Teen-Jock takes Biker in hand

By Pete D

Published on Nov 3, 2017



Clint Richards didn't know why he was in this line up of boys. All of them wearing their underpants only. He looked around. He was in some kind of facility and the line up he was in seemed to be going from table to table where uniformed staff where seated.

Where are my clothes? he wondered.

He felt very unsettled. The most unsettling thing was he clearly didn't belong in a line up of school boys. He was a grown man. He felt self conscious of his relatively hairy legs and chest which clearly distinguished him from the adolescents around him.

He reached for his cellphone which he always kept in his pocket, but of course he was wearing only his underwear with no pockets.

He noticed something more unsettling. The staff that were seated in the table at the front of his line also seemed quite young, The young men and women at the table were in their early twenties or maybe even late teens? Were they counsellors? Youth counsellors? He wasn't a youth. Why was he here?

He looked ahead where the next boy in line walked up in front of the 3 young staff. The boy seemed to be instructed to move around. He opened his mouth, turned around in a full circle with his hands on his head. Was this some kind of medical ? Richards felt fine and he knew he was in tip top shape. Why would he be getting a medical?

Then alarmingly, he saw that the boy was asked to pull down his shorts. The boy's naked backside was to Richards, but the staff glanced briefly at the boys privates and then told the kid to pull up his pants. The blushing boy did. Then he took some kind of paper from the young man at the table and was directed to another line at another table in the large room.

Richard, didn't want to show his package to the young staff there. That would be so embarrassing. There was a young lady and two young men. He wasn't a boy who could be examined like that. He was a grown man. Not that he had anything to be ashamed of. He knew that he was quite well endowed but this situation was just too weird.

Then it was Richards turn and he awkwardly walked up in front of the comfortably sitting staff. They exchanged amused looks. Well look at this one, one of the young men said. A little older than than the usual

Doesn't change anything the women beside him answered plainly.

What... What am I doing here? Richards stammered. This caused the two young men to exchange amused knowing glances. The young women seemed more professional. You don't know? she asked curiously?

No, No I don't. Richards answered. He looked around nervously at the many people in the room. It occurred to him that he was probably the the oldest one there. The only real man, he thought. Everyone else were kids or youths.

It doesn't matter, she said, Just do as your told.

He is definitely the hairiest one we had today one of the young men laughed. Richards found himself taking some offence to this comment. He wasn't unusually hairy. It was just that here he seemed relatively hairy compared to all these young people.

Why would he care what this punk or any of the rest of them thought anyway?, he wondered.

Richards also noted uncomfortably, that the young man, who had made that comment, had one of those Gayish voices. And he was looking at Clint's muscular chest and then down past his flat abdomen to his package which was showing its outline through the flimsy material of his boxers. Clint Richards felt quite exposed and vulnerable. He didn't know why he should feel vulnerable to these young people but there was something authoritative about them. Maybe because they were fully dressed and he was in his underpants.

Nice happy trail the young man commented. Richard looked down and saw that a rim of his pubes were poking up over the elastic. He reached down and adjusted his shorts with a slight huff.

I would like to go now, Richard said.

The three of them again exchanged amused looks. Thats not really up to you, is it? The effeminate one countered.

I obviously don't belong here! Richards tried. What is this place? I'm I being punished for something?

Not yet. the other young man answered, but you will be if you keep talking like this.

Talking like what? Richards asked.

Disrespectfully the young man answered.

But I ,... But I.. Hey I am the adult here. Who are you guys anyway? You seem awfully young.

We are asking the questions here. The effeminate one snapped and pulled out a clip board.

Richards was then asked to provide details of his life; medical , social , financial. He wasn't sure why he was even answering but he clearly was expected to.

Then the questions became more intrusive and Richards was taken aback. So how many times do you masturbate in a day?

I .. I , he stuttered, I guess it depends how much sex I have been having Richards didn't understand why he was being asked this.

So how much sex have you been having? he was asked.

Is this really necessary? Richards complained.

