Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts

By ku.oc.xmg@tulsyobevals

Published on Jul 25, 2022


Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts 2

Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts- Part 2 (M/T, Anal, Auth, BD, SM)
by slaveboyslut@gmx.co.uk

This story depicts sex between an adult man and a teenage boy of legal age. If you can’t tell fantasy from reality please leave now. If it is not legal to read material of this nature in your jurisdiction please leave now. Linguistic note: throughout these stories the word ‘boy’ is used for a submissive male of legal age.

‘I wasn’t sure you would turn up’ I told Charlie as the teenager stood nervously on my doorstep at the appointed time a week later.

‘Well …ummm… what you did to me really hurt!!’ he said in an accusatory tone ‘…but then I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and whenever I thought about it I’d get all… you know… stiff [Charlie blushed profusely]... so I thought I should maybe try it again’ he mumbled, face a shade of crimson. Even months later when I had trained Charlie’s body to lap up all sorts of perverted stimulation he would still blush when forced to talk about sex.

‘But PLEASE can you be a bit more gentle this time’ he continued.

‘If you want to pay off your debt then you play by my rules, Charlie. You know that. And how did I tell you to address me?’

‘Sir, sorry Sir’ he replied with downcast eyes.

‘Good boy. Now let’s get started on the next stage of your training’.

I ushered the compliant boy down the basement stairs and along to the hidden door to my training room. This large underground space was one of the main reasons I bought the house, it was perfect for my needs. As he entered the room Charlie stopped in his tracks and looked around with saucer-wide eyes. I guess the sight would be intimidating for a naïve young boy; I have spent a lot of money converting this basement room into a state-of-the-art slut training facility. In the centre of the space are a leather sling and gymnast’s horse, on the far wall a St Andrews cross, on the left a large metal cage and on the right is my piss training area with a urinal attached to a hose. Metal racks hold every kind of dildo, restraint and torture device an ambitious top could dream of and on the walls are images of some of my boys in the most depraved situations imaginable; photography is a hobby of mine.

'Do you want to change your mind, Charlie?' I asked him.

Charlie was probably wondering what the hell he had got himself into but like a true slut he shook his head and obeyed my instructions without question as I told him to strip. Charlie pulled off his t-shirt and shorts, he had gone commando this time I noticed. Inevitably his cock was hard, pointing upwards in that urgent way so typical of horny teenagers. I inspected his slim boyish body, so ripe for the taking and so willing to be used.

Charlie was wrong if he thought I had treated him roughly on our first meeting. Yes, I had fucked him hard but that was for his own good and I had repressed my more sadistic instincts. For the second step in his training I was going to teach Charlie that being my slut involved pain as well as pleasure. I pushed him down onto the horse and buckled the leather cuffs around his wrists and ankles. Charlie gave the wrist restraints an exploratory pull, confirming that he really was firmly secured and utterly helpless. The first time in bondage is a big moment in any slutboy’s training as he realises that the top has total control over his body. Charlie watched me with an anxious expression as I walked over to the rack which held the whips, tawses and canes. I inspected the options, settling on a thin and whippy birch cane, ideal for teaching a new slut the pleasure of pain. As I moved behind him and inspected my target Charlie craned his neck to watch me.

Charlie’s bum is his finest feature: two tight and perfectly symmetrical orbs of creamy pale hairless flesh with a tight pink pucker nestling between them. Every boyfucker’s dream!… and it would soon look even better striped red and leaking my cum.

I raised my arm and brought the cane whistling down on Charlie’s flesh. I hadn’t struck hard but the cane made an impressive thwacking noise as it impacted on his cheeks. The boy screamed out in pain and surprise.

‘I am going to beat you now Charlie. I am not beating you because you deserve it; I am beating you because I enjoy it. I enjoy seeing you in pain. You need to show me some respect so you will count the strokes and thank me after each one. I am going to give you ten strokes but if you forget to thank me or you miscount or I hear any other noise out of your mouth other than ‘thank you Sir’ I will start again and double that number. Is that clear?’

‘Yes, Sir’ said Charlie, mutedly.

I brought the cane down again on the boy’s bum in a hard blow. I could see Charlie fighting his natural desire to shout out and after a moment’s hesitation he stammered ‘One, thank you Sir’. Good slut.

Another blow.

‘Two, thank you Sir’ Charlie was breathing in deep gulps.

Another blow.

‘Three, thank you Sir’. Already there was a nice pattern of parallel red lines developing on his bum.

