Teaching Daniel

By Ricky F

Published on May 29, 2009


TEACHING DANIEL -- 2009 Revision 3.0.0 5/17/2009 -- 5/29/2009 (Teen/Teen, mast, mild bond, auth, feet, intense edging and cum denial)


DISCLAIMER: The following story is a work of FICTION - any similarity to actual people or events is entirely coincidental. It contains adult subject matter and should not be read by any minor, person who would find such material offensive, or if it is illegal in your area. If you meet these conditions, please delete this story from your computer. This work is not to be reproduced in any manner without prior approval from the author.

AUTHORS NOTE: Welcome to the long overdue, finally complete version of "Teaching Daniel". I abandoned this story years ago, after it went off the rails and I lost interest. Still, I felt it had potential (especially the first two chapters), but it needed a lot of work. This is the result. For those familiar with the original, you may want to scroll to bottom for a list of changes. You'll also find a list of my other stories at the end of this document. Enjoy!


Even the air felt different that day. Light autumn winds seemed to be carried through the trees on anticipation itself. It was an unseasonably warm October and the leaves in the woods near Daniel's home were falling constantly, creating a crunchy carpet over the still warm earth. He walked through those woods daily on his way to school, going barefoot as often as he could, feeling a comforting, almost druidic, connection with the natural.

Having turned eighteen several weeks ago, Daniel was enjoying his senior year. The previous three had not been easy for him. Despite his fairly decent looks, Daniel had never been very popular, though he was hardly hated or reviled either. He was the invisible student, the one people knew, but spent no time thinking about. He rarely dated, mostly due to his near pathological shyness, or at least that's what he told himself. Like most high school seniors, he was looking forward to graduation, college, and escaping his parent's shadow.

"Daniel, you're late," observed his homeroom teacher as the young man entered the classroom well after the final bell.

His leisurely stroll through the woods that morning resulted in Daniel missing morning announcements, including the arrival of a new student - Ethan. For reasons he could not yet place, Daniel was instantly drawn to him. His face conveyed a look of experience atypical of most high school students, though it was nearly obscured by the jet-black, almost raven-like hair flowing gracefully to his shoulders. A blue oxford was layered over a tight, white t-shirt and both hung un-tucked over the waist of his knee-length shorts. Black high-top canvas shoes, tied only to the ankle, covered his exceptionally large feet.

This general sloppiness and apparent "I don't give a shit" attitude intrigued Daniel. His high school had its "drop out" crowd like any other, but he'd grown up with those kids, knew most of them by name, knew their stories, their families, and why they were so disinterested. He couldn't say the same about Ethan. From the moment he saw the new student, he felt as though he was looking at a puzzle he'd be compelled to solve. A part of his mind warned against this fledgling obsession, but he quickly squelched it. If there is a thing called intuition, Daniel felt it then. Though he didn't know how to interpret it, he intended to find out...

After leaving homeroom, he was pleased to find Ethan had been placed in some of his classes. He'd just taken his seat in senior English when he saw the object of his curiosity walk through the door. Ethan recognized Daniel's face from homeroom, and shuffled over to ask about the seats, if they were assigned. Daniel informed him they weren't, his voice catching in his throat, cracking in a way it hadn't since he was fourteen. As he slouched into the neighboring desk, Ethan casually tossed his backpack on the floor near his feet. Daniel found himself becoming oddly nervous, as if preparing to give a speech to a large audience, and jumped when Ethan spoke.

"What have you guys been working on this year?"

It was a simple question, and a logical one. Since it was only the beginning of October, he hadn't missed much. Daniel quickly briefed him on where they were, what they were working on, and the current assignments. He also described their teacher and what to expect in general.

When the instructor arrived, he asked Ethan to stand and introduce himself. Daniel could sense his irritation at this task without even looking, as if it surrounded the mysterious young man like an aura and Daniel was inadvertently enveloped by its glow. Since Ethan didn't have a copy of the novel they were reading, he was advised to share with one of his neighbors. His chair squeaked on the cold, tile floor as he inched his desk toward Daniel's, only to slump back into it again.

Daniel learned nothing that hour, scared and excited for reasons he couldn't identify. Ethan's foot tapped softly on the floor, close enough to feel the vibrations. The smell of smoke on his clothes fit perfectly with Daniel's developing image of his classmate. Ethan scribbled something in his notebook and clandestinely positioned it for easy reading.

"What class do you have next?" the message asked.

Daniel jotted down an answer, explaining he had chemistry next hour. It wasn't long before a response was written back.

"Me too...mind if I sit with you in there?"

Daniel nodded his answer, confirming it was OK. Actually, it was more than OK. His mind began to wander, realizing he was happy to have another class with the enigmatic new guy - chemistry - they had chemistry together. The double meaning wasn't lost on him.

He escorted Ethan to class under the pretense of showing him the way. In truth, he'd have walked with him regardless. They didn't talk much after their arrival, other than to compare schedules. The two shared no other classes and Daniel didn't have a full day this year anyway. He'd already taken most of the credits needed to graduate and only had to stay at school until lunchtime. He usually went home after his last class, but chose to stay on campus today, waiting for Ethan to come to lunch. He felt anxious and jumpy, as if he was doing something wrong, but wanted to be near him and thought lunch would make a good excuse. As soon as he spotted Ethan in the cafeteria, he asked if he wanted to go somewhere less noisy to eat.

Wandering to the other side of campus near the football field, they found a seat on the bleachers. It was only then Daniel realized he'd forgotten to bring anything to eat. Feeling like an idiot, he began to get embarrassed, his face flushing red and sweating despite the pleasant temperature. As Ethan ate a sandwich from his backpack, he stretched out on the bleachers. Daniel stared at his dark, hairy legs for a moment, catching himself before he was noticed. Unable to understand his fixation, he rationalized, attributing his interest to simple curiosity. Where did he come from? What kind of person was he? The problem became how to ask these questions without sounding TOO curious. Fortunately, Ethan made that easy for him.

"What's down there?" he asked, pointing to edge of the field where a trail led off into the woods.

"The science classes use that path to collect specimens for biology. There's a greenhouse and a small creek about a half mile into the woods."

"Let's go...show me."

Without waiting for an answer, he jumped up, throwing his backpack over his shoulder, and took off across the field. Before Daniel knew it, he was following Ethan into the woods.

They finally got to talk...

"How the hell do you live here?" Ethan asked, clearly not impressed by his new surroundings. "I mean, there isn't anything to do."

"It's not that bad. I've lived here all my life. I've got a few friends...I like the woods..."

Ethan rolled his eyes in a condescending manner, as if to indicate his new friend was full of shit.

"You got a girlfriend?" he asked.

"No, not really..."

"...A boyfriend?" he added without a hint of judgment.

This was an unexpected question and Daniel spat out an awkward response, protesting far too much.

"No! Of course not! I'm not gay."

"Whatever," he responded with a dismissive tone, as if it wouldn't have bothered him either way. After a few awkward minutes, with only the sound of the crunching leaves beneath their feet fill the silence, Daniel asked how Ethan had come to live here.

"I got caught with some pot and charged with possession. My dad hit the fucking roof! He gave me the lecture about throwing my life away and threatened to let me rot in juvenile detention. Instead, they buy a house out here to get me away from 'bad influences'. The funny part is - I WAS the bad influence!!! My friend's parents were happy to see me go..."

"That kinda sucks," Daniel observed empathetically. "How are your parents handling the move?"

"They're not even here half the time! Dad kept the condo in the city and stays there because of work. And mom, well -- she thinks he's having an affair and doesn't want him out of her sight during the week. It's ironic - I have less supervision now than before. Of course, I turned eighteen last month so maybe they think that makes a difference. They stopped by last weekend to make sure the furniture was delivered, but mom was half drunk and dad spent most of the weekend yelling at us. They drove back to the city last night...said they were going to call the school to make sure I showed up..."

Ethan paused momentarily and Daniel didn't know what to say. Compared to the description he'd just provided, Daniel's parents seemed like saints. He wondered how that might have influenced the person he'd become.

"It's not that bad, really..." Ethan continued. "I don't like other people telling me what to do. I need to be in charge. Since I don't see them that much, it gives me more control, more independence. It's almost like having my own house. I guess there's a bright side to having assholes for parents."

Just as Daniel had predicted, the greenhouse suddenly came in sight, positioned directly ahead of them. He pointed out that they were at end of the path and should probably turn around.

"What's out there if we just keep walking?" Ethan asked.

"Nothing...it's just woods. If you keep going long enough, you come out at state road 158. That's if you walk straight through and don't get lost."

"Then let's go exploring!"

Once again, Ethan didn't wait for an answer before setting out into the woods. Not wanting his new friend to get into trouble on his first day, Daniel tried to stop him.

"You've got a class to get to," he reminded.

Ethan simply turned and laughed.

"I've got a 'study hall', which I don't need, and nothing at all last period. As far as I'm concerned, I'm through for the day. Let's go...I know you don't have anywhere to be."

Daniel shook his head, like this was the most impulsive thing he'd ever done. Deep down, however, he welcomed the opportunity to spend more time in Ethan's company. As they headed farther into the woods, their conversation touched on school, parents, and girls. Ethan teased his new buddy about not having a girlfriend and asked if he was a virgin. When Daniel admitted he was, Ethan burst into laughter...

"Haven't found the right guy yet, huh?"

Despite Daniel's irritation over this type of teasing, he decided to let Ethan have his fun, assuming the purpose was simply to get under his skin. As far as he knew, that was the way guys bonded in the city.

As they continued to explore, Ethan asked common questions, the standard ones used to get to know someone. They'd walked a good distance into the woods when he asked if Daniel had ever smoked pot.

"No, I've never had the chance," he answered truthfully.

"Oh, Daniel, you gotta try this!"

He stopped abruptly, knelt on the dry leaves, and opened his pack. After digging around for a few moments, he pulled out a small bag and some papers.

"Sit down while I roll us one..."

Daniel couldn't believe he was doing this! They hardly knew each other. Ethan either ignored or discounted the risk that his new classmate would turn him in to the school authorities. Sitting on a nearby log, Daniel found himself staring at Ethan's legs again, wondering why he couldn't stop doing that? It wasn't like he'd never seen a man's leg before. But something about these legs fascinated him. He turned his head like a lookout, making sure they weren't being watched, but also trying to force the image of Ethan's calves from his mind.

"There...a nice fat one."

Ethan held up the makeshift cigarette like a trophy, obviously pleased with his work, and poked around in his bag for a lighter.

"Come closer," he advised. "We'll waste less smoke that way. Have you ever smoked a cigarette?"


"Damn...well, just watch me then. You hold the smoke in as long as you can before you blow it out. Since you're not used to smoking, you'll probably cough but that's OK."

He lit the end of the joint and took the first toke himself. Daniel watched carefully, hoping to duplicate the actions. It looked easy enough. When Ethan passed it to Daniel, he inhaled far too deeply, taking in more smoke than he could handle and initiating a hard cough, one that seemed to rattle his insides and wouldn't end.

"I told you, man...that first one can be rough! You'll get used to it."

Returning the joint, Daniel tried to regain his composure. He did much better on the next attempt, breathing deeply and keeping the smoke in his lungs until he needed air.

"Hell yeah, that's it! Daniel, you're a natural!" Ethan said, giving his friend a friendly pat on the back.

Daniel wasn't sure he liked being called a natural pothead, but had to admit he was having fun. They continued to pass the joint until they'd finished the entire thing.

Having never smoked weed before, he didn't know what to expect. The first thing he noticed was a sudden, profound relaxation washing over his entire body. Sitting peacefully, he listened to the birds and the wind while watching the leaves leisurely fall to the ground, feeling like he'd been there for hours before glancing at his watch. They'd only finished the joint seven minutes ago! Ethan noticed Daniel check the time and started to chuckle.

"Are you feeling it yet?" he asked.

"I think so - everything seems so slow..."

Then, for some reason, Daniel started laughing too. It was a hard laugh, from a well deep inside that he'd never tapped. Soon after, he was lying back on a blanket of dead leaves, gazing up at the bare tree branches and the intricately woven canopy they provided. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Ethan removing his oxford shirt. Balling it up, he placed it under his neck like a pillow before stretching out, putting his hands behind his head. With his arms extended in that position, Daniel noticed a tribal pattern around his upper bicep, like an armband, barely covered by his t-shirt sleeve.

"Ethan! You've got a tattoo!" he noted with surprise.

"Oh yeah, got it last year. My parents don't even know about it - my shirts usually cover it up. Now that we're practically living apart, I guess they'll never find out."

Maybe it was the pot, but Daniel's interest in Ethan skyrocketed. He seemed so different from the other guys at school. Clearly intelligent, he didn't make a big deal about it, and his self-confidence was infectious. Daniel got the impression that when Ethan made a mistake, he just shrugged it off and went on with life. A goofy smile spread across his face but he couldn't wipe it off. He was happy, for the first time in ages, Daniel felt truly happy. Unworried about school or pleasing his parents or getting into college, he was content with this one simple pleasure - being with Ethan. So immersed was he in these thoughts that Ethan's voice startled him when he spoke...

"I've got another tattoo...you wanna see it?"


Daniel assumed the second tattoo would be on his chest or stomach, maybe the other arm, so he was shocked when Ethan stood to pull off his shorts. He was wearing an old pair of white jockeys, slightly discolored and worn paper-thin; you could almost see through the front. Luckily, he appeared not to notice Daniel looking. As soon as he pulled the shorts over his feet, which were still encased inside his high-tops, he turned and lowered the waistband of his underwear, exposing the top half of his buttocks. There, below the small of his back but above the cleft of his ass, was a tattoo of a Chinese symbol.

"It's the symbol for balance. I thought about another tribal pattern but settled on this instead."

His head was twisted as far around as possible so he could see Daniel as they talked.

"Do you like it? Not many people get to see this one."

Daniel felt his face beginning to flush, the prickly heat making him uncomfortably warm.

"Yeah, looks good..." he managed to stammer.

Ethan turned back around and reached for his shorts, which Daniel assumed he'd put back on. Instead, he arranged both them and his oxford like a blanket over the forest floor, casually reclining on them and looking up at the trees. His legs opened slightly and Daniel started to perspire. He was looking at a guy's crotch in the middle of the woods and his heart was pounding! Not yet understanding this reaction, he hoped it was the pot. Ethan stretched and the well-worn leg openings of his jockeys could not contain his balls, his right nut slowly rolling from the gap between fabric and skin. Daniel's mouth and throat were parched and he stared openly, unable to control his eyes, as if he was hypnotized. He moved to sit closer to his new friend just as a soft breeze blew over them. Daniel unexpectedly smelled his buddy's scent on the wind and panicked when he realized he was getting an erection.

"My god," he silently thought to himself. "I just got hard watching a guy in his underwear. What's wrong with me? I have to snap out of this..."

"Damn, this feels good," said Ethan, his words seeming to come out of nowhere, jolting Daniel from his thoughts and causing him to jump. "Hanging out in the woods, nearly naked, getting high with a bud...this stuff just gets me so relaxed."

"It's making my throat dry," Daniel replied.

"That's normal. You're not used to the smoke - it'll pass."

Daniel needed to get away for a minute, if for no other reason than to calm down, and searched his mind for a reasonable excuse to use.

"I need to piss...be right back," he lied, providing cover to move away.

Daniel hoped that walking around would get his mind off Ethan's crotch and allow his dick to return to its normal size. As he stood, he quickly pivoted so his hardon wouldn't be noticed and moved to the nearest large tree, checking to make sure Ethan was still lying down before unzipping his jeans. His cock jumped into his hand aggressively, almost like it had a mind of its own. Now unconstrained by his jeans, it quickly swelled to its full length.

"This has to be the pot, this has to be the pot," he repeated to himself under his breath. "I can't be this turned on by a guy..."

Nevertheless, his dick was begging to be stroked and a large drop of sticky precum beaded at the tip before falling to the floor of the woods. The sound of his heartbeat was deafening as he wondered what was wrong with him. He thought if he could piss, or at least try to, maybe he could make it go down. His morning wood was often as strong as this, but he usually beat off before urinating. Unfortunately, that wasn't a valid option now. Still wondering what to do, he was overcome by panic when he heard Ethan approaching.

"I need to piss too, man..."

"Shit!" Daniel breathlessly cursed.

Worried over his hardon, he'd unwisely stopped paying attention to Ethan's location. Now, as he walked closer, Daniel couldn't imagine how he was going to explain his condition and fumbled with his cock, finding it hard to stuff back in his pants through the zipper. He could have managed if his belt and button had been undone, but not like this. As Ethan sauntered up beside him, like a stranger at a urinal, Daniel prepared for the end of their very short friendship.

"FUCK!!! Daniel, that thing is huge!"

Ethan stood there, staring, as Daniel awkwardly struggled to return his penis to his pants. His face was burning with embarrassment, but as humiliated as he felt, he still couldn't get his dick back inside. Ethan knew how mortified he was and tried to calm him down.

"It's OK, dude - nothing to be ashamed of. I shouldn't have snuck up on you like that..."

Daniel looked up at him, only after realizing he wasn't angry or appalled, and apologized for his condition.

"I'm sorry about this, Ethan. I've never been hard in front of another guy. God! I can't tell you how embarrassing this is!"

"Well, it's not like we don't ALL get wood. Shit man, just relax. So you saw something that made you hard, big deal..."

Daniel stopped fumbling with his dick and simply stood there, covering it with his hands. He wasn't sure what Ethan was implying, but was in no position to object. His classmate was frustrated by Daniel's continued silence.

"Oh, for God's sake, LOOK!" Ethan said, sounding quite irritated.

He grabbed the waistband of his underwear and slid them down to his knees. His hard prick snapped up from a forest of jet-black pubes, hitting his smooth stomach with a loud smack.

"See...I get hard too," he continued. "There's nothing weird about it."

Daniel noticed their dicks were similar in thickness and length, both about seven inches, but Ethan was uncut. He'd never seen another guy's erect penis before, except in porn, and was fascinated by the foreskin, which still clung tightly to the head. Realizing he was staring, Daniel averted his eyes, but not before noticing the reflection of light in a drop of moisture gathering on the folds of skin. He looked at Ethan's face and started to laugh.

"I'm sorry - I'm not laughing at you," Daniel tried to say between giggles. "It's just that this is so weird. I get caught with a hardon and then you just show me yours - like 'here, look at my cock' - like this kinda thing happens all the time!"

Ethan began laughing too, effectively diffusing the tension between them. Daniel's hands dropped, exposing his still-erect cock, and he leaned against a nearby tree to support himself while continuing to chuckle. Ethan started swaying hips from side to side in a silly, juvenile manner...

"Look at my cock...look at my cock", he said playfully, using a voice reminiscent of a goofy cartoon character, the motion of his rotating hips causing his solidly erect penis to ricochet from one side to the other.

Daniel had an excuse to look now - they were both totally fucked up and just horsing around. The situation had evolved into a stupid, but amusing, little game. Each time Ethan's cock hit his body, the skin retreated a bit more. By the time he stopped gyrating, the skin was halfway over the head and dripping wet. Daniel's dick was just as moist; in fact, precum had leaked all the way down his shaft and was beginning to soak into the material of his jeans.

"It looks like you throw wet ones too," Ethan observed, pointing out Daniel's constant flow.

"Yeah, this is wetter than usual though."

"Look dude," started Ethan. "I need to piss, but I'll need to take care of this first, if you know what I mean..."

Daniel understood completely and assumed Ethan was discretely asking for some privacy.

"Yeah, I know," he answered. "I'll leave you alone for a few minutes."

He started to walk away, thinking he'd do the same thing Ethan was about to do. Given his current level of excitement, he knew it wouldn't take but a minute or two to empty his nuts.

"Dude, you don't need to leave," Ethan said unexpectedly. "It's not like I haven't beaten off in front of someone before. Besides, I kinda think you'd like to watch..."

Daniel stopped after only a few steps, frozen in his tracks, his hard cock still sticking out of his jeans, dripping on his shoes. He wondered what Ethan was saying - had he done this kind of thing before? To Daniel, masturbation was one of the most personal things a person could do; to do it while someone else watched seemed unimaginable.

When he turned around, Ethan had his underwear around his knees and his cock in hand, slowly stroking it back and forth. Daniel stared brazenly this time, captivated by the way his friend's foreskin retreated and reclaimed the head of his prick on each pass. It was incredibly wet, so wet it made a faint sloshing noise each time it moved over the tip. Daniel felt dizzy and his mouth fell open.

"It's OK man," Ethan said softly. "I don't mind you watching. We both need this..."

Enthralled by this blatant display, Daniel sat at the base of a tree for support, staring up at his new classmate.

"What...umm...what if we get caught?" he asked timidly.

"Who's gonna see us? You said yourself nobody comes out this far. And with all these dead leaves, we'll hear if someone gets close."

"I guess..."

"I know you wanna watch me pound one out. Like I said, it's no big deal. You do jerk off don't you?"

"Of course I do...but..."

"...And so do I," Ethan interrupted. "The only difference is I don't have a bunch of hang ups about it like you do."

"I don't have hang ups!" Daniel protested.

"Prove it...stay there and watch."

There it was -- Ethan had dared him to watch. Part of Daniel's mind screamed at him to walk away but his legs wouldn't move. He took his eyes off his friend's dick long enough to peer down at his own. It looked absolutely massive, harder than he'd ever seen it, the crown flared and red. Precum liberally drooled from the wide slit, soaking the denim around his zipper with the slippery fluid. Ethan could sense that Daniel was considering his offer and continued to persuade him.

"Look Daniel, we're just two guys with boners who wanna get off. There's nothing to be ashamed of..."

Daniel looked up and watched his classmate stroke his cock, obviously enjoying it, and was jealous that his buddy felt so free, so unafraid of anything. Ethan's comfort with his sexuality stood in stark contrast to the more repressed boy's over-analyzed, cautious deliberations. Daniel decided to take a chance and lightly fingered the head of his dick. He thought it would explode immediately.

"Hell yeah," Ethan encouraged. "That's it, Daniel - enjoy it! Just go with it..."

Daniel closed his eyes and slowly began to masturbate, hoping Ethan wouldn't talk anymore. He just wanted to cum quickly and put his dick back inside his jeans. His jerk off buddy had other intentions.

"Slow down, man. Take your time..."

By now, it was obvious Ethan was getting off on being watched. Daniel's mouth remained dry, unaccustomed to smoking as he was, and he licked his lips to moisten them as he stroked. His friend misinterpreted the purpose of this action.

