Teen Idol Academy

By JT Michcock

Published on Feb 20, 2001


Teen Idol Academy 2: Orgy in Beverly Hills By JT Michcock

Disclaimer: The story below is fiction. The names of the involved people are real, although I make no claims about their sexual orientation or behavior. This is, after all, a complete fiction. To the extent practicable, copyright is claimed to the writing below, (c) 2000. Authorization is given to the ASSGM and Nifty Archives to maintain this story in their archives. No other publication is permitted without my express written permission. Special thanks to J.O. Dickingson for allowing the use of the Brewster Boys in this story.

Background: This is a sequel to Teen Idol Academy, posted originally in September, 2000. The first installment of TIA2 was posted in November, 2000. All of the scenes depicted are supposed to be taking place in September 2000.

In the first part of TIA2, Tyler Kyte of "Popular Mechanics for Kids" brings singer Billy Gilman to a huge mansion in Beverly Hills for a weekend party. Tyler and Billy start having sex in a locker room located on the premises and continue in an adjacent shower. In the shower, Tyler and Billy encounter Justin Berfield of "Malcolm in the Middle" and Zac Hanson of the self-titled boy band having their own little party.

After washing up, Tyler and Billy get dressed up to join the main party, Tyler as a Roman Centurion and Billy as his leashed and manacled sex slave. As we join the party in progress, Tyler and Billy are just entering the main orgy room.


  1. Meat the Idols By JT Michcock

Billy Gilman's mouth dropped to the floor as he saw the scene laid out in front of him.

All around the enormous plush room was the sight and smell of teenaged boys engaged in every manner of erotic and sexual activity. There were over a hundred youths. The ages varied widely, with a few boys clearly having yet to enter puberty while a goodly share in their late teens or older sported a semblance of facial and chest hair.

Billy was surprised to see how many of the sexually engaged youths he recognized. Many of them, like himself, were also teen idols.

Tyler Kite, Billy's centurion "master" for the evening tugged on the rawhide leash attached to the blond singer's collar. Tyler was interested in showing his young slave boy the surroundings.

The room was huge, as large as the gymnasium at Billy's local high school (although Billy was still in middle school, he knew of the antics in his local high school). But this was not quite a gym. Purple velvet lined the walls and fringed tassels hung from thick and gaudily covered ornamental drapes. The decor was varied, but the brass fittings, Tiffany lamps, cushioned surfaces and plentitude of silk and other soft fabrics in shades of purple and red was immediately recognized by the worldly Billy. This was a huge whorehouse.

The first person Billy recognized - and no one could certainly miss - was Frankie Muniz. The Malcolm in the Middle star was rather obvious. Billy's sex partner of the prior week was swinging from a velvet rope attached to the ceiling, landing on the various balconies that overhung the walls of the huge room.

Laughing and yelling loudly as he swung, Frankie was appropriately dressed in a spare "Tarzan" loincloth. Billy noticed immediately the taught muscles on the young man's arms, chest and back that rippled with energy as his body hurtled above the crowd. From between Frankie's legs, Billy observed that the loincloth was not particularly effective in covering Frankie's private parts, as he rode along, a ball sac or a bit of ass cheek poked out rather frequently. Billy licked his lips recalling how tasty Frankie's balls (as well as the rest of him!) tasted.

The next thing Billy saw were their shower mates, Justin Berfield and Zac Hanson. The two idols were now dressed as barbarian warriors. Leather codpieces were the only things covering their midsections and their asses were mostly visible to public view. Leather straps surrounded their muscled thighs, ankles, upper arms and wrists as they engaged in sword fight. The others in the room avoid their heated thrustings and parings.

Real swords were being used too, as the clang of metal filled the cavernous room. From the intense looks on Justin and Zac's faces they were clearly focused on the battle. Sweat was poring from their freshly scrubbed bodies. Even from a distance, Billy could make out the beads of perspiration on their foreheads and the moistened areas under their lightly feathered armpits.

The ensuing pairing was a bit more sedate. David Gallagher and Andy Lawrence were engaged in a little football tossing, wearing jock straps, shoulder pads, knee and elbow pads, tennis shoes and white socks. Both sported red football jerseys cut short to reveal their bare midriffs.

The teen pair both sported fine abdominal muscles as well as tight and well-muscled asses that flexed invitingly during their exertions.

