Tearing Me Apart

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Aug 10, 2023


Tearing Me Apart - Chapter 6

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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Tearing Me Apart

Chapter VI

Devon's eyebrows shot up in complete surprise. His gorgeous amber eyes widened comically. He shook his head slightly, trying to absorb the information.

"I'm your-" Devon stopped speaking to shake his head again. "I'm your fuckin' mate?! The fuck does that mean?"

Patiently, Alaeh answered, "Nemlai do not have romantic inclinations except for one brashi. We do not know who that brashi is, or where they are until we are in very close proximity. This is the reason that I chose to acquire information from you, Devon. I was- I was drawn to you."

"Do I- do I have a choice in this- in this mating?"

"Yes," Alaeh replied with so much meaning and softness. "You call it free will. Should you not desire this romantic bond, you have no obligation. There are nemlai whose brashi mates reject the bond. I will not force the bond. Forcing you would conflict with my protective instincts, and my comrades will not allow me to."

Surprised yet even more, much to his surprise, Devon asked softly, "And you would be okay with that?"

"Of course, Devon. I will put your happiness and security before my own."

"How old are you?" Jennings asked. "You've been buried for, what, eleven thousand years?"

"Each planet has a different measures of time," Alaeh began, deep in thought. "Of course, also different speeds of time. For example, one minute here on Kiorna is twelve times slower than the equal amount of time on Parmeur. One minute on Hirlod is twenty-three times faster than that of Frorlan. By your laws of time, I am nine-hundred-three-trillion-seven-hundred-eleven-million-five-hundred-sixty-two-thousand-four-hundred-twenty-eight-years-old."

Devon's stomach dropped yet again. Once again it was due to shock, mostly, but also a tinge of intrigue.

"Yet I am one of the youngest nemlai," Alaeh continued. "Robsher is two thousand thirty-seven years my junior."

As the shock started to wear off, Devon asked, "Nemlai don't age."

"The Divine created me as I am. It bestowed knowledge on us when it created us."

Dr. Amoudi then stated, "You have beating heart. And neural activity."

Alaeh turned its blue eyes on the Egyptian as it responded, "I am a living organism with blood that courses throughout my body. And I do think, and learn. This news should not surprise you. Now my conference with the nemlai proceeds."

And with that, Alaeh laid back and rested its head on the pillow. It laid its arms and legs limp, and its closed eyes made the being appear to be asleep.

"Alaeh?" Devon said quietly.

"Gettin' a coffee," Jennings informed his fellow soldiers. "Gents want any?"

Haynes agreed, but Devon answered, "Nah, I'm good, mate."

Haynes left the room after throwing another furtive glance to the being. A minute after he left, Ronald McNulty ran into the room. He was the other UKSF soldier that went on the handcar trip south. Much like Peterson, McNulty was also winded and tired, just not as severely. Behind him were the two Egyptian soldiers and two American soldiers.

"Peterson's a'right?" McNulty asked, breathing heavily.

"Resting in the next room," Jennings told the man.

McNulty nodded his affirmation before he held out a few radios. "Egyptians loaned us these. Where's the lieutenant?"

As he accepted one of the radios, Devon answered, "Calling the secretary. How's the south look?"

McNulty sighed heavily and shook his head. "S'not good, Hemmel. Airplanes crashed. Can't tell how many. Pile-ups all over. Countless in hospitals dying because nothing is working. On the way back up, the Egyptians carried functional gear for each city and soldiers are driving to nearby towns urging those in need of help to journey out to find help. Has the alien woken?"

Devon, pensive, looked down to the floor. McNulty stared at Devon for a moment, waiting. When he didn't, McNulty turned around to Haynes.

Devon placed his hand on Alaeh's wrist and shook it softly. "Alaeh?"

The alien remained unconscious or hyper-focused on its telepathic communication. Its eyes remained closed, and its face calm. But Alaeh moved its arm a little and gently grasped Devon's hand. Surprised, Devon looked down at their joined hands for a moment, his eyebrow cocked.

"Its name is Alaeh," Haynes told McNulty, his voice slightly anxious. "It says that the planet and its natives are suffering. Suffering caused by mankind and our technologies. It's in a conference with the other beings out in the universe."

"What?" McNulty asked. "It's just lying there."

"Telepathy," Devon told the man as he eased his hand out of Alaeh's. "I need a coffee after all."

Devon left for Haynes to fill McNulty in. He needed to breathe, and stretch.

An hour later, Devon sat on the ledge of the roof. His ankles were crossed, and his chin rested on his palm. He stared out at the rising sun, and the gorgeous purple and pink colours of the clouds. He sniffled, mankind could face extinction that day, and there was nothing he could do. He wished so badly to call his sister and niece, or video chat with them to say goodbye.