Ok fine, the young women interrupted,

Ok take down your shorts, the effeminate one said cheerfully. Let's see that big package of yours.

What ..? No! Look this has gone far enough. Im not showing you my dick!

The three seated staff raised their eyebrows. They suddenly looked cross.

Clint Richards, are you going disobey us. Haven't you been a bad boy enough? He was asked.

Look, I don't know what this is about but Im not just going whip out my junk just because you asked me to. I think I have a right to some privacy.

I think you have to learn that you have no privacy here. You lost that privilege. Now do what we say before I count to three The effeminate one said.

Richards tried to stand his ground. He defiantly watched the young man count to 3 but he did not move.

A hand was slammed to the table making Richards jump. He was scolded. Ok thats it! You need to learn. You think you are too important to drop your shorts well guess what Mister!? Now you will have to go completely naked. That will teach you. Take the shorts right off. you will be doing the rest of your time here in the nude.

There were a few chuckles from the crowd starting to gather around.

What No! In front of all of you! All these people? He couldn't believe this was happening.

You are no better than anyone here! He was told.

just another bad boy, except more muscles and body hair the gay one laughed. And probably a lot bigger down there. Well lets find out.

Richard looked around nervously. Many staff were gathering around. Some had there arms crossed and they were staring at him with disapproving looks. There was something menacing about them. Also young inmates were stopping to look at the commotion.

Now loose the shorts! He was ordered.

Clint Richards looked around at the many people staring at him and then shamefully took off his underpants. He tried the best he could to protect his modesty with one hand as he pulled his shorts off with the other. For a moment, his hairy package swung free and someone whistled. He quickly cupped his junk as best he could and stood slightly bent over in front of them. He felt like a total fool. From behind him, he heard an appreciative Nice! and then there was a comment about his hairy ass

He looked down at himself and tried to strategically place his hands, but one of the disadvantages of being well endowed is that it is impossible to cover enough. He managed to cup his balls and most of his flaccid penis but his thick pubic bush was displayed above his hands. He saw the expressions of the seated staff clearly amused by his efforts.

So how do you feel now? He was lectured. Still feel like your the grown up here? Clint felt himself blushing. How did he get himself into this?

Ok young man, you earned yourself a trip to table 6. The gay one said and he was handed a blue slip. Get over there now!

When Richards hesitated he received a humiliating slap to his naked ass. He yelped then scooted off across the room enduring the giggles of everyone as they all watched the scruffy naked man clutching himself running across the room. His bouncing hairy buttocks tingled as he felt so many people's eyes on them,

When he arrived at table 6, he recognized the young man siting there. It was his neighbour's handsome jock son.

Keith? he said.

Oh hey Mr. Richards. Funny seeing you here.

Keith looked up and down at his muscular neighbour. This was obviously the first time he had ever seen the man stark naked.

And funny seeing so much of you

But what am i doing here? Richards pleaded, clutching his privates for dear life feeling even more ashamed now in front of someone he knew.

Well I'm sorry to say Mr Richards but you are at this table to get a spanking.

A spanking?

Yes , do u have that blue slip

but I ...but I

A few others were now gathering around.

Ok hand me that slip.

Ok grab your ankles

Oh man Richards said as he bent over feeling totally ridiculous.

Ok now spread your legs please.

But why?

Just do it Mr Richards, I want to see everything you have back there when I spank you. Thats it. Ok good. Wow thats quite a low hanging nut bag you have swinging there...Ok now speed your legs a bit more. I want to see that butthole of yours and your crack is hairy so you are going to have to stretch a bit. Wider please. Oh there it is. I never thought you had such a hairy little anus. Funny.

But why is this happening to me? Clint Richards wined. His voice was cracking. He felt like crying. What did I do?

He was really starting to feel like a bad little boy now.

Its pretty cool to see you like this, Keith said, I mean you always have that tough attitude. Strutting around like your someone important. You piss of a lot people doing that. So seeing you bent over naked like this with your ass spread is kind of hilarious

Keith reached underneath Richards spread legs and played with his dick a little stroking it. Then Keith started groping Clint's low hanging balls. Clint gasped.

