Teen Witch

By Logan Gardner

Published on Aug 31, 2012


Teen Wolf.

If you aren't at the very least 18 don't read. I don't need to be sued for corruption...if that's even possible. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who play the role. I will say it up front....I'm a bitch. A King Bitch! Don't piss me off or ask for me to put you in my stories. It's rude and unfair, to ask someone to change their story around because you want to be in a story. If that's the case then make your own story. Thanks!!! Anyways enjoy the story...if you don't like it then oh well.

Teen Witch-3

School was weird. Another attack. An old bus driver. Was there any connection? Or was it just a random animal attack. At any rate, it proves it wasn't Derek. Since he's on lock down for the dead half body of his sister buried at the side of his old house.

Minna, a girl in our class got up and walked to the window, "Hey I think they found something." She said as we all approached the window.

Scott and Stiles whispered about what happened.

"You couldn't have killed him."Stiles said low enough for others unable to hear.

"Then why do I have a memory of attacking somebody?" Scott asked confused.

The class screamed when he jumped up on the stretcher screaming.

I sat at my table finally done with hiding...I wasn't going to tell anybody what I was, but I'm tired of hiding because it affects others if I'm around. I watched as they gathered at my table.

Josh didn't have a seat and furiously walked to the other table.

I winked at him, watching his face turn bright red with anger.

"I heard it was a mountain lion." Looking at Jackson's face. "What? Isn't it?"

"Who cares." He said.

"Can we please talk about something fun? Like where we are going tomorrow night? What you said you and Scott were hanging out." Scott looked at Allison who shrugged sheepishly.

"It just happened." She said to him.

"Hey let's go bowling." Lydia said excited.

Looking at Jackson's face.

"Oh come on you love bowling." She reasoned with him.

"If I have competition." He said uninterested.

"How do you know if we're competition or not?" Allison asked him with a smirk.

"Fine. Can you bowl?" Jackson asked Scott.

"I-uh. I'm guess I'm okay." Scott mumbled.

"You guess or are you good?" Jackson asked pressuring him.

"Yes! In fact. I'm a great bowler." Scott said falling for the act.

"You're a horrible bowler." Stiles said to Scott as we walked down the stairs.

"I know. I can't believe I said that." Scott huffed after answering.

"I thought you were in the clear. Then you had to answer." Stiles said.

"You don't hang out with pretty girls Scott. Cause it makes you lame. Which makes me lamer for Being your bestie. I might aswell be your gay best friend. Then you and Danny can hang out." Stiles was really letting Scott have it.

I dulled out of the conversation until Stiles asked something surprising.

"Am I attractive to gay guys?" He asked Scott.

"Scott! Am I attractive to gay guys?" He asked again.

"You know what I'm going to be late for work." Scott said leaving.

"What about you? Do you find me attractive??" Stiles asked.

"You're pretty cute." I told him walking away.

"Yes!" He cheered as I walked away. Honestly I don't know why he cheered. He was straight...right? I have never SEEN him with a guy, well sexually.

The date was a success. Scott was beaming every time I saw him. But...with all this good, some bad is sturing up. I sensed dark clouds coming...something bad.

I asked Gram about it. She said that in Beacon Hills nothing is ever good for a long time.

"Hey Allison." I greeted her, finally accepting the inevitable. She and Scott were an item.

"Hey Kendall." She returned.

"You seem positively happy." I told her.

"The date went pretty good, between me and Scott. Umm...Jackson well was an ass." She said with a frown.

"That's because he likes to be himself. Which is an asshole." I told her.

I had free period. I was actually surprised when I saw Derek walking down the hallway to Jackson. He probably didn't notice me. Since he wasn't in the best condition.

"Where's Scott McCall?" Derek asked Jackson.

"Why should I tell you?" He asked.

"Because I asked nicely." Derek said raising a valid point.

"I want to talk to you...seems we can make an exchange. Give me what I want, and I tell you where Scott is. Whatever it is your selling, maybe you should stop sampling the product. You look recked." Jackson said.

"Forget it. I'll find him myself." Derek said moving to leave, but Jackson grabbed him. To which Derek turned it around, and grabbed Jackson from behind the neck, Jackson grunted in pain. Derek removed his fingers to show blood covered claws.

Jackson watched as Derek left, feeling the wound. I noticed Derek was bleeding.

