Tearing Me Apart

By Tyler Christopher

Published on Sep 11, 2023


Tearing Me Apart - Chapter 14

Disclaimers: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental. This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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Tearing Me Apart

Chapter XIV

After the kiss, Devon worriedly asked, "Are you sure you're okay?"

Alaeh rubbed the sides of Devon's body and replied, "I am fine, Dev. I swear it. That frequency that the computer emitted was very similar to the cry of the grix that I mentioned before."

"Okay," Devon said before he kissed Alaeh again. "We have to check in Lisa and her family. David, the American, knew that she's my sister and made threats on her life. We have--"

"Just allow me to heal you."

Alaeh was already holding Devon by the hips and neck, so it used those contact points to transfer cellular-regenerative microbes. Devon felt warmth travel from Alaeh's hands to all over his body. Within seconds, the bruise on Devon's temple was no more, the hole in his flesh from the two taser shots were healed, and his jaw no longer ached from the gag.

Alaeh stood at the same exact time that Devon leapt into its arms. The next second, Devon hung by his arms around Alaeh's neck inside Lisa and Nate's home. Nate and Lisa were sitting on the sofa reading books but put them down when Devon and Alaeh suddenly appeared, and Olivia was lying on her stomach on the carpet colouring a book of Disney Princesses.

"Dev?" Nate asked.

Devon immediately crouched down and stroked Olivia's wavy hair, and asked, "Are you guys okay? Nobody's come in?"

"No," Lisa answered with a tinge of worry. "Why? What's wrong?"

Devon looked out the window as he answered, "I was kidnapped by a group of mercenaries. They knew about you guys. Can you detect anyone abnormal in the vicinity?"

"Yes," Alaeh replied. "A white van fifteen metres east contains five people with a dozen firearms. They no longer exist."

The slightest bit exasperated, Devon asked, "You erased them from the universe?"

"I'm angry," Alaeh responded boredly.

"Are people still going to come after us?" Lisa fearfully asked. "What- what do we do?"

"Pack everything," Devon instructed, almost panicked. "No. No. Never mind. Alaeh, can you have everything packed in--"

Devon stopped speaking because there was a single sound that rang throughout the house. It was very faint, almost inaudible, and sounded like a person inhaling a big breath. Everything in the house was packed in dozens and dozens of four-by-four-foot boxes, and the furniture remained still.

"Are we moving!?" Nate demanded.

Devon sat at the computer desk and answered, "We can't risk anyone else making attempts at your lives. Alaeh, think you can give us all new identifications?"

"If you think that will be best, Dev," Alaeh replied with a slight bow of its head. "Hand me all of your identification documents."

Devon, Lisa, and Nate handed all of their ID's along with Olivia's. Devon worked away at the desktop computer while Lisa cried silently in Nate's neck.

"I really am sorry, Lis," Devon said as he explored the website he was on.

Lisa rose from the couch and said softly, "Oh, Dev."

Lisa bent forward and wrapped her arms around Devon's shoulders in a comforting embrace.

On the verge of crying, Devon said, "I will never not be sorry, Lis."

Lisa kissed Devon on the cheek and responded, "S'not your fault, Dev. You've nothing to be sorry for. Now why're you looking at houses?"

"We're moving. New names, new city, new lives. Alaeh, can you get into the government databases, erase our photos from our old names, and upload our new identities?"

Alaeh performed the requests immediately by holding the cordless telephone and transferring the information to all government agency databases.

Lisa accepted the offered birth certificate, driver's permit, passport, National Insurance Number, and marriage certificate. "According to this I was born Lisa Emily Jensen. I married Nathaniel Bennett Tolley on May the eighteenth. We couldn't've kept most things original?"

Devon instantly answered softly, "No. We can't raise any flags. We can't give anybody a reason to suspect we're the same people."

"Right," Nate nodded. "You're right. Where're we moving to?"

"S'your really decision, ultimately," Devon replied. "Canada seem fair?"

Lisa looked at the computer screen, and asked, "Victoria, British Columbia?"

Devon nodded, "Similar weather but not too similar. Great neighbourhoods, excellent schools, beautiful views. Pick a house and I'll pay for it."

Lou saw Devon appear inside the computer control room, and crowed happily, "Devon! Boy! You're alive!"

Devon smiled as he shook Lou's offered hand and hugged him. Elizabeth Coleman, McNulty, Jennings, Hirochi, and Hayes rose from their computers and cheerily greeted their comrade with relief.

Devon turned Lou's face, inspecting the cuts and bruises, and said, "Shit, mate. This looks bad. I'll have Alaeh heal these for you."

"Hemmel," Lt. Wynan's voice said sternly. "Glad to see you're doing fine, young man."

Focused, Devon replied, "Lieutenant, I need to speak with you. Privately, sir."

