Tearing Me Apart

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Tearing Me Apart - Chapter 7

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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Tearing Me Apart

Chapter VII

Devon sat inside the back of the Egyptian military truck with Alaeh at his side. Inside the back of the vehicle with them were a dozen other soldiers. The vehicle parked outside of the Almaza Air Base, and Alaeh's head turned suddenly to face the opening.

Devon studied Alaeh's unimpressed expression and asked, "What is it?"

But Devon knew what had caught the being's attention. Before the military forces departed with University, all three lieutenants had called a meeting. Devon did not agree with the news, but he could do nothing.

"Four aircrafts approach," Alaeh answered. "Twelve of your kilometres west. I am complying, Devon. Your governments risk too much."

"Alaeh, they are scared," Devon tried to reason. "As am I. But they will not listen. Fear makes- hey!"

Alaeh had stood, and walked to the green canvas flap. It opened the entrance and leapt out of the vehicle, and its strong wings caused a huge gust.

Devon rushed to the flapping canvas and called, "Alaeh!"

The alien's wings flapped strong, carrying Alaeh fast and high. Alaeh had already flown a hundred feet into the air.

Within minutes, Devon could see very little of the being as it was four kilometres out, only its large white wings. Alaeh stopped surging forward, but its wings remained in motion. Four fighter jets approached Alaeh, surrounding it completely.

Lt. McGregor switched his radio on.

"Alien," one of the jet pilots said through the radio, to which Devon guessed was also on speaker at the jets, "you are perceived as a threat to the general population, and in violation of the Egyptian air space. As such, you are hereby placed under arrest by orders of the United Nations. Descend to the ground to allow us to apprehend you. Should you not comply, we will use deadly force. You have thirty seconds."

Devon grabbed his binoculars and peered through them as he begged, "Lieutenant, you've to stop them. They are no match against the alien."

"We don't know that, Hemmel," Lt. Wynan responded. "The alien may have been lying about weapons. We can't do much anyway."

"Ten seconds, alien," the pilot continued. "Five seconds."

"Alaeh will kill them, lieutenant," Devon pressed.

"Twenty-five millimetre canon rounds in three... two... one. Fire."

Devon watched with baited breath as all four jets lit yellow at the noses as giant rounds of ammunition fired. Devon knew the fire power the round carried, how deadly they were. But he also trusted Alaeh's word. He was certain that the being would not be harmed, and that it could decimate each jet easily.

"Alien remains unharmed," the pilot said calmly. "Three-one-eight, back up. Prepare for ATA strike."

Devon saw the four jets fly in reverse until there was a one hundred foot distance between them and Alaeh.

"Beckett, Lindon, on our flanks."

Two of the jets flew sideways until they flanked the other two jets.

"Arm Sidewinders."

"Sidewinder armed."

"Sidewinder armed."

"Sidewinder armed."

"Fire in... three... two... one. Fire."

Four air-to-air missiles launched from each of the jets, but Alaeh seemed unfazed. It remained still, except for its large wings flapping softly to keep Alaeh afloat. In seconds, the first missile made contact, and exploded. Each of the other three missiles hit half a second apart.

It took about a minute for the fore and smoke to clear. When it did, Alaeh remained flying in the air, seemingly unharmed.

Suddenly, the four jets pointed downward and started to fall.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"Mayday. Mayday. Power failure. Jet unresponsive. Three-one-eight, eject. Eject now."

Alaeh dove and turned slightly, its wings flapping as the pilots' parachutes deployed. Alaeh flew rapidly back to the truck, and landed on the ground with an expression of frustration.

"Your military forces risk the lives of thousands of brashi," Alaeh said to Maj. Basara, the Egyptian commanding officer. "This United Nations is angering me further and further. I am complying with your demands, yet you make attempts at my life. And these attempts could have hurt your people. Allow me to show you something."

Alaeh held its hand out, the palm facing the sky. A purple-black insect the size of a cherry tomato materialized in Alaeh's palm. The back of shell split and lifted, and four transparent wings sprang forth.

"This is the wolnif that I spoke of," Alaeh informed the group as the insect gingerly flew around the group. "Not the largest of insects but their faces are equipped with two large pincers that slice flesh for faster consumption. On the wolnif's belly and back are dozens of pores that release a gas, which renders anything that inhales it unconscious. A demonstration."

The wolnif slowly approached Tammy Everett. Alarmed, the black-haired woman drew her pistol.

Lt. Wynan cried, "Alien, stop it! You've made your point!"

Alaeh wore no expression as it replied, "I beg to differ. A harsh lesson must be taught. You and your governments have proven to be much too difficult and... stubborn."

Fearful, Everett expertly aimed her weapon and fired a single shot. Her eye was well trained, the bullet would have hit and obliterated the insect were it not for an invisible shield that protected the insect.