The blond David waved at Tyler and Billy as they moved to the next scene. David licked his lips as he lustily eyes Billy's slightly covered package.

The scene following the football game was one of pure sexual enjoyment. Atop a table, Kevin Zegers was getting serviced by Joseph-Gordon Levitt. Both of the lanky youths were sporting roller blades, knee and elbow pads and nothing else. Kevin's crotch was spread wide, his bladed feet resting atop the

The crew-cut Kevin was one of Billy's favorite idols. A thrill went up Billy's spine as he watched Kevin's mouth gape open in pleasure, his voice gurgling pleasure and a line of saliva dripping out as the kneeling Joey pounded his head onto the "Titans" star's cock. Kevin's arms were placed behind him, supporting his weight, and his lean body was stretched out fully. Billy's eyes absorbed the tan, thin and muscular torso fully exposed in the brightly lit room and wished with all his heart that he could be the one tending to Kevin's sexual desires.

Tyler paused briefly at the act of fellatio to allow Billy to enjoy a closer look. Joey was completely oblivious to the open mouth staring of young Billy as he continued to feed on Kevin's package. Mere inches from the mouth fucking, Billy stared open mouthed as Joey's wet and blood engorged lips traveled the length of Kevin's shaft. The youth paused only to stoke a saliva-coated pink tongue on the teen's thick and sturdy ten-inch fuckpole and spit-tightened nutsacs. Looking down the thin Joey's body, Billy spied the youth's hardened nine-inch prong and low hanging balls emerging from his crouched body, a steady ooze of saliva flowing from the foreskin of the uncut head.

Tyler pulled on Billy's leash, signaling that another scene required their attention. Reluctantly, Billy followed his master's lead as they headed to the next display, leaving behind the sexually charged Kevin and Joey.

In a mock wrestling arena, "Star Wars" performer Jake Lloyd and the Oscar-nominated Haley-Joel Osment were engaged in some heavy duty body contact. Both youths were clad in mesh see-through black wrestling singlets. A smile crossed Billy's face as he realized that the outfits were rather pointless, the bodies of the nearly hairless pair were fully visible beneath the sparse covering. Both youngsters seemed intent on showing each other a few wrestling moves . Billy also noticed that the pair didn't hesitate to shamelessly fondle their smallish packages at every opportunity. Smiles and smirks covered both boys' faces as they stole chances to pleasure each other with their hands.

"So," asked Tyler, his eyebrows raised, "whaddya think?"

Billy smiled back. "It's more than I can imagine," he said, his voice trembling with anticipation. Billy shivered involuntarily. The aroma of young manhood filled his nostrils as he turned around to view the sexual carnival that surrounded them.

About forty feet away, Billy noticed a ladder in the middle of the room, stretching from the floor to the ceiling, about forty feet in length. The ladder was completely filled with about twenty boys, all arranged alternatively and all performing oral sex on each other. From even this distance, Bill could hear the sounds of sexual enjoyment as the youths stuffed their throats with hardened tools.

All around the room were a number of soft leather chairs. A number of boys were seated in these chairs with their legs pulled up. At their each of their rears were other boys moving moistened tongues into and across their ass cracks. From the look of pure pleasure on the faces of the boys being rimmed, Billy could tell they were enjoying themselves immensely.

Billy looked closer at one of the boys getting rimmed. My goodness, thought Billy, that was Justin Timberlake of 'N Sync getting his hole cleaned out. Billy looked below Justin and thought he recognized the boy "cleaning the kitchen." Sure enough, it was Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys with his face buried deep into Justin's ass crack, slurping, licking and sucking away at the anal crevice.

Billy breathed a faint sign, envying both boys their positions.

Billy's attention was brusquely interrupted as Frankie Muniz suddenly fell down in front of him, making less than a graceful landing from his "Tarzan" rope swinging.

"Heya," said Frankie as he arose from the ground without missing a beat. Frankie wrapped his arms around Billy's torso and began Frenching the blond singer.

"Long time no see," said Frankie, as he removed his tongue from Billy's mouth and inserted between Tyler's lips.

"How you been doing?" asked Tyler as he finally removed his mouth from Frankie's.

"Pretty cool," responded Frankie. "Just got rimmed by Brian over there," he continued, gesturing to the Backstreet Boy whose face was still buried in Justin Timberlake's ass crack.

