Teen Idol Academy

By JT Michcock

Published on Apr 23, 2001


TEEN IDOL ACADEMY 2: ORGY IN BEVERLY HILLS Part III - Four Slings. Four Moffatts. Do the Math. By JT Michcock

Disclaimer: The story below is fiction. The names of the involved people are real, although I make no claims about their sexual orientation or behavior. This is, after all, a complete fiction. To the extent practicable, copyright is claimed to the writing below, (c) 2000. Authorization is given to the ASSGM and Nifty Archives to maintain this story in their archives. No other publication is permitted without my express written permission. Special thanks to J.O. Dickingson for allowing the use of the Brewster Boys in this story.

Background: This is a sequel to Teen Idol Academy, posted originally in September, 2000. The first installment of TIA2 was posted in November, 2000. All of the scenes depicted are supposed to be taking place in September 2000.

In the first part of TIA2, Tyler Kyte of "Popular Mechanics for Kids" brings singer Billy Gilman to a huge mansion in Beverly Hills for a weekend party. Tyler and Billy have sex in a locker room located on the premises and continue in an adjacent shower. In the shower, Tyler and Billy encounter Justin Berfield and Zac Hanson having their own little party. Tyler and Billy get dressed up to go to the party, Tyler is dressed as a Roman Centurion and Billy as his leashed and manacled sex slave.

In the second part of TIA2, Billy and Tyler encounter a wide variety of teen idols (and the Brewster Boys) engaged in various sexual acts in the cavernous orgy room. Sex slave Billy is stripped and his body put on display for the others to bid for his services. High bidder Kevin Zegers purchases Billy and has the young blond singer perform oral sex on him while the crowd watches. After Kevin releases down Billy's throat, the lights go out and an explosion rocks the room.

As we join Part III, we see the latest group of Teen Idols have arrived and Billy is in for the ride of his life. History buffs may note that this episode also features some descendants of William the Conqueror.

Without further ado. . .

TEEN IDOL ACADEMY 2: ORGY IN BEVERLY HILLS Part III - Four Slings. Four Moffatts. Do the Math. By JT Michcock

Suddenly, an explosion erupted through the room and the lights went out. Billy's mouth quickly became detached from Kevin and he jumped up, half scared out of his wits in the completely darkened room.

The sound of engines screamed from the distance. From one side of the room four huge and brightly lit doors opened loudly, bright lights from each opening filling the room. When the portal opened a wave of cold air flooded the cavernous hall, Billy felt gooseflesh all over his body as the combination of terror and anticipation filled him.

Billy looked up and saw four Harleys emerge from the doors carrying their riders. The forms were the only thing visible as the back lighting only allowed the silhouettes to be viewed.

As the cycles moved closed to the podium where Billy lay, the lights in the room slowly came back on. The four cycle riders came to a stop feet away and dismounted. Billy recognized the youths almost immediately.

Scott, Bob, Clint and Dave. It was the Moffatt brothers. Billy's heart leapt. The Moffatts were his favorite group! He owned all their CDs. In fact his mother complained often about his repeated playings of Antifreeze & Aeroplanes in his bedroom. That was Billy's favorite song to masturbate to as he pictured himself having an orgy with the Canadian brothers.

The Moffatts were decked out in black leather. Each wore leather vests that framed their smooth and masculine chests. All four were wearing chaps and, Billy couldn't help but notice, their crotches were completely exposed.

Billy looked openly at the equipment of the famous quartet as they drew closer. Scott sported a well hung package framed by golden blond pubic hair, his cock nearly as large as Tyler's. From behind Scott came the identical twins of the triplets, Bob and Clint, their feathery brown pubic hairs surrounding endowments nearly as large as their older brother's.

Billy's mouth gaped wide open as the youngest of the musical group emerged from behind his brothers. Billy felt his pulse race as the final Moffatt came into view.

Dave Moffatt sported the largest tool of anyone Billy had ever seen. Billy did not even want to guess how long the mammoth fuckpole would get when erect. Billy felt a trace of saliva leak out of the side of his mouth as he imagined all the erotic possibilities.

Dave stepped forward, mere inches in front of the drooling Billy. Although Scott was the oldest, it was clear who was in charge of this family. Dave was the one who would speak.

