Teddy and the Bear

By Chase Nadir

Published on May 29, 2018



First a plea from the author...

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While I'm not exactly a new writer, I'm not wicked experienced either. I welcome general feedback. What you like, what you didn't like. Just shoot me email (please include the story in the subject line.) I'm doing this mostly for entertainment, but also so I can grow. Keep in mind I'm a math major not an English major. If it is about grammar, syntax or spelling... I DO NOT CARE. I write when I cannot sleep. Expect errors and remember the source.

As always, I remind you: This is a work of fiction any resemblance to anyone you might know is wholly coincidental. Some folks have noticed a trend in my writings... Yes, I do have abandonment issues. I use fiction to kind of work through some of them.

If you are interested in my general ramblings, my diary/blog is here: ( https://nadirthelowestpoint.blogspot.com)

Thank you all for being kind, Chase

Teddy and the Bear By Chase Nadir

Of all the things I saw coming in life, this is not one of them. I am the sole surviving son of Connor Duncan the wealthy investment banker. In the near twenty years I've walked upon this Earth my primary focus has been my family and studies. I started learning about tragedy and loss three years ago. That was when my father was crippled in a car wreck. He can only walk for short distances with the aid of a cane. The same car wreck that crippled my father, took my twin brother and my sweet mother.

The only sport I excelled in with swimming, as such I have a very lean body. It was often joked by my team mates, I actually do not swim my body just cuts through the water itself. I am nothing in comparison to the mountain of muscle that is my boss and childhood friend Karim Salah-El-Din Amiri. Kareem was the CFO of his father's Financial Empire.

Life is truly not fair, Karim is an olive toned mountain of a man. One could say, he is an Arab Adonis. Something that a master craftsman would reproduce in marble. A man I have lusted over since I was fifteen. No, I was far different. My skin is very fair with freckles. My hair is red, with yellow highlights, and my eyes are emerald green.

I have known the Amiri family all of my life. I have seen Karim in many moods, this one was new. Today was the day I saw a wrath upon his face. My name is Eamon Tomas Duncan and this is the day my life changed again. There are moments, pivot points, in life which define us. This moment wasn't pivot as much as it was a death of sorts. What remained was what I had to rebuild with.

I've had three years of tragedy leading up to today. Now I kneel trembling; with handcuffs tightly binding my wrists, my ankles hobbled, and my mouth firmly gagged between Karim and the local Constable as my father is led into the office. My father is fond of saying, "A man must know what he believes in, and what he believes he should be willing to die for." I believe I knew what that was, until today. Today, this very moment I was ready to die, not for something, for someone.

Mr. Amiri spoke, "Connor, we have something of a problem today, please sit. It looks like Eamon is in a tremendous amount of trouble. Computer records show that he has been stealing from us for the last six months. If he is incredibly fortunate and the judge is overly lenient, he may be spending the next twenty-five to fifty years in Aistislam Al'amal Prison. You know that a five year sentence is usually fatal for westerners. If they survive incarceration, they do not leave the same way they went in."

"Eamon? Karim you must be mistaken, MY Teddy does not steal."

"The young man just confessed to it. It's not like we can easily put aside his confession. Constable please wait in the outer room, I'm quite safe. Even if the boy was not bound, he would be no match for me, and his father is crippled and no threat." The constable leered down at the me and left the room, and the pit of my stomach dropped in fear forcing my eyes to the floor.

Karim Amiri dropped a pile of printouts in front of my father, and then put forward my signed confession. After thoroughly examining the files dad looked at me and said, "Little guy, I am so disappointed in you. I can't believe you would do this to the family name. I opened the door for you. You betrayed me and a lifelong friend."

Dad and I knew the prison's history, and how foreign born prisoners were always sent there. On the first day the guards force you to sit upon a glass bottle. If you have something to offer, or are physically desirable, they will make sure it is a narrower one with thick walls, so that will not shatter while inside of you.

Father looked at me and began shouting. "This was supposed to be how you start your career, not how you end your life! Karim he is clearly guilty, but Aistislam Al'amal surely not. Eamon would not survive day one, to say nothing of the horrors that follow."

Karim quickly replied, "Oh Connor, you are so right. Your boy is CLEARLY guilty, but not of this. This is your doing, the theft has been occurring not for six months, but almost twenty-seven years. I find however, his biggest crime has been trusting you." Like his father Karim was a patient man, but his patience has just run out. He dropped a much larger file in front of my father.

"This has been going on almost since you and my father begun this business together. Father and I could ignore the fact that your finger grazed the scales occasionally. But this..." He fiercely thumped the pile with his fist. He shook his head and continued, "...this is your entire hand, arm, and shoulder leaning on those scales.

I think this is the reason you begged me to give your son employment. You had already lost your favorite son and your first wife. You told me wanted a new life with this new whore of yours. Eamon was the disposable old remnant of your first life." Karim rubbed my shoulder.

"Computer logs proved to me that your son knew about this on Thursday. I have no doubt he took the proof to you, and asked for you to do the right thing. He is a good boy, loyal to his family. Father and I see the beautiful Dolce in him. How sad he did not have a good example in his father as well. My father has left this in my hands now...

