Teen Idol Academy

By JT Michcock

Published on Nov 27, 2000


Teen Idol Academy 2: Orgy in Beverly Hills (1/4) By JT Michcock

Background: This is a sequel to Teen Idol Academy, first posted in September, 2000 (found in the ASSGM Archives and Nifty Archives in the celebrity section). In that story, singer Billy Gilman was a guest on an episode of "Seventh Heaven" and had met David Gallagher. The pair then went over to a "school" set up on the studio lot and there they met Frankie Muniz and Justin Berfield from "Malcolm in the Middle." The foursome then went over to another studio that had a swimming pool and locker room. After the boys began having sex, Tyler Kyte (Billy's favorite actor) showed up and the action went forward from there. As we join the story in progress, Tyler is picking up Billy to head over to a party at his place.

Disclaimer: The story below is fiction. The names of the involved people are real, although I make no claims about their sexual orientation or behavior. This is, after all, a complete fiction.

To the extent practicable, copyright is claimed to the writing below, (c) 2000. Authorization is given to the ASSGM and Nifty Archives to maintain this story in their archives. No other publication is permitted without my express written permission. Special thanks to J.O. Dickingson for allowing the use of the Brewster Boys.

I. Arriving in Style.

Well, the Friday concert sequence had gone better than expected and Billy Gilman was on his way to superstardom. Despite the mix up earlier in the week (where Billy and David Gallagher had "accidentally" gone to the wrong studio), the week so far had been a smashing success.

Billy's parents were surprised to get a call from Tyler Kyte's father inviting their son over to the youth's house for the weekend. Knowing what a big fan Billy was of Popular Mechanics for Kids, they eagerly agreed. The Gilman's were especially surprised to see Tyler himself pull up in is new van to pick Billy up. With a fond wave, Tyler promised to get Billy back in one piece and how him all the sights in Hollywood.

"Okay," said Billy, as he jumped into the van with Tyler, "who's going to be at this party?"

"Well," responded Tyler, "David, Justin and Frankie will be there as will some of the stars of your favorite shows. I also have the Moffats coming by to perform, the usual stuff."

"What about school on Monday?" asked Billy, "has everything been set up?"

"Yep," responded Tyler, "Aaron Carter will be joining you in class."

"Cool," responded Billy. "The usual?" he asked.

"The usual," responded Tyler, a shit eating grin on his face. With this, Tyler leaned over and gave Billy a long lingering kiss that both boys enjoyed. Breaking off finally, Tyler turned the motor over and they were soon out in the typical Los Angeles traffic jam.

"Oh," added Tyler, "when you're at the party, watch out for Dave Moffatt."

"Why's that?" asked Billy, his face puzzled. Tyler said nothing but lifted his hands from the steering wheel and held his palms far apart. "Oh," said Billy.

Dave always was my favorite Moffatt, thought Billy.

The van wended it's way through the California freeway system. As Tyler drove, Billy kept his face in the Popular Mechanics for Kids' star's lap for much of the trip. Tyler enjoyed the blond country singer's oral attentions, nearly driving off the road a couple of times as he was being fellated.

Eventually, Tyler's van pulled into the driveway of a luxuriously appointed mansion in Beverly Hills. Driving around to the rear of the building, Tyler stopped in front of the back door. There were a few other cars parked around, most quite fancy, including a cherry red Porsche that Tyler had been coveting for his own use.

"We're here," said Tyler.

Pulling up from his snack, saliva dripping from his mouth, Billy looked around at the plush environment with amazement.

"Geesh!" exclaimed Billy, "is this your house?"

"Nah," responded Tyler, "Popular Mechanics doesn't pay me that much. It belongs to some guy named Joe who uses it for weekend sex parties from time to time. He let's me use it whenever he's out of town or at another location. It is part of the AARB network.."

Billy looked up with a quizzed expression. "The group of old people?" Billy was duly concerned that a bunch of elderly folks would show up demanding sex.

"Nah," said Tyler, laughing out loud, "not AARP, AARB, the All-American Rent Boys."

"What's that?" asked Billy.

