Teen Interviews

By tReSe

Published on Mar 1, 2000


KILT: Teen Interviews (b/t/t) (mast) (oral) ===================================================== Disclaimer:

The story you are about read contains gay erotic experiences. So, if you are not of legal age or your country, religion, moral universe etc., consider this writings to be perverse, then I suggest that you should find something else to read. And, if you should decide to read this type of literature, neither this site nor the author will be held accountable for your actions. ===================================================== Background on KILT:

Kathang Isip Lamang ni Trese (KILT) is a collection of original writings, fiction, or non-fiction depicting gay erotic themes.

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Teen Interviews is pure fiction. Earlier chapters of this story and other KILT stories can be found at my new website:

http://www.geocities.com/kathang_isip_ni_trese/ =====================================================

Teen Interviews by tReSe Copyright Friday Trese 1999-2000. All Rights Reserved.

Day 1: (Holding a video cam in front of my face)

Milo: Hi. I'm Milo and I'm doing a documentary for my Sociology class. My topic is entitled "Gay Boys Out in the Open." The title of my documentary is quite self-explanatory.

My subjects are studying in an international school. Their ages are ranging from 14-17.

You may ask why did I choose this topic? Well, being a heterosexual man like myself, I've always wandered why some guys choose to be gay. No offense intended. But I'm just curious if their experiences as a gay person are similar to mine as a straight guy. What it's like growing up gay? How does it feel to be gay? How can they be sure that they are "really" gay? I'd like to know the reason why they are gay. Is it a heredity thing or environmental factor or were they born gay? These questions and the like made me decide to this topic.

I have no qualms about a person's sexual orientation. And for the record, I would like to say that I have high respect for homosexuals.

(Turns off the cam)


Day 2: (Holding a video cam in front of my face)

Milo: It's Monday morning. I just arrived here at Brett Academy. I'm very excited because today I'm going to meet the "boys" who volunteered to do this documentary. I was up all night, double-checking my equipment. I don't want to experience any technical failure while doing this project.

(Focus the cam to my watch)

Shit, it's 8 o'clock already.

(Focus the cam back to my face)

I'd better move my butt into the guidance councilor's office. I'd like to make a good impression by being on time.

(Turns off the cam)

(Zooms the camera to Mr. Franco)

Milo's voice: I'm now inside the guidance office. The man you are seeing is the guidance councilor, Mr. Humberto Franco. He'll be giving us the profiles of the students who volunteered for my documentary.

Mr. Franco, sir, you may begin.

Mr. Franco: When Milo came to me for his documentary proposal last week, I almost turned him down. I thought it was a bit odd that Milo who was a former student in this institution would be interested in this kind of topic. You see, Milo here had a reputation as the campus numero uno "playboy." So, I was a bit surprised that he chose to do a topic about homosexual boys. I suggested to him that he should do a topic on girls instead but he politely declined my proposition. And when he told me his reasons, I was convinced that he was telling me the truth. So, eventually, I gave him permission.

Three of our students signed up to do this documentary. They are Amir Carlos, Wesley, and Tim. Amir as he prefers to be called is 16 years old. His mother is a Filipino and his father is Iraqi. He's a member of our soccer team and a B+ student. Wesley is 14 years old. He is the son of the Nigerian consul here in the Philippines. He's the president of the chess club and a member of the computer club. Lastly, Tim is a mixture of Filipino and Irish heritage. He's your typical average C student, but I believe that he could be B or even A student if he wants to. Among the three who volunteered to your project Milo, I think you may find Tim a bit difficult to handle. To be honest, I never encountered a kid at his age carry such a big chip on his shoulders. And to think, that he's only 17 years old. Do you think you still want this kid in your project?

Milo's voice: Yes sir. You know that I've never backed down from a challenge before.

Mr. Franco: Okay, then. I have set up a room for your initial meeting.

(Mr. Franco stood up from his chair and I followed him while the camera is still rolling. We walked to the hallway leading to the conference room. When we entered the room, I saw two boys were sitting on the sofa and another kid was looking out of the window.)

Mr. Franco: Good morning, boys.

Boys: Good morning, Mr. Franco.

Mr. Franco: I'd like you to meet Milo Vasquez. He's the one who's doing this documentary.

(I extended my left hand to shake the two boys' hands because I'm still holding the video cam over my right shoulder)

(Pan the cam to the boy beside the window with his back still facing us)

Boy's voice: This has to be a joke.

(Swings the cam to Mr. Franco)

Mr. Franco: Milo, that's Tim. Tim this is Milo.

(Focus the cam to Tim)

Tim: I know all about the "great" Milo Vasquez.

(Turns around to face us and the cam is focus in his face right now)

Former team captain of the swimming team, president of the student council and prom king. And most of all, famously known as "Strokes."

(Swings the cam to Mr. Franco)

Mr. Franco: Now, Tim you'd better behave or else I'll pull you out of this project.

(Cam is back to Tim again)

Tim: Oh, Mr. Franco we sure don't want that won't we.

(Cam is focus to Mr. Franco again)

Mr. Franco: Okay, boys settle down and I will leave you all do this project with Milo.

(Mr. Franco faces me)

Milo, they're all yours.

Milo's voice: Thank you, sir.


Day 3: (Watching the playback of the rest of Day 2. My initial meeting with the boys)

Milo: After Mr. Franco left the room, the boys sat in sofa while I took a chair and turned of the cam to talk to them. I told them about my documentary and my reasons for doing it. I also told them to just say what's on their mind and act as natural as possible like they usually do. I told them not to mind the camera and just talk to it as they would have with any person.

