Teammates Discovery

By Mike Pellegrino

Published on Aug 12, 2006


=============================================================== Disclaimer:

This story depicts the sexual acts of two consenting adult men. Do not read this work of fiction if it is illegal where you are. Do not read this if you are underage, which in most states is those who are under 18 years of age, or do not find the subject matter to you liking. This story is fictional and any representation to people past present or future is coincidental, the parts that are not completely fictional the names, dates and events have been alter enough to protect the innocent. The characters in this story use safe sex at all times, you should always practice safe sex no exceptions. It is the belief of the writer that if there is no way to have safe sex then you should not have sex, safe sex or no sex. All rights are reserved by the author. All other normal disclaimers apply. Please enjoy. ===============================================================

Erik woke up the next morning with a smile on his face. Turning to look at the clock, he saw that it read 7:49. The fact that he had slept for less than five hours took the smile away. He then turned to the bed to his left and saw Kyle sleeping there, putting the smile back on his face.

Erik got up and headed to the bathroom. The rustling of blankets awoke Kyle and he started to stir. Not looking over at the other bed, he headed to the bathroom himself, not knowing Erik was in there. He opened the door just as Erik pushed the flush handle.

"Oh man, I'm sorry!" He was able to stammer as Erik's cock was still exposed.

"Don't worry about it. You seemed to like looking at it last night." Erik joked.

Last night, it was kind of a blur. Kyle remembered by tired from the bus trip, getting into an argument with Erik about the TV, but why would he like the look or Erik's cock? He was straight.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Kyle asked him.

"Last night," Erik responded, "You, me, fooling around, blow jobs."

In a rush it all came back to Kyle. He immediately became queasy and lunged for the toilet. Getting there just in time, he vomited what little he had in his stomach into the waiting bowl. Erik put his hand in Kyle's shoulder. Kyle brushed it away violently and turned towards Erik,

"Don't you fucking touch me!"

Erik took a step back. He looked at the anger in Kyle's eyes. At that point, he decided reasoning would not work at the moment and left the room to sit back down on his bed.

Kyle came out a few minutes later and started to get dressed, not even acknowledging Erik's presence.

"Ky—" Erik started to say before he was cut off.

"I thought we were friends! How could you seduce me you queer-ass faggot?" Kyle said loudly, his thoughts blinded by rage. Erik had no choice but to drop the caring attitude and go on the defensive.

"Hey, if think about what happened, you were the one who initiated everything."

"Fuck you! Now I'm going to be labeled in the clubhouse as a cock-sucking fag!" Kyle yelled louder, unable to control his emotions.

"Well, you will be if you don't quiet your voice down and stop waking the whole damn hotel." Erik said. "Come on, sit down and let's talk about this."

In a daze, Kyle sat down on his bed. Erik moved over and put his arm around him. Kyle did not push it away this time. Instead he sank more into Erik's body as the bigger man wound up enveloping him in a full hug.

"Maybe last night was too much for you." Erik said gently, kissing the top of Kyle's head.

"Gee, you fucking think so?" Kyle shot back. Erik smiled. That was his first sign that things might be alright; that Kyle had gotten his wits back about him enough to be the sarcastically witty guy that he had been known to be.

"What made you want it so bad last night?" Erik asked. Kyle sat up and broke Erik's grip. He looked at him square in the eye.

"I have no idea. Maybe we've been on the road too long, maybe it was the bus ride bouncing us all over the place. I was just really horny and then I saw you wanking it and my mind wandered." Erik could see there was more.

"And?" he asked.

"And all I can think about right now," Kyle said, "is what you told me last night. Once I took your cock in my mouth, I can never say again that I've never done it."

"Is that such a bad thing?" Erik asked. Kyle stood up quickly and shot back,

"But I'm not gay!"

Erik stood up to face him.

"Kyle, it's unfortunate, but sometimes the person who is gay is the last one to know."

"But now I'm going to be a fag forever. Everyone will know, my career is done, my parents will throw me out. I mean, where to I turn next?" As he said the last part, the tears started welling in his eyes again. Erik turned to embrace him.

"Kyle, you don't know any of that's going to happen. Look, this is my third year of pro ball, you're the first teammate who knows I'm gay. So unless you broadcast it, no one has to know. Second, how do you know how your parents will react? Unless you've come out to them before, you don't know what will happen." Kyle looked at Erik and stared into his eyes and saw a caring person there.

"So what happens now?" Kyle asked sheepishly?

"Now I think we get dressed and see what this place has in the breakfast room."

"And after that?" Kyle seemed desperate for answers. Erik calmly spoke,

"I think things need to be taken one step at a time. We've got three weeks left in the season. I would imagine they're going to be a long three weeks of self discovery for you. I'll help you in any way that I can. If that means you just want to ask questions, I'm here. If you want things to go back to the way they were, I can play that too. If you want to experiment more, we can work that out as well."

Kyle looked at Erik as if to say something, but only could muster "OK."

"Two things," Erik said, "We have to remain roommates on the road. People know us as too good a set of friends for you to ask for a new road roomie without raising suspicion. Second, you have to do everything you can not to let this affect you on the field."

Kyle nodded. He knew it was going to be a long three weeks. He turned to move over to his suitcase and resume dressing. Erik was right about one thing. Breakfast sounded good right now. As he stood up, Erik was standing over him smiling.

"What?" Kyle asked.

Erik leaned in and gently kissed him on the lips. Closed mouth, just a tender, loving kiss.

"Everything will be alright." Erik said and went into the shower to get ready for the day.

Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 3

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