Tearing Up My Heart

By Kay Black

Published on Jun 16, 2002


Disclaimer-This story is fiction...we do know know the backstreet boys or their true sexuality tho we like to dream. This story also contains adult themes (sex) between two men (there for the men are homosexuals) If you are underage don't let us find out (lmao Joking just leave) or if this subject matter makes you uncomfortable pleaz don't e-mail us rude letters or if it is illegal to read this were you are...don't.

Comments-Hey everyone This Is Candy O. sending the story in this time. Sorry it took so long, but when you have two writers it takes a while and add on exams!!! Its alot of work.Through out the summer we will probably be writing in alot quicker. On a diffrent note Kay and I have not received one e-mail about our story!!! Do we even have any fans??? I am very discouraged...I don't think anyone is actually reading this but Kay keeps telling me SOME one has to be. Well if their are any fans PLEAZ write us!!!! Tell us what to do next cauz we have no clue!!!Ack! On a diffrent note I would Like to thank Kay Black for writing half of this, Nina Kopp for making me keep writing for her sake and The Backstreet Boy for just being so damn sexy. Well TTFN!!!! Candy Ouellette!!! PS. You can reach Kay at love_me_tender_99@hotmail.com, or Candy (me) at love_and_hugz@hotmail.com pps. ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!

Tearing Up My Heart - Chapter 3

When everything had finally calmed down, Nick escaped into his room for privacy. He picked up his cell and dialed AJ's number, he really needed someone to talk to. "Hey," said the familiar voice, "what's up?" "Not alot, I really don't wanna talk about it, I just need to hear your voice. I miss you so much." AJ smiled, it felt good to know he was loved. Still, he was curious and it got the better of him. "so,what happened? You told them already, right? How'd they take it?" "Well, they were really happy for me, and they didn't seem to mind. Except Angel, but she's always seemed to take the church thing too seriously. Still, it hurts. Oh - get this. BJ and Leslie made a bet on whether or not I was gay! I don't know about those two anymore. Aaron was so supportive of me. Although I'm gonna kill that kid. He was eavesdropping last time we talked, and he kinda spilled about us." AJ laughed, "That's so Aaron. Figures, but it's better to tell them everything now. Angel freaked? Over what? Must have made it worse when she told about us," Aj said hesitantly. "Actually, she was pretty quiet until she found out. When I said you were my boyfriend she flipped. I don't know what to do. My family means so much to me and you do too." "Oh." Nick was confused. 'Oh,' that's it? AJ sounded distant as soon as he mentioned Angel. What was going on? "I love you." "Love you too," AJ smiled, Nick really did care. "Uh, hold on. I got a beep." "Sure, hey, I'll call you tomorrow ok? 'Night I love you" "Love you too," AJ hung up. * * * * * * * * * * When AJ hung up with Nick the other line kicked in. There was a girl crying on it, and as soon as she spoke AJ knew who it was. "But I love you AJ." "No Angel." "But AJ..." "No Angel you don"t love me you only think you love me its puppy love or a crush even but you don't love me like I love your brother...he is my true soul mate and I love him with my whole heart and if you hurt him so help me...no I am not going to say anything but don't you dare hurt Nick...he is innocent he didn't do this to you I did don't take it out on Nick. His family means a lot to him so would you please just accept him for who he is??" "NO I can't !!! I love you!! you can't love my DISGUSTING brother..." "DON'T CALL HIM THAT YOU BITCH!!!!!!" "Fine then you can't love my brother because I love you and to prove he doesn't REALLY love you I am gonna tell him what happened! Don't you dare call it puppy love because what I feel for you is beyond comprehension....I wish you can see that but since you can't I am going to have to make you understand Alexander James McLean...YOU LOVE ME TOO!!!!" "Not in the way you think...I love you like a little sister not like a girlfriend...I will never love you that way....and don't you dare tell him about that you cold hearted bitch....that was a year ago and it didn't mean jack shit." "You Bastard!!!!" "Fuck you!!! Oh and by the way Angel...Don't ever call me