Connor, you made an error logging onto the wrong terminal this morning. Your son has been having issues with his primary workstation of late. In fact, my people have made sure of it. We had to see exactly what he was doing, he can be quite stealthy if he needs to. He was given permission to log directly onto the server, which is how he was able to find your BOT, and five others. But you would not have known that Connor.

The poor boy doesn't even know you stole from him as well." He dropped another pile of papers on the desk. "These show that you have drained the trust fund that the beautiful Dolce and her father setup for the boys."

Tears streamed from my eyes as the proof mounted and I realized how completely father betrayed me. Worse than that the evidence showed how little I was valued by him. "Connor, you changed the books early this morning to show that it your son was stealing from me.

When I summoned him to my office first think this morning, he assumed things had not changed from Thursday night. Your son has far more nobility in him than you do. He knew your health has been fragile since the crash. He also knew that you would not survive even a short a prison sentence. Knowing all of these things, he tried to protect you by assuming the guilt for your crimes.

Now, I am left with a problem. If I punish you I damage the brand and my father's image. I also alienate your son who is a good boy, and excellent employee. If I punish your son in your place, you remain with some influence. So I propose a compromise. I will buy you out. The funds from the buyout will go to reimbursement of your victims. You will sign over control of all of Dolce's properties to the boy immediately.

You are going to retire and return home to New York or Boston. Although some of Dolce's money was used to purchase the New York apartment, it was at least a marital asset. I know your boy will not leave you penniless. Hopefully, 'Misty' has pity on your worthless broken hide and stays with you.

Your son can be salvaged, father wants him to stay behind. To help rebuild a world that you have destroyed. This deal expires in ten seconds. If it is not accepted, then it is you who will be going to prison. I refuse to punish the innocent, or negotiate with traitors." Dad quickly signed the sale and retirement paperwork.

By the time all of the debts were repaid there was precious little left from the sale price. He would receive a monthly small stipend from the company as a pension. He also signed over control of all of mother's holdings.

Barely glancing at me he's simply muttered two words, "Sorry Teddy..." I turned my eyes from him. How wrong could I be? Did the crash in the end take my whole family? Was the impact just felt, over three years instead of immediately?

Father was escorted out of the office. The Constable re-entered the office, and quickly released me from my bonds. I rubbed my aching wrists and ankles. Mr. Amiri apologized to me, "I am sorry they were so tight. We had to make it believable." He handed me his handkerchief to dry my eyes and clean my face.

Then he spoke to the constable, "Escort my former partner and his little whore to the airport directly. Inform him we will ship his belongings to him. Ensure customs knows that they are never to be allowed to return. Advise the airline there is to be no outbound passenger communications, and no Wi-Fi on board. We will compensate the other travelers. I need to make sure all of his access is turned off first."

The Constable quickly left the room to begin his task. Karim focused his attention on me. "What am I to do with you. I told your father that you were guilty, and it is true. Do you know what you are guilty of?"

"I tried to hide my father's crime from you sir."

"Trying to assume responsibility for your father's guilt was noble, and understandable. Still little one, that is the last time you will ever lie to me. I must know that I can trust my intern and aid completely."

There was a knot in my stomach. Amiri's interns were the subject of many jokes in the company. The three that I knew about were very effeminate boys. "Sir, I'm not worthy to be your intern. I'll never be able to do what they did for you. I am not like my brother Enna, sir."

My twin and I were two sides of the same coin, equal and yet opposite. It has been three years since the crash that killed my brother and severely wounded father and mother. Mother died in the hospital shortly after, I always thought her death was from a broken heart.

Enna and I shared many things; the middle name Tomas (twin), faces and build, but we did not share everything. Father was proud of our Irish heritage, we were perfectly named. My name Eamon is translated as 'protector of prosperity' the perfect title for an accountant. It is said I take after mother very studious and a hard worker. I sucked at talking to people. It freed me up to focus on the task at hand, whether that was school work or swimming.

Enna meant 'bird like,' he did not walk into a room, he floated through it charming everyone. He was like father, always looking for an easier way. At fifteen Enna started dating men. I always suspected Karim was his first, though my theory was never confirmed. Enna was adept at sweet talking people into giving him what he wanted. Failing that he had no troubles trading his body for good grades and whatever his heart desired.

To an outsider it may sound as if my brother and I did not get along, that was not the case. Losing an identical twin, is like having half your soul removed. I didn't agree with the way he lived his life, but I did live vicariously through his exploits. Enna was the free spirited extrovert, I on the other hand was emotionally restrained a classic introvert. More at home with a book than a human.

With the loss of Enna and mom, I threw myself into his scholastic career finishing my four year degree in three. Upon graduation reality hit, not many would look past my years and young face. I never desired to work with my father, but in the end practicality won out. Father called in a favor for an internship for me here at the global headquarters.

Mr Amiri laughed out loud, "I have not confused you with your brother. I know that you believe in hard work, and that is what I demand of my aids. I know that your family encouraged you boys to learn languages, I have need of this. You are a skilled accountant, I have need of this as well. You are very skilled at finding things long hidden, and I believe you can tell time. My time is precious. One of your jobs is to keep me on schedule, politely of course. Can you do these things?"