"Fuck yeah buddy, lick your lips," he approved. "I know how you feel, man! Let your dick get nice and wet. Get it fucking drippin, dude! Two guys, hot as fuck, pulling on their juiced up cocks. This is fucking awesome! God, I love this shit!"

When Daniel heard movement, he opened his eyes. Ethan was standing nearby, removing the rest of his clothing.

"What are you doing?" he asked nervously.

Ethan's head snapped up suddenly, shooting Daniel a look of total annoyance.

"What does it look like? If I'm gonna do this, I wanna be naked. It makes it so much hotter -- knowing you'll have to scramble for your clothes if somebody sneaks up on you, having to run away buck naked, hoping you can get away before they recognize you..."

"That sounds kinda risky..."

Ethan looked at Daniel, his eyes wild with excitement after explaining his exhibitionist tendencies, checking for a reaction.

"That's the whole point, dumbass," he answered. Then, noticing the apprehension on Daniel's face, he added, "Relax, I'm not asking you to get naked. I just want you to see me -- all of me."

As if to accentuate his point, he took his underwear and tossed them into the tree branches above, making them even more difficult to retrieve should he need them in a hurry.

"Dude - that is fucked up," replied Daniel with an amazed grin, impressed by the self-confidence of his new friend.

Ethan quickly moved to straddle the young man still seated at the base of the tree, his bare feet planted in the dead leaves on either side of his legs, towering over him, his sudden proximity and complete nudity unnerving for Daniel. He pointed his cock toward his seated friend's face and started to stroke again. Daniel was no longer masturbating but stubbornly refused to release his cock as he stared at his buddy's uncut meat. Ethan could see the boy had given in, but was careful not to push him too far.

"That's it...watch me stroke my shit," he said quietly. "This is my favorite way to do it. Here, let me show you..."

He peeled his foreskin back with one hand and used the index finger of the other to lightly tease around the head, spending a lot of time underneath where the folds of skin gather.

"Fuck yeah, man!" Ethan said ecstatically. "That feels awesome, makes me swell and drip hard. Watch this..."

He removed both hands and pushed his hips forward, forcing his dick even closer to his buddy. His facial expression tightened and he flexed the muscles in his groin repeatedly, causing his cock to jump up and down in front of his partner's eyes. All at once, an incredibly long, wet, sustained string of sticky precum poured from the bouncing prick, momentarily making Daniel afraid his friend was going to piss on him. The river of prefuck flowed down the thick shaft and tight scrotum before dripping onto Daniel's jeans. He was impressed in spite of the mess.

"Wow," he whispered. "That's a cool trick!"

"Yeah, I thought you'd enjoy it. It's a great one for showing off."

"How many times have you done this?"

"I did it all the time with my friends back home. But it's a lot more fun with a guy like you, someone who really likes to watch..."

"Maybe we should stop," Daniel objected. "This is getting kinda queer."

"You're just saying that because you grew up in this backwater town. Hell, you never even smoked weed before today. We aren't doing anything wrong. It's just jerking off. If jerking off was queer, the whole world would be gay."

Ethan had a point.

"Wanna see me squeeze out more?" he asked.

"...Really? You can do it again?"

"Dude, I could do it all day. Watch..."

Ethan was clearly enjoying the attention. As Daniel watched closely, he went through the same process as before, once again forcing precum to drip from his slit in a constant, sticky stream. He purposefully aimed the bouncing cock more accurately this time, causing the slow emission of prejizz to drip onto Daniel's jerking hand, rather than his jeans.

"Oh man, that is fucking awesome!" Daniel said enthusiastically. "I wish I could do that."

"I know lots of good dick tricks - maybe I'll teach you sometime."

Ethan returned his hand to his cock and resumed stroking. This time Daniel joined him. Several minutes passed without either of them saying a word. Since his nervousness was subsiding, Daniel didn't close his eyes, but instead watched intently, studying his friend's dick without making any mental excuses for doing so. After spending this time with him, jerking off together no longer seemed like such a big deal - just something normal guys do when they get fucked up. Daniel felt his balls tighten and knew he was close. He rested his head against the tree and closed his eyes, enjoying the rising orgasm building inside him. As was his habit, he opened his mouth just as he was about to shoot. He was on the edge of cumming, almost to the point of no return, when he heard Ethan yelling...

"Shit! I'm sorry dude! FUCK!!!"

Something wet landed in Daniel's sandy blonde hair. When he opened his eyes, he saw what must have been his classmate's second shot exploding from the head of his penis. Abruptly, everything seemed to move in slow motion. The cock pointed at his face flexed, the piss lips opened wide, and a jet of pure white emerged with unbelievable force, landing squarely in his still open mouth, Ethan's aim rivaling that of the most experienced sniper. Daniel scrambled to spit it out, realizing too late he'd lost control of his body and his own orgasm was well underway. He'd intended to cum on the ground in order to spare his clothes, but since he was distracted, his cock was recklessly spraying all over him, first hitting his face, then soaking his shirt. By the time he thought to point the damn thing away from him, he over compensated and pumped a jet onto his friend's left ankle, the thick curds of jizz running down to his large, bare foot. Ethan didn't notice this hosing; he was too busy emptying another volley onto Daniel's chin and another on his shirt. Possessed by the power of his cumshot, Ethan shook his cock wildly through the final contractions, sending droplets of spooge flying off in every direction. Daniel was silent, dumbstruck actually, during the awkward moment that followed. Covered in two loads of jizz, his face and clothes were a hopeless mess. Suddenly, Ethan began to apologize.

"Fuck man, I'm so sorry! I was standing so close because I liked you watching me. When I saw you open your mouth, I just lost it. I honestly didn't mean to spray on you like that..."

The words sounded sincere but Daniel wasn't buying it, knowing intuitively it had been a calculated maneuver. Ethan had demonstrated far too much control over his own dick for such an excuse to be credible. He staggered to an upright position, his dick already softening somewhat, and surveyed the damage. He was a total wreck, completely covered in slimy, white sperm. There was jizz in his hair, on his face, in his mouth, and all over his clothes.

"Dude, don't you EVER do that again!" he warned Ethan playfully, laughing at how ridiculous he looked.

"Shit, I didn't mean to...honest," Ethan repeated, the words difficult to get out due to his giggling. "I just couldn't stop in time..."


"Oh relax, dude. The cum-covered look kinda suits you..."

Daniel abruptly stopped laughing, not appreciating this latest comment in the slightest. He nervously looked away while Ethan continued to chuckle.

"Well, at least now I can piss," Ethan said.

"Yeah, I need to pee too...try not to get any of THAT on me."

They hosed down the tree before returning to their original spot. Ethan picked up his things and got dressed, leaving his underwear up in the tree. He generously allowed Daniel to use his t-shirt as a cum-rag since he could still wear his oxford.

"Well, that was fun. You're OK. We should hang out," Ethan offered.

"Sure, I'd like that," Daniel agreed. "I need to get home before my parents so I can clean up. I don't want them to see me walking in with cum on my face."

Ethan muttered something under his breath. To Daniel, it sounded like, "Bet it wouldn't surprise them..."

The two new friends walked together back to the field. Daniel rushed to get home as quickly as he could, going straight for the bathroom. Before he stepped into the shower, he looked in the mirror. Along his hairline was a large, nasty clump of Ethan's cum, already half-dried, that he'd apparently missed when wiping down with the t-shirt. It was so obvious -- Ethan must have seen it. He wondered why his buddy hadn't told him about it. As he jumped in the shower, still thinking about Ethan, he noticed he was getting hard again.

"Damn, that was some nice pot..." he whispered.


The fledgling friendship continued to grow after that first day in the woods, resulting in the two young men spending many pleasant afternoons in each other's company. Though they didn't jerk off every time, it happened frequently enough, usually after smoking weed. As the weeks progressed, Daniel became more comfortable around Ethan, even adopting some of his habits. His parents noticed the changes, but since his grades weren't suffering, they chalked it up to "just a phase" and were happy he finally had a social life. They asked all sorts of questions about his new friend, most of which he answered truthfully; Ethan was from a well-off family, he was very intelligent, got good grades and such. When they met him, Ethan was always polite and well mannered - it's amazing how far that can go with parents.

In late November, the amount of time they spent together dropped off sharply when Ethan started dating Angela. Daniel was abruptly relegated to "third wheel" status. Although he was frequently invited to tag along, he frequently declined. Seeing them together was difficult for him, though he couldn't explain why. He spent a lot of time masturbating alone that winter, lying in bed with a contraband magazine, stroking until he was about to cum. Then he'd put the magazine down and close his eyes. Whether he wanted it to happen or not, he'd see images of Ethan as he went over the edge.

During the second week of March, Angela broke up with Ethan. Though the exact circumstances surrounding their breakup remained a mystery for Daniel, it was apparently nasty, and Ethan refused to discuss it. He was a different man after that and their friendship changed as well. Ethan became progressively more controlling, making decisions about how they spent their time, dismissing other suggestions outright. Daniel was so glad to have his friend back he ignored this newfound character flaw and clung to his buddy more tightly than ever. The jokes and insinuations about his sexuality increased in frequency, but he'd become accustomed to them by now and they rarely bothered him anymore. The relationship became less balanced, less equal, with every passing week, but Daniel needed it, like a drug, and made excuses for his friend's behavior at every opportunity.

Late one Thursday evening Daniel's cell phone rang. It was Ethan and Daniel immediately noted the excitement in his buddy's voice...

"My parents aren't coming home this weekend. I got the place to myself. You're coming over to stay with me!"

"My mom and dad won't let me spend the entire weekend over there, especially without your parents."

"So, don't tell them," Ethan responded impulsively, as if this was the most obvious thing to do.

"But a whole weekend...I have to tell them something."

"Shit! Do I have to think of everything?" Ethan complained. "Tell them my parents invited you to our lake house for the weekend."

"You have a lake house?"

"Fuck no! But your parents don't know that. Go ask them. I'll wait."

Running downstairs, Daniel asked his mom if he could go with Ethan and his parents to their "lake house" this weekend. She gave her approval without so much as looking up from her book. He returned to the phone with the good news.

"She said it was OK. I guess we're spending the weekend together."

"Excellent! Pack your things and come to my house instead of school. We're taking a day off!"

There was a brief pause before Ethan spoke again.

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you could do me a favor."

"What?" Daniel asked.

"Don't jerk off tonight, or in the morning before you come over."


"Just promise me you won't."

"OK, I promise. But why would you..."

"Great!" Ethan interrupted. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

When he put down the receiver, Daniel noticed his dick was hard.

Friday morning, he drove to Ethan's house instead of going to school. Certain that his parents wouldn't notice the absence on his attendance report, he wasn't worried about being caught, just psyched about whatever his friend had planned for the weekend.

When he rang the bell, Ethan came to the door and welcomed his buddy in, immediately advising him on the first item of business.

"I'm waiting for my contact to stop by with our shit for the weekend. Just relax until he gets here."

"What shit?"

"...the drugs, stupid! I'm gonna see to it that we're fucked up for the next three days."

Perhaps it was the result of growing up in a rural setting, but this made Daniel nervous. He'd known since that first day in the woods that Ethan could be reckless, maybe even a bit dangerous, but now he had a drug dealer coming to his house! Despite his uneasiness, Daniel had learned to trust him, assuming he knew what he was doing. And Ethan was so calm about it, like he did this all the time, like he was simply waiting for the mail to arrive. Such was Daniel's growing devotion to him - if Ethan did it, it had to be OK.

Forty-five minutes later, a car pulled into the driveway. When the doorbell rang, Ethan answered it, ushering his contact into the kitchen to complete their business while Daniel stayed out of their way. The entire transaction took less than two minutes. Ethan returned to the sofa after walking the guy to his car.

"We are now officially hooked up," he proudly stated. "You don't know how hard I worked to make this happen. You're gonna have so much fun..."

"Well, what do you wanna do?" asked Daniel. "It's not even noon yet - a little early to be smoking pot."

"It's NEVER too early to smoke pot," Ethan answered with a grin. "Come on, I wanna show you something..."

The house was eerily quiet as Daniel followed his friend upstairs and into his bedroom. Ethan reached into his closet and pulled out a water pipe.

"Do you know what this is?" he asked.

"Of course I do, dipshit...it's a bong. Just because I've never used one doesn't mean I don't recognize it."

"Damn bitch, you're jumpy this morning! If anybody ever needed a toke, it's you."

After packing a bowl and searching his desk for a lighter, Ethan held the flame over the weed and took a deep hit. Duplicating his actions, Daniel found the smoke much smoother this way, easier on the lungs than a joint. They passed the pipe between them until only ashes remained. Ethan reclined casually on the bed as his friend sat nearby.

"Oh yeah, this is nice," he said, arching his back and stretching lazily, enjoying his growing buzz.

This pot was more potent than the stuff they usually smoked. Within minutes, both of them were well on their way to being stoned.

"This stuff hits you fast", Daniel noted, as he felt the hazy effects of the smoke set in.

"I know...we should lay off it for a while."

Suddenly relaxed, Daniel reclined across the foot of the bed, lying on his back. Ethan, still wearing his high-tops, took the opportunity to prop his feet on his buddy's abdomen. Though he didn't appreciate being used as a footstool, Daniel felt too good right now to resist. He closed his eyes for a few moments and realized he'd fall asleep if they didn't do something. As if reading his mind, Ethan removed his feet, walked to his desk, and powered up his computer.

"Let's play video games for a while. I've got a few new ones."

For the next four hours they played games, stopping occasionally to prop up their buzz. Needless to say, neither of them played very well, but it didn't matter. Ethan knew his classmate was happy just being with him and reviewed his plans for Daniel this weekend, fine-tuning them now that he was here, realizing he'd resist some of them. Daniel needed to be in a relaxed, comfortable state of mind. Therefore, Ethan was happy to take things slow - for now.

About mid-afternoon, Ethan told Daniel to make them some sandwiches, which he did without complaint. They ate in the living room, watching Jerry Springer and laughing almost non-stop at the ridiculous, chair-throwing families. Once they'd eaten, Ethan disappeared to pack a fresh pipe. The room became strangely quiet as they relaxed, silence hanging in the air like the smoke from the bong. Finally, Daniel broke the calm.

"What should we do now?" he asked.

"Let's go back upstairs. I wanna show you something. Come on..."

Returning to his bedroom, Ethan took a seat at his computer and began typing. Daniel sat on the bed while his host explained what he was doing.

"I discovered my dad has an account with one of those age verification services, you know, so he can look at porn. The idiot didn't cover his tracks very well and I figured out his user name and password. You can find some pretty interesting stuff on here."

Ethan soon navigated to an adult site. For Daniel, this seemed like a perfect time to jerk off. He grabbed the bong to take another hit before getting down to business.

His buddy stopped him cold.

"Put that down - no more pot for you. The last thing I need is for you to fall asleep tonight."

Annoyed and horny, Daniel put down the pipe while Ethan downloaded porn. Since he'd obeyed his friend's request not to masturbate prior to this weekend, he badly needed to stroke one off. Normally, he waited for Ethan to initiate their jerk off sessions, but he showed no interest in that today. Instead, he just sat there, fully dressed, occasionally commenting on what he saw. After an hour of this, Daniel couldn't take anymore. He stood to remove his shorts.

Once again, Ethan quickly ordered him to stop.

"Not so fast, buddy. Leave `em on."

"What the fuck!" Daniel complained. "I need to jerk off!"

"Just relax and trust me," Ethan answered. "You're gonna enjoy tonight but you gotta be patient."

So unusual was this maddening delay that Daniel wondered if his buddy had outgrown his desire to masturbate with other guys. If so, this was going to be an extremely frustrating weekend. He did his best to remain calm as they spent the remainder of the afternoon surfing through the sites and discussing their favorite pastime, jerking off - further increasing his need to crank one off.

Around eight o'clock that evening, Ethan reached into his desk drawer and withdrew a pink tablet. After placing it on the desk near his classmate, he ran downstairs, returning with a large glass of water.

"OK, Daniel. You're about to experience what it feels like to really trip. You know what XTC is right?"

"People who go to nightclubs use it, right? That's really all I know. Isn't it dangerous?"

"Any chemical can be dangerous..."

"Why aren't you taking one?" Daniel asked while fidgeting nervously, clearly not comfortable with this plan.

Ethan groaned in frustration at the constant stream of questions.

"In the unlikely event that you react badly to it, I wanna be clear headed enough to take care of you. I'll be like your safety net. It's a different kinda of high, more intense, very sensory. Go ahead...take it."

Holding the pill in his hand, Daniel slowly turned it over and over, trying to decide if this was a good idea. Ethan noticed his hesitation.

"Come on, dude. I went to a lot of trouble to get that. I wouldn't give you something I thought might hurt you. Trust me..."

As was usually the case, Ethan's confidence was infectious, and soon spread to Daniel. Since he trusted his classmate not to get him killed, he overcame his uncertainty, put the pill in his mouth, and chased it with some water.

"Excellent...you're gonna love this. You will NOT regret it."

"I'd better not..."

Ethan returned to the websites, as if on a treasure hunt for porn, searching for more videos. After about forty minutes, he turned to say something and noticed Daniel's eyes.

"Shit! Your pupils are huge!" he cried.

"...Really?" Daniel asked. "I think that pill is kicking in. I'm thirsty and my skin is kinda tingly. Actually, I feel a little cold too."

"I'll go turn up the heat."

While Ethan was adjusting the temperature, the effects of the drug went into overdrive. Daniel's perception of color became incredibly intense, every object in the room glowing with a beautiful halo. His hearing seemed super-human, every sound in the empty room amplified ten times louder than it really was. His skin felt simultaneously on fire and frozen solid, begging to be touched and gently caressed. He wasn't tired or zoned out, just fully on edge, his senses razor sharp. When Ethan returned, it was obvious that his buddy was rolling.

"You like it?" he asked.

"FUCK YEAH!!! I can see why this would be popular at a club. You know, with all the lights flashing and the music thumping."

"I know. But for tonight, we should just hang out for a while. You'll love the way your voice sounds on this stuff."

He'd already noticed that particular side-effect. His voice sounded detached from him, almost disembodied, as if he wasn't the one speaking, the timbre more rich and lush than usual. Sitting on the bed, they talked long enough for Daniel to become comfortable with the unfamiliar sensations and for Ethan to verify his friend wasn't going to be sick.

Finally, Ethan grabbed a deck of cards from the nightstand.

"Let's play cards," he suggested.

"That seems like a waste of my buzz," Daniel protested.

"You'll like this game."

"Why is that?"

Ethan smiled knowingly, raising his eyebrows as he did. Daniel loved it when his buddy made that face -- it usually meant something good was about to happen. He couldn't resist grinning back as he waited for the answer.

"...Because you'll get to take your clothes off. I know you've wanted to get naked all afternoon."

"You've got to be kidding," Daniel laughed. "...Strip poker! That's the dumbest thing you've ever suggested. I really expected more from you."

Ethan narrowed his eyes at the insult, playful though it was. He didn't like it when Daniel talked back to him and vowed to correct that behavior in the future.

"You should give me more credit than that. I've been thinking about this for days now. I call this game `DISCOVERY'. It'll start like strip poker, but the winner gets to help the loser discover something about himself he might not know, to see himself though someone else's eyes. It'll improve our friendship to be honest with each other -- help us get closer. Wanna play?"

He reached forward and placed his fingertips on one of Daniel's calves, gently playing with the blonde hair. Since the drug made him hyper-sensitive to touch, he jumped slightly at the welcome contact. He couldn't help but notice how sincere Ethan seemed as he described the game, his words and vocal tone indicating it meant a lot to him, that he'd put considerable thought into it. Still, to Daniel it seemed pretty lame - disappointing actually - but if he won, he might be able to get Ethan to admit to how much he'd changed since he and Angela broke up, maybe even get some of the lurid details. With this thought in mind, he consented to play.

"I guess so," he agreed. "Are we wearing the same amount of clothes?"

"Looks like it," Ethan grinned.

After shuffling the cards, Ethan dealt five to each of them, face down on the bedspread.

"Let's play so you have to use the cards you're dealt," he suggested. "It'll make it less complicated that way."

Since Daniel was so fucked up, that suited him fine - the fewer decisions he had to make the better. His first hand was vastly better than Ethan's.

"Looks like I win," he said proudly.

Ethan unlaced one of his ratty high-tops and slipped his enormous foot free of its canvas prison. These were his favorite shoes, despite their age and condition, and he wore them almost every day. Since the guys were regular jerk off buddies, Daniel was accustomed to seeing him get undressed. Still, he was always struck by the strong odor of Ethan's feet, as if he never washed them. It wasn't a nasty smell, just incredibly intense. He wondered if it was the shoes or if his feet were just naturally funkier than most guys. His senses still on edge, Daniel's dick belched a glob of precum into his jockeys as the scent hit his drug riddled brain.

"Man, those things reek!" he complained.

"Oh, I thought you liked it. You've never complained before," Ethan teased.

"Sure...I love your smelly feet," he spat back sarcastically.

Ethan extended his leg unexpectedly and rubbed his large, sock-covered foot over Daniel's crotch, feeling for his hardon, and causing even more funk to waft up to his buddy's nose. Daniel inhaled sharply when the foot found his dick, throbbing insistently inside his shorts.

"Wow," Ethan observed. "...I was right. You do like my feet."

Pushing the pungent foot away from his crotch, Daniel grew uncomfortable with the direction this game was taking, and with his unexplained reaction to what just happened, the combination of touch and smell rendering him hornier than he'd been all day.

"Just deal the cards, loser," he said in an effort to refocus.

After five more cards, neither of them had anything worthwhile to play. Modifying the rules on the fly, they decided high card wins. Ethan had a king; Daniel's highest was an eight. He slipped his right foot from his sneaker.

"Damn dude!" Ethan cried. "You got no room to talk. Did you pull those socks outta the hamper this morning?"

"Your feet smell much worse than mine," Daniel shot back, enjoying the friendly sniping. "I'm surprised my eyes aren't burning."

Ethan burst into laughter, apparently enjoying the banter as well.

"I guess they are kinda bad," he admitted. "Sorry about that..."

"They're not `kinda' bad, they're really bad. You need a new pair of shoes."

"Whatever," Ethan said dismissively. "Let's play..."

After dealing another round, Daniel won with a pair of aces.

