Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts

By ku.oc.xmg@tulsyobevals

Published on Jul 23, 2017


Teenage Slutboy Repays His Debts- Part 1 (M/T, Anal, Oral, Auth, BD)

This story depicts sex between an adult man and a teenager of legal age. This story is intended for the enjoyment of adults who can tell the difference between the real world and online fantasy. If it is not legal to read material of this nature in your jurisdiction please leave now.


The boy moaned as I pushed another two inches of cock into his hole; even after all this time his ring was still unbelievably tight. Grabbing his cuffed wrists I pulled him towards me, my dick steadily disappearing between his smooth pale cheeks. As I bottomed out inside him he arched his back and moaned 'fuck me please sir! I really need it tonight!'. It hadn't always been like this but I was glad that he was finally learning to accept his role. I began to plough him with deep long thrusts.

Neither of us had expected things to turn out as they did. I hadn't been looking for a new boy to train. I guess he wasn't expecting to find himself the personal slutboy of a man almost three times his age. Shit happens. It had all begun a couple of months ago. It was a normal sort of day, a Wednesday morning, the usual drive to work, bad traffic and I was stuck at the lights. My thoughts about the big meeting that afternoon were interrupted by an unpleasant crunching sound. I looked around and saw my wing mirror smashed and dangling, only held to the rest of the car by a few cables. Those fucking schoolkids! The junction was close to the local high school and teenagers were always tearing past the stationary traffic on their bikes, this was bound to happen eventually. I pulled in to the side of the road and got out to inspect the damage, the culprit had stopped a little further up the road but my attention was focussed on the car. The mirror and the casing were smashed and the metal was buckled where the mirror met the door, it didn't look good.

'I'm sooo sorry!' the boy stuttered.

Looking over the first thing which caught my attention was his hair: golden blonde ringlets which hung down past his ears, the kind of style you might expect on a young child but rarely see on an older teenager. His skin was flawless and his lips full and pink and pouting, trembling slightly with nerves. He was breathing deeply and sweat was sticking his school shirt to his skin, highlighting his naturally toned teenage body. There was no getting away from it, this was one beautiful boy. He was young, 18 as I later found out, but he could have passed for younger. I don't usually go for them so young, I prefer it when they have had more time to work out what they want and come begging me for it... but with Charlie I had no choice. I knew that if I didn't take him somebody else surely would.

'I'm really so sorry! I'll pay for it, I promise!' he said as I continued my inspection of the mangled damage. He would indeed pay, but probably not in the way he was expecting.

I stood up and turned to look him in the face, he blushed and lowered his eyes. At that moment I knew for sure he was a slut, even if he didn't know it himself.

'We'll sort this out' I replied in a reassuring tone.

The boy looked nervous as hell. I'm a big tall guy and work out daily so lots of people find me physically intimidating. Charlie must have been well aware that if I'd wanted to vent my annoyance with my fists a skinny little thing like him wasn't going to stand much of a chance.

'I'm really sorry!' he repeated again. Fuck, he was cute.

'It's OK, these things happen. I'll take the car in to a garage and get a quote. Why don't you come to my house after school and we will sort out how you are going to pay for it'.

'Umm... sure, no problem' he replied. I guess he was feeling relieved that I wasn't going to beat him up, but beginning to think that this was going to be an expensive mistake. I gave him my address, took his name ('Charlie Andrews') and address (a crappy neighbourhood nearby) and sent him on his way to school. As Charlie cycled off I adjusted my growing hard-on as I admired his cute little butt encased in far-too-tight school trousers and thought about how it would feel wrapped around my cock.

Through the day I was distracted by the memory of this angelic boy and thoughts of how I was going to corrupt him. I dropped the car at the garage at lunchtime and they managed to fix the damage later that day. It turned out to be pretty expensive, but I could easily afford it. As I drove home I thought about what the evening would hold. I guessed that this one would be easy... Charlie was clearly a slut; I just needed to give him the opportunity to learn what I already knew.

Charlie knocked on the door at the agreed time and as I ushered him into the house I was relieved to see that he was every bit as cute as I had remembered. As I beckoned him into the lounge he looked around clearly impressed, I'm a successful guy and like to have nice things.

