Tender Love and Care

By Kris Eshleman

Published on Dec 9, 2001


Tender Love and Care: Chapter Three

Copyright by Kristopher Eshleman

Disclaimer: I don't know anybody who knows anybody who ever knew anybody who knows or has anything to do with any of the real people I write about in my stories. They are purely fictitious and are not meant to imply anything about the real lives of the people they are about. This story is simply for the readers' enjoyment.

Pairings: Jacob/Ashley

Rating: NC-17

Dedication: This is for everyone who has ever been thankful that Ashley is shown so often in the shower.

Author's Notes: I want to start more stories, and get my readers involved with them. If you are interested in being a part of this experiment in democracy please email me at uninspired_teen@yahoo.com or come visit my message board that just recently opened at http://pub101.ezboard.com/bsurrealisticdreams71971 or lastly you can visit my personal web page at http://www.geocities.com/uninspired_teen

P.S. This chapter is going to be fairly short I think. I just have this image I can't get out of my head... hope you all enjoy.


Waking earlier than normal Jacob couldn't remember a time he had been so happy. He jumped out of bed and did a few morning exercises to get his blood flowing. Knowing that no one would be up for another two hours he decided to grab something to eat and take a quick shower.

After he had finished with his daily routine he decided to pay Ashley a visit. He quietly entered the younger boy's room and shut the door behind him. He stripped off the clothes he had just recently donned and laid them neatly across the dresser. His eyes never left Ashley's sleeping form.

How did he manage to be so incredibly sexy just by sleeping. The covers were hanging partially off his body and Jacob could tell he hadn't even bothered to put any clothes back on after the previous nights events.

Jacob stood mesmerized, watching Ashley's back rise and fall steadily with his breathing. After a few minutes Jacob approached, and gently pulled the covers away, leaving Ashley completely naked and still soundly asleep.


He was running through the night. He didn't know what he was running from or where he was going. All he knew was that there was something chasing him. He had been running for as long as he could remember. He was out of breath and tired, but pure fear and adrenaline drove him. His muscles started to burn and it felt like acid was pumping through his veins.

What the hell was going on? Who was chasing him, or what was chasing him? He stumbled over something in his path. He went down hard and grunted with the force of the impact. He couldn't breathe at first, and he tried to get to his knees. It was to late, it was upon him like a blur.

It flipped him onto his back and pinned his arms to the ground. He could feel its breath on his neck, hot and wicked. He couldn't open his eyes, he didn't want to open his eyes. He no longer cared what it was going to do to him, he just wanted it to be over.

He felt something pierce his flesh, pain lanced through his neck as the skin there was broken. He could feel blood start to flow down his neck. He tried to cry out but nothing happened. He was paralyzed under whatever held him down.

With a start he woke up, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.


That's all for Chapter 3, please email me with comments about what you thought, and or suggestions for the upcoming chapters at uninspired_teen@yahoo.com

Thxs go out to everyone who has emailed me with feedback or left a review. I'd love everyone who reads and reviews to leave a review for every chapter; it would help me keep in mind what you guys thought and what you guys would like to see.

I'm working on creating a message board and possibly a complete site for this story and my others. If you are interested in seeing it or maybe helping the address is http://pub101.ezboard.com/bsurrealisticdreams71971. I'm going to have contests and such for plot twists readers would like to see in the story. If interested please email me at the above yahoo address or stop by. Thank you all.

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