"I take it you're gonna try to suffocate me with your other shoe?" he gently teased.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Ethan responded playfully. "Get me mad enough and I'll shove one of my socks in your mouth."

As he removed the other shoe, the room began to smell more like a locker room than a bedroom. With his senses still on edge, the scent was getting to Daniel. He found himself breathing deeply through his nose, trying to force more of the masculine smell into his system. This indiscrete behavior amused Ethan but he didn't point it out, knowing it would be counterproductive to make his guest self-conscious.

Continuing his awesome run of luck, Daniel won the following hand as well. Ethan muttered something under his breath before standing to remove his pants. When he sat to deal again, the stretched leg openings of his underwear opened, revealing his pubes and the furry, wrinkled skin of his scrotum.

Things changed quickly after that. Daniel lost the next four hands in a row, leaving him with only his underwear and a single day-old sock. His prick was already tenting his underwear, trying to force its way out, but he made no attempt to cover it. They were far beyond those petty modesties by this point.

"You look kinda excited there, buddy," Ethan observed. "The front of your shorts is soaked."

"It's your fault for making me look at porn all afternoon - and for not letting me jerk off last night."

Ethan subtly bit his lower lip and grinned at Daniel mischievously.

"That was the plan, dude..."

After winning the next hand, Daniel demanded his host pay up. Ethan removed a sock and threw it at his friend's face, catching him completely off guard. With his impaired reflexes and their close proximity, Daniel didn't have time to duck and the smelly, damp cloth hit him under the nose just as he was inhaling. For some reason, both guys found that funny; the bedroom erupted with the sound of uncontrollable, juvenile laughter for several moments. When they finally calmed down, Ethan dealt the next hand.

Daniel didn't have anything. When Ethan turned his cards face up on the bedspread, he broke into a wide grin.

"Pair of kings...you lose. Gimme that sock," he demanded.

Feeling no pain, Daniel peeled off his sweaty athletic sock using a long, ridiculous movement intended to mimic a stripper. His inhibitions were nearly gone, so once his foot was bare, he thought he'd try to shock his buddy. Holding the sock to his nose, he took a deep whiff.

"Your socks are definitely worse," he tried to joke.

"Gross!" Ethan cried loudly, making Daniel feel a little stupid, like he'd carried the game too far. "I can't believe you did that. You're gonna regret letting me know you're into sweaty socks."

"I'm not into that," he protested, sounding every bit as embarrassed as he felt, blushing hard and feeling the intense heat in his face. "I was teasing, you know, trying to get a rise outta you."

"Sure you were. Here, let's finish up. I'm about to win."

Daniel was startled by this sudden cockiness. True, only his underwear stood between him and total nudity, but Ethan wasn't guaranteed a win. After the cards were dealt, he was almost afraid to look. Using their best poker faces, the guys examined their cards. Daniel realized he had nothing, his high card only a nine. Ethan put his cards face up on the bed, beaming wildly.

"Two jacks...you lose, buddy. Take off your underwear - now."

For reasons he couldn't explain, Daniel felt unexpectedly awkward. He'd been naked in front of Ethan on more occasions than he could count, but this time was different somehow. Shrugging it off to the drugs, he stood by the bed, slipped his underwear over his bare feet, and tossed them aside, nearly losing his balance in the process. Once he'd gotten his bearings, he waited cautiously to see what Ethan would do next.

His cock jutted out painfully, the head already shiny and wet. Ethan knew that standing there, on display like this, was making his friend uncomfortable, but now that he'd won the game, that no longer mattered. Since Daniel threw outrageously wet erections, if he stood there much longer he knew he'd start to leak onto the bedroom floor. Daniel moved to sit on the bed, partly because he was dizzy, but mainly to alleviate his embarrassment.

Ethan stopped him.

"Keep standing and don't touch your dick," he demanded. "I get to help you discover something about yourself now..."

Despite the peculiar nature of what was happening and his mounting apprehension, Daniel's cock was pulsing energetically, his attempts to control it unsuccessful. Ethan leaned in closer, examining the spasming rod closely, scrutinizing it, and making Daniel even more anxious. With his face only inches away, a glimmering bead of clear fluid emerged from the tip, grew heavier, and began an unhurried descent to the floor.

Ethan now knew it was time to begin.

"Tonight, you'll discover how to enjoy your body in ways you never thought possible..."

To Daniel, this sounded promising, but a bit too easy. He was more than a little skeptical.

"What's the catch?" he asked.

"If you want me to teach you, you'll need to let me be in charge of your body, to make every decision. I've gotten to know you pretty well since we met and I think you'll like it...well, eventually."

"I don't know," Daniel whined. "That sounds a little extreme."

Despite his weak protest, his groin contracted in anticipation, causing his dick to flail again. A second glob of precum bubbled from the slit, the combined weight of the two drops forcing them lower, leaving an intact thread of slime connecting the tip of his erection to the bedroom floor. He purposefully jiggled his hips to break the embarrassing filament.

"Listen to me, Daniel," Ethan said softly, adopting his most supportive voice. "This is gonna make you think about sex in a whole new way. I'll teach you how to have an orgasm that'll blow your fucking mind. But, like I said, you have to let me be in control. You can't turn back once we start. Whatever I say goes."

Daniel hesitated, thinking over the proposition, but wishing he knew the details. For a moment, it appeared as though he might decline and Ethan feared he might not be able to talk his buddy into submission. Daniel clearly needed more convincing.

"Don't you trust me?" Ethan asked.

"Well, yeah, I trust you. But this is kinda weird."

"I just wanna help you, dude. Let me teach you how to have the most intense orgasm of your life. Let me do that for you, buddy. You'll love it, I swear..."

Daniel's cock belched again and he grimaced at the strong, internal spasm that caused it. He noticed Ethan's eyes, which had been unyieldingly locked on his own, move to watch the additional fluid flow to the floor. Unable to take much more, his resolve failed him. He decided to trust his friend, to surrender control of his body to Ethan for the remainder of the evening.

"I'll do it," he softly consented.

"Are you sure?" Ethan prompted for confirmation. "I'm not gonna let you change your mind after we start, not even if you beg me to stop."

Daniel's eyes flew wide open at this statement.

"Shit, Ethan! You're freaking me out! Why would I beg you to stop?"

"Because it'll feel so fucking good you'll think you can't take anymore. But believe me, you can take it -- I know you can. Are you still sure you wanna to do it?"

The past few months had taught Daniel to trust his friend. Despite his nerves and the growing weakness in his knees, he realized Ethan was experienced in matters like this. If nothing else, he knew what felt good. Daniel nodded that he was ready to be taught, to submit fully to his buddy, even without understanding his intentions.

"You won't regret this, Daniel. Let's get started! Sit down in my computer chair."

Ethan moved the chair to the center of the room and Daniel quickly complied with the instruction. A typical office chair, it was capable of rotating in a complete circle, with caster wheels at the base and adjustable height control. As he sat, Ethan retrieved a box from under his bed and began rummaging through it. When he stood and turned, Daniel saw rope in his hands.

Startled, he jumped to his feet, his neglected dick slinging precum from the sudden, jarring movement.

"What the fuck! Have you lost your mind, Ethan? I'm not gonna let you tie me down!"

"This is for your own good, Daniel," he quietly stated in an effort to reduce his anxiety. "This will keep you from ruining the experience by moving too much. Just relax and let me do it. Trust me..."

Those words, seductively tranquil, echoed in Daniel's fucked up brain, his senses still in overdrive. The adrenaline in his veins, coupled with the drugs, made him dizzy for a moment and he returned to the chair simply to avoid passing out. Numb and compliant, he waited as Ethan tied the first rope around his right wrist, securing it to the armrest of the chair. While tying the other wrist, he sensed how indisputably scared Daniel was becoming.

"You can trust me..." he whispered again.

Once both arms were secure, he knelt and lifted one of Daniel's moist, musky feet onto the chair's base, tying the ankle firmly before repeating the same process with the other foot. Daniel tested the knots by pulling against them gently, realizing his host had done a good job. None of the soft ropes hurt or cut into the skin, but he wouldn't be going anywhere soon. Satisfied with his work, Ethan finally explained the details to his willing hostage.

After tonight, Daniel would never be the same...


"Listen closely," Ethan began. "Over the next few hours, I'm gonna teach you about control. You'll learn how good it feels to have an orgasm pent up on the edge of release for hours before you let it blow. By the time morning rolls around, you'll be begging me to let you shoot."

Ethan's suddenly serious tone struck Daniel as funny for some reason, especially given the subject matter. He began to giggle.

"Sure, go ahead and laugh," Ethan continued, somewhat irritated. "In six hours or so, it'll be a different story. By morning, it wouldn't surprise me if you were threatening to kill me -- I'll try not to take it personally. The first few hours won't be that bad, but by the time the sun comes up you WILL be begging me to let you cum, perhaps even more..."

"How's this gonna work?" Daniel asked, genuinely confused. "Are you gonna stroke it for me? I can't exactly get to it myself."

"That's the whole point, you fucking moron! Most of us didn't have the luxury of someone teaching us how to beat off. We learned by ourselves, picking up bad habits - like shooting way too fast - not realizing our full potential. I might touch your dick, but not nearly as much as you'll want. If you get thirsty, let me know. Otherwise, don't speak unless I ask you something. You need to focus your energies on sex; talking will just distract you."

As Ethan spoke, Daniel got the impression he was expected to have an almost religious experience. Once again, he began to chuckle. This time, he was silenced quickly by Ethan's response, his voice booming, seemingly saturated with aggravation.

"I'm serious! If you talk, I swear to god, I'll shove a sock in your mouth and tape it closed. I'm trying to help you learn something new and all you do is laugh at me!"

Daniel had been nervous around Ethan before. In fact, he was frequently nervous around him. But for the first time, with his angry eyes glaring down at his helplessly bound body, he felt a little scared.

"God, Ethan, I'm sorry," he apologized. "Don't get upset. I'll be serious, I promise..."

"I'm glad to here it," he responded with a smirk. "Now thank me for what you're about to learn."

"What the fuck! No way!" he rather unwisely answered.

"Do it!" Ethan yelled loudly, his face only inches away.

Though it was far too late for second thoughts, Daniel instantly regretted the decision to allow this to happen. Sure, he trusted Ethan, but the person standing in front of him wasn't the guy he knew. Not wanting to anger him further, he capitulated to the demand.

"Ethan, thank you for what you're about to teach me."

Humiliation welled up within Daniel as he spoke the words, but at least it pleased his friend. Ethan's reassuring smile returned, easing the tension in both the room and his immobile guest.

"Wonderful," he said, pleased with his buddy's reaction. "Let the games begin. For the record, it is now 10 PM."

"Big deal," Daniel silently thought, imagining this would be over in an hour or so. In his mind, there was absolutely no way Ethan could keep him from cumming until morning. The chair and its occupant were wheeled around to face the television and DVD player.

"You're about to watch some of the hottest porn ever filmed," Ethan explained. "I found them in my dad's stash -- I think he picked them up in Germany. I have over four hours of this stuff and you're gonna watch every minute - we won't be fast-forwarding through anything. No talking, remember? If you feel like moaning, that's fine, but if I have to tell you to shut up, you get the sock. Got it?"

The young man in the chair nodded his understanding, afraid now to even speak. As the movie started and the copyright info scrolled across the screen, he snuck a peek at his cock. Even through all of this, it remained stubbornly hard and wet.

Daniel tilted his head up and stared at the screen. After a few printed titles in German, the film went directly into the action. It was a gangbang flick - at least ten guys in a room with only two women, the men standing casually against a wall while the sluts slowly worked down the line, giving head to each guy in turn. He noticed most of the men were uncut, some of them with rather impressive foreskins, and assumed this was due to where it was shot. The camera work and soundtrack were undeniably hot, using extreme close ups and natural sounds to reinforce the animal sexuality in the room. With his head reeling from the pill and his heightened senses on edge, the frantic slurping and moaning were having the desired effect after only a few minutes. Daniel felt like he was in the fucking room with them! Ethan, sitting on the bed behind the chair, out of Daniel's line of sight, startled him when he spoke.

"Yes or no answer only - do you like what you see?"

"Yes," the bound boy moaned.

In fact, Daniel was mesmerized by it. He'd seen a few porno films before, but nothing compared to this. These people were so into it, so charged, so possessed by the urge to fuck that he felt like part of the action. Of course, he couldn't explain this to Ethan, since he feared being gagged with those foul, dank socks. His cock expanded further as a result of the visual stimulation and he moaned quietly when he felt precum tortuously trickle down his shaft.

Ethan stood, circling the chair, causing Daniel to glance up at him.

"Watch the movie - not me," he corrected.

When his eyes shot back to the television, he noticed the actors had split into two groups of five guys and one girl each. The first group was taking turns eating pussy while the other had proceeded directly to fucking. With no music to mask the sound of sex, the incessant moaning and slurping, grinding and fucking noises soon overwhelmed Daniel, drawing him in almost magically.

Using only a single finger, Ethan delicately brushed over the head of Daniel's neglected cock, smearing precum along the ridge of his crown, causing him to shake violently from the exquisite touch. Ethan lifted the slippery finger to his captive boy's mouth.

"Lick it off," he said, more of a command than a request.

Daniel's head snapped upward, looking his friend directly in the eyes, pleading nonverbally, wanting badly to object but afraid to speak the words.

"Do it," Ethan repeated firmly. "Open your mouth and suck it off."

Complying with the instruction, Daniel lowered his jaw and felt the slimy finger invade his mouth, the taste of his warm juices coating his tongue.

"That's it, good boy. You're gonna be an excellent student," Ethan praised using his most soothing voice.

He didn't know why, but the words made Daniel feel good inside, like he'd earned the approval of his teacher.

"Keep watching the movie," Ethan added once his finger was clean.

Daniel had no intention of stopping. This was the hottest thing he'd ever seen. Kneeling on the floor, Ethan reached between his legs and began to fumble with something. Daniel lowered his head to see what his friend was doing, angering him in the process. He immediately began to yell.

"I said to watch the fucking movie! I'll tell you when you can look!"

For a moment, Daniel wondered if his buddy might have a split personality disorder. The rapid shifts from soothing and reassuring to angry and hostile were keeping him emotionally on edge, unable to gauge from moment to moment where he actually stood with Ethan. He tried to watch the movie as instructed, but the movement between his legs was distracting. Soon, he was bucking his hips and moaning.

Ethan pulled sharply on his nuts.

"Slide down in the chair some," he demanded.

When Daniel hesitated, Ethan took matters into his own hands. Using his balls as a handle, he pulled his ass to the edge of the chair and resumed his previous work. Once finished, he released Daniel's scrotum and stood.

"OK, you can look now..."

Almost afraid of what he'd find, Daniel slowly lowered his eyes and was horrified by what he saw. Using an old shoestring, Ethan had tied several loops around the base of his cock and several more around his ball sack. When he'd forced the boy to the edge of the chair, he had fastened the loose ends around the height control knob underneath the seat. It was now impossible for Daniel to sit upright without putting a tremendous strain on his nuts. The tension pulled his cock away from his body, flailing in the air, pointed at the ceiling, jerking obscenely as his heart pumped blood wildly through the swollen organ. This position, and the way it put him on display, was the most degrading thing Daniel had ever experienced.

"I did a good job," Ethan noted. "...considering how much you moved around. You can thank me later."

He disappeared to the bed behind the chair as the movie continued. Just then, Daniel noticed the time -- and panicked. It was only 10:30. He'd only been captive for thirty minutes! From his slouched position, he now had to look past the swollen head of his cock in order to see the movie. His bloated dick was throbbing, not quite painful yet, but no longer comfortable. If he'd been masturbating alone, Daniel would've succumbed to his needs by now, pounding hard with ejaculation his singular goal. But there was no way to do that tonight. It was difficult to admit, but here in the prison of Ethan's room, he was not in control. He had relinquished the ability to determine when he would cum.

Each passing minute grew more tortuous than the last. He couldn't believe watching a movie without touching his dick could get him so worked up. Daniel was leaking freely now, forced to see each new drop emerge as he tried to focus past the head of his cock to the television beyond it. The puddle in his crotch began running down his stretched balls, through the cleft of his ass, and into the fabric of the chair. Feeling as though he was going insane, he snuck another quick glance at the clock. The glowing red numbers displayed 10:45.

"FUCK!" he silently cursed. "Only 10:45! I'm never gonna make it."

Ethan smiled throughout this process, knowing full well how tormented Daniel felt. They were only forty-five minutes into the training and the poor guy was already about to go nuts. Pulling his own cock from his underwear, he thought he could edge for a while himself, but was interrupted when Daniel asked for water. Ethan returned his cock to his shorts and retrieved the glass, gently placing the rim to his boy's lips, allowing him to replenish his fluids. He smiled down at the submissive, captured plaything tied to his chair...

"You're doing just fine. Enjoy it...don't fight me," he whispered.

As he drank, Ethan softly stroked the back of his head. Daniel welcomed this comforting touch, though truthfully, he wished it was on his cock.

"You can't admit it yet, but I know you need this," Ethan continued seductively.

His underwear was tented with the massive hardon he was purposefully hiding from Daniel. Ethan noticed the boy's eyes darting between the movie and the bulging, wet mound trying to poke through the front of his jockeys.

"You want to see it, don't you?" he asked.

Two hours earlier, Daniel would've been too uptight to answer truthfully, but now the decision seemed obvious. He did want to see it. He NEEDED to see it. As he nodded, affirming this need, a lecherous smirk consumed Ethan's face. He playfully smacked the back of Daniel's head.

"Maybe later, buddy. I don't wanna distract you. Finish this movie, then I'll let you see it -- I promise. It'll give you something to look forward to."

Ethan disappeared to the bed, once again out of sight. Stopping for a drink of water had pulled Daniel's attention away from his dick long enough for it to stop throbbing, but that didn't last long. The first thing he saw when his eyes returned to the film was one of the women taking two cocks at once. They were plowing simultaneously, one in the pussy, one in the ass. Daniel watched intently, feeling his cock swell to painful proportions. The film reached fever pitch as the guy in her snatch pulled out, squirting a massive load over the bitch's cunt, her ass, and the cock still plowing her ass. As the juice jetted over the second guy's shaft, he started pounding furiously. Daniel had seen enough porn to know what to expect - the guy in her ass was going to pull out, giving the camera the "money shot".

He couldn't have been more wrong.

The guy pumped harder, with animal-like rage, growing louder and louder while the other guys encouraged him. The camera was zoomed in exceptionally close, causing Daniel to believe he was there, watching from only inches away. The actor bottomed out, holding still, and began to yell. As Daniel looked on intently, he detected the discrete, individual pulses of cum as they traveled up this guy's shaft. The exhausted man stayed inside, buried to the hilt for just a moment, before abruptly pulling out. When the spooge started spouting from the hole, Daniel groaned loudly, and a long, nasty stream of his own precum emerged from his cockhead and ran down his shaft. He needed to cum, badly...

"I knew that would get you hot," Ethan commented. "These movies have lots of cumshots like that. You're gonna lose your mind, dude. Keep watching..."

Ethan grinned wickedly for the next thirty minutes as his captive moaned and writhed in the chair, his sexual heat increasing with every passing second. By the time the first movie ended, it was only 11:30 and Daniel wasn't sure he could take much more.

As Ethan switched DVDs, he reminded his prisoner of his promise to let him see his cock. He left the room briefly, returning with a second chair, quickly positioning it by the television. Once he sat, Daniel realized the purpose.

From this position, Daniel could view his own pulsing dick, the porno, and his best friend - all in the same field of vision. By now, the front of Ethan's underwear was soaked and practically transparent, allowing the tied boy to make out the wild bush of black pubes. Ethan made a show of masturbating through the damp material, gently fingering his drippy erection and occasionally massaging his balls, groaning flagrantly at the sensation. Despite the way it appeared, the primary reason for this display was not self-gratification; it was, instead, to drive Daniel mad with lust, knowing he couldn't do the same. After several minutes of this teasing, Ethan peeled off his underwear while watching Daniel's face for a reaction. He stood and placed the moist, smelly garment on his boy's chest before bending to whisper in his ear...

"Keep watching the movie. I'm gonna get you ready for stage two. Focus on the porn, focus on your cock..."

He left the room and returned with a second, much smaller television, about the size of a monitor, and connected it to his video camera. Minutes later, an additional image was available for Daniel to watch, his own horny, sticky, eighteen year-old body - all trussed up, his cock ready to explode, tortured by the knowledge it wouldn't happen anytime soon. Ethan noticed the growing fear in Daniel's eyes, caused by the introduction of the camera, and tried to reassure him.

"This is just for us, buddy," he said compassionately. "Don't be afraid. We can watch it tomorrow and use it to read your body language, learn exactly how to push your buttons in the future. It'll show us which parts you like and which you don't. Just think of it as a teaching tool."

Ethan reached for his jockeys, which still rested on Daniel's chest, and allowed his finger to graze his nipple in the process. He squeezed his cock into the damp shorts, forcing more precum into the fabric, before repositioning the underwear near Daniel's face.

"I want you to smell me," he said softly, almost as if asking for a difficult favor from a dear, trusted friend.

Daniel tried to struggle but the string holding his balls bit into his skin, preventing much movement. He was trapped and became perfectly still, allowing Ethan to place the damp cotton under his nose. The odor was strong - it smelled like sex. It was a smell Daniel knew. It made his mind race and his blood boil. His prick swelled to its most massive proportions of the evening and he groaned from the uncomfortable fullness of it. He abruptly realized the upholstery under his ass was damp, from sweat or precum he couldn't determine.

"Yeah, take a deep breath," Ethan quietly encouraged. "Smell me. That's what a man smells like. That's the smell a pent up cock leaves in a pair of underwear - a mixture of sweat, piss, and precum from those pesky boners we throw all day. Don't worry about liking the smell. Just admit that you do, that's what this game is all about. It makes you hot, doesn't it?"

Ethan didn't require an answer -- Daniel's shaft was jerking wildly, as if it had finally lost its patience and was trying to get off without assistance.

Though he'd planned this evening carefully, Ethan was reading his friend's body language throughout the process, making minute changes, fine-tuning his actions as they went along. So far, he was exceptionally pleased. Despite the many variables to consider, but he was now confident that Daniel could, in fact, be trained to serve as his boy. Ethan removed the jockeys from his nose and stood beside him. Taking a step forward, he put his cock right under Daniel's nose, grabbing his head firmly to prevent it from turning away. There was fear in his eyes as he stared at the tight foreskin covering the leaky tip.