My family was gone, all that remained was what I perceived to be the tattered remains of my career. I knew Karim would ensure my family's name would be worthless. So I replied, "Yes sir."

"Then you have the job. The company is hemorrhaging funds. We must find ALL of the wounds. Your father was just the beginning. Others have taken advantage of my father's generous nature, this must end." The big man put his hand on my bear arm. "You have lost so much my young friend. Please, let my family and I help you rebuild."

Karim pulled me into a comforting embrace. They were the same arms that hugged me when I lost my brother and my mother. They were also the same arms that later congratulated me when I graduated summa cum laude. I felt a confusing warmth deep in my soul. For the first time in a long time he felt whole again.


The Amiri family home was huge. It was once a palace in the middle of town with several open courts. By the time the we arrived most of my things had arrived as well and been unpacked. Nothing happens within the Amiri family without exact preparation. Karim had a guest suite in his section of the building. It was right across the hall from his suite. While the house was old the rooms were well-appointed. The furniture was new and the fabrics were plush and soft.

I was however still terrified. I was now stranded in a country with a culture that I barely understood. I had a father who betrayed me, and a boss I did not understand anymore. At that precise moment I felt very alone. More than anything I felt an overwhelming feeling of shame. I was not looking forward to dinner. I knew I would have to meet the patriarch of the family. The man my father betrayed.

There sitting on my new bed was the worn stuffed bear my brother gave me when I was nine and sick with the flu. It was the best gift he had ever given me. Just seven years later, he put it on my desk as a joke one to watch over me. I had a huge test the next day and I was sure I needed more study. That was the night of the crash.

To others it was just a ragged and worn teddy bear. To me it was the last link I had with my brother. The final remnant my old life. I curled up on the bed and clutched it to my chest crying. Here I was almost twenty years old clutching this stupid old stuffed bear for dear life. I fell asleep that way.

I awoke to the feeling of someone rubbing my temples. When I rolled over to found Ibrahim Amiri sitting on the corner of the bed. He was looking down at me with such a look of love, it broke my heart.

He spoke, "I came to welcome you to my home. What troubles your heart so much little one?" He stopped me when I started to address him as Mr. Amiri he smiled saying, "You used to call me Papa Ibrahim. I was your godfather long before I was ever your boss or host. You are no stranger to this house.

One of the proudest days of my life was when the beautiful Dolce asked me to be the godfather of both of her boys. I am so proud of you my little Teddy."

His sweet words were like grinding course salt into my open wounds. "I'm not worthy to call you Papa Ibrahim. My father betrayed you, and I know a son shares the guilt of his father. How can you ever trust me?" He pressed his finger to my lips to silence me.

Tears were rolling freely down my cheeks. The sound of my sobbing must have carried down the hall. I saw Karim in the doorway. "Is my boy hurt?"

"Only his heart, please leave us. I need time with my new baby." I have never seen Ibrahim speak so shortly to his son. Karim dutifully obeyed, after he shot me a look of concern.

"Teddy, it was your father who wronged me not you. Connor is now dead to me. As I understand the role of godfather, it is my responsibility to raise and care for you in his absence. I intend to honor that promise to your mother. I know in the eyes of your people, you are an adult. I see you as a wounded little boy needing our care. You will stay here for some time and recover. When you can stand on your own feet, only then I will send you back to work."

"Papa Ibrahim, my father stole from you for so long. I don't know how much of my education you actually paid for. That being said, I owe you."

He sighed deeply and looked at me with sad eyes. "No little one, it is you who are not paying attention. You owe me nothing, I promised to care for you. That most definitely includes your education. I am so pleased with what you have done with the gift of your schooling.

The prophet himself took a boy who had problems with his father. Eventually that relationship was restored. I do not know whether this will happen in your case. I do know you need someone now.

I remember the big arguments you had with your father over school. He wanted you to follow his footsteps and go to Harvard, but you were insistent you wanted to go to the better program in Washington D.C. Even then you knew you were, your own man and did not wish to live in his shadow. You refused to join his fraternity for the same reason.

You had a graduating class of many thousands at Patuxent University. Less than one tenth of a point separated you and the boy who graduated magnum cum laude. Do you not remember his speech, when he praised the challenge and help you gave him. You bring out the best in other people, occasionally to your own detriment. You are a source of great pride to me."

I sat up and was lost in his arms. There are no small men in the Amiri line. I have never felt a hug that so enveloped me. He told me that dinner would be ready in a few hours and I could use the time to rest, freshen up and change. With all the stress of the day, I was smelling very ripe. I sniffed the air and nodded in agreement.

When he left and the door closed, I stripped and went into the bathroom. The bathrooms of the palace suites were large and opulent. Opening the large doors was the entry area. To the right behind louvered doors was the water closet with toilet and bidet. Straight on was the massive green marble sinks.

In the alcove made by the water closet on the right was a large shower big enough for four people to bathe without contacting one another. The far left side of the bath were five steps leading into the equally gigantic step-down marble tub. I thought of using the tub first, but a shower would more than do.

I looked down at my wrists the indentations from the handcuffs were fading, but still visible. I was startled by Karim's voice, "Yes, father was most upset by those little one." I covered myself in shame. "Do not be embarrassed. You are almost identical to Enna, and I do remember very well what HE looked like. Still it is nice to finally know the secret behind your name 'Teddy' little one."

