Tearing Me Apart

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Aug 24, 2023


Tearing Me Apart - Chapter 8

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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Tearing Me Apart

Chapter VIII

After the technicians ended the live broadcast, Mr. Achziger asked his team, "Everysing was transmitted?"

A female Australian technician answered, "Yes, sir. We had four-point-eight billion watching live. Working on emailing the recorded version to thirty-one countries that were unable to connect to our servers."

Alaeh turned its brilliant blue eyes toward Mr. Achziger and asked him, "Do you have quarters in which I can sleep?"

"Uff course," Mr. Achziger answered kindly. "Vee vill be housing you and ze military personnel at Orly Air Base. If you will follow Lieutenants McGrega and Wynan. A qvestion, Alaeh, if I may?"

"Certainly, Mr. Achziger," Alaeh answered with a slight bow of his head.

Quite intrigued, Mr. Achziger asked, "Ze samples of blood zet you forfeit bear similarities of culla and consistuncy wiss zat of human blood, but zat is literally all. Fy is zat?"

"It is because I am not brashi- human, Mr. Achziger," Alaeh explained gently. "The cellular structures of nemlai give us superiority over that of a brashi. I understand that I am more or less human to you, but I am not. Now I bid you a well night."

"This way, alien," Lt. Wynan instructed, his hand pointed to the door.

The moment that Alaeh stepped one foot outside the door, it walked into a small puddle of water. Half a second later, four peacekeepers, careful not to step into the water, touched stun-guns to the bare, tan skin of the being.

Taken aback by surprise, Devon's fingers twitched as thoughts of grab his rifle crossed his mind. He was angry at the soldiers for being unable to learn that they were no match for the being. And he feared that Alaeh would finally lose patience, and attack his assaulters in some way.

Alaeh looked down at his left hip where one peacekeeper had been electrocuting it there. Alaeh then looked to its right abdomen where another stun-gun sent electricity.

"Fucking idiots!" Devon shouted, shaking his head and walking forward.

Alaeh raised both of its hands towards the heads of the two peacekeepers before it as the other two peacekeepers cautiously retreated. Each of Alaeh's forefingers touched the temples of the two peacekeepers, and their eyes went blank, a faraway look in them.

"Tell me who commanded the electroshock attempt," Alaeh said softly.

"Lt. McGregor," both peacekeepers replied.

Alaeh turned around suddenly and its blue eyes shone with frustration as it said to McGregor, "This is an example of rehabilitation. These military personnel how do not harness thoughts to harm. The same will be done to any who act the way Lt. McGregor just did."

As Alaeh once again followed Lt. Wynan, Devon followed not far behind and asked Lt. McGregor, "At what power were those stun-guns set?"

"Six million volts," the American answered with a tinge of heavy concern.

Pensive, Devon responded, "That's, what... twenty times more power than that that woke it? The fuck's up with that?"

Lt. McGregor shrugged before he speculated, "So electricity doesn't penetrate the alien's barrier like we thought."

Three hours later the time had been 0235, and Devon laid on his side, unable to sleep. He felt the slightest tinge of emotional hunger, or emptiness. He wasn't sure. He'd been trying for over two hours to fall asleep. Having had been sleep deprived for three days, Devon was more than certain that he shouldn't have had trouble getting rest.

Frustrated, Devon got out of bed. He dressed in only his tee shirt and cargo pants, and exited the barracks.

"What's up, Bender?" Elizabeth Coleman asked.

"Can't sleep," Devon answered simply. "Want me to take over guarding?"

Coleman laughed softly in deprecation before she responded, "You're kidding, right? You're not armoured, Hemmel."

Devon shook his head slightly and replied, "Doesn't matter. The alien won't hurt us."

Still amused, Coleman shrugged and conceded, "Fine. I could use some shuteye. Just don't cry when the lieutenant skins you."

Devon leaned back against the wall with his ankles crossed, and said to the peacekeeper, "Hello. Hemmel."

The male peacekeeper shook Devon's hand and replied, "Call me Lou."

"You've a slight accent," Devon observed kindly. "You German?"

"Dutch," the peacekeeper- Lou, corrected. "I'm from de Nederland."

"Lou short for something then?"

"Lo-way-hai," Lou answered. "Lo-way-hai Frelinghuysen."


Lou nodded with an amused smile, "L-O-U-W-I-J-E. It is pronounced 'Lo-way-hai'."