"So," said Dave, Billy's eyes flashing back and forth between the teen's deep brown eyes and his gargantuan package. "Whaddya think?" Billy nearly fainted.

Dave turned to the assembled idols; all of them were waiting for him to give the word. In this club, size ruled.

"Okay, everybody," said Dave. "Time to party!!!!"

The room erupted in a blaze of light and the thumping of drumbeats and music. The sounds of sex. A cheer arose among the assembled boys as they realized that their escapades were a prelude to the intensity of erotic pleasures that were about to become disgorged from their youthful bodies.

Dave Moffatt led the way to the side of the room, his enormous cock now partially erect and swinging from side to side like a pendulum. Dave's brothers and fellow boy band members, Scott, Clint and Bob followed closely behind, their cocks also at half mast and swinging freely from their exposed crotches.

As the Moffatts approached the wall, Billy could hear motors grind in the background. Parts of the wall were started to move. As the mechanical sounds increased in loudness, the wall seemed to act like a magnet for the boys in the room as they all gathered toward the machinery.

Billy watched as a variety of devices began emerging from behind, only some of which Billy in his limited experience could identify. Functions could be assumed from the shapes of the looming devices.

Billy notice the saddles, moving at the front. Unlike the horse saddles Billy knew, these devices had long rubber dildos affixed to the center along with holes where the rider's crotch would go, sufficiently large to allow a person from below to access the equipment. The rider would be ridden as well as taking his own ride.

As Billy watched the machinery unfold from the crevices of the room, he jumped as a hand landed abruptly on his naked shoulder. Billy turned around quickly to discover that the owner of the hand was none other than Dave Moffatt. And Dave was smiling. Standing next to Dave were Tyler and Justin, both of them sporting shit eating grins as the looked at Billy's startled gaze.

Dave's hand moved quickly to Billy's chest, stroking the boy unashamedly.

Billy's skin erupted in gooseflesh as Dave moved his slightly cold hand across his pecs and nipples, stroking the boy singer's nude body. The youth could see the tip of Dave's tongue move out sensuously from the side of his mouth as he licked his lips. A tremble arose within Billy as he glanced down to see Dave's manhood erupt from the opening in his leather trousers. Billy hoped - prayed was more like it - that he would get to experience the teen Moffatt's manhood during that evening.

"Nice body," said Dave as his hand moved to Billy's abdominal area. Dave moved in closer to inspect Bill's body, pressing his leather against the boy's flesh. With his free hand, Dave grasped Billy's butt and began to fondle the pink mounds while simultaneously moving his other hand into Billy's groin. Billy gasped perceptibly as Dave grabbed hold of his nut sac and caressed the testicles. Dave stood almost a head taller than Billy and the younger boy could feel, hear and smell the teen's breath in his hair. Without warning, Dave moved his mouth into Billy's ear, and gave a sensuous lick to the interior. Billy quivered with delight and his mouth opened wide as the teen singer's toungue moistened his ear. Dave grabbed hold of Billy's now fully erect cock and delicately massaged the organ, the older boy's mouth now moving to caress Billy's neck.

Dave, seeing that he had brought the boy to erotic enjoyment, suddenly dropped his hand from Billy's cock and moved away and infront of the boy. With both hands grabbing Billy's shoulders, Dave's piercing eyes looked intently into the gaze of the boy.

"Nice choice, Ty," croaked Dave.

"Yeah," said Tyler, his voice emerging behind Billy. "Real nice." Billy felt a hand move onto his butt, stroking the mounds gently.

Dave looked down at Billy's equipment and cocked a grin. "Nice package on this boy," he remarked.

"Bigger than anyone," commented Justin, who grabbed onto Billy's cock to emphasize the point. "'Cept you Dave."

"Nobody's bigger than you Dave," added Tyler. Billy was amazed at how deferential these other guys were to Dave. The boy looked into the teen singer's eyes and could see why. This Dave Moffatt commanded. He had the moves of a leader.

"Turn around," ordered Dave as he let go of Billy's shoulders. Billy did as instructed. Dave moved his hand between Billy's ass cheeks and stroked the area tenderly.

Playfully, Dave gave a smack to Billy's rear. "Bend over," commanded Dave, "grab your ankles and spread your legs."