'Well Charlie, the damage turned out to be pretty bad, it needed a whole new door so the total cost came to £1000' Charlie looked crestfallen.

'I guess you don't have that much money?' I asked him and he nodded shyly in respose. 'OK, well in that case I guess you will have to work off the debt. I have various household jobs you can do. The alternative is that I call my lawyer and we take this through the courts'.

'Umm... yeah, I guess I can do some work, no problem'.

'OK, I think I had better call your parents and discuss this, I don't want them getting the wrong idea'... or the right idea as it would turn out! Picking up the phone I called his Mom and explained the accident and how Charlie had agreed to make it up to me. She seemed pathetically grateful that I wasn't making her pay for the damage- I guessed they didn't have much money. She probably wouldn't have been so grateful had she known that I intended to bury my big buttfucker dick up her teenage son's virgin arse at the earliest possible opportunity.

I set the boy to work straight away. That evening I had him mowing my lawn, painting the fence and cleaning the kitchen. The sight of Charlie hot and sweaty only increased my desire for him. We chatted a bit and he began to relax around me but I made it clear that he was there to work. I had deliberately left some gay magazines around the house to put into his head the idea that there might be an alternative to all this hard work. `Did you remember to clean the skirting boards, Charlie?' I asked as he finished vacuuming the house. As I intended Charlie got down on his hands and knees to wipe the boards giving me a perfect view of his pert round ass cheeks clasped in the tight fabric of his trousers. This boy had an ass built for fucking! My cock was rock hard and it was all I could do to prevent myself raping him then and there on the lounge floor.

As he got to his feet I saw Charlie's eyes flit to my crotch, his ears turned pink as he noticed the unmistakeable tent of my large cock pressing on the fabric of my trousers. As he looked up to face me he blushed even more, wondering whether I had noticed his peeping.

'OK Charlie, I think that is enough for tonight. So, that's three hours work at the minimum wage for a guy your age makes it £12 you have earned so you have already reduced the debt to £988'.

Charlie looked dejected, all that work for just £12.

'Isn't there erm.... anything I could do to pay it off quicker...?' he asked, eyes flitting back to my crotch.

'What did you have in mind Charlie?'

'Ummm... like maybe ....sex stuff?' said Charlie, his face turning bright red. Bingo! Sluts are so predictable! Charlie was going to be my slutboy like it or not... I just didn't expect it to be quite so easy.

'OK then Charlie, maybe we can reach a different arrangement. Here's the deal. I like to train boys like you to satisfy my sexual desires. You are a very cute boy and I want to train you as my slutboy. If you agree you will serve me sexually and do everything I ask. In return I guarantee that you won't suffer any permanent harm and for each night that you spend with me I will remove £200 from your debt. Once the debt is paid off you will be free to go.' I could see him doing the mental arithmetic: five nights and he would be free, how bad could five nights be? surely better than more than several months of hard manual labour ...right?

'Umm... so five nights and then we are even?' Charlie didn't know that after those five nights I would have trained him so well that he would happily pay me for the privilege of being fucked by me.

'That's right Charlie, five nights and then, if you wish, you will never hear from me again'.

'Hmm.. well I guess that'd be better than doing all this cleaning. OK, I'll do it'.

'Well if you're going to be my boy Charlie you are going to have to get out of those clothes- I want you naked at all times when you are around here'.

Looking a little hesitant and blushing deeply Charlie began to strip off. As he undid his school shirt he exposed his perfect teen body to my predatory gaze: smooth creamy skin, a lithe teenage physique and perky pink nipples. Tufts of golden blonde under each armpit were the only hair to be seen between waist and neck. As he pulled down his pants his cock popped free, five inches long and hard already, as I knew it would be. He stood in front of me, eyes downcast and trying to hide his excitement between clasped hands.

I dropped my pants and let Charlie see his new master. My cock is my best asset: eight inches long, very thick and always hard as a rock. My usual pussyboys beg to have it buried in their throats and holes, soon enough Charlie would too. If anything Charlie blushed even more as he looked at my meat; I guessed it might have been the first proper man's cock he'd seen in his young life. Over the next few weeks he was going to get to know every vein of it intimately.