"One-four-nine," Haynes' voice said through the radio. "Hemmel, do you copy? Over."

Devon wiped his eye before he grabbed the radio from beside him. "One-four-nine. Loud and clear, Haynes. Over."

"Ten-four. The lieutenant just called a meeting. Get your ass down to room one-twelve. Over."

Devon pressed the PTT button on the radio for a second to notify Haynes of his acknowledgement. He then jumped down off the ledge and made his way downstairs.

In room one-twelve, a rather large room, we're not only e British forces, but also the Americans and Egyptians. Most stood in their gear, but a few sat on the bed and countertops.

Devon stood by a sleepy Peterson and asked, "S'goin' on, mate?"

Peter smirked at Devon and replied, "I think you're calling the wrong person 'mate' there, Bender."

"They fucking told you about that?" Devon whispered harshly. "Bunch a wankers, the lot o' them."

Peterson laughed quietly for a second. He then told Devon, "Seriously though, Bender, I haven't a clue what's going on. All three lieutenants just asked for a meeting."

"Mm," Devon said with a nod. "How ya feeling?"

"Better," Peterson answered. "Could've slept more, but at least I got some shuteye."

Before Devon could reply, the American lieutenant called, "Listen up, ladies! Each of our governments have been made aware of the situation! And they have made the UN aware! As well as the International Council for Science! It was recommended by them that we relocate the alien to their headquarters in Paris! Peacekeepers will be there to greet us! Bird lands in roughly ninety minutes!"

One of the Egyptian soldiers raised his hand and asked, "How we- uhh- how we relocate? De- de alien is strong."

"The aircraft is equipped with enough explosives to level Cairo," Lt. McGregor explained smugly. "If it bleeds it can die. We're ready to use deadly force."

Appalled, Devon asked, "But what if the alien still does not comply? Are we really gonna risk the lives of the Cairo citizens?"

"No," Lt. Wynan answered. "The alien said that it protects us. Well, more precisely, protects the living beings. It will not allow us to use the explosives."

"Yeah," Devon laughed darkly. "That's if it and its kind don't decide to decimate us humans. And it could still kill us all of we try forcing it into anything."

"Hemmel," Lt. Wynan warned.

Lt. McGregor said hotly, "Get your boy in check, lieutenant."

Lt. Wynan turned to Lt. McGregor and told him, "My boy, lieutenant, makes sensible conclusions. You Yanks are so quick to jump to your triggers and risk the lives of not only yourselves, but the citizens of Cairo."

Turning red with anger, Lt. McGregor responded, "I'm just doing as ordered, Brit."

"You would follow your governments orders rather than those of the whole United Nations?" Devon near shouted.

The American shut his mouth. He knew that Devon and Wynan were right, but would rather not give them the satisfaction.

Lt. Wynan turned back to his team and commanded, "Haynes, Coleman, Ferlan, back to the alien. The rest of you, prep for the departure. Hemmel, a word."

Devon followed Lt. Wynan out of the room into he lobby of the university. They walked some distance in silence. Devon kept his trained forward, his hands joined at his back.

Finally, Lt. Wynan spoke, "I asked Secretary Fallon whether I should send you home for disobedience. He deems it unwise due to the alien's... fondness of you. The UN's Deputy Secretary General has requested that you remain on this team and detail in case the alien chooses not to cooperate."

Appalled, Devon asked, "I'm your guinea pig?!"

Patiently, Lt. Wynan replied, "I knew you'd be against it, Hemmel. I do not agree, I think you should be free of this burden. Orders are orders, soldier. I am sorry."

Devon nodded stiffly, and said, "I understand, sir."

"In your thirty-one years, Hemmel, did you ever imagine that this would be your life?"

"Definitely not, sir," Devon answered with frustration. "Being a possible mate to an alien was the furthest thing from the realm of possibilities."

"Keep as much distance as you can," Lt. Wynan commanded. "You'll still be required to detail the alien, but don't do anything you're not comfortable with. If the UN or anybody else asks you to fucking kiss the alien, I'll defend your reluctance. You understand, Hemmel?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. Now go help Haynes, Coleman, and Ferlan guard the alien."

Devon voiced his affirmation as he turned back around and made his way to room one-oh-five. Inside, stood his three comrades along with five American soldiers and three Egyptian.

Devon stepped up and stood beside Coleman, and asked her, "It's still sleeping?"

Coleman kept her eyes trained on the being as she answered, "Yeah. Must be one hell of a conference."

"You as scared as I am?" Devon asked.

