Tempest of Love

By vT3c 59

Published on Dec 23, 2002


Growing up on a plantation was, let's just say it was a good and bad for me. At 16, 180 pounds, buff bodied, let's just say and green eyes. Bad thing, I knew nothing about anything people called "pastime" pleasures. Milking cows, feeding the life stocks, were some of the things I was good at. I was also very handy with construction. My dad and I live on a farm, growing all kinda things. There was barely anybody else around, at least not for a quarter mile around. So you can say where I live, was deserted. Though, there was this boy who lives about a mile away from where I live, I had the biggest crush on him. We were friends and all, sometimes, taking swims in the river, or bike riding down the deserted streets. We were almost brothers. Then on one warm evening, I came out of the closet.

"Richard? Um, I have something to tell you, but I'm not sure if either one of us is ready" I said

"What it is John?" he asked without looking at me, trying to crack opens a coconut

"I don't know if I want to tell you or not, I can't take the risk" I said

"Come on, out with it, what are you going to say? You're gay," he laughs

"Yes" I said quickly

Then was a moment of awkward silence, to what it seemed like an eternity. I was taken aback, I was afraid of the outcome.

"Look, I know we've been friends for along time, and we've done almost EVERYTHING you can imagine together, and I just want to tell you th..." I said, but was cut off

"Me too" he said quietly

"...And I just want to tell you that I..." I said, then realized what he just said "What?"

"You heard me," he said

"No, I didn't," I lied

"Yes, you did!" he said, jumping over, pinning me down. He looked down on me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"I..." I said, but was stopped by his next move.

He bent down, and laid a kiss on my lips, which left me wordless. I hungrily stared into his eyes, all the lust, and all the pain for him all these years, now able to express it. I switched place with him. The wind whistled, and I looked up, the red sky has cooled, and the trees danced with the wind.

"It's dark, you should be going home," he said

"But I don't want to," I whispered in his ear

"Come on, I'll walk you home" he said, and we both stood up

On our way back, we walked hands in hands. I didn't want to leave his side, but I knew I had to. I thought that this was the happiest moment in my life so far. The sound of water, colliding against the riverside was soothing. When we go to my house, he laid a kiss on my forehead.

"Good night, boy" he said

"Good night," I whispered

That night, I could not sleep at all. I looked through my window, at the blinking stars, thinking if Richard was looking at the same star from his window as well. The trees outside rustled, and the cicadas sound away, I slow feel asleep.

The next morning, the sound of cows bellowing woke me up. Looking outside, the sun still hasn't risen yet; I decided to take a wake to Richard's house. On the way, I was thinking of a way for him and I to spend more time. Then a spark ignites my idea. I threw a rock at his window, waking him up. He came out, in his pajamas. We walked down to the fields.

"Hey, I was thinking that maybe we can build a tree house, just for the two of us, then maybe we can spend more time together" I told him about my idea

"Whatever suites you, love" he said, messaging my head

The next two weeks, we worked tirelessly on the tree house. We picked a tree, giant among giants, and built our sanctuary. When it was finished, it had two levels to it, an upper level, and a lower level. The upper level was mostly for lying down, and rest, while the second level was for hanging out. We knew that the first rain of the year was coming very soon, so we got ready. We went, and got waterproof paint, and cover the whole thing with paint, top, bottom, and sides. We also included a roof, just incase. And it was finished. We often spend the nigh together out there. Candle would be our source of light (for it was pretty far away from mine and his house to transfer electricity). We had our first experience on that tree house.

"I love you," he whispered, as he lay above me

"I love you too," I said "Let's promise we'll forever and always be together" I said

"That's a promise," he said, as I moaned

All went all right, until that dark, stormy night. We were up in the tree house.

"Hey, I think we should decorate this thing further" I said

But I didn't get a reply from Richard. He was sitting there quiet as a kitten.

"Wait, what's wrong sweetie?" I said

Then a tear flowed down his face, I was scared by now

"What, what's this, what's wrong? Tell me! Don't scare me like this!" I yelled out

"I...I...We...My family and I are leaving, my dad saved up enough money to buy us a house in California, and we're moving there" he said, at the same time, crying.

"No...No!!! You can't go! Stay here with me! I'll beg my dad to allow you to stay with us!" I almost yelled out

"I'm sorry, John, I have no choice, if I had a choice, it certainly would be with you, but I don't..." he whispered

"What about our promise! We made a promise to always be together! Have you forgotten that already?" I asked

"No! I remember it like it was yesterday! But I can't John! I'm so sorry! I have no choice! Please understand," he said

I didn't want to carry this conversation out any longer I climbed down, and ran back. I tripped half way there I didn't bother getting up. I lay there and cried away. The wind brushes against the grass and my hair.

"It's not fair!!!!" I yelled out as loud as I can

"Why!!!!" I cried out. I laid there for what it seems like an eternity. Then I doze off. When I woke up, I was in my bed.

"John!" My dad said

"What, where I am" I asked

"You're home of course, don't you ever do that again!" my dad yelled

"What are you talking about" I asked

"I found you lying in the field while I was outside, you were soaking wet, what were you doing outside when it was raining" he asked

"I don't know, I don't know anything any more," I said

"Well, get some rest, and oh yeah, here's a note from Richard" he said

"Richard! I hate him!" I thought to myself

I ignored the note, and turn aside.

"For the 5 days that you've been unconscious, I've been working extra hard to keep up with the work on the field" he said

"What! It's been five days since you found me!!" I sat up

"Yeah, five days" he said, walking out of the room

I quickly checked the note, it read:

Hey, I know by the time you read this; I'll be far away. I just want you to know that you'll always be in my heart. It hurts not only you, but also I. So please forgive me. If we're destined to be, we'll find one another some other day; maybe it's faith that keeps you and I apart. This letter is near its end. I have left something for you at our sanctuary, please treasure it.

Goodbye, My Love.

P.S. I stole something from you to keep it by my side also, Goodye.

I got up, and ran out of my room, and out of the house.

"Where are you going John!" my dad yelled

I ran and ran to Richard's house, but it was empty, nothing. I walked back to our house. On the way back, I remembered that he said he left me something at the tree house. I ran with all my might there. When I got there, I climbed up, and saw a necklace hung from a branch. It was half of a heart, with the Jo carved above the Rich. It also came with a note, it read...

I made this long ago when I still lust for you; I was looking for a perfect chance to give it to you, looked like my chance came, hehe, wondering where the other half is? Well, I want us to always be connected, so this half is yours, and the other half I have, maybe someday, we'll get to connect them. Goodbye.

I collapsed onto my knees, and cried away. The tears were endless. He left without giving me a chance to say good-bye. I hated him! For the next year, there wasn't a day that went by without tears running down my cheeks. Then college came, that changed EVERYTHING.

Comments? Commands? Suggestions? Email vT3c59@hotmail.com Thanks for reading guys, should I write more? Or is this story is shit? Drop by and give me a holer

Next: Chapter 2

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