Tempest of Love

By vT3c 59

Published on Jan 7, 2003


Part 2

Day crept by day, as I lay in my room, I can hear the trees rustle outside. The wind swiftly glides along, the crops were harvested, and fall was right around the corner, which also means...college. College, the thing that I fears the most right now, I haven't decided what I want to major on yet, no place to stay, and worst of all, if I don't decide soon, father's shipping me to the navy/army, and that's not the exact place I want to be, with all the guys around and all, not a good situation.

"John, it's two more weeks and you're going to college, what have you decided to study" he asked "If you don't think on it, you're taking over this farm"

"What!!" I said, "I don't want to remain here for the rest of my life!" I said

"Then choose something to major on!" he said

"I don't know what I'm good at! I'm good at raking hay, feeing the animals, is there any professions that specialize that!" I asked

"I don't know...but aren't you handy with construction? Why don't you major to be an architect?" he asked

"I don't know," I said

"Well, start thinking young man" he said, "You don't have a lot of time left"

I thought about it, and architect was a pretty decent career to have. When the sun was head high, I decided to go out and look for a place to settle down for college since I have nothing to do at home anyways. The city was sure a noisy place, with all the cars and angry people, I thought about the quiet life in the counties was so much better, but no matter how good it was, I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life there.

"ROOM AVAILABLE, STARTING AT $800 MONTHLY" said a big sign hung up high, in red words.

"Ah! That's too expensive, I gotta find something more affordable," I thought to myself

"NOW RENTING! $900 MONTLY" said another sign across the street

"I'm not going to find a place if this keeps up" I thought to myself

I kept walking down the busy street, keeping my eyes out for something cheap, but decent. Then there it was, a sign, it said "ROOM FOR RENT, STARTING AT $500"

"That looks...still expensive, but that'll be the cheapest I'd find around here" I thought to myself, looking around at the tall buildings, and skyscrapers

I went inside, and check out with the clerk in front.

"Um, excuse me, I'm here to ask about the renting," I asked

She was a black woman, probably in her 40's; she gave me a look that made you feel like you were being stared at by a thousand eyes.

"Sorry kiddo, they're all taken" she said coldly "Why don't you check out in a month or so," she said

"But...But first semester starts in two weeks, and I need a place to stay" I told her

She slowly looks up at me, and said.

"And that relates to me how?" she asked

"I guess it doesn't concern you," I said after a minute "That's right kiddo, now off you go, I got work to do," she said

"Is there anyway you can try and see if there's anything left?" I asked

"What part of `They're all taken' don't you understand?" she asked

"But, I nee...." I stumbled

"Get out, before I call security," she said, running out of patient

"But please!" I begged

Then she dialed the number for security, a few minutes later, two of them came, and asked me to leave

"I'm sorry young man, but you have to leave" one of them said

"Wait, you don't understand! I have to..." I was cut off

Then they slowly dragged me out of the building.

"No! Please!" I yelled out

"Wait, you guys don't have to do that," a voice behind me said

I turned around; there stood one of the cutest guys I've ever seen in my life (I haven't seen much, but I'm pretty sure). About 6'0, green eyes, medium built, military hair, and holding a book of some sort.

"You can let go of him, he's a friend of mine," he said

"Oh, please forgive us, we had no idea," they said

Then he looked at me and smiled, I couldn't feel my right leg for about two seconds, I almost fell, but I took hold of one of the officers. I faked a smile back at him, I was so nervous; I didn't know what to do. I was kind of confused, I have never seen him in my life, but he claims to know me, this is turning out weird.

"Hey...Michael, let's go" he said

I stood there, looking at him, confused

"...Michael...Let's GO" he winked

"Oh! Yeah, we better get going" I said

We walked back inside the building, and the lady was outraged

"Hey! Didn't the security kick you out!" she said out loudly

"It's ok, he's a friend of mine," the blond guy said

"..." She gave off a look at me

We walked up to his room, he opened the door, boy, and it was dirty.

"Um..." he said

I looked at him all weird for a moment, and then he made a hand expression.