"A group of really rich guys who get together from time to time and have sex with younger dudes like us," explained Tyler. "There's a lot of studio heads and important people in the group. Tom Cruise got his start as a hustler for the Rent Boys.

"How do you think I got the job at PMK?" asked Tyler, raising his eyebrows seductively.

"Oh," said Billy, a look of amazement on his face. "Do you think it's a good career move for me?"

"Not just yet," responded Tyler. "You have to be at least thirteen before they will let you join," he explained. With this Tyler reached over an grabbed Billy's package. "Although I'm sure that as soon as you do turn thirteen, they'll be more than happy to interview you."

"I'd like that," responded Billy, reaching across the seat to stick his tongue in Tyler's mouth.

After a few minutes of sharing spit, Tyler broke off the kiss and announced, "time to go inside." Billy and Tyler practically jumped from the car and ran to the door. When they arrived, Tyler rang the door bell.

After a few minutes, an adult man opened the door. He was a chubby, balding man wearing a bathrobe. Billy guessed he must have been about fifty. The old guy smiled when he saw the boys and he gestured both youths into the house. Inside, the area looked like a storage area for a kitchen. Pots and pans sitting around.

"This is Frank," said Tyler, introducing the older man.

"Hello," said Frank. "You must be Billy," he said with a smile, shaking the pre-teen singer's hand. By the way he talked, Billy could tell that he was well educated.

"Frank was the one who called your parents telling them that he was my dad," explained Tyler. "My parents think I'm crashing at some other dude's place this weekend. So we're all clear in case someone comes looking for us."

"Ah," remarked Billy.

Frank smiled . "Well, a few of your friends have arrived," he said to the boys. "I believe most are in the main display room."

"Cool," said Tyler, "we're going to shower up and get on our costumes."

"Costumes?" asked Billy.

"Yeah," responded Tyler, "sometimes we dress up with stuff that we get from old movies and TV shows. I've got a great outfit for you picked out."

"Oh," responded Billy. This was starting to sound interesting. He wasn't used to dressing up except around Halloween.

"Let's get washed up," said Tyler. With this, he led Billy up a stairway that led into what looked to be a locker room.

Billy recognized the set-up quite well, it looked like his own middle school locker room, with two rows of lockers and benches in front. Tyler located a couple of empty lockers adjacent to one another and the boys began stripping down. For Billy, so far it seemed as though he were getting ready for gym class. Unlike gym class, Billy didn't hesitate to watch his partner, Tyler, strip down in front of him.

Even though he had seen and experienced Tyler's body, Billy was eager to see the blond haired teen nude again. Tyler started by removing his shirt, exposing the small and pink nipples atop his well developed pecs. Tyler's abdominal muscles were tight as well and the six pack clearly visible. Tyler next removed his shoes and socks, exposing his size 13 feet. Finally, the PMK star removed his pants, exposing a pair of boxers underneath. Tyler's exposed legs were long and only a little bit hairy around the calves.

Tyler grinned and turned to Billy, "do you want to pull them down again?" Billy returned the grin and nodded enthusiastically. The blond singer dropped to his knees and began ever so slowly to bring Tyler's manhood into view. As the sight of the beginning of Tyler's pubes puked out from the top of his boxers, Billy couldn't handle the heightened anticipation and pulled the short's down with a yank.

Billy felt his body tremble anew at the manhood within his reach. Even though he had lovingly kissed, caressed and sucked the blond teen's equipment, he was still taken aback by it's sheer beauty. Nestled below fine golden-blond pubic hair, Tyler's uncut cock was enormous, a thirteen inches when erect Tyler's pulse could be seen from the throbbing veins along the side of the uncut shaft Tyler's testicles, as huge as oranges, hung loosely from the nearly hairless sacs.

Billy moved over and kissed the shaft lightly, inhaling the scent of Tyler's burgeoning manhood, the musky aroma surrounding his exquisite package. Tongue out, Billy gave a tentative lick to the shaft, his body trembling in anticipation as he realized that he'd soon be enjoying the tool in his mouth and ass once again. Billy's breathing became more pronounced and he was growing increasingly lightheaded, the small area of Tyler's shaft where he licked glistening with his saliva.

