Ten Rings

By Abra Cadabra

Published on Feb 20, 2023


Chapter 4/4

Clay had tugged his dick into the hem of his thong again to make it a little less obvious. He really didn't need anyone calling the cops or straight up attacking him.

One thing he realized only now was how much the tan added to his humiliation. With the tan line strongly indicating a thong shaped not quite like the one he was wearing, it left no way to make people think he only wore this for a lost bet or something. No, the lines made it seem obvious it had been his regular fashion for a long time.

Of course very few people were going to even notice them, since the shackles and the collar were probably the much more unusual items on him. Oh, and the rainbow braid.

There was so much to hate about the game, the teen wished for nothing more than things to go back to normal. He'd have to deal with some fallout from the pics he had put online but if he looked nothing like the guy in the pictures it might be easy to pretend he was someone else.

The gas station – and hopefully player 1 – was only a block or so from his position. He slowed down to catch his breath. The excessive, unstoppable sweat he had been `gifted' didn't seem to dehydrate him, but he was getting thirsty again after running for a while. His bladder was filling up, too.

Speaking over the demonic music, the voice startled the boy. <Could the next task be our last one?>

Yes, please. Clay was ready to do anything if it meant ending the game quickly.

Why would he choose that? If necessary he'd beat a forfeit out of his opponent.

<The task consists of simple exercises. Our players will get ten minutes to complete as many of them as possible. These are... push-ups, squats and crunches. Whoever gets the most in two categories wins.>

So if Clay did the most push-ups it wouldn't matter if he failed at the other two. The smart way was to pick two and go all out and only do a few of the third one. This way he'd... Unless player 1 did the third one and somehow outdid Clay in either of the ones the boy had focused on.

The best way was... Was there a `best way'? Maybe he should-

Clay saw the gas station. He raced the rest of the way there. If he could convinced the guy to forfeit together with him they'd both end the game and no one had to do exercises.

There was nobody at the station. Well, that wasn't true. There were a few people but they refilled their car in perfectly normal ways, not wearing the `uniform' of this cruel game.

Of course, if player 1 was in the area he wouldn't do the task in plain sight since that wasn't required this time.

Behind the station was a corrugated iron fence, hiding from sight what appeared to be a pile of broken cars and car parts. Clay decided to start looking there. If he couldn't find player 1 in the vicinity he'd do two of the exercises, although he probably had only five minute left by now. Maybe he'd get lucky.

Under the gaze of people filling their tanks, the teen marched to the fence, climbed on top of a box and looked over it.


There was a guy, at the far end, doing squats. He was hard to see but clearly wore white clothes – dusty sneakers, a thong and a snapback. He had the mohawk and the tan. He was obviously drenched in sweat, shining in the early afternoon sun.

With his back toward Clay, the man didn't show his piercings but they were certainly there.

Just as the teen swung himself over the iron barrier, he was noticed by the opponent.

Player 1 bailed. Why would he do that?

Oh, of course. He didn't have an `attorney' to tell him that meeting up was a good idea and probably assumed Clay was here to get rid of competition. He wasn't really wrong but running away was still making things unnecessarily difficult.

"Hey, wait!" Clay shouted but his hoarse voice didn't manage to reach the man, who vanished out of sight. It was likely that the loud hell-party-remix in both their heads kept him from registering anything not shouted at close distance.


<Player 1 wins decisively and catches up. Finally things are getting a bit mixed up as player 1 decides to sacrifice the new ring to punish his opponent.>


Oh right, that had been an option. Use rings to hurt the other guy. It seemed stupid to sacrifice their victory points this way so Clay had never entertained the idea.

The teen cried out as electroshocks shot through his spine. The collar had turned into a torture device, giving him pure pain at irregular intervals.

Running was impossible like this. He'd be sent to the ground by a random spasm.

Clay lost control of his bladder and turned his thong transparent with piss. Not that it mattered. The sweat had done a lot of that work already.

He couldn't catch up.

Unless... If he made player 1 join the `alliance of forfeiters' he didn't need rings.

"Hello, game people? Do you hear-" A shock made him flex his torso involuntarily and he almost lost balance. "Do you hear me?"

<Yes, player 2. What's up?>

"I want to restrain player 1. Can you do that for a ring?"

<Sure. One ring taken from player 2. In turn, player 1 will get chains to restrain him in his movement.>

Great, he could catch up after all. Clay began to make his way across the improvised junkyard to the hole in the fence on the other side where his opponent had slipped through.

