Teaching Summer School

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Nov 11, 2020


Teaching Summer School


If you've gotten this far you know the deal. This is a work of gay fiction, the sole property of the author. If you like the stories on this site please consider making a contribution to keep it going. Now sit back, unzip, and relax while you read

Teaching summer school was always a welcomed change from the regular year. It was a more condensed course with only the need to cover the basics of grammar and writing. For many senior high students it was a chance to go to the next grade without the rigors of endless reading of dry literature that bored so many students and even some teachers. I enjoyed attempting to make it writing friendly.

Another benefit, aside from the extra pay, were the hours, all mornings. This allowed me to take a course in the afternoon. Or in my case, to spend time working on my tan. If I was lucky, the school where I labored all morning would have a pool. Most of these facilities were used in the morning hours for seniors of the community in exercise class swims. A few days a week I'd finish up my classwork and head for the empty pool. Lifeguards were on duty being paid for the full day with few swimmers before late afternoons. I got to know many of them by name.

Now I was a slow learner when it came to swimming, having only taken it up in my 40s. But I did enjoy the feel of the water slipping over my skin. I preferred a square cut, tight suit. Occasionally, a few students would join me, one or two at most. They wore the more popular board shorts. But I was in good physical shape. Often the lifeguards were former students or college swim team members. Some even knew me.

Most of the summer school staff made a speedy exit at the end of the session at noon. I'd hang back correcting papers and copying bits for the next day. When finished I'd head down to the pool for a refreshing swim. Since summer school was a more relaxed atmosphere we dressed casually. I preferred cargo shorts and t shirts. I did notice that many of the boys in my classes preferred cargo pr jean cutoffs. Since many of the young men were athletes I knew that they had summer practices for the fall sports.

After the first week of the 4 week summer session I did notice a few of my own male students joining me for a swim. Generally, they were polite only nodding when they saw me. A few would stop to talk about sports or ask questions about writing. Some had even looked up some of my stories on internet sites. I assumed nothing about their sexual orientations. Since my swimsuit left little to the imagination I guess most noticed the outline of my cock. I did catch a few staring. Bit I ignored the looks. Their own board short did a good job of hiding their own erections, if there were any.

About 3 weeks into the session, things began to change. Both the lifeguards and the students seem to be in the locker room and the showers at the same time I was. Normally I showered and changed back into a pair of cargo shorts and a t shirt wrapping my underwear and swimsuit in a towel before heading home. One or two people might be there then. But now there were five or six people in the showers or naked in the locker room. One lifeguard even commented while I was in the shower saying " Nice white booty, bet it makes someone happy." I retorted without thinking " Yep, but no one you might know." This got a laugh from the others within earshot. He was one of the college student lifeguards, a muscular black guy. I dressed and left. Driving home I thought more about his comment and got hard. I decided to stop by one gay bar that I knew would be open. Still stiff and going commando, I went into the bar, ordered a drink and turned around to check out the other customers. It was mostly an older, retired group. A video was playing on the TV so I focused on that.

I was on my second, and last drink when in walked that same lifeguard, Curtis. He spotted me right away and took the stool next to mine. He ordered a beer and turned to me. "Glad to see that you weren't upset" he began, " I really wanted to get to know you. But seeing you in the shower I sort of lost my cool, sorry." I felt that a polite response was necessary so said "Ok, but didn't know you were gay or went to places like this." We sipped our drinks for a while before he spoke again. "You know you do have a real nice body" he stopped to sip again before saying "I know that this is kind of forward but I'd like to see you. Are you married or have a lover?" I simply said "I'm single." "So", he began, "do you think you might go out with me?" I spent some time thinking. It had been a few years since my last relationship had ended. My few one night stands had left me empty. I turned to look at him. Sure there was an age difference but he seemed nice enough. Finally, I said "Look, I'm not into one night stands or quickie fucks. You seem like a nice guy. So maybe we could be friends." He smiled and seemed to think for a few minutes. He reached over to touch my arm saying "I still think that you are a sexy man and I'm hard just sitting here with you." I looked down seeing his hard cock stretching the leg of his shorts. He looked down at my crotch clearly seeing my own cock outlined down the leg. I thought to myself "I should've put on underwear." We talked for a while changing to sodas. I learned that for the summer he was sharing an apartment with three other students. His major was biology. Someday he hoped to go into medicine. He was 20 from St Louis from a large family and he was on the university swim team. While we talked the after work crowd had started to drift in. Soon it would be too crowded and loud. I finally asked if he had plans for dinner. He said that usually he stopped for some fast food. I asked if he would like a home cooked meal? He eagerly accepted. I told him where I lived in the suburbs and gave him directions. We agreed to have dinner about seven at my house.