"Your turn," said Tyler quietly, as he lifted the smaller boy to his feet. "I want to undress you myself," said Tyler, whispering softly into Billy's ear. Tyler licked gently on the outside of the boy singer's ear causing Billy to murmur in anticipation.

Tyler unbuttoned Billy's shirt while he looked deeply into the boy's hazel eyes. Removing the shirt, Tyler moved in to kiss Billy lightly on the lips, his pink tongue barely emerged to flick at the boy's reddened lips. Billy stood passively in anticipation of being disrobed by the other boy, his knees weakening at the thought that each piece of clothing being removed would bring him a step closer to sexual coupling.

Tyler knelt down and removed Billy's shoes and socks, cradling and caressing the boy's feet as he did so. After this, Tyler undid Billy's belt, and unhooked and unzipped the youth's trousers, Tyler pausing to lick the blond singer's belly button, causing Billy to tremble anew. Grabbing on the sides of the pants and undershorts, Tyler pulled down both in one sweeping motion, too eager with sexual anticipation and lust to remove both garments one at a time.

What greeted Tyler's gaze was Billy's now fully erect cock, bouncing energetically in his face. Billy displayed a thick, engorged cock that measured a good ten inches, testicles hung low and were the size of tennis balls. A thin wisp of pubic hair tufted out from above the pubescent boy's cock.

Billy displayed his tool proudly, holding it outward hoping that Tyler might admire his ample offering. In response, Tyler, unable to control his own lust, moved his mouth to cover Billy's head, suckling on the tip of the engorged prong, his tongue moving forcefully into the peehole, sampling the precum that was already emerging from the throbbing shaft. Billy shuddered and nearly lost his balance as he felt Tyler's mouth absorb his cock.

Tyler released his grasp of Billy's head and stood up to face the trembling boy. The blond teen actor took the blond teen singer into his arms to comfort and steady his sexually eroticized body. Billy breathed heavily into Tyler's chest, overcome with a flood of emotions and desire, desire to be mated with his teenaged lover, to be attached to him, to become part of a sexually coupled whole.

Gently, Tyler lowered Billy onto the bench in front of the locker, placing the boy on his back and laying atop him and moving his mouth to his young lovers. Tyler, his mouth open, was met by Billy's opened lips and tongue. The two boys kissed, at first soft and sweetly and then with increasing lust. Slowly and then with increasing speed and ardor, Tyler and Billy began to grind their bodies against each other, their raging erections stroking against each others' torsos, their legs entwining in the heat of their sexual play. A film of perspiration covered both boys and their bodies trembled with the passion of their encounter, their mouths sharing each others' saliva, their torsos developing a coating of precum flowing from bursting cocks and the emergent sweat lubricating the writhing of their bodies.

Tyler reluctantly lifted his mouth from Billy's and smiled broadly.

"Let's get showered up," he said, his words throaty and lust-filled.

Billy returned the smile and, after hanging their now neglected clothing into their lockers, the nude adolescent pair padded slowly to the shower area. As Tyler led the way, Billy noted the sign above the doorway to the shower, "No Clothing Allowed Beyond This Point." Both boys were sporting fully erect cocks, hardened from their foreplay.

Opening the door, a flood of water could be heard in the background. Billy looked around and saw that they were in a gang shower like he enjoyed at his school. A sign on the walled of the tiled room declared "All Shower Heads MUST be Shared by at Least Two Persons. No Single Person Use Allowed." Boy, these Californians take water conservation seriously, thought Billy.

Billy looked over and saw that one pair was already gathered under one of the shower heads. A long-haired blond youth was being fellated by a darker haired companion. The blond had leaned against the wall and was allowing the water to cascade over his body and pour onto the crouched form of the boy whose mouth was pistoning on his shaft. As Billy drew closer, he recognized the teenaged pair.

"Hey," said the blond youth to the new pair, his attention diverted from the servicing he was receiving. It was Zac Hanson, the youngest member of the three brother band. In turn, the teen who was sucking the teen band member's tool was Justin Berfield who also turned up to smile at the arriving Tyler and Billy.