I trembled as his finger traced the outline of my birthmark on my right butt cheek. "I knocked but you did not reply. I was concerned. Father has given you my old room as your safe place, and I intruded on your privacy please forgive me."

"This is your home, it is I who is the intruder Mr. Amiri..."

He pressed his finger to my lips, "Here I am just Karim. If you continue to call each of us Mr Amiri, you will have eight confused men replying yes all the time. You are no intruder here. Father is right, this is YOUR home as much as mine now." I nodded in understanding. "I was going to enjoy a steam and then a soak in the salt water tub. It is not safe to steam alone so I was wondering if you would care to join me?"

"I would love to Mr. Am... I'm sorry. I would love to, Karim."

He replied, "Shall we shower to open our pores little one?"

I blushed but he was right he already knew about what I looked like, and I had seen other guys naked in the school showers. So I shook my head yes. When he opened his robe I realized how wrong I was. He had more fur than my teddy bear. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder "There is no reason for shame we are just two boys sharing water. I am only five years older than you little one."

I stuttered with my reply, "Karim, could you just call me Teddy, Eam, Emmo, or Eamon? Hell even shit head is an improvement over little one or little guy. Dad always called me his little guy and Enna his little one. I don't want to think about dad for a while. Is that ok?"

"I absolutely will not call you shit head. Still, Teddy is fine, and quite understandable." He hugged me again. It felt safe, a little awkward but safe. Like I said, the shower was huge. With water nozzles that blasted us from all angles. I spent my time admiring the intricate patters of the tile-work in the corner away from him. Truth be told I was trying to hide the fact my cock was semi hard. I think I was starting to understand my dear brother.

We dried ourselves and put on robes. Not only for modesty, but to keep the heat in. Then we walked down the hall to his family's six sided Turkish styled bath. Steam billowed out of the as he open the door. The voice of his older brother, Omar Rasheed, bellowed, "Close the door idiot before all the heat escapes!" I quickly stepped into the room. "Oh little one, I am sorry I thought you were my worthless brother."

On cue Karim stepped into the room and close the door behind him. "His name is not little one, it is Eamon."

"I would remind you little brother you are both my employees and I can call you what I wish. But if he prefers Eamon I will gladly comply."

I replied with a shaky voice, "I prefer Eamon, Sir. I'm sorry I disturbed your steam. I can just go back to my room."

I started to turn back towards the door when Omar replied, "Stop littl... Eamon, you have had as bad a day as I have. Thanks to you finding those BOTs you have saved our company millions. I have had to take disciplinary measures on a nephew's plaything who disappointed us, and terminate relations with three additional companies. The last one... we're having difficulty finding out where it came from."

"Sir, if it is 'P7ZY' I think you're going to find, it was written to make our Russian partners look bad. I think you're going to find it was written by a syndicate from Ukraine."

"Thank you Eamon. Please here at home I am simply Omar. If you go around calling all of us all sir, we will never know who you are talking to." I laughed at the symmetry between the brothers.

Omar and Karim had different mothers, but both looked like their father. Omar was about twenty years older then his baby brother and twenty-five more than me. Although his title was Vice President, he was in charge of the daily operations of the firm. His father was mostly retired and had the honorific title of President.

Karim laid out a towel for me on the hot marble slab. I again apologized for my father. "Eamon, there is one thing I do not know. How did you know that BOT linked back to your father from just looking at the source code?"

I replied to Omar, "Source code has its own language and pattern. Each program is like a fingerprint. I recognized that syntax from some of fathers earlier works. The BOT was originally programmed to round half cents down to full pennies on large transactions. It was an old accounting tool. In time father chose to round them up. Then pennies became nickels. Then nickels to dimes, then dimes to dollars. As his greed grew so I guess the decimal places continued to move. This may sound stupid of me, but I think part of him wanted to get caught."

Karim replied, "Creeping decimal-ism. There comes a point where the money is too large and becomes unreal. I know you want to find something redeeming about your father, but I think he was just desperate to keep his new woman happy. He was so desperate he was willing to sacrifice anything, or anyone."

His broad backhand caressed my cheek as he encouraged me to lie down. His words hurt, but I did know he meant them, part of me agreed.

Omar saw the moment of tender care his brother showed me, "Enough Steam for me it is time for a soak. Welcome to our family Eamon."

After twenty minutes in the steam room, we decided it was time to soak ourselves as well. I was so completely drained I could barely stand. Karim almost had to hold me up in the shower and then he dried me afterwards. The whole time he was smirking at me. We played In the salt water pool for about an hour. I love what the salt water does to my skin, it makes it smooth to the touch.

As we emerged from the pool and our naked bodies were once again exposed to one another Karim asked, "Eamon, you have less hair than your brother did when he and I were together. You boys were identical twins, except for your birthmark, what happened to you hair?"

I laughed, "After years of competitive swimming, I've used so many different depilatory treatments that I guess the roots eventually died out."

His hand played with the small crown like tuft of hair above my penis, "And this?"

I blushed a deep red, "It didn't need to come off, it was covered by my speedo."

