Term Paper

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jun 15, 2007


This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Term Paper By Chris

Rhianna sat outside of her American Lit Professor's office and she thought about how she could convince her professor to let her do her term paper on the author that she had chosen. The professor had told everyone that it had to be on an American author that wrote within the last hundred years. Rhianna knew that the professor had intended them to do it on a famous author and not on an author that wrote paperback books. But Rhianna had started reading Kerri Sands' books when she was in high school and she was her favorite author. She knew that she had to convince her professor that Ms Sands was worth writing about. When she turned in who she wanted to do her paper on, she expected to be rejected right off but her professor had just written on the paper, "Convince me!" and then put down to see her in her office on Friday at eleven. So here she was trying to think of a way to convince her.

"Well, have you got your arguments ready?"

Rhianna jerked up her head to see Dr. Catherine Conley looking at her from her open door. "I believe so." She replied.

"You don't sound convinced that you have come up any reasons for me to let you write about a fluff writer instead of a real writer." Dr. Conley said as she looked over her reading glasses.

"Kerri Sands is a real author!" Rhianna said as she got up and marched into Dr. Conley's office. Rhianna was so pissed by Dr. Conley's remark that she didn't notice the soft smile that came to her face. Dr. Conley loved to challenge her students and it made her proud to see when one of them decides to take up one of her challenges.

Rhianna waited only long enough for Dr. Conley to sit down before she started her arguments. She talked about how Kerri Sands had a great following and about how one of Kerri Sands main characters, who she had a series of books about, gave inspiration to many young women, including herself. She made you want to go out and do great things. She said that she wanted to become an author one day and it was because of Ms Sands that she wanted to do that. When Rhianna finished, Dr. Conley talked about how Ms. Sands had never written anything that the critics said were great. But then Rhianna countered by telling her that a lot of famous authors were panned by the critics of their day but it was only after they died that their works were really appreciated. She then named more than a few of them, including the one the Dr. Conley seemed to favor in her classes. It went back and forth for a while and Rhianna was sure that Dr. Conley would make her do someone else. But then she threw out a bone to Rhianna.

"I'll tell you what. If you can get an interview with Ms. Sands and she allows you to quote her then you can write about her. But let me warn you that as far as I know, Ms Sands has never given an interview to anyone."

"I know that I can." Rhianna said more confidently than she felt but she got what she wanted and that was all she cared about. She would worry about the interview later and in her excitement she failed to ask Dr. Conley how she knew that Ms Sands never gave interviews.

Rhianna went right back to her dorm room and started her research on her favorite author. She found who the publisher was and also her editor. She then got on her cell phone and started the process of getting in touch with her editor and then maybe she could get her agent and finally through them to Ms Sands herself. After placing that call and leaving a message, she started her research on the rest of Ms. Sands and her books. She knew them all by heart but she began to reread them trying to find jewels here and there that she could use in her paper. She knew that she had to make her professor realize that just because Ms. Sands wrote paperback books didn't mean what she had to say wasn't important and didn't have meaning. She concentrated most of her efforts on the paper and all of her free time was taken doing this. She kept her grades up on the other classes as she was determined to graduate on time and get on with being a writer herself.

Slowly September turned into October which turned into November and still she was no closer to getting her interview with Ms. Sands. She had made phone calls, sent emails, and wrote letters asking to talk to her but everyone seemed to be putting her off. As Thanksgiving vacation came she was beginning to panic, her term paper was done except for the interview. She had to have that interview or her paper wasn't worth shit. Dr. Conley had made it very clear that she had to have the interview or the paper was a no go. Rhianna decided to give it through the long weekend and then she would go to Dr. Conley and admit defeat and ask if she could do her paper on someone else. That was the last thing she wanted to do but if she was to pass her class, then she would have to do it. She went home for the weekend but not before sending a last desperate email to Ms. Sands' editor begging her to get into contact with Ms. Sands and asking her one more time to give her the interview. She then flew home and had a nice Thanksgivings dinner with her parents and her relatives.

Late that night, she was on her laptop talking to one of her internet friends when she saw an email pop up on her computer. She did recognize the person writing as Ms. Sands editor and she rushed to her hotmail account and looked at the subject line. It stated "Your interview request has been granted." She quickly opened the email and found some strange instructions.

"Please be online at 3:33 AM eastern time and you will be asked to accept a contact from "lesauthor". Please do so and Ms. Sands will grant you a twenty minute interview. Please be prepared as the twenty minutes will be strictly enforced."

That was all the email said and Rhianna let out a scream that brought her parents to her door asking if she was okay. After she had reassured them that she was fine and she had sent them back to their bedroom, she sat back down and started to look for the list of questions that she had prepared for Ms. Sands. She looked in every file that she had on her laptop but she couldn't find them. She went through her laptop twice more and then she tried to remember where they might be and then it hit her. The questions and her term paper were on a disk that was now sitting on her desk back in her apartment. And since she had decided to go to school in Tennessee and not her native Oregon, there was no way to get to her dorm room and retrieve her disk. So she set about trying to think of the questions all over again. She slowly began to think of some things that she wanted to ask her and she remade her list but she knew that she would never think of them all. She worked hard and she kept an eye on her clock. The time seemed to have sped up as she tried to work but she did come up with some good questions. Then at precisely 6:33 AM which was 3:33 AM eastern time, she saw a message asking her to accept "lesauthor" and she did so. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as she waited for Ms. Sands to appear in her messenger.

"So are you the girl that has been harassing my editor for the last couple of months?" she typed.

"I guess that would be me. Tell her that I'm sorry about doing that but I really needed this interview to complete my paper." Rhianna typed.

"But if I told her that you were sorry then I'd be lying wouldn't I?" She wrote.

"I guess you would." Rhianna wrote back and she was beginning to feel bad about the way this was starting. She was wondering if Ms Sands was about to tell her to fuck off and stop bothering her.

"Good, I'm glad that you said that. I want us to be completely honest with each other."

"Me too." Rhianna said.

"First, I want to make sure you know and agree to the rules that were set. You cannot publish this interview and only you and your professor may see what I say. If I see this anywhere in the press, you will be sued into the next century. I will own all of your future paychecks. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" she typed.

"Yes you do. I understand the rules and I agree to them." Rhianna wrote feeling a little better.

"Well the clock has started ticking; I suggest that you get started with your questions."

"First off, I would like to tell you that I have read all of your books and that they have meant so much to me. They are what made me want to become a writer too. Your character Sidney Marshall just shows what a strong woman can do and I know that she inspired me to be strong in my beliefs and convictions."

"I made Sid that way for a reason. I wanted women of all ages to know that they don't need a man to stand up of them. She doesn't need one and I hope that the women who read my books about her adventures see that and take that message to heart." She said.

"Well I did and I want you to know that, you are a great author and not a fluff novelist like my professor thinks." Rhianna said.

"She may be right, you know. I don't write to be thought of as a great writer, I just write because I enjoy it. If you do decide to make writing your career you will be well served to do the same thing because you can't please everyone but you can please yourself."

"I'll remember that."

"But I would suggest that you get on with the interview as your time is quickly running out and you haven't asked me anything yet." Ms Sands wrote.

Rhianna looked down at the time on her computer and realized that she was already down to fifteen minutes so she quickly got her questions out and she started down the list. Ms. Sands was patient and she answered each and every one. Rhianna couldn't believe how open she was to her questions and all the detailed she was giving her. Rhianna lost track of the time and concentrated on her questions, sometimes asking a follow up question and adding questions that she hadn't thought of before. She went on and on with her questions and she soon got lost in Ms Sands' world as she did when she read one of her books. But like all good things, they must soon come to an end.

"I hate to say this but I really must end the interview at this time." Ms Sands wrote after one of Rhianna's questions.

Rhianna looked down at her computer clock and she saw that the twenty minute interview turned into an over two hour interview. "Thank you so much for your time Ms Sands. You don't know how much this means to me personally to be able to talk to you. You are truly my hero and one of the people that I look up to."

"You're welcome and please call me Kerri. I do consider us friends now." Kerri told her and that made Rhianna's heart swell.

"Thank you Kerri and I consider you a friend too and you will always be my inspiration." Rhianna wrote back.

"Well good night as I really must go now. I do hope that you will get an A on your paper. And tell your professor that she has a very intelligent student."

"Thank you and thanks again for the interview and good night to you too." Rhianna wrote back. And then she saw Kerri's messenger go to offline.

