Teen Boss to Teen Master

By Ben Howe

Published on Jun 23, 2007


The promotion should have been mine. My old boss had retired and it had been promised to me. We'd worked closely together and he'd always assured me I would take over after he left.

"Sorry Reid. We've decided the project needed some fresh ideas. We've gone for a dynamic young man. We'll make you his new assistant for the time being to see how you get along together. You can meet him in the morning".

I was gutted. I'd worked hard for the company and now I'd been passed over for someone with less experience. By the morning however I'd decided to make the best of it and try to form a bond with the new man. Maybe Mr. Cartwright was right anyway - I'd always been better at carrying out instructions than coming up with original plans of my own.

I arrived early but there was no sign of my new boss. I made sure everything was in order ready to brief him when he arrived. I had just finished and was sitting back in my chair when Mr. Cartwright and a man barely out of his teens walked in.

"Joe. This is Reid. He has been part of this project from the start and he can bring you up to speed. I'll leave you to get to know each other and catch up with you later". "Thank you Sir. I'll soon have things moving forward. You can rely on me." "I know I can Joe. I'll give you a free hand. Just deliver the results we discussed."

During this exchange I was looking at my new boss. I expect he saw a sensible and serious looking guy. I was 28 and pretty average looking. My new boss looked hot (yes I am gay, although have kept it a secret from everyone). Maybe 19 or 20. Pushing six foot and very well built with an air of confidence that I could never manage. Shoulder length black hair and piercing blue eyes. Drop dead gorgeous in fact.

He walked through to what was now his office and called "Come through" over his shoulder. By the time I walked in he was standing by his desk. I smiled and offered my hand. "Hello Joe. I'm Ben. Welcome to the company." He ignored my hand and I felt my face grow red. "Cartwright can call me Joe, the stupid old fart. You can call me Sir. I expect hard work and loyalty from you if I keep you on. There will be no more slacking in this office. Is that clear?" "Er. Yes Sir. But I wasn't slacking. I had just finished..." "I don't expect you to contradict me either. Now fetch me a coffee and don't answer back."

I did as he asked but was annoyed. What right did he have to talk to me like that? He'd been here five minutes and I'd been here five years. I returned with his coffee from the machine outside. He didn't thank me but told me to bring him up to date with the project. I'd prepared a number of computer files for the purpose and ran through them with him on his pc. He may not have been the politest of bosses but he grasped the facts quickly enough. Suddenly he turned to me and interrupted.

"Stand in front of my desk." I did as he asked and he walked behind me. "Know what I think Reid? I think you're a fag. I've seen you look sideways at me when you thought I wasn't looking. Are you a fag Reid?" I stammered something but he reached around and grabbed my groin. I could feel myself start to arouse. He laughed then thrust his hand down my trousers and seized my balls. I got harder and he squeezed a little tighter. I sighed and went rock hard.

He let go, walked back in front of me and sat on the front of his desk. My erection was obvious as he looked me in the eye. "One word from me and you are out of this company fag. I just have to tell Cartwright you made a pass at me and you'll be history. Your arse belongs to me now". I just stood there and nodded. "Good. Copy all your files onto my pc. I'll be claiming all your work as my own. Then I have a little initiation for my fag slave. Now get out."

I went back to my desk in a daze. How had he guessed and what could I do now? I was under no illusions - he had the confidence and charisma of someone who could persuade the bosses I'd propositioned him. Confronted like that I would go to pieces. I had no choice but to go along with him but part of me was also excited. He was hot and wanted to play games with me. It was frightening but also arousing and I could feel myself grow hard again thinking of his hand around my balls.