Billy did as instructed, bending over as he felt the gazes of his companions move to his exposed hole. A hand moved in between Billy's cheeks and into his perineum. "Looks pretty clean back there," commented Dave. Billy could feel the older youth's breath on his ass as the inspection proceeded.

"Yep," commented Dave, standing up. "This boy's going to be a sweet ride." Billy felt his body become flush, a mixture of both excitement and dread. The boy had never experienced a cock as enormous as Dave's and he both welcomed the erotic pleasure of fitting it into hole at the same time he feared being split in two by the enormous fuckpole.

Dave applied another slap to Billy's ass. "Stand up," he ordered. Billy obeyed, his nude body springing to attention as the command filled his ears.

Dave drew around to stand in front of Billy, his hand resting gently on his chin. Dave turned to Tyler and Justin. "I think it's time to truss him."

Without a word, Justin and Tyler grabbed Billy by the arms and moved him closer to the devices that had emerged in the room. Fires had been set from poles within the room and a hazy smoked circled the room. The fires warmed the room to near 100 degrees. The place was filled with the bodies of the other teen idols in the room, their sweat drenched bodies grinding and erupting against each other as the fetid air filled their lungs. A low drum beat and the lowering of the lights created scenes that reminded Billy of the Amazon jungle, a place where the nude tribe members gathered to celebrate their erotic pleasures in an atmosphere of unbridled desire. This was a volcanic eruption, an orgy of youthful male passions being fed by the unimaginably primal scents and tastes.

Atop the horse, Billy spotted Andrew Keegan. The youth had mounted his ass onto the prong and his cock was being attended to by Jonathon Taylor Thomas. Andrew writhed in both agony and ecstacy as sweat drenched his smooth and slender body, his legs wrapped tightly around the mount as he impaled his ass deeper onto the protruding dildo, his arms tied over his head and a thick stream of sweat pouring from his lightly haired armpits.

The dark-skinned youth's face was contorted with pleasure as Andrew's uncut rod pistoned in and out of JTT's throat.

In the next scene, Billy's most recent sex partner, Kevin Zegers, was getting his body treated from both ends. Bent over and tied with rough hewn ropes to a pommel, Kevin had his face firmly attached to Ryan Merriman's jock, absorbing the boy's prong into his mouth. Ryan's tongue licked air as his face beamed the pleasure of being serviced by the handsome Kevin. From behind, Zac Hanson face was pressed against Kevin's ass cheeks as the teen singer worked a lubricated black leather dildo up Kevin's hole, with pausing only to insert the sweat and oil covered toy into his own mouth, tasting the juices from Kevin's violated hole.

Billy swallowed hard as he saw as he saw Kevin being worked over, tasting the cum that had only a few minutes before had erupted from Kevin's tool and down Billy's throat. Billy felt a chill travel along his spine as he watch Kevin's nude and sweaty body struggle against the bonds. Billy thrilled knowing that he had tasted the fruits of the fastened teen whose body was contorted with erotic pleasure.

Another pile of humanity greeted Billy as he was moved forward. This time it was a random assortment of teen idols amassed in a pile, mouths grabbing at cocks, fingers probing assholes, and sweat soaked faces meeting and tongues mingling. As bodies rolled from the pile, new one jumped in, an undulating mass of boy flesh.

They came to the wall and Billy saw where he was being led. Four black leather slings hung from the ceiling. Billy recognized the devices immediately, the blond singer had one set up in his own basement and had frequently ridden his younger brother Colin to ecstacy. But these slings were different. They were far more elaborate. Above each of the slings hung additional leather supports. One device that held two black straps with a space in between hung directly over where the head of the person to be plowed laid. Another set of leather wrapped rods hung above the two black straps and, bent at a ninety degree angle, ended just short of where the ass plowing would occur.

All around, the teen idols were busily involved with mounting themselves on the slings. Dave's brothers Scott, Bob and Clint were here and seemed to be supervising the mounting. One of the devices was almost ready, with Scott leading the arrangements. Billy looked over and saw how the mounts were being used.

At the sling being used by Scott, Joseph Gordon Levitt lay face up on top of the sling, his raised legs cuffed and attached to the forward chains of the sling. Billy noticed that Jeremy Jackson had taken a seat atop the two leather straps and his ass crack and crotch hung out between the leather mountings.

