Temp Job

By ten.wodniwnepona@5791namnarb

Published on Jun 8, 2006



Disclaimer: The following story is a work of gay fiction. If this subject matter is offensive to you or if you are too young to be reading it, please exit now. This story is the property of the author under U.S. copyright laws, and may not be used elsewhere without written consent.

This is the first story I have written in years, so email me if you would like more along this same storyline. Thanks!

brandon@anopenwindow.net -------------------------

It wasn't until the third day on the job that I visited this out of the way bathroom in the rear side of the building. As an employee of one of the city's elite temporary job agencies, I had been in most of the office buildings in the small downtown area. There was the 15 story bank building with the YMCA on the first, second, third and fourth floors where I spent 3 weeks shredding 30-year-old payroll stubs. And then across street was the Johnston Building in which I was tortured while performing data entry gig for 2 months. My hands felt like jello at the finish of each day, but at the end of the stint, I was proficient at both 10-key and dodging management as I took smoke breaks in the back alley. They ended up calling me "Break Away Billy" after all the breaks I seemed to make.

This new building proved to be an interesting assignment though. I was the only temp in the building and was directed to sign visitors in and out of the building. Nothing else was expected of me, or so I thought. As 23-year-old college drop-out, I pretty much was living from pay check to pay check, spending most of my money on cigarettes and beer. Luckily the beer never gave me a belly, and I was as slim as ever. The few times I actually had money to go out to the clubs, I would end up buying a guy some of the cheapest drinks available... but only enough to coax him into my bed later. I hadn't a care in the world! During the day I would be a door man of sorts, and by night I would be drinking and watching out for hot guys to fuck.

On the first day of work, I was directed by Tom, my supervisor, to simply sign in visitors and call up the person they were to meet. All the regular 20 some odd employees had ID badges already, so I didn't have to worry about knowing who was supposed to be in the building and who wasn't. Tom placed me at the front desk, with a clipboard for visitors to sign, and a computer with internet access. He said that since I was a temp, I could peruse around online between visitors. For lunch, I would be relieved for about an hour by a regular employee, and then I would go back to surfing the web and signing in guests. My days of boring data entry and lifeless shredding were now in past. I was keen on this new job and hoped that it wouldn't end.

The first day of work came and went with a mere 5 visitors coming into the building, 4 men and 1 woman. The rest of the day was spent with me listening to music online and chatting with friends. On the second day, Tom showed me around the building and introduced me to a few people. I took note of Trevor, a slim yet built man working in the mail room. His brown eyes and tanned skin caught my immediate attention. I quickly wondered what was under that casual business attire hiding his body. When Tom introduced us, I didn't get a gay vibe so I shrugged him off as eye candy. Good thing I was at the front door so I could watch him come and go! Later on the tour, Tom showed me Jackson, a 40-something salesman that talked a mile a minute about absolutely nothing. Jackson had been the year's top salesperson (as noted by a plaque on his office wall), but it was his son pictured on his desk that caught my eye. I assumed Jackson's son was a little younger than me, and he was fucking hot! I could determine from looking at the desk photo he was an athletic guy, not a lazy ass like me. In the photo, Jackson was holding up a fish I assumed the two of them had caught at one of the nearby lakes. His son was shirtless, tan, and ripped. More eye candy.

By the end of the short tour, I still barely knew what these men and women were selling or making. Once I thought I heard something about designer gifts, but I wasn't sure. And honestly, I didn't care. I didn't plan on staying with the company. They could sell enemas or butt plugs for all I cared. Actually, that kind of product line would have made this place a little interesting. For now it was just another non-descript office in downtown.

When the third day rolled around, I wanted to take a nice long walk for my lunch break, but rain outside put a hamper on that idea. Instead, after my replacement took a seat in my chair I decided to walk around the building and see if I could spot any more hot men. I saw a few sex gods sitting at their desks and chatting on their phones or with each other, but none I had met before. The urge to piss finally directed me to the nearest restroom, in the rear of the building next to the warehouse. As I went to open the door, a cute young man I had not seen before walked out and almost ran into me. I quickly excused myself walked into the bathroom.