I transferred the files and sat for a while. I wanted to go for lunch but thought I had better ask first. I knocked on the door then went in. He stopped me by raising his hand. "From now on fag when you enter this office I want you to kneel on the floor and bow with your head touching the ground. When I am ready for you I will say. Now kneel." I hesitated but he looked up and I found myself bowing before him. A few minutes later he barked "Well." I began to rise but felt his foot push my face into the carpet. "I didn't say get up fag. If I wanted you to stand I would have told you. Now kiss my shoes then you may stand and address me with you head bowed." This was getting ridiculous but I did as he said. I kissed each shoe then stood.

"Sir. Can I please go out to lunch now?" "Fag. You are my slave now. When you address me address me as Master and always ask what a worthless piece of crap like you can do for your Master. I will make all your decisions for you so never ask me for anything again and do not make me repeat myself. Is that clear?" He took my chin in his hand and looked me straight in the eye. His gaze was strong and confident and I found myself powerless to argue. Somehow I found I could not break his stare and did not want to. "Yes Sir. Master. Sorry Master". He said he had phoned through his lunch order to the sandwich shop on the corner and I was to fetch it for him. He made no mention of my lunch and I didn't mention it again. I hurried to the shop, paid for his order and hurried back.

I entered his office and laid out his lunch on his desk as he'd instructed. He then had me kneel, head bowed, in the corner while he ate. After an age he told me to look up. "Fag. I need a piss now. Open up". I just stared at him. He said nothing but grabbed my hair then started slapping my face. He kept slapping it as he said "Don't make me repeat myself. Now if you want to keep your job and not get hurt open your mouth." I was crying partly from the pain and partly from the shame but I did as he asked. Still holding my hair, he unzipped himself and put his cock in my mouth. Even in this situation I was pleased to see it was a good size. Without saying another word he pissed. To be honest it wasn't that bad and I swallowed it all down without choking. When he'd finished he wiped his cock on my face and then zipped up.

He looked down at me and laughed. "I own you now fag. We both know it. Now let me hear you say it then clear away my lunch. You may have what is left." "I am your property now. I am not strong enough to resist you even if I wanted to. I will obey whatever you say." I hurried from his office with the remains of lunch and ate it at my desk. I was rock hard again and hated myself for it. I don't know what he did the rest of the afternoon but I carried on with my work half hoping and half dreading being summoned to his office.

Midway through the afternoon Mr. Cartwright came in. He ignored me and went through to my Master's office. A while later they came out laughing together. They stopped by my desk and Mr. Cartwright spoke to me. "Joe says you've shown him the project. He tells me things appear to have drifted lately but he is confident he can quickly get it back on track. He thinks if he keeps a close eye on your work you will be able to make a positive contribution so we'll keep you on for now until Joe has a chance to make a full assessment." Joe puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll make sure he pulls his weight from now on." I sat there in silence. This was so unfair but what could I do? In the end I just sat there and didn't say a word.

It was past my finishing time when I heard my boss call "Fag". I went in and just remembered in time to kneel and bow my head. He was leaning on the front of his desk. "Crawl to me fag. I need another piss." I did as he asked. "Now look up and open your mouth." I did so and he started to piss casually in my direction. Some went into my mouth but more hit me in the face. I tried to catch what I could but some splashed down onto the floor. When he'd finished he had me lick the end of his cock clean and he zipped himself away. He then noticed some piss had splashed on his shoes.

"Lick my shoes clean fag then assume the position". I did as he instructed and he walked behind me and polished his shoes by rubbing them against my inside thigh and arse while I knelt down with my forehead on the floor. All the while he taunted me. Despite everything I was growing hard. "You are pathetic Reid. I knew it from the first moment I saw you. You were desperate for a strong man to take control of your life. I bet even now with my piss on your face you've got a hard-on for me you piece of shit." He gave me a violent kick in the arse that had me sprawling full length on the floor.

