Teen Interviews

By tReSe

Published on Jun 19, 2000


June 20, 2000 KILT: Teen Interviews - 02 (b/b/b) (mast)(oral) ===================================================== Disclaimer:

The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions.

===================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes.

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===================================================== Author's Note:

Teen Interviews is pure fiction. Earlier chapters of this story and other KILT stories can be found at my website:

http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese/ =====================================================

Teen Interviews by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese 1999-2000. All Rights Reserved 2000.

Day 4: (Night. Milo is the bathtub soaking and relaxing while thinking what went down with his interview with Wesley.)

Milo: Man, what an overload. I'd finished my interview with Wesley today. That kid sure knows how to vividly tell his experiences. I couldn't believe that at age 8, he's already sure of his sexuality.

(Milo rinsed his body, stepped out of the bathtub and drained it. After drying his hair and his chiseled body, he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped out of the bathroom to his bedroom. When he reached his bedroom, he took the tape from his bag pack and inserted it to the VCR. Then he sat on the carpet near the end of his bed and pressed the play button on the remote control.)

Milo: So, then what happened?

Wesley: The guy kept on sucking the other boy's peter while the boy being sucked kept on rocking his hips fro and back. He was fucking the cocksucker's face like a dog in heat. I got bolder, opened the door more widely, and pushed my pants down to my ankle. I was nearing to blow my wad and sped up jerking my dick. A few more seconds of spying on them, I heard the boy who was being sucked said that he was cumming. But the guy on his knees ignored his warning and sucked on the boy's dick harder. He let out a loud groan and I knew that he had cummed inside the mouth of the other boy. I saw the cocksuck's eyes widened because of the massive of semen that was being dumped inside of his mouth. Though, he tried to shallow all that milk, he wasn't fast enough. Many sperm were sipping out from his mouth to his chin. Some of it dripped to his shirt. Seeing that glob of seeds dripped from the boy's mouth made me cum hard. I was about to close the door when the boy being sucked saw me. He must have heard me groan when I released my sperm. At that moment, I was scared. I thought that he would beat me up for spying on them. But my fears were laid to rest when he did nothing but grinned an evil smile. Somehow that smile of his comforted me that I won't receive hell from him. I think being caught at such a scandalous situation turned him on more. Because by then, he roughly grabbed the boy's hair and buried his head more to his dick making the boy almost choked to death. While doing it, he was forcefully thrusting his hips to the boy's face. I could see some tears began to fall into the cocksucker's eyes. I don't think he was expecting his partner to act so rough on him. After the waves of orgasm had waned down, the boy who was being sucked pushed his partner away from his cock. He then put his dick back inside of his pants. After zipping his pants, he washed his face and dried it off with his hanky. The one who sucked him was still on the floor panting. He placed his index finger in his chin and scooped the cum and licked his finger clean. I also saw that he came in his pants because I saw a big wet spot on his crotch.

By now, I had put my dick back inside my pants, and was waiting for them to leave the room. The cocksucker still had no idea that I was in the room with them and that I had witness everything. The boy he sucked had fixed himself. But before he left the room, I heard him say to pay up. The boy on the floor weakly took his wallet from his back pocket. I saw him gave the other boy a two hundred bill. After paying the boy, his partner left the comfort room. Then the boy tried to stand up but I guess his knees were a bit woobly. He tired again and lost his balance. He would have hit the floor with his head if I haven't caught him. By doing that, I knew that I blew my incognito but I didn't want the guy to get hurt. He was shocked and embarrassed at the same. He asked me if I saw everything, I just said yes. I saw fear in his eyes while I helped him to the sink. I asked him if he was okay, he nodded his head yes. I told him that I had to go but he stopped me and begged me not to say a word about the whole incident. I looked into his eyes, grabbed his cock through his jeans, and told him that he should dry the wet spot on his pants. He smiled and I left the room.

