Teenage Life of Jake Mcguire

By theteenagelife

Published on Nov 8, 2005


Hello to all those out in niftyland. I'm a long-time reader, first time writer. This is in fact the first story of this genre I have ever attempted.

The story is loosely based off my own teenage experiences, while characters are based off real people, all names have been changed for privacy reasons. This story is erotic in demeanor, if you believe such writing would offend you, please cease reading from this point on.

Copyright 2005 TheTeenageLife

Please do not host, print, or publish this work without my permission.

With that all out of the way, please enjoy!


The Teenage Life of Jake McGuire - Age 13 - Part 2


With the exception of discovering his birthday present in the bathroom earlier, Jake McGuire became truly excited for the first time the entire day. It was 7pm on the evening of his 13th birthday, and the chime of a doorbell rang throughout his house, announcing his first sleepover guest's arrival. The overweight, high-energy teen bounded down the stairs from his dining room into the living room. He quickly rushed to the front door and saw one of his few good friends standing there with his mother pulling out of the McGuire family driveway.

Addison stood a smidge shorter than Jake at 5'1". His dark brown hair brought out his big, puppylike brown eyes as it dangled down by his ear lobes. Addi, as Jake called him, smiled a sincere smile and made his way through the front door, tugging along his backpack and sleeping bag. While Addi was somewhat a popular kid, him and Jake got along ever since they met on the first day of 6th grade. They had their first two classes together, and had something in common; Addi was on the chubby side as well. Over the summer Addi got into hanging with a cooler crowd, shed the weight, and now often had girls hanging over him. It was a peculiar circumstance as it seemed all the ladies were looking for a maturing young man, but Addi's best feature was the boyish charm he brought to the table. Jake figured Addi considered him a pity friend, but he'd take all he could get.

Initial greetings aside, Jake ushered his friend into the basement where they would be spending their evening. "Just toss your sleeping bag over there," Jake pointed to the corner where his was laying, "there's plenty of chips and Dew for whenever."

Addison abliged by heaving his bright blue sleeping bag into the corner, and plopping his backpack on the ground in front of him. He quickly unzipped it and revealed a small green-and-red wrapped gift and presented it to Jake. "Here ya go man! Happy birthday!"

Jake gave a look of "you didn't have to get me anything", but tore off the paper before Addi could take it back. It's not like Jake didn't want anything, it's that he didn't want his friends to feel it necessary, because, who really likes a greedy person? At any rate, Jake now stood holding the Armageddon DVD. A movie he had seen with Addi the previous year. "Sweet man! Thanks! Seriously... awesome!"

Jake was terrible at accepting things, and Addison knew it. He just smiled and exclaimed, "I figured we could pop it in and watch it tonight, so yeah."

As Jake nodded his approval, the doorbell rang once more. This time, Addison in tow, Jake ran up the steps to open the front door. Bryan was standing at the door, and Brent was walking up his driveway. Addi ran outside to help Brent with his sleeping bag, as the two were friends from elementary school. Jake let Bryan inside and greeted him accordingly.

Bryan and Jake had known each other since the third grade. However, they never really became friends until the fifth. Bryan was never really popular, but he was always surrounded by a group of friends. Which, technically made him popular, but no one considered him to be one of the "cool kids." They were both choir nerds, after all. Bryan and Jake shared the same bluish-green eyes, and also stood around the same height. While Jake had finally reformed to spiking his hair up in the front, Bryan had been sporting the look all of last year, and continued on with the trend. Besides basic facial features, their only other difference was their build. Bryan was bulky, yes, but it was a built-bulky. He was quite the athlete, specializing in baseball and football. The built boy ran his hands through his gelled up brown hair to loosen it up a bit, and made himself at home, going down the stairs to the basement and flopping on a couch.