Above Jeremy, David Gallagher was sliding head first onto the two poles, his head landing just above Joey's crotch.

Scott's right hand was greased with something that resembled Crisco and he took up his position next to Joey's exposed ass. Scott's foot touch a lever on the floor and the elaboately designed sling began to whir.

As the leather and chains moved, Billy realized the designer's intention.

Joey was about to get his ass plowed - that part was easy to figure. But Jeremy's ass was being moved directly onto Joey's face, Billy caught a brief glimpse of Joy's already sweat coat face and opened mouth as Jeremy's hole was lowered onto him.

David's body was likewise in motion, as his smooth crack was inserted into Jeremy's face. But David also had a place for his mouth as it landed atop Joey's erection.

Without much ado, Scott inserted his grease covered fingers into Joey's hole, causing the slender youth to groan and his chest to heave at the intrusion. After greasing up his condom covered cock, Scott began the slow process of impaling his pong into Joey's greased opening.

Dave, Billy, Tyler and Justin paused for a minute to watch Scott mount the now louding groaning Joey. Billy watched as Scott's enormous hang became encased in the folds of Joey's crack.

"Good job," said Dave to his elder brother as Scott buried himself to the base. Scott turned around and smiled at Dave, quickly opening his mouth up and letting his tongue come out invitingly. Dave took his brother up on the invitation and he soon was frenching Scott.

After enjoying his brother's mouth, Dave let go to allow Scott to finish his spearing of Joey. Dave turned again to Billy.

"Your turn," said Dave with a smile.

"We're here!" came the yell from a few feet away. The boys turned and Billy immediately recognized the newcomers to the party. It was Britain's Prince William and Prince Harry!

"So sorry we're late," said Prince William who, like his brother, had managed to squeeze in enough time to strip and shower for the party. "They thought Granny broke her hip again and we had to wait for Pops to let us use the royal jet." Williams accent was veddy proper, as befit a future King of the United Kingdom.

Billy's mouth hung open as he saw the nude Princes of Wales in front of him. I shouldn't be surprised, thought Billy, this certainly was a night for surprises.

"No prob," responded Dave as he gave open-mouthed kisses to the royal newcomers. Billy was impressed by what he saw. He had admired both brothers from magazine photos and such, but he never thought he would ever meet them, let alone at an all-boy orgy in Beverly Hills, California.

Over six foot two, William was tall and blond, having a beautiful and sunny face with bright blue eyes and a smile to die for. His upper body was framed by broad, muscular shoulders and smooth pecs. The elder Prince sported a healthy package, blond pubes surrounding a good eight inches of tool and loose hanging balls. Powerful legs with some extra-large quads developed in the swimming pool held up his swimmer's frame.

Harry was a couple of inches shorter than his brother. Atop his head was red hair cut to a buzz. Freckles covered his nose and cheeks and his eyes were the same bright blue as his brother, harry's smile had a devilishness that would make him a poor choice for a solemn monarch. Harry's body was a good deal chunkier than his brothers, but solid. Small pink nips topped a strong chest and a treasure trail of red hair from Harry's belly buton led to a patch of red pubes crowning a package equal to his older brother's.

"Wills was writing emails to Brittney Spears on the ride over," said Prince Harry, a naughty grin on his face.

"I was not Harry," exclaimed William as he swatted his brother playfully.

"Oh, Wills," said Harry in a mock female voice, "I want you to lick my pussy!" then with a deep voice, "Oh Brittney! I should love to eat out your box!"

William' swatting of his brother increased in intensity, as his brother became engulfed by laughter. The larger prince gave a quick jerk to his younger brother's sex equipment to emphasize the point. A playful slap to the rear let Harry know that the jest was appreciated.

"You're not dating Brittney Spears are you Will?" asked Dave, his nose a bit crinkled.

"Of course not," said William, reflecting disdain in his voice. "Besides, she's engaged to Justin Timberlake, or at least the tabs say."

Dave, Tyler, Billy and Justin gave each other quizical looks.

"That Justin Timberlake?" asked Tyler, pointing to the blond curly headed youth in the corner who was being given a enthusiastic butt fuck by fellow band member Lance Bass.

William looked over. "Yes," he responded, "that one."

The boys all shrugged their shoulders together.