"Oh! Yeah, right, haha!" I said, now knowing that he meant come in

Just when I walked through the door, I felt his hand on the back of my shoulder. I flinched big time, and jumped back, then giving him a look

"...You...had...something on.... your...back..." he said with a weird grin

"Oh, haha, I knew that, sorry" I said

"Well, um, you want anything to drink?" he asked

"Um, it's ok, thanks" I told him

He then walked into the kitchen. It took a little long, so I stood up, and walks into the kitchen, planning to ask him why he did what he did, but when I was in the kitchen, he as standing in front of the fridge, his is shirt hanging on his left shoulder.

"WHOOOA" I thought to myself

Then the next thing I knew, he was walking towards me. He then put his hand on my chest, then the other hand on the back of my neck, and pull in and gave me a deep kiss, I am VERY surprised right now, I had my eyes wide open.

"MmMm! I muffled

Then he bent down and started licking my abs. I wanted to do something, but I couldn't move. He undid my jeans, then starting sucking me off. My heart was beating so hard, I can feel the vibration, and again, I wanted to do something to stop him, but I couldn't, I was petrified. He then carry me into his room, and put me on his bed. He threw his shirt aside, and undid his pants. He then jump on me, and started licking my neck and went into my ears.

"Ugh!" I moaned out

"Hey! Dude!" he said

"What the..." I thought to myself

"Dude! What's wrong!" he said, walking towards me

Oh, MY GOD, I was day dreaming this whole time, while looking straight at him in the face.

"Dude, what's wrong" he said

"No...Nothing...." I mumbled

He walked towards me, and I was scared.

"Um, can I use your bathroom" I asked, stopping him

"Yeah, take a left, and a right" he said

When I got into the bathroom, I sat down on the toilet, sweeping the sweat off my forehead, and to calm down my heart beat. Took me a minute to settle down, and then I walked out. He now had a T-shirt on, for the love of god, thanks. I sat down, and looked around, it was a total mess.

"So um, do we know each other?" I asked him

"Doesn't seem like it," he said looking at me, smiling

"Err, then what's this? What are you doing" I asked "Heard you needed a room, and I was being sympathetic, and thought maybe you'd want to share a room?" he asked

"What? What's this, this is something that would happen in a story, or a movie, I'm not that lucky" I said

"You just got lucky my boy," he said

"WHAT!!" I exclaimed, "You're serious about me moving in?" I asked

"Did I had a funny smile on me?" he asked

"Yes, you were staring at me" he said

"Was I?" he asked

"What...What, I'm confused!" I said

"You can move in ASAP," he said, standing up "I have to leave now, I have something to do," he said

I was standing there wordless, out of no where, this CUTE ASS guy offers me a place to stay, he seemed REEEEEEALLY nice, I was just wondering what's his catch. Is there any strings attached to this

"Wait a minute, what's the catch, you don't even know me, you don't know where I came from, what I do, and you're offering me a place to stay, what's the catch dude" I said

"If you don't want to move in, it's fine with me" he said, shrugging his shoulders

"Wait! I'm not rich, I can't afford to pay a lot of money, if that's what you're trying to do" I said quickly

"Actually, I was thinking you can just move in, and pay whatever you can, you don't have to worry about rent" he said


"If you want me to be, then fine," he said, with a smile

"This is too weird, I'm going home" I said

"Here, this is my number, call me if you change your mind" he said, handing me his number

That night, I had trouble sleeping, this guy was bugging me, and when I did sleep, I dreamt about what I day dreamt earlier that day, it was continuation of what happened, I'll leave it up to your imagination to visualize it.

Comments? Commands? Suggestions? Email vT3c59@hotmail.com Thanks for reading guys, should I write more? Or is this story is shit? Drop by and give me a holer. Sorry if this part took so long guys, Vacation's over, and I'm having a hard time writing and keeping up with school work. I know I kinda messed up the story his chapter, but email for with comments or commands, and I'll fulfill my part, and again, should I write more?

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