"Hey," said Justin with a smile, his lips reddened from the vigorous work he had been preforming on the teenaged Zac's cock.

"Hey Zac, Justy," said Tyler, walking with his hand extended. Zac was the first to shake Tyler's hand and moved in to kiss his newly arrived shower companion. Justin in turn, grabbed hold of Taylor's hand and also met the PMK star's mouth with his own.

"I remember you," said Justin with a sly smile, looking at Billy and walking over with his hand extended. Billy returned the shake and also accepted Justin's lips on his own. In addition to the kiss, Justin reached down and grabbed hold of Billy's tool and stroked the loosened skin around the engorged shaft. "I'm looking forward to you joining us," whispered Justin, licking his lips in an enticing manner.

Billy returned the smile and let his pink tongue peek out from between his lips.

Justin's skin was soft and smooth and his pinkish brown nipples topped a masculine chest. His abs were tight, displaying visible signs of working out, a slight treasure trail emerged from his belly button down to his manhood. Billy's gaze turned unashamedly to the dark haired teen's exposed package. Justin's large uncut cock was fully erect from the sexual excitement of his encounter with Zac and his ample testicles were pulled up tight with his body and dark brown pubic hair surrounded his adolescent package. Billy's thoughts turned to the enjoyment he had experienced when Justin had used his sex equipment to ride the boy singer's throat and ass.

Billy next turned to the newcomer Zac, offering both his hand and mouth to the blond teen. Unlike Justin, Zac did not grab Billy's shaft, but did unashamedly check out Billy's body with his eyes. He glanced approvingly at the pre-teen boy's endowment.

Billy did his own checking. Zac Hanson had a smooth chest and was slightly chubby. Pink areola topped his chest and looked to have been sucked and nibbled just recently. The teen's cut cock was about seven inches in length and extraordinarily thick, and featured a bright red head that was well shaped and an emerging trail of precum leaking from the peehole, indicating that Justin had done a very good job at pleasuring the shaft. The fifteen-year-old Zac's long mane of blond hair framed the perpetually smiling face that had matured into adolescence from the time he and his brothers first emerged on the music scene. Despite his chunkiness, Billy sensed a degree of animal sexuality exuding from the blond Zac, honed by the persistent attentions of his older brothers and the long and repeated periods of erotic play the teen enjoyed with Taylor and Isaac.

"Are you guys pairing off tonight?" asked Tyler of the teens.

"Yeah," responded Zac, "Justy and I haven't spent the night together for a while and we're going to be sharing the bed tonight."

"I've been so busy plugging 'Malcolm in the Middle" and Zac has been plugging his album, so we haven't spent the night together in months," continued Justin. "We're going to be switching off with Eric and Frankie for tomorrow night."

Tyler turned to Billy. "When it's lights out, we all pair off to sleep in separate bedrooms," explained Tyler. "No one sleeps alone. And you can have as much sex with your partner as you want. It's a little more intimate."

"Who do I sleep with?" asked Billy, anticipating the answer.

"Me, of course," responded Tyler, a big smile lighting up his face.

Billy returned the smile.

"Cool," responded Billy, his eagerness showing. As much as he enjoyed having sex with Tyler in front of others, he looked forward to intimately focusing his sexual attentions on his partner and falling asleep in the blond teen's arms.

"What about tomorrow night?" asked Billy. "Who do I sleep with then?"

Tyler screwed up his face a bit. "Well," he responded, "there's someone whose interested in bedding you."

"Who?" asked Billy. It couldn't be Zac, Justin, Frankie or this Eric person (Billy wasn't too clear on who this was); they were switching off with each other. Maybe it was David Gallagher? Could be someone else?

"Um," responded Tyler, looking up to the ceiling, "it's a surprise, but I think you'll enjoy him. He's a big fan of your music."

Billy nodded his head. He was hopeful that whoever he was paired off with had a great body he could enjoy.