In that first brief encounter, I found out all the basic stuffs about the boys. Let me start with Wesley, the youngest among the three. He stands around 5'5 and weighs between 110-120 pounds. He wears thick glasses like the geeks in "Revenge of the Nerds." His head was baldly shaved, though I must say that he wears it fashionably. For, a black kid, he sure has thin lips and a bit pointy nose. He chats incessantly about going to different countries because of his father's job and all. And you could see his black eyes sparkles every time he talks about computer games and other electronic doodads. He's very friendly and laughs like Erckel.

Wesley, the Fil-Iraqi transferred to Brett this school year. He was receiving a lot of heat from his former soccer teammates ever since they found out that he was gay. He told me that soccer was his life and dreams of being one of the best soccer players someday. So, he transferred to Brett because our school has the best soccer coaches and training itinerary in the country. And his teammates had accepted him for who he is. He's stands 5'10 and weights 145 pounds. He has trim waistline and muscular body. He has straight black hair, black round eyes, thin nose, and reddish lips. He also likes to rap and he's good at it.

Lastly, Tim stands the same height as I am, 5'9 and our body is somewhat identical. We both have a swimmer type body. He has wavy chestnut brown hair, milk shake complexion, and light emerald eyes. Boy, Mr. Franco wasn't kidding when he said that this kid is a very tough cookie to break. I couldn't engage him in the conversation, because he was so adamant to answer any of my questions. All he does was stare at the camera and then turn his head somewhere to elude my inquisitions.

I tried to establish rapport with them until the bell rang indicating that it was lunchtime. Upon hearing the bell rang, Tim immediately jump of the sofa and rushed out of the room. I didn't even got the chance to say thanks to him. I turned off the camera and thanked the other two. I was left alone in the room to finish packing my equipment away. I looked around the room to check that every thing is in order, when I saw a wallet lying on the floor. I picked it up and opened it. It was Tim's. I thought he dropped it when he dashed out of the room. I was about to close it when I saw I a small plastic sticking out of his wallet. I didn't mean to invade his privacy but I got curious, so I pulled it out. The small plastic contained small amount of dry leaves of marijuana. I put the plastic in my pocket, picked up my bag, and went out of the room.

When I reached the door, Tim arrived panting and sweating. I asked him what was wrong. Instead of giving me an answer, he passed by and frantically searched the room. I told him to stop searching for his wallet and told him that I had found it. I told him I was on my out to give it back to him. He froze when I told him that I have his wallet. He looked at me right in the eyes and demanded that I gave his wallet back. After I handed it to him, he slammed me to the door on his way out. My lower back hit the doorknob, but I didn't care at that time. My concern was whether my video cam is okay. I dropped it when Tim rudely left the room. Amir saw the whole incident. He asked me if I'm alright. I told him that everything is fine. He helped me up and insisted in carrying my bag. I'd let him because my back was still hurting. We silently waked to my car and loaded my things. I was inside the car and Amir was leaning in the window. He told me that Tim was experiencing a rather tough week and that I should let it pass. I asked him if he knew anything about it. He just shrugged his shoulders. I thanked him and drove off.


Day 4:

(Computer lab)

Milo: I just finished setting the video cam in the tripod when Wesley arrived. I told him to sit and relax while I put the tape in the cam. When we both ready I went behind the cam.

(Adjust the lens for a fully body shot)

Milo's voice: How are you doing today, Wesley?

Wesley: Ok.

Milo's voice: Tell Wesley when did you discover that you were gay?

Wesley: Well... (pause)

Milo's voice: You want to talk about it?

(Zooming the cam to Wesley's face)

Wesley: I'd liked to... but (pause)

(Cam zooms out fully shot)

Milo's voice: Are you nervous?

Wesley: Yeah... a bit. Hey, could we lock the door, I'm not used to talking about this in school.

(I went to the door and locked it. When I went back, Wesley had cut loose his tie around his neck and opened two buttons of his polo.)

Milo's voice: Ready?

Wesley: Yeah.

Milo's voice: So, when did you discover about your sexuality?

Wesley: When I was 8 years old. I knew then that I was gay.

Milo's voice: Mind telling me how?

Wesley: Not all, I remember every detail. It was a typically Friday afternoon. I just got back from school. I was in my room changing my uniform. While I was removing my clothes, I remember the scene that I had seen earlier at school. It was dismissal and I was waiting for our family driver to pick me up. When suddenly I had the urge to pee. I went to the john and when I entered it, the place was abandoned. I went inside one of the cubicle, closed the door behind me, opened my zipper, pulled my wee-wee out and then started peeing. As I began to place my pecker back to its confinement, I heard the lavatory door opened. Then I heard one of the boys spoke telling his companion to check out if the cubicles were occupied. I find it odd why they should check if the cubicles were occupied. So, I waited in silence to find out what was going down. The boy who was checking the cubicles never reach the stall I was in because his friend asked him to stop inspecting the booths. His friend then instructed him to kneel before and suck his cock. That command got me very aroused and I started fondling my member as I gently pushed the door to peek. I saw the boy doing just what his friend had told him. He was on his knees sucking wolfishly his friend's schlong.

Part 2 coming very soon

+++++++++++++ I really love to hear what you have to say. Your responses will be gladly appreciated.

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Thanks, tReSe

Next: Chapter 2

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