There was a crowd of people around him now and they were all looking at his most intimate areas and he knew he looked absolutely laughable like this. But he also seemed entirely powerless to do anything about it.

You know what Mr Richards, Keith asked casually while holding on to the older man's ball bag, That Harley you have is pretty cool.

Yeah, Richards grunted, not knowing how to respond in a dignified way to the young man who literally had him by the balls.

Do you think I could borrow it sometime? You know.. like take for a ride.

Ah... yeah sure Richards awkwardly answered.

Oh great thanks Keith said. Ok I'm going to spank you now. Don't worry it won't be so bad

Richards couldn't believe this. The young jock neighbour of his, a kid who he always thought admired him, was just paying with his balls and was now going to give him a public spanking.

Wait Keith! I don't want to be spanked. Im not a little kid. Please. This is Crazy!

Sorry Mr Richards, but you have had this coming for a long time, And with that the young man started spanking Richards' naked ass.

The first few slaps made him wince but as they continued he started to squirm. His butt started to burn. He was having trouble staying bent over.

Whack ... Whack ... Whack!

At one point Clint yelped and jumped up rubbing his ass. His dick flapped around as he did so. The comical site delighted his audience.

Get back into position!, he was quickly ordered.

The next few slaps were unbearable and he started to loose it. He couldn't believe this but he realized he was actually crying.

Please he begged. i promise to be a good boy! Please no more.

Finally the man was allowed to get up. He was told to stand in the corner so everyone could see his glowing red buttocks. He stood there while hearing the jeers and comments of the many gathered about his now red firm butt. He tried his best to compose himself despite the situation. He was a man after all,

Keith ordered him to push his butt out while keeping his hands agains the wall. And spread your legs wider!

He was told keep standing like that with his dangling scrotum hanging between his red parted red ass cheeks for all to see.

Clint didn't understand why his young neighbour was making him do this but he felt powerless to argue. He was having trouble fighting the hot tears of shame that he felt running down his cheeks and he was thankful that his face was facing the wall.

So are you going to be a good boy from now on?, He heard young Keith ask him.

yes he replied sniffling.

Ok good. Cuz you know what I will do if I catch you acting up again?

You'll spank me again? Richards replied mournfully.

That's right. And Ill do it front of your buddies if I have to.


You heard me. The next time I see you around the yard drinking beer talking shit with your motorcycle buddies, acting all tough front of them. I'll go over there and right in front of them, I'll make you take of all your clothes and get over my lap. And then I'll spank you till your ass is as red as it is now. You got that!?

Yes Sir, Clint answered.

You want your buddies all to see you like this. Naked with a red ass and crying like a baby?

No Sir . Richards answered, Feeling totally wretched.

And another thing. Keith continued. My parents are fed up with the noise you make on your Harley. We are going to have to come up with a curfew for you. No more riding around disturbing the neighbourhood at all hours. You got that?

Yes Sir, Richards again answered. He was afraid to even hear about what the consequences would be if he disobeyed.

You think your so cool, riding around in those sun glasses and leather motorcycle jacket. Don't you? Don't give a shit if you disturb people. Well thats going to end now! you understand?

Clint Richards sniffled yes

I will pull down those tight jeans of yours in front of everyone and then your underwear and make you grab your ankles. And then everyone will see me blister your hairy ass till you're crying. Thats what will happen!

Oh please don't do that Clint Richards begged. I promise to be good. Really.

Keith watched the well built man, hands on the wall, red parted muscular ass cheeks hairy crack and hanging genitals sob for a moment.

Im glad to see that you do not look like that swaggering motorcycle guy now. He commented.

Ok Now I want you to stand here on show like this and think about why you deserve this and what will happen if you don't improve your behaviour.

But why do I have to stick my ass out like this. Cant I just stand here like a man. Come on this is so weird. No one else here has to be naked like this.

