Teenage Life of Jake Mcguire

By theteenagelife

Published on Oct 29, 2005


Hello to all those out in Niftyland. I'm a long-time reader, first time writer. This is in fact the first story of this genre I have ever attempted.

The story is loosely based off my own teenage experiences, while characters are based off real people, all names have been changed for privacy reasons. This story is erotic in demeanor, if you believe such writing would offend you, please cease reading from this point on.

Copyright 2005 TheTeenageLife Please do not host, print, or publish this work without my permission.

With that all out of the way, please enjoy!


The Teenage Life of Jake McGuire - Age 13 - Part 1


An alarm went off, a boy cringed, a stomach rumbled. The alarm's blare eventually subsided. The newly-turned teenage boy stretched awake in his bed. The rumbling stomach was not hungry, but nervous.

The first day of being a teenager for Jake McGuire would have preferably been tomorrow. He scratched his ash blonde hair in a tired misery. He rolled out of his torn-apart bed, double checking the alarm was in fact turned off. The 5'2" overweight boy scratched at his ballsack, still not used to wearing boxer shorts. Boxers were a must after being teased for wearing tighty-whities the previous school year in the locker room. Clamboring around his small, yet content room, attempting to gather up his school books and papers, Jake eyed himself in his mirror. He sighed. He had hoped he would magically turn into one of the "hot guys" overnight. But alas, his belly bulge still protruded his night shirt over his rubber-ducky boxers. Jake slung his empty-feeling backpack (it was still the first month of the school year, so he had not yet been pounded with books) over his shoulder, and went out to get some breakfast.

He was greeted by his plump, short-raven-haired mother pouring milk over his cereal on the dining room table. She hugged, kissed, congratulated, and sang to her newly-turned teenager as he rolled his eyes in misguided embarrasment. Jake knew his mother loved him, she was just really fucking annoying. He often wished for a brother or sister just so she didn't always pay attention to him. It was only that she just tried too hard, but you can't really fault someone for that. However, he did sometimes place the blame of being chubby on her. Jake always claimed it didn't bother him, and it really didn't. He just wished he looked different so girls would find him attractive and actually be more than just his "friend." He was the perfect example of a great personality with a horrible body, and that always landed you in the "friend" category in middle school. Jake, however, felt if he blamed his mom, he wouldn't feel so bad about it. After all, she was extremely overweight, and is the one that fed him cookies and pop his whole life. Then again, he's the one that always ate them.

Jake, still only partially awake, devoured his cereal, humoring his mother. The empty chair at the table was more than noticable. "So, Mom," Jake began to ask through spoonfuls, "where's Dad this morning?" He already knew the answer. He was awoken at about 2AM to his drunk father coming home and getting in another argument with his mom. They had just recently finally made the move to sleeping in seperate rooms. He knew they didn't love each other, he did ever since he was a little kid and saw how his friends' parents interacted with each other. He knew they were trying to stay together for him, but he secretly wished they would just get a divorce, his life would be so much easier.

"Well, honey, your father came home late last night, I'm sure he'll be up before you leave though." His mother dimly smiled at him, and went back to eating her own cereal just to momentarily squelch conversation. When she looked back up, she went into normal birthday jabbering. "So, do you feel any older?!"--"Hmm... stand up, let's see if you grew any!"--"You're growing up too fast!" All of which was replied to with a roll of the eye, or an unwilling groan.

Jake got up, thanked his mother, and hopped in the shower. As painstakingly annoying his mother was, she did have a way to make him feel special on his birthday. He hoped that he would maybe get a few hugs from some ladies at school since it was in fact, his birthday. He had wondered why he felt so miserable about turning 13. It was a birthday everyone else looked forward to. He was already quite mature for his age regardless, but he felt that turning 13 brought along extra -social- responsibilities. Jake had to act like a teenager. He was much more comfortable with just hanging out with one of his few friends and playing video games. However, he loved playing with the idea of being hot, popular, partying all the time, finally getting his first kiss... but as he began drying off, and looking at himself in the mirror, he was reminded why it wouldn't be so.

Jake went and picked out the clothes that would make him look the best on his birthday, and didn't give his looks a second thought the rest of the day. It's not like Jake was obsessed with how he looked, if he was, he would do something about it. He really didn't care. It was just much more blatant today of all days, because he was a teenager now and really wanted a girlfriend. Hormones are still hormones. He didn't need a jacket, even though living in Minnesota meant being cold more often than not. He walked out his front door, telling his mother he loved her, not thinking about how he still didn't see his father that morning.