Rhianna sat back and she let out a big sigh. She couldn't believe that she had spent the last two hours talking to Kerri Sands. She was so happy that she felt like crying and then she did just that. She was always very emotional and she let her emotions out when she felt them. Crying was just the way that she reacted to both happy and sad things. But after she had her cry, she saved the conversation so that she could go back to it as she finished her paper. She also printed it out just to make sure that she had it as she wasn't going to take any chances with this interview. She had no illusions that she would ever talk to Kerri Sands again. This was her one and only chance to ever get close to her hero. Once all the pages had printed out, she thought about going to bed but then she heard her mother coming down the hallway and she remembered that she had to go shopping with her mother this morning. They always got up early on the Friday after Thanksgivings and went shopping. She checked her stuff one more time and then she heard her mother knocking on her door to wake her up. She called out to her and said she would be right there. She checked once again to make sure that her conversation with Kerri was saved and then she shut her laptop down. She then got up and headed for the shower and from there to the kitchen where her mother had the coffee ready. Rhianna had never been much of a coffee drinker but she knew she would need all the caffeine that she could get today, as soon the excitement of talking to Kerri Sands would wear off and she couldn't spoil her day with her mother shopping by yawning all the time. As they ate, Rhianna told her mother about talking to Kerri Sands and her mother scolded her for not waking her up as she was a great fan of Ms Sands' books too. They had a great day but as soon as they got back to the house, Rhianna collapsed on the couch and she was asleep before she knew it. She had been up all night and then spent most of the day fighting thousands of women over the items that were on sale.

When Rhianna got back to school on Sunday, she started on her paper. She had read and reread her conversation with Kerri and she knew what parts she wanted to use in her paper. She was a B student but this was one paper that she wanted an A on. It was important for her to show her professor just how great a writer that Kerri really was. She worked hard on it for the next week and when she handed it over to Dr. Conley, she did so as if it was written on paper made from pure gold. Dr. Conley frowned at her when she saw that she had done her paper on Ms. Sands but this didn't wipe the smile off of Rhianna's face. She had done something like Sid would do, just like in Ms. Sands' books. Sid would do it her way no matter what and so did she. Then once the semester was over, she went to Dr. Conley's office as she was dying to find out what she thought of her paper on Ms. Sands.

"I was wondering when you would show up." Dr. Conley said smiling as she let Rhianna into her office.

"I had to know what you thought of my paper." Rhianna said as she sat down in the chair in front of Dr. Conley's desk.

"I had to admit that I never thought that you would ever get the interview with Ms Sands. I have to give you credit for that, even if you did do your paper on a fluff writer." Dr. Conley told her.

"Kerri isn't a fluff writer and I really wish you wouldn't keep calling her that." Rhianna said as she felt her face go flush with anger.

"I see you are on first names with Ms. Sands now. She must have really pulled the wool over your eyes." Dr. Conley told her sharply.

"If you are just going to sit there and insult Kerri then I'm leaving and you can give me an F on the paper, I don't care. I know that I'm right in what I think." Rhianna said as she stood up and started toward the door in a huff.

But before she got to the door Dr. Conley spoke up, "I thought that your paper was well written and your augments well thought out. You were very convincing that writers like Ms Sands have their place in the literary world and are just as important as writers like Steinbeck and Hemmingway."

Rhianna turned around and looked into Dr. Conley's eyes to see if she was serious or was just bating her again. What she saw was a woman who seemed to be telling the truth.

"Please sit down and let's talk about your paper. I gave you an A on your paper if you are interested." Dr. Conley told her.

"You serious?" Rhianna asked as she made her way back to her seat.

"Very serious and to let you in on a little secret, I've even read a few of Ms Sands' books myself." Dr. Conley told her.

"Then why did you give me such hell about writing about Ms Sands if you like to read her too?" Rhianna asked now confused about the whole thing.

"Two reasons. One, I wanted to see if you had it in you to stick up for your convictions. I wanted to challenge you to go farther than you have gone before. Second, this class was about the America classics and it is hard enough to get my students to read the classics with all that is out there nowadays. I want them exposed to these great writers so that is why I made you go farther with your paper than I did the other students. So do you forgive me for pushing you like I did when you came in all proud of yourself for getting that interview with Ms Sands?"

"Yea, I guess I do but you did make me angry with the way you talked about Kerri." Rhianna said.

"I meant to make you angry." Dr. Conley said honestly.

"Well you did," Rhianna said smiling for the first time.

"So will you take another class of mine?"

"I'm taking your creative writing class next semester." Rhianna told her.

"Good but I'm going to warn you. I plan on being hard on you. I believe that you have some talent for writing and I want to make sure you don't waste it." Dr. Conley told her.

"I want you to be hard on me. I want to be the best writer that I can be." Rhianna said as she got up and she shook Dr. Conley's hand.

After Rhianna shut the door, Dr. Conley picked up her phone and dialed a number that she knew by heart.

"Hey Kerri its Catherine, guess who just left my office?"

Rhianna went home for Christmas feeling good about her paper and the semester as a whole. She had gotten two A's, a B, and one C. that put her GPA at 3.21 and she felt good about that. She wasn't an A student and never would be but she did want to graduate with above a B average and she was still on track to do that. She also wanted to graduate in four years and she was still on track to do that also. She settled back in at home and she spent time with her mother and father and also her older sister Judith who had come in with her husband and two little girls for Christmas. Rhianna enjoyed being with her family as she didn't get to come home often since she had decided to go so far away from home to go to school. But late at night when she was alone in her room, she found that she was going back to her interview with Kerri. It was like that was the highlight of her short life and she wanted to relive it over and over again.

Then a couple of days after Christmas, Rhianna was on her computer and she saw on her messenger that "lesauthor" was online. She was surprised to see her online as she figured that Kerri had just created that name for the interview and would delete it as soon as the interview was over. And since she hadn't see her online since that day, it seemed to prove her theory correct but now here she was online. Rhianna so wanted to click on it and say hello but she also didn't want to bother her. She was just a fan and she knew that Kerri got bothered enough by her fans and enjoyed her privacy. But then she saw her messenger pop up with:

"So what did your stupid professor give you on your paper?"

Rhianna about peed in her panties as she saw that. Kerri was actually starting a conversation with her. She quickly put her fingers to her keyboard and started to type when her mind went completely blank. She almost panicked as she tried to get her mind to work and she knew she could never be an author when she couldn't even think of a reply to a simple question from someone. But this wasn't just a simple question from just anyone. It was from Kerri, her hero. She took a deep breath and that got her mind working again and she typed back, "She gave me an A but not before really pissing me off."

"And just how did she do that, pray tell?" Kerri requested of her.

"Oh she called you a fluff writer again and she knows that I hate that and then when I called you Kerri she said that you must have really pulled the wool over my eyes. I almost walked out of her office when she said that."

"Maybe I should send Sid over to see her. I'm sure that she could straighten her out in no time." Kerri wrote.

"Oh no don't do that, I have another class with her next semester and who knows what she would give me if you did that. But I will remember your offer if she gets on my case too much, which she told me that she is going to do." Rhianna typed back.

"If she is so hard on you, why do you keep taking her classes?" Kerri typed.

"Because she is the best professor the university has and I know that I can learn from her."

"Oh okay, in that case we'll wait until you graduate to sic Sid on her, how about that?" Kerri asked.

"Now that is an offer I plan on talking you up on." Rhianna typed as she laughed. Then she went on to say, "You know I have really wanted to talk to you again but I was afraid to bother you."

"You're no bother at all. I have found that I like talking to you. You're a smart young lady and I enjoyed your interview."

"I enjoyed it too; it meant so much to me." Rhianna told her.

"Tell you what, I've got a few minutes. Do you want to talk a while? But this time I get to ask the questions."

"I would love to." Rhianna said as she was overjoyed at Kerri wanting to just talk to her. "Just ask me anything." She typed.

"Cool but I must ask that we keep our friendship just between us and what we say to each other stays between us." Kerri wrote.

"Oh I promise never to tell a soul." Rhianna wrote as a tear went down her cheek after seeing Kerri write "friendship" to describe their new relationship.

"Good, now it's my turn to interview you so be prepared." Kerri wrote.

"I am, shoot away." Rhianna replied.

But Kerri didn't really interview her. She did ask a lot of questions but at the same time she answered just as many as they began to become real friends. Rhianna did learn that Kerri wasn't in her early forties like her books indicated but actually was actually thirty four. Learning this made Rhianna happy in one sense as they weren't so different in ages but at the same time she was depressed because when Kerri was her age, she had already published a couple of books while she was still struggling to find what she wanted to write about. Kerri reassured her that her time would come and that she just had gotten lucky and got published early in her life. They talked for a couple of hours before Kerri had to sign off. Rhianna went to bed happy as she knew that she was actually becoming friends with her favorite author.

Rhianna waited the next night for Kerri to come back online but she never did and that disappointed her but the following night, Kerri appeared back online and when Rhianna saw this, she immediately typed in "Hi". After a minute and Kerri still didn't respond, Rhianna was afraid that she had over stepped her bounds but then she saw Kerri typing.

"Sorry, I spilled my coffee on my lap and I was busy cussing and getting the hot coffee off my cunt before it ruined my sex life forever. lol"

Rhianna found herself blushing when she saw Kerri type cunt but she knew that they were really friends for her to talk that way to her. Rhianna typed back, "I bet that did hurt."

"Oh hell yes!" Kerri typed back, "So what are you up to tonight?"

"Nothing much really, just hoping that you would come online so we could talk and you did so I'm glad." Rhianna typed back.

"That's nice to hear. I do most of my writing during the winter and sometimes I write late into the night so I won't be able to talk very often but then there are times when the words dry up and I have to take a break. Tonight was one of those nights and I decided to see if you wanted to talk." Kerri typed to her.