"You need to smell it right from the source. I'm gonna pull the skin back and I want you to take a deep whiff..."

Ethan's erection was too close for Daniel to focus on it without placing a tremendous strain on his eyes. He looked instead at the monitor attached to the camera, just in time to see the skin retreat, revealing the pink head and tender crown beneath. The tang was overpowering - not a bad smell, just very musky, spicy, and sweaty. It smelled just like it looked, like a hot cock about to explode. Daniel's body shook and he involuntarily moaned with pleasure as the scent was processed by his brain. Ethan glanced at Daniel's dick; it was no longer dripping precum - it was hemorrhaging it.

"I'm glad you like it," he said, observably pleased with the response. "Mine probably smells a little funky because of the skin, but that's what a man's dick smells like. Look at yourself in the monitor, Daniel. Yeah, just like that. Look how close my cock is to your mouth. It makes me happy that you're not fighting me. If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were desperate for something masculine, like you crave it. Is that true, little buddy? We're discovering all kinds of new things about you tonight. Look at my rod bobbing up and down in front of your mouth. I can feel your breath on it. You'd love to lick it for a minute, wouldn't you?"

These spellbinding words were causing Daniel to enter an almost trance-like state. He wanted to do it, wanted to comply, but he just wasn't sure he should. Ethan's mental grip on him increased as he continued to gently speak.

"Just give it a few licks, Daniel. Do it for me, your best friend..."

An idea suddenly popped into Ethan's mind. He wasn't sure how useful it would be, but it was worth a shot. Lowering his upper body, he placed his lips directly over Daniel's ear and whispered...

"I know you think about me when you jerk off..."

Daniel's eyes instantly shot up to meet Ethan's, wondering how he could possibly know such a thing. Ethan had, in fact, NOT known for certain, but it had been a safe assumption, one Daniel just inadvertently confirmed. He rose again, returning his cock to his trainee's lips.

"Yes - I know, Daniel," he said softly. "I've known for a while. Don't be embarrassed, I'm not mad. It's flattering that you think of me when you touch yourself. Now you've got a chance to touch me. Go on and lick it..."

Mortified that Ethan knew his crushing secret, Daniel attempted to turn his head away. His fledging master refused to allow this behavior and roughly pulled his head upward to stare into his eyes.

"I said lick it!" he demanded slowly, his voice far more forceful than before.

There was now no question in Daniel's mind that this was going to happen, whether he wanted it or not. Submitting to Ethan's will, he opened his mouth and his tongue gingerly met cock for the first time. His captor squeezed his prick onto the warm, velvety surface, milking a few drops of precum into his mouth.

"Taste me..."

Daniel closed his mouth and swallowed, realizing the taste of Ethan's precum was indistinguishable from his own. He opened his mouth, extending his tongue again, expecting to find more cock. Instead, Ethan pulled away.

"I don't think so," he said rather coldly. "That's enough for now. I'm distracting you from your lesson. Tonight is about your desires, not mine."

Daniel was shocked and to some extent angry. While tasting his buddy's juice, something inside him had partially broken, a barrier collapsed. Now, after he'd submitted to the request, Ethan had the nerve to pull away. This emotional fracture also caused him to lose focus and his controller sensed it.

The boy required redirection.

"Look at yourself in the camera, Daniel. Look at your cock. Do you see it throbbing, hovering in mid-air? Have you ever seen it so red and swollen before? I bet there are veins sticking out you never knew you had. You seem to like me being in charge of your body..."

Daniel stared at the lewd image on the monitor and knew he was right. His cock was a swollen, distended monster, wetter than he'd ever seen it, prepared to spew at the slightest touch. Checking the time, he found it to be almost one in the morning. He prayed the second movie was almost over, certain he'd never make it to daybreak.

Ethan returned to his seat and stroked himself slowly, letting the boy simmer until the movie ended. In truth, Daniel spent more time focusing on his buddy's masturbation than watching the movie, a fact that was not lost on Ethan. Daniel had to admire Ethan's control; he would've cum hours ago and probably be asleep by now. His prolonged erection was becoming mildly painful, but the drugs took the edge off. The band of muscle between his balls and ass began to spasm involuntarily, the contractions beyond his ability to stop. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was entering another phase of this experience. An incredible thirst overwhelmed him as the second movie ended.

"Water..." he groaned.

His voice didn't sound like his own - it was distant, almost ghostly, conjuring images of torture victims locked in dungeons, the wailing voices of others joining his own lament, echoing off cold, dark brick and mortar. The young master lowered the glass to Daniel's lips, allowing him to drink as much as he needed. Once he'd had his fill, Ethan removed the glass and stood next to his student, fingering under the foreskin of his cock.

"You're doing very well, Daniel," he said, the voice calming his raw nerves. "I'm so proud of you. There's only one more movie before we enter the home stretch."

Daniel wasn't sure what he meant by "the home stretch", but it sounded nice. Despite his burning desire to cum, he couldn't deny the pleasure of being forced to hold back. It was a strange paradox, every moment simultaneously more uncomfortable and gratifying than the last. He found himself wanting both for the experience to end immediately and last forever.

"Do you still trust me?" Ethan asked.

Opening his mouth to speak, Daniel couldn't find his voice. He simply nodded that his trust was still intact. Ethan continued...

"It's time for the next part of your lesson - understanding the male orgasm. If you study carefully, you'll learn to predict, with incredible precision, the instant a guy will ejaculate on you...and eventually in you."

Due to his incredible high, Daniel was unable to immediately grasp the implications of his teacher's last statement. When he saw no reaction, Ethan went on...

"...His cockhead will flare and thicken suddenly, his nuts will tighten, and his shaft will pulse just before the thick, white jets of semen spew. The next movie has lots of learning opportunities, so pay close attention. It's all cumshots; to be exact it's `101 Cumshots'. This film is ninety minutes long, so that's just over one a minute..."

Daniel suddenly looked troubled, certain he couldn't make it another hour and a half. Ethan noticed his trepidation.

"Shhhh, just think about it, Daniel - thick cocks, narrow cocks, shaved and hairy cocks, massive shooters, and guys who just ooze -- all slinging their hot jizz just so you can learn. Many are filmed in agonizing slow motion, creating orgasms that seem to last forever. I need you to watch closely..."

Ethan paused for a second. In Daniel's his numb state, what his friend said next didn't register initially.

"In fact, you need to see an orgasm up close, much closer than the ones in the movie. If you want, I could do that for you. You'd learn a lot from it. Will you let me help you, Daniel? Would you like to study my orgasm?"

The boy's mind was swimming, drowning actually, in the flood of words assaulting his conscience, rendering him unsure of what Ethan was asking. Did he want Daniel to watch him shoot? Was that it?

"I've seen you cum before," he answered, his voice raspy and dry despite the recent water.

"But you weren't studying it then," Ethan corrected. "You weren't paying attention to the little things, the chain of events that occur before I cum. When I finally decide to let you shoot, you'll discover that an orgasm can be anything from a quick nut to an almost transcendent experience. In order to fully comprehend this, you need to study one closely. I'll do it for you, but only if you ask me. I won't do it unless you want it..."

Daniel voiced weak resistance by groaning loudly, wondering why his friend was doing this to him. Right now, he did want to see Ethan cum, if for no other reason than to live vicariously through him. But he didn't want to ask for it. Almost too exhausted to speak, he tried to form the words to object...

"Please..." he started to protest.

Ethan cut him off abruptly, having heard what he wanted to hear.

"That's a good boy," he quickly interrupted.

Once again, Ethan was using his most serene and soothing voice, having learned how well Daniel responded to it. Before continuing, he reached behind the boy's head and began to stroke his hair.

"You want to learn, I can see that now," he whispered. "After all, what other reason could there be for you to ask me to jizz in your face?"

Daniel tried to dissent but was stopped by the portion of his brain that desperately wanted what Ethan was about to give him, the emotional rift leaving him feeling mildly schizophrenic. His friend stepped closer, now only inches away, and pointed his cock at Daniel's face.

"Study it, Daniel. Watch it like you're trying to memorize every vein, every fold of skin. Look until you could draw a picture of it just from the image it burns in your mind..."

He removed his hands from his cock, allowing it to throb unassisted, standing proudly erect without support.

"Do you see the precum, Daniel, drooling on your skin? You can see my heartbeat in it, can't you? You've wanted this for a long time. You've just never had an excuse. Well, now's your chance. Watch my cock carefully, learn from it..."

Daniel watched as the head inched closer still, just short of touching his body, but close enough to sense the heat as it dripped on his chest. Due to the bound boy's inclined position, gravity soon caused Ethan's prefuck to gather and slide leisurely over his abdomen, like a bead of rain on a windshield. Daniel's cock was flailing riotously, like a caged beast, frantic for release, while his secured balls strained against the knots binding them to the chair.

"Do you wanna see it shoot?" Ethan asked.

Daniel looked up at Ethan, then back to his angry cock. His face flushed a bright red, thoroughly humiliated to be so turned on he'd ask a guy to cum on his face. Attempting to avoid this shame, he simply nodded his assent. Ethan wasn't satisfied.

"That's not good enough, Daniel. You have to ask me. I have to know it's not the drugs. I need to know you really want it!"

"I want to see it..." the boy quietly admitted.

"You want to see what?" Ethan repeated, demanding specifics.

Daniel felt his dignity eroding but was powerless to stop it, another brick from his wall of denial obliterated.

"I wanna see you shoot," he begged, adding a simple, "...please."

Ethan smiled sinfully as he witnessed Daniel's resolve fail him.

"Open your mouth and keep it open, just like you did that first day in the woods. I'm sure you remember that day, don't you?"

Despite this embarrassing reminder of their first encounter, Daniel complied earnestly. Ethan noticed the subtle change in his attitude.

"Damn, you really want it! Focus on the tip and watch carefully."

Expecting him to resume stroking, Daniel was surprised when Ethan continued to stand with his hands on his hips, refusing to touch it.

"It looks like it could shoot any second, doesn't it? Keep your mouth open; don't close your eyes..."

As Daniel stared at the wet, drooling slit, it unexpectedly erupted in a manner that can only be described as violent, as if his dick was having a colossal seizure. With no hands to secure it, the shaft convulsed, swelling fiercely, before spewing the first jet into the air. The salty, white semen hung suspended for a moment before falling into his hair and running down his forehead. After an instant of calm, a second hard eruption hit the side of his cheek, just under the eye, with a sloppy, audible smack. Ethan's cock bobbed freely throughout this orgasm, without support, and the third massive blast entered Daniel's mouth with enough force to propel the wad to the back of his throat, where it promptly began its descent. A fourth jet coated his tongue and, before he could stop himself, he was moving it around to taste the heady scent of Ethan inside him. After coating his lips and chin, the dick finally settled down, releasing the remnants of his jizz onto Daniel's nipples.

Amazed as he was by Ethan's performance, Daniel was even more shocked by his body's reaction to it. His insides felt like they were being ripped out and he sensed the moment of inevitability approach. The hard contractions of an orgasm originated deep within his groin and traveled upward, along the length of his cock. The swelling was incredible, causing him to grimace from the mild discomfort of overly stretched skin. Throwing his head back, he prepared to bask in the wonder of his own release. Suddenly, he realized something was wrong. It felt fantastic, better than anything he'd ever experienced, but something was different. Looking down at his cock, he saw it thrashing madly from a mass of matted blonde pubic hair, twitching with each orgasmic pulse. Daniel only then realized what was missing - cum. Every fiber of his body knew, beyond doubt, that he was having an orgasm, but all his lonely cock could manage to eject was a large glob of precum, pouring out with enough force to clear the head of his dick. He had just had an orgasm without ejaculating, without losing his load. Only once the contractions subsided did he notice Ethan, still standing above him, still pointing his cock at his face, smiling down at him.

"You just had an orgasm, didn't you?" he asked.

"I think so...it felt like it," Daniel panted. "...but there was no cum."

Ethan knew his boy needed something to drink and tenderly lowered the glass to his lips, the water mixing with the remnants of jizz in his mouth.

"Did you like it?"

"FUCK YEAH! God, it was awesome. SHIT!" he babbled senselessly.

Still shaking as he tried to catch his breath, Daniel's body endured an after-cum spasm that bolted him forward in the chair.

"Was that the best orgasm you've ever had?"

"It was the best one ever," Daniel admitted. "...by a fucking mile!"

"Then you'll want to try for another one..."

Exhausted and scared, the bound young man wasn't sure he could survive another one.


Daniel, still hopelessly immobile, sweaty and on edge, listened carefully as Ethan explained what would happen next.

"It's now 1:30 and this last movie will play until 3:00. Once it's done, we'll start the final phase of your training, finishing up around 6:00. I'm sure you can have two or three more of those before we're done."

"...Two or three more!!!" Daniel yelled, in clear violation of his instructions. "I'll be dead or insane by then!"

Ethan looked at the boy sternly, his facial expression mixed, difficult to read. Daniel couldn't tell if he was angry or just disappointed.

"Now Daniel," he chided. "So far you've done a good job following my instructions not to talk. You haven't forgotten about the sock, have you?"

"No, I'm sorry...it's just that I really need to cum."

"You just had an orgasm..."

"But nothing came out," he whined. "It didn't help. I need to actually shoot."

"Stop complaining, Daniel. I'm tired of listening to you bitch, starting to wonder if you WANT that sock in your mouth..."

Daniel shook his head, afraid to say anything else. Ethan bent to pick up his discarded high-tops and worn socks. He placed the ratty shoes between the two televisions and wadded up the acrid socks, shoving them deep inside the shoes, explaining his reason for doing so as he worked.

"I'm putting my shoes up here to serve as a reminder not to speak. Since those socks have been off my feet for a while, they've had a chance to air out. I'll just shove `em back inside the shoes for a little recharge. Then, if I have to gag you, they'll be nice and full of funk. If you do as you're told, I won't need to use them."

Knowing he was serious, Daniel promised himself to keep his damn mouth shut for the rest of the night. Ethan spoke again.

"Before I start the movie, I want you to take a good, long look at yourself."

He removed the camera from its stationary perch and stood, holding it in his hands, zooming in close, and Daniel saw himself on the monitor. First on display was his wet, precum-soaked crotch, his blonde pubes matted to the skin. Ethan slowly panned upward, revealing the splotches of white on the boy's chest, including one large, profane glob covering his left nipple. Then, as he moved higher still, Daniel saw his face -- and shuddered. His characteristically innocent looking image appeared innocent no longer. He was covered in the slimy fuck of his best friend, his left cheek home to one particularly nasty wad of sperm. From his chin hung another strand, stubbornly dangling in the air as he moved his head, trying to dislodge it. Ethan adjusted the camera, widening the shot to include everything from the nipples to the top of his head, and left it there as he started the final movie.

"Remember, study the orgasms," he reminded. "Learn what you can about how men please themselves. It'll help you in the long run."

Returning to his chair, Ethan relaxed into it, his feet propped on the desk. From Daniel's position, he could see nothing that did not increase his sexual heat. His slouched posture in the chair, due to the shoestring anchoring his nuts to the seat, caused his swollen shaft to throb mercilessly in front of his eyes. Beyond his own dick, played a DVD of cock after cock spewing spunk in some of the wildest cumshots ever captured on film, a tortuous reminder of what he was being denied. To the right of the video, Ethan casually reclined in his chair, enjoying his still hard cock, his enormous, sweaty feet resting just inches from the screen, toes flexing periodically, drawing Daniel's attention due to the movement. Between the two televisions sat Ethan's high-tops and the socks that were stuffed inside, a constant reminder not to speak. Finally, to the left, the second television, connected to the camera, displayed a real-time image of Daniel's cum-covered face.

He was moaning continually now, driven to a place he'd never been, where a combination of drugs and sex fully overwhelmed his intellect. Ethan encouraged him, coaching him to let go when the animal part of him seized control. But for Daniel, the words were momentarily sobering, causing him to revert to his more cautious self, holding back, hopelessly trying to slow his steady slide into debauchery. Yet, enjoying it he was. This he couldn't deny. He just wasn't ready to accept it.

Ninety minutes later, the final movie ended. By now, every inch of Daniel's body was covered in a nasty sheen of either sweat or pre-fuck. He realized during this brief respite that he was beginning to smell. Every breath caused him to inhale the mixed vapor of intense perspiration and salty semen. He'd been tied to this chair and aroused for five continuous hours now. Now that the movie portion of the evening was complete, Ethan turned off the larger television and picked up his camera, adjusting it to once again pan over his boy's entire body. Looking at Daniel from behind the device, he spoke.

"You made it to the home stretch buddy...you're doing just fine."

Despite the threat of being gagged with a sock, Daniel had progressed to a point where he could no longer deny his need. He had to express it; he had to let his friend know how desperate he was. Ethan's earlier prediction was about to come true.

"Ethan! Please...please, let me cum. I can't take it. My entire body is on edge. I've gotta nut, man! You can't make me keep this up. I've learned the lesson. Please, for the love of GOD!!! Let me up!"

Daniel's voice became more frantic with each word that left his mouth. Ethan simply stood there, filming his classmate's hysterical pleas for release, grinning all the while.

"I said you'd be begging before the night was over," he gloated. "I'm sorry though, I can't let you up yet."

"For God's sake, Ethan - let me GO!!! I've got to get off!"

The bound young man began to shout, despite his parched throat. He felt the dried cum on his face peeling as he clenched his jaw muscles and screamed in frustration.

"I told you not to talk," Ethan said calmly, demonstrating more patience than Daniel deserved given his outburst. "You've come so far tonight, learned so much. I wouldn't be a very good friend if I let you quit now. You have to see this through, little buddy. You'll thank me one day for expanding your horizons like this. You have to finish the training."

A sudden wave of torrential anger broke through the emotional damn Daniel had been using to hold it back. Though he'd never once raised his voice to Ethan during their friendship, never once showed anything other than complete devotion and submission, in that moment he came unhinged, and rebelled.

"FUCK YOU, ETHAN," he yelled at the top of his lungs. "I won't do it!!! Goddamn you, motherfucker! Let me up! I'm going home..."

He struggled against his bonds as he expressed his rage but was too weak to budge them. Daniel's last, tenuous grasp on reality began to slip away.

Ethan's expression abruptly changed, the boy's unusual flood of hostility having angered him. He approached the chair quickly and grabbed Daniel's hair.

"That's it, bitch!" he yelled menacingly. "I tried to be nice. You were told to keep quiet or you'd get the sock. I didn't wanna do this, but you're giving me no choice."

Grabbing one of his high-tops, he extracted the foul sock stuffed deep inside, balling it tight enough to fit in Daniel's mouth. The boy struggled against both his captor and the smell, but was ultimately powerless to stop either. When Ethan finished, Daniel saw himself in the monitor, still firmly tied to the chair, but now with a sweaty, damp athletic sock jammed in his mouth. Worse, he was still hard, as if his sex organs had been disconnected from his brain and were operating on their own. His cock needed to get off and wasn't going to let a little humiliation stand in the way. Ethan towered over his prey, his angry face slowly dissolving into a sadistic grin.

"Why can't you just relax and let me teach you? We didn't need to take it to this extreme. Don't fight me - I'm just trying to help you."

He walked out of Daniel's line of sight and returned holding something in his hand, some kind of small, brown bottle.

"Have you ever tried poppers?" he asked.

Daniel shook his head, not even sure what "poppers" were. Ethan explained what he was going to do.

"I wasn't planning to use these, but I don't think we can finish your training without them. I'm gonna hold the bottle under one of your nostrils. You'll need to take a deep breath."

Fighting the introduction of yet another chemical into his body, Daniel realized he didn't stand a chance with that damn sock in his mouth. He held his breath for as long as possible, until he felt his lungs would burst, but Ethan was persistent, knowing he couldn't hold his breath forever. Desperate for air, Daniel gave up and took a deep breath through his nose.

Fumes filled his lungs and had an immediate effect. The room began to spin and everything in it became a blur. He felt warm, the sensation spreading to his crotch and extending the length of his cock. More precum slid down his trembling pole, descending further, into the crack of his ass. Ethan removed the bottle, allowing the boy a breath of clean air before giving him another dose of vapor. Two hits, delivered in such a short period, had a cumulative effect on Daniel's body and he relaxed completely. His cock throbbed but no longer hurt - it simply felt good. The contractions in his groin began again. This time he let them rise, riding the wave of incredible bliss they brought. He opened his eyes but extreme dizziness forced them closed again. He felt a pumping sensation in the shaft of his cock, felt it bobbing, thrashing, and leaking. But, even in this state of mind, Daniel knew he hadn't ejaculated.

Coming down from the brief but intense high, he saw Ethan smiling at him.

"You liked that, didn't you?" he asked.

The sock prevented him from answering verbally, so he nodded vigorously instead, indicating just how much he'd enjoyed the experience.

"I want you to see something," Ethan said.

He adjusted the camera to focus between Daniel's legs. Not only was his slimy cock still pointed at the ceiling, but he'd also leaked so much precum during his popper buzz that it was slowly dripping off his balls, forming a small puddle on the floor.

"I thought I was leaky, dude," Ethan said, clearly impressed. "...but this beats anything I've ever seen. I've never been able to make that much precum in a single night. You should be proud of yourself..."

It was the most obscene and yet the most fascinating thing Daniel had ever witnessed. His hard, pulsing cock, veins bulging along every inch, was pumping a constant river of precum onto the floor. He felt a curious combination of shame and pride. Returning the camera to its previous position, Ethan held up the bottle, shaking it gently while grinning feverishly.

"Want some more?" he asked.

Daniel moaned through the smelly fabric of the sock, indicating he did.

Expecting Ethan to return the bottle to his nose, Daniel was stunned by what happened next. His young master grabbed his other shoe and retrieved the sock it contained. He then tied it loosely around Daniel's head, covering both nostrils. While he worked, Daniel shamefully realized he'd grown accustomed to the funky smell of his friend's feet and the odor no longer bothered him. In fact, he felt his cock twitch as the aroma infiltrated his mind. He offered no resistance. Ethan went to the bathroom and returned with a medicine dropper, using it to place several drops of liquid from the brown bottle on the sock covering his boy's nose.

"Enjoy..." he whispered.

This was the last word Daniel clearly understood for the next several minutes.