He had me stand in front of him and untuck my shirt to use it to roughly dry my face. "Now pick up my things and follow me downstairs". He smiled and called goodnight to people as he passed while I followed behind with my eyes down trying to avoid being seen. When we reached the car park he asked which one was mine. I pointed it out and we walked over to it. "I need to borrow your car fag. Give me the keys". I did as he asked and he offered me a lift. In my own car. His confidence was astonishing. "Er, can you please drop me at my apartment Sir?" he nodded and I went to open the passenger door. "No fag. You stink. Get in the boot." I needed a lift as I didn't have enough money left to get home after buying his lunch. I knew it was pointless to argue so I did as he told and climbed in. He grinned down at me then slammed the lid shut. It seemed like hours I was locked in there. The car had made several stops and we'd been parked for a long time before the boot opened.

"Get out fag. Home sweet home". We were indeed at my apartment block but my boss didn't hand my keys over or drive off. Instead he led the way to my own apartment and opened the door. I followed him inside in silence. "Now fag. I've decided I like your apartment so I'm moving in. This is now my apartment and my stuff and you can stay and live as my slave. "Eh. Sir. You can't do this. It..." Whatever I was going to say was cut off as a fist slammed into my stomach. I doubled over and felt a hand grab my balls and squeeze hard. I was paralysed by the pain. "Let me tell you again. I like your apartment so I'm moving in. This is now my apartment. Nod if you understand." I managed to nod and he let go after another hard squeeze. I dropped to my knees clutching my groin.

My apartment is basically just one open plan living space with a separate bathroom. Nothing fancy but plenty big enough for me. I watched my boss help himself to a beer from the fridge, pour it into a glass and sit in my armchair while I got to my feet. "Now fag. Come and pay homage to me." I had no idea what he meant but managed to walk over and kneel before him with my head bowed. "Better. Now take my shoes off then my socks." I took his shoes off but as I went to take off his socks he stopped me. "No. Suck my toes first then use your teeth to take my socks off." I started sucking on the sock over his big toe and nearly gagged. He put his other foot on my neck to encourage me to continue.

After what seemed an age he told me to take his socks off. It wasn't easy but I used my teeth to alternatively ease the sock down and over the heel then pull it off his foot. Eventually I had both socks off and he still hadn't said a word. "Now suck my toes with reverence fag." How can you suck toes with reverence? This was stupid but I sucked each toe in turn and licked between the gaps while occasionally glancing up at my Master's face. Looking back I think it was here than I began to think of Joe as my Master rather than my sadistic boss.

"Enough. Now stand." I did as he asked. "Fag. You've shown what a pathetic piece of shit you are letting me piss in your face and take over your life. I will live as a God here and you will be my slave. We both know it. To show your new status as worth nothing and owning nothing strip and put your hands on your head." I did and could see him looking at me. I began to blush as I knew my body was not impressive and I am always embarrassed when others see it. He stood up and walked around me. "Fag. You are truly wretched. I've never seen such a small cock and you've got no pecs, no shoulders, no abs, no arse. Your thighs are smaller than my calves." As he said this he slapped or pinched or grabbed each part in turn to emphasise the point.

"Now stand to attention fag. You are not worthy to serve me. You do not deserve to breathe the same air as me. Looking at you makes me feel physically sick. Now tell me why I should let you live here instead of throwing you on the street where you belong." I fell to me knees. "Please Master. I know I am not worthy. I cannot compare my wretched self with one as beautiful as you. Please allow me to stay here with you. I will be your slave. I will worship you. Just give this pitiful creature a chance." I had forgotten it was my apartment and was terrified of losing everything. This was the power my Master was able to exert over me now.

"You will begin by taking a cold shower. You will always have a cold shower. You will then shave off your pathetic pubes and every other hair on your body. Only a real man deserves pubic and body hair. Next shave your head to a military buzz cut. You have no right to a hair style of your choice. You will then remain naked at all times in my apartment to remind you of your status. When you come out you will find some of your clothes in a pile on the floor. These you may keep. I want everything else you own bagged up for trash. Your possessions are mine now and I choose to dispose of them. I will take your wallet and keys and your PIN numbers. When I return I expect all this done and you kneeling by the door head bowed in respect. Do nothing else. Now get out of my sight."