Amused even further, Devon responded, "Lou it is then."

"Daa- de lady... Coleman. She called you Bender."

"Yeah, it's a nickname. Name's Devon."

"Bender. Does dat mean... det..."

"That I'm a poof? Yes, boy."

"Mm," Lou nodded as he removed the chin strap of his helmet. "How did you begin your military career?"

"Twelve years ago I was in university studying crime science, but a friend and I enlisted in the marines together to serve in Iraq. In our first tour he was shot three times. Fortunately he survived. He was honourably discharged, and I renewed a second tour. Before that contract ended, Lt. Wynan found me in Al-Fallujah and offered me a position in unit A Company due to my perseverance, agility, and excellent aim."

"Impressive, impressive," Lou complimented with a nod as he ruffled his own black hair. "Are you a sniper? Marksman?"

"I'm a'right with a sniper rifle," Devon said slowly. "Nowhere near sniper prowess. Just a soldier. What about you, mate? How'd you become a peacekeeper?"

"I started as a Royal Marechaussee- umm..."

"Royal Marshall, yes," Devon kindly supplied.

"Right. Royal Marshall. My fawder was a sergeant in de Royal Nederland Navy, and taught de class in which King Willem-Alexander studied. Dey became friends, more or less, so de King knew of my marines training and hired me. I guarded de King for six years. Now here I am."

"May I ask why you decided to leave the Royal Marshalls?" Devon asked, curious.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Lou replied with a shrug. "I met Catroina through our work. She was personal assistant for French Prime Minister. She now is senior administrative advisor, and we have a daughter."

"You're a French citizen now."

"Oh, yeahhh. Duel citizenship me and my daughter have."

The door to the single bed quarter had opened. Devon turned his head to look, and was met with the gorgeous sight of the mostly nude being raising its hand toward him. Before Devon would react and avoid the hand, it touched his shoulder. Devon sighed happily. Everything within his body slowly eased into contentment.

"Wha- what is this?" Devon asked with relief and comfort lilting his voice.

"We have a bond, Devon," Alaeh said comfortingly. "Because you are my mate if you consent to it. Because of this, your larr craves contact with me. Larr is you... your- essence. You call it a 'soul'. Your larr is drained, caused by lack of physical contact with me, which is affecting your body. You have not expressed your consent and affirmation of our bond. Expressing your rejection will nullify the bond and you will be free to live your life with no hindrance from myself."

Dumbfounded, Devon said awkwardly, "I... I..."

"I can feel that your larr is satisfied now," Alaeh said before it removed its hand from the side of Devon's neck. "Your larr will continue to crave my touch, and your body will feel its effects. To alleviate this, you will have to initiate physical contact with me again until you either reject the bond, or solidify it."

Cautiously, Devon said, "How would I solidify it?"

"Holding each other closely and tightly would be one way," Alaeh answered.

"Snuggling together?" Devon demanded, half amused and half shocked. "That easy?"

"Other ways include kissing for an extended period of time. Or sexual intercourse."

"Stuff of romance, is it?" Devon asked, an amused smile etched on his beautiful face.

"Nobody can explain the reason for it," Alaeh said with a small smile. "Not even the Divine. It did not intend to create nemlai and brashi bonding due to nemlai's inability to procreate. If you will excuse me."

Devon and Lou quickly followed Alaeh as it walked down the lobby. Alaeh did not walk quickly, so the two soldiers quickly walked in step.

"Where're you going?" Devon asked curiously.

"I am in search of food," Alaeh replied. "It has been twenty-one thousand years since I've eaten."

Highly amused and smirking, Lou commented, "Meh. Can't be dat bad. What's a couple dozen centuries without nourishing?"

Devon's head was thrown back slightly as a burst of laughter escaped his throat. He reached his hand out and delivered an amicable punch to Lou's arm.

Alaeh, much to Devon's utter surprise, donned a half smile on his sexy lips. It was the most gorgeous sight that Devon had ever seen. It was so stunning that the sight caused a fierce heat to come over Devon's face.

"Yes," Alaeh said with amusement. "I am so weak, unable to bear hunger for more than a few millennia."

"Hey," Devon said as he touched Alaeh's big, firm bicep. "Wha' happened to you anyway? If you're pretty much invincible, what caused you to become unconscious for twenty thousand years?"