As the fumes took effect, he fell into paradise, his mind solely focused on his pulsating cock and how his ass felt on the soggy, slippery seat of the chair. He contemplated his own wetness, how hot it looked to see his juice collecting on Ethan's floor, and purposefully flexed the muscles in his ass to push out more, groaning as he felt it flowing down the shaft. The sound of his heartbeat pounded in his ears and he suddenly became aware of movement inside him. He panicked at the thought of something in his ass and opened his eyes, but a tremendous wave of dizziness overtook him and he could not focus. Not wanting to become nauseous, he quickly shut them again. Whatever was causing this sensation pushed again and his cock trembled, oozing more juice.

Every breath carried the chemical with it and down he would go again, falling deeper into this oblivion. Daniel disgracefully admitted to himself that the movement felt good, disturbingly good. The contractions in his groin began again and he thought he might actually cum this time. From within his cloud, he detected Ethan's voice...

"Yeah, that's it, slut. Let go. Enjoy it..."

He tried to focus but needed to breathe again, serving only to augment the intensity of his high. The strength and power of his contractions increased as well, forcing a muffled moan from beyond the sock in his mouth. His cock was pulsing and drooling, ready to explode. Abruptly, something larger entered his ass. This new invasion was uncomfortable at first, even through the haze of poppers, and he reflexively clamped down in an effort to squeeze it out. The effort was a futile waste, however, and it easily slipped past his anal ring, lodging deep inside. Soon after, it began moving, inching in and out with slow, gentle strokes. Daniel was convinced that Ethan was fucking him, and his foggy mind objected, silently repeating, "I can't be enjoying this. I can't..."

Unexpectedly, a powerful, involuntary, internal spasm caused his anal cavity to squeeze the object intensely, forcing him to groan from the unusual, but highly pleasurable stimulation. His fingers dug into the arms of the chair and he felt his crotch become incredibly wet, causing him to wonder if he was finally having a full, ejaculatory orgasm.

Eventually, the stupor of his high began to clear. He cautiously opened his eyes, fearful of what he'd find. To his surprise, Ethan was not fucking him. Rather, he was standing beside the chair, having removed the sock from Daniel's nose, allowing him to breathe normally. Ethan proudly pointed to the monitor.

Daniel was dismayed by the image. Something WAS inside him, but it wasn't his friend's cock. It was a dildo...

"I want you to see something," Ethan said with a smirk.

He rewound the camera footage several minutes and pressed play, revealing exactly what had happened. Daniel watched the monitor closely to fill in the gaps in his memory...

As soon as he'd fallen under the influence of the poppers, Ethan pushed his index finger into the young man's hole. His face appeared on the screen, looking directly at the camera but speaking to Daniel...

"I know you can't hear me but you are so fucking wet, Daniel, so fucking slippery..."

The monitor showed Ethan inserting another finger and Daniel cringed when he saw himself grinding his hips against the invading digits. The audio from the recording captured Ethan's enthusiasm for this activity...

"Yeah, that's it, slut. Let go. Enjoy it..."

Ethan briefly disappeared from the recording and returned with the dildo, holding it up for the camera, providing Daniel with his first glimpse of the object currently lodged inside him. It was small, only about six inches long, and rather narrow, but with a set of realistic balls at the base. Ethan waited for the boy to breathe in again, and slid the entire thing inside with a single, long motion. The recording documented Daniel bucking on the rape tool and he witnessed his second dry orgasm, assuming you can call them that - they were anything but dry. After securing the fake cock to the seat of the chair to assure it wouldn't fall out, Ethan stood and walked out of frame.

Immediately, the playback stopped, filling the television screen with snow. Ethan pressed record to pick up where he'd left off. Looking down at Daniel, he saw a sweaty, horny, but visibly frightened boy.

"I'm gonna take out the sock now," he whispered gently. "Are you gonna be quiet?"

Daniel nodded his agreement and Ethan removed the damp sock from his mouth. He then offered the boy some water, which he gratefully drank.

"Please take it out," Daniel whimpered.


"It hurts..."

"That's a lie, Daniel. If it hurt that bad, you wouldn't be this hard. If it was really painful, you wouldn't have had another orgasm when I put it in you. Tell me the truth. It doesn't hurt, not anymore, does it?"


"Then why do you want it out?"

"It's embarrassing," he admitted.

It was the truth. Daniel had never felt this much shame before.

"You don't wanna admit you like the way it feels. That's it exactly. But it does feel good, doesn't it?"

Daniel remained silent, not wanting to answer. Ethan lowered his voice and asked again, using a more relaxing, reassuring tone.

"Tell me, Daniel. Tell me how good it feels. It's just us..."

"Oh god, it does feel good," he admitted quietly, now on the verge of tears.

The boy was giving up and Ethan detected the end was near.

"That's it," he whispered tenderly. "Admit it to yourself. Accept that you like it and you'll finally discover who you really are. That was the whole point of the game, remember..."

"Shit! It feels so nice in there - sliding inside me," he moaned lewdly, unconcerned with how vulgar the admission sounded.

"I'm so proud of you, Daniel, proud that you finally realize it. You'll be so much better off now. I've been trying to help you accept your true nature since the day we met. Remember the woods, buddy? How I kept hinting that you'd like this kinda thing? But you just kept resisting me."

Overwhelmed by this new interpretation of their past, Daniel picked up his hips and slid back down the dildo, inadvertently punching something inside him that increased his need to cum.

"Fuck yeah, get into it," Ethan encouraged. "Fuck yourself with that cock, you slut!"

He looked on with amusement, but not surprise, as Daniel rocked on the latex cock for several more minutes. His walls were crumbling rapidly, his sexual hunger increasing at an alarming, exponential rate. Daniel suddenly needed to cum more urgently than he thought possible. Looking up at Ethan, he pleaded.

"Please, let me cum..."

"I'm not stopping you."

"Please untie me. I need to jerk off!"

"No. Sorry, I can't."

"Oh god," Daniel cried frantically. "Why won't you let me cum? I need to shoot! FUCK!!! I'm going crazy! PLEASE!!!"

"Go ahead and cum then..."

Daniel was close to tears, his frustration at that moment difficult to describe, wondering why his friend was tormenting him like this.

"I can't. I need to use my hands," he explained.

"No, you don't. You can cum without your hands. If I can do it, you can too. Once you cum, I'll untie you."

Practically hysterical, Daniel began to buck his hips continually, forcing the dildo deeper. Though he was incredibly close, orgasm remained just out of reach. Emotional and upset, he started to cry. It had been years since he'd cried in front of another person. He was completely broken...

"How did you do it?" Daniel cried. "How did you do it without touching yourself?"

"It took me more than a year to learn how to do that. I'll teach you..."

"I can't do it," he sobbed. "I'm not like you. I can't relax and let go the way you can. I'll never be able to do it..."

Ethan touched the back of his head and ran his fingers gently through the sweaty, blond hair. He knew this was a lot for his friend to process in a single evening, but was determined to see it through to the end.

"You can do it, buddy. I'm gonna teach you. I won't abandon you. We'll get through this together, OK? Do you wanna watch me do it again?"

His voice was like a soothing balm for Daniel's raw psyche. While the boy watched, Ethan pushed the hood of his foreskin forward again, covering all but the angry slit at the tip, leaking a pearly drop of juice that dangled like a drop of dew on the end of a blade of grass. He tilted Daniel's head upward so he could look directly in his eyes.

"Do you wanna see my cock explode all over your face again, maybe get a little more in your mouth?"

Daniel's breath was ragged, coming in short, raspy gasps.


Ethan lifted one leg over the chair, straddling both it and his friend. As his foot touched the floor on the other side, it jarred his cock, making it bounce, slinging precum on Daniel's face and chest. Placing his hands on his hips, he simply stared at his young companion.

"Look at it," Ethan demanded. "You want it, don't you? Tell me you want it, Daniel..."

"I want it..."

"What is it you want?"

Daniel hesitated briefly, but realized it was pointless to resist further. Ethan had already seen so much. This wouldn't make things any worse than they already were.

"I want you to cum on me," he answered bluntly.

"That sounds nasty, Daniel - the kind of thing a bitch would say. Where do you want it?"

"Please, Ethan. Don't make me say it," he begged.

"Tell me where you want me to empty my nuts," he repeated calmly.

"I want you to cum in my mouth...please cum in my mouth. God, I need to taste you so bad."

It felt oddly refreshing to tell Ethan the truth. Panting heavily with his buddy's cock so close, Daniel impulsively stuck out his tongue and tried to taste it. Ethan started laughing loudly.

"Damn, I didn't think you'd give in so soon. You want it in your mouth, huh? You want your best friend Ethan to dump a big load of his swimmers down your throat?"

His trashy words were getting Daniel hotter by the second. Another wall was falling.

"Please...god, please give it to me. I want your jizz in my mouth..."

The cock pointed at his face swelled larger and Daniel realized something new -- he was the reason for this reaction. Ethan was enjoying the slutty talk, enjoying the humiliation these vile admissions caused. The idea that he was responsible for Ethan's sexual arousal excited Daniel enormously, and he decided to give him more...

"I wanna feel your wet, slimy sperm in my mouth. I wanna feel it oozing down my throat..."

The head flared out. Ethan shifted his weight to balance himself, inching forward with his hands still on his hips. Daniel stretched his neck to place his mouth as close as possible to the engorged, dripping head. Ethan's cock bounced and slapped the boy's chin, leaving an intact bridge of precum stretching from the tip of his dick to Daniel's lower lip.

Something in Daniel's mind snapped at that moment and he realized he was happy. He smiled, for the first time in hours, he smiled. He was about to make Ethan cum...

"Fuck yeah," he whispered seductively. "I fucking love your juice, Ethan. Please give it me..."

When he extended his tongue to pull the strand of precum into his mouth, it was all Ethan could take...

His cock jutted straight up, throwing jizz into the air. Daniel opened his mouth, moving his head like a seal trying to catch a tossed fish. The first shot sailed far beyond his head, making an audible splat as it landed somewhere behind him. Ethan's dick bobbed from his crotch with nothing to anchor it and semen flew everywhere as the second rocket of sperm left his balls. Daniel was desperate for a taste and Ethan knew it; before the next shot got away from him, he grabbed his cock with one hand and directed it into his boy's open mouth, almost like a reward for his evening of hard work. Daniel moaned as the third jet traveling up the length of Ethan's cock to empty in the back of his throat. He shot twice more inside the hot orifice before pulling out and smearing the remaining juice over his lips. Upon request, Daniel opened his mouth for inspection. Ethan looked inside, nodding his approval when he saw that his spooge had been swallowed without complaint.

"Nice job," Ethan said as he grabbed the camera to film shots by hand.

"I still need to cum," Daniel reminded.

Ethan glanced at the clock, and Daniel did the same. It was almost 4:45. The bound boy's face blanched at the realization that he had an hour and fifteen minutes to go. Ethan chuckled as he watched the blood drained from his face.

"Tell you what, buddy. If you can cum like this, I'll untie you early and we can go to bed. Otherwise, you can jerk off at six..."

"Please...I don't know how..."

"Yes, you do," Ethan answered dismissively. "You know how good that dildo feels in your ass. You know how hot my jizz tastes in your mouth. You know how much you like looking at that big, swollen cock of yours on the screen, dripping precum all over the floor. All you have to do is LET yourself enjoy it."

"I don't know what you mean..."

"You enjoy it, but you think it's wrong to enjoy it. Stop feeling guilty, Daniel. Guilt is standing between you and your orgasm. It's not being tied up that's keeping you from shooting - it's your mind..."

"Can we use the bottle again? What'd you call it...poppers?"

"No. You can't have them..."


"...Because they give you an excuse. When you shoot, I wanna know it's because you've let go of your hang-ups. Here, I'll talk you through it."

Ethan used the camera's zoom feature to capture a close-up of Daniel's engorged cock, still spilling precum everywhere.

"That looks hot, doesn't it?" he asked. "You know how good it feels because it's yours. Isn't that right?"

Daniel stared at the screen and the swollen monster rising from his pubes.

"Yeah, it does look hot," he admitted, the cock pulsing hard as he did.

"That's right. It looks good because it is good. Cock is good, Daniel. You should know that by now. Say it for me - cock is good..."

"Cock is good..." he echoed mindlessly, enthralled by the image of his sloppy, wet dick on the monitor.

"That's more like it! Your nice, fat, drooling prick is spilling prefuck all over the place -- it's even coating the shaft of that mean dildo inside you. Look at it..."

Ethan zoomed in closer still, revealing Daniel's ass, spread wide and wet, streams of precum and sweat lubricating the fake cock plugging him.

"See how nice and slippery you've made that thing. Move your hips, dude. Grind up and down on it..."

Daniel lifted his ass, releasing a loud moan as he brought it down again, sucking up the fullness of the shaft. The camera recorded his cock as it burped another mass of thick juice. It was cloudier than previous emissions and both guys knew it contained a small amount of genuine semen. The wad of slimy dick-snot quickly descended into the crack of his ass.

"AH MAN!! Fuck yeah. That's it, slut!" Ethan yelled loudly.

He ecstatically followed the downward trek of that last glob of goo with the camera as it flowed over the edge of the chair, dripping into a nasty puddle on his bedroom floor. Watching this lurid spectacle, Daniel's final mental barricade crumbled. This looked and felt too damn good to be wrong.

"Come on, whore...work your ass!" Ethan coached. "You don't need your hands to get your nut! All you need is a big, fat cock up your ass!"

In response to these words, Daniel lifted his ass as far off the chair as the shoestring attached to his balls would allow and slammed it home again.

"Hell yeah...that's it! Do it again..."

The young bottom began to plow his hole relentlessly, watching the dildo emerge and disappear into his ass. He used brute force fucking, gentle rocking, and then brute force again to work himself into a frenzy of sexual energy. He had no morals. He had no hang-ups. He had only one goal - to blast his sperm all over this fucking room. Daniel looked at the clock. It was 5:30. They were coming down to the wire. One way or another, he was gonna get off in the next thirty minutes. His ass came down yet again. Down, again and again, as he sank it deep inside his pussy. Ethan leered at him, watching the nasty cunt fuck himself to the edge of orgasm, encouraging this behavior, cementing in Daniel's mind the truth he'd denied for so long.

"Do it, man! Fuck yeah! Work it hard. You're gonna fuck the jizz right outta your little cock. You've needed this for a long time, haven't you? You needed someone like me to make you admit how much you love dick. One day, I'll give you the real thing and you'll realize how much better that is, how hot they feel in your cunt, how they scald your insides when they cum..."

For a short moment, Daniel was angry with his friend for the lurid stream of filth leaving his mouth. That is, until he realized it was helping! He imagined Ethan putting his cock inside his warm hole, about lying in the chair as he fucked the stretched opening, about the massive load he'd surely pump inside. Though these thoughts still seemed vaguely shameful, they brought him closer to cumming than he'd been all night. Daniel only needed one more thing to push him over the edge and he wasn't long in asking for it. Burying his humiliation, he begged for what he needed...

"Please...please, Ethan," he whined. "Please fuck me..."

Ethan stopped suddenly, surprised by this request. He knew Daniel would break eventually, but he'd assumed it would take until at least Sunday to hear those words. His depraved grin returned and he began to laugh riotously.

"Well, well, well. You are a little bitch slut aren't you? Beg me for it while you plow yourself out."

Daniel did the only thing his body and mind would allow; he begged, pleading with Ethan to remove the dildo and replace it with his cock, the camera capturing his yearning to take his buddy's meat inside him. The device focused on Daniel's face and the dried cum coating it, before panning down to the crusty patch on his nipple. The monitor soon displayed his sloppy crotch, his prick belching prefuck with every downward plunge on the spike in his ass. Daniel was working it hard now, trying to get his friend so turned on he couldn't help but climb on and ride him hard. Ethan had other plans though, at least for tonight.

"I'm not gonna fuck you, not this time. Close your eyes and use your imagination. We'll role-play. Pretend that dildo is my dick..."

Immediately, Daniel felt his cock tense. He began bouncing so hard he nearly ripped his nuts off, rocking with such passion the chair scuttled across the floor on the casters, forcing Ethan to scramble with the camera to keep up with him. His cock flopped back and forth from the wild gyrations, slinging precum all the way up to his face. Ethan began to role-play with his buddy, something he'd discovered he loved to do, pretending he was fucking the bound young man...

"Yeah, I'm fucking you hard now...I'm gonna cum up that virgin twat of yours. You want your best bud Ethan to seed that hot hole for ya?"

Daniel nearly knocked the chair over with the intensity of his bouncing. He was close, so fucking close! Then, Ethan said precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. Daniel allowed his mind and imagination to send him over the edge when he heard his buddy say the almost supernatural, powerful words...

"Fuck yeah, Daniel! I'm cumming up your sloppy cunt, fuckhole. Hosing you deep, dude! FUCK!!!!"

With one final, forceful slam on the spike, Daniel glanced at the clock...5:58. For him, time then stopped altogether...

While tightly gripping the arms of the chair, a guttural, inhuman roar escaped his lips and the first portion of his pent up load leapt from the confines of his body. It rose, higher and higher, until he could've sworn it was only six inches from the ceiling. At its highest point, there was an unbroken line of thick, slimy spooge extending over four feet in the air, looking as though he was pissing white. It splashed down onto his body like warm rain and he prepared for the next orgasmic spasm. Since his dick wasn't being held steady, it flopped around frenetically, spitting out the second volley on the monitor. Instinctively, Daniel lifted his ass and let it fall again. His third shot of spunk ejected slightly forward, and to the right, landing on his foot, running between his toes. As his penis rebounded from that position, it took aim at his face and blasted a fourth time, hitting his wide open mouth like a bull's-eye. Unable to control myself, he lapped up the sperm greedily, like the cum-hound he was being trained to be, while the next several minor eruptions formed a puddle of white in his navel.

Daniel's cock was still standing, like some nasty monument to man-sex, when he lost consciousness...


It was almost noon when Daniel finally woke, lying comfortably in Ethan's bed. As he rolled over and stretched, he noticed his friend, still naked, sleeping peacefully on top of the sheets. Though Daniel had only been asleep for six hours, it had been a deep, refreshing sleep and he was now completely alert, without a hint of fatigue. Nevertheless, his head ached, ruthlessly pounding as he gently massaged his temples, trying to piece together the events of the previous night.

He slipped from the bed quietly so as not to wake Ethan, and noticed his abused penis, red and swollen from overuse, swinging between his legs. It seemed larger somehow, almost stretched, even while soft. Initially, he refused to believe the events of the previous night actually occurred, writing them off as a dream or drug-induced delusion. But the reality of what they'd done was too powerful to deny. Daniel knew his memories were accurate, the insistent images far too vivid to be the result of mind tricks. He was overcome by shame at the memory of begging Ethan to cum in his mouth, pleading with him to fuck his ass. Crushing guilt overcame him, followed quickly by panic. Feeling trapped and confined, he had to get out of that house and end this now.

His feet made barely a sound as he searched the room for his discarded clothing. He found nothing; every single garment was gone. Thinking Ethan may have taken them to the laundry room, he decided to check there. With stealth befitting a cat, Daniel opened the door, slipped into the hall, and glided down the staircase on a mission to locate his missing clothes. Again, he found nothing. He suddenly remembered a change of clothing in his car, the result of an overnight trip to his cousin's house a few weeks earlier. After grabbing a laundry room towel and wrapping it around his waist to cover his nudity, he attempted to locate his keys. They too had mysteriously vanished.

Ethan startled him when he appeared out of nowhere, causing Daniel to jump and sending his heart racing. His friend remained unashamedly naked, his narrow waist accentuating the semi-hard, uncut dick swinging freely between his legs.

"Going somewhere?" he asked, his voice filled with irritation, his face as cold as winter, framed by his long, black hair.

After swallowing hard in an attempt to clear the lump in his throat, Daniel answered him.

"I...um...I was looking for my keys. Have you seen them?"

"Yeah, I know where they are," he answered, truthful perhaps, but not particularly helpful.

"Well..." Daniel prompted. "Where are they?"

"Why do you need them? The weekend's not over yet..."

Being this close to his buddy, especially while he was naked, was forcing additional memories from the previous night to resurface. Daniel couldn't take it anymore and started to break down, his voice trembling as he spoke...

"I can't stay here, Ethan. Last night was a terrible mistake - we shouldn't have done what we did - it was wrong. I've got to get outta here before I do anything else I'll regret..."

Ethan's eyes narrowed in an expression of curiosity.

"What is it you think you're gonna do that you'll regret so much?"

"Sex, you idiot!" he screamed. "We both know if I stay the rest of the weekend, we'll end up having sex."

Ethan raised a single eyebrow and grinned playfully.

"Would that really be so bad?"


He glared at the nervous young man for a moment, scrutinizing him and evaluating his choices, before continuing.

"You're not going anywhere, Daniel. I took your keys to make sure you wouldn't run away before I woke up. We need to talk about what happened last night. We can't leave that unresolved. And I want you to stay the rest of the weekend..."

"You can't just hold me here!" Daniel yelled, sounding like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

Frustrated, and more than a little scared, he reached for the nearby phone and started dialing. Ethan made no attempt to stop him. Instead, he chuckled derisively, mocking what he was planning to do.

"Go ahead and call your mom, just like a scared, little boy. When she gets here, maybe she can come in for a little chat. Of course, you'll still be naked and might have a hard time explaining why your dick looks so sore. But hey, if she doesn't believe your story, we can always watch the video..."

Daniel's mother answered the phone but he couldn't find his voice. She said "hello" twice before he lowered the receiver in shock, unable to believe Ethan's threat. After all, the recording implicated him as much as Daniel.

"You'd hurt us both by showing that video," he said quietly, his eyes fixed on the floor between his feet.

"True. But you have a lot more to lose than I do. I wasn't the one pounding a dildo up his ass and blowing a huge load `cause he loved it so much."

Daniel's dick twitched at the memory, pushing against the towel around his waist. Ethan noticed the subtle motion beneath the cloth and crossed his arms in front of his chest, flexing his biceps casually, causing his tribal, armband tattoo to ripple slightly. He continued to speak.

"I'm not the one who was begging his best friend to fuck him and blow spooge up his hole."

This was not the way Ethan envisioned this morning unfolding, but his attempt to shame Daniel into compliance was working. His face flushed and the towel tented further as his prick continued to rise. Ethan knew the boy wouldn't be able to take much more of this. He started again.

"I'm not the one who..."

"Alright," Daniel interrupted, cutting him off in mid-sentence. "Enough! I get it. What do you want from me?"

