Teal Eyes

By Author Jonah

Published on Jan 29, 2008



For those of you that don't know, my name is Jonah. I am 6'2" 182lbs with green eyes and short brown hair. I am still in the closet for the most part; I have told one friend and the guys I have been with know too, I hope. . .

In any case the other night my buddy Sloan asked me to hang out with him and go to this bar that was having an open mic night. I am a bit of a musician, I sing, play guitar, piano, and cello (I went to college for voice and have taken music lessons since I was 6). I don't really do anything with music now because after I did my student teaching I realized I would never want to teach kids. I still sing when I can though, which all of my friends and my parents are happy about because they think it's a waist of talent for me to do nothing. But I digress...

So Sloan asked me to hang out with him at some bar and told me to bring my guitar with me. I had no intention of performing for a bunch of drunk people but he told me he wanted to do something and he needed my guitar. Let me tell you a bit about Sloan, he has some musical skills but he isn't great. He actually wouldn't normally be the kind of guy you would think I would hang out with: he is a big partier, (alcohol, pot, lots of girls, etc.) But he is also one of the most health conscious guys you will ever meet. He is just about a vegetarian, never eats fast food and does the same work out as the guys in the movie 300 at least three times a week. He is also about as vulgar as they come but I think he is hilarious so I don't mind it. He is that friend that if you ever went to jail he would be in there with you laughing his balls off.

So we get to the bar and find a table and he starts drinking "Bro, I am getting fucked up tonight! And one of these chicks will be dropping her panties on my floor." He yells, and all I can do is laugh. "Dude, I will be right back. I am going to go grab a drink and sign up for this open mic shit. You want something?"

"Uhh, just like iced tea or something" I don't drink much, which he knows and hates.

"Ok, one pussy drink for Jonah because he's got no balls." he smiles, flips me off and disappears to grab another drink and sign up to perform. So as I sit there listening to some chick singing some whiny song that she wrote I start looking around the room. It's your typical mixed crowd of people in there 20s, some with instruments and some just talking with friends. As I glance around the room one really hot guy catches my eye. It was his eyes... I don't know if you have ever seen them but some people (I have only noticed them on guys, probably because I tend to only look at guys) have these bright teal eyes. They aren't quite blue or green and they sparkle, I mean this guy's eyes lit up the room when you looked at them. He had black hair and a cute face but I couldn't really check him out anymore because I couldn't stop staring into his eyes. Pretty dumb of me, right? Trying to be strait and staring at some guy like it my job. It must have been at least a minutes before I noticed him looking back at me with a kind of "why are you staring at me" look. Damn I felt stupid. Ashamed and now bright red I try looking away and noticed him start to laugh in the corner of my eye.

By this point the whiny chick has stopped singing about all of her problems and is finally getting off the stage. Where is Sloan I wonder? It can't take that long to get iced tea and a beer. I get up and start to walk over to the bar to look for him. It doesn't take long to find him, he has wedged himself between a group of girls and I arrive just in time to hear "is about to sing, he is fucking amazing."

I tap him on the shoulder "Uhh, Sloan... who are you talking about?"

"Ladies, this is my man Jonah. Dude needs a record deal; just wait till you hear him." Now I got it, he wanted me to sing for all the girls he could find so he could take his pick.

"I thought you were going to sing tonight."

He laughs and turns to the girls "excuse us one moment ladies" He pulls me away. "Dude, don't be a cock block! Just get up there and sing for these chicks. I already signed you up, you are going after this next fucker" he points to the stage. Holy shit, it's the hot guy with the eyes, and he is playing the piano and singing. Wait... pay attention, Sloan is trying to make you his wing man again.

"Dude, what the fuck! I told you I didn't feel like singing tonight." I pleaded. "And I have nothing ready."

"Fuck that, you know a million songs. Sing that Yellow song, chicks get hot when you sing that." He hands me my drink "just do this shit for me, and I can owe you a rim job." Before you think the wrong thing, that is just one of his dirty Sloanisms. According to his count I owe him about 20 rim jobs and he owes me like 5, I have never taken the time to check his math. "Now stop being a bitch and get up there. Come on bro, I need to get laid tonight its been like a week and you know how I get."

"I fucking hate you, dude."