On his way to school, he felt more and more happy and special. You always feel special on your birthday. Jake walked into his school, quietly placed his notebooks in his locker, and headed off to his first class. His locker was not decorated, no one greeted him with a train of hugs. It was what he expected, but he still felt let down.

The school day dragged on like any other. Jake McGuire was a smart kid. A very smart kid. It's actually why he couldn't stand the droning day at Pepperidge Middle School. He constantly felt held back by the kids who were not as smart as him, and by the kids who just goofed off all the time. If Jake had his wish, he'd go to school for two hours, get the same stuff accomplished, and go home for the rest of the day. But that was just wishful thinking for this nerdy young teen. As was assuming his friends would approach him about the evening's festivities. Jake had invited the few close friends he had for a sleepover this evening. Jake always seemed to have to take control of everything he found himself a part of, he could rarely count on others. He double checked with everyone that they would in fact be coming over. They all at least managed to wish him a good birthday after confirming their arrival time.

The school day was finally coming to a close, but Jake had to talk to his choir teacher before he could walk home. After he received the most genuine birthday wish he had all day, Jake began heading for the school front doors. Along the way he ran into the girl he found himself daydreaming about in science class. They did in fact share a table, she did in fact give him the time of day, and he was in fact her "friend". Rachel, a beautifully developing blonde that stood about 5'3" was chatting in the hallway with Brendan, who apparently was her boyfriend. Brendan was an attractive guy, Jake often wished he could look like him. He'd love to have his pure blonde hair and tanned body. No wonder Rachel was going out with him. Brendan was on speaking terms with Jake, and he nodded his head in greeting, "Hey, what's up?"

Jake, somewhat startled that someone would initiate a conversation with him while talking to his girlfriend, walked past them, glancing in their general direction and declared, "Nothing much..." Rachel giggled and they went back to their smoochy talk.

It's not that Jake was trying to be rude, he just didn't understand it. He figured they were just being nice, not -really- wanting to talk to him. Jake, hands in his pocket, whistling a tune only he knew, made his way home. As depressed as he seemed on the outside, Jake really was a happy-go-lucky kid. He didn't quite understand it himself, so he didn't think about it too much. He knew he was happy, nothing particular in his life really made him happy, he was just happy all around. That's the only explanation he, or anybody else ever needed. He woke up tired and grouchy, his mother annoyed him, his father didn't even stir around to wish him a birthday. His school day sucked like always, no one went out of their way to make his day special, and his lack of self-confidence with the way people thought about him shone brightly just minutes ago, as he worried about being made fun of for actually thinking Rachel and Brendan wanted to talk to him.

As he briskly walked home in excitement for it being Friday, and for his sleepover later that evening, Jake began to think more about his encounter with Rachel and Brendan. If he had to pick one person to be stuck on with a desert island for the rest of his life, at this moment in time he would have picked the lovely Rachel. She was quite attractive, and actually seemed genuinely kind to him. He supposed his feelings constituted a crush. The first he'd had since Alexandria Reinholdt in the third grade. The thought made him smile. Just as any budding pubescent, he began to picture her with a little less clothing, just to amuse himself for the remainder of his walk. Along with that picture came the thought of her doing something sexual. Not that Jake knew anything about sex; past what it was at its' scientific core. Health class was not until next semester, and being an only child, he had no older brother or sister to pervert his young mind. He wasn't even picturing the beautiful blonde doing anything with him, Jake just wanted to think about her doing -something-. The image of her and Brendan came into Jake's head. He had just seen them both together. He drew up a scene in his head and closed his eyes. Rachel, mildly pale skinned with loose curls going down to her uncovered, near-grapefruit sized breasts, was pushing up against Brendan right in the middle of the school hallway. She pushed her lips upon his, and shoved him right up against the wall in some conjured up animalistic lust.

A male bicyclist coming towards Jake on the path had to swerve out of the entranced teen's way. Jake was startled and opened his eyes for the first time in nearly a minute. He coughed out an apology and blushed shamefully as if the man could have seen what he was thinking. Jake made sure to keep his head up and not think about much other than the song that just happend to be stuck in his head for the rest of the way home.