I went into the bathroom excited, aroused, terrified and disgusted all at once. I had no idea what was happening to my life - I just knew I had no choice but to obey. I showered and shaved myself and with some difficulty gave myself a buzz cut. I did stop to look at myself in the mirror - I had always had a sensible parting before and was curious to see this new look - but otherwise worked hard to follow all the instructions to the letter. I had been kneeling with my forehead touching the carpet for some time trembling with anticipation before my new Master returned. I saw he had changed into jeans and a fashionable shirt before going out.

"I've done it all Master" I blurted out. "You do not have the right to speak to me fag. What makes you think I want to hear anything a creature like you has to say? I expect total obedience and total silence from you. If you wish to speak you must ask my permission and if I want to hear from you I will grant it. Otherwise unless you are replying to me you will remain silent. Clear?" "Yes Master. Sorry Master".

"Now stand and let me inspect you". I did so. My Master ran his hands over my now hairless body. "Better. Now you look more like a fag slave perhaps you will act like one. Kneel. I have two additions." I did and felt something close around my neck and my Master shaving the back of my head. I stayed still. "This collar shows you belong to me. You will leave it on at all times. You are also marked for the world to know what you are. Crawl on all fours to the bathroom fag and I will show you." I had a thin stainless steel collar with a tag attached saying "Property of Master Lane". I also had the word FAG shaved into the back of my head. Strangely my first thought wasn't of public embarrassment but that I didn't know my Master's full name until now.

"From now on you will remain on all fours in my apartment unless you need to stand to carry out any tasks on my behalf. You do not deserve to walk like normal men. Now I need a dump so prove what a good slave you are." I pulled down his jeans and underwear and he sat on the toilet seat. I remained kneeling before him. When he had finished I wiped his arse and flushed the toilet. "Now fag. After my arse is wiped I want it washed. Get you tongue up my arsehole and let me feel you lick me clean." I did as I was told but had to stop after a few seconds as I felt sick. My head was grasped and pulled into my Master's cheeks and I choked a little before continuing. "You'll pay for that fag. A slave must learn to love every part of his Master. Now keep going". Eventually he pushed me away and I dressed him again.

"Now I need to punish you before you prepare me for bed." He made me bend over the table. "You will thank me for this fag. It will make you a better slave. Now count the blows but don't make any other sound. At the end you may kiss my feet and apologise." I ground my teeth together determined not to cry out but it was impossible. Whatever my Master hit my arse with was agonising and although I said "one" it was through a cry of anguish. After "three" I was crying with the pain but after "eight" it stopped. I fell to the floor and kissed my Master's feet but out of relief it was over rather than any feelings of a valuable lesson learnt. Nevertheless I managed to say "Thank you Master. I will try harder to serve you." I had become totally subservient. In the course of one day my whole life was changed and my Master was my whole life.

I undressed my Master and for the first time had the chance to see his magnificent body. He saw me looking but made no comment as he got into bed naked after I had brushed his teeth. Instead he gave me a raft of instructions. I was to sleep on the floor by the bed in case he wanted anything during the night. I was to shower (in cold water) then prepare the bathroom and lay out breakfast ready for him while he slept. I was to wake him at 7am with coffee and be ready to shave him, shower him and dress him so he could go to work. I would not be working tomorrow as he had much for me to do - he would say I had phoned in sick.

At exactly 7am I was ready with the coffee but my Master was already awake. "Fag. I've got a hard-on. Suck my balls while I lay here." This was one instruction I was desperate to obey. I pulled off the duvet and could see his magnificent cock standing a thick 8 inches waiting for me amid a big bush of pubic hair. I crawled up from the bottom of the bed and started to suck each ball while staring with adoration at this God. After a few short minutes he pushed me off and stood up. I didn't need to be told to kneel between his legs and prepare to get face fucked. I had blown the odd man before but never anyone so well endowed. He gave me no chance to prepare myself but thrust his cock down my throat. I started to choke but he took no notice and once the panic subsided I found I was able to breathe through my nose when it wasn't pushed into his groin.

