Teen Alpha Finds a Daddy Slave

By Matt Dunkirk

Published on Nov 3, 2023


This will be a story about an adult sub and a teen dom. This isn't a love story, per se - and there is no equality between the two in the cards. No resemblance to any real person, living or dead, is meant. If it is illegal to read material of this type where you live, please stop now!

Feedback is welcome at matt.dunkirk.22401@gmail.com

Matt looked around the room in his basement, seeing all the contents had been moved... somewhere. A mat, a pillow, a cheap thin blanket. And bowls for water and food. That was all there was now. The walls had been painted black, creating a feeling of being... elsewhere. No noise came into the room once the door was closed. The previous owner had set this up for a playroom, and it was fully soundproofed. Matt had shrugged when he'd seen it as he was looking over the place - his tastes didn't run to the BDSM crowd (he was a top, but he couldn't treat other guys as lesser than he was), and he'd just used it as storage.

Until Derek came along, and it was being returned to its original use. Matt looked down at himself, and let out a small whimper. How the hell did I let it get this far?

He moved to the mat and sank to his knees, and very softly began to cry, as he remembered what had been done to him. How he'd become Derek's toy...

Matt Dunkirk was a big fish in the little pond that was Macon, GA. He'd graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design with a degree in advertising and marketing. It was one of the best programs in the country, and Matt loved his work. Especially the models it brought into his life. Since he'd started his own firm, he'd made a name for himself in the regional market, and many models got their start with his company.

And Matt took advantage of the relative newcomers' innocence, dating quite a few of both sexes. He never made it into something sordid - he never held their success hostage. No, if they weren't interested, he still used them in his campaigns. But just starting out, they assumed they didn't dare refuse his advances, thinking they'd torpedo their careers before they even got started. Over the last five years, Matt had shifted from truly bisexual and was more firmly in the gay camp these days. He just didn't want to deal with pregnancy scares anymore (he'd had two disturbingly close calls on those lines...).

It helped that Matt was 6ft4in tall, and had 210lbs of sculpted muscle as a result of his intense exercise routine. His sandy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes always got him second looks. And even in Macon, there were several "straight" men who discreetly propositioned Matt. And he, of course, obliged - who was he to refuse a closet-case's need for man-on-man action? When he had first said that, he'd laughed at himself for making such a dumb joke. But he never stopped using the line.

He was not closeted, but nor did he flaunt his sexuality. Matt basically thought others knowing or not was irrelevant unless he was trying to bed them. The employees at his firm at the very least wondered if he was gay or not, but no one ever asked him about it. His own personal "don't ask, don't tell" policy, of a sorts?

But it was a new hire that doomed him...

July 1st was a Wednesday, just like most other days he worked. He'd just had lunch with a client, and was walking into the building on Mulberry Street when he heard an ominous rumbling coming from the pipes. He got the rest of the staff to help him to see where, exactly, the noise was coming from.

"Jessica, while we are looking for it, get Bobby on the phone and tell him I need his crew here yesterday." His assistant nodded her head, and moved to make the call. He and the rest were all over the four story building, trying to see what the problem was. Just as Matt was about to give up and wait for Bobby, there was a loud crack from the front of the building, as the wall crumbled and a tidal wave of water poured out to the street.

Running outside, Matt saw a large part of the façade had collapsed. "FUCK ME!", Matt yelled. Looking around, he saw the old coal chute was letting water drain into the lowest level in the building. He yelled for everyone to help him move things around, to save the records and accumulated items from photo shoots over the last few years, as well as some of his personal boxes from college. He was pulling out boxes and trying to direct the others to do the same, when he heard a loud, firm bass voice.

"No, stop just moving things five feet, the water is going to keep coming it! Your four, setup a chain and pass the boxes back, and get them on the slab by the stairs - if they cut the water off, that should keep things high and dry!" Matt looked and was surprised to see it wasn't a contractor or Bobby the plumber directing his staff - it was a kid! But he knew what he was talking about, so he just told everyone to follow his plan.

The boy flashed Matt a cocky grin, as he was almost throwing boxes to the person behind him. "Name's Derek, you the bossman?"

Matt gave a glance at the quick-forming disaster, and gave a very unhappy nod of his head. "Yeah, though I'd give anything for this to be someone else's mess. I'm Matt - thanks, kid. Hard for me to concentrate when dealing with my business getting washed out to sea!"

Derek laughed as he kept working, even as he kept directing the staff to get better organized. "You don't need to think, then, boss - just don't lose your shit, you hear me? Gonna need all the bodies we can get for the next little bit. My dad does contracting, so I've got some experience helping around his jobsites."

The next two hours were spent first to get stuff out of the immediate deluge, and second shifting the boxes and furniture around so it was all still passable, if a bit cramped. Bobby got there in about twenty minutes, and cut off the water. Once he could look around, Matt was devastated to see what a huge mess was left behind. He wanted to yell at the world, but again Derek stepped up.

