quick comeback.

"True but words aren't going to save you now." Kerri told her.

"Yea, but the question remains, are you woman enough to do anything about it." Rhianna asked her. Then before she knew what was happening, Kerri had pulled her forward and she wrapped her arm around her waist so her chest was up under Kerri's arm and her ass was sticking out as she was bent over. Rhianna started to protest when she felt Kerri's hand land on her ass with a loud slap.

"Ouch!" Rhianna cried out and then she felt another slap. "Ouch!"

"Give in?" Kerri asked

"What with those old woman taps!" Rhianna said and then she felt a harder slap on her right ass cheek. Kerri then set about spanking her but it really wasn't very hard at all but Rhianna pretended that she was beating her half to death.

"Give?" Kerri asked as she gave her a last spank.

"I give, you won, and you are more than woman enough for me." Rhianna said as she felt Kerri release her.

"So do I get any loving after my punishment?" Rhianna asked looking up at Kerri with childlike eyes.

"Oh you will get lots of loving." Kerri said smiling as she pulled Rhianna in hard against her and she gave her a passionate kiss. She then took her by the hand and led her back to the bed where they made love until they fell asleep exhausted .

"I think it's ready." Rhianna told Kerri after working on her story for two weeks.

"Are you sure?" Kerri asked as she stopped working on her book.

"Yea, I think so." Rhianna said with a bit of hesitation.

"If you want to wait or not show me, that's fine too." Kerri told her.

"No I want you to read it. I have to know what you think." Rhianna said as she got up and picked up the story from the printer and she handed it to Kerri.

"Don't worry; I'll keep my red pen in my pocket." Kerri told her with a little laugh, trying to get Rhianna to relax a bit.

"Thanks, but I want to know what you really think, good and bad or all bad if that be the case." Rhianna told her and she was really afraid that it would be all bad. She liked the story but still she wasn't sure that it would meet with Kerri's approval.

"I'm sure that it will be more good than bad, you are a talented writer and I think that you have done your homework on this story. But I promise not to rose color my comments. I'll tell you what I think." Kerri told her.

"Good," Rhianna said and then she watched as Kerri's eyes went to the first page of her story. "I think Margret needs to be walked." Rhianna said suddenly and she whistled for Margret who came to the door quickly.

Kerri just smiled as she knew that while Margret loved to go on walks but she being an outside dog for the most part, she never really needed to be walked. But Kerri could also understand why Rhianna needed to get out of the cabin while she read her story. She couldn't stand to be in the same room as her editor read one of her books for the first time. Kerri watched Rhianna rushed out the door and told Margret that they were going for a walk.

Rhianna was a nervous wreck as she headed up the path toward the little stream with the sitting rock. She talked to Margret all the way and Margret listened carefully, but being a dog, she couldn't give Rhianna the reassurance that she needed, so she gave her what she could and that was her attention and love. When they got to the rock, Margret went to the stream and got a long drink of water and then she came over to Rhianna and sat beside of her. She nuzzled Rhianna's hand and Rhianna smiled as she reached up and began to scratch Margret's ears and pet her fur. She talked and played with Margret until she couldn't take it anymore and she headed back toward the cabin with Margret leading the way back, sniffing and barking at the pesky squirrels when she saw one. When she got back to the cabin, she saw that Kerri was in the kitchen, fixing some sandwiches.

"So did you and Margret have a good walk?" Kerri asked her.

But before Rhianna could answer, Margret let out a bark as if answering Kerri's question. "I guess that is a yes." Kerri said as she reached down and rubbed Margret's nose and petted her a second.

"So where did you two walk to?" Kerri asked and this time Rhianna answered before Margret could.

"Oh just up to the stream and back." Rhianna answered as she glanced over at the table where the pages of her story were spread out. She was hoping that Kerri would take the hint and say something about her story.

"That's good; I do love it up there. Margret and I go there all the time, don't we girl?" Kerri said and she got a "yes" bark from Margret. "Well, help me take this out to the porch and we'll have our lunch." Kerri told her as she washed her hands from petting Margret.

Rhianna let out a big sign as she realized that Kerri wasn't going to talk about her story until after they had their lunch, which Rhianna could hardly eat because she was too nervous. She watched as Kerri slowly ate her sandwich and she seemed to be drawing it out, chewing each bit about a thousand times before slowly swallowing. Finally, Kerri picked up the last bite of her sandwich and she brought it to her mouth and then she hesitated as she said something about how hot it was suppose to be today. It was at this point that Rhianna couldn't stand the strain anymore.

"Will you hurry up and eat that damn sandwich and tell me what you think of my fucking story!" Rhianna said in almost a shout.

Kerri gave her a shocked look and then she burst out laughter. "I was wondering how long you were going to wait before you asked." Kerri said still laughing a bit.

"If you were really me friend then you would know how anxious I am to know what you think. I mean, God, you're a writer. You should know how important this was to me." Rhianna basted Kerri and then she got up and ran into the cabin before she burst into tears.

End of part two.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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