"He's really the best," said Frankie. "He really knows how to use that tongue."

"I know," smiled Tyler, "I once spent a whole night sitting on his face. He got me off no less than four times."

"So," said Frankie turning his attention to Billy. "I see you've got a new slave boy for the night." Frankie gave Billy's collar a tug.

Frankie made sure he checked out Tyler's property thoroughly, Billy sported a pair of rawhide cuffs for both his wrists and ankles. Metal rings were on each cuff. Tyler had explained that the rings would allow ropes to be threaded through them, in case he needed to tie Billy up. Around Billy's midsection was a piece of white fabric that barely covered his privates.

Billy blushed slightly as he watched Frankie's eyes soak up his twelve-year-old body.

"So, whaddya think?" asked Tyler.

Frankie's brow furrowed as he raised a hand to his chin.

"It's good," Frankie said, shrugging, "but I think he's a little overdressed for a Roman slave. It seems most masters wouldn't waste cloth like that."

Tyler inspected his property and began to nod. "You're right," said Tyler. "Clothing on a slave is kind of silly. Sort of like dressing your dog," Tyler smiled ominously.

The next thing Billy knew, the white cloth was removed and his private parts were visible for the world to see. The blond youth trembled and blushed deeply, realizing that his sole attire were the wrist and ankle cuffs and the dog collar around his neck. Tyler and Frankie were both smirking as they looked at the enslaved youth, paying particularly close attention to the blond youth's sex equipment.

Billy was gifted in more ways than his voice. This was evident as his cock was coming to life under the hungry gazes of his teen companions.

The lightly feathered blond wisps of hair cradled Billy's thick and quickly engorging cock that measured a good ten inches when hardened. His testicles hung low and were the size of tennis balls.

Billy felt his entire body shiver as the focus of his maleness came into full public view. He could feel his body redden, especially with the gazes of the other boys in the room focusing in on his body. Billy felt Tyler's hand come up from behind him and gently cup his ass cheek. Tyler was rightfully proud of his possession.

Suddenly, seemingly from nowhere, a group of boys burst between Tyler, Billy and Frankie, moving from one end of the room to the other. The most distinguishing characteristic about their appearance was that all four were naked as jaybirds and, in Billy's opinion, really cute.

Billy looked genuinely startled as two teenagers, both with long flowing black hair led the charge and nearly knocked him to the ground. The two teens were about fourteen or so.

Behind the blonde teens came two younger youths. Both were black haired; the first was a little older than Billy and the one holding up the rear was only about ten-years-old or so.

The ten-year-old stopped abruptly in front of Billy, his eyes moving back and forth from the blond singer's face and down to his endowment.

"Fu-, fu-. fu-, for gosh sakes," stuttered the youngest, pointing at Billy's equipment, "I hope you use that a lot." The boy opened his mouth and pointed lewdly down his throat. There was no mistaking his meaning. With this, the ten-year-old left following the other members of his group to the ladder.

Billy's eyes widened. This young man was certainly more forward than he was used to in his native Rhode Island.

"Who were those guys?" asked Billy, his mouth slightly opened in awe. He certainly didn't recognize the youths as teen idols.

"Those were the Brewster brothers," explained Frankie. Brent and Brett are the blond twins ^Ö they're almost fifteen, Benny's nearly thirteen and Bobby - the smart ass - is ten."

"Are they in some show?" asked Billy.

"Not in any show," offered Tyler, starting to snicker, "but they are sort of famous."

"How are they famous?" asked Billy, scrunching his nose.

"They once had sex with Bigfoot," explained Tyler.

Billy's mouth flew open with surprise as this was related to him. "Sa-, Sa-, Sa-, Sasquatch?!" asked Billy aghast. He looked over to where the Brewsters were headed, noticing that all four were enthusiastically climbing the ladder to get into the sex pile mounted on the rungs.

"Yeah," said Frankie, "the big furry dude from the Pacific Northwest. Huge feet, huge. . ., " Frankie's used his hands to illustrate.

"I don't believe that," said Billy shutting his mouth and snapping his head back in disbelief. "There's no such thing as Bigfoot."

Tyler and Frankie both shrugged and grinned at each other.

Billy folded his arms and grimaced at his teen companions. "I suppose they've done Santy Claus too," said Billy, sarcasm clear in his tone.

