Tell Me Why

By Rich Henderson

Published on Jan 9, 2000


Tell Me Why part 5 _______________________________ Disclaimer

This story is completely fictional and does not indicate that Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys or any of the Backstreet boys are homosexual. If you are under 18 you should not be reading this story so...dont.

Before I start this story I would like to make an apology. In a previos story I made a big mistake. Vaseline is not a water based substance and would destroy a latex condom. Don't ever do that!

I woke up. He was gone again. No point in looking. I know he'd disappeared. How could I have possibly thought it would work out just like that? I sunk back into the bed and started crying. Damn it. Why the hell did I give him the power again? Why did I let him get to me? Why did he do this to me again? I blacked out.

"Wake up...Wake up, wake up, wake up." It was morning.

Rich - "What? Huh?" I pulled away from the body.

Kevin - "Whats wrong? Are you ok?" It was a dream. It was all a dream. So real though. So real that I still felt the pain of my loss.

Rich - "I'm fine...just had a bad dream." He got closer to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

Kevin - "Wanna tell me about it?"

Rich - "Huh? ok. I dont really remember my dreams." I didn't want him to know I was doughting him. Even if it was just in my subconscious state.

Kevin - "You must remember it if it was bad enough to make you cry." I touched my face. I really was crying. It was so real.

Rich - "I dont want to talk about it."

Kevin - "You can tell me anything...But..if you dont want to..Thats fine." I turned on my side facing him.

Rich - "I'm....I..I dont think I could handle losing you again."

Kevin - "I told you I'm not leaving you. Not ever again. I swear it."

Rich - "Still...I cant...I dont know. I'm just...I feel like I'm dreaming right now. Its like any second I'm going to wake up and see you...But on the tv..or on the radio. And none of this would have ever happened."

Kevin - "I dont know what I can possibly say to convince you that I'm here to stay. I dont even think I deserve all the trust you've already given me. But all I know is...I want this. No thats not right. I..I need this to work just as much as you do."

Rich - "Kevin...Have you dated anyone in the last 5 years?"

Kevin - "....Well..I didn't think I'd ever see you again.."

Rich - "No..I know that. I'm not blaming you for it. Just answer the question."

Kevin - "Yes I have..I have dated other men."

Rich - "Ok. You see..I havn't. Not once. It took me five years to get over you and...Even the day of the concert I was still not completely over you. What I'm trying to say is..I dont want to spend another five years of my life alone by choice. And...If you walk away..if this doesn't work...Thats whats gonna happen."

Kevin - "You mean..You've never even gone on one date?"

Rich - "No. Not without feeling guilty."

Kevin - "Why is that?"

Rich - "I got this..this sick feeling like I was..being unfaithful."

Kevin - "To me?"

Rich - "I dont know why."

Kevin - "I do. We didn't break up the natural way. We broke up still loving each other and not knowing what could of been. Its my fault and I... I dont know where I could possibly begin to make it up to you, but I promise to try my best and do whatever it takes."

Rich - "I believe you.... Hmmm...Anyways...You should call Brian and the guys. They're probably wondering."

Kevin - "I'm sure Bri has told them something."

Rich - "So...What are you doing today?"

Kevin - "We go back on tour in another week. I think we need to spend some time in the recording studio. You have to come though."

Rich - "Huh? I dont want be in the way. This is your job."

Kevin - "You wont be in the way. The guys always bring people with them wherever we go. So...That means I get to bring you to the recording studio and you get to meet Howie and AJ and..I think you already met Nick."

Rich - "Your sure I wont be a 3rd or....I dunno..a 6th wheel?"

Kevin - "I'm sure we have enough room for all your wheels or whatever your talking about."

Rich - "Hmm...Oh alright. I need to get changed." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked to my closet. I grabbed some khakis and a black tshirt. Kevin got up and stretched. I started to change right there.

Kevin - "I'll...Um..Give you some privacy." I blushed. I didn't really think much about covering myself up. I've always been comfortable in the nude. After getting dressed and fixing my hair a bit I walked back over to my closet. I took out another pair of pants and a shirt. I walked back out where Kevin was waiting.

Rich - "You can wear these."

Kevin - "I'm already changed"

Rich - "You wore that yesterday."

Kevin - "Its still clean."

Rich - "Ok, fine. But I must tell you that shirt smells like 'B-O'." He gave me a look then took the clothes out of my hands. He changed in my room and came back out.

Kevin - "Clothes are a lil tight."

Rich - "Well, you're a little taller than me. But I think they look just fine. Then again..anything looks 'fine' on you."

