Teen Alpha Finds a Daddy Slave

By Matt Dunkirk

Published on Dec 19, 2023


This will be a story about an adult sub and a teen dom. This isn't a love story, per se - and there is no equality between the two in the cards. No resemblance to any real person, living or dead, is meant. If it is illegal to read material of this type where you live, please stop now!

Feedback is welcome at matt.dunkirk.22401@gmail.com

The next day, Matt woke up at 7am, and went for his normal run. Running was an escape from any problems in his life, an hour or so he could be just in his own world. He used the time trying to figure out what to do about the basement, and the potential disaster if all his old work was lost. How had he never thought to create a secure, protected storage area?

But then his thoughts turned to Derek, and how calm and assured the kid had been. He'd really kept Matt from collapsing, and deserved some kind of compensation for helping a complete stranger in a moment of sheer crisis. Maybe no lives were actually on the line, but Matt felt like his professional life was threatened. Plus a new set of biking leathers...

After he got home, dripping in sweat - he'd pushed himself harder than normal, to burn off some of the stress - he showered, checked with his employees that they were all okay working from home, and then headed to the office. He stopped off to get a quick breakfast of baked oatmeal and a coffee, and ended up arriving at 9:20.

To his surprise, Derek was sitting on the stoop, scrolling on his phone. "Ummm... hi. I forgot you said you were coming back. But I can handle things, so you can enjoy your day."

Derek didn't even look up. He spoke in that surprisingly deep voice that had grabbed Matt's mind yesterday and forced him to be calm. "Your sign says you open at nine. You really shouldn't be late, its not professional. And we talked yesterday - I'm helping you, and you're gonna pay me. Here's a copy of an email from my dad, saying it's okay for me to work for you as long as, when school is back in, nothing interferes with that. Now, I'm ready to get started, are you?"

Matt had been taking a sip of coffee when Derek firmly but not obviously corrected Matt's behavior. His eyebrow shot up as he approached the door he'd locked all of fourteen hours before, putting his key in the door and opening it. "Okay, though I seem to remember I didn't say yes to hiring you - you're just lucky I know I need the help! And the boss arrives when he wants..." There, nice and professional, and ending this kid's assumption he was in charge. But as the door opened, Derek actually tsk'd at him.

"Matt, you need to consider how your clients are going to see this. Is their money, their contracted work going to vanish? They need you to show them you are capable of handling things. So showing up on time - even early, to be honest - is the right first step, and the boss? He sets the example. Let's both be on time tomorrow, okay?"

He walked by the stunned businessman and headed to the stairs down to the basement. "I'll be working to figure out what is already a total loss, and what can be salvaged. My dad's guys will bring by some ventilation fans in a bit - I'll need you downstairs then to help get them setup. I'd ask them to do it, but they do have a jobsite they need to get to. So you and me, Matty!" With that, he disappeared down the steps.

Matt just stared at the now-empty doorframe, and tried to collect his brain. He wanted to be angry, to be offended that this... this... KID having the temerity to chastise him. And he did let those feelings wash over him... for five seconds. Then his logical side made him stop, and admit Derek was right. About each and everything he said. He'd never been the most disciplined guy, and often times JUST made deadlines by luck. He always said it was the creative mind he had, but as Derek had just pointed out, he had clients who needed to see he was not just a creative airhead.

He walked upstairs to his office, processing what he'd just been told, before he noticed the flashing light on the internet router - he had messages waiting on the VoIP. It took him forty minutes just to get the messages all played and noted down who called. Another thirty to plan who to call in what order. And three and a half hours to speak to each of the people who'd called to reassure them that despite the disaster, his firm was still on top of their projects.

When he was finally done, he looked up to see Derek leaning against the doorframe, watching him. Matt again was struck by just how attractive the kid was - his strong features were very masculine, softened a bit by his somewhat slight build. His t-shirt was a tight plain white under-shirt really, though the white was battling all the dirt and stains from the work Derek had been doing. His jeans were also dirty, but still sexy as hell. And the combat boots he had on looked like they were actually someone's from time in the military.

Dammit, he's a kid, Matt - stop being a perv! You've never been a kid chaser, don't start now!

"Sorry, I get super-focused when I talk to clients. How long have you been there?" He moved to stand up and walk towards the door. "Do we need to set up the fans?"

Derek just cocked his head slightly, and smiled. "About ten minutes. You do get really intent on calls. Nice to see being late doesn't lead to you being all lazy with your clients. Kidding!" His laugh was just as resonant as his voice - Matt could only think when Derek grew up, he'd have all the women - and men - lining up for him! "But yeah, I need another set of hands. Got a lot done, though. More stuff was already somewhat protected by plastic file folders than I'd realized at first. And more stuff was not paper or cloth, so... quick drying off and they should be fine." They had been walking down the flights of stairs as they spoke, and when they walked into the cellar, Matt almost started to cry - it was a mess again! He looked and then turned to Derek, a quiet anger on his face and in his voice. "What the hell? You undid all the work we did yesterday, spreading everything all over! It's a fucking..."