Addison and Brent were approaching the front door when the McGuire family car pulled into the driveway. Jake was not in the mood to talk to his father at this point, so he pulled both his friends inside and dragged them downstairs. Addi and Bryan didn't know each other that well, so while they went through their formailties, Jake showed Brent where to toss his stuff.

While Bryan had spent many evenings at the McGuire residence, Brent and Jake had just gotten to know each other this year. They met through Addison, and just randomly started hanging out at school. This was the first time either had been in each other's house, so Jake tried his hardest to break the awkwardness right away. He went to grip the hand of the suntanned boy in greeting. Brent was about 5'4", had dark brown hair parted down the middle of his scalp, and was average on the bulk side of things. He had a somewhat dramatic mentality, thanks in part to his interest in drama; another thing the two had bonded over. It appeared Brent had just gotten back from a summer vacation, but Jake was told it always seemed that way. He was just dark skinned, something that struck Jake funny, but nothing worth thinking about.

Addi and Bryan had moved from the family room into the basement area in where Jake's TV was set up. Jake was the weirdo loner with a broad range of interests, Addi was the cool kid who partied all the time, Bryan was the athlete with a killer voice, and Brent was the drama nerd. How they all managed to be in the same place in one night was unexplainable. How they would all get along and enjoy the same thing for that one night seemed impossible. But what twelve or thirteen year old boy did not like video games? Jake opened up his two new controllers, plugged them in to his Nintendo 64, and the four were quickly having a great time playing Goldeneye 007, the game of choice for just about anybody.

The night continued to be a little awkward, as the four boys were still trying to feel out the group situation. Luckily, about an hour into their gaming session, one of the other loves of twelve and thirteen year old boys walked through the front door: pepperoni pizza. The TV and Nintendo 64 were quickly turned off as they rushed up the stairs to get a slice or two. The four boys returned with full plates and full glasses of Mountain Dew. Rather than go back to playing games, Jake and Bryan grabbed one couch, while Addi and Brent grabbed the other. They turned on the family room TV, and popped in the Armageddon DVD. As little as movies let you interact with the people you're watching them with, by the time the movie was over, any stand-offish air had quickly been whisked away.

"My ass hurts," Addi piped out, "I've been sitting too long!" His sincere look of anguish got all the guys laughing.

Bryan stood up and announced, "Well, it's not even eleven o'clock yet! Let's go play some basketball!" The rest of the group looked quite confused.

"You do realize," Brent began, "it's pitch black outside, and all of us just sat for like three hours."

"And?" Bryan was quick to reply.

Brent looked taken aback. "Did I mention it's pitch black outside?"

Bryan just rolled his eyes, and started to hop up the back stairs where Jake kept his basketball. Addi shrugged at Brent, and followed the built boy up the stairs. Brent looked at Jake with pleading eyes, obviously not in the mood to shoot some hoops. Jake felt the same as Brent, not only did Jake not want to make a fool of himself, but he was also quite worried they'd make enough racket to get his parents pissed off. However, he didn't want to interject and counteract what his friends wanted to do.

"This is seriously retarded." Brent bluntly announced.

Jake decided he would try and convince Brent to do something not even he wanted to do, just to keep the group together. "Ugh. Let's just go play with them, and then we'll pick what to do next."

"Well I'm kind of tired anyway." Brent replied.

Jake frowned. "Well I'm not gonna let this get messed up... have you checked out my pool yet?" Up until this point, Jake had totally forgot the point of having people over at his house in the first place, as opposed to going bowling or something. His pool. The reason he had as many friends as he did.

Brent lit up for the first time the entire evening. "You have a POOL?! Cripes man! Addi didn't tell me, and you've never mentioned it before. That's sweet as hell!"

Jake began to fill with pride as he had something someone else wanted. That didn't really happen all that often, but Jake thought he'd milk the feeling as long as it lasted. "Yeah dude, it's pretty huge, got a diving board and slide. I had my parents heat it for the last few days so it was warm enough to go out... even though it's like fifty degrees out... the water should be like eighty."