Kevin - "You'd look fine on me." He came over and put his hands on each side of my waist.

Rich - "I'll take your word for it." I kissed his nose and sat back down on the couch. He pulled out his cellular phone and called Brian up.

Kevin - "Hey, its me......I'm at his apartment.....Shut up....No...No we didn't....Thats none of your buisness... Anyways, I wanted to bring him with me to go recording.....Ok....," He looked at me, "Bri wants to talk to you." He reached over and handed me the phone.

Rich - "Hey!"

Brian - "Hey! Hmm, you sound like someone who just got lucky tonight."

Rich - "Come on, shut up about that. So...How'd it go with Nick?"

Brian - "Oh, he was fine. A little scared, but the test results were A-Ok."

Rich - "Thats great to hear."

Brian - "Ya it is. So, your coming with him to recording?"

Rich - "He begged me." Kevin looked up at me with a betrayed facial expression. I poked him in the belly to let him know I was kidding.

Brian - "I'm glad for the two of you. You two belong together."

Rich - "Thanks. Anyways...."

Brian - "Oh, I gotta go now, but I'll look forward to seeing you at the studio!"

Rich - "Bye."

Brian - "Just one thing..."

Rich - "What?"

Brian - "Did you two sleep in the same bed?"

Rich - "Bye Brian."

Brian - "You did? Good for you! Bye." I hung up the phone and handed it back to Kevin.

Kevin - "You wanna have breakfast first?"

Rich - "You dont think you'll be noticed?"

Kevin - "Not at my hotel."

Rich - "Ok. Are we going now?"

Kevin - "Yeah, my car is parked out back." We walked outside of the apartment complex and into the parking lot. He led me over to his BMW.

Rich - "Whoa. Nice car!"

Kevin - "Its a rental." We both got inside. He started the car and pulled out of the driveway. It was pretty cool being under Kevins control at the wheel.

Rich - "Do you still have that old jeep?"

Kevin - "No, I got rid of it. It had too many memories. Especially of that night." He was feeling bad again. I put my arm around his shoulder and massaged his neck. It felt good to comfort him. Thats because I love him. After about thirty minutes more of driving we arrived at his hotel.

Rich - "Whoa. You guys sure know how to pamper yourselves."

Kevin - "Well, we make the big money."

Rich - "I dont think there's any room in this car for me and your ego."

Kevin - "Hmmm....Get out then."

Rich - "Excuse me?"

Kevin - "We're here." I didn't even notice we were already parked. I walked up with him past the entrance and into the elevator.

Rich - "How much time to we have?"

Kevin - "Well....I guess in maybe 1 or 2 hours we'll meet up with the guys and head over to the studio."

Rich - "Oh, they're not gonna eat with us?"

Kevin - "I want you all to myself babe."

Rich - "Your so sweet."

Kevin - "Like candy."

Rich - "Can I have a taste?" The elevator door opened.

"Hey you guys!" Nick was standing right by the elevator door with Brian next to him.

Kevin - "What are you two doing here?"

Brian - "We saw you coming in through the window."

Nick - "So...First, Second, or did you guys just slide all the way into home?" Brian pushed him.

Kevin - "Ugh. See what I have to put up with?"

Rich - "I think they're funny."

Kevin - "At first. drives your patience after a while. Anyways," He turned to Brian, "Where are the rest of the guys?"

Nick - "Howies in his room masturbating or something and AJ didn't come back since yesterday."

"You wish I was masturbating you lil homo." Howie appeared out of nowhere. I felt uncomfortable.

Kevin - "Dont worry about him. He's a nice guy, he's just a little rude when he's joking around."

Howie - "Oh hey, you must be Richard. Your even hotter than in the pictures Kevin keeps of you all over his room." Kevin gave him a look.

Brian - "He doesn't really think your hot. He wishes he was gay."

Howie - "Ya I do. Its been my lifelong dream."

Nick - "Your such a dork."

Howie - "You know you want me blondey."

Kevin - "Ok....Anyways.." He grabbed my arm and started pulling me away from them. He was just as embarrased of his friends as I was of mine. I followed him to his room. The lights were already on. A guy who was sitting on Kevins bed got up.

"Kevin. I still love you. We belong together." Kevins jaw dropped.

Rich - "Umm....I'll leave you two alone for a bit."

Kevin - "No! Richard wait. I can explain." The guy walked over to us.

"Who is this guy Kevin?"

Kevin - "Travis just..stop...this is my boyfriend Rich."

Travis - "Boyfriend? No. Thats me. I'm your boyfriend." He turned to me. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

Rich - "I...I think I should just leave now." I turned around but Kevin grabbed my arm.