There was nothing special about the bathroom. There were some sinks to the left, and three urinals and three stalls on the right. I stepped up to the urinal closest to the stalls and whipped out my cock to its final relief. As I was spraying the blue biscuit, the door opened. I looked over my right shoulder and noticed Trevor, the mail clerk enter the restroom and make a beeline to the last stall. He didn't make eye contact or anything, so I didn't think anything was abnormal. Some guys just don't like to chit-chat while in the men's room.

I finished up, shoved my dick back into my briefs, and zipped up my slacks. I made my way to the sink to wash up. From the mirrors, I could see Trevor's shoes and slacks crumpled on the floor around his ankles as he sat on the toilet. I took off my watch so it wouldn't get wet and stood there a moment washing my hands. I finished up washing and dried my hands under the automatic blow dryer. I figured it was time to head out, so I walked to the door and opened it fully before I realized I forgot my watch at the sink. I let the door close, but as soon as I did I heard the sound of metal rubbing in the bathroom. I was curious where it was coming from, so I silently crept back to the sinks.

From the reflection in the mirror, I could see Trevor's shoes under the stall clearly turn and point towards the outer wall of the bathroom. At first I assumed he was finished was about to pull up his pants, but they remained pushed down to the floor. I could only see from his lower calf down to the floor, but I could plainly view his feet shuffle closer and closer to the wall until his toes were pressing against the based board. His calves began to sway back and forth, as if he was fucking the wall for some reason. I crept forward and knelt down to get a better view, but I could only get close enough to see his lower thighs bucking the wall. It was strange sight and I was mesmerized and curious as to why he would be humping the wall!

Without warning, the door opened. I bolted upright and pretended to be finishing tying my laces. I looked up and noticed my supervisor Tom step up to the middle urinal. He glanced back and told me I needed to get back to my desk to relieve my lunch time replacement. I reluctantly complied, but not before I was able to catch a glimpse of Trevor's shoes firmly placed back in front of the toilet as normal. Tom's presence had betrayed my attempt at voyeurism, and Trevor must have known I was still in the bathroom while he rubbed his body against the wall... or fucked it... or whatever the fuck the was doing in there.

I didn't see Trevor the rest of that day because I ended up leaving the office before he did. The next day, I patiently waited for his arrival at the front desk. I was anxious to get over the awkward glance I was sure to receive from Trevor because I was partly embarrassed, but more aroused than anything. Around 9:30 Trevor waltzed into the office, but I didn't get so much as a nod from him. Maybe he didn't know I was in the bathroom after all! A few minutes later, my intranet messaging service popped up in the screen:

TREVOR: Fucking perv!

I was frozen. He DID know that I was in the bathroom yesterday. I didn't know how to respond, but he beat me to the next IM.

TREVOR: I saw you peaking under the stall you fuck wad! I should report you to the Human Resources Department!

I was still frozen, yet my dick began to harden at the thought of him rubbing the wall the day before.

TREVOR: I know you are there asshole. I see you online you fucking idiot!

I finally got the courage to respond.

BILLY: I'm sorry. I forgot my watch in the bathroom and came back for it. Then I had to tie my laces. I didn't mean to peak

TREVOR: Fuck that shit! I know you were trying to catch a glimpse! So unless you want me to report you, I suggest you meet me in the warehouse at 12:30 sharp! Got it fucker?!

BILLY: No man. It was an accident. I didn't mean to look...

TREVOR: Yeah. Nice try Billy. Tom saw you when he walked in. He just didn't know I was in the stall. It wouldn't take much for me to tell him and HR. Then your ass would be out of here and that nice cushy temp job!

I had to consider it. If he beat me up, I could report him. But I had to see what was up. I couldn't afford to lose this job with the temp agency. It was hard enough making ends meet as it was.

TREVOR: 12:30. Be in the warehouse or else!

BILLY: Fine. I will be there. And I am saving this IM so, you can't bribe me again asshole!

TREVOR: Funny. My best friend works in IT. Good luck in saving it.... LOL. Later fucking perv!

