Tennis Anyone

By moc.loa@63zobehT

Published on Dec 12, 2007


Disclaimer: This is a fictional story and does not indicate knowledge of the true sexuality of the tennis players/celebrities involved. I do not know anything about the personal lives of the tennis players/celebrities, and nothing that is written here is meant to imply these people are actually gay. Since this is a fantasy, safe sex is not implied.

All of the major tennis tournaments were over. Andy and Rafael were back at their condo in Florida. It was a Saturday evening and they decided to go to dinner at a nice restaurant. They ordered a bottle of wine with their meal, ate dinner and finished the wine. Rafael had a strange look on his face which Andy noticed. Finally he asked Rafael what was bothering him. He said nothing was bothering him, but he missed his family back in Spain and would really like to go visit for a couple of months. Andy said he understood and he was lucky his family was not that far away. When do you want to go? Rafael said he could get a flight on Monday. Rafael looked at Andy and said, "just promise me that you won't fall in love with anyone else". Andy got tears in his eyes and told Rafael that he loved him deeply and he didn't need to worry about that. Rafael wanted to cry, he told Andy that he never felt for anyone like he did Andy. He also told Andy that since he would be gone for a couple of months, he didn't expect Andy not to have sex with anyone. We all get horny and need to get off.

They left the restaurant and drove back to their condo. Once they were inside, Andy took Rafael by the hand and led him into the bedroom. They were next to the bed and Andy started undressing Rafael, he started unbuttoning his shirt, pulling it off, gave him d deep kiss. He then told Rafael to sit on the bed, he took his shoes and socks off, then started undoing his belt, pulling his pants and underwear off of him. He laid back on the bed and Andy took Rafael's cock in his mouth, in no time at all he had a raging hardon. Andy sucked on his cock and balls, rimmed his ass, sticking his tongue in Rafael's hole. "Oh fuck Andy, you make me feel so horny and hot". Good said Andy, that's just the way I want you. Andy started to take off his own clothes, his 9 inch cock was standing at attention. He got on the bed and they got in a 69 position, sucking each others cocks. Andy rolled on his back, pulling Rafael on top of him and while Rafael was sucking his cock, Andy started rimming his ass again. Since Andy was the bigger of the two, he picked Rafael up, put him on his back, placed Rafael's legs on his shoulders and started to slide his big cock in Rafael's ass. He slowly slid his cock all the way in, his big balls laying on Rafael's ass. He started a slow fucking motion, in and out, Rafael just kept saying fuck, fuck, fuck me with your big dick. Gradually Andy picked up speed and said, "fuck, I'm going to fill your hot ass with my load of cum". All of a sudden his cock erupted, 8, 9, 10 times, pulsing away. Rafael said, "I'm going to cum too", Andy leaned over him and took his cock in his mouth and drank every bit of cum that Rafael had. Then he got on top of him and planted a deep kiss on his mouth. Rafael could taste his own cum. Finally they fell asleep in each others arms.

Monday morning came too soon, Andy and Rafael both woke up at the same time. After taking a shower together, they got dressed and Andy drove Rafael to the airport. They couldn't kiss goodbye, but the look in their eyes told each other how much they loved each other. Rafael boarded the plane and Andy watched as it took off. He drove back to their condo, sat around for awhile, then decided he needed to practice a little. He went to the local tennis courts and found someone to practice with him. Andy loved all kinds of sports, except wrestling, he thought it looked really planned on who would win the match. About a week went by and he was feeling really horny. He and Rafael had sex regularly during the week, not every night, but close to it. It was a Sunday morning and he was reading the newspaper and saw that "Champions on Ice" was coming to town. One of the skaters that he really liked was the Russian guy named Alexi Yagudin and he was touring with the ice show. When Alexi won the Olympic gold medal, besides his amazing jumps and spins, was the fantastic straight line foot work. The French skater, Brian Joubert had him show him how he did the footwork and he copied it. It didn't work for him as everyone including the judges felt that footwork belonged to Alexi alone. Even the last Russian guy that won did not even attempt to copy him. Alexi now lived in the U.S. and his English was excellent. He was a little shorter than Andy, but he had a well muscled body and a fabulous looking ass not to mention a really nice cock. He was uncut, but the foreskin pulled back nicely to reveal a nice cock head. Andy had seen a picture of him in a sauna but he had a towel wrapped around his waist. Andy kind of wondered if he liked guys and he was hoping to find out. He called ticket masters and got a seat real close to the ice. He was hoping he'd get to go backstage and meet Alexi and see if he was available to go to dinner after a show and then come back to his place for a few drinks.