Brent looked genuinely excited, "So how about you and me check it out then? Let them play basketball or whatever."

Jake thought it over, but really wanted the group to stay together. He had secretly hoped that the four of them would somehow become good friends and Jake would finally have a 'group' to always hang out with. Participating in seperate activities would not help that situation. "Would you really mind playing basketball for like half an hour first? The pool would feel a lot better if we relaxed in it after running around. Besides, we just spent the last three hours sitting around."

Brent sighed into submission, and went to grab his tennis shoes. Jake followed, but not before double checking that his TVs were off. The two walked outside to see Addi and Bryan just starting up a one-on-one game, figuring the other two wouldn't be joining them. Bryan told Jake to get on his team, seeing as how one of them was quite athletically inclined, and the other was not. That paired up Addi and Brent. The game went as one would expect it to. Addi and Bryan were playing hard, while Brent and Jake just kind of stood and watched. Their game of 21 was tied at 15-15, and this caused even Jake and Brent to get serious about it. Addi was sweating profously, while he had shed his body fat, he still wasn't in the best of shape.

Brent noticed this, and began to remove his own shirt. "Just play shirts and skins, man."

Addi looked horrified. Jake wasn't sure if it was because it really was about fifty degrees out, or because Addi still wasn't comfortable with this body. "Are you crazy?!" Addi shouted.

"What's the matter man? We're all gonna go swimming soon anyhow. Scared your nipples are gonna get hard or something?"

The last comment Brent made sent the whole group into a nervous chuckle. While all boys kidded around and made fun of each others' bodies, since they were all undergoing changes; the group still didn't know each other that well. Continuing this line of discussion would open a whole new can of worms.

There was no turning back when Bryan snapped back with a comment of his own. "I don't think he's worried about his nips getting hard, I think he's more worried about your dick!"

Addi and Jake howled with laughter, Bryan looked pleased with himself, and Brent looked like he was going to strike back, but decided to let it go in light of getting the game going. Addi submissed into tossing his shirt on the front steps, next to Brent's.

The game continued on, with Bryan working hard to get to the hoop in the McGuire family driveway, only to pass it to Jake, who quickly botched one easy shot after another. Frustration was arising, but Jake always made up for it on defense. That's the one thing Jake was good at; getting in people's faces, playing some great defense. With that style of play, however, he often had to rub up against one of his oppenents. This was never an issue before today. Until now, when two of his friends' shirts were off, he had let his shower incident recess into the part of his mind where he puts things to forget them. Being forced to bump into these two fairly attractive guys had Jake feeling quite awkward and nervous. Thing is, Brendan's imagined image was not in his mind anymore, he just couldn't get Addi and Brent out of his head. It was probably because they -were- standing right in front of him. But he wasn't quite thinking of them as basketball opponents. It's not like Jake was transfixed, he just continued to worry about what had transpired in his shower earlier that day, and how he was more interested in a boy's body than a girl's. Jake tried to get the thoughts out of his head, dumbing them down to jealousy, but he knew that's not all it was.

The game came to a head as Addi laid in the final basket, clinching the win for his team, 21-19. Bryan, probably more talented than the other three combined, seemed pissed, but more at himself than at Jake. Jake still felt beyond terrible, but let it pass as he announced that it was time to go swimming. Addi and Bryan went to follow Jake inside to grab their trunks, but Brent stopped them.

"Like I said, Jake, I didn't know you had a pool, so I didn't bring a suit or anything." Brent didn't sound disappointed, more curious than anything. "So like... is it cool if I just go in my boxers?"

The three boys did not have a problem with it. Bryan actually found it to be an extremely good idea. "I'm too tired to go up any stairs anyway, I'll just go in mine too."