When he arrived home, he found his driveway and garage empty, obviously meaning his father found it in him to get his ass to work that afternoon. His mom was a substitute school teacher, and they could only afford one car. So by the time she got home, his dad was ready to leave. A convienient way to not have to see each other. She took the day off, however, to prepare the house for her son's birthday.

Jake made a purposefully noisy entrance to his backyard, where his mother was floating along in their huge swimming pool. At the time they moved into this house, they were quite loaded, but his mother stopped working due to some issues at work which she never discussed with him. She found it in her to go back to school to get her teacher's degree, and now only being a substitute, she didn't work every day. They barely scraped by each month, but living in this house was worth it. It wasn't -royal- by any means, but it was bigger than some, and the real draw was the large pool he was now gazing into. It was late September, the Minnesota air wasn't quite cold yet, but it was still chilly. They had left the heater on in the pool for three days straight to get it warm enough so Jake's friends could enjoy it. The pool was not only where Jake could escape to, but it was also a draw for his friends in the neighborhood. He knew he would not be friends with some of the people he was if it wasn't for the pool in his backyard.

His mother stirred off of her float when her son burst through the door. "Welcome home honey! How was school? Did anyone do anything special for your birthday?"

Jake shrugged annoyingly. His mother was so proud of how smart he was, yet she was clueless to the fact that being intelligent didn't lead to popularity. While not wanting to seem drab, he replied. "Yeah, quite a few people wished me a happy birthday." He had to look down while saying this. While he was not lying, he was somewhat bending the truth. "Is everything all set up for tonight?" Jake questioned.

His mother, Deanna, swam up to the edge of the pool in her unforgiving one-piece blue swimsuit. "Well, I got your sleeping bag and extra pillows out." She turned fakely serious for a moment. "You'll still have to clean up the bathroom a bit. I was pooped after cleaning up the rest of the basement."

Jake sighed to himself, and walked into his house through the garage entrance. He didn't understand his mother sometimes. He knew she wasn't in the best of shape, but the whole reason she took the day off was so she could get the entire basement ready for his gathering that evening. Jake lived upstairs at the end of the hall across from his mother, and one room down from his father. His dad and him shared the same bathroom, as Deanna had one of her own as part of her room. The rest of the top floor of the house was taken up by the kitchen and dining area. The only time anyone spent up there was when they were sleeping, eating, or using the bathroom. Jake walked upstairs to his room, and plopped his backpack down. He contemplated taking a nap so he could stay up extra late that evening, but he decided his adrenaline would be enough. He walked down the stairs to the main floor, which consisted of an all-white living room and entrance to the main door. Going down one more set of stairs landed him in the basement, where everyone's time was really spent. First there was the family room, where the bigger TV was, along with two couches and various other seating arrangements. Walking through that room you could get to... well, Jake didn't quite know what to call the room he was standing in. When he was younger it was his "playroom", but now he was a teenager, teens didn't have "playrooms". All that aside, this is where him and his friends would spend the evening. He dragged his sleeping bag along the thin, blue carpet towards the edge of the room. He eyed the basement bathroom with a deep loathing. He really didn't want to do any work on his birthday, but, in the end it was all for his friends.

As Jake opened the bathroom door his mood immediately turned from disgust to jubilance. Sitting in the middle of the recently cleaned bathroom was a birthday card and two new Nintendo 64 controllers. Jake's only worry for the evening had been how him and three of his friends would delegate who got to play video games at what time. And there was sitting two new controllers, so all four of them could play at the same time. As happy as he was, he also felt somewhat guilty that he walked off on his mother before. That guilt mixed with playful annoyance at what Deanna had done for him, and how she did it. He left his birthday present right where he found it, ran back upstairs, changed into his blue and black tropical swimsuit, and ran outside.

The chill in the air gave him goosebumps all over, but he knew the pool would be warm. His mom was still lounging around, so he ran right up the edge and cannonballed in.

"Jake!!! You little--" his mom bellowed after getting a wave of water splashed her way. Jake's short, ash blonde hair (more brown now that it was all wet) found a way to get in his eyes as he giggled joyfully at his mother's overt reaction. Deanna's face turned playfully mean as she began to "hunt" down her son in the pool. "I'm gonna get you for that one!" she howled.

