Teen Interviews

By tReSe

Published on Aug 14, 2000


Date: August 14, 2000 KILT: Teen Interviews - 03 (btt)(anal)(oral)(rape)(spank) ====================================================== Disclaimer:

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===================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes.

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===================================================== Author's Note:

This story is pure fiction. If you want to read earlier chapters of this story, please visit my web site @ http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese ======================================================

Teen Interviews by tReSe Copyright 2000 Friday Trese Co. All Rights Reserved.

Day 5 (Turning on the camera.)

Milo: As you can see, I'm here inside Brett's Gym Locker room in my white Speedo. You might be wondering, why I'm dressed like this. Well, folks, this afternoon, I'm going to interview Tim and Amir. It's their P.E. class and my former coach invited me to join their swimming class today. I'm hoping to get a go shot of them.

(After one hour)

Milo: Wow, that was a good swim that I just had. I'm here again inside the locker room with Amir and Tim. So, guys are you ready?

Amir: Sure, fire away.

Tim: This is stupid.

Amir: Tim.

Tim: Oh, shut up, Amir! I'm sick of this. And you, stop sticking that camera to my face.

(Tim's hand blocked the camera's lens and storm out of the room.)

Milo: Dude, what's his problem?

Amir: Ah... eh...

Milo: Come on Amir, you can tell. I know that the two of you are best friends. And I know that you know what's wrong with him. Please tell me, I want to help.

Amir: Okay, but not here and off the record.

Milo: Okay. Let's go then.

Amir: No! Just wait for me outside the gate after 20 minutes. I don't want Tim to know that we're together. I'll explain everything later.


Day 5 (Night. Inside Milo's room. He's laying in his bed in deep thoughts. As he promised Amir, he didn't taped their conversation about Tim. Milo couldn't believe all the things that Amir had told to him that afternoon.)

(Milo had found that Tim had known him since he was the captain of the swimming team when he was still at Brett. But Milo never knew him. Since Milo was two years older than Tim was. He belonged to the varsity team and Tim was in the junior team. Tim idolized Milo from afar. Because Milo was so popular, gorgeous and everything Tim was not at that time.)

(Timothy Cruz is a loner, always keeping things to himself. His parents divorced when he was 12. His mother left him and his father and went back to Ireland. Tim was devastated about his parent's break up. He loves his mother so much. He wished that he was with her than with his father. During this time, he joined the swimming team as an outlet for his depression about his situation.)

(At first, Tim thought that he was the cause of his parents falling out. But he discovered that it was his father's fault.)

(He was coming home late from swimming practice. When he saw that his father's bedroom lights were on, he decided to apologize to him for coming home late. He knocked at the door but no one answered it. He turned the knob, and the door was not lock. What he saw blew him by surprise. He saw his father naked kissing another boy around his age. His father saw him and tried to explain. But Tim ran out of the room. He didn't return home that night.)

(After discovering the bitter truth about his father's sexuality, he concluded that it wasn't him who drove his mother away from their house but his father. When he left his home, he vowed that he would never return.)

(The night he ran away, he didn't have any place to go to. He was walking to the dangerous part of the city, not knowing what lies ahead for him. Eventually, he became tired and decided to sleep under the bridge. That's where his nightmare began. When he reached under the bridge, there were some local gang staying there. The gang was composed of runaways like him. Because he was trespassing in their turf, the group wanted to teach him some lesson.)

(The gang consisted of eight teens. As Tim was explaining that he didn't mean any disrespect by coming to their turf uninvited, one of the thugs punched him in the gut. His natural reflex was to bend forward and while he was still at that position someone pushed him on the ground. Immediately, hands were holding him down on the concrete. He screamed on top of his lungs, as soon as he did, someone kicked his mouth. Then someone said that he better not move if he doesn't want his butt to be sliced by his knife. When he felt that the knife was cutting his jogging pants from the back, he knew that his ordeal was just starting. Though, he was still a virgin, he had read something like this happen in the newspapers. But he never thought that something like this or worse would happen to him.)

(By now, he was buck naked because he wasn't wearing underwear. He heard someone sneered that they knew that he was a fag the moment they saw him. And that what they would do to him was every homo's dream. Then one of the gang commanded him off the ground and told him in a doggie position. He refused to comply until someone kicked his ass hitting his balls. Then someone said he'd better do as he was told if he wanted to keep his balls. That moment he did as he was told, his ass cheeks were parted. Then he felt a dick jabbed in his tiny hole. At first it wouldn't get in, but when the boy who was trying to fuck him grabbed him by the hair pulling his head backwards, it was then that the boy managed to plow his asshole with his big cock. He pleaded him to stop but instead the boy drove inside him harder. When he cursed the boy for sodomizing him, someone slapped him hard on the face. Then he saw that most of the boys were naked masturbating their big dicks. For someone like Tim who just reached puberty, those dicks in comparison to his were big. Someone shoved his dick in front of his face and asked him to suck it. He clenched his teeth. He didn't want to blow him. While this was happening, the boy who was fucking him blew his wad inside of him. When that happened, he couldn't resist opening his mouth to moan. When his mouth was vulnerable, immediately, the boy in front of him seized to drive his cock inside of Tim's mouth.)

(Tears were falling from his eyes. The dick from his hole was gone. Then he felt that his ass burn because someone began spanking his cheeks with a belt. The buckles were hitting his balls that caused him to twist his body in pain. He couldn't yell because his mouth was impaled with a large rod and someone was pushing his head deeper to it. He received severe lashing, which made him piss in front of everybody out of pain. Everyone laughed at him. He was degraded. Every bone in his body wanted to shout enough, but the torture in his balls kept going.)

(The one who was face fucking came inside his mouth flooding him with his cum. This made his gag and he wanted to vomit but he couldn't because the boy kept fucking his mouth. Then when the boy felt that his nuts were empty, he released his dick from Tim's abused mouth. This gave him opportunity to scream that would put a sound blaster into shame. When he did this, someone whacked his back with a wood. He was down on the ground twirling in pain. Fortunately a patrolling police car heard him, his last bawl. The police sounded their siren which made the gang flea. When the officers reached his whereabouts, he totally naked and totally beaten. The cops took a blanket from their vehicle and wrapped Tim's naked body and brought him to the hospital.)

(After some coaxing from the authorities, Tim eventually told them where they could contact his father. Luckily, Tim received some fractured bones, which wouldn't cause him to be paralyzed forever. But his lower back was cast to make his bones heal. From the hospital until the time his father brought him home, Tim never spoke to his father again.)

(Milo was overload with sympathy for Tim's situation. Now, he understands why the kid was carrying that much load in his shoulders. But he couldn't understand why Tim seemed to be holding a grudge towards him when he hasn't done any misgivings towards him. This puzzles him. But he vowed to do his best to find the answer to his question.)


I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated.

For your comments, suggestions, or constructive criticisms, kindly write to trese@bigfoot.com or kilt@edsamail.com.ph

To read my other stories, visit my website @ http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese

Join my mailing list to keep you informed and updated about my upcoming stories.

Thanks, tReSe

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