Andy had been sexually active since he was about 16 and his hormones were raging. It had been over a week since Rafael left for Spain. He went to the ice show on Saturday evening and since it was in Florida, just about everyone knew who he was. As the crowd was leaving the arena, he headed for the area that led behind the scenes. Fortunately, the ice show would be in town for 2 weeks and they did not perform on Mondays. Andy was able to go backstage, he complimented all the skaters he passed, but he was looking for Alexi. He spotted Alexi and went to shake hands with him and tell him how great he was on the ice. Alexi who also liked various sports, knew who Andy was right away. Andy talked to him for awhile and asked if he would like to have a late dinner with him after their Sunday evening performance. Alexi was very flattered and said he would most definitely like to go out to dinner with Andy. Andy said great and since you don't have to perform on Monday, maybe you'd like to come back to my place for a few drinks. Andy said he would pick him up out front, described his car and said he had a favorite restaurant that he thought Alexi would enjoy. This was a small restaurant he discovered by accident, it was called Natasha's Russian Tea Room.

Sunday evening arrived and Andy was waiting out front for Alexi, he had the top down on his car, waved to Alexi and they took off for dinner. Alexi was thoroughly surprised when he saw the restaurant and most pleased. They were seated, had some wine and were served a traditional Russian dinner. He told Andy that this brought back so many memories from his homeland and couldn't be happier. they finished their dinner, Andy of course left a generous tip for the waiter and then they headed off to Andy's condo. Since his condo was detached it had a private courtyard with a hot tub. He asked Alexi if he would like to go in the hot tub, he said yes but he didn't have swim trunks. Andy said he never wore them, just liked to get in the hot tub naked. "Would you like some more wine or a beer?' Alexi said beer would be fine, so Andy grabbed a few bottles and his occasional pack of cigarettes. "Do you mind if I smoke, I don't do it very often, but enjoy one now and then". Alexi said that was fine with him and he might enjoy having a cigarette too, which he did on rare occasions and since he didn't have to perform until Tuesday evening he didn't think it would hurt. There was a table near the tub stacked with towels. Andy put the beer in the holders on the tub and began to strip off his clothes. Alexi followed suit and they gave each other glances, checking out each others bodies. They both liked what they were seeing. Andy had a nice bush brown bush around his big cock and Alexi's bush was a little more blonde. He wasn't quite as big as Andy, but no one ever complained as it got almost as big as Andy's cock when hard. They sat in the hot tub for awhile, talking and enjoying their beer and having a few smokes. Finally Andy said, "maybe we should go in or we're going to shrivel up like prunes". They dried off, wrapped their towels around their bodies, picked up their clothes and headed into the condo.

Once they were in the house Andy hung his towel on a hook near the patio door, "do you mind, I like to go around the house bare ass naked when I have the chance". Alexi said, "not at all, I'll do the same". They got another beer, neither one of them was drunk, just feeling mellow. Alexi said he hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time was really enjoying himself.. "Are you tired out, if not I've got some really hot videos I think you might enjoy". Alexi replied he hadn't seen a hot video in a long time especially with the schedule he had. Great said Andy, the TV is in the master bedroom. He went to the fridge and got his little bottle of poppers, Alexi noticed the bottle and asked what was in it since he had never tried poppers before. Andy said it's a little surprise which I think you'll enjoy. Climb on the bed and I'll put in the video, needless to say, it was a Falcon Studio video which always had great looking guys, and the new favorite, Pierre Fitch, the Canadian, who was versatile and very vocal in stating that he liked what was happening to him. He was mostly a bottom and loved to get fucked. Whoever was doing the fucking, they knew Pierre was enjoying it and he let them know.. The scene coming up showed Pierre getting picked up by a hot looking guy who invited him back to his place that he shared with three other hot hung guys. They went into a large bedroom, took off their clothes and started kissing. It was getting hot and heavy and Pierre didn't notice the other three guys coming into the bedroom. They were all naked and their cocks were standing at attention. Alexi said this movie is pretty fucking hot, just wait said Andy, it gets even better. Both Andy and Alexi's cocks were hard as well. In the video, the guys were doing a daisy chain, sucking on each other. The guy that originally picked him up asked if he was ready for more. Pierre said fuck yes, I'm ready for whatever you have in mind. Pierre was on his back, one of the guys was holding his legs spread wide, the first guy was lubing up his cock, told one of the other guys to give Pierre a whiff of the little bottle he had in the room. He inhaled deeply and soon the first guy had his cock buried in his ass. He was fucking away like crazy, he pulled out and another big cock replaced his up Pierre's ass. Pierre was in seventh heaven, all he could say was fuck, oh fuck, fuck me. They gave him some more poppers and another guy planted his cock up his ass, finally the last guy who had a really big cock stuck it in his ass. He fucked away and finally said that he was going to cum and shot his load up Pierre's ass. The other three guys shot their loads on Pierre, most of it in his mouth which he hungrily drank down.