Jake spent the next half an hour amusing him and his mother just the same. As often as she annoyed him, just like everyone else's parents annoyed them, she was still the one person he was most comfortable around. He never talked to her about anything going on with his personal life, but when he was in his mother's presence, he didn't feel obligated to act any one way. She often tried pressing to get him to open up, but that just annoyed him. He just enjoyed being able to be himself without worrying how he would come across. In fact, she was the only person he would swim with without wearing a shirt over his plump frame. Feeling content that he spent a reasonable amount of time with his mother on his birthday, he got out of the pool, and went to go take a shower before his friends would be coming over.

Jake picked out his birthday party wardrobe, and hopped into his birthday suit as he got into the shower. The water sprayed warmer than normal, due to the chilly air hitting him before he could run inside fast enough. Jake just leaned back and relaxed as the warm water hit him all over his body. He imagined his teenage angst going down the drain along with the chlorine. As he began to wash himself, he turned his attention back to thinking about Rachel. The more he thought about her, the more he wanted her. He knew his feelings were just the hormones, and not his brain talking, but something about the fact that she was actually kind to him, on top of her gorgeous body, brought Jake to think about her naked once again. He closed his eyes in the shower, and was immediately drawn back to the scene in which he imagined earlier while walking home. There was Rachel, blonde, beautiful, and bountiful. He wasn't even sure what a vagina looked like, the animated charts back in the 4th grade could not have done one justice. Jake just sat back and imagined her completely in the nude, rubbing her hands all over Brendan, them forcefully locking lip right in the school hallway. Brendan, the shorter of the two, allowed Rachel to lift up his shirt. Jake had never caught the tanned boy in the locker room, but he imagined a mildly developed abdomen and a defined chest. Jake longed to have such a body, to be the one receiving Rachel's sexual affection. He wanted it so much, he began to focus more on his conjured up idea of Brendan's body than Rachel's. The couple continued just to rub each other's chests and asses, playing tonsil hockey the entire time. The ripped blonde boy began to undo his belt, and his baggy khakis immediately fell to the floor, revealing blue and white checkered boxer shorts. As Rachel grasped for them and began to tug, Brendan's boner was revealed.

At this moment, Jake became extremely aware of his own 4" friend popping his head out to say hello. Puberty did that to a guy, but this one was self-brought on. Jake had recently discovered that if he rubbed his fingers back and forth along his circumcised shaft, he would begin to get a rumbling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He began the said motion, helped along by the remaining soap suds that he gathered from the rest of his body. Jake almost bit his lip in transfixion on Brendan's penis. He imagined it to be bigger than his own by probably an inch. Unsure what was considered big or not. The couple continued to moan, kiss, and rub each other everywhere. Brendan's hands grasped the girl's perky breasts, while she played around with his ballsack, which was noteworthingly hairier than Jake's. They eventually moved closer, hugged each other around the waist, and started grinding. This was enough to bring Jake's rumbling-pit feeling to a head, and his entire body tensed up. He wasn't quite sure what was going on, he just knew that it felt amazing.

After the feeling subsided, he quickly let go of his penis, the head became sensative to the touch. He had no idea how long he had been in the shower, but he figured his mother might soon be concerned. Jake rinsed off, and began to dry his body from head to toe. As he was getting dressed, he thought about what he had imagined just minutes before. He wondered why he was almost more transfixed with the boy's body than the object of his affection. He came to the conclusion that he wanted to -have- the boy's body, whereas he just wanted to touch the girl's. He left it at that, put on some Old Spice deodorant, spiked the front of his hair up, and began to carry his TV and Nintendo 64 from his room down to the basement where he and his friends would be hanging out all night.

Jake grew weary as 7pm drew near. He wanted to make sure everything was set up just perfectly. Jake went so far as to -quadruple- check with his mother that she would not come down no matter what the entire evening. He needed to have an extra load of fun tonight. His 13th birthday had still been fairly uneventful. He still hadn't made any contact with his father that day. He wanted to impress his friends, so maybe they would like him more and ask him to hang out more often. But quite possibly the most bizarre thing was just sitting in the back of his mind. He was still feeling confused over the experience he had just over an hour ago. What was that feeling? What -brought- that feeling on? And why was Brendan's imagined body still emblazoned on his mind moreso than Rachel's? Jake shook his head as he was brought back to reality when his first guest arrived at his front door.

Next: Chapter 2

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