Visibly concerned then, Alaeh answered, "I am not sure. There are four beings that could have incapacitated me. The Divine, another nemlai, a plant called 'cawae' that paralyzes using waves of telepathic energy, or an animal called 'grix' whose screech can cause brain damage or even kill."

Thinking, Lou asked, "Well, what do you think did it?"

"Cawae and grix were forbidden to live long before Kiorna came into existence," Alaeh explained as he entered the cafeteria.

"So it was either the Divine or another nemlai," Devon surmised.

"The Divine has been hidden for about thirty-five thousand of your years," Alaeh replied with a tinge of sadness in its voice. "Darfej, the eldest nemlai, believes that the Divine inhabits a brashi body and is hiding from us nemlai."

"It can do that?" Lou asked, surprised.

In much the same manner, Devon asked, "The Divine could be disguised as a human and nobody would know?"

After swallowing a bite of its banana, Alaeh responded, "Correct, yes."

Devon stuttered, "Is- isn't there- isn't there a way for you nemlai to connect to the Divine? You said- you said that you share a telepathic connection."

"We can, that is true," Alaeh confirmed. "But we can suppress that connection."

"'Suppress'," Devon slowly, thinking, "as in no sending and receiving information?"

"The Divine remains able to send thoughts and control us nemlai and we would not know," Alaeh nodded. "Countless millennia ago, we nemlai tried establishing communication with the Divine. It is lost to us. For the moment."

"If it's true," Lou said, concerned, "den how has the Divine survived diss long widdout dying in de human body?"

Alaeh began peeling an orange as it replied, "The Divine is either keeping its brashi body immortal, or recreating itself in a newborn. The chances of either are equal, so nobody can be certain."

"Could it still have done something to you?" Devon asked.

"Certainly. The Divine could be yourself. Or Lt. Wynan. The only way I would become aware of its presence is by trying to harm it. The Divine would deflect any telepathic attempt, and it possesses the power to annihilate me."

Lou then asked, "How will you- investigate this furder?"

"Pir, the second eldest of us nemlai, will begin penetrating the minds of the other nemlai in a few days. Pir is the most loyal, just, and fair nemlai, so the Divine granted her the power to act as our- law enforcement."

"If it was a nemlai that incapacitated you, what'll happen to it?" Devon asked. "Will it be punished?"

"I do not know," Alaeh answered nonchalantly. "Nemlai assaulting nemlai has never occurred."

"Den what law does diss Pir enforce?" Lou asked.

"She regulates planetary peace, which means that if a nemlai finds a planet that is not living in contentment, Pir suggests a course of action. We nemlai then vote. Another one of Pir's duties is relieving nemlai of emotional and mental burdens. Of course any nemlai can do so, but Pir is so pure-minded that our burdens have no affect on her. She also the only nemlai who possesses the power to create stars, black holes, and wormholes."

"Wormholes are real?!" Lou asked excitedly.

"Yes. I cannot say anything further about them."

Disappointed, Devon asked, "Why not?"

"This planet has not yet developed the technology to explore the far reaches of the universe. As it is, your scientists find wormholes to be little else but fiction. Informing you more about such subjects would interfere. We are not allowed to interfere."

"Twenty-six-eighteen," a man's voice said through Lou's radio. "Frelinghuysen, cual es tu ubicacion?"
(What is your location?)

Lou turned his head and said into the speaker, "Twenty-six-eighteen. Estoy en la cafeteria. El angel esta comiendo."
(I am in the cafeteria. The angel is eating.)

Lou went back to eating his apple, so Devon requested, "Tell me something about another planet."

"My pleasure. Mm... A planet called Batlu is completely covered in water. The brashi evolved with- with gills on their necks and chests. There are patches of land near some part of the water on which the brashi can sunbathe to absorb the appropriate nutrients. They have developed to the water so much that they can swim at alarming speeds. You have canines and felines as pets, but the brashi of Batlu developed very closely with a fish half there size that help raise and care for their infants. They have beautiful bonds."

To Be Continued...

I hope you guys are enjoying this series. If you ever wanna email me, feel free! I give zero fucks whether you write great reviews or have critiques that you might deem harsh. It all helps me grow as a writer.

Anyway, here are my other stories if you're interested in reading my other works while you wait for the next instalment of 'Tearing Me Apart'.










Next: Chapter 9

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