"I always want to talk to you." Rhianna said back.

"Cool, then let's talk girl." Kerri said and they did. And this night Rhianna noticed that Kerri's language was a little more colorful and she knew that meant that Kerri was beginning to trust her and that made her happy. Rhianna also found that the more she talked to more colorful words slipped out from her. She was never one to cuss much and never when she was talking to someone but she felt more comfortable talking to Kerri than she had anyone else before and since Kerri was her hero, she tended to copy her. They talked until the early morning hours before they finally signed off. Rhianna talked to Kerri a few more times while she was off for Christmas break and she hated having to go back to school but she did.

"So have you talked to Ms. Sands anymore?" Dr. Conley asked her after class.

Rhianna didn't know how to answer the question. She trusted Dr. Conley but at the same time, her friendship with Kerri was a secret between them so after thinking a few seconds she said, "No, the interview was a onetime thing, you know that."

But when Rhianna looked into Dr. Conley's eyes she saw that she didn't believe her. She was hoping that Dr. Conley wouldn't press her about it so she was relieved when she responded with, "I see. Well not many people get to talk to Ms. Sands so I guess you can consider yourself lucky that you got to talk to her once."

"Oh I do." Rhianna replied. Then she changed the subject to the class and what they would be doing that semester. They talked for a few minutes then Rhianna went on to her next class and Dr. Conley went back to her office where she picked up her phone and dialed a very familiar number.

"Kerri, she told me that she hasn't talked to you since the interview. I told you that you could trust her." Dr. Conley said.

"I didn't think that she would tell you anything but I had to make sure, you understand." Kerri said.

"I know and if I was in your position I would too." Dr. Conley told her and then they went on talking until Dr. Conley had to go as a student had come to see her about one of her classes.

It was a week before she was able to hook up with Kerri again. She had taken a heavier load of classes and it was hard to find time to get online but she tried to check every night. But either she came on to late or Kerri was busy when she was able to come online. But when they did hook up, it was like old friends talking. They were quickly getting to know a lot about each other and their friendship was deepening. The semester went quickly for Rhianna as she was busy with classes and of course talking to Kerri every chance that she got. Then came early May and she was talking to Kerri on a Saturday night. Rhianna was never one to date much. It was just something that wasn't that never gave her much excitement. She could find the right guy to make her feel good. So it wasn't unusual for her to be home alone on a Saturday night plus she liked to talk the Kerri and Saturdays seemed to be the night that they could talk regularly.

"So what you doing this summer?" Kerri asked her.

"I don't know yet, either I'm going to stay here for the summer and go to school or go home and work at the shoe store I've worked at the past two summers." Rhianna told her.

"Well I might have something better for you to do." Kerri wrote back.

"What's that?" Rhianna replied as she felt her heart skip a beat wondering just what Kerri was thinking about.

"I need some help this summer and I could give you a job helping me." Kerri wrote and Rhianna about peed in her pants as she thought about working with her hero for the summer.

"I would love to! Just tell me where and when and I'll be there. Thank you so much. I mean I will be working with you and learning how you write. That would be a dream come true!" Rhianna said and she wanted to jump up and scream.

"Before you get too excited I have to tell you that it won't be all working on writing. I have a lot of work to do on my place and I do that in the summer. We will do some writing but there will also be a lot of physical labor that I need help with." Kerri warned her.

"That's fine too. I don't care. It will be a learning experience for me and I will get to spend some time with you. You've become a good friend to me and I would love to be able to work with you." Rhianna said thinking about her and Kerri sitting down together and writing. She didn't really think about the other stuff that Kerri mentioned, she only thought about being with Kerri for the summer.

"You've become a good friend to me too and I look forward to seeing you. So when do you get out of school?" Kerri asked.

"My last class is on May twenty -fifth. I can be there the twenty sixth if you like." Rhianna asked.

"Why don't we make it June fifth? That way you can spend some time at home first. I know that your parents will want to see you." Kerri said.

Rhianna was at first disappointed but then she realized that she was right. She did need to go home first. "Yea your right, but that does bring up a problem. I'll need to tell my parents where I'll be spending the summer. I can't just up and disappear for three months." Rhianna said hoping that wouldn't be the deal breaker. And then she had to wait for Kerri's response and the longer that it took the more worried she became.

"I can understand that. You can tell them where you will be and who you will be with but please ask them not to say anything, okay." Kerri said.

Rhianna let out the breath of relief, "Don't worry, I will make them swear to secrecy. And since mom loves your books, she will be cool with it."

"Good then consider yourself hired for the summer. I will set up transportation for you to get here and let you know what flight that you are on once I get it arraigned." Kerri told her.

"I can pay for my own plane ticket. I wouldn't want you to have to pay for me to get there." Rhianna wrote.

"Oh don't worry, you are paying, I'm taking it out of what I am paying you. Haha, just kidding." Kerri wrote back and Rhianna had to smile. She did like Kerri's sense of humor.

"That's fine with me, as long as I get there." Rhianna wrote back.

They talked for a while longer but Kerri didn't mention just what she would be doing and Rhianna didn't press her for more information. She also didn't tell her just where she lived but Rhianna didn't care about that either. All she cared about was that she was going to meet Kerri at last. That was the important thing. Kerri did ask her for her shoe size and what size clothes that she wore. That puzzled Rhianna but she couldn't get Kerri to tell her why she needed that information.

The rest of May went slowly for Rhianna as all she could think about was the summer that she was going to spend with Kerri and what all she would learn from her. But her classes did end and she flew home to see her parents. Then on June forth, she got an email from Kerri's editor telling her which airline to report to the following morning. Her tickets would be waiting for her there. Rhianna wanted to call the airline right then and find out where she was going but then she figured that they wouldn't tell her over the phone since she didn't have a ticket number or anything else to go by. So she waited and her parents drove her to the airport the next day and she reported to the airline counter.

Once she had presented her driver's license, she was checked in and given her ticket. She looked down and saw that it was a first class ticket and it was taking her right back to Knoxville, Tennessee where she went to school. Her first thought was that Kerri couldn't live close to her all this time and she never mention that fact but after she thought about it, she guess it was just possible. On the trip back across the nation, she read Kerri's last book as she had been saving it for just this time. When she got off the plane, she walked into the terminal hoping to see Kerri waiting for her but once she got past the security gate she saw a big man with a long black beard holding a sign with her name on it.

"Hi, I'm Rhianna. Is Kerri here?" She asked.

"No madam. I've been hired to take you to her." He said in a deep voice as he took her carryon bag. He also insisted on carrying the rest of her baggage out to his old truck. Rhianna took one look at the truck and wondered if they would make it out of the parking lot much less to Kerri's place, wherever that was. But as soon as he started the engine, she knew that it was a better vehicle than it looked. They were soon on their way and Rhianna quickly found that her driver wasn't much of a talker. So she gave up trying to talk to him and just sat back and watched the scenery. They headed out of Knoxville and went toward the Smoky Mountain National Park. Rhianna had been here many times before but as they got to the park, the man turned off on a side road. They then started into the mountains. It was a winding road that at times seemed to be heading straight up. They got off that road and onto an even smaller road that lead to the top of the mountain ridge. From there, the man turned onto a dirt road that took them down that ridge and started back up another. This road was bumpy and needed to be graded badly. As they started back up, Rhianna saw a cabin here and there but they were placed wide apart so that you couldn't see one cabin from another. They went on up until they were almost at the top when he pulled onto yet another old road. They went about a half mile into the forest before it opened up and Rhianna saw a beautiful log cabin. Then she saw standing on the porch a tall lady with short red hair and she knew that it was Kerri, her hero and her friend. She was even more beautiful that the pictures of her in the back of her books showed. She was smiling and the smile seemed to encompass her whole face. Rhianna felt like her breath was taken away for a moment but then she got herself under control and then she noticed the beautiful dog standing next to her. It looked like a collie but as she looked closer she saw that it was actually a Border Collie. She had always loved those dogs and this one was very pretty.

As soon as the truck stopped, she jumped out and started toward Kerri but that was when the dog started to growl and she stopped in her tracks. She didn't like the look the dog had on its face.

"Now hush Margret, I told you that we were having company today." Kerri said to the dog in a very country voice.

This surprised Rhianna as she had never figured that Kerri was from the south and had such a southern accent. Rhianna then knew she would be in for more surprises.

"Don't worry about Margret, she may growl but she doesn't bite." Kerri said and Rhianna felt a little relief until Kerri added, "At least she hasn't bitten anyone yet." And Rhianna stopped in her tracks again until she saw Kerri smiling and she knew that she had gotten her again. But all the same she approached Kerri and Margret slowly.

"It's so nice to finally meet you." Rhianna said and then she cringed as she thought that was about as lame an opening line as she could say.

"It's nice to meet you too honey." Kerri said as she stepped off the porch and came to Rhianna. When she got there Kerri surprised her by not shaking her hand but taking her into her arms and giving her a warm hug. This felt nice to Rhianna and she returned the hug. As they hugged for a moment, Rhianna felt Margret worming her way between then.