Alexi said he had never a video quite like this one, it was fucking hot and he felt pretty fucking hot himself. Andy leaned over, looked into his eyes and then lowered his mouth Alexi's. He opened his mouth and their tongues were going in and out. Andy was also rubbing Alexi's nipples, which were standing up nicely. He leaned down and started to suck on his nipples, lightly biting on them and Alexi was moaning in pleasure. Alexi reached for Andy's nipples and started pulling and twisting them, causing Andy to moan as well. Alexi had a great six pack, Andy started licking his way down his body, burying his face in Alexi's bush, licking it and sucking as well. Alexi was almost as big as Andy in the cock department, his foreskin had retracted revealing a nice plump cockhead. Andy by passed his cock and started sucking on his balls, first one and then the other, he even managed to get both of them in his mouth, running his tongue around them. He went back up to Alexi's cock, licking up and down and then took the head in his mouth, sticking his tongue in his piss slit. Alexi started to speak in Russian, then in English he said, "suck my cock, take it all the way down, it feels so fucking good". Andy obliged and Alexi pulled Andy around so that he could get to his cock and started to suck on it. Andy was sucking and groaning at the same time. He let Alexi's cock slide out of his mouth, and started licking his way past his balls to the nice furry crack of his ass. Andy licked around his hole and then he started to stick his tongue in Alexi's hole. In and out causing Alexi to once again cry out, "fuck man, eat my hole, it feels so good".

After doing that for awhile, Andy asked him if he could fuck him. Alexi replied, "only if I get to fuck you as well". Andy said he was game for anything. He told Alexi to take the little bottle he was so curious about, and told him to open it and inhale from the bottle. Andy was rubbing his big cock head across Alexi's hole and then he started to push his cock in his ass. "Fuck, I don't know what was in that little bottle, but I feel fucking great and your cock feels so big in my ass". "Are you enjoying it" asked Andy. "Fuck yeah, just keep on fucking me, let me feel you all the way in my hole". "You got it" said Andy as he buried all of his 9 inches in Alexi's ass. "Before you cum, let me fuck you and then we can cum at the same time, I want to taste your cum". Andy fucked him slow, then fast, then back to slow, he started a circular motion as he was fucking and he kept hitting that special spot that all guys have.. All Alexi could say was, fuck, fuck, fuck. Andy must have fucked him close to 30 minutes, he pulled out and told Alexi to fuck him hard and deep. Andy grabbed his bottle of poppers, inhaled deeply, and Alexi started to buy his cock in Andy's ass. His balls were slapping away on Andy's ass. All Andy could say was, "yeah motherfucker, fuck me good and Alexi did just that, he also did the circular motion in his ass and like Andy, he fucked him for almost 30 minutes. Finally he said he was close to cumming, he pulled his cock out of Andy's ass and they got in a 69 position and started sucking away. They kind of both mumbled trying to say they were cumming and started unloading their cocks in each others mouth. They stayed in that position for a little while and then they laid down next to each other both looking very satisfied.

They both lit up a cigarette and started to talk. Andy told him he had seen him skate before and thought he was one of the greatest skaters he had ever seen. "You know, you're the winter sports and I'm the summer". He asked Alexi if he knew who Rafael Nadal was and he said most definitely. Andy then told him that he and Rafael were lovers and partners. He said Rafael was homesick and went to visit his family in Spain for a couple of months. He said all that Rafael asked of him was not to fall in love with anyone else since he knew Andy got really horny a lot. He said that since the major events were over, he did some practicing when he saw in the paper that the ice show was coming and decided to see the show. "I didn't really know if you were into guys, but I was hoping, that's why I came backstage. "You definitely are more than I bargained for, you're a terrific lover". Alexi thanked him, gave him a kiss and then he said that in touring all the cities with the ice show, that he never found anyone he really wanted to have sex with until he met Andy. "This is a time I will never forget and when I'm alone in my hotel room, jerking off, I'll think of you". Andy said if you're still with the show the next time it comes to Florida, we can have a three way, Rafael always enjoys that.

They fell asleep and the next day Andy drove Alexi back to his hotel. He looked around, made sure no one was looking and gave Alexi a kiss. He got out of the car and Andy headed back to his condo, feeling very satisfied.

Next: Chapter 6: Chance Encounter

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