Kevin - "Please. He's just someone I fooled around with. Please don't go Rich. I only love you."

Travis - "SHUT UP! You dont mean any of that. That fag is just brainwashing you!"

Kevin - "Get the fuck out of here Travis and dont you dare talk to him like that."

Travis - "I'll talk to him any which way I want to. He's garbage." He looked at me briefly before punching me in the mouth. I slammed against the tv causing it to fall and explode. I let myself down so that I was sitting with my back leaning against the wall. I saw Kevin grab him and shove him to the floor. Brian, Nick, and Howie walked in.

Nick - "What the hell is going on in here?"

Brian - "Are you ok Rich?" He walked over to me and knelt down. I just looked away. I was understandably in a bad mood. Travis got up and headed for the door. He stopped and turned around.

Travis - "If you think I'm just going to stand aside and let you take my man your wro--" Nick slammed the door in his face.

Rich - "I think I just want to go home now."

Kevin - "Rich please...He's not connected to me in any way."

Rich - "I know..But..I just..I feel like sitting down for a while."

Kevin - "You can stay here. I'll stay with you."

Rich - "No, its fine. You have recording to do."

Kevin - "I can just stay late tommorow."

Brian - "Common guys. Lets leave them alone." Howie and Nick walked out the door. Brian put his hand on my shoulder and then joined them. I got up.

Kevin - "So....I'll order breakfast?"

Rich - "I find myself not so hungry now." I sat down on the leather couch. Kevin came over to me with a wet cloth. He turned my head toward him and started wiping the small amount of blood around my mouth. I didn't really mind so I let him.

Kevin - "Do you need ice or anything? Does it hurt a lot?"

Rich - "I'm ok. Relax." I put my head on his shoulder.

Kevin - "I'm so sorry about that."

Rich - "Who was that guy?"

Kevin - "He's just someone I got mixed up with. I.. I liked him as a friend, but he kept coming on to me. I just, one day...I gave in and we..we hooked up for a while. But I dont want anything to do with him. He has this bad temper and he's not considerate..and..he doesn't compare to you."

Rich - "I guess I can see where he's coming from."

Kevin - "What do you mean? He's just an asshole."

Rich - "I would be too if I lost you to somebody else."

Kevin - "Yah...but he was an asshole before then. Anyways..Lets change the subject....I'm gonna call room service and order the food now."

Rich - "I told you I wasn't hungry."

Kevin - "You'll eat. The food here is fantastic."

Rich - "If you say so." He called up and ordered the food. A few minutes later someone knocked on the door. I got up, but Kevin pushed me back down.

Kevin - "Your my guest." He walked over to the door and opened it. A man stormed in. I got up thinking it was Travis. No. It was AJ.

AJ - "Kevin, what the fuck did you do to Travis?" He was standing face to face with Kevin.

Kevin - "I didn't do anything to him. He broke in here and started shit."

AJ - "He didn't break in."

Kevin - "Dont tell me you let that ass in here?"

AJ - "That 'ass' is my best friend. How can you be that way to him? He really likes you and you like him."

Kevin - "Just because he's your friend doesn't mean I have to date him."

AJ - "He says you and your one night fling attacked him."

Rich - "You know what? I dont need all this crap." I pushed past AJ and out the door. The room service lady was standing outside. "I dont think they'll be needing that food."

Kevin - "Rich wait. Why do you keep trying to leave? I didn't do anything wrong."

Rich - "I know that. Its just... I feel.. I feel like I'm just making everything go bad for you. None of this would have happened if--"

Kevin - "Dont you dare say that. This isn't at all your fault. If its anyones, its mine."

Rich - "How is this your fault?"

Kevin - "I should have...."

Rich - "Should have nothing Kevin. Just let me go. I need time to relax."

Kevin - "Please dont leave me Richy." He reached out and held both my hands with his.

Rich - "I'm not leaving you babe. I dont know whats wrong with me."

Kevin - "Nothings wrong with you. Your perfect." I looked into his eyes.

Rich - "Thanks for being here Kevin."

Kevin - "What do you mean?"

Rich - "Nothing. I'm just thankful that your here and making my life a better one to live."

Kevin - "You dont have to thank me. Seeing you and being able to touch you and..I love you so much." I pulled him into a hug. This is my life. This is how its going to be. With him. I knew this love was going to be forever.

Rich - "I love you more."


Ok. Thanks for reading again. I'm still new at making story lines so...If its not too interesting all I can say is it can only get better. :) Comments would be appreciated if you want at .

Next: Chapter 6

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