Milo: So, how did you feel about it, I mean, seeing those two guys doing fellatio and all?

Wesley: Well, I've known about sex prior to that incident. I've seen my brother's sex tape and seen a guy receiving a blowjob.

Milo: You mean that you're brother is gay too?

Wesley: No, silly. He's straight as an arrow. In his porn tape, a girl was sucking this butch stable boy in the kitchen. So, when I saw those guys in the comfort room, I knew what was going down.

Milo: I see. But seeing a guy getting the head and masturbating while watching it happen doesn't make someone gay, does it?

Wesley: (He laughed at Milo's question hard that made his eyes swell. When he stopped laughing and adjusted his composure, he began to talk again.) Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh at you. It's just your question is very funny.

Milo: How come?

Wesley: You see, I've known that I was gay as far as I can remember. The incident that happened when I was 8 years old just solidified it. I mean, I've been thinking about guys all my life. What it's liked to see their thingy and all. When I saw what those guys did, it made me come to a realization that I want to do what their doing and more for the rest of my life. I wanted guys to sex with me and not girls. When I saw my brother's tapes, I was not turn on when I see the girl finger her clit. Instead, I was drawn no hypnotized when I saw big dicks on those stud porn stars. Oftentimes, I wished that I was the one in those girls place sucking those hunky guys and pleasuring them in every possible way.

Milo: Does your parents know about your sexuality?

Wesley: Yup.

Milo: How did they take it?

Wesley: Actually, they were quite supportive about my decision, especially my dad. You see - my father's sister is a lesbian and he loved her dearly.

Milo: Loved her?

Wesley: She took her own life. She used a gun and blew her head in bits of pieces.

Milo: I'm sorry. Do you still want us to talk about her?

Wesley: Oh, I'm okay, thanks. My granddaddy discovered that she was a lesbian when a friend of hers was sleeping over. They were harsh and told her that what she was doing was a mortal sin. They did all imaginable ways to separate the two lovers to the extend having her arrested with no crimes. You see, granddaddy was the sheriff of the county, and he had his men arrest my aunt just to teach her a lesson. After that my aunt ran away from their home but she couldn't get far. Granddaddy had lots of connection, and every time she would do that, he'd always find a way to bring her back. So, my aunt feeling trapped about her situation, she took granddaddy's gun when he forgot to lock it back in his safe box and took her own life. Since then granddaddy blamed himself for what happened to her daughter.

When I told Daddy about me being gay, he just extended his hand to me, I reached it, and then he hugged me. It was later that night when he told me about my aunt.

(After Wesley told that story about his aunt, silence fell in the room. Then the bell rang.)

Milo: Thanks for sharing and trusting me about the time you've discovered you were gay and what happened to aunt.

Wesley: Nothing to it, hey, I have to split.

(Wesley ran out of the room. Milo turned the camera off.)

(Milo ejected the tape from the VCR. He turned on the video cam on the tripod and began to speak.)

Milo: It's really a tragedy that one had go through what Wesley's aunt had gone through. I know that there are lots of people like her out there, praying, wishing and hoping to have someone like Wesley's father who's will understand and accept their son or daughter regardless of their gender orientation. Must a gay person take his or her own life before he or she could be heard, understood or accepted? I pray not. I think having a gay son or gay daughter is gift and there's nothing to be ashamed about it. When I have my own children, I will love them no matter - straight or gay.

To all of you watching this tape right now, please bear in mind that gays like straight people need our respect, understanding, acceptance, and love. And we should give this not to our own family member or friends who are gay but even to strangers who happens to be gay.

This is Milo Vasquez sharing to you the story of Wesley in my film documentary "Gay Boys Out in the Open."

(Milo turns off the video cam.)

Part 3 coming soon...


I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated. For your comments, suggestions, or constructive criticisms, kindly write to trese@bigfoot.com or kilt@edsamail.com.ph

To read my other stories, visit my website: http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese/

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Next: Chapter 3

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