His hand slid around and cupped my ass cheek, "So was this..." His hand went inside the cleft between the cheeks. "...and this." As his finger slid softly over my hole, I leaned my head against his chest and I moaned softly.

I was fighting between urges when I heard my voice reply, "Please stop. I am not Enna."

"Again you accuse me of confusing you with your brother. Your brother was my first boy. The problem was, I was not your brother's first. He wanted so much more than I could give. Father told me I was a fool to give in to him so often. He said I was part of the reason the boy was ruined. I spoiled him, giving him what he wanted, not what he needed. He forbade me from attempting anything with you. Even then my father protected you.

I had a daft idea that you and I together could fix your brother. Do you know how many nights I dreamed of having you boys climb into bed on either side of me? You have been my favorite fantasy for years."

"I'm sorry Karim, I'm just not ready... not today. Please forgive me."

"No Eamon, it is I who should beg your forgiveness. Your world has just turned upside down and I tried to insert myself in the void it left. I am twenty five years old and I still keep making the same mistakes over and over again." He took my face in both of his hands and pulled my face up to look into my eyes, "I will wait for you to tell me you are ready. If that day does not come, I will be happy to call you friend."


Dinner was uneventful. Everyone was walking on eggshells trying not to hurt my feelings. I just wish one of them would get as angry as I was with my father. If that is how the family chose to deal with the unpleasantness, to simply mourn the passing of an old friend. I was willing to let them deal with it in that manner.

Over the next few days, Omar asked me a few times about the source code on the suspected Ukrainian BOT. Each time he was shut down with just a look from Papa Ibrahim. After a week, I simply asked, "Is there a workstation in the home that had a secure connection to the server? I think I may have left a few jobs running"

Omar And Kasim smiled knowing what I was suggesting. Enna taught me, there are times where it is better to beg forgiveness than ask permission. We weren't out-right disobeying Papa Ibrahim, we were just selectively choosing to acknowledge his wishes.

He wanted me to get better and that wouldn't happen until I could mourn. That couldn't happen until I could relax. So long as the company was at risk that wasn't going to happen.

To pull this off, they had to bring in another brother Abdul-Haseeb who was the info security officer for the company. Equipment was smuggled into the families office so that two workstations could be cloned. He and I worked together to find out how the BOT was delivered to the server.

Our search showed it was installed through piece of malware that was loaded from a work disk a vendor brought in. Haseeb was furious it was not scanned first. We were able to trace the path of the funds. I wrote a secondary BOT which restored our funds before their software caught on. We then turned the evidence over to the authorities. We were ecstatic with our victory thumping our chests in pride.

Papa Ibrahim entered the room and requested an explanation for our celebration. He was not impressed with our efforts being hidden from him. However life once again occurred, and he had to deliver bad news to me. A day after arriving in New York City, Misty left father. She hated the cold of New York City and wanted more. Far more than my broken father could now give.

In less than fifteen minutes I went from triumph to tears. As Papa Ibrahim presented the rest of the news, "The police forced their way into your father's apartment and found him in the tub. They believe he used a knife to open his own veins. There was a hand written note of apology to both you and I for his betrayal." I turned and buried my face in Karim's chest. Shouting how it was my fault.

"This was not your fault my sweet boy. Your father was weak, and there comes a point where a weak man cannot endure and simply quits. You are not like him, I watched as you cared for him after the crash. I saw in your eyes how you wanted to shut down and morn, but had to be strong for your father. We will now be strong for you, so you may mourn." Papa Ibrahim rubbed my back and agreed with his son.

For the first time since I was a child, Karim slept with me. Not as he slept with my brother, but as a brother he held me and comforted me. The next morning he and Papa Ibrahim flew with me to New York. We were met by an envoy from the mayor's office, who expedited our passage through customs.

We were taken to Police Headquarters where one of the investigators showed us the knife that he used to open his wrists. All of us recognized it, it was his prized possession. Papa Ibrahim was the first to speak, "That was mine, it had been in my family for over three hundred years. I gave it to Connor in honor of being named his boy's godfather. It was a symbol of our families joining together."

The investigator asked about the betrayal mentioned in the note. The Amiris both said it was personal. I rested my hand on Papa Ibrahim's, "He is dead Papa Ibrahim, he cannot harm me anymore. You are right, his shame is not my shame." Karim was able to have the recording stopped. The officers understood when they heard the full story. They agreed it would be listed in their report as a reaction to personal financial failure.

I could not find a priest who is willing to give him a funeral mass. The family priest however was willing to say a blessing over his grave in the family plot In Boston. Father Jack apologized about how I was treated, but reminded me suicide is still a mortal sin. He told me how the Archdiocese forbade him from having a funeral mass given the public nature of father's suicide.

The graveside service was attended by my father's lawyers and others affiliated with father's lesser holdings. Misty also made an appearance. She remained in town only long enough to find out father left her nothing. After a week of crying for my father. Coupled with digging up the wounds of my mother and brother. I had finally cried myself out, and I was left angry.

We met with the lawyers In charge of father's estate. They were the same lawyers who let father bleed mother's trust dry. Papa Ibrahim and Karim helped me prepare and were there to show support. This was my fight.