Addi and Jake looked at each other with faces of minor horror. This confirmed Jake's original belief that Addi was still not comfortable with his body. It's not like Jake was either, but, he felt a strong need to fit in, and just shrugged at Addi. Jake made his way in to follow Bryan and Brent, while Addison just shook his head at the sky above. He eventually made his way through the garage and into the backyard. Since he already had his shirt off, Addi just removed his shoes, socks, and jeans... and dove in before anyone could get a good look. Bryan was quite proud of the way he looked, so he made sure to strut all the way around the outside of the pool. He playfully flexed before he backflipped off the diving board and made a loud splash. Jake looked down at Brent, who was already swimming laps, getting used to the change in temperature. Jake was down to his boxers and shirt... and was fighting with himself if he should remove his final piece of clothing or not. Jake was so uncomfortable, he even wore a shirt while swimming in gym class at school. But there were girls there. Here he was just with his friends, and it was nearly midnight, pitch black. No one could see to make fun of him. Jake sighed a nervous sigh and removed it, letting his flab hang over the band of his boxers. He cannonballed into the deep end, and swam to where his three friends had congregated.

The boys bicycle-kicked as they attempted to come up with a gameplan for how they should use their pool time. After a few minutes of undecisiveness, Jake just started splashing them, attempting to fit in as an initiator of mischief. He was unsuccessful in gaining attention as the other boys just ignored him. Jake dove underwater to hide his frown, and when he came back up, it appeared his friends decided they were going to play truth or dare. Jake was not quite comfortable with this, because his afternoon was still on his mind, but he abliged, thinking he was already on thin ice as far as friendship went.

The game started out with the generic "who do you like?" type questions. The third and final love of twelve and thirteen year old boys. Video games, pizza, and now girls, had finally been realized. Brent was obviously the most bold of the group, because after a few sissy dares, he finally told Addi to do a piledriver off the diving board; naked. Addi looked appalled.

"Uhh... no thanks." he said quite nervously.

Brent shot out, "Come on man! What are you worried about?"

"I guess I'm just not down for playing if this is how it's gonna be." Addi pronounced this as he began swimming for the ladder to get out of the pool.

Bryan even attempted to get Addi going. "Oh come on dude, seriously! Just do it."

Addison stubbornly shook his head, grabbed his towel, and noisily made his way back inside. Jake quizzically looked at Bryan and Brent. The game had been ruined, Jake felt guilty, but knew he shouldn't. The three boys hit each other with water noodles for a bit, but soon lost interest. They eventually made their way out of the pool, and gloomily wrapped themselves up in their towels. Bryan walked in first, and when he was out of ear shot, Brent pointed out the fact that you could easily make out his own package through his boxers. Jake figured it was a gay test of some sort, that so many other boys at school tried to play on everyone else. Jake made sure not look down, called Brent a gay, and turned to walk in... but not before sneaking a peak.

Jake walked in to find Bryan sitting with his shirt on, and towel around his waist, playing some more Goldeneye. He had moved the Nintendo 64 out from the main area, and into the family room. Jake silently asked what was up, when Bryan nodded into the 'playroom'. Jake looked in to find Addi curled up in his sleeping bag, fast asleep. He sighed a depressed sigh, thinking he had failed everybody and no one would want to be his friend anymore. He turned around, sat on the opposite couch of Bryan, not looking at him.

"WELL WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?!" Brent yelled as he walked in. Jake froze, knowing his parents would kill him either the next morning, or totally embarass him and walk down the stairs right that second.

Bryan uttered "oh God." under his breath, as the all-of-a-sudden excited Brent noisily clambored down the steps and made his appearance at the bottom of the staircase... completely naked.

Jake immediately looked away and shuddered. Bryan never really took notice, keeping his attention focused on the TV. "This is supposed to be a PARTY!" Brent continued to keep his voice raised, and began to whip his towel around his head. The boy had suddenly become quite comfortable with himself.

Jake finally brought himself to look back. Not that he didn't want to, he just didn't want it to seem like he wanted to. No, wait, he didn't want to look back. What was he thinking? Oh yes he did. He wanted to get a better look. No! He wanted to tell Brent to shut the hell up. Jake turned around on the couch and whisper-shouted "Will you shut up? My parents are gonna freak!"