"I think Margret is jealous, you had better give her a hug too." Kerri said laughing.

"Okay," Rhianna said and she got down on one knee and Margret came to her and sniffed her good before starting to lick her face which made Rhianna giggle and she hugged the beautiful dog. Then she petted her for a moment and scratched her ears. Margret sat down and let her pet her for a minute then she jumped up, almost knocking Rhianna down and went chasing toward the woods barking away.

"I think she has decided that you're harmless and decided to go after those mean squirrels." Kerri said laughing as she held out her hand and helped Rhianna up.

They then went out to the truck where Wilbur was getting Rhianna's bags out. Kerri talked to him a few minutes and then she paid him for picking up her friend. Then as he left, they picked up Rhianna's bags and started toward the cabin. It was at this time that Rhianna noticed the outhouse that was to the side of the cabin. Her first thought was "Oh got don't tell me I have to use an outhouse while I'm here." But Kerri seemed to be reading her thoughts.

"Don't worry, I do have indoor plumbing. I may be country but not that country. But it is a functional outhouse, if you decide you want to try it." Kerri said laughing.

"I think I'll pass but it is tempting." Rhianna shot back and that made Kerri laugh more.

"I'll let you freshen up and then I'll show you around the place." Kerri said as they entered the cabin.

It was bigger inside than it looked from the outside, Rhianna noticed as she entered. It was laid out all in one room with the living room on the right side and then the kitchen to the left as she entered the cabin. To the back on the right side was a big bed and then on the left side was what appeared to be Kerri's writing area as there was a computer on a desk and then lots of books behind it on a large bookcase. Then behind that was a door and Kerri said that was the bathroom. Rhianna put her bags down and went toward it as she really had to pee. When she got into it, she found that it was rather small with a toilet and sink to one side and a shower stall on the other. She would have figured with all of Kerri's money she would have something nicer but it did fill the need and at that moment, the need was great so Rhianna stopped looking and she plop her butt down on the toilet to pee.

"So let me show you around my humble home and then we'll cook us up something to eat." Kerri said as Rhianna came out of the bathroom.

"That sounds good to me. I have to admit that I'm getting a little hungry. I haven't had anything since early this morning." Rhianna told her.

"Oh my, why didn't you tell me? Let me fix you something now." Kerri told her.

"No I'm fine and I want to see your place first. I'm too excited to eat anyway." Rhianna said.

"If you're sure?"

"Yea, lead away." Rhianna told her.

"Well, there's not much to see in here, just a regular little home." Kerri said.

"This cabin is anything but regular. It's lovely and I like how everything is arraigned and the rock fireplace is beautiful. I know that had to cost a fortune to build." Rhianna told her as she went over to it.

"The fireplace wasn't so bad but putting in the scrubbers to keep the pollution down did cost me a bit but it's worth it. I use a lot of firewood during the winter to keep this place heated and I don't like to add to the green house gasses." Kerri told her.

"That's so cool." Rhianna said as she turned and looked over the rest of the cabin and she loved it all. It was big enough to live in but still was small enough to give you that cozy feeling.

"Well let's go outside and I'll show you my land." Kerri said as she came to her and took her hand leading her outside.

They went on out and Kerri took her to the right side of her house and led her to an open area and Rhianna looked out toward the mountains.

"Oh god, this view is beautiful. You can see forever from here. I got to get a picture of this!" Rhianna said as turned and ran back into the cabin and got her digital camera.

"I have to take a picture of this and send it to my mother, she just loves the mountains views that I have sent to her but none of them compare to this." Rhianna said as she came running back out to where she left Kerri standing there smiling.

"Take all the pictures you want." Kerri said as she stepped back and let Rhianna snap away. But she did stop Rhianna from taking a picture of her. So instead, Rhianna gave her the camera and she made her take pictures of her with the mountains as a back drop. Then she got the camera back from Kerri and she made Kerri step back so that she could get some pictures of her.

"You know I hate to have my picture taken." Kerri warned her.

"I know but just a few, please." Rhianna pleaded and she saw Kerri thinking about it and then she gave in.

"Oh okay but just a few." Kerri said as she stepped back. Rhianna focused the camera more on Kerri than the mountains as she wanted to cherish them the rest of her life but as she focused in on Kerri she couldn't help but to notice how pretty she was and how when she stood you could tell how self confident she was. This made her admire her all the more. When she had taken a few pictures, Rhianna turned and then noticed something on Kerri's roof.

"Is that solar panels on your roof?" She asked.

"Yea, the electricity isn't all that reliable here and it also allows me to generate my own power. I like to do my part in saving this planet." Kerri said smiling.

"Well I think that is great. More people should be like you." Rhianna said respecting Kerri even more if that was possible.

"I do try but it is expensive to put the panels up and most people can't afford it. But out here you need your own source of power. It does get cold during the winter and if you don't have heat you could freeze to death." Kerri told her. "But enough about all of that let me show you the rest of the place."

Kerri then took her on into the woods and showed her around and Margret decided to join them so she slid between them and she sniffed around as they walked and talked. It took them a couple of hours to cover most of the area that Kerri owned. It was all beautiful and Rhianna couldn't help to keep telling Kerri that over and over again. She just loved every part of it and the fact that Kerri was also trying to do her part to help the environment just made it better.

Once they were done, Kerri brought them back to the cabin and she made them supper. Rhianna tried to help but Kerri insisted on doing it herself. She told her that starting tomorrow, she would start earning her keep but today, she was just relax and get the feel of the place. When supper was over, Rhianna did help with the dishes as Kerri didn't have a dish washer so everything had to be hand washed. >From there they retire to the couch and Kerri made a small fire in the fireplace. They talked about writing and Rhianna talked about how she wanted to write books but it was hard for her to come up with something creative and write about things that hadn't been written about before. Kerri just told her to write from the heart and then it would turn out all right. Rhianna then asked how Kerri had gotten started and while she was hesitant at first, Kerri did tell her some of it. She told her that after her first book went out and while it did sell, it wasn't anything close to a best seller. But then she got hooked up with another editor and publishing company. The editor was very nice and told her that she could make her into a much better writer if she would let her. The lady seemed sincere and Kerri decided to take a chance with her. The editor put her up in an apartment in New York and she met with her most every day. They talked about writing and what people liked to read. She stayed there for two years as she completed her second book and got her third book written. But she knew that the big city wasn't a place for her. She was a loner by nature and there were too many people and too much noise in the city. So she started to look for a place back down here. She found the cabin and with the advance from her publishing company, she bought it and set about fixing it up. It took her a few years to get it the way she wanted but she finally got there. By the time Kerri got done with her story, Rhianna was feeling the effects of flying across the country and finally meeting her hero. So Kerri suggested that they get ready for bed. Kerri let her have the bathroom and she went outside to use the shower that she had attached to the side of the cabin. Rhianna had noticed the shower head sticking from the side of the cabin earlier and she wonder if it was useable and she just found out that it was. Rhianna thought that it was strange that Kerri would want to shower outside but then she figured that everyone had their quirks and this was just one of Kerri's. So she got her nightgown and a clean pair of panties and headed for the bathroom. When she came out, Kerri was done with her shower and was dressed in a robe.

"Ah... there's one thing that we haven't discussed is the sleeping arraignments. As you can obviously see, I don't have an extra bedroom. But I do have a big bed and I promise that I don't bite but if you don't feel comfortable sharing the bed with me then I can make up the couch for you. I do wish that I had a bedroom for you but I don't have many guests so I never got around to adding a bedroom." Kerri told her.

Rhianna thought for a moment and she looked at Kerri to see if she wanted to share the bed or was just being nice and she really couldn't tell which one she preferred. She didn't want to intrude in on Kerri any more that she already was but she hated to sleep on a couch. She just could never get comfortable on one. "If you don't mind, I'll take the bed. I grew up sharing a bed with my older sister so I promise not to take up much room." Rhianna told her.

"Oh honey, you can take all the room you want but if you snore, I will punch you." Kerri said with a smile.

"That's fine but I only ask that I can punch you if you snore." Rhianna replied.

"That's a deal!" Kerri said smiling. "I'll get the lights and then we can get some sleep as we'll need it. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day."

Then Kerri went to the kitchen and turned off the light as Rhianna slipped under the covers. It suddenly got very dark in the cabin and she could barely make out Kerri's form as she made her way around to her side of the bed. She could hear more than see Kerri take off her robe and then she felt her slipping into the bed.

"Good night," Kerri told her.

"Night," Rhianna replied as she turned over onto her side and she quickly fell asleep.

The next morning Rhianna awoke to the smell of fresh coffee. She slowly opened her eyes and she saw that the sun was just beginning to come up over the mountains. She turned over and saw that Kerri was no longer in the bed with her. So she got up and found that the bathroom was empty, so she went in and relieved herself and then she put herself together, getting her shoulder length black hair is some sort of order. >From there she went to the kitchen and poured herself a large mug of coffee. She went heavy on the milk and sugar as she could see that Kerri made her coffee strong. She picked up her mug and she went toward the front porch to see if she could find Kerri and she did but what she saw almost made her drop her mug of coffee.