Coleman inhaled deeply before she said, "I wish I could see my kids one last time. Or- or- or hear their voices."

"You need not worry," Alaeh's voice said.

Devon and Coleman turned to the bed. Alaeh wore a serene expression on its face as it sat up. It gave its wings a wide stretch out at its sides for a moment.

"We nemlai are giving the Kiorna brashi one last chance," Alaeh explained as its wings retracted. "I will make an announcement via... live stream, as you say."

"You want to broadcast live?" Coleman asked in surprise.

"Yes. I want all to witness the announcement."

Devon asked the being, "What exactly will you announce, Alaeh?"

"The plan," Alaeh said simply. "I will force an implementation of ecological technology and monitor Kiorna's state of health. The technologies must not cause harm to Kiorna or any of its inhabitants. The corrupt heads of states and law enforcement must also be rehabilitated. Those that resist will be eliminated."

"Those that resist rehab?" Devon asked.

"As well as technological developers," Alaeh responded. "You brashi have two hundred days."

Distressed, Ferlan demanded, "Just two hundred?"

"I must speak with all heads of states to implement the plan immediately. Your race does not have much time, after all."

Devon stared at Alaeh for a few moments. His face wore an expression of calculation, thought. He then glanced toward his comrades.

Devon raised the radio in his hand and said, "One-four-nine, Lt. Wynan, do you copy? Over."

"One-four-nine, this is Wynan. Over."

"Lieutenant, the alien's awoken. It's- it's alarming, sir. It requests an audience with the entire world. Over."

"What was that, Hemmel? Over."

"Mind just getting over here, lieutenant? Over."

"Copy. On my way. Over."

Devon raised his eyes toward Alaeh. The being's pretty blue eyes were already trained on the soldier, gazing softly.

"I am drawn to you," Devon told the being harshly. "S'that your doing? Did you do something to me? Mind control or something?"

"Devon, I promise I did not," Alaeh answered softly, warmly. "Nemlai do not harness the ability to create or alter your choices. If you are attracted to me, it was not my doing."

"How do I know that?" Devon demanded. "How can I trust your word?"

"If you feel unsafe in my presence, I can offer two solutions for you to choose. I can alter your memories, or request a comrade assist me in monitoring the rehabilitation. The choice is yours, Devon."

Devon's composure slipped. His lip trembled slightly as a single hot tear slid from his whiskey-coloured eye as he begged, "You- you- you can't kill us. I know that- that we haven't been a race exuding sunshine and rainbows, and that we've caused a lot of pain. But that should not define and- and condemn the whole human race."

"This is one of the worst planets that I have seen with my own eyes," Alaeh told the soldier softly. "I apologize as humbly as I can, Devon. Would you like me to console you?"

Devon's brows moved minutely in confusion before he asked "What?"

Alaeh's blue eyes shone with empathy as it held its long, muscular arms outstretched. The gesture both angered Devon and touched his heart.

"So you can alleviate tension from me again?" Devon asked with a dark laugh.

"Only a hug, Devon," Alaeh promised gently, meaningfully. "Should you wish to remain carrying the burden of sorrow and fear, I will not ease your mind of it."

Devon's lip once again shook with emotion. He could no longer fight to the despair. Tears fell down his face, and he closed the distance between himself and the being. He wrapped his arms around Alaeh as the alien did the same. Even with Alaeh sitting, it was so tall that Devon's face was buried in its chest. As he cried softly, he could feel Alaeh's long, brown, lustrous hair touching his head.

After a minute, Devon stopped crying, having run out of tears. But he remained in the alien's strong arms. He asked, "Why d'you have a Brit accent?"

"I obtained knowledge from you. In that knowledge came language, and muscle memory."

Devon stepped out of Alaeh's embrace, but remained close as he asked, "The UN wants to move you to Paris. Will you go willingly?"

"Your officials will grant me the necessary equipment to make the announcement?"


"Then I will go to Paris."

"Will you also restore the electricity?" Devon asked. "Many are dying because they have no power."

Alaeh did not speak. Its eyes flicked to the side for a moment. And then another sound rang through the air. It sounded like a quiet strum from a harp. The lights turned on as if they'd never lost power before.

To Be Continued...

Many of you have asked me how EXACTLY I picture Devon and Alaeh in my head. Some have even asked for very specific details, down to the size of their pores. Kidding, sort of.

Devon Hemmel


I hope you guys are enjoying this series. If you ever wanna email me, feel free! I give zero fucks whether you write great reviews or have critiques that you might deem harsh. It all helps me grow as a writer.

Anyway, here are my other stories if you're interested in reading my other works while you wait for the next instalment of 'Tearing Me Apart'.










Next: Chapter 7

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