With that he signed off and his buddy icon when dark. The more I thought about it, the more I realized he was right. I was truly fucked if I didn't comply. If I just walked out, he could still file a report with HR, and that would get back to the temp agency. But I couldn't print out or save the IM in order to use it as evidence he was trying to get me in trouble.

The next three hours went by excruciatingly slow. Only one visitor popped into the office, and I didn't have any other work to keep my mind off of the 12:30 deadline that was approaching. I tried to make myself busy by listening to the online radio or writing emails, but I noticed my internet privileges to the outside world were cut off for some reason. I began to wonder if Trevor got his friend to disable my access. The only other thing I could do was watch the clock.

12:30 finally rolled up and I walked to the back of the building to the warehouse. After entering into the area, I walked around a little bit looking for Trevor. I didn't want to call for him or anything, hoping it was all a joke. But when I turned one corner of the maze, I saw Trevor and another man sitting on some boxes laughing. When they got a glimpse of me, Trevor quickly looked at his watch.

"You're late you fucking perv! I said be here at 12:30 sharp, not 12:33! Now get your pansy ass over here so I can teach you a lesson." With that the two of them stood off of the boxes and made their way to me. I just knew I was about to get beaten pretty bad, and there was little I could except defend myself.

"Billy, this is Ethan. He is going to assist me some more with dealing with you. You might have seen his handy work already on the computer," Trevor said with a sly grin. With that the two of them grabbed an arm each and began to not beat me, but lead me down the halls of the warehouse with some force.

"Guys, don't be so rough. I am sure we can come to some understanding. After all, I was just tying my shoelaces. Come on. Please!" I pleaded with the two of them, but they were having no part of my discussion.

We turned down one short corridor that dead-ended at a wall with a door. Ethan pulled some keys out from his slacks and unlocked the door before us. Inside I could see that it was a pretty small room, no larger than a home closet about 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep. The only furniture was a chair facing the opposite wall.

"Ok fucker. You are now going to pay for spying on me. Understand?" Trevor glared at me as he and Ethan pulled me into the dimly lit room. Ethan grabbed my shoulders and guided me into the chair with such force it almost caused me to fall to the floor.

"So what are you two assholes going to do? You think you can leave me in here all day and no one would notice? Tom would get suspicious you know. And my car is still out in the lot." I was trying to be logical with them, but I could tell they were not having any of it.

"Billy boy, you are not going to stay in here all day. You'll be back at the front desk by 1:30, so don't you worry your pretty little face." With that, Trevor turned and exited the room and shut the door with Ethan and I still inside the small space.

"Ethan, come on. You don't need to be dragged into this. Let me go and we'll call it even. OK?"

"Billy, just shut the fuck up and take it like a man. You're not going to get hurt or anything. So sit in the chair, face the wall, and you'll know what to do next. If not, I will help you figure it out." Ethan was a man of few words so far, but even then I couldn't tall what the fuck he was talking about.

"What do you mean, `Face the wall?' There is nothing there except a small hole in the sheetrock covered by metal."

Just then I heard the same metal sound from the day before when Trevor was in the bathroom. It was the same sound that caused me to cross back into the bathroom and peak under the stall. I realized suddenly that this small room was on the opposite wall of the back bathroom! A piercing light came in from the hole and I was close enough I could make out the bathroom in clear detail. Before I knew it, a naked man was standing and stroking his hard cock inches from the hole. I could only assume it was Trevor, as he knew I was on the other side of the wall waiting to be "punished" for my perving the day before.

Ethan knelt down and whispered in my ear, "Say a word and you will be hurt like no one's business. So just open your mouth and take his cock in your mouth like a good cocksucker!"

The excitement welled up inside me. I loved sex with men, and being forced to suck cock was one of my weaknesses. Fortunately Ethan and Trevor didn't know this, or they might have tried something else to pay me back. I had to play my cards right and pretend I wasn't into this... even though my dick was straining in my pants and saying otherwise.

I looked up at Ethan with fake puppy-dog eyes and silently pleaded with him not to make me suck the cock waiting for me on the other side of the wall. Ethan swiftly grabbed the back of my head and shoved it towards the wall. As soon as I had my mouth placed, the man on the other side began to tease my lips with his cock head.