I rushed home stopping at the store to grab a bottle of wine and a few steaks that I could grill. Once home I looked around deciding that I'd need to do a little house cleaning if I was going to have a guest. I did a quick once over the house, making it a little neater. I also fed the dogs so they wouldn't beg too much. I showered and looked around for something to wear. I decided that a pair of jean cut offs and a light shirt would be appropriate with my leather sandals. I looked in the mirror a bit nervous. It had been a longtime since I had guests. I had no plans for sex but did a bit of tidying up in the bedroom. I opened a bottle of red wine to let it breath and iced a nice sparking wine for the end of the meal. The grill was set with the coals just turning red when he arrived. I ushered him through the house into the backyard terrace. I poured the wine and we sat in the quiet of the yard. My house was surrounded by high hedges installed by the previous owner. I asked if he'd like a salad before I grilled the steaks. He agreed to the idea. So I led him into the vegetable garden where I picked some lettuce and tomatoes along with a squash. I handed him the squash. Playfully he held it at the front of his shorts saying " It's about the right size!" I laughed saying "You wish!"

We went into the kitchen and he helped me make a salad. I'd earlier made a rice dish to go with the meal. I decided that we'd eat inside to avoid the evening insects. He set the table while I put the steaks and squash on the grill. I asked how he liked his steak. He replied "Rare, the way I like my meat." I laughed saying "You are a naughty boy. I may have to punish you." He looked into my eyes saying " If only you would." I felt the flirting was getting a bit too strong so didn't reply. I poured more wine for the both of us and went out to get the rest of the food from the grill.

We ate in comfortable silence for a while. As we finished he offer to help with the clean up. An offer I could not refuse. We cleaned the grill and then did the dishes. I asked if he'd like a after dinner drink, a cognac. He said that he'd try it. We sipped the cognac and sat on the terrace. He asked about my life. I gave him the short version. Then he asked about my gay life. I explained that I came out when I was 26 with a black army officer as my first boyfriend. It lasted for 3 years until we both turned 30. After that I was pretty much on my own while I got two masters degrees. He commented on how nice my house was. I told him that it was a lot of work. But I enjoyed it.

By this time we'd switched to the sparkling wine and then coffee. Sitting side by side on the lounges outside we talked as the sunset. I began to feel the evening chill and suggested that we go inside. Sitting in the living room on the sofa he leaned in to me. He whispered "Can I kiss you?" I nodded yes. He moved in for a soft kiss. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders as he held my waist. The kiss deepened. I put up no resistance. We soon were tugging at each other's cloths. Finally both naked bodies clashed together. Our hard cocks rubbing against each other. I pulled away and said "We really shouldn't do this." He smiled and said "I know but .." We grabbed each tight. Our bodies took over as our minds surrendered, I felt our combined juices lubing our cocks as they pressed together. I stood holding out my hand to him. I led him up to my bedroom knowing that soon we would be enjoying each other's bodies.