"Anyway," continued Dave, pointing his thumb to the devices along the wall, "we were headed to the sling."

"Oh. Can I come along?" asked Harry.

Dave looked over at Justin and Tyler. Justin was the first to speak.

"He can take my place," piped in Justin. "I remember that I owe Justin a good poking," he continued looking at the blond youth who was getting speared lustily.

"Thanks, Justy," said Harry, who gave the Malcolm in the Middle star a peck on the cheek.

"Hmm," added Prince William, "I think I'll come with you. I had some questions about birthday presents for Brittney he may be able to answer.

"Plus he gives excellent head."

"Condoms in the silver urns tonight," said Tyler to the pair, "used ones in the gold."

With this, the two boys headed off leaving the other teen idols ready to assume their positions on the sling.

"Billy's going to be in the beta spot," Dave said to Harry, "you can take gamma and Tyler's going to be delta."

"Very good," said Harry turning to Billy, "my hole's nice and clean for you." Billy shuddered a bit. He never imagined he'd be eating the ass of a royal family member and wondered how it would taste.

Billy was the first one to mount the sling. The blond boy's cuffed ankles were lifted and chained to the front ropes. Prince Harry jumped on from the rear and was his butt crack was soon hanging over Billy's face. Tyler jumped on in front of Harry and was soon experiencing the royal prince's tongue up his hole.

The machinery ground forward and Billy found his face resting between Harry's pillowy ass cheeks. Without much further ado, Billy opened his mouth and began licking and lapping at his new friend's hindquarters. Harry's crack was slightly furry, the pubescent youth's butt was as solid as the rest of his body. Billy could tell that the prince kept himself in good physical condition. Inhaling, Billy could smell the exensive cologne that the Prince wore. Very French, but very masculine as well. Billy was going to enjoy having his face ridden by this youth.

At the same time Billy was exploring Harry's ass with his tongue and nose he was finding his own body being tasted by Tyler and Dave.

Billy first felt Tyler's breath over his package following by the darting tongue of the Popular Mechanics for Kids star. Tyler was working up slowly to sample his feast and he was bent on teasing young Billy's cock slowly to erection. Licks soon gave way to swabs to the tongue and kissed to the shaft and delicate nips to the sacs covering the balls. Billy shuddered at the stimulation.

While Tyler was preparing to service Billy's sex equipment, Dave was sampling the blond singer's crack. A series of kisses were soon fastened upon Billy's bum as Dave began his exploration of the boy's ass. Without warning, Dave's tongue lashed quickly into Billy's honeypot; the younger boy writhed with pleasure as he felt the spit slickened instrument digging within his hole.

Over to his left, Billy noticed another quartet at work, with Clint being the designated Moffatt in charge of that coupling.

"Fu-fu-fu for gosh sakes, can't you pump any harder?" came the cry from the boy in the beta position. It was that Brewster kid again ^Ö Bobby, Billy remembered. Sweat poring from his body, Clint redoubled his efforts and the young Brewster, seemingly satisfied, buried his head into the drenching crack of one of his older twin brothers. Billy wasn't sure exactly which twin it was; the kid had his own face buried in Haley Joel Osment's smooth ass.

The reality of his own coupling focused the blond singer's attention as he glanced the sweat covered and perfectly shaped butt of the royal family member above him. Billy moaned aloud as he plunged his mouth into Harry's hole. Tyler's mouth caught Billy's erection and plunged down on it, the saliva covered tool traveling all the way to the back of the blond teen's throat as he began performing oral sex in earnest. Billy's head was a daze of sexual enjoyment as the fetid heat of the room and the close physical proximity of his teen playmates made him light headed.

Without warning, Dave poked a well lubricated finger into Billy's hole, causing the young singer to gasp. Dave swirled his digit into and around the pucker, loosening it for further exploration. Billy redoubled his efforts on Harry's hole, his saliva now an ooze being drilled up the royal prince's ass and coating Billy's face with a mix of sweat and spit. The blond singer was trying to occupy his mind as he anticipated the invasion Dave was preparing his hole for. Tyler in the meantime was varying the speed and intensity of his strokes, bringing young Billy's cock reapeatedly to the back of his throat. Billy could feel his cock expand as it filled Tyler's mouth and throat.