He laid against the wall, and stayed there for a few minutes. The bell rang and shocked his super sensitive ears.

He turned his head and saw me. He motioned for me to come closer.

"I need your help. Where's Scott?" He asked.

"He's leaving. School's over. If you hurry you can catch him." He nodded leaning against the wall.

"Are you okay? You're bleeding and positively pale." I told him.

"Never been better." He said trying to walk. Crap! I put his arm around my neck and helped him walk.

We finally got outside, I tapped into energy to give me a physical boost. I lifted him up and carried him down the stairs. As soon as we reached the bottom step I was tired. I literally tired myself out, I pointed to Stiles getting in his car thinking Scott was in there. I had to give him energy to move. Thank God no one was here to see this, the things about humans is. They are completely unaware of the REAL world and what's happening around them.

My eyes shifted for this one. The wind blew fiercely, leaves, twigs, trash, any and everything light enough to by blown away, was.

"Cura.". I whispered gathering energy and sending it into Derek in a form of a large purple ball.

I felt tired afterwards, the wind died down. I realized he wasn't infront of me. He had walked infront of Stiles' car.

Then fell again, Jeez. I was only able to give him enough energy to have him walk to Stiles. I need to seriously unblock my emotions soon or it's going to get me killed.

I sat on the last step breathing hard. I found feel the sweat on my face. My mouth felt cool and dry, in dire need of water.

He fell and was causing a traffic jam, Scott had to lift him up and put him in the jeep.

Allison and Jackson got out of their cars and began walking to the hold up.

My job's done. Now, I have to wait.

I tried getting up, but my body felt numb. I gave Derek my strength, I must have earned his in return. Good thing it will only last for a few hours. In his current state, he wasn't in shape to be moving.

I watched them drive away. Scott got on his bike and peddled hard, being just as fast as any car.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Lydia asked me.

"I can't move." I told her.

"My whole body is numb. I can't get it to move." I said trying to move again.

"Hold on. I'll get Jackson." She said grabbing her phone and calling him.

"Hey babe. I need you to turn back around, Kendall is paralyzed and can't move." Lydia said worried.

"Okay, love you too." She finished on the phone.

"He's on his way." She said sitting me up against the wall.

"How's you wind up like this anyways?" She asked.

"I have panic attacks, and afterwards my body goes numb and I can't move." I told her somewhat lying.

"Hmm." She said thinking as Jackson pulled up.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned "Oh just perfect!" I quipped.

He smirked lifting me up and carrying me bridal style.

"You are seriously light." He jokes.

"Would you prefer me to be heavy?" I asked joking.

"No I prefer for you to be yourself. You're light. Own it." He said smirking.

Was he flirting? Gawd I hope not.

Lydia said she was catching a ride from a friend, she would see us later.

"So where to?" Jackson asked as he left the school lot. "Uh. 1745 Westwood Boulevard." I told him, he nodded and floored it.

"What happened to him?" My grandmother asked Jackson as she was freaking out. "I can't move my body grandma. It's fine. I'll explain later." I told her.

Jackson gave me a weird look.

"Upstairs third door on the right." I told him as he carried me upstairs.

"Are you going to be okay?" He asked me sounding concerned.

"Yeah. Totally. Thanks." I said as he nodded leaving.

As the sound of his car lessened I looked to see my grandmother enter wearing a blue velvet jump suit.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I did too much too soon. I tried healing. Advanced Magic. I only was able to give the guy enough energy to walk. I couldn't cure him of his problem." I told her.

"Heal who?" She asked sitting next to me.

"Derek. Derek Hale." I said her eyes widened.

"Stay away from Derek Hale." She said ordering me.

"He is a werewolf. Werewolves, actually all supernatural creatures and beings are drawn to witches. Sexually or otherwise. Usually it's against the witch's will." She said.

I didn't tell her that there was more than one werewolf. That Scott was one. She would never let me see him. Stiles too since he hangs around Scott.

"So you said you tried to heal him?" She asked.

"Yeah. I gave him my energy but it didn't do much. Besides give him the energy to walk farther. He fell to the ground though, and now I can't move." I told her.

"As you kids say, Duh! You did an exchange healing. You got his inability to move and he got your ability to move. Problem is it sounds like he is dying. Most likely wolfsbane. It kills a werewolf slowly but efficiently...if not treated." She said

"How do you treat Wolfsbane?" I asked curious.