"MATT! Calm the fuck down! LOOK! Yes, things are spread out, but its organized! Breathe - I know you're under stress, but that was uncalled for!" As he spoke, Derek began to lift things and show the older man that, in fact, there was a system being followed. Papers were pinned up to dry, books were in... was that buckets of rice? Trophies were placed in rows on tables. There were a few piles of miscellaneous things that Derek wasn't sure how to classify them, but even then, they were not just tossed about. Matt felt his anger drain in an instant, and he blushed bright red in embarrassment.

"Ah... yeah, guess I overreacted. But... looking closer, you do seem to have made progress."

Derek walked up to the much taller man, and stared him in the face for a few seconds, until Matt looked down at the ground. "You can try the words 'I am sorry, Derek' - you'll find being humble goes a long way." Then he just stood there, waiting.

Matt was confused, he'd apologized already. Hadn't he? He thought back to his words, and after replaying them a few times in his head, he realized he had not actually said anything to take back his lashing out. He cleared his throat, but still couldn't look Derek in the face.

"I... ah.... I's sorry for snapping and thinking you had messed things up, Derek. I should have given you a chance to explain before I leapt to judgment. I'll do better." Where the fuck did that last bit come from???

Derek stepped to him, and lifted his chin so they were looking in each other's eyes. "Thank you for apologizing, Matty. I'm not like other guys my age, I don't just act without thinking. You will give me the chance to show you what I do from now on, then if I make a mistake, you can get angry. Does that sound like a reasonable plan?" And again, the silence as he just... looked at Matt.

"Yessir, it does. I guess I'm still on edge and I need to stop and think. Again, I'll do better."

He didn't even notice he'd thrown in the 'yessir' - but Derek had. Inside his head, the younger man's thoughts were racing. He really hadn't thought of Matt as more than someone in need of some help, a chance to make some money NOT from his dad, and Derek loved big projects, so he'd thrown himself into the mess yesterday. His natural charisma and leadership had exerted themselves, but there was no other thoughts along those lines...

... until the larger man said that magic word. Derek considered the past two days, Matt's reactions to his being relegated to just another employee while Derek took charge and directed the whole group. He'd always been an Alpha, he knew that - and the people he'd has sex with (girls and guys) had also figured that out quickly. But this... Matt was not a kid. He was a grown adult male, and a solidly built and handsome one at that. Derek felt his blood boiling, as he saw that this might be the challenge he'd been looking for.

This might be his latest prey.

He decided to test the waters some, make sure he wasn't reading too much into this. "Yes, you will. No room for repeat of bad behavior, Matty. Now, let's get the fans setup right down this path towards the broken hatch to the street - all the drying papers are out of the way, so they won't turn to flying messes, but the moving air will still help them dry. You'll need to pay a guard to watch over things the next few nights. I'll handle hiring one, going to call the people who handle security for my dad's jobs. Ill tell them to bill you. Now, grab the left side of this fan..."

It took longer than Matt had thought to position the fans to Derek's satisfaction. The young guy explained why they needed to move them a few inches here, or on top of some pallets there. Matt had no idea what it all meant, to be honest. So he just did as Derek directed him. But eventually the large fans were going, and air flow all around the room became very strong, but didn't really disturb the papers in the room other than soft fluttering.

"There, should help a lot. Still gotta go thru each box, and Ill reorganize things so there's more shelf space to lay things out on. I think... no promises, but I think I should be able to save a lot of the papers. Oh, and... surprised I found this down here... but it's all cleaned and safe."

He held up Matt's framed diploma from college. It looked slightly rougher, but if you didn't know what had happened, you'd never really notice the damage.

"Oh my god! I'd forgotten it had gotten packed up when I moved to this building! Derek... thank you!" He grabbed the other guy in a giant bear hug, which made Derek laugh softly. He did return the hug, though, taking the chance to feel the rather strong build Matt had. He grinned as he began to plan how he was going to capture this hot daddy as his bitch!

"You're welcome, Matty-boy. Now, how about you show me the proper respect... for my work... and buy me lunch." Matt released the smaller guy, and kept marveling at the diploma. He probably didn't even hear himself say, "Absolutely, sir! Is the Rookery okay?"

Derek's grin was an apex predator's - he was quite happy with how Matt's natural submissiveness came thru whenever he wasn't taking, or being given, a moment to think of how to answer. As Derek moved to walk to the stairs, he lightly slapped Matt's ass, laughing as he did. "Yeah, too bad I can't get a beer, though! Maybe you'll plan better and bring some for me tomorrow!"

Sorry for the delay - Im going to blame it on love/lust, I met my Man and we've been kinda all caught up. But there also were some editing issues, and a few emails telling me people liked the slower pace towards sex. So I rewrote this a couple of times, and took the sex I was kinda forcing in out, and amped up the mental dominance at play instead. There will be sex, I promise! But I'm also enjoying Derek's more subtle (okay, NOT subtle to us reading it... but you know what I mean!) weaving a web for little Matty.

Please feel free to send reactions, or ideas for future inclusion, or just to say hello - I love interacting with you all! I used to write a lot more, now I mostly write on Tumblr and now this. But I've always loved people letting me know what they like, hate, feel I could have done better with THIS or done away with THAT.

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