The tip of Dave's cock was the next to touch Billy's pucker, teasing the opening, demanding entry. Dave gradually increased the force of the penetration. As Billy felt the monster enter him, his heart began to race and his sweating increased. The mild discomfort Billy initially felt was being heightened with each passing second.

Dave let out a breath and thrust his intruder into Billy, the head going past the blond singer's anal fold. Billy let out a loud groan and he felt the fire from his rectum flow through his body. There was pain now, Billy's body was reacting violently to this unnatural intrusion, the nerve endings in his hole were ravished. Billy's teeth were ground together as he attempted to distract himself by driving his face into Harry's crack.

The pain persisted and began to worsen as Dave's shaft began it's long journey into Billy. As much as he could under the constraints of the bonds and human flesh that held him in place, Billy writhed on the sling, his brain a cacophony of bright lights as he felt Dave push his cock further into him.

A low groan in the back of Billy's throat became louder with each second as Dave intruded further and further into his hole. Dear God, thought Billy, let this end, let this end. Billy's body was a mass of sweat, his body completely wet and sliding against the leather. As he bit down, Billy felt the skin on his tongue rupture and a trickle of blood flow down his throat. The pain of his tongue at least gave some distraction to the agony emanating from his hole,

With the escalating scream audible throughout the room, Dave pressed with even more intensity and despite the protests of his playmate continued carrying through with his penetration. Dave had rarely experienced such an incredibly tight hole and his mind was in a delirium as he pushed further, determined to have his cock enveloped in the tightness of his boy lover's ass. Billy's screams only made Dave work harder, his body dripping with sweat as he plowed into his target.

Finally, with a slap of his sweat-soaked balls on Billy's ass cheeks, Dave let out a sigh. His perspiration dripped pubic hairs had made contact with Billy's ass. He had fed the hole in front of him as much cock as he had. He had entered Billy all the way.

Licking his lips and swallowing some of the sweat that covered his face, Dave paused for a moment and closed his eyes. He wanted to enjoy the moment and the unbelievably sensuous feel of the hole that was embracing his cock so tightly.

Billy's screaming had abated somewhat as his body became accustomed to the massive interloper that felt as though it could split him in half. The cock was so tight in his ass, Billy could feel Dave's rapidly beating pulse as his massive tool thobbed inside him.

Dave took in a deep breath and began to rock, see-sawing his cock inside of the blond Billy. Billy let out a loud groan as the nerve endings in his anus shot pain through his body. Once again, Billy gritted his teeth a the intensity of the rocking motion began to escalate.

Dave was moving more rapidly with each passing second as his pulsing cock demanded further pleasure from the teen's ride. As it moved in and out, Billy's brain began to discount the pain of the penetration and this was being slowly replaced by a new sensation.


Billy began to enjoy the ride he was being provided, he reveled in the feel of Dave's cock as his ass gripped it tightly into his body. Groans of discomfort were being replaced by moans of gratification at being able to feel and experience his teen lover's enormous tool. As Dave's ass fucking became more rhythmic, Billy desired to experience his own sense of penetration and focused his mouth on Harry's ass, digging his spit soaked toungue deeper into the prince's hole.

Tyler's tongue swabbed along Billy's shaft, the younger boy's tool now bright red. Even during the most intense pain caused by Dave's thrusts, his cock had never lost tumescence. Tyler, his face soaked with sweat , witnessed the intensity of Dave's intrusions increasing and decided that he would finish the boy off. With a mighty swallow, Tyler took all of Billy into him, his saliva soaked mouth coating the shaft and his nose repeatedly banging into the boy's ball sacs. From behind him, Tyler could feel Harry's mouth an tongue opening up his own hole further, his balls coated with a thick load of saliva that flowed from the prince's hungry mouth. Tyler began to feel his own balls began to boil and his suspended body began to writhe within the leather straps. Lifting his head momentarily from Billy's cock, Tyler gasped and threw his head back as he felt the explosion coming. With a groan, Tyler let loose, his untouched cock letting loose a fury of cum that flew all over Billy's body and onto the sling.