Another blow. I was starting to increase the force now.

This time there was a long hesitation before a mumbled ‘Four, thank you Sir’.

Another blow.

A gasping ‘Five, thank you Sir’.

Another blow.

Charlie was taking short deep breaths and it was several moments before he managed to splutter out ‘Six, thank you Sir’.

Another blow, this time using all my power.

‘Arghh! Sir! Please sir!! I can’t take it! Please stop!’ he cried.

Too bad. Charlie needed to learn that it was up to me to decide what he could and couldn’t take; I couldn’t care less what he thought. Walking across to one of the racks I pulled down a ballgag. As I shoved the ball into Charlie’s mouth and tightly fastened the strap he tried to say something like ‘Please surghh’ before the gag cut off his ability to speak and he was reduced to incoherently mumbling around the rubber ball filling his mouth. That was better. Rules were rules so I started again, doubled my target to 20 and got back to work. I alternated left and right handed strokes to leave an even pattern of stripes across his buttocks. Charlie threw back his head and tried to shout with every blow but I heard little through the gag.  I reached 20 and then gave him one final whack for luck, this one the hardest of all. Charlie’s body jerked convulsively from the unexpected blow on his already tender flesh. My cock twitched in response… fuck, this was fun! Charlie’s pretty bum was a mess of red, inflamed skin.

After the beating I decided that it was time to get rid of Charlie’s body hair. Unshackling the trembling boy from the horse I picked him up and placed him on the sling, Charlie was too out of it to resist as I secured him spread-eagled and exposed for my use. I like to have my boys shaved for three reasons. I like the appearance of a smooth hairless slut; with a boy like Charlie it really emphasises the young and innocent look. That doesn’t mean that I want my sluts to look like children, I like the contrast of hairless skin with an adult body. Secondly, it makes them easier to keep clean, no more trying to wash cum out of their hair. Finally, and most importantly, it puts a boy in his place: a shaved slut is manifestly not a man, he is just there to satisfy the desires of real, hairy, men. Charlie didn’t have much body hair to begin with but I was going to remove what little he had. Working slowly and carefully with soap, hot water and a cut-throat razor I began to shear Charlie from his legs to the tiny fine downy hairs on his chest, paying particular attention to the area around his cock and balls. The gagged boy looked on helplessly as I marked him as my slut. When I was done the only hair he had left on his body was his eyebrows and choirboy blonde ringlets. As I finished work I thought for a moment about how he was going to look in the showers at school with no pubic hair and cane marks across his bum. Maybe one of his teachers or fellow students would spot him for what he was and give him a good slutboy fucking! I finished the task by rubbing baby oil into his skin; it would help prevent any shaving rash and would also serve an extra ulterior purpose which Charlie would discover in due course.

Admiring my handiwork it was back to the task of slut training; I decided that Charlie needed to experience some more types of pain. I went over to the racks and returned with nipple clamps, a pinwheel and blindfold. Sensitive nipples are often something which develops over time. Many teenagers feel surprisingly little pain or pleasure from having their nipples played with but fortunately Charlie was different. As I applied the steel clamps to each of his pert pink nipples and steadily tightened the screws the boy squirmed and wriggled, grimacing with discomfort. I gave the chain a tug and was rewarded by a gag-muffled moan. The pinwheel was a new purchase, a special import from The Netherlands, an evil little device with a wheel of sharp points which hurt like hell but aren’t (quite) sharp enough to pierce the skin as the wheel is rolled across the body. I slipped the blindfold over Charlie’s head to emphasise the l experience. I rolled the wheel across Charlie’s lissom torso, moving from spot to spot so he was never quite sure where the pain was going to arrive. Charlie squirmed and let out a sequence of moans. Hurting Charlie was so much fun!