The boys chatted for a period before Zac and Justin excused themselves to dress for the party. Billy immensely enjoyed the camaraderie of being with the other boys and just hanging with them. As Zac and Justin departed, Tyler turned on the shower head.

After adjusting the temperature of the water, Billy and Tyler began soaping each other up. Both boys relished the opportunity they had to soap and scrub each others' bodies, Billy made sure that his hands reached every part of Tyler's body, making sure than the teen would be squeaky clean before beginning more serious sexual coupling.

Tyler and Billy both had ample opportunity to explore their bodies with their mouths and tongues as well; cocks, assholes and other parts were licked and tasted. At one point, Tyler and Billy found themselves on the ground engaged in a rim 96, pink tongues hungrily digging into each other's anuses and lapping at the musky puckered poopshutes. From this, the pair moved to a more conventional 69, both boys laboring to absorb massive prows into ravenous throats.

After completing their showering, Tyler led the way to an area containing multiple sinks and mirrors, grabbing a couple of oversize towels piled at the entrance. Hair dryers were mounted on the walls and the boys dried themselves using these as well as the towels. After this, Tyler pulled out a fresh toothbrush and comb and, lifting Billy up to the top of the sink, groomed his partner's hair and brushed his teeth. Handing the toothbrush and comb to Billy, Tyler hopped up on the sink and allowed his lover to groom him. As Tyler spat out the last of the toothpaste, he and Billy engaged in a long and lingering kiss, sharing the mint taste with their tongues.

"We have to get dressed," said Tyler, reluctantly breaking off the kiss. With this, he hopped off the sink and led Billy off by the hand, the boys' erections continuing to throb.

Heading down the hallway, Tyler led Billy into what looked to be an enormous walk-in closet. On hangers were a variety of garments, most of them leather, latex or rawhide. In various baskets, there were a variety of devices and implements. Billy recognized many of the items from the porno sites he had frequently seen on the internet.

"First me," said Tyler. With this, he pulled a white linen mini-toga that reached to just to the bottom of his crotch. A leather strap was attached forming an 'X' on Tyler's chest and, after this was secured, a pair of brown rawhide shoulder pads were attached. As Tyler lifted his arms to put on the shoulder pads, Billy could clearly see his full crotch poke out from under the garment. Billy privately hoped that Tyler's outfit did not include pants.

Tyler next pulled out a pair of sandals, tied up to the knees with strings of brown rawhide. After securing his feet, the blond teen pulled out a funny silver metal helmet, with metal fringes covering the sides of his face. The top of the hat had what looked to be a black metal brush. When Tyler put it on, it looked like a Mohawk.

"I'm a Roman centurion," explained Tyler, observing Billy's quizzing glance.

"Ah," said Billy, remembering his history lessons. "Centurions were Roman soldiers, right?"

"Right," responded Tyler, smiling that his companion knew the costume.

"So," asked Billy, with some breathless anticipation, "what am I going to be?"

"You," answered Tyler, pulling a rawhide leash and collar and attaching it around Billy's throat, "are going to be my prisoner of war and personal sex slave."

Billy's eyes lit up with joy as he was trussed. Being Tyler's sex slave was a dream come true!

Tyler continued outfitting his property with a pair of rawhide cuffs for both his wrists and ankles, metal rings on each were present. Tyler explained that the rings would allow ropes to be threaded through them, in case he needed to tie Billy up. Billy shuddered, his mind spinning with the anticipation of being tied up and his body being used by his teen companion.

Moving to another box, he pulled out a length of linen cloth and wrapped it around Billy's mid-section. Billy looked at himself in the closet mirror. His ass crack was visible above the cloth and his cock head appeared below the fold. Billy was clearly excited that the linen didn't cover his private parts completely.

"Let's go," said Tyler, taking the leash and his "property" with him.

Billy grinned broadly as he was captained back into the hall and down a long staircase about two or three flights. At the bottom of the stairs, a huge set of engraved wooden double doors greeted the soldier and his captive. Tyler, still holding the leash, grabbed both doorknobs and opened the door.

Tyler's eyes lit up and his jaw dropped as he saw the scene in front of him.

Next: Chapter 3

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