"Well. . .," said Frankie, turning to Tyler with a grin.

A loud buzzer erupted interrupting the three idols conversation. Billy nearly wet himself, the noise was so loud.

"Auction time," said Tyler, matter-of-factly.

"Auction?" asked Billy, "what's being auctioned?"

"You!" said Frankie, who proceeded to laugh out loud.

Tyler grabbed hold of Billy's leash and silently brought the young singer toward a podium near the center of the room. David Gallagher was already there. As Tyler and his slave approached, the blond Seventh Heaven star began playing around with some ropes hanging from the ceiling.

Something that looked like a winch was on the ground next to David.

"Um," said Billy as he was being dragged forward, "can you tell me what's going on?"

"Oh, not much," explained Tyler as he grabbed the ropes from David.

"I'm selling you to the highest bidder. We have to truss you up like a piece of meat. Which, of course, you are," snickered Tyler

"Huh?" asked Billy, not able to easily dismiss the fact that his cock was getting larger.

"Not permanently," continued Tyler, who began threading the ropes through the rawhide cuffs on Billy's wrists. "Its just one sex session. Whoever bids highest gets to do you."

"Oh," said Billy, his mouth slightly open. The teen singer began looking at the assembled crowd gathering around. All were wearing hungry smirks as the watched Billy being bound. Billy mentally began assembling a list of the ones in the crowd he'd like to do. There was Taylor Hanson over in the one corner, playfully hugging his "barbarian warrior" brother Zac and grabbing hold of his sweat covered package. The Hansons would be an interesting lay.

Ryan Merriman popped up in front Billy as rope was being threaded through his wrists. Dressed in a loose fitting toga, Ryan smiled at Billy, his deep blue eyes sparkling with lust. When Ryan put out his tongue and licked his lips, Billy mentally wagered that he teen star would be a great kisser.

"All proceeds from the sale are going to charity," said Frankie, who was playing with the winch. Billy's arms were raised up slowly toward the ceiling as the winch began humming. The blond singer eventually found himself being lifted about two feet above the ground.

Billy's feet were anchored to metal hooks in the platform and, as he rose, his legs were spread in a wishbone fashion. Being lifted up by the wrists strained Billy's arms a bit but he found his cock was responding quite nicely to the lusty scene in front of him. His member was now fully erect under the watch of the other boys in the room.

"Customers can inspect the merchandise," yelled Tyler to the crowd.

A murmur arose and the other boys started to move forward to check out what was up for bids.

Almost immediately, Billy found his body being touched by multiple hands all at once. Joey Gordon Levitt lifted Billy's cock up and drove his nose into Billy's nutsacs, inhaling the aroma of the young boy.

Billy got some feels from behind as he noticed a finger on his exposed hole. The finger was soon replaced by a tongue as one of the customers sampled the flavor of Billy's excitedly quivering hole.

A nude Devon Sawa came up in front to play with Billy's nipples. The older blond had licked and moistened his thumbs before toying with the pink areolae, after a while causing the chilled flesh to become small and fully erect. Billy moaned his approval as he nerve endings in his chest became fully aroused.

Below, Billy began noticing some of the bidders for his body were sampling his cock with their mouths and hand. Taking turns, Billy noticed Kevin Zegers encase the engorged cockhead into his warm, moist mouth. Kevin's saliva was not even dry when Justin Timberlake swallowed Billy's fuckpole hole, the underside of the blond singer's cock being caressed by the rough surface of Justin's tongue, wrapping around Billy's meat.

Jonathon Jackson pushed his way into the crowd and, mouth wide open began licking and lapping at Billy's testicles, cradling the nuts one at a time in his mouth and savoring the favor of the surrounding skin.

From the side, Billy could see Frankie Muniz pull up a step ladder and move into to get a taste of the boy singer's body. Billy gasped as he saw Frankie's mouth bury itself into his armpit. The erotic sweat of Billy's adolescent body was soon being absorbed in the brown haired teen's mouth and swallowed down his throat.

Billy's mouth opened and his head moved back as he uttered a guttural cry deep in his throat, the sounds of his trussed and captive body being pleasured by the hands mouths and tongues of the assembled teen idols.

"Enough of this!" cried out Tyler, as he captured the attention of the other idols, "it's time to start bidding."