"Well. Burning Wolfsbane, it emits a blue smoke. Anywho. Putting it in a wound will cure the infection. Or Witch's blood. It's another reason we try to stay away from other supernatural beings. Our magic blood can cure almost anything. The exception being death. But with a spell we can challenge death itself." She said.

"Is there a way to sidestep the side effects?" I asked her.

"Magic is complicated. You can either wait it out or delve into magic so greatly...you become one with it. One with Nature. Some witches have done it before. When done they were beyond mere attempts at magic. The world knew them as gods.

Greek gods. Immortal and All powerful. The problem was they grew arrogant, and what the world would call evil. Witches rose up and branded them Titans. The only way they could face them was to partake in the same exact ritual that was used to create the originals. They were known as Olympic Gods.

Or Olympians. Not saying that Greeks were the first to use magic there were many before them, it just the Greeks were the only ones to attempt such a feat." She said.

"How exactly would that help? Besides. How would I be able to do something like that?" I asked her, "No idea. Just thought you would like the story." She said with a smirk.

"It was pretty entertaining." I commented, "See there. The best remedy is to sleep it off." She said leaving turning off the light.

I layed there in my room. The sky outside giving off a purple and orange light display.

Good luck Stiles and Scott.

I slept for a few hours, hearing my phone go off. I realized I could move, some what but it was a start.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Derek isn't looking good. Scott's M.I.A. and I need help!" Stiles said quickly cracking under the pressure.

"I'm kind of busy." I said into the phone.

"Please! He's throwing up saying his body is attempting to heal. I don't think he can go any longer." He said into the phone.

"I'll be there soon. Where are you?" I ask.

"Beacon Hills Veterinarian Clinic." He said.

"Okay. See you in a bit." I tell him.

I climb off my bed. I slump to the floor so numb, I can feel somewhat but my body still feels so bey numb.

I crawl to the door and grab the door nob with both hands pulling myself up.

"Beacon Hills Veterinarian Clinic." I said to the door opening it up. I opened it behind Scott.

He turned freaking out.

"Kendall! I didn't hear or see you." He said confused.

"Don't worry about it." I told him grabbing his side.

"Help me get to the other room." I tell him.

We walk in to see Stiles about to cut off Derek's arm.

"What the hell are you doing?!" We asked at the same time.

"Oh! Thank God you're both here. You just stopped a life time of nightmares." Stiles said breathing heavily dropping the saw.

"Did you get it?" Derek asked Scott.

"Yeah here." Scott said handing him a bullet. I just noticed Derek's arm had a bullet wound and a large spread infection. It was being held back by a larger rubber strap. He was half naked showing off all his muscles.

Derek stared at the bullet before dropping it on the floor and falling unconscious. Just great! The bullet rolled under the table and into a drain.

"No!" Scott said reaching to grab it. He focused, pulling out the bullet with clawed fingers.

"Give me it." I tell him his claws cutting my hand just slightly causing blood to leak all over the bullet.

"No!" Scott yelled as his eyes shifted golden. He began I inhaling the scent of the blood on his claws.

"Please don't hate me for this!" Stiles said punching Derek. Causing him to awake

"Here." I said giving the bullet to Derek.

His eyes shifted cerulean biting the head off the bullet. Pouring the grounded Wolfsbane on the table. I squeeze a small amount of my blood on the Wolfsbane. It shifted with a slight purple color. He set it on fire with a lifer. I scooped it up and put it on the wound, rubbing it into the bullet wound.

I watched Derek fall to the floor screaming in pain, as the infection began to recede slowly at first then it really picked up. Soon gone.

The color returned to his skin. He looked at the wound to see it gone. He smirked at me.

"Thanks for the blood. It gave it a boost." He said giving me a weird look. Admiration?

"No problem. I'm going home. See you guys on Monday." I told them. Thank God for fridays.

I grabbed the door walked out. Surprised my home was a block away.

Oh goodie!

(That's the next chapter hope you like it. Yes it's technically crossing two episodes on this chapter. It's just the date episode didn't give me any room to put Kendall in. Since it was all about Scott, Jackson, Allison, and Lydia. Then the dinner part was all about Scott, and Allison with her family. Anyways. I hope you like it. If not oh well. Blessed be.)

Next: Chapter 4

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