"The only thing I want is for you to finish your training. All this denial and guilt is unhealthy. I want you to accept who you are..."

"And who might that be?" Daniel asked sarcastically.

Ethan sighed deeply and looked saddened, demonstrating he was almost as frustrated as Daniel, but for vastly different reasons.

"Daniel, you're gay," he said bluntly. "I thought that would be obvious to you by now, but for some reason you just don't get it. You're a little bottom boy, almost ready to let his best friend fuck him."

"I am not!" Daniel shouted. "How could you even say a thing like that?"

Ethan uncrossed his arms and took a step closer, getting right in Daniel's face, using the frame of his body and proximity as tools of intimidation.

"...Because you've already begged me to fuck your twat once, remember! If I recall correctly, I had to turn YOU down. But before the weekend is out, I'm gonna give you what you asked for. You might not believe it now, but by this time tomorrow I WILL have fucked you!"

Daniel's mind was paralyzed at the prospect being fucked, terrified by the ominous prediction, but his penis ignored this fear, choosing instead to swell enthusiastically to its full length and girth. The head of his cock pushed against the knot securing the towel to his waist, causing it to give way and fall to the floor. His stiff dick stood completely erect, fully exposed without the terrycloth shield, causing Ethan to laugh at the display.

"See, Daniel. You're dick knows the truth. Just talking about it gets you hot. Admit it now and save us the hassle of having to break you in. You don't understand how badly I want you. Fighting me will only prolong the inevitable. You know you want to feel me inside you..."

Ethan gently grabbed Daniel's cock, caressing the veiny skin with his soft fingertips. The boy attempted to retreat but found a countertop behind him. Standing on his toes, he inhaled sharply at the pleasant sensation.

"It's wrong, Ethan," he whispered. "We shouldn't be doing this..."

"It's not wrong, Daniel. That's what you need to learn. If I don't teach you, you'll figure it out eventually for yourself. But you might waste years, possibly the best years of your life, denying what you need. I've met guys like you before and, believe me, based on what they've told me, I'm doing you a favor. Now get your ass upstairs before I call your mom myself."

Daniel hesitated, frozen in place, despite his renewed horniness.

"MOVE...NOW!!!" Ethan shouted.

Jumping at his sudden outburst, Daniel raced up the stairs, dread rattling his mind as he ascended. Once again in the bedroom, they stood facing one another in the center of the room. Ethan sensed his apprehension and seemed to enjoy it. He grabbed one of Daniel's nipples, gently at first, the sensation actually quite enjoyable. Slowly, the pressure increased, and pleasure turned to discomfort until his knees began to buckle. This was exactly what Ethan intended and he soon made that clear.


Daniel opened his mouth to protest but Ethan cut him off before a single word left his lips.

"Do it now..." he spat, twisting the tortured nipple.

As he lowered himself to his knees, Ethan released his tit and watched Daniel stare at his stiff, uncut prick. Though pleased he'd gotten the boy to kneel, he wasn't satisfied yet.

"Lower - kneel at my feet."

Anger swelled inside Daniel as a result of this treatment but he failed to come up with an option other than compliance. He lowered his face to Ethan's large, unwashed feet.

"Kiss them," he demanded.

Daniel's anger grew into hostility but he placed his lips on Ethan's feet and gently kissed them anyway. The towering young man lifted and separated his toes, wiggling them in his boy's face, chuckling softly at Daniel's obedience.

Ethan was pleased with how this was going, but needed to know how far he could push before meeting resistance. In the next few hours, he would reveal a wealth of information, answering many of the questions Daniel undoubtedly held, including the fact that he'd fallen in love with the boy. But for now, while Daniel thought he was a monster, Ethan needed to determine his natural tolerance for submission. He'd use this information as a baseline for planning future activities. Pushing Daniel again, he found his limit.

"Good boy, Daniel. Now beg me to continue your training. Beg me to make you my bitch. Make it convincing and today will go a lot smoother for you."

That was the last straw. Rising to his feet, Daniel at last found his courage.

"No! I won't do it. Ethan, you have to stop this now!"

Since he knew this was coming, Ethan simply grinned in amusement at the little insurrection, confusing Daniel in the process. He opened one of his desk drawers and retrieved a set of car keys. His next statement further astounded Daniel, catching him off guard and leaving him bewildered.

"Alright, you win. I give up. Here are your keys. Take `em and go home. Your clothes are in the trunk of your car."

"What?" Daniel asked, clearly baffled and suspicious.

"I said you could go. If you really don't wanna do this, I'm not gonna hold you prisoner. I'm not a rapist, dude. You can leave if you want. Now, go on -- get out."

"What about the video?" he asked.

"I told you yesterday, no one will ever see it. I might be a lot of things, Daniel, but I'm not a liar. I never had any intention of showing it."

"Then what's the catch? Why are you letting me go?"

Smiling knowingly, Ethan explained his reasons.

"...Because you won't actually leave. You'll go downstairs, get dressed, maybe even start your car, but you won't leave. I know you, Daniel..."

Ethan extended his arm toward his friend's innocent face. Nervous, and fearing what he intended, Daniel dodged his touch initially. Then, realizing he meant no harm, he allowed the hand to make contact. Ethan ran the fingers of his right hand through Daniel's unwashed, tousled blonde hair, almost tenderly, while he finished his justification for letting him leave.

"You need me, Daniel. You'll do anything it takes to keep me happy, to keep me in your life. We both know that..."

Despite this unexplained display of warmth, Daniel snatched his keys from Ethan's hand and ran downstairs. Still naked and erect, his hard cock flopping as he moved, he opened the door leading to the garage. After opening the trunk, he found his clothes folded neatly inside. When he reached to retrieve them, something stopped him.

A flood of conflicting thoughts filled his mind. Part of him wanted to leave, to forget what happened last night. But he was afraid Ethan would tell people what they'd done, even if he didn't show the evidence. Word of mouth alone could ruin his life. Another part of him quietly acknowledged he might enjoy what Ethan wanted to teach him.

Frozen with indecision, Daniel stood for several minutes, mulling over his choices, his overactive cock dripping on the garage floor. For the first time, he seriously considered the possibility that Ethan was right. If this proved true, was guilt reason enough not to explore the desires that surfaced last night? And what would be the consequence of walking out now -- ending their friendship forever? This was clearly unacceptable. If Ethan was right, what better person could there be to guide him through this process of discovery?

These questions and more swirled through Daniel's mind as he stood naked in his friend's garage. He decided he couldn't leave yet, not without knowing more. He was nervous, his anxiety so great he was shaking. What he was about to do would change everything. Entering the house once more, he returned to his buddy's room - to give myself to him.

Ethan was still standing in the center of the room, so confident Daniel would return he hadn't even moved, waiting patiently for the boy to come to him. When he entered, Ethan noticed the unmistakable change in his demeanor. A grin spread across his face.

"I told you," he boasted. "Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Though still confused, Daniel decided to be honest, the words spilling from his mouth free from the typical censorship provided by his mind.

"Ethan, I don't understand what's going on with me. You sometimes seem to know more about me than I do. If you still wanna teach me, I think it might be good for me. I'll do it your way, anything you want..."

With this simple submission, the considerable burden that had weighed him down for years lifted in an instant. Up until Daniel began speaking, he still harbored doubts, unsure if he was making the right choice. But the incredible emotional release gained through his admission caused those reservations to evaporate at once. Ethan nodded as he spoke, his face conveying understanding and unexpected compassion. Stepping toward Daniel with his arms extended, he drew him close, pressing their still naked bodies together in a comforting embrace.

"Why don't we start by just talking for a while? How's that sound?" he asked tenderly.

"That would be nice," Daniel answered, almost in tears, but enjoying this warmth and intimacy.

After moving to the bed, they sat together, side by side, and discussed what was happening between them. Ethan chose to take the lead.

"Is there anything you'd like to ask me, Daniel?"

He thought for a moment before starting with the most obvious question.

"Are you gay?" he asked timidly.

Ethan chuckled at his friend's apparent naivety.

"Daniel, we're BOTH gay..."

"But Angela, you dated Angela all winter."

"...until she found out I was gay."

Daniel was speechless, wondering how this happened, right under his nose, without him ever knowing. After allowing his buddy a moment to process this information, Ethan continued.

"When she found out, things got really ugly and we parted ways. I'm surprised she didn't tell everyone in school."

"I don't understand. If you knew you were gay, why were you dating her in the first place?"

Ethan sighed before answering, the response indicating wisdom gained, a lesson learned, from a choice that seems ill-advised in retrospect.

"I think a lot of gay guys try to date a girl, at least once, just to see if they can make it work. I couldn't..."

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"I was interested in someone else."

"Who?" came the foolish question, prompting Ethan to roll his eyes upward and shake his head, amazed his friend could be so dense.


Daniel was in shock. His mouth went dry, his heart pounded in his chest, and his intellect could not form the words to respond. Ethan graciously allowed him several moments for this important piece of the puzzle to sink in fully.

"How long have you felt like this?" he finally asked, looking at Ethan this time, instead of the floor.

"Since the day we met. I thought we had something going there, you know, that first day in the woods. I knew you were gay, but all you seemed interested in was jerking off, like maybe you weren't all that into me..."

Ethan chuckled nervously as he spoke, absent-mindedly picking at his fingernails. Daniel knew this emotional exposure was difficult for him. After a short pause, Ethan finished his explanation.

"The past few months have been pretty frustrating, Daniel -- living in a new town, a new school, new friends, and the guy I start to like turns out to still be in the closet. I had to do something to get you out."

"Wait. So that's what last night was all about?"


"Ethan, why didn't you just tell me?"

"You need to understand something, Daniel. We're both gay, but we're not the same. My personality is...well, dominant, controlling, aggressive. Maybe it's a character flaw, but I've learned to accept it. This kind of `heart to heart' thing we're doing now, it makes me uncomfortable. If we're gonna be together, you need to know that up front. If you want your first boyfriend to be the flowers and cards kinda guy, then I'll disappoint you and we should just stay friends. I'm sorry if last night was over the top, but you gotta admit -- it worked."

"That's true, I suppose..."

"What I'm trying to say is...if you wanna see what there might be between us, you'll need to let me be in control. You'll know how I feel about you, even if I don't say it very often. I promise not to hurt you, but I like to play rough, and you should know that too. Are you positive you wanna do this?"

Daniel didn't need to reconsider.

"Yes," he whispered breathlessly.

"You realize this will change what we already have. It's gonna become, well, about as unbalanced as it gets. From this point forward, no matter what I say or do, you will accept it without complaint. Is that alright with you?"

"It is..."

Ethan smiled, thoroughly pleased with Daniel's new attitude. He extended his arm and gently touched his face.

"Do you think you'll enjoy being my boy, Daniel?"

"Yeah, I think I will," he admitted freely.

"Nice," Ethan said softly, smiling broadly.

Leaning into Daniel, their lips touched. Ethan had no way of knowing this at the time, since they'd never discussed it, but this was Daniel's first kiss. He was stiff and clumsy at first, but soon relaxed, becoming comfortable enough to enjoy the new experience. When Ethan's tongue started to explore his mouth, Daniel melted completely. His cock, which had wilted during their talk, became instantly rigid. Ethan was still smiling when they broke the warm connection.

"You're not a very good kisser, dude," he observed with a good-natured chuckle.

Daniel took no offense.

"I know. I haven't had much practice," he answered, not sure he wanted to admit to having no experience whatsoever.

Ethan looked down at the boy's lap and noticed his hardon.

"It looks like you enjoyed it though..."

Smiling sheepishly, the timid young man nodded his agreement. Ethan's face approached again and Daniel prepared for another kiss. Instead, the mouth went for his ear, and Ethan whispered...

"I'm gonna fuck you tonight, Daniel..."

His cock twitched violently in response.

"...but not just yet," Ethan continued softly, the warm, breathy words filling Daniel's ear canal and setting him on fire. "We've got a lot to do before then. You still need to be trained. It's gonna be a long day, dude."

"What do you want me to do?" Daniel asked.

"Stand up and put your hands behind your head. I wanna get a good look at my new boy."

Daniel complied hastily, without reservation or hesitation, his fully erect cock pounding from his pubes. Ethan's smile returned when he saw how liberating surrender had been for his young lover.

"Listen carefully, Daniel. This is important. The first thing you'll be giving up for this relationship is your orgasms. Don't worry, you'll still have plenty of them, but I'll be deciding when, where, and how often it happens. You won't be jerking off when you get home from school or cranking one out when you wake up. Those days are over, Daniel. You will cum only when I give you permission to cum. How does that sound?"

"Ethan, I'll try anything you want," he answered honestly. "I'm just not sure I'll be able to...at least not at first."

"It'll take time, Daniel. But with practice, you'll get there. In the beginning, I won't punish you for making a mistake. But if I get the impression you're not taking this seriously, that you're not doing your best, well, let's just say the consequences won't be pleasant. Understood?"

"Yes. I understand."

"You blew a pretty big load last night but from the look of your cock, I think you're ready to go again. Am I right? Do you wanna cum again, boy?"

"Yeah," Daniel answered, glancing at his throbbing, pre-moistened prick.

"Would you like me to let you beat off? It could be a sort of reward, a bonus, for finally coming to your senses and realizing your place in life."

"Yes, please..."

"But I said you weren't allowed to cum. Wouldn't beating off without cumming be difficult for you, maybe a little pointless?"

Daniel was perplexed, the full impact of their discussion not yet fully understood. In his mind, masturbation and ejaculation meant essentially the same thing, at least on a practical level. Ethan would need to teach him the difference.

"If I jerk off, I'll probably cum," Daniel admitted.

"Hmmm," Ethan started, appearing to contemplate his next move. "Then I'm not sure I should let you..."


"Only if you promise not to cum..."

"I'll try."

Ethan looked momentarily disgusted with Daniel. He didn't like that response. If the boy wanted to be taught, he'd need to do better.

"Forget it," Ethan said, purposefully allowing the irritation to show in his voice.

"What? Why?"

"I asked you to promise. Fuck trying, Daniel. If you wanna beat off, you'll promise not to cum."

"Alright, I'm sorry. I promise I won't cum..."

Ethan smiled. Daniel could be easily corrected, a good quality in a boy.

"Alright, this will test how `trainable' you are. Remember, I control when you shoot. That decision is out of your hands now, no pun intended. Just think of it this way, no semen leaves your dick until I say so. When was the last time you had a wet dream?"

"It's been a long time, probably not since I started jerking off."

"You'll probably start having those again, just get used to it. The next couple of months will be intense, but eventually your body will understand what I expect of it. By the time I'm finished with you, you'll be able to cum on command and ONLY on command. Won't that be a nice skill to have?"


"Reach down and stroke your dick. No rush. Just make yourself feel good but let me know if you get close. Be sure to tell me ahead of time. You don't know what you're doing yet and I wanna help you."

Daniel gripped his erection with one hand, using the other to gently massage his balls. Ethan sat at the desk, casually fingering his own prick while watching his buddy masturbate in front of him.

"Yeah, that's it," he encouraged. "Stroke that cock, boy. Work yourself off while you look at my big, uncut meat. You love looking at this dick, don't you? I can see it in your eyes. You're already dripping. Damn, that cock is like a leaky hose, isn't it? I bet you keep your underwear sticky all day long thinking about my dick. You think about getting on your knees to suck it. You think about licking my nuts. But most of all, you think about me shoving it up your made-to-fuck ass, don't you?"

The words were getting to Daniel. Ethan could clearly see it.

"Keep going, bitch! We got all afternoon to play. Pull your balls down in the sack while you stroke. That's the way, show me those fuckers. They make way too much cum, boy. Nothing we can do about that, but we can train you not to sling it four times a day. I'm guessing I'll let you pop off once every week or two. Take your hand off your balls and use it to tweak your nipples, really play with that chest, gimme a nice, slutty show. Remember to tell me if you get close!"

With Ethan talking, it didn't take long for Daniel to feel his orgasm approaching.

"I'm getting close..."

"...STOP!" Ethan commanded loudly, the sudden increase in volume startling the horny boy. "Put both hands behind your head and stand still!"

Daniel's cock pulsed in frustration, burping a large glob of clear fluid in response to being abandoned. His balls drew up temporarily in their sack, far enough to feel them hugging the base of his dick. He was primed to shoot and both of them knew it. He involuntarily thrust his hips forward a few times, causing his prick to slap repeatedly against his abdomen.

"Stop that shit right now, Daniel!" Ethan said angrily. "I said to stand still..."

The boy's knees buckled slightly and his breathing became ragged. Still, he managed to stave off his orgasm. As it became apparent the worst was over, Ethan smiled his approval and issued further instructions.

"Well done. Now do it again, as many times as you can, for the next hour and a half. I need to finish some homework so try not to bother me. Each time you get close, put your hands on your head and count off how many times you've stopped. Since you've done it once already, next time you'll say 'two', then 'three'. Other than that, I don't wanna hear you speak. Are we clear?"


"Good, get started then. Your hour and a half starts...now!"

During the next ninety minutes, Daniel learned a valuable lesson. Just when you think you couldn't sink any lower, an entirely new, even deeper pit of humiliation can open beneath your feet. He'd been embarrassed to jerk off while Ethan spoke to him like a common whore, but masturbating while he paid no mind whatsoever was far worse. Standing in front of the bed, his hands feverishly teasing his cock, he tried to stroke without losing control. It took only moments before his hands were once again behind his head.

"Two..." he said out loud.

Ethan didn't even look up from his book.

Once he'd back off the edge, he resumed teasing his angry cock. It would have been easier had he not been watching Ethan, still naked in his chair. The sight of his nude, controlling new master was too much for him. Less than five minutes passed before he called out...


This time it took several minutes standing at attention, hands behind his head, before he felt it safe to continue. During this cool-down period, his cock became a drooling, sloppy mess, with precum dripping liberally from the needy head. Daniel watched the slippery juice descend, the strand jerking due to the constant bobbing of his untouched prick. He found the sensation of an orgasm denied intensely pleasurable and his legs shook, no longer completely reliable in supporting his weight. Looking down, he noticed a small puddle, already an inch in diameter, forming between his bare feet. When his cock at long last started to droop, he resumed stroking, but barely managed twenty gentle caresses along the turgid shaft before sucking in his breath, removing his hands, and speaking the word...


Again, there was no response from Ethan.

Daniel watched the clock, desperately trying to stop the building flood of semen about to explode from the tip of his penis. This one had snuck up on him, and he'd barely stopped in time. Lurching uncontrollably from the strong anchor deep within his groin, Daniel's cock was flinging precum in a two-foot radius. The worst was over in about a minute and he knew he wouldn't jizz, but he had to keep his hands off for another five, knowing any touch at all would send him spiraling out of control. Sensing he was safe, he tentatively reached down, wrapped his hand around it, and gave a single, gentle stroke.


Ethan had to suppress a chuckle. The boy had barely touched himself before removing his hands, clearly demonstrating how on edge he was.

By the time he reached the half-way mark, Daniel was a total wreck, his need to cum surpassing that of the previous evening. Last night, though he'd fervently begged to be granted an orgasm, he hadn't been forced to both tease and deny himself simultaneously. Additionally, there were no chemicals to dull his senses this time, nothing between him and the tortuous game to which he was willingly subjecting himself.

In the end, he successfully completed his assigned task. Daniel had edged twenty-two times; though, in truth, he spent more time with his hands behind his head than on his cock. By now, he had been reduced to nothing but a wired bag of sex, frantically needing to ejaculate. Following instructions dutifully, he never spoke other to count off his edges, even though he wanted more than anything to beg Ethan for release.

But release was not in Daniel's immediate future.

When the game ended, Ethan stood, stretched, and reclined on the bed, motioning for Daniel to join him.

"I'm impressed, Daniel. You did really well. Honestly, I wasn't expecting you to make it. How do you feel?"

"I feel good," he answered, shaking slightly since his most recent close call was less than a minute behind him. "But I really need to cum. I can barely hold back just sitting with you."

"Just relax, dude. Breathe and stay focused. You got precum all over my room - which you'll need to clean up by the way - but you didn't stop trying. That shows you've got potential. I love that about you."

Ethan moved toward him, as if to kiss him again, but without warning Daniel turned his head and dodged the attempted intimacy.

"Don't..." he muttered.


A bit confounded, Ethan thought Daniel had overcome his earlier shame and the unnecessary humiliation from being with a man. The boy sighed heavily before answering the question, almost embarrassed to speak the truth.

"If you kiss me, I'll cum. Seriously, I'm that close..."

"You're a hot little fucker, aren't you?" he teased, a broad grin pasted on his face. After tapping the boy playfully on the thigh with the palm of his hand, he added, "Well, if you don't wanna kiss, get dressed. I'd like to go out for a while."

Ethan rose from the bed and opened his dresser, retrieving a t-shirt and pair of shorts, which he quickly slipped into.

"My clothes are still in my car. I'll go downstairs and get them," Daniel stated, already rising to his feet and heading for the door.

"No need for that," Ethan corrected. "Just wear what I had on yesterday. They're lying on the floor around the bed somewhere. I'll be waiting for you outside. Don't be long..."

Fully expecting Daniel to object to this plan, Ethan simply left the room before he could open his mouth, leaving him searching the floor for yesterday's discarded clothing...


Since the two friends were approximately the same size, Daniel's concern wasn't that the clothes wouldn't fit. Rather, his problem stemmed from the fact that he didn't enjoy wearing unwashed garments. Under normal circumstances, he refused to wear even his own more than once between laundry cycles. For him, to put on someone else's dirty clothing, even Ethan's, was a bit disgusting.

He found the t-shirt first, and grimaced as he pulled it over his head, the sweat from the armpits filling him with the spicy, heady aroma of his new boyfriend. Ethan's jockeys were more difficult to locate. They were finally discovered underneath a dirty towel, one his buddy had used to clean up the voluminous amounts of spilt cum after Daniel fell asleep last night. Since the jockeys had been carelessly covered by the towel, Ethan's ample wetness hadn't fully dried. Holding the moist underwear in his hands, Daniel couldn't do it. He simply could not put them on, despite the possibility of upsetting Ethan. Instead, he reached for his friend's khaki shorts, which were reasonably clean, and stuffed his still bloated cock inside.