I was angry and I was fully prepared to let them know just how angry I was. There was a knock on the door and I asked Karim to let my counsel in. When the doors opened the color left their faces.

The U.S. Marshals entered the room and served search warrants, All files for the firm were seized. Several of the attorneys who worked on our trust left with restrictive jewelry binding their wrists. The government was kind enough to even provide transportation for them to their new temporary lodgings.

Karim whispered in my ear, "My sweet and innocent Teddy has grown into a full American grizzly bear."

Once the men found out that another nation was seeking their extradition for prosecution, they willingly offered guilty pleas in exchange for no extradition agreements. I believe someone from the Justice Department just might have described the entry ritual of Aistislam Al'amal prison to the men.

A new firm was appointed custodian of Father's estate and the Family Trust. I requested all of father's estate be liquidated. His professional library was entrusted to his beloved Harvard. There was nothing I wanted to keep. I would keep mother's properties including her father's D.C. apartment. The one she renovated for us boys when we went to college.

Papa needed to return, but I wanted some more time. I asked Papa Ibrahim if Karim and I could delay a week. He told me keep him for however long I needed.

We got Papa to the airport and boarded our helicopter. It was a flight to the only real home I've ever had. Enna and I were mostly raised by nannies until we were old enough to be shipped of to boarding schools. We were always near our parents, but we never really lived with them.

Our first real taste of freedom was the apartment in Washington. Enna followed my lead in defying father. Personally I think he just wanted to be out from under father's judgemental eye. During the ninety minute flight, I thought back on the never ending trail of gorgeous hunks who went in and out of his room during the six months before the crash.

He used to laugh at me in my library studying. He told me, "Teddy, this is the perfect place and time to fuck without consequences. If you don't start to live a little, life will pass you right by." I thought to myself, ok Enna, you win. I got the place and the guy I want, just help me with the courage.

I was roused from my lusty thoughts by a voice on the headset saying, "This is your captain speaking. We've been cleared for straight in approach to the rooftop pad at 2900 K Street. Arrival time will be 7:43 p.m. The local temperature is 31 degrees." Both of us shivered at the mention of the temperature.

We were escorted from the pad and through the central tower by the Concierge. She handed me the keys after she open the door. "We were a bit rushed, but I believe you will find everything in order. Your luggage has been stowed exactly as you requested Mr Duncan." I almost turned around to look for my father.

I had just put a fifty in her hand when Karim stated, "Wrong money Teddy."

I looked down and sure enough it wasn't an American bill. I quickly swapped the bill out and apologized then I thanked her. She laughed saying it happens more often than I would think. We went in and true to her words they were ready for us. The fire was roaring in the entryway and every fireplace in the place was lit up.

Karim had not seen this home since I remodeled. I had something special laid out, so I took him the long way around. Ever the practical man, each time we left a room that had a fireplace he extinguished it. "It is a hazard, I must protect my Teddy."

Karim gave a quick look over the bar just off of the entryway. Everything was of course top shelf. There was only one bedroom on the first floor. As soon as I open the door he smiled and said "Enna!" Mother did not care what we put on our walls So long as they were framed. My brother took that rule to perverse extent. With nude male centerfolds on every wall.

After their deaths I just left it alone, aside from the cleaning crew it was an untouched time capsule. As if I expected to see him walk through the door make use of it.

As soon as dad was mobile again he was back at work, and I was back at college. I redecorated and moved into the master suite, but I just couldn't bring myself to change a thing Enna's room.

Down the hall was the media room, We had many movie nights with Enna's friends, some of them even less than x-rated. We climbed the grand spiral staircase to the upper lounge and my library. Often when Enna was entertaining I would lose myself in my safe space.

Most of the musty old leather bound works were from grandfather's library. Each time I got good marks in a language class he would give me one of his loved books. He used to tell me what books were an adventure. To fully enjoy the trip, you had to know the language they were originally written in. He considered it sacrilege for someone else "to do the work of translation. Knowledge must be earned."

Karim asked, "You hear your grandfather's voice now don't you?" I smiled and nodded and he continued, "My Papa so admired him. He was a man of faith and a man of letters. But used neither to make anyone feel less than they were. You share that skill."

Off the library was the office then my old room. All of the character was stripped out. I set it up as a spare guest suite, just in case father ever condescended to visiting me at school. On the other side of the library Once a small bedroom. The family jokingly referred to as "The don't stay long room." I often thought it would make the perfect nursery.

Down a short hallway was the master bedroom suite. It's wall of glass looked out over the river and the Capital beyond. Grandfather had a love affair with windows. There was not a bad view anywhere. Karim silently eyed the fact that both of our bags were in the room. He spun me around and pressed his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around me. When our lips parted, I smiled and said "Not yet, I have another surprise."

We went back out to the upper lounge and down the main staircase into the main living room. From the first landing You had a commanding view of the main living room, with the dining room and kitchen beyond. The table was a glow with candlelight reflecting off the domed silver trays resting on the table.

"You feed me as well? How am I going to provide for you when you have everything?" I gestured to his chair. He sniffed the air, then turned to me and said, "No, it can't be!" He lifted the tray's lid revealing a barbecue beef Beltway Burger with curly fries covered with cheese. "THIS, you remember?"