Lt. Wynan studied Devon intensely for a few moments, then told the others, "Cadets, I reckon your stomachs will be roaring with hunger any second now. Go eat. Now don't worry yourselves, you'll get a chance to see Hemmel before I kill him."

Coleman kissed Devon's cheek and told him, "Happy to see you're a'right, Bender. We haven't stopped looking for you."

As Devon waited for them to exit the room, he looked to e computer screens. On each of the screens were satellite images, capturing realtime.

"Where did they take you?" Lt. Wynan asked.

"D'know," Devon answered with a shrug. "Alaeh teleported us. Guess I was still here in Paris because I was out for, what, two hours?"

"You've been gone for about four-and-a-half."

"The mercenaries threatened the lives of my sister and her family, so I moved them."

Lt. Wynan nodded slowly, and guessed, "You're moving with them."

"To keep them safe. I can't risk anyone else getting close to them like that."

"The government will never stop looking for you."

"Which is why I had Alaeh create completely new identifications. It's seamless and untraceable. He also deleted any images of us. Old ID's, CCTV, social media. No government agency will be able to identify us unless they met us personally."

"They'll interrogate us all eventually," Lt. Wynan said sombrely. "And we will have no choice but to comply."

Devon placed his hand on the lieutenant's arm and replied, "I know, Lieutenant. I don't expect anything less. Did the mercenaries attack the base?"

"We fought back as best we could. The entire west wing is destroyed. The south wing is in pretty bad shape. They were fully prepared."

Forlorn, Devon asked, "Any casualties?"

"No lives lost. McCann suffered gunshots to the leg and arm. Everett suffered burns to her body and leg from an RPG."

"Damn," Devon cursed with his hands wiping his face. "Tell them I said goodbye?"

"Absolutely. Now go say goodbye to your comrades."

Devon couldn't not do it. He wrapped his arms around the lieutenant strongly. Surprisingly, Lt. Wynan reciprocated the embrace.

"Thank you, lieutenant," Devon whispered in the hug.

"You be safe, Hemmel. For you and your family. I wish you nothing but the best in your new life. Now go."

Devon leaned out of the embrace, and shook the lieutenant's hand in understanding. He then exited the room. To Devon's utter surprise, the group was waiting right outside of the room.

Jennings said, "We- we heard everything."

Devon smiled at the group softly before he said, "Donit lu hu na Alaeh."

Alaeh teleported in and said, "That was quicker than expected."

Devon grasped Alaeh's hand in his and asked, "Can you heal anyone in the base?"

Alaeh nodded and planted a sweet kiss to his cheek. Alaeh then stepped up to Lou, and touched its finger to Lou's chin. The cuts and bruises dissipated within seconds.

As Alaeh walked away to help others, Devon said to his friends, "Listen, it was a real honour fighting by each of your sides. You've all taught me so much."

Lou once again shook Devon's hand and told him, "You are a wonderful friend, Devon Hemmel. If you were staying, I'd ask you to be my newborn child's... umm... what is de word for peetvader. Godfodder. I wanted to ask you."

Smiling appreciatively, Devon said, "Louwije. It would've been an honour. But it's no longer safe for me to be around any of you and your families."

One by one the soldiers embraced Devon once more. One last time. They each also placed little kisses to his face. Nobody cried. They fought the tears because they knew that this goodbye was already hard enough.

Just as Devon and McNulty came out of their embrace, Alaeh appeared at the end of the hall walking. Behind Alaeh were Everett and McCann, whom appeared to be perfectly healthy.

"Hemmel!" Everett cried happily as she ran and jumped into Devon's arms. "You're okay, man!"

When Everett hopped out of Devon's arms, McCann shook Devon's hand and embraced him in one arm.

Smiling soft, Devon said, "Goodbye, Curt."

"'Goodbye'?" McCann asked. "You can't let these ponces scare--"

"They tried to go after my sister and niece, McCann."

The two were still hugging, so McCann reached down and gave Devon's firm ass a squeeze as he said, "Well you've got one of the best asses I've ever fucked. Take care, Hemmel."

With a chuckle, Devon asked, "After an admission like that, mate, d'you still think you're not bent?"

McCann stepped away from the man and responded, "Oh, you wish you could wife me."

Devon laughed softly with everybody else for a moment. Devon pressed the underside of his tongue over his bottom lip, his amber eyes conveying any remaining goodbyes to his comrades old and new. He wiped a single tear from the corner of his eye, and sidled up to Alaeh.

Lisa, Nate, Olivia, Devon, and Alaeh, sans wings and adorning a nice navy blue suit, roamed through a large house in Victoria, BC, Canada.

"This is a beautiful home," Lisa said softly. "Bit expensive, though, isn't it?"

Nate agreed, "Yeah. Five hundred sixty large is a tad much."