Having decided not to wear socks, Daniel turned his attention to shoes. Knowing his classmate owned numerous, rarely-worn pair, he moved to the closet to find something suitable. Then he noticed the high-tops -- and abruptly felt a bit nauseous. He'd naturally assumed Ethan would be wearing them and wondered if their presence meant he was supposed to put them on. He wasn't entirely sure he could stomach it. Picking up the foul, worn sneakers, Daniel carried them downstairs, trying to devise a diplomatic way to request his own footwear, still in the trunk of his car.

"What took you so long, bitch?" Ethan asked playfully when Daniel emerged from the house.

Daniel lowered his eyes to Ethan's feet. He was wearing a simple pair of flip-flops, his long, meaty toes exposed and wiggling seductively.

"Uhmm, I thought you'd want to wear your high-tops today..."

"No, I'm good like this," Ethan explained. "It's warm enough for flips."

"Maybe I should get the shoes outta my trunk. Your other clothes fit but these are way to big..."

Ethan knew the real reason Daniel didn't want to wear those sneakers.

"Nope, I want you wearing my stuff today. I think it's hot to see you dressed like me."

"But they're almost three sizes too big, and they kinda smell."

Ethan's eyes immediately narrowed; his friendly, playful smile evaporated in an instant. Daniel knew at once he had erred.

"Oh god," the nervous boy stammered breathlessly. "I shouldn't have said that, should I?"

"No," Ethan said calmly. "No, that wasn't very smart. I'll need to think of a way to punish you for that. But for now, just put on the damn shoes."

Daniel scowled at the thought, an expression Ethan noticed, and sat on a nearby step to put on the ratty sneakers. As he spread the opening to slip his foot inside, the scent reached upward, filling his nostrils. His toes entered the cavernous space, and he felt the dank fabric of the inner sole, still moist from Ethan's unusually sweaty feet. Daniel laced them tightly, partly due to the size, but primarily to seal the opening, preventing the fumes from escaping. They were indeed large; more than two inches of extra space extended beyond the tip of Daniel's big toe. He stood and looked to Ethan for approval.

"Nice," Ethan commented. "Look at it this way, when you take `em off tonight, your feet will smell as bad as mine. Get in the car..."

Ethan tossed a gym bag into the back seat as Daniel climbed in and shut the door. Driving down the same familiar route used to get to school, Daniel sat quietly in the passenger seat, afraid to ask where they were going. A few minutes later, they passed the main block of school buildings. Ethan turned soon after, using the service entrance, and parked in the rear, near the back door of the gymnasium. Daniel couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

"Why are we at school on a Saturday?" he asked.

"You'll see, just shut up and follow me."

When they reached the gymnasium entrance, Ethan fished a key from his pocket, using it to gain access to the large, empty building.

"How'd you get a key to the gym?" asked Daniel.

"Are you gonna be this talkative all day?" came the aggravated response. "If you must know, a few weeks ago I found the coach's keys under the bleachers. Before I returned them, I left campus real quick to have a duplicate made of the gym key, thinking it might come in handy some day. And so it has..."

The gym was dark and quiet, the air still and motionless, making the dimly lit space almost spooky. Ethan enjoyed being here, fascinated by how different a room normally bustling with activity seemed when silent and deserted instead. This, coupled with the knowledge they shouldn't be here at all, made it the perfect location for what he had planned.

He escorted Daniel through the lobby, over the recently polished hardwood basketball court, and into the men's shower. Surrounded by lockers, tile, and urinals, flooded with the scent of athletes and cleaning supplies, Ethan began Daniel's lesson.

"Take off your clothes, Daniel, everything but the shoes."

"I don't think we should do this here, Ethan..."

Ethan smacked Daniel across the cheek. It was a relatively gentle slap, not intended to hurt him. Rather, its purpose was to let Daniel know these objections were no longer acceptable, not given his new role. The unexpected whack instantly grabbed his attention. Ethan spoke, without a hint of anger, but leaving no doubt he was incredibly serious.

"I don't wanna make a habit of slapping you around, Daniel. I care about you too much for that. But I shouldn't have to keep explaining myself to you. If you want to be my boy, you'll have to follow instructions better. Now get the fuck out of those clothes and hand them to me."

Daniel's hand rubbed his cheek as he considered Ethan's words. The slap had come as a shock, catching him off guard, throwing him off balance. Despite his controlling manner, Ethan wasn't a violent person and Daniel felt completely safe with him. Still, this was a penalty he'd prefer to avoid in the future. He made a silent vow to do better next time, to think before he spoke.

Since no one else was here today, and it was unlikely they'd be caught, obeying this demand seemed like a small thing indeed. In fact, masturbating in the open woods probably carried more risk of exposure than an empty locker room in a deserted gym. With these facts in mind, he decided to comply. His eager cock, having been denied release earlier, was already swelling. Daniel knew he wanted to see where this was going.

He removed his t-shirt and shorts, handing them to Ethan, leaving him naked save for the smelly high-tops still encasing his feet. There was no doubt he was aroused. His absurdly hard cock stood at full attention, already pulsing with need. Ethan noticed the boy's excitement and was pleased, nodding his head in approval and smiling broadly.

"That's it, boy. I like that you bone up over being exposed like this. That dick of yours is gonna get you in trouble some day. I want you to stand here with me for a few minutes."

"Can I ask why?" the boy said timidly.

"I'm just waiting for you to start dripping," Ethan said with a smile.

Daniel stood quietly as he was told, nervous all the while, but silently admitting this was a bit exciting. He began to understand Ethan's obsession for sexual activity in semi-public locations, where the potential for being caught existed. His cock flexed at the thought, forcing a strand of juice from the slit. Ethan smiled at the boy's predictable reaction and continued...

"Alright, now that you're wet, go find an empty locker..."

Daniel searched the large, vacant room for an empty locker, his stiff cock protruding from his crotch the entire time, leaking precum in his wake. Most of them were assigned and locked, forcing him to walk down several rows of the tiny storage closets before finding one along the far wall that wasn't in use.

"There's one over here we can use," he said.

Since he had walked some distance to find a suitable locker, he was forced to raise his voice in order for Ethan to hear him, causing his words to echo in the tile-covered room, increasing his anxiety further. He heard the "slap-slap" of Ethan's flip-flops approaching, also reverberating loudly, making far more noise than he wished given the clandestine nature of what they were doing.

Ethan rounded the corner of the aisle carrying Daniel's clothes as well as his gym bag. He handed the garments to the nervous young man.

"Here, put these in the locker..."

Daniel did as he was told, cringing at the noise the metal door created as it opened and closed. Ethan extracted a combination lock from his bag.

"OK, lock `em up..."

Staring at the lock in Ethan's hand, Daniel's level of apprehension went off the charts. Until now, knowing his clothes were nearby served as a safety net, allowing him to endure the stress of being naked. This was no longer the case. Should he need to get dressed in a hurry, it would be extremely difficult to do so without being caught. Reminding himself of the great trust he placed in Ethan, and how much he wanted to please him, Daniel reached for the lock, inserted it through the latch, and gave the dial a few spins.

"Very nice, Daniel," Ethan praised. "You did it without bitching. Don't worry. I'll give you the combination once we're finished. Come on. Let's go back up front, closer to the entrance."

After returning to the front of the room, Ethan continued the lesson.

"Take off the shoes..."

Though quickly moving to obey, Daniel made an unpleasant face before doing so, rolling his eyes as well. Ethan, displeased by this reaction, grabbed him forcefully by the chin, angling his head upward and moving close enough to be intimidating.

"Listen. What you just did, that face, that thing with your eyes, as far as I'm concerned, that's just as bad as talking back. You need to know I won't let you do it again. Understand?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I won't do it again," Daniel apologized.

"I hope that's true. Now get those shoes off..."

The worn, canvas high-tops seemed to augment the already powerful funk of the locker room as Daniel extracted his feet. Now that his boy was completely nude, Ethan resumed the lesson.

"...Hands behind your head, Daniel. Let me look at you. This is really turning you on. Your dick is bouncing hard, little buddy. Flex, bounce, flex, bounce, leak, leak, leak - that's all you do, isn't it?"

Since the question was clearly rhetorical, Daniel chose not to answer verbally. Instead, he silently admitted the obvious with a nod of his head.

"Now, I want you to feel the cold tile under your feet. Go ahead and curl your toes on it, like you're trying to grip the floor with them..."

Daniel's toes flexed beneath him, pressing against the chilly surface.

"Yeah, just like that," Ethan continued, pleased with the way Daniel was working with him. "Try to remember the first time your bare feet touched a locker room floor. Let that memory come back to you, try to recapture the details. While you're remembering, take a deep breath and hold it in..."

Ethan paused long enough to take a deep breath himself.

"Do you smell that? It's like a combination of sweat, testosterone, and urinals -- god, I love that smell! I wonder how many nasty, crusty jock straps have been through this room..."

The images Ethan was conjuring in Daniel's mind began to get to him. His cock pulsed forcefully in response and a glimmering strand of precum flowed from the tip, slowly stretching to the floor.

Ethan opened his gym bag and pulled out a clear, re-closeable baggy. Inside the plastic was a pair of socks.

"These are the socks I wore Wednesday and Thursday. They were on my feet, inside those shoes you hate so much for two days, dude. Close your eyes..."

When Daniel shut his eyes, Ethan opened the bag slightly, holding the breach under his boy's nose.

"Take a deep breath," he instructed.

The foul, concentrated aroma instantly flooded Daniel's nostrils. Though his conscious mind detested this odor, his intense sexual energy caused his body to respond differently. As Ethan watched, Daniel's cock swelled visibly and a strong contraction between his testicles and anus forced him to become drippier still.

Opening the bag, Ethan stretched one of the socks to lengthen it slightly before tying the band of cloth around Daniel's head like a blindfold. Though not directly over his nose, it was close enough to provide a constant dose of the strong vapors during the rest of their session. He'd moved Daniel's hands to tie off the sock, so he returned them to the back of his head. Since this was now a familiar position, Daniel maintained it without instruction. Ethan sat on a nearby bench, removed the second sock from the bag, and gently rolled it over Daniel's dick, looking something like a sock condom.

Ethan looked up at his prize, thoroughly pleased with his work, and knew he loved this boy. After retrieving the digital camera from his gym bag, he took a few still shots for the collection he intended to start.

"OK, Daniel," Ethan said while continuing to take photos. "You've had long enough to think. What is your first memory of being in a locker room?"

"Middle school, the first one I remember was in middle school."

"Why does that one stand out in your mind?"

"Can we take the sock off my dick?" Daniel asked while anxiously shifting his weight between his feet.

"No. Answer the question...and stop fidgeting."

"I don't know," he whined. "That's just the first one I remember."

"Did you feel comfortable when you had to use that locker room?"

"No - never...I hated being in there."


"Ethan, you know how shy I am. I didn't like getting undressed in front of the other guys."

"You don't look so shy right now," Ethan snickered. "Did you shower with everyone else or were you one of those fuckers who'd rather walk around sweaty all day instead of getting naked?"

"The second one," Daniel admitted. "I never showered with the other guys."

"Wow, you must've been really bashful. I know how much you hate to stink. For you to choose that instead of a simple shower..."

Daniel's body began to shake. The tiny tremors began slowly but soon seemed to be overwhelming him.

"We really need to take the sock off my dick..."


"I'm...I'm gonna cum in it," Daniel said through clenched teeth.

"You'd better not..."

"I can't help it...please take it off."

"No. What else do you remember about that locker room?"

"That's it, that's all I remember."

"You're lying to me, Daniel. I can tell by the way your cock is shaking. There's something else, isn't there?"

"Well, yeah, there is something else, but I don't wanna talk about it."

"I don't care about that, dude. Tell me..."

"Joshua...Joshua Williams," he spat out suddenly.

Daniel's shaking became instantly more intense. He'd almost forgotten about this shameful incident from his past, having done his best to blot it from his mind. He felt his cock spasming inside the acrid tube of fabric gently squeezing it.

"What about Joshua Williams? Who was he?"

"We were in the same homeroom in eighth grade."

"Were you two friends or something?"

"No, we never even talked..."

"Then why did you remember him?"

"I was, well...kinda obsessed with him. I couldn't stop thinking about him."

"Awwww, that's so cute," Ethan gently teased. "You had a crush on him."

"That's not how I thought about it at the time, but yeah, I guess I did. God, please take off the sock," he whined frantically. "I don't want you to get mad at me..."

"You're doing fine," Ethan reassured him. "But you've got me curious now. For some reason, you associate this Joshua guy with locker rooms. Why is that?"

"He was just the opposite of me in the locker room. He'd get naked and horse around with the other guys, laughing and carrying on like it was no big deal..."

"And you liked looking at him, didn't you?"

"Yeah, I did," Daniel admitted, causing his cock to belch a thick slug of precum into the sock.

"Is that everything? He never caught you staring at him?"

"No, I was careful. I don't think he ever noticed."

"Then I don't get it," Ethan said, somewhat confused. "There's something else you're not telling me. Your body's reaction to this memory is too intense for that to be all there is. What are you leaving out?"

"God, I'm gonna cum soon. Please take off the sock."

"I'll take it off when you tell me why this Joshua memory turns you on so much. What are you not telling me?"

"One day," Daniel whimpered. "...while the other guys were in the shower..."

"Yeah, go on. Tell me..."

"...I went through his bag and stole his underwear..."

Ethan stopped for a moment, frozen in place with his mouth ajar, shocked by this incredible admission, before slowly beginning to chuckle.

"You did what?" he asked through his giggles.

"I don't know why I did it. The idea just popped in my head and his bag was right there. No one was around so I just took `em. I put his underwear in my backpack and left really fast. Oh fuck, please take off the sock."

"Hold on, don't cum yet. What the hell did you do with his underwear?"

"Don't make me say it..."

"You don't need to be embarrassed around me. I won't tell anybody."

Daniel lowered his voice to a whisper before admitting the most shameful detail of his story.

"...I sniffed `em when I jerked off."

Despite Ethan's reassurances that Daniel shouldn't be embarrassed, he couldn't stifle the need to laugh.

"Dude, how in the hell did you not know you were gay!" he chuckled.

"Please take the sock off now..."

True to his word, Ethan grabbed the sock by the toe and tugged gently, causing it to slide forward, inch by agonizing inch, over Daniel's swollen erection. He fully expected his buddy to cum, and had already decided not to punish him for this lapse, given how amusing his story had been. Astonishingly, Daniel held back, spilling only a few sticky streams of precum when the sock cleared the head of his dick. Ethan also removed the sock covering his eyes, returning both to the plastic bag inside his satchel.

"I'm impressed, Daniel. Let's walk to the showers."

The locker room had a large alcove-type shower with no stalls and ten aging showerheads, five on each side, with tile covering the floor and walls. Beneath their feet, two large drains were in place to wisk away the sweaty jock water. Ethan reached into his gym bag and extracted two lengths of rope.

"...Hands in the air," he instructed.

"Please don't tie me up, not in here," Daniel begged.

Ethan simply smiled in response. Knowing that this was going to happen no matter what he said, Daniel raised his arms submissively, allowing Ethan to bind his wrists to the showerheads above. Although his feet remained free to move, he was secured quite well and wouldn't be leaving until Ethan chose to release him.

"That's right, good and tight," Ethan praised his knots. "I don't want you moving too much this afternoon, though you'll still have plenty of room to squirm, and you'll be doing a lot of that."

"What are you gonna do?" Daniel asked timidly.

Ethan's mischievous grin didn't help settle his nerves; in fact, the sinful smile and raised eyebrows only served to increase his anxiety.

"I'm gonna tease your cock to within an inch of your life this afternoon and you will not cum. You can even try if you want - believe me, it's not gonna happen. Ever since we first started jacking off together, I've been studying your body, how you act right before you nut. After the first few times, I knew when you were gonna shoot before you did. You can beg if you want, I don't care, but honestly, it'll be a complete waste of energy. You will not be shooting your jizz until we fuck tonight. I'll see to that."

Although he'd been edged last night for nearly eight hours, Daniel had been high during that ordeal, not to mention alone in Ethan's room with no chance of getting caught. His controller reached forward and gently fondled his scrotum. Daniel's neglected dick responded by expelling a glop of slime onto his forearm.

"I bet I'll get a gallon of that shit out of you this afternoon," Ethan predicted menacingly.

He removed his hand and briefly left the shower, returning with a small section of bench from the locker area. Placing it in front of his bound victim, he sat and started to work. Though Ethan had only recently introduced him to this process, Daniel had experienced enough of it to be fascinated by how something so pleasurable could simultaneously make him suffer.

Ethan gingerly wrapped his fingers around the shaft of the erect cock pointed at his face and began an agonizingly slow back and forth motion designed to send Daniel to a place where the border of heaven touches the abyss of hell. He spoke continuously as he worked, his voice far louder than Daniel wished, echoing off the tiles, amplifying the sound to dangerous, detectable levels.

"Yeah, you'll like this. I'm gonna get you so worked up you'll feel like screaming. Here, I'll just use my fingernail to scratch underneath the head. Look at that fucker bounce, dude! I love watching that. You just can't hold it still, can you? Damn, look how much precum you're leaking!"

Daniel lowered his head and looked. His tense cock was convulsing wildly, flailing hard enough to strike his abdomen occasional, the head sticky wet and drooling continuously.

"I'll just take a bit of that juice and rub it around the rim. There, that's it...just like that. Oops, I'd better stop. Your balls jumped up and we've still got time to kill. Maybe I'll try to get `em to drop back down a little. Hold on. I'll start with this one. Wow, it's kinda hard to get a good grip since it's pulled up so tight. Oh wait, I got it now. I'm gonna pull it down. Yeah, that's more like it. I'll just roll it around in my fingertips for a few minutes. Your nuts are really smooth, Daniel. I like that, makes 'em easy to finger. Do you shave them?"


"Damn, really? There's hardly a hair on them. Now that they're loose again, I'm gonna wrap my fist around the top of your bag and pull down using short tugs, like this..."

"Oh god, that feels weird," Daniel moaned.

"FUCK! You're really leaking now, bitch! And I'm not even touching your cock, dude. How are you gonna handle a whole afternoon of this?"

"I don't know. I need to cum so bad..."

"You knew the first day we met that I was an exhibitionist, but I never thought you'd get into it. I can imagine how degrading this must be for you, how nervous you must be. You're in a public place, tied up, your dick out of control, on the verge of an orgasm you know I won't let you have. But instead of embarrassing you, it seems to turn you on even more. Here I am, bouncing your dick up and down, using your fucking ballsack as a handle, and you just keep slinging prefuck. I just wish Joshua Williams was here to see this..."

"Fuck, please Ethan, I need to cum so bad..." Daniel whimpered.

The haze of words was having a powerful effect on both Daniel and his cock, the persistent scrotum tugging pushing him still closer to an edge he wouldn't be crossing any time soon.

"I'm gonna rub my hand over your dick once. Get ready for it. See my palm hovering over your cock. I'm getting ready to touch it. No, I'll wait a few more seconds first. Then I'll wrap my fingers around it and give you one slow stroke from base to tip. Let's see how it responds..."

Daniel moaned in ecstasy when Ethan's fingers gently squeezed the base of his prick and corkscrewed once, and only once, up to the head.

"Fuck! You should've seen your knees buckle just then. I thought you were about to fall over! Good thing for the ropes, huh? Let's try it again."

The second pass felt just as exquisite as the first. Despite his desire to keep quiet, Daniel couldn't suppress the guttural groan that escaped his lips, much louder than he'd intended.

"Yeah, I love to hear you moan like a bitch, Daniel. Moan for me, louder. That's right, moan for me."

Ethan kept this up until Daniel forgot about his surroundings and was vocalizing loud enough to fill the locker room with sound.

"Maybe I'll spend some time just scratching your nuts. Here, I'll start on the right one, then spend a little time on the left. Whoa dude, calm down. I'll stop for a few minutes and let you catch your breath. You got a little too close that time. How does it feel to be tied naked in a locker room while your boyfriend works your drippy dick to the edge?"


"Yeah, you're my boyfriend now. I know you're new to this, but what did you think we were? It's about time we hooked up as more than jerk off buddies. I mean, you've been using me in your fantasies ever since we met. That doesn't bother me. Actually, I think it's kinda sweet. But you owe me for all those amazing orgasms you've had while thinking about me. How many times has it been? How many times have you creamed your panties thinking about my cock, dreaming about my foreskin? Huh Daniel, how many?"

"I don't know, Ethan -- a lot..."

"That's what I'm saying, you owe me! Tonight, you'll start paying me back when I shoot my scalding hot jizz up your tight, fuckable ass. I'd show you my cock right now but I'm afraid you'd cum. You couldn't handle it..."

Ethan's assumption was correct and Daniel knew it. In his current state of arousal, the sight of his dick would make the poor boy cover the entire shower with spooge, and not even Ethan's skill could stop him.

"You ARE ready for more teasing though. Maybe I should spend a few minutes just running my fingers through your pubes. Yeah, I love it when you suck your fucking breath in like that! You like it, don't you? I'm scratching your cockroot through the short and curlies. Damn dude, you've got a strand of prick juice stretching all the way to the floor. One of these days I need to figure out a way to measure how much of this shit you make..."

"Ethan," Daniel begged. "Please, I really need to cum..."

"I told you, not in here. I'll let you spew when we fuck and not a second before. Remember last night, how good it felt to cum with something inside you? I want you ready to do the same thing with me."

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!!" Daniel yelled loud enough to be heard all through the building.

"Eventually," Ethan continued, ignoring the frenzied grumbling from above. "...I'll teach you how to orgasm on command. It takes a while to learn how, at least it did for me, but I have high hopes for us. I think we'll be together a long time. Then, all I'll need to do is tell you to cum and you will, no matter where we are or what we're doing. We'll be in college, maybe at the library, and I'll look at you across the table and whisper 'cum'. Believe it or not, you'll start creaming your jeans, unable to stop it..."


"Once we get outta this god-awful town, I won't let you wear underwear, so your jizz will bleed right through the front of your pants. That'll be pretty embarrassing, huh? All those other students, some of them our friends, they'll be looking at your messy pants and giggling. You want me to teach you how to do that, Daniel? Want me to control you like that? Of course you do. For a guy like me, who gets off over being in control, there's no better gift than a boy who'll let you dominate his orgasms, just like you're doing now..."

Though Daniel couldn't tell long he'd been bound, hanging suspended from these showerheads, it felt like at least two hours. In truth, they'd only been playing for forty-five minutes. It was hot in the tiled alcove, since the air conditioning had been shut off for the weekend, and he was sweating liberally. With his arms raised, he began to detect his own scent, only adding to his sense of desperation. He didn't know whether to beg Ethan to stop or for permission to cum. Either way, he knew it wouldn't make any difference.