Alexander James." AJ hung up the phone as Angel laid her head on her pillow and cried herself to sleep. * * * * * * * * * * When Nick got up Angel was waiting for him in the hall out side his door. "Hey 'Lil Nicky...we need to talk about something...mind if we go into your room?" "Yea....sure..." A tired Nick said, extremely confused as he opened his door to let her in. Angel sat on Nick's bed and he sat beside her. "Look I have something to tell you...this may hurt a little." "umm....ok then Angel...." "Do you remember when the guys were all here at Christmas time? Well me and AJ got bored and went up to my room so I could show him my new stereo.....well we got bored and well.....we....um...that is to say...we kissed....and It was a serious kiss...it meant a lot Nick and, well, I thought you should know." For a minute Nick sat there staring at Angel...then all of the sudden he burst out laughing. "You fucking cold hearted bitch...I can't believe you would try and break me and AJ up...I can't believe you came up with a lie that hurtful...well ! hope your happy because I am now disowning you...you are no longer my sister," Nick said as he walked to the door and opened it."Good day Miss Carter," he spun on his heel and slammed the door behind him. * * * * * * * * * * After Nick had had a shower, gotten dressed, packed his suit case and ate breakfast, we was off to the airport.His plane left his home at 11:30 and arrived in new Orleans at 2:30. AJ would be there to pick him up. He missed AJ SO much, he couldn't wait to see him. Nick sat on the airplane and bounced the whole way to new orleans. * * * * * * * * * * AJ was in his car on the way to the airport. He looked down at his watch. It was 5 to two and he still had a twenty minute drive left. Oh well he'd make it before the plane landed. He'd had enough experience on planes to know that. He couldn't wait to see Nick and hold him in his arms. But he was really nervous about what Angel had said she was going to do. But there as nothing he could do about it until he saw Nick. Oh god he had missed him. * * * * * * * * * * As Nick got off the plane he searched frantically for AJ, But he couldn't see him so he went to pick up his luggage. As he was waiting for his luggage to come by, someone spun him around and hissed him passionately on the lips. When they parted he opened his eyes to see a beautiful angelic face looking back at him. "Hey babe...how was your trip?" "Ok...Angel said the cruelest thing though." AJ swallowed hard. "And what did she say?" "Nothing. It doesn't matter what she said. It's just, she was trying to break us up. It's like she doesn't want me to be happy. Or at least not with you. She thinks there's something between you!" Nick laughed, "Imagine that. She's delusional. I don't know what's wrong with her. Baby, are you ok?" "Fine," AJ was pale white, "just fine. Let's go home ok?" AJ picked up picked up Nick's bag and headed towards the exit, leaving a bewildered Nick rushing to catch up. ************* "I don't get it. He's so distant lately. I miss him so much, it's weird. He'll be sitting right there next to me and it's like he's a million miles away. What happened while I was gone, Bri?" "Nothing! Don't get so upset. I think the whole Angel thing is hard on him. It must just be weird. But he loves you, believe me. All we heard about was 'Nick this Nick that'. It was so crazy that once when he was over Tyke was playing with one of his toys, ya know the blue ball, and AJ started to sigh and moan he's all like 'Nick has blue eyes. They're so pretty. I miss him, him and his sexy eyes.' God, that guy has no life without you. And besides this is the first time you two were away from each other since you started dating. So of course he's gonna freak out. Just give him a chance to get over this, and let him know you love him okay?" Nick laughed, " Yeah I guess. You're always right man. Thanks dude." He leaned over and gave Brian a hug. "Hey where's the rest of the guys? I thought we were supposed to meet her by noon!" Nick looked at his watch, it was 1:00 already. He quickly did a calculation in his head. Kevin was either with Kristin or with management, Howie had probably been with his family and was on his way now, and AJ should have been here. Suddenly there was a crash and Brian burst into laughter. Nick whirled around and saw Howie. He was trying