"No it's not," Devon said as he touched the lavender-painted wall of the upstairs hall. "I saved quite a lot living with you guys when I'm home all but twice a year. And I'm taking the money from the Birmingham house sale, remember? This won't set me back much. So? Are we taking this?"

Lisa and Nate shared a look, before Nate answered, "Yeah. I love this house."

When the family went back downstairs to the realtor, the realtor smiled, straightened his neck tie, and said, "This house also adorns a backyard twice the size of the front with an in-ground pool. Nice, tall six-foot fences to keep your privacy. The house also comes with a charcoal grill standing on the large sundeck."

Devon smiled at the young-ish blonde man and told him, "We'll take it."

"Excellent!" the realtor grinned. "Whom will the owners be?"

Devon quickly replied, "Lisa and Nathaniel Tolley, but I'll be paying for it."

"Sounds great!" the realtor enthused. "Mr. Jensen, how would you like to pay? We have an excellent payment plan op--"

"--I'd like to pay in full right now, please," Devon said shortly and kindly, of that were possible. "I am prepared to initiate a wire transfer."

Stunned, the realtor replied, "There are numerous fees associated with--"

"--How much?" Devon asked kindly. "Total."

"With all the fees, the total to purchase this property outright would be five hundred ninety-nine thousand, two hundred Canadian dollars."

"Great. What bank am I transferring the money to?"

The realtor handed a card to Devon before he said to the others, "Who's ready to go check out the backyard?"

On the phone, a woman answered, "Hello, Mr. Jensen. Thank you for calling Barclays, my name is Cindy. How may I assist you this evening?"

"Hello, Cindy. I am purchasing a home in Canada and require a wire transfer of a substancial amount to do so. Think you can do that for me, darling?"

"Well, Mr. Jensen, we can certainly look into that for you. Canada, you said?"

"That's right, Cindy."

"Home ownership. Okay. How much is the down payment?"

"Oh. I'd like to pay the full amount upfront."

"Oh. My apologies for assuming, Mr. Jensen. What is the full cost of the property being purchased?"

"The Canadial dollar amount is five hundred ninety-nine thousand two hundred."

"Five-nine-nine-two-oh-oh-point-oh-oh dollars... which equals to... three hundred seventy-five thousand two hundred sixty-nine pounds and four pence. Does that sound agreeable, Mr. Jensen?"
( £375,269.04)

"It certainly does, Cindy."

"Okay. There will be a bank fee of oh-point-oh-nine percent for this transaction."

"I expected so."

"Perfect. Do you have the bank account information handy?"

Twelve days later, Devon woke nude and snuggled up flush against his winged mate. He pressed his lips to Alaeh's collarbone and then gently got out of bed. As quietly as he could he opened the chest of drawers and dressed in a pair of green shorts and a black tank.

Downstairs, Devon flicked the kitchen lights on. The clock on the wall told him that the time was 06:02. He guessed Lisa was taking a shower to get ready for work, so he inserted a pod into the Keurig coffee brewer to start a carafe.

As the machine brewed the coffee, Devon walked into the office and grabbed his cell phone off the charger.

  • CIBC Mobile:
    • Got a cheque to deposit? Learn more about our in-app cheque depositing feature.
  • YouTube:
    • V-Squared just posted a video.
    • Andrew Neighbors replied to your comment...
  • Tannis Woodley:
    • 'Frank is selling his TreadClimber. $200 new neighbour special offer'

Devon happily texted the woman back that he'd be willing to purchase the exercise machine. He then threw four slices of bread to the toaster and took the eggs out of the refrigerator.

"Some say love," Devon began to sing while cracking eggs in a large bowl, "it is a river, that drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor, that leaves the souls to bleed."

Devon replaced the carton of eggs in the refrigerator and went to whisk the eggs. But right beside the bowl, which wasn't there before, sat a cube the size of a sugar cube. It glowed blue with tiny streaks of white.

Alaeh sensed danger, and teleported into the kitchen. Devon was staring down at the mysterious object. Devon curiously grabbed the glowing cube before Alaeh could even think to teleport the damned thing out.

The cube, between Devon's thumb and forefinger, dissolved into a liquid. The glowing blue liquid didn't remain long, as within seconds, it seeped into the pores and skin of Devon's hand.

And Devon fell to the floor with his eyes shut and his face contorted in pain.

"Devon!" Alaeh shouted fearfully.

To Devon it felt like his blood was being replaced by ice water. He could his bones literally being shifted. He could even hear it happening.

To Be Continued...

I hope you guys are enjoying this series. If you ever wanna email me, feel free! I give zero fucks whether you write great reviews or have critiques that you might deem harsh. It all helps me grow as a writer.

Anyway, here are my other stories if you're interested in reading my other works while you wait for the next instalment of 'Tearing Me Apart'.










Next: Chapter 15

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