He came pretty quickly and I felt his cum shoot down my throat. I was sucking his head clean when he spoke. "Consider that protein shake your breakfast fag. Plenty more where that came from. Now attend to the rest of my body." He walked through to the bathroom where I brushed his teeth and shaved him. He took a dump while I ran the shower then stepped in. He shampooed and washed his hair then had me step into the shower. I knelt before him and lathered every part I could reach then stood to do the rest. He pushed me back down and I found his arse turned to me. I licked it clean then he turned again and put his cock in my mouth. He let out a shower of piss that I swallowed while the water cascaded over both of us. He then pushed me away and left me kneeling in the corner of the shower while he finished up.

I was also wet but had no chance to dry myself properly. Instead I dried my Master and dressed him ready for the office before he walked through to sit down for breakfast. I knelt down head bowed by his side. "Today fag you will stay here. People will be delivering things for me all day. You may wear a pair of old gym shorts to answer the door. Sign for everything. Treat everyone with respect and agree to whatever they tell you. Remember your status as a slave not a person. I will leave you a bowl of water on the floor. You may drink from this only and eat only what I leave from my breakfast."

Soon after this I was alone. I was still hungry after eating the remains of my Master's breakfast but knew better than to disobey. I also vowed to stay on all fours when I wasn't tidying the apartment. As it turned out I was kept busy answering the door. At first I was a little embarrassed to have a collar on full display saying "Property of Master Lane" but vowed to act normally. The first two delivery men looked disgusted but just got me to sign and left their packages. The third time the young man didn't look surprised. He had some clothes from a very exclusive store.

"Mr Lane said I could use anything I fancied the look of in return for delivering his order today. He must mean you." "Eh, yes Sir. How can I help you?" "You can blow me faggot then get the rest of the order from downstairs". I went down on my knees and pulled out his cock. It was not the same as my Master's but a reasonable size nonetheless. I worked him into my mouth and took him in my throat. He just stood there and let me work then shot his load without warning. He then gave me his keys and sent me down for the rest of the stuff. It took three trips and must have cost a fortune. I suddenly realised it must be on my credit card and wondered how on earth I could afford it.

By lunchtime I had signed for a variety of parcels when the bell rang again. This time two men were there carrying some kind of equipment. They walked into the apartment and through to the kitchen. "Come here faggot. Mr Lane has paid us to complete your look." I was tied face down on the kitchen table and something thrust into my mouth. "Normally we would do this over a period of a few weeks but Mr Lane said the pain you will experience is irrelevant to him. You'll have never felt anything like this before though boy." Something was rubbed onto my back and then I was in excruciating pain. It felt and sounded like they were drilling into my back. I thrashed around and tried to scream but was firmly tied and held down and gagged. At some point I passed out - either from the pain or whatever chemical was held under my nose.

I came to with my back and arse both throbbing and all alone in the apartment. I was still tied to the table. I cried in pain and loneliness and have no idea how long it was before my Master came home. He untied me but told me not to touch anywhere it hurt. He had me stand in front of a mirror and I gasped when he held another mirror behind me. Written across my back was "Fag Slave" in clear letters. Written one word on each arse cheek in smaller letters was "Free Hole". "The pain will ease after a few days fag but now you are branded for the world to know exactly what you are. Decent men will no longer mistake you for one of them and true men will know they are free to use you as they see fit. Now get on your knees and let me fuck your face. Your other hole will have to wait a few days."

So in two short days I had gone from a normal office worker to a fag slave possessed and branded by my Master. Everything I had owned he now owned. My life was now his life to do with as he chose. I had no idea where it would take me but I knew it was a journey I was powerless to stop.

Julian Reid

Property of Master Lane

Next: Chapter 2

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