<And player 1 has responded in kind. Oh, what a neat little symmetry.>

Wait what? He only needed the guy in place until he got to him. There was no need to-

Clay staggered as the restrains appeared. A rose gold chain connected his ankle shackles, which left his steps shortened. Now he couldn't even walk briskly.

He need to add another restraints.

"Just... Do something to keep him in place. I'll give up another ring."

<Done. Player 1 is now equipped with vastly increased ball stretcher weight. He won't get off the ground easily – or at all. Since player 2 lacks the stretcher, player 1 can't just mirror the punishment. Let's see how he responds.>

Hopefully he wouldn't respond at all until Clay reached him. The boy was at the hole and climbed through to emerge into a fenced-in concrete parking lot. Player 1 was squatting on the ground at the end, pretty far away. He must have raced at top speed. That guy was fit. Regardless, he was pinned down at that moment with his balls just above the asphalt.

Clay was going to catch up. Tiny steps were all he could take but they would suffice.

<Fascinating. Player 1 decided on a truly original punishment. After some deliberation we decide to grant his wish. The change to player 2's voice is now permanent, including the lisp. It won't reverse at the end of the game.>

"What the fuck!? No! No no no. Fuck that. You take this back right the hell now. Do you hear me? You're kidding, right?"

There was no answer, but Clay had the impression that the music was turned up in volume.

"All right. Fuck that guy." He wasn't close enough to spot details but apparently player 1 was still trying to get away, now dragging himself behind a car and out of sight.

"I got enough rings left. I'll use one to make his tattoos permanent. Do I get that?"

<Yes you do. The tattoos will persist and are now un-remove-able. I'll just inform your opponent of this matter.>

Clay was in the position to see around the car, but player 1 was gone. Where had the bastard hidden now?

There was movement between other cars, so he hobbled over there. Yes, tan skin and white fabric were flashing from the space between vehicles. The chains made it impossible to move quietly, but he could rely on the music to drown out any sound anyway.

<What a development! Player 2's piercings are now permanent, too, and can never be removed.>

"Fuck. I'll do the same to him."

He was down to three rings. He wouldn't get the guy to forfeit together, he'd just beat him into forfeiting alone and taking the punishment of losing. Now the opponent was right to run away but he had brought it upon himself.

<A truly creative response. From now on player 2's inability to wear clothes other than ones fulfilling the uniform requirement is permanent. I sure hope you like thongs, because there will be nothing else on your body ever again. But hey, there's an infinite variety of snapbacks, so it's not like you have to say goodbye to style.>

"Same. To. Him."

Clay caught up but the guy noticed him and without looking back, bailed to the best of his abilities. It was a slow race from hiding spot to hiding spot, always getting closer to the parking lot exit where the opponent would probably try to run off to somewhere else.

<Another restraint request from player 1. So it be.>

The thin chain between Clay's ankles broke and snapped upward under his thong. It slid through the guiche ring and reforged itself into a whole.

It didn't get any longer, though, so Clay was pulled down on the ground, walking with his knees fully bent. It hurt quickly and the shocks made his balance a lot more precarious so he was moving at a snail's pace.

"Same to him, for fuck's sake."

<So be it. But you're not done, just letting you know.>

"What do you mean-"

His tongue was pulled out. A chain appeared on it and split as it grew to run to his nipple rings where it attached. The chain was short enough to keep his tongue stretched out while still pulling his nipples up.

Only one thing gave him consolation – player 1 was getting the exact same treatment.

<Player 1 has sacrificed his last ring. If I interpret the mumbling correctly, he wished for his opponent's exterior to become permanent. Looks like you, player 2, won't need to visit a tanning booth ever again, or lay in the sun. Or check by a barbershop, since the hair is, you know, part of the exterior.

"Same," Clay pressed out. It was a pity that player 1 didn't have rainbow hair to suffer but there was nothing he could do about that now.

The teen `walked' around a car and saw his opponent's back at the lot exit. He was apparently pinned in place.

Under heavy breathing and many shocks, Clay made it all the way over there. He felt like he was dying. Someone would pay for this. An additional hope he still had was that the attorney could stop the game somehow, if he had even told the truth about being able to do so.

<Oh wow, it seems our players are actually finding each other. That's never happened before, unless we brought them together at the end. I wonder how... We seem to be having an interference. Let's see what they have to say while I check this out.>

All chains vanished. On the boy and the man alike, giving back their full range of motion. Everything else stayed on.