It was the meal that we all begged for. The governess finally relented, trudging out to bring back our three sacks of; in her words, "vile concoctions." Our fathers were in town for some political fundraiser or another. The three of us boys were dumped at grandfather's old apartment with an old crone of a governess.

After dumping the food out on the table, she excused herself for the evening and went down to her apartment. All of the rooms were claimed for the night, so the three of us boys had to share the downstairs bedroom.

"Do I remember? Of course I remember. We were fifteen, the youngest seniors in the history of Destiny Academy for Boys. It was winter break and we had a hot twenty year old Arab stud sleeping with us. Do you remember when I got sick after eating my burger?" Karim nodded.

"Enna had pulled me aside and told me that the two of you wanted to have private time in the room. He told me you guys were an item and I didn't want to intrude on your fun. So I went up to the library and reread Robinson Caruso. When they got home mom and dad found me sleeping on the sofa and they put me to bed in the little bedroom."

"If your brother was alive today, I would cane his bottom until it bled. Oh my sweet boy, my Teddy. Enna lied to you, we most definitely were not an item, that was our first night together."

We ate our burgers in silence. Like so much of my childhood, it didn't taste the same. Just before midnight I cleaned the table and put the dishes into the dishwasher. Karim went into the media room to check on the big match back home. I know that sounds cold, but one of his brothers was on the team and he wanted to share the victory. I guess I did to.

When I arrived from the kitchen, he was sprawled out over the sofa. His shoes were off, as was his dress shirt. He was wearing his silky muscle black muscle shirt. He held out his hand and pulled me into position. Sitting between his legs and leaning against him, my back to his belly and chest. He wrapped his arm around me as if he was clutching a stuffed bear. Only releasing me to throw his fist in the air for a bad call or pump it in triumph as his brother's team scored.

During a break I made my move. I shifted straddling his hips. I pressed my lips to his, parting them hoping to encourage his tongue to come into mine. He obliged and our tongues intertwined, exploring each other's mouths. I was burning up, I pulled my polo shirt off tossing it onto his.

My hands slid towards his belt when he stopped me. "I owe my Teddy the full experience. The thing he was deprived of for so long."

I got one word out "What?"

He pushed me back off his lap then covered my body with his huge frame. He had leaned over and planted a huge kiss on my lips. It is different when the other guy drives. I just wilted into the couch, whimpering desperately kissing him back. I began attacking his muscle shirt trying to pull it off. In the end he simply grabbed it and tore it in two, exposing his muscular hairy chest and his rock hard abs. My cock was straining to get free from my trousers.

He leaned down and started sucking on my nipples and then licked along the smooth flesh covering my toned abs. I loved it when he stuck his tongue into my navel, Teasing and nibbling the surrounding flesh. Then he began licking his way down to the crown of red hair covering the top of my cock. Then he started all over again.

He was kissing on my chest, ears, my neck and stomach for about ten minutes. He made mental notes of what made me whimper or groan in delight, returning to those spots again and again.

His hand was caressing my hard cock. I thought it would bust its way out of my trousers. He could see the desperation on my face, he knew I needed it freed from its prison. My head fell back against the arm of the couch as he continued to work in earnest on my cock.

As he pulled my pants down and off my legs I told him, "Karim, I..." I swallowed hard, "...this is the first time I've ever had sex with anyone. The most I've ever done is kiss a guy. Even that was someone who came to the door and thought I was Enna. Then he rounded the corner and all hell broke loose."

Karim began laughing. "I know my baby is sweet and innocent. Your brother must have been quite surprised, walking in on you kissing his date." I joined in his laughter remembering the absurdity of the moment.

I was leaking so much precum it looked like I peed my underwear. My hands slid down to try to cover the wet spot. He pulled my hands away. "Oh my beloved boy, my sweet Teddy. It is all part of the experience. Your body is telling me it is ready." He knew I was so excited I was going to burst. I could damn near crack chestnuts with my cock it was so hard.

What's that he grabbed the waistband of my underwear and pulled them completely off of me. My almost seven inch uncut rod was exposed to the now cold air of the room. Once free of my underwear his hand wrapped and warmed the chilled flesh. He softly kissed the inside of my thigh, just below my bear nut sack and asked, "Is my baby ready for this?"

I whimpered uh-huh softly as I expected him to lift my legs and plow into my ass. Instead he damn near brought me to heaven as he wrapped his lips around my shaft. Serious I was in shock I thought I was going to have a heart attack. This is something I never thought he would do. Enna once told me that sex with Karim was one-sided.

I actually let out of surprised yelp when he nipped a little too hard on my foreskin. Guys who don't have one, don't understand how tender that skin is. He made up for it by quickly by sinking his lips all the way to the base of my shaft. The pleasure was so extreme with the suction that he was applying in addition to the tongue action. I actually shouted for him to never stop.

I found myself grateful that mother sprung for the rockwool soundproofing in the walls and floor cavities. My hips began to arch, as his sucking increased and got his hand involved. It was stroking me softly as he licked the head like a lollipop.