I pulled Charlie towards me and pushed his face into my armpit, telling him to lick. There's nothing like the smell of a dominant man to get a slutboy fired up and ready for fucking, it must be the pheromones. Charlie didn't seem very keen on the idea at first but stuck out his tongue, made a few exploratory licks and soon got into it and began to give me a pretty decent tongue bath. After a few minutes I moved him to the other pit, I hadn't showered so Charlie was getting the full benefit of an assertive man's scent. The boy's arousal was obvious from the state of his dick which twitched and dribbled long ropes of precum as Charlie buried his face in my pit hair with increasing enthusiasm.

Placing my hands on Charlie's shoulders I pushed the boy to his knees, my cock right in front of him. Charlie's eyes were wide and fixed on my dick. There can have been no doubt in his mind about what was going to happen next. Sure enough, I grabbed him by the back of his head and forced the head of my cock in to his mouth.

`Suck my cock, slut' I commanded.

Hesitantly he began to explore my dick with his mouth. I almost came right there as I looked down at this gorgeous boy who would look so innocent were it not for my fat mancock embedded between his pink lips. He began to bob his head on my cockhead; I guess he'd seen porn so at least knew what a blowjob should look like.

I was enjoying Charlie's tentative experiments with sucking cock but I knew that he needed to really feel his first sexual encounter with a dominant man. Grabbing hold of those delectable blonde locks I pulled him hard on to my cock.

`Take it deep!'

Charlie coughed and gagged as my thick cock hit the back of his throat.

`You better get used to this! Now you are my slutboy sucking my cock is going to be one of your most important tasks!'

His throat muscles spasming around my shaft felt incredible.

`That's it! Choke on my cock!'

Holding his head in both hands I began to fuck my cock into Charlie's mouth. Without prompting he began to use his tongue to titillate my cockhead on each thrust out. This kid really was a natural!

`Fuck, you love this you slut!'

Pounding the mouth of this young slutboy was an incredible feeling. I had long ceased caring what Charlie might think about being used: my only concern was to shoot my load. I was brutal in my use of his mouth, pummelling him violently as Charlie spluttered and moaned and tried to escape my grip.

`Ahhh! You slut!'

I'm a big cummer and my orgasms are always intense. As the waves of pleasure hit I pulled back and let loose four huge shots of cum across Charlie's face. Fuck, that was incredible!

I looked down at my cum trailing across Charlie's face and matted in his blonde choirboy locks. He was trying to look up at me but a rope of cum was gluing his left eye closed. Smiling, I pulled him to his feet and licked up the rope of cum. Opening his eyes Charlie smiled back at me as my cum dribbled down his face and dripped off his chin. The sight of this cute blonde twink plastered in cum and grinning for more would surely be enough to turn the most heterosexual of men into a buttfucking gay top! As I pondered my good fortune I pulled Charlie to me and kissed him deeply, possessing him with my tongue.

I guess at that point Charlie may have thought we were finished for the night but I have a remarkable ability to keep a hard-on; my cock was still rigid and I was ready to go again. There was no way Charlie was going home without a load of my cum in his bowels! Bending him over the arm of the sofa I prepared to fuck him.

Some tops think that when fucking a new boy for the first time it is best to treat him gently and let him get used to the penetration. Over many years of experience I have learned that is precisely the wrong thing to do. Subs crave the feeling of being dominated, they need to feel used, they want to be taken. Sure, being fucked for the first time is going to hurt, especially if the boy is young and the top has a cock as large as mine. However that pain is transient, it is the feeling of being taken by a real man which your boy will remember and which will have him running back to you, desperate for more. Charlie may have been a young and inexperienced boy but he was going to get fucked like a man.

Charlie looked back at me nervously. Getting fucked for the first time is a big moment in any slutboy's life and Charlie knew just how large my cock was having had it buried in his throat moments earlier. He had good reason to be nervous.

'Aren't you going to wear a condom?' he stuttered. I'm very careful with sex and have regular tests but virgin Charlie was no threat to me and I wasn't going to miss the opportunity to fuck this tight hole bareback. Besides, Charlie needed to know that it wasn't him calling the shots.

