Teen Studs in Canadian Wilderness

By moc.liameonac@tiabraebralop

Published on Aug 21, 2001


The following story is fiction and contains explicit descriptions of homosexual love-making between consenting men 18-years-old and over, a half hour later in Newfoundland. All characters are fictitious and bear no relation to actual persons living, dead, or sitting in the House of Commons. If reading this is likely to offend you or your reading of this will contravene a federal, provincial, state or local law or bylaw, or if you are under legal age in your jurisdiction, then you are instructed to delete this now.

The guys in this story live in a fictional world where there is no AIDS and no sexually-transmitted diseases, so they don't use condoms. We don't live in such a world. Anyone not using condoms today is an idiot, especially those who think that they can avoid AIDS by sleeping only with young guys. Anyone can be carrying the virus. Always practice safe hot sex.

Teenstuds in the Canadian Wilderness Part 2: Skinny Dipping by polarbearbait@canoemail.com

On their first full day at Camp Pine Lake, the boys began preparing the camp according to their respective responsibilities: Chris spent the day setting out the swimming markers, Jean-Guy opened up the canoe house and started doing needed repairs, Joey checked the hiking trails to replace markers that had disappeared over winter, and Jon started making plans for the canoe trips he would take the campers on. In the evening, the four young men prepared themselves a hearty dinner in the main cabin, and then retired to their cabin to read and relax before bed.

"Man, it was 'ot today. I t'ink I will go take a swim in de lake," Jean-Guy said stripping off his t-shirt to reveal his broad tanned chest.

"Hey, I'll think I'll join you, if you don't mind. I sure could use a swim," Joey said.

"You are welcome, mon petit ami. I just 'ave to find my bayding costume, and den I will go. Jon and Chris, you will join us?"

"I think you mean 'bathing suit', and you know, we don't need bathing suits. It's a private lake. I'm going, as you would say, 'au naturel'," Joey replied.

"I'll join you," Jon said, "How about you, Chris?"

The thought of skinny dipping with these three beautiful men both thrilled and scared Chris. He knew he would have to join them if he was going to fit in with the group, so he grabbed his towel and followed the others down to the lake shore.

At the rock where Chris had sprayed his youthful sperm sauce into the lake the night before, the boys dropped their towels and began to take off their clothes. Chris was relieved that the gentle lapping of the water had washed away any sign of his come.

Chris turned his back to the others and quickly stripped off his clothes and jumped into the cool water before his boydick had a chance to react to the sights around him, and so that he could watch the others disrobe. The others were peeling off their clothes. Chris admired Jon's tight body most of all, but also found himself attracted to Joey's small, brown body and, of course, to the broad chested, tanned Jean-Guy. Joey pulled off his shorts first and jumped into the water. Chris was able to get a quick glimpse of Joey's small dark cock and balls, but turned his attention to the big Quebecois.

Jean-Guy peeled off his skimpy cotton bikini briefs to reveal a large, soft dick and plump, juicy balls, nestled in jet-blank pubes. The rest of his body was muscular and smooth.

The real prize in the crotch department was Jon. His tight cotton boxers showed a prominent bulge. Jon bent over forward to pull his boxers down and step out of them. When he straightened himself he looked right into Chris's eyes and smiled. Chris had been caught, and looked away quickly having had only a quick glimpse of the six-inch soft dick hanging between Jon's legs.

Jon dived into the cold water head first, and started to horse around with Jean-Guy and Joey, trying to dunk them under. After he had dunked both of them, he called out to Chris, who was swimming a few metres away, "You're next, eh? I'm coming to get you!"

Chris began to swim away but Jon grabbed his foot and pulled the two of them together, trying playfully to push Chris's head under the water. Being a competition-level swimmer, Chris was able to resist, and the two boys wrestled in the water until Jon managed to hug Chris from behind. Chris was so distracted by the tube of flesh pressing into his crack between his buttocks that Jon was able to dunk him under.

The boys continued to swim awhile, but by the time they got out of the lake, Chris's hard-on was thankfully wilted by the cold lake water.