"Kerri, you're naked! Someone will see you out here!" Rhianna exclaimed as she looked at Kerri's firm body from behind. Her eye couldn't help to take in her firm bottom and the way her back was so tight. Then Kerri turned around and Rhianna took a long look at Kerri's small breasts that were topped with pink nipples that were hard from the cool morning air and she saw that Kerri's vagina was shaved completely bare. Kerri's body was doing something to her; she just wasn't sure what that was. She was in too much shock at seeing someone standing naked out on her front porch to really comprehend what she felt.

"I'm sorry. I meant to get dressed before you got up but I guess it's too late now. This is sort of my morning ritual to come out and have my coffee and let the cool air refresh my body." Kerri told her as she made no move to go back in and get dressed.

"But what about someone seeing you out here naked?" Rhianna asked as she began to get her thoughts back together.

"Oh no one will see me. The next cabin is miles away and if someone drives by, I'll hear them long before they'll see me. I can go in and get dressed if my nudity bothers you." Kerri told her.

"Oh no, I'm fine with it. It was just a shock to come out and see you naked but it's cool. I just wish I had a body as firm as yours." Rhianna said with a slight smile as she looked down at her own body which had a little extra fat that she just couldn't seem to get rid of.

"Oh honey, your body is just fine as it is." Kerri said trying to reassure her.

"All the same I wouldn't mind firming my body up a bit." Rhianna said as she again looked over Kerri's body and she was envious that she couldn't see an ounce of fat on her.

"Well I think I have a way for you to do just that." Kerri told her.

"And how is that?" Rhianna asked.

"Come with me my dear girl." Kerri said as she stepped off the porch.

"What you got to show me?" Rhianna asked as she started to follow Kerri and she found her eyes draws to Kerri's tight ass as it swayed as she walked ahead of her.

"Just come on and I'll show you." Kerri said as she turned and smiled once again.

"This is what we'll be working on for the next few days." Kerri said as she showed Rhianna a trailer full of fire wood.

"When did this get here?" Rhianna asking knowing it wasn't here the night before.

"Wilbur and his brother delivered it early this morning. I pay them to cut the wood into a size that I can deal with and deliver it to me. They will have another load ready for us once we get done with this one."

"This looks like it's enough to last you all year." Rhianna said as she looked over all the wood on the trailer.

"This will only last a couple of months depending how cold a winter we have. You have to remember that I heat the cabin with the fireplace so I need a lot of wood." Kerri said.

"Oh I see. I guess that would take a lot of wood then." Rhianna said.

"Well this wood isn't going to split itself, let's go fix some breakfast and then we can get started." Kerri told her.

"Split?" Rhianna asked as she caught up with Kerri.

"Yea, we have to split most of the wood so that it will fit into the fireplace. Most of the logs are too big for me to handle." Kerri said.

"We're not going to have to split it with an ax do we?" Rhianna asked as that is the only way she had seen people do that on TV.

"Oh god no, I have a gas powered splitter that I use. Besides do you think that I'm stupid enough to let you swing an ax while I'm anywhere in the area." Kerri said with a laugh and she reached over and hugged Rhianna to let her know that she was kidding with her.

"Not if you smart you won't." Rhianna said as she put her arm around Kerri's waist and then she realized that she had her hand on Kerri's naked flesh and she wanted to pull her arm away but another part of her didn't and she didn't want to offend Kerri so she left it in place.

When they got back inside, Kerri went and got dressed as Rhianna started to get the pans out so that they could cook up some food for breakfast. When they had eaten, Kerri pulled out some nice boots for Rhianna to wear and also so lightweight work clothes. Rhianna then knew why Kerri had wanted her sizes. They then went out to get started on the day's work. First they had to move all of leftover wood from the previous summer from the wood shed that Kerri had to the side of the porch so that Kerri could use that first. In no time, Rhianna felt the sweat begin to form on her body. She looked at Kerri and she could see that her shirt was starting to stick to her body. They took frequent breaks to drink water and Kerri tried hard to make it fun and a lot less like work. This did help Rhianna and she did enjoy working with Kerri and she joked back with her. She also noticed that her own language was beginning to become just as colorful as Kerri's. Every time Kerri would drop a log or hit her finger a "Shit" or "Fuck" would quickly follow. Rhianna was use to this after talking to Kerri all of the past spring and she was now using the same language so a "Shit" or "Fuck" was coming from her mouth as often as it was Kerri's. At about four in the afternoon they were both soaked in sweat and they were ready to quit for the day.

"I don't know about you but I'm ready for a shower." Kerri said as she put the last log of the day on the stack that they had split up.

"Yea, and I need to cool down a bit. It is getting damn hot out there." Rhianna said.

"I got just the way to cool down quick." Kerri said with a wink.

"And just how is that?" Rhianna asked as she put the log she had in her hand down and followed Kerri into the cabin.

"Just go get a change of clothes and follow me." Kerri said as she went into the bathroom and got a couple of towels as well as the soap and shampoo. Rhianna then followed Kerri outside and to the side of the cabin where the shower head was coming out from the side.

"This water comes right out of the mountain." Kerri said as she turned on the water.

"That means it also cold right." Rhianna said.

"Very cold but it is a refreshing shower. I never use my shower in the cabin in the summer, I use this one and I feel so revitalized once I'm done." Kerri said as she turned and went back into the cabin allowing Rhianna some privacy.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans do." Rhianna said to herself as she looked around to make sure no one was around before she began to unbutton her sweat soaked shirt. She pulled it off and then she took her boots and socks off. She took another look around before she unbuttoned her pants and she pushed them down her hips. She almost stopped at that point as by nature she was shy and getting naked outside wasn't something that she would have even done on her own. But then she thought of Kerri and how open she was and she decided that she had to go through with it. She put the hands to her back and unsnapped her bra and pulled it off her shoulders. As her C cup breasts came free, she felt a little excitement go through her body. She then quickly pulled her panties down and she was naked. She had to look around again and not seeing anyone looking at her she put her hand under the spray of the outdoor shower. The water felt like ice and she knew this was going to a real cold shower. She hesitated a second and deciding that the water wasn't going to get any warmer so she jumped under the spray of the shower. "Oh fuck that's cold!" she screamed and she heard a laugh come from somewhere inside of the cabin.

"Laugh now, your turn is next!" Rhianna hollered at Kerri but she laughed too. Once her body got use to the cold water, it didn't seem so bad and she began to wash her hair. She did have to admit that the water was refreshing her and her muscles weren't hurting as much. And she also had to admit that once she got use to being naked outside it was kind of fun. It was like doing something she wasn't supposed to do and getting away with it. She ended up staying under the shower longer than she had intended but it did feel good. But she knew that Kerri was waiting so she finished her shower and dried off quickly. She put her shorts and top on and called out to Kerri that the shower was hers. When she came to the front of the cabin, Kerri was coming out naked once again and carrying her towel.

"Fell better?" She asked.

"Much better, thanks." Rhianna said as she was now a little more at ease seeing Kerri naked. Rhianna kept her eyes glue to Kerri's body and continued to do so as Kerri walked pasted her. It was only when Kerri stopped at the shower and she turned around did Rhianna realize that she was staring and she smiled and went on around the side of the cabin.

Rhianna went on inside to comb out her hair and as she went past the kitchen window, she heard Kerri say "fuck!" just like she had done when she first went under the cold water. Rhianna laughed out loud and she heard Kerri call into her, "Don't worry, tomorrow you get to do it again."

"So do you!" Rhianna said now laughing aloud.

Rhianna went on into the bathroom and she picked up her hair drier and turned it on. Then she thought about the energy that she was using and this was something she had never thought about before. She also thought about how hot her hair was when she was out there all day working. This was also something she had never had to do before, work out in the heat. All of the exercise that she got during the day was walking to class and back and while that was a lot of walking it wasn't anything like actually working with your hands, lifting heavy logs some of which were so heavy it took both her and Kerri to lift them. She finished drying her hair and then she got some water out of the fridge for both her and Kerri who was now done with her shower and had come in to dress.

"Who cuts your hair?" Rhianna asked Kerri as took the bottle of water from her and they went out to the porch to rest before they fixed something for dinner.

"You thinking of getting yours cut?" Kerri asked.

"Yea, it about burned me up today and I kept looking at your hair and I was thinking that maybe I should do the same with mine." She told her.

"You do have beautiful hair but as thick and full as it is, I can see how hot it would be." Kerrie told her.

"Yea so who cuts yours and do you think you could get me an appointment this week for her to cut mine?"

"Actually a nice lady down the road cuts mine. She used to be a beautician but she hasn't kept her license up but she can still cut hair pretty good." Kerri said.

"That's fine with me and besides if I don't like it I have all summer to let it grow back out."

"True, tell you what, let me give her a call and see if she can do it this evening. Her husband was an oil contractor who was killed over in Iraq last year and she was left with three little girls to raise. They are triplets and they keep her on her toes. We all try to help her out and visit her so that she can get a break so I know that she love to have some company." Kerri said as she got up and went and got her cell phone.