He was right the first time he looked. Brent had a little bit longer penis than him, but what caught Jake's eyes was the thickness. He suddenly felt inferior, yet caught up once again with having another boy's body part stuck in his mind. He was awoken out of his trance by Brent walking over to him and Bryan, wearing a towel, and asking "So what's up with Addison? Is he masturbating or something?"

Bryan immediately laughed, Jake did a bad job of hiding his confusion. "Master whatting?" Jake thought to himself. Bryan and Brent caught the look on his face, however, which set them into another stint of laughter.

Bryan explained that Addi had been asleep when he walked in, and tossed a controller to both Jake and Brent. They enjoyed the game for a little bit, and by the time they were dry, Brent brought up the idea of truth or dare again. "So whaddya say guys? No sissing out?"

"I guess." Bryan said somewhat unenthusiastically.

Jake was somewhat excited with his answer. "Yeah, sounds good!" He had to find out what 'master baiting' meant. He hated being an only child and not knowing what was going on.

This game, things turned bold right away. The first question was one from Bryan to Jake. "So we all know that you want Rachel Barrington. But if you had to kiss one -guy- at school, who would it be?"

Jake and Brent's eyes widened immediately. Jake also flushed, because an answer had immediately come to his head. He attempted to ask pissed off, grossed out, and like he was struggling for an answer. But he eventually piped out "Brendan O'Neil."

Bryan chuckled, and Brent just smiled, amused at the perdicament Jake had been put in. Jake's life seemed to flash before his eyes. He didn't know what to think, he just felt weird. He felt like his "friends" were just trying to make him look as stupid as possible. He felt disgusted.

The game continued on, Jake made sure he got both of them back for the torture he had been put through. Strangely enough, it didn't seem nearly as earth-shattering when his -friends- announced the guys -they- would bang. Brent, continuing to be the bold one, accepted the first dare. Bryan told him to go 'teabag' the sound-asleep Addison in the other room. While Jake was still oblivious to even this, he figured out what "teabagging" meant fairly quickly. Brent went and did his business, to the amusement of the other two boys. And fired "Okay, Jake, truth or dare." right at the birthday boy.

"Well, I'm not a sissy, so dare!" Jake snapped back, still trying to come off as cool.

Brent smiled, almost in victory. While he had only known Jake a short time, it seemed he already knew how to push his buttons. "I dare you to play the rest of the game naked."

Jake's heart stopped beating for a split second. He immediately started talking down to himself about how stupid he was for getting involved in such a stupid game. He figured that he could strip down and make a fool of himself, or be a sissy and be ridiculed. He started to remove his shirt as he decided that at least if he made a fool of himself, it was self-imposed. The pudgy boy sat on the couch, cross-legged, trying his best to not expose what he believed to be his smaller penis. His cheeks did not stop blushing the rest of the night.

Everyone eventually wound up naked by the end of it all, they had devulged the majority of their secrets, and they all felt quite close afterwards. Jake did have the smaller penis of the three. Brent's was about the same length, but noticably thicker. While Bryan found himself forced to bone-up his four and a half incher before the night was over. Jake admitted thinking about a guy sexually, Brent admitted to "messing around" with a guy before, and Bryan owned up to being curious about it all. But before it went further than they wanted, the boys slipped back into their now-dry boxers, and got into their respective sleeping bags just as sunlight attempted to peak through the horizon. While the others drifted off to sleep, Jake drifted into deep thought.

"I knew turning thirteen would put me through some changes. But seriously. 12 hours ago I was thinking about Rachel Barrington in the nude, and I just got done watching Bryan stroke himself in front of a naked Brent and a naked me! It's just so stupid. I'm sure it's normal for guys to do that. Not that I would know. I'm just sure that it's some way of proving how manly you are. Yeah, that's it. I wonder what it would have been like to touch--err--Rachel Barrington, Rachel Barrington, Rachel Barrington, Rachel Barrington..." the confused teen eventually fell under slumber's spell.