When they returned to the cabin, the boys relaxed in their underwear for a while, talking and reading. Jon was wearing his trade-mark tight-fitting cotton boxers, while both Chris and Joey were wearing boyish white Stanfield's. Jean-Guy was wearing racier red bikini briefs that made his good-sized cock and balls stand out from his body. Chris was back to being hard, and so lay on his stomach on his bed to hide his condition.

Jon turned the conversation back to sex at every opportunity to Chris's chagrin. "Man, this is going to be a killer. We can't go into town to hunt betties. The only female on staff is the bull-dyke in the infirmary. Having dozens of little brats running around is going to make impossible to jerk off in peace. Back in Mariposa, I'm used to dipping into some babe at least every other day, and being able to beat my monkey on the days off, usually twice or three times. I don't mean to brag, but I just never get enough."

"D'you really think we want to know about your sex life, Jon?" Chris asked, squirming on his bed.

"Come on, Chris, I just have raging teen hormones, that's all. Don't tell me you don't throw hard-ons all the time. Don't think nobody's noticed you grinding your crotch into your mattress. You've got a stiffy right now, don't you?"

Chris quickly sat up and pulled a towel over his middle section to hide his boner. "Hey, leave me alone. Why are you so interested in my dick, eh?"

"I'm not interested in your dick, little boy. You're probably just embarrassed about how small it is," Jon retorted.

"Fuck you. I don't need this shit."

"Hey, don't sweat it guy, it's probably bigger than Joey's over there."

Joey jumped off his bed and walked over to Jon. "What is your problem, man? Just because you have a big shwang doesn't mean that you're more manly than any of us. My dick's plenty big enough to keep any girl happy."

The small-statured Cree boy looked the picture of innocence as he stood in his white briefs, but that image was shattered when he pushed down the waist-band, hauled out his stiff six-and-a-half inch boycock and waved it in Jon's face. "See that? That's big enough to do the trick, so lay off Chris and me. Besides, Jean-Guy has a smaller dick than you too, but he's more of a man than you. He could take you in a fight any day." Joey stuffed his boner back in his white briefs, although they did little to conceal his raging hard-on, and walked back to his bed.

Jon was taken aback, and stammered, "So you've been checking out our dicks, have you?"

"You're the one who brought it up, Jon. Don't be accusing me of anything. All guys check other guys out."

Jon turned to Chris, "So now you can tell us if you are the smallest, or if it's Joey."

Chris could see that Jon's manhood was staring to chub up in his tight boxers, and figured that he had nothing to lose since Joey had already shown his stiffy to the other guys. He stood up, dropped the towel, and pulled out his boydick. "There you go Jon, since you're so interested. Have a look for yourself." Chris' dick was not small after all -- it stood out a healthy seven inches from his smooth, flat belly and the small bush of downy blond hair at its base.

Joey walked over to Chris to get a closer look, and was surprised. "Hey for a small guy like me, you have a pretty big dick."

Jon looked up at Chris and said with a sly grin, "He's right, it isn't that small. Sorry for giving you a hard time, eh. I wouldn't be surprised if you're as big as Jean-Guy, who's 'like a tree'."

Jean-Guy had been ignoring the others, reading the last issue of "Allo-Police" he'd see for the summer. Although he was engrossed in the scandal magazine, the mention of his name and Jon's poor imitation of his accent caught his attention. "'Ey, leave me out of dis. I don' wan' to know about de size of your quiquiettes. Besides, dere's no way Ti-Chris could be bigger dan me."

"Well now you're going to have to prove yourself. You can't say things like that without backing them up," Joey said.

"Yeah, c'mon Jean-Guy, show us your babe-pleaser," Jon joined in.

Jean-Guy reluctantly put his magazine down and got up from his bed. "But you can't compare. My one is soft, and 'is is 'ard," he said pulling his soft but thick piece of meat from his bikini briefs. "You see. But I am sure it is bigger when it is 'ard."

"A big stud like you could get it up in no time. Give us a show, Jean-Guy," Jon encouraged the big French Canadian.

"Yeah, you're going to have to prove it," Chris said. He couldn't believe he was saying things like this, and was so caught up in the scene he wasn't aware that his fuckpole was still sticking out from his briefs, hard and pointing at Jon, the object of his lust.