"I love you too. Now come say hi to these ladies." Sexy eyes guy did two songs while we chatted with the girls. I don't know how but Sloan always finds really hot girls everywhere he goes and some of them were getting flirty with us. After he got off the stage they called me up to sing and Sloan led the girls in chanting my name. I can't lie, I love performing and Sloan knows it. I didn't need much convincing to do this.

As he suggested I did a slightly rocked out version of Coldplays "Yellow" by the end of the song I had the room singing along with me. Damn it felt good. I followed it up with a U2 song "With or Without You" and by the end people where either making out or crying. Its awesome to see the effect music has on different people. Halfway through the song though I noticed the guy with the eyes again, he was staring at me now. I noticed that he was alone, sitting at his table with his gaze steady on me. When I finished my songs the crowd, lead by Sloan and the girls started shouting for one more. I looked back at the guy and he saw me looking and nodded at me as if I should continue as well, how could I not?

So I broke out into my last song, Collide by Howie Day. When I started it was received by hollers from Sloan and I couldn't help but smile at what a jack ass my friend was making of himself. I couldn't help but let my eyes drift back to that hot guy though and I noticed him smiling up at me. He was starting to get into the song like everyone else, foot taping head nodding; it was kind of hot to watch him getting into it. Having the experience performing that I do I made sure to play to the room, but I sang the song to him... every chance I had to glance at him I took.

When I finished up I walked off the stage and went to sit down with Sloan and the girls. The table met me with applause and I couldn't help but smile like a dumb ass that just won a prize. All the chicks needed to tell me how good I was, especially this on girl sitting next to me; I think her name was Beth or something like that. I guess she was really into me, put her hand on my thigh and whatnot and kept laughing at everything I said. Sloan kept giving me stupid winks like he set it up or something. "I need to go to the bathroom quick. I will be right back." I said, needing to get away from the table.

I went to the bathroom, finished up and washed my hands. When I left Sloan was outside waiting for me. "So what do you think?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"That Beth chick, you gunna fuck her tonight?" He asked with a shit eating grin and punched me on the shoulder.

"Fuck her?" I asked, with a surprised look on my face. "I just met her dude, why do you think she wants to sleep with me." Damn, how am I going to get out of this one?

"What the fuck does that have to do with anything? She's got a hot ass and you know the bitch is wet for you after hearing you sing. Don't bitch out like you always do and get it done." I looked away and rolled my eyes. He grabbed my face and made me look at him. "Dude, I know you are shy, but you need to get laid."

"Yeah bud, your right. But I am just not feeling it tonight; I think I am going to take off." I said sheepishly.

"Why must you always fucking pull this shit?"

"I'm sorry Sloan, and thanks for trying but I--"

He cut me off before I could finish, "but you are a punk ass loser? Seriously Jonah, you need to grow some balls and stop being such a fag." I sighed. I hate that word, especially when I am the one being called one. "So how are you getting home? I am not leaving yet."

"Don't worry about it; I will grab a cab or something. If I have to I will just walk or something."

"You are going to walk home with your Guitar?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Fuck dude, at least put it in my trunk so you don't need to worry about it." He pulled out his keys and handed them to me. "Go run and throw it in the back and bring me back my keys. I will drop it of to you tomorrow when I tell you how I fucked these chicks and you can tell me how your walk was." He loves to try and make me feel worse to get his way. I nod in agreement and we walk back to the table. "Ladies, I am sorry to tell you but Jonah has to go now, he needs his beauty sleep for some meeting he has in the morning with some music guys that might want to sign him. So say good night." He sat back down and I went outside with my guitar to drop it off like he said.

When I got back to the club the guy with the eyes had just came out and he was stretching out. I guess he might have been a little cramped in the small building. He stopped when he saw me and looked at me and smiled. "Your name was Jonah, right?" He asked. "You were singing with your guitar?"

"Yeah, that's me" I smiled back. Holy shit was this guy talking to me?

"I watched you in there, you are really good."

"Thanks man. Uhh, you went on before me right? You were pretty good too. I didn't catch your name though." I replied.

*** ok, I have been stuck here for a week now and haven't been able to continue. What should happen next? I have a few ways I can go with it but I am not sure yet, so please send me your suggestions if you have some. Or if you think I should just give this story up and go to the next one. If you just came here for sex then I am sorry I didn't provide any with this story yet but if you want some of my work you can check out my other two stories in the gay/college section. Helping my roommate relax and Jonah and the Aussie are the two titles, they were both posted in the past month.

So if I should stop or continue let me know jonahauthor@gmail.com

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