As he returned to the heavy suction I tried to warn him. I was close. "Karim, I am soooo close... oh fuck I'm about to.... OH SHIT... I AM CUMMMIIING!" My body was spasming uncontrollably as he swallowed load after load my seed. I was gasping for breath. Eventually as I calmed the only thing I could do was giggle as I rubbed his shoulders praising and thanking him. "Why on Earth would my brother move on to another after experiencing that? That was the best thing I have ever felt in my life."

"The answer is simple sweet Teddy, he never did. Back in those days we were both too selfish. It took me a very long time to grow out of my selfish phase." The break was over and the match was back on. He pulled me back into his lap and we resumed cheering for his brother.

Suddenly a thought occurred to me as I thought back on his last three aids. "Karim, you don't have to answer, but when did you grow out of that selfish phase again?"

"My sweet boy, I will answer any question you ask of me. I learned about selflessness from an innocent boy, bound, gagged and willing to go to prison to save someone he loved."

When the match was over and he saw his brother's team was victorious. He was super excited. After a few moments his phone rang, it was his brother ask if he watched the match. "Yes, I saw your corner kick. Your team was great. I wish I was there in person."

I suddenly felt a pang of selfishness. I was keeping him from his family. He saw my mood change. "I must go, my little one needs me." He asked me what was wrong and I told him I'm sorry that I was keeping him from his family. "You are a part of our family as well. You are the center of my world, and far more important than any stupid game."

I want him to feel as good as I just felt. "Karim can you teach me more?"

"What can I teach my baby?"

I smiled replied, "Everything, I want to learn everything. I want to do everything, but only everything with you."

He replied, "I think it is time I took you to bed."

I stood up next to him and held his hand. We started walking towards the stairs up to the master suite. He stopped me, "No, this way little one." I told him that was Enna's room. He corrected me. "No, this is your home. You have claimed every room in it, and repurposed every room in it. With one exception, that one. I ask one thing of you. Give me the night we could have... should have had."

We entered the bedroom and he began kissing me again. He dropped his trousers and sexy briefs to the floor. As I leaned over the bed to turn down the sheets Karim knelt behind me and kissed both of my bubbled cheeks. He parted them and started licking on his backside. "Such a beautiful pink rose."

He stood again putting me in position on the bed. On my knees with my chest was on the mattress. He had my legs spread wide. As he spread my ass cheeks, he started to tonguing my tight hole. Just the surface at first then gently driving in. After five minutes he was able to feed his tongue deep within me/ then his meaty finger. I was grabbing the sheets begging for more. I was his and he knew it.

I did really well in biology and physiology, but I never knew much pleasure one could receive from ass play at the hands of a master. I was amazed at his self control. I was a whimpering, whining, pleading puddle in his hands as he licked, sucked, tongued, and nibbled in and around my hole.

At long last he slid two fingers inside my yearning, pleading, but still yielding flesh. When he saw that I was able to take more, he pushed in a third, all the while applying more and more lube.

"Is my baby ready? We can still stop."

I looked back with a pleading desperation on my face as I replied, "Karim, I am so ready. Please now."

He rolled me over my back and pulled my bottom to the edge of the bed. "I took Enna face down like a dog. I want to see my baby's gems looking back at me. I want to see if you are in pain."

He raised my legs up resting them on his shoulders. He lubed up his thick eight inch shaft. Then began rubbing it against my hole. He leaned in resting his circumcised cock head directly on my hole. Again he said we could stop. I shook my head no with a smile. "Teddy this will hurt a little at first. I will go slow. Let yourself relax. Take deep breaths and push out. It will start to feel very good, Ok?"

I was nervous but nodded. He started gently pushing the head against the opening and his cock-head started to slide in. I drew a deep breath as he slowly pushed the head in. It pinched and I let out a grunt Karim stopped and applied even more lube. With the little pause I was able to adjust I grinned up at him asking for more, and he obliged me. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain as his head snapped inside the ring. Again he stopped to lube and let me adjust. We repeated the cycle six or seven times.

I was not feeling the sharp pains as he pushed anymore. I was just grinning up at him. With one more long push I felt his pubes against my hole, then his balls smacked my ass. I was grinning, but sweat was rolling off of me as I gasped out. "Karim this is so unbelievable. Please more!"

He leaned in kissing my forehead. "Your wish is my love." With that he started fucking me hard and deep. I started moaning and trying to push back as he drove in. I was amazed how quickly I was able to not only take his cock in my virgin hole, but how fast I desperately needed more of it. It was as if my ass was a lick and he had the perfect key.

Every-time his cock slid in me it hit something deep in me causing me to shudder and shake with rapture. If he was trying to make this memorable he succeeded.

"Karim, when it happens... please cum in me. I was to feel it shoot in me."

He promised he would, and told me he was close. He too now had sweat pouring from his brow

I felt his member pulse, at the same time I felt a twitch within me. As I shot another volley of cum onto my belly, He filled my bottom with his seed. I knew I was his. He gave me his all, and it was more than enough. As we fell asleep together, I felt such a sense of peace and completion.

I looked at the walls and no longer saw Enna's hot pink paint and dirty pictures. It wasn't his any longer. This wasn't his room anymore this wasn't his home It was mine. I may not live here all the time, but this is now my place too. It needed paint sandstone I think, no definitely sandstone.

"Teddy, sleep now."

"Yes, Karim... my heart."

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