Jean-Guy knew he wasn't gay, and found it really strange that he was pulling his thick cock out in front of other guys, but he wasn't going to be accused of being smaller than the slim blond boy, and started stroking his meat. He thought of his girlfriend, Nathalie, back in Trois-Rivieres, and blood started to run into his tube. Jon absent-minded started to fondle his own cock, still trapped in his boxers, but rapidly extending down his leg. Soon, the pinkish-purple head was sticking out the leg of his shorts. Joey was also stroking his dick in his briefs, his teendick needing relief.

Jean-Guy's cock quickly grew to its full eight-and-a-half inches, but was more impressive for its thickness than for its length. "Dere you go. You see, it is bigger dan Chris. An' it is t'ick. T'ick is more important dan long."

Chris stared at Jon's crotch. "So how big is yours, Jon. Everybody else has shown his stuff. What about you?"

Jon snapped to attention and pulled his hand out of his boxers. "My cock puts the rest of you to shame." He lowered his shorts and grabbed hold of his massive meat, which had grown to an impressive ten inches, and wagged it in front of the others boys. "Go ahead, be jealous."

Jean-Guy was not impressed. "Ha! Girls want a long one, but women, dey wan' a t'ick one."

"No way, Jean-Guy. I'm as thick as you, and longer. Any chick would pick my dick over yours any day."

Chris saw an opening, "Well, there's only one way to tell who's thicker," and grabbed the bull by the horns, or actually, the bulls by their horns, wrapping one hand around each of the two big teencocks in front of him. Squeezing both cocks, and stroking each lightly, he announced his verdict. "Sorry Jon, you may be longer, but Jean-Guy's is really thick."

Joey now had his dick out as well, and was stroking it unabashedly.

Jon looked deep into Jean-Guy's eyes, knowing that they were both being jerked by the pretty blond boy, and said softly, "That feels really good, Chris. Don't stop."

Jean-Guy was kind of freaked out by the scene, but the soft skin of Chris's hand felt incredible on his steel-hard dick. "Iss good. Don' stop, Chris."

Chris started stroking both of the other boys more forcefully now, and had both of them moaning. When Jon closed his eyes, Chris moved his right hand from Jon's cock to Jon's hand, and placed the other boy's hand on his own raging hard-on, and then returned to stroking the hard ten-incher. Jon opened his eyes in surprise, and looked into Chris's piercing blue eyes, then down at the blond cock in his hand. Jon said softly, "Fair's fair," and started stroking.

Joey scooted over to join the other boys, and closed the circle between Jean-Guy and Jon. He continued to stroke his own cock while using his other to help Chris with Jon's big dick. Jean-Guy wasn't about to jerk off another guy, and started massaging his own hefty ballsac.

Jon stared at Jean-Guy, and said hotly, "That feels good, doesn't it? Pulling on your balls, while someone else strokes your big, thick dick?"

Jean-Guy became very aware of what he had got himself into, and decided not to be bashful about it. He reached over to Joey and started massaging the other boy's brown ballsac. "Yeah, dis is hot. I 'ave never done dis before wit' a guy, but it feel so good."

Joey had been staring at the massive bronzed chest of the big Quebecois, which was so different from his own slim frame. Now feeling the big rough hand massaging his balls, Joey threw caution to the wind and leaned over and kissed the big brown nipple that capped Jean-Guy's powerful right pec. Joey then stuck his tongue and started licking then nibbling on the Quebecois's mantit. Jean-Guy moaned and slipped his hand up to Joey's hard boycock and stared stroking it.

Chris and Jon were now both using both hands to massage the other's cock and balls. Chris had Jon's huge cock all to himself as Joey had turned his attention to Jean-Guy. Chris ran his fingers around the head of the long dick that he had been dreaming about since he saw it down by the lake.

Jon was moaning and grateful that his ever-hard teenmeat was getting some action here in the Canadian wilderness, miles from anywhere. "Hey, man, I'm sorry about what I said about your dick, eh? You've got a nice cock."

Chris almost came hearing those words from this gorgeous, big-dicked hunk. After years of trying to control and hide his sexuality, here he was having his horny dick stroked by a god. He took one of his hands off the ten-inch prong in front of him and put it over Jon's hands to get him to slow down. "Take it easy, I don't want to come just yet."

