Tempting Todd

Published on Aug 6, 1997




As he heard his roomie moaning on the other side of the wall, in his mind he pictured Todd lying in bed, that young cock in another man's mouth.

The day Todd and I decided to become roommates was the day he opened up and told me he was gay. I don't remember how I responded, or even if I did respond. While there was no rational explanation for it, I felt betrayed. I do remember trying not to show it, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Todd saw it anyway. If he did, he was polite enough to ignore it.

Having grown up in a conservative family, the idea of moving in with someone who was gay quite simply scared the hell out of me. But I did. I don't know why. Maybe part of me still trusted Todd. Maybe I just didn't want to appear as homophobic as I was.

I soon came to realize that any fears I might have had were unfounded. He never pressured me toward anything. He never said or did anything that he thought might offend me. I guess you could say he was a perfect gentleman, although I find it strange that I would have cause to use such a phrase.

My fears slowly turned into curiosity, and I found myself watching him, wondering. Todd had a boyfriend and I found part of myself envying their relationship. I didn't quite understand how two men could be so close, but I wanted to understand.

One night when his boyfriend was staying over, I stayed awake instead of going straight to sleep, as was my norm. I sat on the floor, my ear against the wall connecting our rooms, straining to hear something, anything. The words were muffled, but I could hear Todd moaning. In my mind, I could see him lying in bed, his cock in another man's mouth. It was an image that excited me and made me hard. I began stroking myself, imagining that it was me being blown. When I heard Todd groan, "I'm gonna come!" I came with him, my cum shooting all over my stomach and fist.

The next morning, I wanted to tell Todd what I had heard, what I had felt, that I wanted more. But I couldn't. I didn't have the courage. So I decided I'd wait for another night like that one, where I could listen in and feel myself come with Todd once more. But I never got the opportunity.

You see, the day after that exciting night, they had an argument and went their separate ways. I could tell it hurt Todd, even though he tried to hide it. I tried to get him to talk about it, but he wouldn't. I guess he figured I wouldn't understand.

I did the only thing I could think of. I helped him occupy his time while he searched for someone new. We played basketball. We went to the movies. Our friendship reached an all-time high, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

One night we were playing Nintendo, of all things. We were laughing hard, even though the competition was fierce. He reached out and pushed me over to get ahead. I laughed and dived into him, trying to steal his controller. We wrestled back and forth. He was stronger and faster than I was, and quickly gained the advantage. I tried to break away, but he lunged forward and tackled me. His hand inadvertently wrapped around my erection through my shorts, and everything came to an abrupt halt. Our eyes locked on each other, and I suddenly realized that I wanted his hand there, to feel him gripping me, stroking me. But then he released me and rolled away.

"I'm sorry," he said, looking away from me. "That wasn't cool."

"Don't be sorry," I responded, watching him. I hadn't even realized I had gotten hard in our wrestling, but I could feel it now, throbbing almost painfully. I could see Todd beating himself up for it. He just sat there, staring at the television screen.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I could say what I wanted. I couldn't bring myself to say, "Todd, I want to know what it's like to make love to a man." Instead, I said, "It's okay. Don't worry about it."

"No," he said, shaking his head. "I didn't mean to --"



"What if it's what I want?"

He turned to look at me, searching my eyes. "You're not kidding," he said softly.

I shook my head, my heart pounding in my chest. I reached over, took his hand, and placed it back on my cock.

He stared at me for a long time, until his fingers finally wrapped themselves around me, accepting. I closed my eyes as my cock throbbed within his grip, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

I felt his fingers slide under the waistband of my shorts, and raised my hips to help him get them off. I sat up, pulling my shirt up over my head, then fell back with a gasp as he hungrily took me into his mouth.

His lips slid down my entire length to wrap around the base of my cock. He held me there, sucking gently, his tongue rubbing teasingly against me. I groaned with pleasure, struggling to keep my hips from pulling back and thrusting back in. I found myself torn between wanting to come immediately and wanting it to last forever. I was afraid that if I so much as moved, I'd lose it and shoot all that I had to offer.

But Todd was a master at making me last. He slowly pulled back until I slipped from his lips, then started teasing my cock with his tongue, driving me out of my mind. It seemed so unreal, lying on the living room floor, watching my roommate's tongue roam all over my cock. The gut-wrenching pleasure was real enough, however. I moaned in ecstasy as he started kissing and licking my balls. No part of my cock was left untouched as I writhed and squirmed about.