The throng attached to Billy's body reluctantly began to disengage themselves from their sex play. Billy caught his breath, saliva running down his chin as his fully eroticized body began to recover, a trace of pain emerging from his testicles as his bound body was denied the release of orgasm.

Tyler brusquely grabbed Billy's spit-soaked and glistening erection and pulled on it, bringing the rest of Billy's body forward. "What am I bid for this fine piece of meat?" yelled out Tyler as he took control of the bidding process.

"Fifty bucks!" yelled Frankie Muniz, laughing. His cast mate Justin Berfield, wacked on Frankie's head and jumped on him to punctuate the silliness of the offer.

"One thousand dollars!" cried out Zac Hanson.

"Fifteen hundred!" came David Gallagher's voice across the room.

"Two thousand dollars!" bid Joey Gordon Levitt as he paused from blowing Devon Sawa.

"Ten Thousand Dollars!" came the loudest cry from across the room. The crowd paused in shock and the room was soon filled with murmurs.

From the rear emerged the owner of the voice, Kevin Zegers. His nude and muscled body moved forward as his blue eyes focused intensely on his prize. "And I'll outbid any man in the room!" he yelled out to the crowd.

"I have ten thousand dollars bid," said Tyler, "going once, going twice. . . Sold!"

A burst of applause hit the room. This was one of the highest prices ever for the auction.

"Mr. Zegers, you can come forward and take possession of your property," said Tyler.

A smile lit up Kevin's face as he moved onto the podium. The winch began whirring as Billy's now purchased body was slowly returned to the floor. A few of the idols were assisting Tyler in releasing the ties around the boy singer's cuffs.

As Billy's feet touched the floor, he stared directly into the eyes of his new master. Billy stared back, his eyes filled with lust as he knew he was going to enjoy having sex with the blond youth.

Billy felt his heart pounding in his ears as Kevin's hands reached around his shoulders and began rubbing the muscles still sore from the trussing. Licking his lips, Kevin moved his mouth onto Billy's, the younger boy opening wide to allow Kevin's tongue to enter him.

Billy usually closed his eyes when kissing, but he left them open so he could look at the teen whose body he would enjoy pleasuring. Kevin kept his eyes open as well, looking intently into the eyes of his sex slave. All the while, their tongues mingled freely, tracing the inside of each others' mouth.

After both boys exhausted their mouths, Kevin moved his lips away from Billy's and grinned evilly. Still holding Billy's shoulders, Kevin began exerting downward pressure on the boy.

"Suck me," said Kevin, his voice a hoarse whisper.

Billy's heart leapt as he went down on his knees. He looked at the tool. It was shaped as beautifully as the rest of Kevin's gorgeous body. About eight inches and curved upward, Kevin's uncut tool was a work of art. A purplish and swollen head capped the long and thin shaft. Pulsating veins flanked the sides of the tool and the foreskin accordioned back in anticipation of being absorbed down Billy's waiting maw.

Billy noticed a trace of precum at the tip of Kevin's pulsing cock head. Hungrily, the blond singer attached his lips around the purple flesh and absorbed the tip into his mouth, suckling and savoring the first fruits of Kevin's burgeoning manhood. The musky flavor of Kevin's juices delighted Billy's palate, a crisp and musky aroma filling his nostrils as his tounge manipulated the preseminal fluids so they covered the inside of his mouth until they slowly descended into his gullet and down his throat.

Kevin grabbed hold of Billy's hair and roughly pushed his sex inside the boy's throat. Billy found his initial reluctance abate as Kevin's shaft moved deeper into his mouth, his body shuddering as Kevin's throbbing manhood began it's intrusion toward the back of Billy's throat. Kevin purred as his fuckpole was being absorbed by his servant's mouth, enjoying immensely the wet heat that surrounded his cock as it penetrated ever deeper. As the now gaging Billy finally absorbed Kevin's hardened pole to the base, the teen let out an open mouth growl. The shuddering and breathless Billy paused to enjoy the taste and feel of the erection filling his mouth.

Kevin bent forward, his head becoming lightheaded as the erotic stimulation reverberated through his body. He began pulling on Billy's hair with more force, pistoning his fucktool in and out of the slave boy's willing and waiting throat, his groans focusing the attention of the hushed crowd that gathered around and jostled to view the consumation of the purchase.