Clay stood up on legs that almost refused to support his weight. He'd finally get to look into his opponent's face – he'd finally get to spit into that fucking face.

The man turned around and...


It took a second for Clay to register why the face was familiar. He wasn't exactly used to seeing it the way it was now.


The son stared at his father in silence. An electroshock tore him out of his lack of thoughts.

"We..." he started, "we can end this if we forfeit in the same round and-"

<Ah, I don't think it's a good idea to have them both talking. Whoever interfered seems to have passed on a few trade secrets.>

Clays' tongue was pulled out of his mouth again but no chain appeared. Instead the pull dragged him along toward his father. The man's mouth was similarly opened and the moment their tongues connected, the ring piercings on them linked together so they were forced to french.

The same force now pushed their tongues back into their mouths, making their lips meet. Their sweaty skin slapped together. As much as they tried to brace against each other, it was impossible for their dicks not to touch occasionally.

Clay was deeply ashamed at the involuntary shivers of erotic energy he felt whenever his dickhead was stimulated by stroking along his father's tool.

In total terror the pair stood uselessly around, breath hot on each other's face. Their shifting and struggling only made it look more like a make-out session to onlookers.

And there were onlookers now. The mall on the other side of the lot was releasing an insane amount of people trying to remember where they had parked their cars and every single one was forced to drive by the pair of kissing men at the exit.

Their age difference was obvious as was their extreme perverse nature with all the sweat making the thongs basically see through.

The father grabbed Clay's lower back and pulled him close, their wet skin smacking together. It prevented people from seeing their hard dicks, but did nothing to help otherwise, now also adding stimulation to the boy's nipple and belly button rings, plus basically masturbating along each other's rippling abs.

, the voice said over the music which had only gotten louder. <We figured out the next task. Let's prepare you two.>

Their tongues detached and Clay shoved himself away as if his father was on fire.

He was pushed to the ground by the familiar invisible force.

"Dad, I think we need to-"

His father was suddenly above him, looking down, and then got turned around so they were head to toe.

The man was lowered and at the same time Clay felt his tongue get pulled out again and his thong pulled aside.

Before he could turn his head away, his dad's dick was shoved into the boy's mouth all the way in to the balls. Simultaneously, the man's mouth received the full length of his son's dick.

Now Clay was pressed against his father above him, who laid on top with his full weight. They were sixty-nining.

As soon as the force stopped, Clay pushed away but his tongue ring was now connected to his father's guiche piercing by a short little chain, wrapped around the dick. It was impossible to pull more than halfway out.

Their gagging and chocking even drowned out the music a little. It had to be impossible to ignore for anyone watching them. An electroshock from his collar made him spasm upward and caused his father's dick to hit his throat in just the right way to trigger his gag reflex beyond anything he had experienced so far.

Retching wildly, the boy cried into the flesh gag.

To Clay's horror, his father started licking and sucking right away. The boy wanted to cry at how much he liked the sensation. He didn't want to participate... but he didn't want to lose either. So he licked and sucked.

With all the built up horniness it took mere ten seconds for both of them to shoot a dozen or more cum streaks down each other's throats.

It was without a doubt by far the most intense orgasm the teen had ever experienced. For a wonderful moment he was so high he forgot his situation and reveled in the pleasure. Then he was plunged back into a grim reality.

<Looks like they both won a ring on that. Let's move on to... What is- There's the interference again. No wait. Aw, not fair. You can't just break it off and not- >

The voice stopped abruptly and so did the music. Clay sensed his asshole contract as the plug vanished. If it wasn't for the weight of his father on top of him he would have felt like floating as the shackles and his collar fell off him like dust. The sweat production went back to a normal, human level.

Everything else stayed. His `exterior' was permanent.

One thing that stayed as well were the chains between tongue and guiche. Clay figured they'd have to wait for someone to safe them.

Apparently his father thought differently.

With their dicks softening, it was possible to breath past them even when they were all the way in.

Clay knew this because his father's dick was now shoved all the way in, including the balls. This way his lip was almost touching the sweaty asshole of his parent.

Then, to the boy's surprise, his father stood up and pulled his son's hips along. Soon, Clay hung head down on his father's body, held tightly against the slippery skin.

The father walked with wobbly steps, his dick in his son's mouth and vice versa. Clay kept hanging and did his best to hold on as his old man carried him. He attempted to help by wrapping his legs around the man's neck.

His rainbow braid dangled at the man's feet. Clay hoped he wouldn't step on it.