Jon fondled Chris's balls gently with one hand, and moved his other to Joey's head and pulled on the elastic that was tying his pony-tail back. When the silky black hair was released, it fell over Joey's cute face and against Jean-Guy's massive chest. Jon ran his finger through the young Cree's mane, occasionally brushing his fingers against Jean-Guy's chest. Joey straightened up and returned his right hand to Jon's big cock. After stroking Joey's hair a bit more, and the soft skin of his brown cheek, Jon moved his hand down to Joey's six-and-a-half inch boydick and brushed Jean-Guy's hand away.

Jean-Guy's left hand, now not having anything to do, moved back to his own dick, and he moved his right hand over and tweaked one of Chris's small pink nipples. Chris smiled at the brawny man. Encouraged, Jean-Guy ran his hand over Chris smooth swimmer's chest, across the lightly rippled stomach, and down to the soft blond pubes.

Chris moved his hands from Jon over to Jean-Guy's crotch, and thanked his stars for being able to stroke two gods in one day. He followed Joey's lead and began to lick the big nipples of the strong man. The exhilaration of his first sexual experience with other men became too much for the swimmer, and after a few strong strokes on his teencock from Jean-Guy's rough hand, Chris began to breathe heavily and moan. After resisting the ecstasy boiling in his young loins, Chris gave in and was over-whelmed as his teenspunk began to course through his hard seven inches. He jacked on Jean-Guy's thick pole as if it were his own, and sprayed one - two - three ropes of creamy come against the tanned thigh of his jerk buddy.

The feel of Chris's soft cheek against his chest, the wet tongue on his nipple, and tight grip on his cock sent Jean-Guy over the edge and come shot from his big balls, spraying out of his thick cock across the small gap splattering on the big-dicked model across from him. Shot after shot of pearly dicksauce hit Jon and Joey's hands that were furiously pumping the long teencock. Jean-Guy let out a loud moan, and as Chris continued pumping, began shooting teenjuice again, this time the spunk dibbling over Chris's hands and onto Jean-Guy's balls. Chris collapsed on Jon's bed as Jean-Guy leaned back against the wall.

The added lubrication of Jean-Guy's mansauce on Jon's cock began to brought his orgasm on, and he began to yell, "Oh, fuck, man! Pump it! Pump my big dick! Pull the fucking come out of my balls! Fuckin' eh! I'm fucking commmmminggggg!" Jon's ten-inch fuck-stick began to spurt bullets of cockmilk that sprayed onto the floor.

Jon was lost in his own orgasm and had stopped stroking Joey's cock. He had moved one hand to Joey's beautiful hair and the other to his own balls. Joey continued pounding Jon's huge meat with both hands, intent on pulling every last dropped out as Jon shuddered in his thundering orgasm.

As Jon collapsed, exhausted on his bed, half on top of Chris, Joey scooped up some of Jon's manjuices, now mixed with Jean-Guy's, and began stroking his boyballs with own hand, and his rock-hard brown dick with the other. His back arched, his head thrown back, and his jet-black hair draped down his back, Joey grunted and began to shoot his boycome in short bursts, landing on Chris and Jon's entwined legs, leaving little pools of passion on their smooth bodies.

As Joey's orgasm came to an end, Chris looked up and admired the three beautiful but very different bodies of his jerkmates: Joey's small, boyish brown frame, his shoulders now framed by his black silky hair; Jon's trim, tight come-spattered body, with the impossible large slab of beef draped across his thigh; and Jean-Guy's muscular, hockey-player build. "Man that was hot," Chris gasped involuntarily.

"Fuck, yeah," Joey agreed.

"Man, I needed that. Thanks guys," Jon said.

"Well, guys, dat felt really good, but you know, I am not gay. I don' want to do dat again wit' you. I don' know how dat 'appen. It felt good, but I am not like dat. Okay?" Jean-Guy added nervously.

"Relax, Jean-Guy. We were all just horny, and there were no betties around, and it just happened. It doesn't mean that we're fags or anything like that, eh?" Jon said, looking out of the corner of his eye at Chris.

Continued in Part 3: On the Dock

This is my first attempt at writing erotic fiction. Comments and constructive criticism would be welcome at polarbearbait@canoemail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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