Billy's face was beet red now as his breath became ragged, his throat thrusting onto the powerful and heated shaft. Tears streamed from Billy's eyes as the intensity of Kevin's pushing and pulling on his hair caused ripples of delicious pain to pulse through his body.

Kevin stood fully, his body a contortion of sexual energy. Sweat covered the teen's body, glistening under the watchful gaze of his companions. With a jolt, Kevin's head snapped back as his mouth screamed a cry of full throated lust. Billy felt the pulse of Kevin's cock increase to a full intensity as the older youth buried his spit coated manhood all the way to the back of his throat.

With the other idols watching, stroking their own cocks at the ferocity of the sexual coupling, Kevin's voice pierced the silence and reverberated through the room as he released into Billy's throat. Billy's mouth was soon filled with a wave after wave of Kevin's spunk, the hot fluid filling every corner of his mouth. The blond boy's face was a reddened contortion of tears, sated hunger and untrammeled lust as he greedily sucked the seed into his body.

For a split second Kevin lost consciousness and collapsed on top of the greedily sucking Billy. Kevin's body was throbbing and flushed, his eyes filled with the tears of sexual release.

His body now completely robbed of energy, Kevin lay atop his servant, his breath ragged from the erotic pleasure of emptying his testicles into Billy's eager throat. The younger boy's mouth was still attached to the teen's heated tool, determined to suckle and savor every last drop. Billy breathed in the scent emanating from his master's sweat soaked body.

Kevin began to sob openly as he became more aware of his surroundings, tears streaming from his eyes. He had paid handsomely for this boy and he had used him.

For a long time, Kevin and Billy remained coupled to one another, Billy enjoying the taste and feel of Kevin's softening tool in his mouth.

Suddenly, an explosion erupted through the room and the lights went out. Billy's mouth quickly became detached from Kevin and he jumped up, half scared out of his wits in the completely darkened room.

The sound of engines screamed from the distance. From one side of the room four huge and brightly lit doors opened loudly, bright lights from each opening filling the room. When the portal opened a wave of cold air flooded the cavernous hall, Billy felt gooseflesh all over his body as the combination of terror and anticipation filled him.

Billy looked up and saw four Harleys emerge from the doors carrying their riders. The forms were the only thing visible as the back lighting only allowed the silhouettes to be viewed.

As the cycles moved closed to the podium where Billy lay, the lights in the room slowly came back on. The four cycle riders came to a stop feet away and dismounted. Billy recognized the youths almost immediately.

Scott, Bob, Clint and Dave. It was the Moffatt brothers. Billy's heart leapt. The Moffatts were his favorite group! He owned all their CDs. In fact his mother complained often about his repeated playings of Antifreeze & Aeroplanes in his bedroom. That was Billy's favorite song to masturbate to as he pictured himself having an orgy with the Canadian brothers.

The Moffatts were decked out in black leather. Each wore leather vests that framed their smooth and masculine chests. All four were wearing chaps and, Billy couldn't help but notice, their crotches were completely exposed.

Billy looked openly at the equipment of the famous quartet as they drew closer. Scott sported a well hung package framed by golden blond pubic hair, his cock nearly as large as Tyler's. From behind Scott came the identical twins of the triplets, Bob and Clint, their feathery brown pubic hairs surrounding endowments nearly as large as their older brother's.

Billy's mouth gaped wide open as the youngest of the musical group emerged from behind his brothers. Billy felt his pulse race as the final Moffatt came into view.

Dave Moffatt sported the largest tool of anyone Billy had ever seen. Billy did not even want to guess how long the mammoth fuckpole would get when erect. Billy felt a trace of saliva leak out of the side of his mouth as he imagined all the erotic possibilities.

Dave stepped forward, mere inches in front of the drooling Billy. Although Scott was the oldest, it was clear who was in charge of this family. Dave was the one who would speak.

"So," said Dave, Billy's eyes flashing back and forth between the teen's deep brown eyes and his gargantuan package. "Whaddya think?"

Billy nearly fainted.

Dave turned to the assembled idols; all of them were waiting for him to give the word. In this club, size ruled.

"Okay, everybody," said Dave. "Time to party!!!!"

Coming Next: Part III - Four Slings. Four Moffatts. Do the Math.

Next: Chapter 4

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