"I am protecting the wolnif, of course," Alaeh drawled, bored. "I am teaching you a lesson, as previously stated."

Devon softly laid his hand on Alaeh's strong, firm forearm, and begged, "Please stop this."

Alaeh's beautiful blue eyes remained trained on the wolnif and Everett, it ignored Devon's presence. Devon looked to the insect again, and saw it trying to land on Everett's nose. The woman swatted her hands at the insect, but the insect flitted to avoid collision. A second later, Everett's green eyes became dazed, and her features slackened, and she fell to the truck bed limp. The gas from the insect was invisible.

"Alaeh, please," Devon begged again when he turned once again to the alien.

Yet Alaeh remained stoic as it watched the wolnif slice at Everett's face with its pincers. Lt. McGregor quickly crouched down by Everett and swatted his hand at the insect. Of course, Alaeh was still protecting the wolnif, Lt. McGregor's hand was met by an invisible shield.

As the insect continued to devour Everett's face, Alaeh said, "Wolnif are not allowed to live freely. The Divine forbid it so. The reason for this is due to the immense destruction they cause, as you can see."

Minutes passed. The top of the wolnif was buried inside the woman's face, but crawled out of the bloody, jagged flesh. It crawled its way to Everett's forehead and laid on its belly there.

"About a quarter of the soldier's face is consumed," Alaeh began as it walked over to Everett. "Imagine the damage more wolnif will do. Which is what will occur if you continue to test me. I do not have unlimited patience."

The wolnif disappeared, to which Devon guessed was by Alaeh. Alaeh then touched its finger to Everett's forehead. Amazed, Devon watched as Everett's flesh began to quickly regenerate until her face looked perfectly fine, albeit bloody.

Everett's green eyes shot open as she gasped, and Alaeh asked, "Shall we board the aircraft?"

As Alaeh turned its back to the soldiers and began to walked toward the rather large airplane, Devon crouched down to the bawling Everett, "Y'alright, Everett?"

Everett tried her very hardest to stop her tears as she answered, "I- I- I could feel the insect slicing and- and- and eating! It was horrible."

Concerned, Lt. Wynan asked her, "Were you not unconscious?"

Everett shook her head before she replied, "No. It- it's more like a muscle paralyzer. I could hear Hemmel begging the alien to stop. I could feel every pinch. Every bit of flesh being taken."

Alaeh stood in a large room at the International Council for Science Union. With it were the same soldiers from Unit Triple-Seven, US Special Forces, and UK Special Forces. But the United Nations had also decided to send a dozen Peacekeepers to help guard. Also in the room were various physicists, biologists, and astrologers.

Alaeh pointed to the video camera and asked, "Will this device sufficiently broadcast my announcement to the entirety of the planet?"

Clovis Achziger, the UN's head of communications, answered, "Eet vill be broadcasted life in one hundred tventy-two countries on all channels. Vee haff made ziss top priority. Ze video vill zen be sent to all uzza countries to broadcast due to zair inferior telecommunications."

Alaeh looked skeptical for a moment before it asked, "What of any language barriers? Kiorna brashi are native to over six thousand languages."

"A lawge numba uff countries and zair people aww quite fluent in English," Clovis replied. "Uff cose not all people aww. A majority uff broadcast stations haff interpretas ready. All nations vill be quite informed uff ze situation zet you vill present."

Devon looked away from the technicians setting up the camera and computers. He saw the three commanding officers and various soldiers surrounding a laptop on a desk. Curious, Devon walked over.

"S'goin' on, lieutenant?" Devon asked.

Lt. Wynan didn't look away from the computer as he answered, "Three Egyptians captured the air strike on video."

Devon turned his eyes toward the screen. The video playing was a rather great shot of Alaeh flying in the air surrounded by the four fighter jets.

"Some were speculating that this is fake," Lt. McGregor explained. "But this YouTube account gathered two other videos and compiled them in this. Most believe the 'angel' they're calling it is legit. This video has gotten three-point-seven million views in the two hours that it's been posted."

"It's also been featured in nineteen news stations in seventeen countries," Joseph Ferlan chimed in.

"Attention!" Mr. Achziger called. "Vee broadcast life in sixty seconds!"

Devon, along with all the other soldiers, gathered behind and around the videos camera, keeping out of the video frame. The only three in the frame were Alaeh, Mr. Achziger, and Lt. McGregor. One the technicians, a blonde-haired woman, turned on the camera light on, illuminating the three appropriately.

The technician then said, "Broadcasting in... three... two......"

The woman gestured with her hand, telling them that the live stream had begun.