From another of the racks I grabbed three large candles and a cigarette lighter which I used to light them. Hot wax may be an old-fashioned instrument in the sadist’s toolkit but I have found it difficult to beat: the pain it causes is short-lived but very intense and the act has a drama which seems to heighten the slut’s experience. There is also something about the time it takes for the candles to get hot and drippy: the slut knows what is coming but is unable to do anything about it. I took advantage of these minutes of waiting to admire the form of the beautiful bound boy in front of me, his flat stomach rising and falling with short nervous breaths, his cock very hard and dribbling precum. All boys need training but Charlie was as close to being a natural slut as I have ever encountered. What normal teenager would be painfully aroused by being hurt and humiliated by an older man? As the candles accumulated deep pools of wax I started my work at the boy’s stomach, dripping a dribble of wax into his belly button. Charlie convulsed, tugging against his restraints and cried out into the gag. My cock gave a twitch. I moved on to his nipples, coating each clamped bud of flesh with a cap of hot wax; Charlie’s reaction was even more intense, lifting his back off the sling as he jerked around. I worked steadily across Charlie’s body. The oil I had smeared him with was doing its job of conducting the heat from the wax straight down into his skin as Charlie moaned and writhed. Every movement fed my sadistic desires; hurting this boy was seriously turning me on. Finally I turned my attention to his cock. With one hand I held the shaft upright while with the other I poured the hot wax straight on to the end of his urethra. Charlie’s response was impressive; throwing his body this way and that in a paroxysm of pain, his chest heaving.

At that point I was overtaken by my own raw lust. I had intended to torment Charlie some more (would it be the dildos or maybe some electro?) but my cock couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to fuck him! As Charlie’s convulsions began to die away I moved my shaft to his hole and drove in. Charlie may no longer have been a virgin but his hole was still very tight and unlubed. His body shuddered as I rammed in until my hairy balls were resting against his glowing red arse cheeks. As Charlie squealed into the gag I began to fuck him hard. Once I had set a rhythm the sling and Charlie’s bodyweight did much of the work, swinging back and embedding the boy’s hole on my cock. Charlie let out a series of rhythmic muffled moans in time as each swing impaled his body on my thick eight inches. I was sweating profusely and Charlie must have been getting the full benefit of a dominant man’s scent as I worked on him.  Leaning forward I pulled the gag from Charlie’s face.

‘Ahh! Please fuck me Sir! It feels so good!’ he gasped, finally embracing his slutboy nature.

‘I knew you were a slut as soon as I saw you!’

‘Oh, yes! I love being your slutboy Sir! Please fuck me hard!’ I was already hammering him hard but redoubled my efforts. ‘I need your cock inside me! I need your cum inside me!’

‘Tell me how it feels to have my cock inside you!’ I panted.

‘It feels soo good! I love getting fucked! I love the way you fuck me!’

Without me even touching his cock Charlie shot his load.

I have seen this happen before: the pain-fuelled adrenalin rush is very powerful in a new boy just learning to recognise his slutish nature. Charlie was capable of shooting an impressive load and ropes of cum plastered his boyish chest. Charlie’s hole squeezed my shaft tightly as he came but I wasn’t ready yet and kept on ploughing him.

After they cum, sluts lose those endorphins which have kept them primed and horny through the previous abuse. Their body feels every ounce of the pain I deliver while their mind is leaving that sex-filled high and beginning to fully appreciate that a much older man is shoving his cock into them. It is at this stage that you can tell the true sluts from the everyday bottoms. I kept ploughing Charlie’s hole, the motion of the sling sending Charlie’s pool of cum spreading across his chest and dripping on to the floor.

‘Oh yeah, you’ve got such a tight little slut hole! I could fuck it all day!’

Charlie’s dick had gone soft after his orgasm and his brow furrowed but as I continued the energetic fuck he began to regain his erection, a sure sign of a genuine slut. Grabbing the nipple chain, I tugged hard. Charlie’s face was contorted and his dick hard once again.

‘Look how pain turns you on! You were born to be a slutboy!’

A few quick strokes from me and he came for a second time. This time I was ready and as Charlie added more cum to the pool on his stomach I buried my cock in his battered boyhole and filled his body with my load.

‘Fuck!! Take my cum boy!’

My orgasm was powerful and the release intense.

The cum spurted from my cock and coated the boy’s bowels. I must have injected a pint of cum into Charlie’s guts. Fuck that was good! This slut was something really special!

Later that evening after I had sent Charlie waddling home with cum dripping from his bruised hole my thoughts turned to the next stage in his slutboy education. Should I teach him about some of the other special tools in my training room? Maybe it was time to introduce him to some of my other sluts? Maybe I was being selfish keeping a perfect slutboy like him to myself… should I perhaps share him around? Perhaps I should show him something special, something even more depraved? So many possibilities!

I hope you enjoyed the story. I am still very new at this game so welcome feedback and suggestions.  Do you like these characters? What would you like to see happen next? What do you look for in a good story? Your feedback keeps me writing! If you enjoyed this one please check out my other stories [Tommy Becomes Mr Johnson’s New Teenage Slutboy series and From Sir with Depravity] and help support the archive.

Next: Chapter 3

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