As an experienced cock sucker, I knew how to treat a man wanting head. And it seemed to me at the time that was the perfect time to put that experience to work. I gently licked the piss slit and around the head of the cock with my tongue. Teasing it. Playing with it. I licked under the shaft and begged for the cock to come in further to the hole and into my mouth. It wasn't long before it complied.

I could tell that the cock was a good 9-inches and thick. I began to wonder how much I could actually take. Ethan's hand on the back of my head assured me that I would be taking a lot of it, irregardless. Soon, the cock had popped into my mouth and I could taste the precum oozing out of the slit and onto my tongue as I licked the shaft inside my mouth. Instinctively my hand reached up to caress the balls hanging inside the hole and jack the portion of the cock not being devoured yet by my hot mouth.

The pressure from Ethan's hand on my head lessened, and I rolled my eyes over to see what his attention was now directed towards. His left hand was fishing out his own hardening cock from his slacks. Now I was being treated to a nice sight to my left and a hard cock in my mouth. With my left hand, I reached up to grab Ethan's cock, but he hit it away. He whispered sternly, "No fucker! Suck that cock and keep your eyes forward or else!"

The man didn't want a hand job. Fine by me. I was happy with sucking on the cock through the hole anyway, and what a great cock it was! Itook out of my mouth for a good examination and licked up and down the shaft towards the balls. When I got to the balls, I applied some more spit to them and massaged them with my tongue. I gently popped one in my mouth and heard a soft moan from the other side of the wall. That was the ticket! I licked the ball, spit it out, and then took the other in my mouth for some much needed attention. The musty smell of crotch hair and saliva turned me on even more!

After a few minutes, my mouth was guided back to the cock by Ethan. "Suck him off man. We don't have all day to play!" he whispered to me. I took the direction and decided to go for the gold. I guided the cock back in my mouth, and with the right hand I jack him off with each thrust he was now beginning to make down my throat. My left hand was off teasing his balls and adding more sensation to the experience.

The man began fucking my mouth harder and harder, and Ethan's hand on my head caused me stay still. I ended up gagging a few times, but I was too into it to care. Soon I could hear the man moan a little loader and pound on the wall for me to hear. His balls tightened and I could feel that he was about to cum. Ethan's hand forced me in place, and soon warm cum was squirting down my throat with such force I wondered when the last time this man got off.

And as quickly as it started, it ended. The man pulled his cock back into the bathroom and I saw him shut the metal door. Just then, Trevor walked into the small room where Ethan and I were waiting.

Trevor glared at me with the same sly smile and said "So you fucking perv, I hope you enjoyed that. I didn't know you were such a good cock sucker though. Ethan, it looks like we have a new recruit for our side duties."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah, I sucked the cock `cause I was made too. Ok." I was still trying to pay it off, but I am sure Ethan could tell I liked being the bitch.

Ethan look at me and said, now in a louder and stern voice, "Fucking bitch here tried to grab my cock without me saying he could. Just for that, I am going to cum on his face!"

"Sounds fine by me Ethan. You go at it and I will wait out here."

After Trevor had shut the door, Ethan aimed his dripping cock at me and began to jerk furiously, inches from my face. He manipulated his uncut cock with such finesse I was impressed. The foreskin shifted back and forth creating the erotic friction his cock needed. Soon though, he was moaning a little as his balls began to bounce more and more.

I leaned forward, hoping to get a small taste of the precum emanating from his dick, but he wouldn't have it. Ethan again slapped my head away without missing a beat in his jerking. Before I realized it, he was fucking his hand faster and moaning loader. Cum began to shoot from his shaft rapidly and falling on my face as promised. He then purposefully aimed his cock at my shirt and shot some more down my polo, and smiled.

"We're done bitch. And that stain on your shirt will be a reminder not to fuck with Trevor or me, or we will have to fuck you up. Ok?"

With that he shoved his now half-hard cock back into his shorts and walked out of the room. I was sitting there with cum on my face. Some of it began to drip into my mouth and I took a taste. It was a great taste and I wanted even more! Trevor noticed me licking my lips and laughed as he tossed me a towel, "Yep. I knew we had a cock sucker among us."

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