Mr. Achziger said, facing the camera, "Hello. Vee apologize fa interrupting your regula programming. My name is Clofis Achziger, I am the director uff communications fa ze United Nations. Many uff you haff seen ze videos uff ze winged being zet has been circulating ze intanet and news stations. Ze being is no angel as many belief. It calls itself Alaeh, and its species is called 'nemlai'. Wiss us is Lt. Adam McGrega uff ze American Special Forces. Behind ze camera aww two dussen soldiers from ze United Kingdom, Egypt, and UN Peacekeepas. If you haff seen ze videos uff Alaeh, zen you know zet it is indestructible. Ladies, gentlemen, children uff ze world, I present Alaeh."

The camera operator turned the device slightly so it focused on Alaeh front and centre.

"Hello, brashi of Kiorna. Brashi is the name of mankind, and Kiorna is the name of the planet on which you live. Both names are used by us, by nemlai. I understand, from the Christian bible, that you might mistake me for an angel. I am no such being. Nor is the Divine this Christian God. The Divine is much older than time, as it created all that exists."

The lights in the room suddenly went out. Alarmed, every single one of the forty soldiers and peacekeepers in the room drew their flashlights but they, too, were unresponsive.

A tiny ball of blue light appeared in front of Alaeh. It floated unmoving, yet bright, the size of a blueberry.

"For example;" Alaeh began as the ball of blue light grew suddenly to the size of a basketball, which was a perfect liking to Earth, "the Divine created Kiorna five billion three hundred eighty six million nine hundred two thousand seven hundred fourteen of your years ago."
(5,386,902,714 years)

The image of the Earth shrunk back to the size of a blueberry. A second later, another blueberry-sized ball of light appeared quite far from the blue, though this one was purple in colour.

"Kiorna is one of the younger planets," Alaeh carried on. "This is the eldest. It is called Secnir. This planet is over eighty-five-nonillion-years-old. Secnir is so healthy and peaceful that the brashi who inhabit it travel from land to land with zero questions or legalities. They have no countries, as they share the land equally. Kiorna- or 'Earth', as you call it, is not healthy. Much of your technologies are harmful to this planet. Which is why I am here."

The two tiny balls of light disappeared at the same time that the fluorescent lights relit.

Alaeh spoke once again, "Kiorna is not what we nemlai left it to be. It is not what the Divine wished it to be. Brashi have become greedy, destructive. Wars for land and power have been waged, which has caused much fear and pain. Kiorna suffers greatly because of you. Much of life on Kiorna suffers just as greatly. Countless species have been decimated, and yet more face extinction. Wildlife homes have been disturbed to the point of destruction or uninhabitability.
"I am here on Kiorna on behalf the Divine and the rest of the nemlai to rehabilitate the planet and its occupants. Brashi have two hundred days starting right now to comply with the following:
"No fossil fuels are to be used for any reason. Ecological sources of heat and energy are to be used, no exceptions. Technological companies will equip transportation, dwellings, employment facilities, education facilities, and prisons with the technology at no expense. Again, no exceptions.
"Wildlife are to be now and forevermore free of recreational use, such as game hunting, zoological museums. Henceforth, these museums shall be disbanded, and the animals within shall be freed. Their habitats shall remain free of brashi. New brashi shelter shall not be built using natural materials as you have the technology to create homes of exceptional quality.
"Brashi in positions of power and abuse that power shall be rehabilitated to appropriate mindsets. These brashi include politicians, law enforcement, educators, healthcare personnel, and those with criminal records.
"Firearms and blades are hereby banned from use on brashi, no matter the circumstance. Technological developers will produce firearms and ammunition that do not deliver mortal damage for use by law enforcement personnel only. I will bestow knowledge on technological developers to produce these weapons. Firearms and blades are to be used for wildlife hunting only, and brashi are to hunt only what they need to avoid further wildlife eradication. No exceptions.
"No governments shall monitor or interfere in the immigration of brashi from state to state. The reason for this is due to the land being free and belonging to no entity. Brashi were meant to roam and explore unhindered.
"Discrimination shall not tolerated. Discrimination of any sort shall result in the rehabilitation of the offender, equal to that of corrupt officials. Race bears no meaning, as all brashi were created from the same cell that came into existence. Heritage bears no meaning. Homosexuality bears no meaning. Disabilities are no faults of brashi. You are all equal.
"In conclusion, brashi are to live freely and peacefully. Wildlife on Kiora are to be hunted for food, but otherwise unharmed and unhindered. Any and all that do not comply will face rehabilitation."

To Be Continued...

Many of you have asked me how EXACTLY I picture Devon and Alaeh in my head. Some have even asked for very specific details, down to the size of their pores. Kidding, sort of.

Devon Hemmel


I hope you guys are enjoying this series. If you ever wanna email me, feel free! I give zero fucks whether you write great reviews or have critiques that you might deem harsh. It all helps me grow as a writer.

Anyway, here are my other stories if you're interested in reading my other works while you wait for the next instalment of 'Tearing Me Apart'.










Next: Chapter 8

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