'I always fuck my boys bareback and if you want to pay off that debt you are going to take it like a man! You can still change your mind and do the cleaning?' I replied. Predictably Charlie shook his head and let me continue.

I pulled apart Charlie's peachy cheeks and inspected the pucker between them, the boy's tiny pink hole winked back up at me. Damn, I was looking forward to this! Scooping up some of my cum I pushed a finger into Charlie's hole- I have found that cum makes the best lube and I always have a copious supply. The boy let out a gasp. Slowly I ran my cock up and down the boy's cum-smeared crack, letting him get used to the idea of what was about to happen, then, placing my glistening purple head against his hole, I pressed in. The boy's hole resisted fiercely but I was going to take what was mine and increased the pressure until those delicate pink lips separated and accepted me into his body. Charlie cried out, trying to wriggle away but I had him held firmly.

'Oh god! Take it out! I can't do this!' he cried, but I knew better, it's amazing what a young boy's hole can accept.

I pushed with firm constant pressure until my dick was buried to the root, my hairy balls resting against the boy's smooth cheeks.

Charlie flailed underneath me, moaning and crying out in a shuddering voice 'Please, I'll do anything, just take it out!!'. Ignoring him I began to fuck, taking long deep strokes.

Such a tight boypussy! The feeling was incredible. I'd pull out until only the tip of my dick remained inside and then power back in, impaling him deeply. Charlie was moaning and squirming underneath me but there was no chance he was going to escape.

`How does it feel to get fucked for the first time boy?'

`It hurts so much! Please stop! PLEASE! I can't take it!'

Fuck, I love when they fight it! I love that feeling of power and control, I love that it's my cock causing those groans. I began to speed up my thrusts, pushing in deeper and harder. I looked down, admiring the view- his head with those blonde curls thrown back in pain and pleasure, those narrow hips and my thick veined cock, out of all proportion to the tight little butt it was fucking.

With every thrust Charlie let out helpless moans. His hole gripped me like a vice, his ring squeezing my shaft tightly as I penetrated him. Every thrust took an effort as Charlie's arse tried to grip and hold me. Fuck! I wasn't going to last long like this.

I flipped Charlie over on to his back on the sofa and pulled his legs up against my chest. Charlie may have been fighting and groaning but his cock looked like it was enjoying the treatment: painfully hard and gushing precum.

I moved my cock back to the boy's hole and pushed in my full length in one thrust. Charlie screamed and I could see tears in his eyes but I knew he would thank me for this. His tight hole felt incredible on my shaft... well at least one of us was enjoying this! I began to fuck him with short hard strokes, jamming my cock into his young body with all the force I could muster.

`Take it slut! Take my cock!'

My balls made a wet slapping noise with every thrust as they hit the boy's round arse and Charlie groaned and cried out. I could feel my orgasm building and knew that any moment now I was going to shoot a man-sized load up this slutboy's butt. Charlie's dick was dribbling so much precum that there was a shinny puddle spreading across his flat stomach. Reaching down I began to wank his pert cock. The boy must have already been teetering on the edge because after no more than two strokes he cried 'Fuck!!!' and shot his load. Jets of creamy boycum splattered across his chest with some even reaching his hair where it mingled with my own load. As he came Charlie's tight hole spasmed and gripped me even tighter. That was enough to send me over and I buried my dick balls deep as I shot deep inside the teenager's body, filling his guts with my sperm. My orgasm was intense as ever and I collapsed on top of Charlie, breathing deeply. Fuck that was good!

I was aroused from my post-coital stupor by Charlie's tongue at my mouth. I looked down at this beautiful boy and returned the kiss.

Breaking the kiss Charlie grinned up and me and asked 'can we do it again?'.

I thought to myself, yeah, training this slut is going to be a lot of fun!


If you enjoyed this story please check-out my other stories and help support the archive. Feedback is very welcome. This is my first attempt writing a story from the top's perspective- I'd be interested to know whether you think it works. I might continue this story, what would you like to see happen to Charlie next?

Next: Chapter 2

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