Standing there naked I took a minute to admire Curtis' fine, youthful body. The ebony skin had a shine as if he'd oiled it just for me. I looked down at the sculptures abs, dark brown nipples and V shape that pointed to his cut, brown cock. He's obviously shave his pubes which made his cock seem larger. I reached out to touch the side of his smiling, hopeful face. My hands trailed down his firm . to those darker nipples. As I touched them he inhaled deeply. His cock jerked in response to my touch. Suddenly, I felt the need to betaken fully by him We both knew that our basic animal instincts had pulled us into a vortex of sexual need. He leaned in to kiss my neck, then my shoulder. I shuttered at his touch. His cock now dripping with anticipation brushed against my stomach wetting it with his first drops of precum. He moved to look me in the eyes saying "You don't know how handsome you are. How much I have wanted to see you naked. I have dreamed of the day when I might hold you in my arms. The day when I might enter you fully." He kissed me with a passion I had long ago wanted and even feared. I knew that surrendering to him would change my life.

Curtis grabbed my waist and pushed me back onto the bed. His kiss was not interrupted. I felt him use his knees to widen open my legs. I felt his hard, dark cock press against my balls. I knew that we had gone beyond the point of no return. I would offer him my body to take as his own property. Curtis pulled back his hands on the sides of my body. I saw the lust in his eyes. He smiled down at me and said "You are the most handsome man I've ever seen. From the very first day at the pool I've wanted to hold you in my arms. I've wanted to be the one, the only one to bring you satisfaction. My dreams each night have been of the many ways I would bring you .pleasure. I've wanted to bring you along with me as we both reached a deep, pure satisfaction,"

I was far too gone to offer a response. I wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him tight against my body. He spit on his cock to rub the salvia around the deep pink head. I moaned waiting for him to enter my tight tunnel. Curtis lifted my legs up to expose my hole. He smiled and said "I want to give you every pleasure possible." With that he bent down and kissed my hole. I shuttered at the sensation of his kiss. He led my legs apart as he began to nibble at my opening. I moaned yelling "YES!" I felt his tongue push to enter me. I was overtaken with need to have him take me entirely. "Fuck ME" I begged over and over again. He moved up to gently kiss my neck. I felt his cock at my opening trying to gain entrance. " Please" I begged him. Slowly, slowly he pushed against me until just the head of his cock gained entrance, Feeling the tip inside my body made me want it all. I lunged back onto that thick black cock feeling every inch slide deeper. He moved up to look at my face. "Are you ok>" he asked. I said "More than Ok."

Curtis began a slow in and out pumping. Each entry touched that special place and my cock hardened each time. I had given up any resistance and given myself over to pure pleasure. He plunged deep into my body until I felt his balls bouncing against my taint. I held onto his shoulders as he slowly plunged in and out. There was no greater sensation than feeling his cock bring me repeatedly to the edge. As he sensed my need to explode he'd slow the pace. I begged "Please fill me!" Finally, with one deep plunge into my body he yelled "YES! YES!" I felt ji sock throb over and over again as he unloaded his love into me. My own cock exploded between our bodies. Curtis fell onto my body breathing heavily. I held him close his cock still buried deep in me.

We lay together for many minutes each of us breathing heavily and fully satisfied. Finally, we broke apart. He fell on the bed next to me, his arm laying across my chest. I spoke first "WOW! That was sure something great." He pulled himself up on one elbow, leaned in and kissed my cheek saying " It was everything I ever wanted. I hope that you are ok with it?" I move to rest against his chest and murmured "It sure was."

As we lay there I thought that maybe I'd been wrong all along. Just maybe I might be capable of feeling emotions again. As I pondered these thoughts I felt his cock harden once more. My own responded to the stimulation. He pulled me tight to his body and whispered "I think it's going to be a long night. Are you up for round 2?" I moved over to lay on his chest feeling his stiffness rub along my ass crack. I knew that I was still lubed from his juices. I kissed him pushing back until I felt his tip nudging at my hole. "Baby" he whispered "I want to make love to you all night." I moved my ass back until I felt him nudge my hole. Sitting upright I sat down on that mighty weapon until I felt him all the way inside me. He held my hips as I rode his cock like a wild bronco. He kept repeating "I love you baby, I love you." He moved one hand to my hard cock holding it as I rode the wave of my passion, my need for him. He held me tight, flipping me over on my back. He leaned in kissing me saying "Forever ".

OK, this might be a one off story or maybe more. Comments: jaskejr@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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