Todd teased my cock relentlessly, always letting me come right to the edge of orgasm, then suddenly backing off just when I wanted his mouth on me the most. I couldn't believe how badly I wanted him.

I groaned. I gasped. My hips would jerk upward, trying to plunge my cock into his hungry mouth. I found myself begging him to let me come, and he finally relented, taking me to the hilt once more. I lost all control and gripped his hair with my fingers, my hips thrusting forward, driven by need. His lips and tongue never ceased their teasing as I pushed deeper and deeper into his mouth. I couldn't contain it any longer and groaned as I filled his mouth with my cum.

He took all I had to offer and more, swallowing it easily. He held me there in his mouth, easing me through the aftershocks of orgasm. He sucked on my cock tenderly, his tongue pressing up the vein to milk away the last few drops. Then he let me slip from his lips, and we looked at each other in the uncomfortable silence that followed.

"Now," he said, breaking eye contact and looking around the room, "if you'll excuse me, I really need to go take care of something."

I looked at his own erection straining against his shorts. "Don't," I said, my heart pounding even harder than before.


I reached over and wrapped my fingers around it, feeling how hard it was through the soft material. My eyes caught his and held them, letting him see what I wanted. "Don't," I repeated.

I pulled him over to me and slipped his shorts down over his ass, freeing his cock. It was a little larger and thicker than my own. I just stared at it, inches from my face, scared and excited at the same time.

Wrapping my fingers around him was an experience that will always stay with me. The feel of it, warm and throbbing within my grip, stripped away any remaining inhibitions I might have had. I became desperate to feel it probing my mouth, to suck it, to give him the pleasure he had given to me. Gripping it with both my hands, I pulled him to me and wrapped my lips around the head of his cock.

A groan of pleasure escaped Todd's lips. I closed my eyes to the sound of it, relishing it, let it guide my lips and tongue. The taste of him was slightly salty, more than likely from the light layer of sweat I felt on his shaft.

It seemed larger somehow than I had first thought. I began to wonder how much of him I could take, how deep I could suck his cock into my mouth. In my lust, I wanted all of him, I wanted to feel it slide past my tongue, to feel the head of his cock push against the back of my throat. But even with my inexperience, I knew better than to try to swallow him all at once. It was more than my virgin mouth could handle.

I forced myself to be patient. I played with the head, swirling my tongue around it, sucking on it, until I felt comfortable enough to let it slide in another couple of inches. I could now feel the large vein on the underside of his cock throbbing against my tongue. I began to let it slide back and forth between my lips, careful not to scrape him with my teeth. I loved the way his cock filled my mouth, and did my best to suck him in deeper and deeper with each stroke. I was sucking my first cock, and the thought excited me to the point that I felt myself getting hard once more.

I felt Todd's balls tightening beneath my hand, and squeezed them gently as I rubbed my face against his cock. He groaned in response, and I couldn't resist moving down to take them lightly in my mouth.

I stroked him. I licked him. I sucked him. I did everything I could think of to bring him closer to the edge. I wanted to make Todd come. I wanted him to come in my mouth.

"I can't hold it," he groaned, and tried to pull me away, still afraid of offending me. But I knew what I wanted, and I sucked his cock as deeply into my mouth as I could take it, wanting, needing to taste his cum.

The first shot splashed against the back of my throat, and I struggled to swallow it as the rest of it flooded my mouth. I moaned at the feel of it, all hot and slick on my tongue. The quantity of it surprised me, and I felt some of it escape my lips to slide down my chin. But I still had a mouthful of cum, and I swallowed all that I had managed to capture. I held him there as he had me, letting him go soft against my warm tongue. He finally pulled me away and kissed me, his tongue sliding between my lips to share in the taste of him, and I returned it willingly.

The entire experience had left me achingly hard, and Todd thanked me by sucking me off once more, this time more sensuously. I just lay there in exhaustion, watching him sucking my cock through half-closed eyes. He didn't tease me this time, quickly bringing me to orgasm, draining me just as he had before. After that, he lay beside me and whispered, "Thank you." We fell asleep where we lay.

Todd has told me that there is a multitude of sensations to be experienced in my newfound world of pleasure. And while that very thought unnerves me somewhat, another part of me is very intrigued and wants to know more. A lot more...

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