Prince Harry, seeing Tyler's contortions readied himself and, after the worst of the trashing was finished, abandoned Tyler's hole and absorbed the teen star's cock in his mouth. Harry was rewarded by a pulse of cum that oozed from Tylers balls, through his thick shaft and down the prince's hungry throat. As he suckled on his own meal, the sexual intensity caught up with Harry as well. He began to thrash about on his perch. Harry began to feel his own balls begin to boil up in anticipation of release. Instinctively, Billy turned his attention from the prince's ass to his uncut shaft and absorbed it into his mouth.

Billy was rewarded with his efforts as the young prince grunted and spilled his seed into Billy's mouth, the blond boy greedily taking the musky discharge into his mouth, suckling it, savoring it and finally swallowing the hot cream into his stomach. Billy's own erotic energies were in turn heightened as he absorbed the prince's cock while feeling his own enjoyment of being ridden by Dave. Tyler had fastened his mouth again to Billy's cock. With the blond singer's mind focused now, he spread his legs slightly and began to push up into Tyler's mouth. Having sucked Harry dry of his load, Billy turned his attention back to the prince's hole. With the greatest intensity so far, he dug his tonge as far as it could go and, meeting Tyler's thrusts, drove his cock further into the teen's throat.

With a groan, Billy led loose and filled Tyler with an ample load. Tyler closed is eyes and enjoyed the ample flow from Billy's cock, himself enjoying the taste and aroma of the boy's discharge.

Suddenly, Dave pulled his cock out of Billy's ass. Without losing a beat, he ripped the condom off and began stroking his tool. Tyler, his stomach having taken in Billy's load, opened his mouth to accept the next one. Dave didn't need much stroking, and he grabbed Tyler's soaking hair and shved his tool into his playmate's throat. With a shudder, Dave released a massive wad into Tyler's mouth. Tyler, gulped down as much as he could, but the sheer mass of the discharge was too much to take, with lines of cum and saliva erupting from the sides of his mouth and onto Billy's red and swollen sex equipment.

"Well, that was fun," smaled Tyler as he pulled Billy off the sling. His mouth still showing the signs of both loads he took, Tyler took the still somewhat shaky Billy's by the arms and moved his tongue into the younger boy's mouth. For a moment, the two lingered together, enjoying the taste of sexual pleasure that was being shared.

"Time for bed," said Tyler. Billy looked at his partner and could see that he was exhausted from the experience. Billy's own ass was throbbing from the pounding Dave had given him.

"Are we going home?: asked Billy, not sure of what was supposed to happen next.

"Nope," responded Tyler, nodding toward a stairway, " they have accommodations upstairs."

Billy smiled as Tyler took him by the hand and led him away. Going through a few hallways, they arrived at their destination. A set of double doors were there and Tyler opened these, revealing a master bedroom.

There was a huge bed in the room, which seemed quite chilly now that Billy had emerged from the heat of the orgy room. Two small boys emerged from behind a door. One boy was black and the other Asian, and both stood in front of the bed, wearing only small terrycloth coverings around their midsections. The boys were about ten and they bowed slightly as Tyler and Billy entered.

"This is D'Chai and Yasuki," said Tyler, introducing the pair to Billy. "They're here to assist us in our bath." The two boys bowed and repaired over to a bathroom adjacent to the room. From outside, Billy could see a huge Jacuzzi, a layer of hot water emerging from the top.

"And after the bath?" asked Billy of Tyler, his eyebrows raised invitingly.

"After that a nice quiet night of lovemaking," answered Tyler, a broad smile on his face. Tyler held out his hand and led Billy into the waiting tub.

Billy couldn't wait to fall asleep in Tyler's arms.




Starring: Aaron Carter, Nick Carter (of course), Gregory Smith, Noah Fleiss, Eric Von Detten, N' Sync (vs. Backstreet Boys in a real battle of the boy bands), Usher, Ashley Parker Angel, Jamie Bell, the cast of Saved by the Bell, Taylor Hanson, Dream Street, a whole lot of the teen idols on display in TIA 1 and 2, and Brittney Spears as "the Beaver" (just kidding!). The only story this year with its own musical score!

Here's a sample track:

People all around you gotta (Cum get it) Everyone together fuck our butts (Cum get it) Suckin' all around cum on (Cum get it) What... (Cum get it) Rim me again (Cum get it) Idols all around you gotta (Cum get it) In my mouth and my butt, make me (Cum get it) Here we go now, cum on Uh uh what what Na na na na... Na na na na...

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