Rhianna hadn't completely decided that she wanted it cut but she had backed herself into a corner now so she knew that she was getting it cut whether she liked it or not. Then Kerri came back out and said that not only would Aliza cut it but she invited them over for dinner. Kerri then grabbed her hand and she pulled her out of her chair. They then walked about a mile down the road to Aliza's house. They found her waiting on the porch of her cabin with her three small girls playing out in the yard. They all gathered around Kerri as she talked to them all and introduced them to Rhianna. Then the girls then went to play with Margret who had followed along as she liked to play with Aliza's girls. Kerri and Rhianna made their way to the porch to where Aliza was waiting with an apron and a pair of scissors. Rhianna sat down and she tried not to appear nervous as Aliza asked her what she wanted done. Rhianna had no clue so she just told her something like what she did for Kerri. She just wanted it off her shoulders and to make it easier to take care of. Aliza then started to comb her hair out as she talked ninety miles a minute to both Kerri and Rhianna. Then in the middle of a sentence, she stopped her combing and she proclaimed that she knew just what to do with Rhianna's hair. Rhianna wasn't so sure about Aliza and her ability to talk and cut hair. She didn't want her hair butchered but before she could say anything to Aliza, she heard the first snip of the scissors. Rhianna glanced over at Kerri who smiled back her assuring her only a little. Rhianna sat quietly as she watched her beautiful black hair fall onto the apron around her and then fall to the porch. By the time Aliza was done, Rhianna was almost in tears. And she took the mirror from Aliza's hand and she slowly brought it to her face. At first she wanted to cry as she saw that Aliza had cut it to the point that it just went to her neck. But then she put her fingers through it and she felt how light it was and how she could just fluff it up. She still had plenty of hair left and it really wasn't as bad as she first feared. The more that she looked at it and felt of it; the more that she liked it and when Kerri told her that it was beautiful, then that sold her on the new look. She offered to pay Aliza but all she asked was that they come back and visit so that she could have some adult conversation. This they both agreed to and they then went in to help Aliza cook their dinner. They stayed late and Rhianna was more than a nervous walking back by the moonlight but having Kerri walking beside of her made it better. When they got home, they both quickly got ready for bed and were soon asleep.

When Rhianna awoke, she woke up feeling strange but yet happy. It was like she had a great dream but she couldn't remember what the dream was. She turned over and found that Kerri was already awake and out on the porch. She laid there for a moment trying to remember her dream but nothing was coming to her but that was normal as she rarely remembered her dreams. But then she felt something damp between her legs. She slipped her hand under her gown and felt down at her pussy and she found that her panties were soaking wet. She still didn't remember her dream but she now knew what it was about. She quickly got up and grabbed a fresh pair of panties. As she wiped herself clean, she was hoping beyond hope that Kerri didn't smell anything when she got up. She then got her cup of coffee and went out to the porch. There she found Kerri standing naked looking out toward the mountains. She stood in the doorway and looked toward Kerri's naked form not saying anything. Kerri had such a beautiful body that she couldn't help but to admire it. Then Kerri finally turned around.

"So you're up, how are you feeling this beautiful morning?" Kerri asked her knocking her from her train of thought.

"Pretty good how about yourself?" Rhianna replied as she went over and stood by Kerri.

"I'm good. Are you sore or anything?" Kerri asked with a little concern in her voice.

"A little but I figured that you'll work it out of me today." Rhianna smiled up at Kerri.

"Well, if you get too tired or sore, let me know. I don't want to kill you the first couple of days here." Kerri told her.

"I'm fine but you know what I would love to do right now?" Rhianna told her.


"Eat, I'm fucking starving!" Rhianna told her.

"Such language from such a pretty girl; I just wonder where you learned that from?" Kerri asked smiling.

"That is kind of interesting. I use to never cuss until I met this certain author and she led me astray." Rhianna quipped.

"Funny, very funny." Kerri replied as she reached over and fluffed up Rhianna's hair. "Do you like your hair cut?"

"Yea, it was neat to just run a brush through it this morning and I was done. I wasn't sure I liked it last night but this morning, I've decided that I do." Rhianna said as she followed Kerri back into the cabin.

That day they worked a little more slowly as they both were a little sore and it took a while to work it out of their muscles. Then once they had decided that they had done enough for the day, they put the last of the split logs into the wood shed and they went to take their showers and get the days sweat off their bodies. Kerri let Rhianna go first again and she stayed inside of the cabin getting supper started as Rhianna went outside and started the water going. When Rhianna jumped under the shower, she again let out an "Oh fuck that's cold".

Rhianna then heard Kerri call out through the kitchen window, "I have some soap for that dirty mouth of yours in here."

"Well I got some out here for yours!" Rhianna called back to here.

"And you think your big enough little girl!" Kerri replied laughing.

"Oh hell yes! You know I am!" Rhianna replied and she heard Kerri laughing louder. The banner went on like this throughout Rhianna shower and when she came around the side of the cabin she saw Kerri standing there naked with her towel and she had a new bar of soap in her hand.

"Time for your mouth washing girl." Kerri said and she looked so serious that Rhianna was shocked and it showed on her face as her jaw dropped.

Kerri stood there for a moment not moving and then she burst out laughing. And Rhianna felt her face go flush and then she too burst out laughing too. "Got you!" Kerri said as she laughed harder. Then she started to walk toward the shower and as she passed by her, Rhianna got her revenge. She turned quickly and she brought her hand up and she laid a good one onto Kerri's naked ass. Even though her hand was on Kerri's ass but for an instant she found it was just as tight as it looked. Kerri shrieked and she turned to face Rhianna and she was scared for but a moment that she had gone too far but then she saw Kerri smile.

"Oh you do have some grit don't you. I'll have to remember that from here on out but just remember payback are hell." Kerri said.

"Yea right!" Rhianna called out and she heard Kerri laugh again and she knew that everything was cool.

That evening, Rhianna got Kerri to start to talk about her writing and how she went about creating a book. She kept cautioning Rhianna that she had to find her own way to write. There was no single way and all authors did it differently. This was just how she had happened to do it. She then went on to say that when she went to bed at night, she would always lay there and think for a while. Just going over ideas in her head until one seemed promising. Then she would let her mind explore it for a few nights seeing where it would take her. Then she would either decide that it would be a story worth writing or she would begin again. Then as she wrote, her mind would continue to work and the story started to write itself. New ideas would come and take the story into a new direction apart from the one that she had started out with.

Rhianna listened carefully but it was how she kept the story going was what Rhianna needed to know but it was there that Kerri couldn't help her with. She just was able to write but she did say that sometimes she too ran into a dead end and would have to stop. Sometimes more ideas would come to her but other times she would have to start over. That was just the nature of writing. Rhianna said that she had found that she could write short stories but they all came to an end before she had enough to have it become a book. Kerri said that maybe that would be her niche. But she had to keep writing stories and maybe one day one would lead her to the book she wanted to write. The main thing was to keep on writing. They talked more about it then Kerri changed the subject and Rhianna knew that the night's lesson was over.

Over the next several days they worked on the wood and then sat and talked at night, sometimes about writing and sometimes about everything but writing. Rhianna found that she was learning some things but she also wanted to sit down and write some with Kerri and see what she thought. Rhianna also continued to have her erotic dreams at night. She still couldn't remember what they were about but she knew that they made her wake up feeling good but with also with really wet panties. She also discovered that not only did Kerri walk around naked in the mornings, she also slept that way. She discovered that when she woke up early one morning just as Kerri was getting up. Rhianna pretended to be asleep and she watched Kerri get up and then she turned around so that she was facing her. Rhianna watched as Kerri stretched and yawned. She watched Kerri through the slits in her eyes as her breasts rose and then her eyes went down Kerri's body and she saw Kerri open her legs. She was surprised when Kerri's hand went down to her pussy and she rubbed her clit for a moment. She heard a little moan escape from Kerri's lips. Then her fingers went on down and she saw her Kerri's fingers move along her slit. Rhianna could see the moisture there and then Kerri's middle finger slipped between her lips. Rhianna knew that she shouldn't be watching Kerri masturbate but the site was the most erotic thing that she had ever seen. Kerri moaned again and her finger slipped a little deeper inside of her pussy. Rhianna could see that Kerri was getting even wetter. Her fingers moved back to her clit and Kerri slowly rubbed herself until Rhianna saw her shutter and she knew that Kerri had an orgasm. Kerri then sighed deeply and she made her way to the bathroom. Rhianna turned over and she could feel that her panties were even wetter than they were before. Rhianna told herself that it was the eroticism of Kerri's act that made her that wet and not the fact that she enjoyed watching a woman as she wasn't that way. Once that was settled in her mind, Rhianna relaxed and she feel back asleep and had another erotic dream that she woke up not remembering.

A few days later they finished up the wood and Kerri called Wilbur. She told him to come and pick up the trailer and he did early that morning but he told Kerri that it would be a couple of days before another load would be ready. That was fine with Rhianna as she needed a break plus now they would be able to write some.