Anytime Matt was on the verge of being overwhelmed, the teen would move closer to the tall man, and tell Matt to work on one thing at a time. "You gotta focus on what's right in front of you, not on the whole... sorry, man... the whole disaster you got going on here. Just listen to me, and you'll get thru this. Deal?" Matt looked over at him, and gave a nod and a small smile. It was at that point he really saw what Derek looked like.

He was about 5ft8in, and in a set of motorcycle leathers. His black hair was plastered down by the water, and Matt could already tell the set of leathers were going to be ruined. But Derek never showed anything but calm on his face. He was the perfect example of a twink, he looked like he weighed all of 130lbs (literally) soaking wet. He'd look at Matt once in a while, and his green eyes would catch the sunlight coming in thru the hole just over their heads, and more than a few times Matt felt his breath catch in his throat.

Finally, the reorganizing of the basement was done, and Matt sat down on a wooden crate. It was already evening by this point, and Matt let everyone go home. He'd call them tomorrow to let them know the plans, but they should be prepared to work from home the next while until he could get someone to look at the damage and suggest a repair. They all gave him a hug, and told him to let them know anything he needed. Then they were gone. Matt sat there in silence for a time, until he heard a throat being cleared.

He turned and saw Derek was still there, and was looking thru the boxes. "Man, you're gonna need to get this shit sorted quick, Gotta keep the mildew and mold away." The kid had rolled down the top of his biking suit, and Matt was surprised to see a fair amount of muscle definition on the lean frame.

He's a twunk, not a twink, Matt thought.

"I have to say you were a lifesaver, Derek - you were able to stay calm, and kept ME calm in the process. But I think I need to buy you a new suit - you didn't have to help us... me... and I'd be an ass if I didn't repay you for doing so anyway."

Derek shrugged at first, but then turned back to Matt. "How about hire me to sort this stuff for you? I need some work while my dad is off on a job out of town, and you need someone to wrangle this mess." He waved his hand over the boxes. "Seriously, you can't wait to get stuff outta this wet cardboard. And pretty sure this task is nowhere in your employees job descriptions. So you're going to hire me to take care of you. I mean, to take care of this mess properly."

The kid didn't even seem to notice the boldness of his words - but Matt also knew he was right. Derek was opening a few boxes, and inadvertently showing off his upper body muscles in the process. Matt considered the... we'll call it an offer... Derek had tossed out in front of Matt.

"How old are you, Derek? I'm not going to be breaking any labor laws with you working here, am I?" He grinned as he said it, and Derek smiled back.

"I'm fifteen, so you need a parent's consent. But my dad will give that. How does $13 an hour work? Just at a quick glance, this is gonna be several weeks of work. Get the stuff out of the boxes, then organize it to dry. See what can be saved. Luckily I'm on summer break, and the school likes us to be productive with our down time. So win-win-win, huh? I'll start tomorrow - I think the sign upstairs says you open at nine in the morning." Derek then stood and stretched out, and the pop from several bones moving back into place. "That's my day-to-day work, though - still owe me a new set of leathers. We'll work out when that trip will fit both our schedules - betting never tried any on, have you?"

Laughing, Matt shook his head no. "I've never been on a motorcycle, let alone often enough to need to buy a set."

Derek grinned, and a strange look crossed his face for a few seconds, before settling back into his friendly kid role. "If you're a good boy, I'll give you a ride sometime soon. Oh, and I called my dad's second in command, he's sending over a couple guys to get the hole in the building boarded up. Telling you so you won't freak as to why a bunch of guys are about to start working on doing that."

Indeed, at that moment, Matt heard noise from above, voices, and heavy boot treads, followed by power tools. "Derek, I've gotta wait for the insurance to..."

Derek actually shushed him, cutting off whatever else Matt was about to say. "Trust me, Matty, I won't mess up filing a claim. Stop worrying - let Derek take care of things. Deal?" Matt couldn't find it in himself to argue, even if he did bristle at being called Matty, so he just nodded. "Now, I need to go home and get out of this suit, and I'm betting you need dinner then bed. Don't dawdle getting home. My guys will leave you all secure, so don't worry. See you in the morning... bossman." With that, he walked up the stairs

Matt wondered if Derek even knew how his words came across to people. That he just told people what to do, and expected them - even grown adults - to follow his lead.

Looking back now, Matt knew this was the moment Derek began to take charge.

So this is just setting up the board, so to speak. Starting next chapter, there will be some smutty material. But I'm always open to suggestions, feel free to email me with your thoughts on where you'd like to go with this. I have an overall plan, but lots of room to add other stuff in.

And if any young tops live in/near Fredericksburg VA, love to hear from you! But be legal - a 15yo dom is hot in fantasy, but in real life gets you in trouble!

Next: Chapter 2

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