Over breakfast, the boys made little eye contact and no mention of what had happend the previous night. Addi could kind of tell that something was up, but he figured he would deal with it at a later time. He knew Brent had messed around with a guy before, and he didn't want to become guy #2, which is where the night was heading. Addi just held his head up, being a good Christian, not being a part of whatever the other three were, just hours ago.

Jake thanked his guests for coming over, and thanked Brent and Bryan for the gifts they left for him, which he never bothered opening. The minute the door closed of his final friend leaving, Deanna was ready to pounce.

"Okay! So where should I start?! The yelling?! The mess you made?! Keeping us up all night?!" his mother screeched.

Jake barely paid attentioned, needing to get to the computer downstairs. "I'm sorry about the yelling, we just got excited over the game. The mess will be cleaned up before we go out, I promise! And tell Dad that I don't want him to come to dinner with us."

He knew just how to play his cards. Throwing the 'Dad' line in there would ease his mother off of him for an hour or two. And he -really- needed to get down to the computer. Deanna managed a "It better be clean!" before Jake shut the door behind him.

He quickly logged online, went to his preferred search engine. And typed in "how-to masterbait." The boy eventually came across his desired results, and learned that what Brent had been referring to earlier was something Jake -apparently- was already partaking in. While he was only using two fingers and a thumb, he learned the correct techniques soon enough. He kept one eye on the door handle at all times, and the other eye on all the pictures he was looking at. Guys with really hairy balls, and huge dicks. Jake was not turned on in the least, but, strangely enough, they didn't bother him. After an hour or so of practicing "jacking off" he felt confident enough to go up to his room and try it out for real. He closed his door, and jammed his clothes-hamper in front of it so no one could walk in. The boy dropped his dirty jeans and boxers, and peered down at his 4" erection. He wrapped his entire hand around it, and began to move it up and down, giving him the feeling that his dick was moving in and out of a hole. The initial feeling wasn't doing much for him, but a few minutes into it, he started to get the buzzing feeling in his stomach again. Jake quickly thought back to the website and how it suggested that one cradle his balls while masturbating to improve the feeling. Jake reached down for his nuts, and began to play with them a bit. The buzzing continued to become stronger, and he laid back on his bed. He kept thinking about making out with Rachel Barrington the entire time, and the buzzing continued to grow. Jake became quite excited, as he could feel he was almost on the brink of the feeling he had experienced just the previous day. His cirumcised foreskin still managed to rub up and down over his head, giving the young teen a feeling of ecstacy. Jake's mind began to wander, and just as he was about to have an 'orgasm' as the website called the feeling, thoughts of the previous night ran into his head. He thought about Brent and Bryan's penises, he saw Bryan stroking his own, and imagined Bryan was in his bedroom with him, jacking right along side him. The taboo-like imagery brought Jake over the edge, and his body began to twitch like mad. He wrestled around for a bit, and when the feeling finally subsided, he looked at his penis to find white ooze dribbling out of it.

"SWEET!" Jake yelled, way too loudly. The chubby boy quickly wiped himself off with a kleenex and pulled up his pants before his parents would come to check on him. He pulled the hamper out of the door, and walked into the kitchen, making sure no one actually heard him. He was so immensely pleased with himself. He had "cum"! He "came"! Jake smiled for the remainder of the day, even while he was cleaining up the basement.

He had recieved the best gift of his birthday the day after. He learned how to make himself feel incredible. Something he would find himself using quite often.

As Jake rode in the backseat, while his father drove him and his mother out to his favorite restauarant, he couldn't even find himself being able to get mad at the fact that his dad insisted on coming along. He just sat in silence and thought to himself, "man, what a birthday."

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