Through some miracle they made it to dad's car. As the man bent down slowly to get the keys out from under the car, Clay saw between the thick thighs and ass cheeks of his father, spotting both their snapbacks where they had sucked each other off. With the magic of the game gone, they had fallen from their heads.

It was kind of a shame considering it was one of three kinds of items he could wear from now to forever. He'd have to get a few more of them.

His father pushed them both into the fortunately sizable car and held Clay's head down as he sat in the driver's seat.

Getting home was a slow affair considering the man had to look over his son's ass and couldn't turn his head, dick in mouth. Clay's arms were in massive pain from holding himself up since his father needed both hands to use the steering wheel and gearshift.

Once they had made it back to their town and their home, the slow walk from the driveway to the door was surprisingly hard because they were both too tired to hold themselves up any longer.

The dad sat down and crawled on his ass, while Clay dragged himself along with his arms, mostly putting his weight on the man's shoulders.

Once inside they had to go even farther, into the basement, sliding down stair by stair on the dad's ass and the son's head.

Finally in the workshop, the father could cut his tongue free. Clay got to lay horizontally for the first time in about an hour and was hugely relieved at the normalized blood flow.

He expected the man to cut the other chain next but instead the father fucked his son's face, with his dick hardening rapidly.

At first Clay tried to fight him off, but for one thing it was pointless to try and also he felt shamefully horny himself.

Instead of struggling, he jerked off and jizzed onto his stomach as his father cummed down his throat.

Only then did the man free his son from the tongue-to-ass chain and pulled his dick out.

Clay wanted nothing more than to forget the day and never speak of it again but there were many things to do, which they had to tackle the following day.

All their clothes self-destructed if worn, so they had to order new ones. It turned out underwear other than thongs didn't work except when it covered even less, like a jock strap.

Similarly shoes other than sneakers worked if they covered less of their feet. Sandals and flip-flops for example. There was nothing smaller than a snapback it made sense to wear so they got a huge collection of them to share.

Until those orders arrived they had to spend their day in the white thong from the games.

Clay was examining his unchangingly rainbow colored hair in the bathroom when the doorbell rang. He looked down from the window and saw the attorney at the front door.

With his hair open – it didn't have to be braided, it was just uncutable – Clay rushed down to open up.

"Uh, hi?"

The lawyer nodded. "I take it you noticed when I stopped the game?"

"Yeah," Clay said and kept himself from saying anything else. If he insulted the guy... Maybe the attorney had the power to restart those games as well. Provoking him seemed like a bad idea.

With no further greeting, the man let himself in. In the living room he took up the whole sofa.

Clay and his father had to stand as the attorney explained how he planned to help them.

First they needed jobs to work from home since the father couldn't exactly go to the office the way he looked and Clay had to drop out of school right before graduation.

Working from home was possible and the attorney could pull some strings but they would still need a lot of money fast to start out until things had settled.

He left them with a card from a porn company that would be interested.

Before he left, he pulled Clay aside.

"Listen boy, I know you hate the idea of sucking off your dad on camera. I can do something about that."

"You can make it so I don't have to?"

"No, I can make it so you'll love it."


"There's a way to make you crave your father's cum and enjoy showing your body off to people. You could not only do porn with your father but other one's too and do your own shows at a bar I know and some other places. Can you dance?"

"Wait. No, I don't want that. I won't become a fag."

The attorney sighed. "I only asked to give you a heads up. I'll do it either way."

"What? No! You can't just fuck me up like that."

"Your father is still your legal guardian for one month and he agreed it is the best course of action."

"What, so you'll turn us into two fags?"

Shaking his head, the man chuckled softly. "Only you. The plan is for you to add to the income by selling your ass to whoever wants it."

Clay was about to cry. "Why... why would you do that?"

"Simple. Your father agreed if I help I get your ass for free anytime." The attorney reached around and grabbed an exposed cheek. "Now get back upstairs and hit your dumbbells or something. That body of yours needs to be in top shape for the camera."

It only took one day for Clay to change his mind. Once he woke up, the thought of sucking off his old man didn't leave his head. The act was surprisingly satisfying. In a way, it just felt right. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad when the attorney did that- Oh, he probably had done it overnight.

Well, Clay couldn't wait to show off his blowjob skills to the world and taste more men's cum. The game from two days ago was shaping up to be one of his fondest memories.


Note: In case you read `thirteen marks', yes this here is happening in the same universe. Did the twist come as a surprise? I didn't quite know if the story should be from the son's or dad's perspective. I hope I chose well.

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