But before they could start to write they had to do laundry as they both were quickly running out of clothes to wear. So they put in the first load of clothes in the washer and then they sat down at their computers and got them up and going. Kerri first suggested that Rhianna start a story and let her look at it as she caught up with her email. Rhianna thought for a few minutes then came up with an idea about a young woman on a police force dominated by men. Rhianna felt good about the story and started to write. She had a couple of paragraphs done when the first load of clothes got done. She needed a break so she got up and pulled the clothes out of the washer.

"So where is your dryer?" Rhianna asked as Kerri started a new load of clothes.

"Outside." Kerri said and she pointed toward the back door. Rhianna gave her a funny look as she didn't remember seeing a dryer on the back porch and that would be a bad place to put one but she went out carrying the basket of wet clothes. When she got there she looked around the porch knowing that there wasn't a dryer there.

"I don't see it." Rhianna called into the house and she heard Kerri give out a little laugh. Then she heard her coming toward the door. "There isn't a dryer out here." Rhianna said as Kerri came through the door.

"Sure there is, it's out there." Kerri said as she put her fingers under Rhianna's chin and she lifted it and directed it toward a series of ropes going from one tree to another. "I think we'll need these." She went on to say as she picked up and bag of clothes pins.

"Oh," Rhianna said as her face blushed from embarrassment as she realized that Kerri hung her clothes outside to dry. "I was wondering what those ropes were for."

"I take it you have never hung clothes out to dry." Kerri said as she went toward the ropes.

"Nope, we always lived in the city and we dried our clothes in a dryer." Rhianna said as she came to where Kerri was standing.

"Well now you have learned something new." Kerri said as she picked up a pair of Rhianna's panties and started to hang them up.

"Now I wished we had done a load of work clothes first." Rhianna said as she happened to pick up a pair of a Kerri's panties and she started to hang them up like Kerri had done.

Kerri gave out a big laugh as she picked up another pair of panties and begun to hang them up. "Oh well, too late now. I guess everyone will just have to see our bloomers hanging out in the wind."

This made Rhianna blush more and that of course made Kerri laugh harder. Rhianna tried to come up with a comeback but nothing came to her and she just had to laugh with Kerri. As they hung the clothes, Rhianna noticed that Kerri had decided to go braless and she could see her nipples rub against her tee shirt as she reached up to hang something on the line. Rhianna looked away but as they continued to hang the clothes, her eyes were drawn back to Kerri's nipples and she noticed that they seemed to have started to get hard as they made more of an impression against the tee shirt. Once the clothes were hung up; they went back to the cabin and Rhianna wrote some more. By the time lunch had arrived, Rhianna had written enough for Kerri to read. They ate first then Kerri sat back at her desk and Rhianna nervously watched as she read. She saw her frown and she was reminded of Dr. Conley and she knew that it wasn't good enough. When Kerri was done, she put the story down and she told Rhianna that is was nice but she didn't find any of Rhianna in the story. That was what she needed to read. She told her to write about something that she knew and not to try and imitate her. Rhianna nodded and tried again. And by supper she gave Kerri her story but she got the same response from her. Kerri wanted to see more of Rhianna in the story. They quit for the day and Rhianna was feeling frustrated. She wanted to please Kerri and she wasn't getting close to doing that so far.

That evening instead of sitting on the porch, Kerri suggested that they go for a walk into the woods. They way they could clear their heads and they could both think clearer in the morning. Rhianna knew what Kerri was talking to her and about her writing.

"You up for a walk?" Kerri called out to Margret and the dog, which was at the corner of the lot trying to get to a squirrel that had ran up a tree to get away from her, came bouncing toward then yelping happily. She walked between them for a moment but once she knew which direction they were going, she ran on ahead. They talked as they went up a path that led into the forest. The path was wide enough for both of them for a ways but then it narrowed to the point that they had to walk one in front of the other and since Kerri knew where they were going, she went first but she reached back and took Rhianna's hand. Rhianna didn't think much about it but Kerri's hand was both soft and rough from where they had been working the past week or so. She liked the feeling of holding Kerri's hand. They walked a long ways into the woods before they came to a clearing and Rhianna heard a brook running down the mountain. They sat on a rock above the brook and Margret came over and sat with them wanting to be petted for protecting them from all the dangerous squirrels in the forest. Then once she was satisfied, she got a drink of water and then started to explore the surrounding area as they talked. Kerri began the conversation by talking about writing again but this time she just talked about her own writing and how she always put a part of herself into everything that she wrote. She talked about her main character and how some of Sid's traits were actually her own traits. That way she could identify with her character and make her real in her mind. Rhianna began to understand what Kerri was trying to tell her and she told Kerri that. She watched as a smile came to Kerri's face and she then she felt Kerri take her hand and squeeze it. Rhianna squeezed it back. Kerri didn't release it and Rhianna was content to leave her hand in Kerri's. She liked holding her friend's hand and was content to do so. They were just friends so it was cool. But much too soon the sun began to go down and they started back. Kerri kept on holding her hand even when the path widen back out and the need to do so wasn't there. It was almost dark outside by the time that they got back to the cabin. Rhianna was glad that Kerri knew where she was going as she would have quickly gotten lost in the darkness. They sat on the porch for a while before retiring.

The next morning, Rhianna tried again to start writing. She used the story that she had started with the previous morning but this time she made the main character more like her. This was what she thought Kerri wanted but when she showed the story to Kerri she saw an even deeper frown on her face and Rhianna was feeling more than a little frustration at Kerri. She was just like Dr. Conley; nothing she did was going to please her.

"You're still not getting it Rhianna. I want to see you in the story." She told her.

"But I did like you told me; I put my some of my traits into the main character like you do." Rhianna told her and she was almost in tears. She wanted so much to please Kerri and she seemed not to be able to do it.

"No what you did was to copy my style; I want you to create your own style. Can't you see what I'm telling you?" Kerri said in a teacher's voice that was very disappointed in her student.

"I'm trying. What do you want me to write?" Rhianna demanded as a tear ran down her cheek.

"Write about someone that made you feel some emotion, maybe about someone that made you angry, just like you are now at me. Just don't write about me." Kerri said and then she gave Rhianna a little smile as if she was reading her mind and she was as that was exactly what first came to Rhianna's mind when she heard Kerri said that.

"Okay" and she thought for a minute trying to think of someone who makes her just as angry as Kerri was making her right now.

Kerri got up and started to fix them something to eat. Rhianna thought and thought and then her mind came upon Dr, Conley and how she had put Kerri down as a writer. She got a story into her mind and she began to write. The words began to fly from her fingers and she barely acknowledged Kerri putting lunch in front of her and she also didn't notice the smile coming from Kerri's face as she watched her write. She wrote all afternoon not touching her lunch or even the supper that Kerri put in front of her as she took the uneaten lunch away. Finally she finished the story and she printed it out and gave it to Kerri. It was only then that she saw the food in front of her and she realized just how hungry she was. So as she ate, she watched Kerri read what she had written. When Kerri put the pages down, Rhianna waited with baited breath for Kerri to say something.

"Now that is what I was talking about. I felt your emotion coming out in your story. I could feel your anger and it made me angry. That is what you want the reader to do. Feel the emotions of the characters. This is you in the story and not you trying to be me." Kerri said and Rhianna was ecstatic. She jumped up and came to Kerri and sat in her lap hugging her tightly. She felt Kerri pull her in close and she felt Kerri kiss her neck and that felt nice. She then sat up and she could see Kerri looking at her intently. She felt something go through her body but she wasn't sure what it was. She broke eye contact with Kerri and she hugged her once more before getting up and she saw a flash of disappointment in Kerri's eyes but then it was gone.

Rhianna saw so excited that evening and she talked Kerri's ear off about writing and how she now knew what Kerri had been trying to tell her. She also admitted that she knew what Dr. Conley had been trying to tell her all this time. And then Kerri surprised her by saying that she needed to listen to Dr. Conley as she was a great professor and could do a lot to help her. It was as if Kerri really did respect Dr. Conley even after knowing that she had called her a fluff writer. Rhianna pointed this out to Kerri and her reply was that maybe she was just a fluff writer but that was fine with her because she enjoyed writing what she wrote and that was all that mattered to her. She cautioned Rhianna to do the same, write for herself and not for others. Rhianna nodded her head as she knew that she had written for Kerri for two days and it was only she wrote for herself did she please Kerri with what she had written. They talked until it got dark outside and then they moved to the couch and they sat side by side and watched the fire burn. Kerri pulled Rhianna in close to her and Rhianna put her head on Kerri's shoulder. She felt Kerri caress her arm with her fingers and she felt so contented. Soon she began to feel sleepy and Kerri suggested that they go on to bed.

Late that night Rhianna was awaken from her sleep by a loud clap of thunder. She felt her heart start to beat faster and then another clap of thunder echoed thought the mountains and then she saw a flash of lightening followed by another even louder clap of thunder. Rhianna sat up and she could feel her heart racing and she had this great surge of fear run through her. The rains then came followed by hail and she knew it was a tornado coming for her again. The thunder, lighting, hard rain, and hail kept coming harder and louder. Then a clap of thunder went off above the cabin and she about jumped out of her skin, she was scared to death.

"Kerri get up! We've got to get out of here!" Rhianna said as shook Kerri violently awake.