to get into the studio and the guys had forgotten to unlock the doors. Apparently he was jumping up and down trying to get Brian's attention when he fell on the floor taking Kevin, who had just shown up, with him. ************ Kevin was bitching at Nick, it was his fault. Howie was pacing the floor, worried and annoyed. Brian was anxiously calling every number that could have AJ at the other end. Nick was crying. It was 2:30 already and AJ hadn't shown up yet. In fact, he hadn't been heard from all day. He got up with Nick around 10 and after a shower and a quick kiss ran off, saying he'd meet the guys at the recording studio at noon. Management had decided to be kind and let them ease back into their routine the first day so they only had to get to the studio for noon. They had started a new song that day, and were in desperate need of AJ's lead part. Suddenly Nick's phone rang. "Hello?!.....oh mom, hi....no, its just...nothing its ok.....no mom honest!....yes I'm sure everything is alright....yes mom......ok...................mmhmmm.....WHAT?!.....yes I heard that....well where is she?......she what?!....why?.....fuck......that goddamn bitch!....no mother I will not be kind to her! After what she said......yes I know.....yeah, and she's my sister!....well when she treats me with respect........screw that no I won't......I don't care.....well she can wander the streets for all I care....why didn't you tell me you were sending her to "patch things up"?.....no shit I'd say no!....whatever! I don't care! She knows where I live, she'll find me...Goodbye mom....OK!" Nick hung up the phone and suddenly something dawned on him. Angel was in town, AJ was missing. Why couldn't he be forewarned about any of this? Nick called home and checked his messages, sure enough there was one from AJ. "Hey babe, its about eleven, I'm gonna be home to go with you to record ok? So don't leave with out me. Kevin can suck me if he bitches about us being late.I'm on my way so don't leave yet! I've got something for ya. Love you, bye." If he called then, he would have been home within half an hour, just after Nick left. But just before Angel would have arrived in a cab.And there was no answer at home, so there was something going on. Nick told them what he thought and then sat down and cried again. He couldn't believe Angel was doing this too him. "Nick, don't cry. If AJ said he'd be here something must have happened to keep him from coming. I bet him and Angel are at home right now, talking about how she's gonna deal with this. And they probably can't hear the phone," Howie reasoned giving Nick a hug, and stroking his hair. "It's ok believe me." Kevin was royally pissed, "That little piss ant! I'm gonna kill him when I see him next. I'm gonna chop his body into tiny little pieces and feed it to the wolves. Then.." "In a desperate attempt to save Backstreet you'll invite Aaron to join us, but the fans won't like it, and will ditch us. Afterwards you'll be arrested for murder, and Nick will be forced to resort to fucking a dildo with the name Alex carved into it! C'mon Kevin be serio...wait a sec did you just call AJ a piss ant?!" "Shut up, Brian. Nick would not screw a dildo, he'd return to women. And I think the word "piss ant" suits him fine. Don't laugh at me!" Brian ignored Kevin's rant and turned to his best friend, "Nick it'll be ok. Howie's right there's probably nothing going on. I don't think AJ would be stupid enough to fool around with Angel again." Nick forced a half-smile,"Right. Hey, wait. Did you say again?" Everyone's mouth dropped open and Brian stuttered. "So Angel wasn't lying to me? And AJ was?" "No, she wasn't." Nick started pacing around the room, crying and ranting and totally oblivious to the fact that AJ just walked into the room and was watching him. "Nick..." AJ said curiously."What's wrong?" "YOU!!!" Nick said as he lunged at him and grabbed his neck. " I can't believe you!!! Your are such an ASSHOLE!!!I Hate you!!!! I never wanna see you again!!!"Nick screamed at AJ, while the rest of the Backstreet Boys watched in aw as Nick slapped AJ across the face and slammed the door. "Guys...what just happened here?" Howie said to no one in particular. "I think...I think Nick just broke up with me," AJ said quietly as a tear rolled down his cheek.

Next: Chapter 4

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