I want you to keep your ass out like that so that everyone can see that even a man wth big balls like those can still get a spanking if he deserves it.

But this is so embarrassing.

And thats the other reason. You deserve this. Spread your legs more! Arch that back! If I see you out of position I'll spank you again!

Yes Sir. Richards answered and then silently stood like that for what seemed like a long time. All he wanted to do was get dressed and go home as fast as he could. People walked by and laughed at him. Some made lewd comments.

After about 15 minutes Keith brought him a dunce cap to wear.

Seriously? he asked when he saw it.

Yes seriously. There is a lot of people in the viewing gallery who will want to make sure you learned your lesson.

Viewing gallery? Clint Richards asked alarmed.

Yup. There is a lot of people from your work and our neighbourhood waiting for you. I guess a lot people want to see that you learned your lesson.

What? I don't want all those people seeing me buck naked with a dunce cap on? All those people whom I've been pissing off. They hate me. Everyone is going to see my cock and balls! And spanked ass! Please! This is so humiliating!

Keith slapped his ass making him jump and told him to Move!

As Clint started walking he felt his rock hard dick swing back and forth in front of him.

Why was he hard!? He looked down at his erection and then at young Keith who was also looking at it. Clint hated that his young neighbour was seeing his hard dick like this. He felt so violated. He certainly didn't want anyone else to see him like this.

Ahh Keith, he said shyly, Do you think that I could... That I could like.. use the bathroom for a few minutes first.

Keith laughed and lightly slapped Clint's dick making it bob painfully. You don't want everyone seeing what a pervert you are? Oh well. Too bad. We don't give jerk-off breaks around here. All you kids want to masturbate all the time. We don't have time to let you all do that.

I'm not some kid in puberty! Richards protested, Indeed he was picturing from his memory the image of Keith as pimply kid in puberty standing in his front yard as Richard's had words with Keith's father. He remembered thinking how tough he must have seemed to the nerdy kid. A memory from not that long ago. He decided not to say anything about that.

Well you seem to have the same self control as all these puberty kids. Keith chided looking at Richards rock hard boner.

Then, shockingly, Keith reached down and gripped Richards big boner in both hands and started to stroke it. Richards found himself staring into the eyes of his young tormentor as he grappled with the sensation. Despite his overwhelming shame, and the knowledge that he was being watched by quite a few gathered, the sexual stimulation that young Keith was providing was disarmingly pleasant. Clint started to pant as the two men's faces moved closer together. Richards noticed how handsome young Keith was, with his smooth skin and thick lips. He was also sporting a boyish teasing look as he stared back intently at the attractive older man's face; knowing that he was bringing his now helpless neighbour close to orgasm.

At that moment Clint wanted to cum so badly. He didn't even care if all these people would see him spurt. He just needed relief. He also thought that maybe, if he could cum, this nightmare would somehow end. He felt totally, figuratively and literally, in the hands of his young neighbour.

Then agonizingly Keith suddenly let go and looked down at Clint's now pre-cum oozing hard-on.

it looks like you may cum before you even get to the gallery anyway., he laughed.

No.. No please, Clint begged.

Keith grabbed Richards by the shoulders and spun him around, showing even more people in the room, the irritated ready to ejaculate stiff cock. People pointed and laughed hystercially.

Now I want you to jog to the viewing gallery. Don't let that dunce cap fall off. And every time you slow down I'm going to slap your ass. Got that? When you get to the viewing gallery keep jogging around in a circle so that everyone sees everything. Ill be right behind you the whole time in case you get lazy. My family will be watching so you better not embarrass me!

He slapped Richards ass to get him moving.

Keep those knees high! Now March!

What kind of nightmare is this?, Richard asked out-loud. As he leped into his ridiculous jog.

Looks like the kind you like!, answered Keith looking at Richards boner and then he gave another smack to Richards red hairy ass to hurry the man up. Richard yelped then started to trot now gripping his pulsing erection, wondering if he was going to wake up before he came all over himself.

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