"What's wrong baby? What's going on?" She said as she tried to get awake.

"It's a tornado, I know it is. It's coming at us, I know." Rhianna said as she jumped up and she started to sob as she couldn't get Kerri to understand what danger they were in.

"Honey, we don't get tornado's way up here. We're too high in the mountains. It's just a bad thunderstorm." Kerri said as she jumped up and came to where Rhianna stood crying. She took Rhianna into her arms and hugged her tightly. "Baby's its okay, nothing is going to happen to us, we're safe here in the cabin."

"No, we're not. You don't understand. I've been through a tornado and it sounded just like this." Rhianna cried out.

"Shhh... calm down and tell me about it honey. What happened to you?" Kerri said as she took Rhianna's face in her hands and made her look into her eyes. Then another flash of lightening came and then a big clap of thunder and Rhianna tried to jerk out of Kerri's hands but she held on to her tight.

"Tell me what happened!" Kerri demanded in a very stern voice that got Rhianna's attention.

"I was about six and we were living out in the valley in Oregon. There was a bad thunderstorm and then the TV said there was a tornado in our area. Mom was home with my sister and I and she got us into the bathroom. The storm got worse and it sounded like this one and then we heard a loud roar over the house and the whole house shook.

"The tornado went right over our house but it hadn't reached the ground then so it didn't damage our house but it did take down a few barns down the road." Rhianna said as the wind and rain got worse and it pelted the windows.

"Honey, you're safe here." Kerri told her as she hugged her in tight. "Let me show you." She went on to say as she started to guide Rhianna toward the front door.

"Nooo..." Rhianna said as she tried to pull away but Kerri kept a firm grip on her and practically drug her to the door. As she opened it, Margret came running inside and went under the bed. "chicken" she called to her dog as she coaxed Rhianna out the door.

Rhianna knew that they was going to die when they got outside but at least she was going to die with Kerri and that made their impending death a little easier to take. The rain was coming down almost sideways and soon her gown was soaking wet. She had her face buried between Kerri's bare breasts and she was holding on to her tight.

"Now look up honey and watch the storm. It's not going to hurt us. I won't let anything hurt you, I promise." Kerri told her sternly, yet kindly.

Rhianna felt Kerri's hand under her chin, lifting it. Another bolt of lightning went off and then a clap of thunder followed it and Rhianna closed her eyes even tighter.

"Open your eyes honey, we're going to stand out here until you do." Kerri said forcefully.

Rhianna didn't want to open her eyes but she didn't want to stand out here getting pelted with rain either. She felt Kerri kiss her forehead once and then again and that made her feel a little better. Kerri kept kissing her face and she held her tight until Rhianna finally opened her eyes just a crack and she saw no tornado. She slowly opened her eyes a little more and she saw the flashes of lightening and heard the thunder but again she didn't hear anything like the tornado she heard when she was six.

"See its fine, there's nothing out there is going to hurt us." Kerri told her as she gently eased her toward the edge of the porch.

The rain pounded down on them and the thunder went on but no tornado came, just rain, thunder and lightning. Rhianna would hide her face between Kerri's breasts when the lightening came but she would look up again when it had gone. It took Rhianna a few minutes before she was able to keep her eyes open when the lightning struck. They stood out there letting the rain come down on them until Rhianna began to relax and the tears stopped flowing from her eyes.

"Are you okay now?" Kerri asked as she kissed her forehead again and Rhianna was able to nod her head yes.

"Good, then let's get out of the rain and get you dried off before you catch a cold." Kerri said and Rhianna could only nod her head. She felt drained by this time and she let Kerri pull her back inside. "Stand here and let me get a towel to dry you off." Kerri told her and then she let go of her.

Rhianna got a little scared as it was this moment that another loud clap of thunder went off but then she saw Kerri come from the bathroom with two big towels. One she was drying herself off with and the other she brought over to where she had left Rhianna standing. Rhianna let Kerri lift her gown and she raised her arms so that Kerri could pull it off and she heard Kerri throw it into the sink. Then she felt Kerri pull her panties down and she lifted her feet one at a time to help Kerri get them off. She then felt Kerri rub the towel vigorously across her body and that made her feel nice. Kerri dried her hair last and then she took Rhianna by the hand and led her to the bed. She put her into the bed and then she crawled in beside of her.

"Hold me please." Rhianna told her as the storm went on outside of the cabin.

"I will baby." Kerri said softly.

Rhianna felt Kerri pull her in close and she felt her arms go around her. She felt Kerri caress her arms and she felt her kissing her face. The storm slowly faded from her mind as her mind concentrated on Kerri's fingers and the kisses that Kerri was placing on her face. Soon she let her own hands start to move up and down Kerri's back and she loved the feel of Kerri's body. Soon Kerri's kisses got closer to her own lips and Rhianna felt a shiver go through her body. Then she felt Kerri's lips on hers and the world completely disappeared for her. She only felt Kerri's lips on her lips. Her mind went crazy for a moment as she knew that women weren't suppose to kiss another woman this way. But it felt so nice. Then just as Kerri's lips were leaving her lips, she realized that she didn't want Kerri to stop. She raised her head as Kerri did thus keeping their lips in contact. Kerri then stopped and she pressed back down. Kerri was kissing her again and it felt so damn good. Rhianna gripped Kerri's shoulders as she returned the kiss. Then Kerri opened her mouth and Rhianna did too. No man had ever kissed her this well and she didn't want Kerri to ever stop kissing her. She felt Kerri's tongue enter her mouth and she welcomed it. They kissed and kissed and as they did so Rhianna felt Kerri move her left leg between her legs. She could feel Kerri's pussy on her thigh and she could feel that she was wet. She could feel her own pussy against Kerri's leg and that felt good. She could feel her own pussy getting wet. She felt Kerri move her hips and she felt her pussy rub against Kerri's leg and that made her moan. She also heard Kerri moan as she pushed her leg up. Kerri kept on kissing her and they rubbed their pussies against each other's legs. Then she felt her pussy tightening up she began to feel this intense pleasure going through her body. She tensed as the feeling became more intense and she felt her body tense as she felt a flash of intense pleasure and she came hard but fast. She had never come this fast with any man before. She then felt Kerri moving her hips faster and she heard Kerri moan too and she felt lots of moisture on her thigh. They both stopped kissing to recover from their orgasms.

Then Kerri gave her a light kiss and she started to move down and Rhianna thought that it was over and she wanted and needed more. But then she felt Kerri's lips touch her right nipple and she let out a loud moan. Kerri sucked the nipple into her mouth and Rhianna thought she had never felt anything that felt so good. Kerri was tender as she kissed and sucked on the nipple. Then she went to the other one and kissed and sucked on it. Rhianna moan and groaned from the sheer pleasure that she was feeling. She knew that nothing could ever feel better than what she was feeling now but then Kerri moved on down she body and Rhianna knew what she was about to do. She could never get what few boyfriend's that she had to do what Kerri was about to do. She wasn't sure it was right but she couldn't stop it. Kerri planted kissed on her inner thighs and then she blew gently on her pussy sending her body and mind into a whole different world and then she kissed her right on her clit. Rhianna thought she was going to go through the roof as it felt so fucking good. Kerri then started to lick her pussy lips and Rhianna opened her legs as wide as she could. She felt Kerri's tongue go deep into her pussy and she felt it move around. She moaned and she pushed her hips up wanting more of Kerri's tongue into her pussy. The tongue moved all around her pussy and when it came back to her clit she was ready to cum. She felt Kerri's tongue lick at the clit and then she felt her suck it into her mouth. The tongue worked on her clit as Kerri continued to suck on it. Then Kerri stopped sucking and she began to lick it hard and fast. Rhianna twisted and turned her body and she begged for Kerri to make her cum. Kerri worked her pussy hard and when Rhianna felt a couple of Kerri's finger enter her pussy and begin to fuck her. Rhianna felt her body begin to tense up and the please she was feeling on her clit became so intense that it was painful but yet no so painful that she wanted Kerri to quit. Quite the opposite she wanted Kerri to go on and on. The feeling kept building inside of her body until it had to burst out and that was when she had the most intense orgasm of her life, nothing compared to what she felt as her mind drifted off to a point where there was just her and Kerri in it. She came and came as Kerri licked up her girlcum. When she came around, she felt Kerri licking up her girlcum and then Kerri come up beside of her and she kissed her and held her tight. She slowly fell asleep in Kerri's arms.

When she woke up that morning, she woke up feeling good. She then looked over and she saw Kerri sleeping beside of her. She at first smiled as she thought about what Kerri had done to her that night and how good it felt. But then suddenly she realized that she had made love to another woman or another woman had made love to her. She had grown up being taught by her parents and her church just how wrong that was. The thought scared her to her soul. She knew it was wrong but it felt so right. She didn't know what to do but she knew that she had to get out of there right then. She slipped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. She washed the evidence of her sin from her body and then she got dressed. She slipped out of the bathroom and wrote Kerri a note saying simple "I need to think." She then slipped out the back door and ran toward the trail that Kerri had taken her on.

End of Part One - to be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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