Out of the blue, they both heard the metal, outer gym door open in the distance and slam closed again. Ethan remained comfortably seated, relaxed and at ease, as if he hadn't even noticed the loud clamor.

"Ethan," Daniel whispered. "Somebody's here..."

"Then you'd better be quiet," he suggested calmly.

The boy swiftly panicked, scrambling backwards to press his body against the tile in a futile effort to hide. Though the shower was in the rear of the room, hidden from the front by several rows of lockers, if anyone walked this far back, they'd be completely exposed. Ethan had his friend so fucking horny he couldn't get his cock to soften in the least. In fact, hearing the sound of others in the building seemed to make him even harder, a situation which became worse when the teasing resumed. Daniel was on the edge of an orgasm he couldn't bring himself to have, even if Ethan allowed it, not right here, not like this.

The far off sound of classmates engaged in good-natured joking echoed in the cavernous basketball court, slowly approaching. The locker room door swung open loudly and an unknown number of guys wandered inside.

Ethan raised a single finger to his lips and made a quiet "Shhhh" sound. The boy bit his lip, certainly not wanting to give away their position, or the activity they were currently engaged in.

Daniel felt faint from the stress this situation was causing, his heart feeling as though it would fly out of his chest. The new arrivals continued to talk and joke with one another, opening lockers and changing clothes. Knowing they were getting undressed just a few feet away did nothing to help his dick go down. Ethan released it, smiling as he watched it rebound, dribbling dog-water every time it spasmed. Finally, they heard the door swing open again and the voices grew muffled and distant, replaced by the familiar sound of basketballs striking the hard wooden court.

"Stay quiet, buddy," Ethan said calmly. "I wasn't expecting anybody to be here today, but we can't leave until they do and I'm not gonna stop teasing you. This means we'll be here longer than I intended, but we can't do anything about that now. If you don't wanna get caught, keep your mouth shut..."

"Ethan," Daniel whispered cautiously. "Your shoes are still out there..."

Instantly on his feet, Ethan hastily exited the shower. He spotted the high-tops, snatched them up, and returned to the alcove.

"I'm glad you remembered," he whispered to Daniel.

Ethan tied the laces of the shoes together loosely before hanging the smelly sneakers around Daniel's neck, where the funk they incessantly emitted could drift upward into his nose.

"Oh, don't make that face," Ethan chided. "Sooner or later, you're gonna love that smell. It'll be almost as effective as poppers..."

While their unknown classmates played basketball, Ethan resumed Daniel's session, bringing him to the brink so many times the boy lost count. Now that he couldn't make any noise, the torturous stimulation was even more difficult to endure.

Ethan feared Daniel might lose his erection, even with his determined manipulation, what with the possibility of discovery hanging over their heads. This concern turned out to be unfounded. In fact, the opposite was true. The idea of being exposed was making his boy HOTTER! His cock was sopping wet, moving non stop, like it had a mind and will of its own, waiting for a single errant touch to initiate the unstoppable. Ethan, however, was far too skilled to make such a mistake.

For Daniel, three sounds consumed his mind while enduring this ordeal; the "bounce, bounce, bounce" of basketballs, the "squeak, squeak, squeak" of shoes on the court, and the "squish, squish, squish" of the hand on his cock. After what seemed like another hour, the players returned to the locker room. Daniel, overcome by apprehension, prayed silently that no one would decide to shower.

For his part, Ethan was nervous as well. But he was accustomed to risky, exhibitionist behavior and held up better under the stress, confident and quick enough mentally to talk his way out of most situations. Fortunately, he didn't need those skills today, as their unidentified classmates simply changed and headed for the door. As soon as the weighty, outer door clanged shut, Ethan untied his frightened, but incredibly horny boyfriend.

Once dressed and safely back in the car, Daniel released a heavy, pent up sigh, relieved that they'd managed to avoid being caught. Ethan looked his boy over, trying to evaluate his reaction to what they'd just done, and grinned...

"You enjoyed that, didn't you? Admit it, it's ok..."

"I was scared the whole time, but yeah, it was kinda hot," he confessed.

"If we keep doing things like that, eventually we'll get caught. Are you sure you can handle the pressure?"

"As long as we don't end up in jail, I'd be willing to do it again."

"Nice. If I kiss you, will you cum?"

"No, I'm fine right now," Daniel advised. Then he smiled and added submissively, "I won't shoot...I promise."

Ethan's eyes gleamed with both pride and happiness.

"Wanna make out for while before we go home? You really need the practice. I still can't get over what a lousy kisser you are."

"Here, in the school parking lot?"

"The straight kids do it! Besides, it's not as bad as what we just finished doing..."

Daniel's face beamed with joyfulness, his smile as wide as Ethan's. He was genuinely glad he'd taken this risk. Despite his promise not to cum, they had to stop after only five minutes to avoid an accidental ejaculation. Ethan still wanted Daniel to wait until they fucked...and it almost time to get started.


Once back at the house, they wandered upstairs to his bedroom and broke out the bong, discussing what was going to happen tonight. Ethan was relaxed; confident Daniel wanted this and wouldn't need to be forced to follow orders. During this time, Daniel had the opportunity to experience what it's like to have a more "traditional" relationship with another man. Ethan was friendly and tender, holding his young lover like the virgin he was, cherishing the prized gift he was about to sacrifice for him.

"You'd better enjoy this while it lasts, Daniel," he advised. "Like I told you this morning, I'm normally a lot meaner than this..."

"I know..." he answered quietly.

"Which do you like better -- bossy Ethan or sweet Ethan?"

"I like `em both," Daniel said honestly. "Which are you gonna be tonight, when we start to, you know?"

"Fuck?" Ethan laughed. "Which one do you want?"

Daniel considered the question briefly, not expecting he'd have any say in the matter, assuming it would be rough whether he wanted it or not. He realized he'd started to enjoy Ethan's domineering attitude, was sexually aroused by it, and might, in fact, prefer it. Not that the romance wasn't nice, it was; just being near Ethan was nice, but he wanted the guy he'd fallen in love with to take his virginity. Like it or not, that was the meaner version.

"I think I'd like bossy Ethan," he admitted timidly.

"Seriously," he laughed in response. "You really like it when I boss you around, don't you? I was gonna take it easy on you tonight, but if you think you can handle it, I'll be happy to give it to you."

"Let's do it rough," Daniel suggested. "Afterwards, you know, once we're done, maybe we can go back to this."

"You got it, dude. But I'll need you to do something for me too."


Ethan positioned himself so he could see Daniel's face before he spoke.

"I want you to act slutty..."

Daniel cringed at the suggestion.

"What would I have to do?"

"Be vocal, loud, get into it. Say every trashy, nasty thing that comes into your head. Shit! That would turn me on so much."

Daniel bit his lower lip, clearly uneasy.

"I'm not sure I can say things like that. It's really not in my nature."

"I know that," Ethan reassured him. "That's why I was thinking we could make a game out of it, you know, role-play some..."

"How would that work?"

"I'll be a little more aggressive than normal and you'll be a little sluttier. Just pretend you're somebody else, you know, like acting; then you can say anything you want without worrying how it makes you sound..."

"I don't know, Ethan..."

"Tell you what, how `bout we do it my way the first time. Then, we'll take a break, rest some, and do it again. The second time, we'll be romantic. That's an offer you won't get very often from me. Hell, I think I can even scrounge up some candles. How's that sound?"

"I won't have to say all those nasty things the second time?"

"You won't have to," Ethan began with a devious grin. "...but I bet you will anyway."

"Alright," Daniel consented. "We can try it like that."

"Do you need another hit before we get started?"

"No, I think I'm good."

Actually, Daniel wanted to be clear-headed enough to remember tonight, every single detail.

"Suit yourself, but I need a bit more green. Listen, my parents have a huge tub in their bathroom. It's the last door at the end of the hall. Go in there and run a hot bath. Once it's ready, just wait on your knees by the tub. I'll be there in a few minutes..."

Once he found it, Daniel could see why Ethan chose his parent's bathroom; the tub was massive, more like a Jacuzzi, complete with jets and roomy enough to accommodate two people comfortably. He filled it with hot, steamy water and waited for Ethan's arrival, obediently on his knees.

When he entered the room, Daniel grinned in anticipation. Bossy Ethan had obviously returned.

"Undress me..." he demanded coldly.

Daniel stood and dutifully removed the few articles of clothing his buddy still wore. As he slipped the tight t-shirt over his long, jet-black hair, he marveled at the strong, smooth chest underneath. Unbuttoning the khaki shorts, he allowed them to fall to the floor at Ethan's colossal feet. His jockeys clung to his swollen package tightly, thoroughly moist, the wetness a testament to his own lengthy arousal. Daniel could plainly see the outline of his cock through the damp material and his heart raced, confirming his growing eagerness. After hooking his fingers under the waistband, he lowered these as well, watching closely as Ethan's dick sprung upward proudly, freed from its dank, cotton prison, pulsing as it swelled toward a full erection.

"Listen up, boy. The reason we're here is because you haven't admitted you like the smell of a man yet. But before I get in, as a little `thank you' for my generosity, you WILL suck on my toes for a few minutes..."

Ethan sat on the edge of the tub and pointed to the floor between his feet. When Daniel didn't immediately move, he snapped his fingers loudly and pointed again.

"You don't wanna piss me off, dude."

Daniel dropped to his knees. Ethan was right; this wasn't something he particularly enjoyed doing. In his mind, feet weren't sexual at all, certainly not intended for sucking. Still, he wanted to please Ethan and lifted the right foot to his face. Despite the musk, he opened his mouth and began to lick the skin of the toes. The young top seated on the edge of the tub grew impatient, and flexed his broad, flat big toe repeatedly, causing Daniel's tongue to cover more or the surface.

"I didn't ask you to lick `em, Daniel," he corrected. "I said suck. You don't have to like it yet, that'll come in time. You just need to do it. Now get busy."

Offering no verbal objection, the boy opened his mouth, allowing the toe to slip inside, before beginning to suck. In spite of the powerful funk, Daniel realized it wasn't that bad. Letting his mind wander as he worked, he wondered if it was the foot itself, the smell, or just servicing Ethan that was making his cock so incredibly hard.

He was about to find out...

"I've been thinking," Ethan began. "What ever happened to that guy's underwear, the pair you stole from the locker room? What was his name, Joshua something?"

"Joshua Williams..."

"Yeah, that's right. What'd you finally do, throw `em away?"

"No, I burned them," replied Daniel emphatically while switching feet.

"...Interesting," Ethan said softly. "Why not just toss `em in a dumpster somewhere?"

"I didn't want anybody to find out. Burning them seemed like the best choice."

While Daniel continued to suck his boyfriend's toes, Ethan considered this new piece of information from his past.

"That doesn't make any sense," he finally said. "You could've found a place to ditch `em and nobody would've known. You burned them for a reason. Take my foot outta your mouth and look up here."

Daniel placed the foot gently on the floor and stared up expectantly. Ethan was still thinking, nodding his head, a smile slowly spreading across his face as he put the pieces together.

"I know what happened," he said quietly, almost to himself. "That event pushed you over the edge. You were at the breaking point, your conscious mind about to figure out you were gay, and you just couldn't take it. The reason you burned them is because you needed to destroy them..."

It was so simple. Daniel couldn't believe he'd never seen it himself.

"Oh god," Ethan continued. "It explains your fanatical aversion to smells too. You said you used to sniff Joshua's underwear when you jerked off, right?"

"Yeah," Daniel admitted, wondering where this was going.

"So you obviously liked it. Then, after you burned them, you convinced yourself smells were nasty just so you wouldn't have to deal with it..."

Daniel took a moment to process this theory before asking a question.

"Have you decided on a major yet?"

"No. Why?"

"You might wanna consider psychology..."

Without responding, Ethan stood and stepped into the tub, releasing a contented sigh as the relaxing, warm waters enveloped his body.

"Get a cloth from the linen closet," he ordered.

Daniel opened the cabinet and quickly found a soft, terry washcloth. When he returned to Ethan, the relaxed top looked up and smiled.

"Wash me..."

Kneeling outside the tub, Daniel moistening the cloth and devotedly began his task. After pulling aside the shoulder-length, raven hair, he washed away the sweat that had accumulated on Ethan's face during their stay at the gym. Proceeding down his neck to his strong back and shoulders, he lifted each arm slowly to scrub the black, hairy pits. After completing both arms, he tenderly cleaned Ethan's young chest, before moving farther down, over his tight abdomen and narrow hips.

Ethan was clearly enjoying this service, moaning periodically as his submissive new toy cleaned his body. After allowing Daniel to wash down his crotch, he threw one leg over the side of the tub, sending water splashing to the floor.

"Don't forget my ass, dude..."

Daniel re-soaped the rag and thrust it into the warm water, between his master's legs, groping around to locate his anus. Once he found it, he washed with the same attention to detail he'd used on every other part of his body. Moving down each leg, Daniel eventually arrived at the long, slender, masculine feet. He stopped for a moment and considered asking a question. Ethan noticed his hesitation.

"Why'd you stop?"

"I don't think I wanna wash your feet."

Ethan's face grew angry. For a moment, Daniel was afraid he was about to be slapped.

"The only reason I'm bathing is for you," he reminded sternly.

"I know," Daniel stammered. "I was just thinking maybe...well, maybe we should leave them dirty..."

Ethan's hostile expression melted in an instant, replaced by a widening smirk. Without saying a word, he rose to his feet. Daniel scrambled to locate a towel and used it to dry his body. Pleased with his boyfriend's display of devotion, he stood passively, allowing his boy to do his job.

After exiting the tub and allowing Daniel to dry his feet, Ethan pointed at the filthy, rapidly cooling water.

"Get in..."

Daniel stared at the tub and the used bathwater it contained.

"It's dirty," he observed, partly hoping this was a joke.

"I know, get in..."

Complying meekly, he stepped inside the tub and sat uncomfortably. Ethan bent at the waist, placing his lips over Daniel's ear and began to whisper seductively.

"Now, while you're sitting in that water, I want you to think of me. Think of all the places that dirt came from. You'll be washing me again tomorrow, but next time you'll be using your tongue. Understand?"

"Yeah, I understand," he answered, his cock pulsing vigorously, thinking of all the places he'd need to lick to get Ethan as clean as he was right now.

"Go ahead and wash up. Pay careful attention to your ass. Once you're done, go downstairs and kneel by the sofa. I'll be down shortly."

Ethan turned and abruptly exited the bathroom, leaving Daniel sitting in the grimy, used water. To his amazement, being immersed in liquid just used to clean his boyfriend's superb body made his cock even harder. He quickly washed in the now tepid bath and made his way downstairs to wait by the couch.

When Ethan entered the room, Daniel could tell by his exaggerated swagger that he was already role-playing. He shot a vicious smirk in Daniel's direction upon seeing him kneeling submissively on the floor awaiting his arrival. He held this stare for several moments, waiting for his boy to flinch. His heart pounding, Daniel found this over-the-top attitude incredibly exciting, not to mention a bit intimidating. He instinctively broke the long stare and bowed his head, similar to the way a dog would defer to the alpha male of the pack.

The arrogant top approached the DVD player and opened the drawer. Ethan's parents owned an extremely large, plasma television and Daniel assumed he wanted to watch some porn on the massive screen. As Ethan took a seat on the couch, in front of his expectant boy, he issued his first instruction.

"Listen up, bitch," he said contemptuously. "You're gonna rub my feet now. Once they're relaxed and stress-free, then you're gonna lick them. Just pretend there's an imaginary line around my ankles. You need to tongue every square inch of skin beneath that line. You're gonna lick my heels, in between my toes, along the arch, everywhere. I sure wouldn't lick another dude's feet, but you're not the same kind of man as me, are you?"

It was now clear Ethan was deliberately being more hostile than was his nature. If he wanted to play this game, Daniel decided to make it as hot as possible, to give him everything he wanted.

"No, I'm not," the boy answered meekly, intentionally allowing his voice to sound slightly scared.

Ethan smiled without breaking character. His boyfriend obviously understood what was happening. Better yet, he was playing along.

"That's right. We're in totally different leagues, you and me, and this will help cement that fact in your mind, teach you your new place in the world. Now get to work. Take as long as you need, we got all night..."

After lifting the right foot, Daniel gave it a deep and comprehensive massage. His fingers dug into the arch, causing Ethan to sigh in satisfaction as he relaxed comfortably on the couch. Daniel flexed the foot in his hands, stretching the muscles along the top and the Achilles tendon. Going further still, he pulled the toes tenderly, moving them in small circles to alleviate any accumulated stress. Before he realized it, he'd spent fifteen minutes on a single foot. Since it made sense to give the other massive foot the same level of attention, he spent a total of thirty minutes on the massage.

Now it was time for the tongue bath.

Once he began to lick, Ethan pressed PLAY on the DVD remote. Instantly, Daniel recognized the recording of last night's session in the chair. Though he couldn't see the screen from this vantage point, he could hear well enough, the soundtrack serving as a reminder of what happened and causing his cock to throb helplessly between his legs. Daniel thought of how far he'd come this weekend, with Ethan's assistance, of course. Just twenty-four hours ago, he would've never imagined he'd be on the floor with his buddy's toes in his mouth, waiting patiently to get fucked.

He used his tongue to provide a full and meticulous foot bath. Despite being submerged in the tub, much of the funk remained, imbedded in the skin apparently, leaving them still somewhat musky. The scent was stronger at the toes, which is where Daniel spent most of his time. His dick was fully wet and already dripping when it came time to switch feet. Once both had received the attention they deserved, Ethan gave Daniel his next instruction...

"Turn around and lean over the coffee table. I want your chest pressed against the surface. Now, watch the movie and don't move..."

In this new position, Daniel's chest and abdomen rested on the table while his ass pointed toward the sofa, directly at Ethan. His prick had been caught by the edge of the table and was pointed at the floor, dripping liberally. The images from last night were unbelievable, making him appear to be a complete, degenerate slut. Ethan's cum was all over him, causing a brief flashback to the moment it happened. Daniel could almost feel the warm, thick liquid splashing over his face, almost taste the salty bitterness of semen on his tongue. His dick began to throb, absolutely rigid, pumping prejizz onto the floor.

"I like having your ass on display like that," Ethan said. "Reach behind and pull your cheeks apart. Show me the hole I'm gonna fuck tonight."

Vulgar as this sounded, Daniel knew it was part of the game and quickly obeyed. Ethan leaned in for a better look and began to blow lightly across the tight rosebud, causing Daniel to shudder at the strange new stimulus. He kept this up for nearly ten minutes, spreading the flesh wider to provide ample access, occasionally reaching underneath to give his boy's cock a few short tugs, rather like milking a cow. Daniel's pent up sexual need had just gone into overdrive when Ethan tired of the activity, reclining once more into the lush sofa and propping his feet near Daniel's head.

"Take your index finger and massage the outside of your cunt. Do it really slow, like you're trying to convince me to fuck it. Wiggle your cute little ass around when you do it."

Daniel's debasement was getting Ethan hot.

Becoming increasingly charged by the minute, Daniel made a decision to comply with all future orders, no matter how decadent or degrading they seemed. Using one hand to keep his ass spread, he allowed the index finger of the other to contact the wrinkled flesh of his hole, inhaling sharply at the unexpected gratification it provided. He'd never touched that spot in the context of sexual arousal and was shocked by how good it felt. Minutes later, he was massaging the ring of his "cunt" with newfound enthusiasm.

Ethan noticed the change in his attitude...

"That's it, bitch! Rub that pussy for me. Get it nice and relaxed, ready to be fucked. Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, better than I expected", he moaned in response.

"Put that finger in your mouth and wet it. Get your hole nice and slick. We'll need to stretch it some before you take my cock."

After wetting his finger with all the moisture his mouth could provide, he returned it to his ass. Placing the slick digit on his hole, he rubbed in tiny circles around the rim, feeling the ring relax further. He knew his boyfriend was masturbating as he watched from behind and that knowledge served to make him hornier, resulting in an even more passionate self-massage. By now, he was not only enjoying this activity, but getting off on it as well.

"Slip your finger inside, bitch! Not far, just an inch or so. Move it around some. I wish you could see how slutty you look, presenting your hole like a cat in heat. It's a hot ass though, made just for fucking..."

Daniel obeyed without faltering. It was an easy breach since the muscle had relaxed and his finger remained wet. An spontaneous groan of absolute bliss escaped his mouth, thoroughly amusing Ethan. His finger began to pry and wiggle within the virgin hole, pulling to one side, then the other, moving in small circles and loosening the opening further.

"That's more like it! Finger that cunt. Get it ready for my cock. Make room for all my jizz. I'm gonna breed you tonight, you worthless whore. They say you never forget your first fuck; and goddamn, I'm gonna be unforgettable. If your finger gets dry, put it back in your mouth and keep going. I'll just let you simmer on low for a bit while you watch your movie..."

For Daniel, this was almost as tortuous as edging. His prick was pounding mercilessly, leaking on the floor between his legs. He felt each new batch of juice as it left his slit and dripped lazily off the head. Remarkably, he no longer had that much interest in his cock; rather, he was single-mindedly focused on his ass.

Ethan was pleased by the sight of his boy's finger continuously exploring his newly accepted pussy, pausing only occasionally to re-lube it with spit and jam it back inside. He allowed this blistering hot finger fuck to go on for fifteen minutes before pushing Daniel one step further.

"Stick your middle finger up there too. Let's see my baby widen his hole a little more. Keep wiggling your ass. Remember, you're trying to make me want it..."

The second finger slipped alongside the first with little pain, such was his level of relaxation, and Daniel began to realize the tremendous sexual high that comes from penetration. Though his hole felt full, it almost begged for more, challenging him to see how far he could go. He wiggled his fingers and moved them in circles, before finally spreading them apart slightly and opening the ring, exposing his insides to another person for the first time.

Ethan was impressed.

"Hell yeah, bitch...stretch that pussy! You know you need this. You just didn't realize it until you met me. I'm glad I could finally bring you to your senses. Fuck, it's gonna be hot to take your sweet, virgin cherry. Work those fingers, cunt! You'd better not stop `til you get three up there!"

Having predicted this next step, Daniel was mentally prepared for the attempt and tried to insert a third finger, experiencing some discomfort, but nothing he couldn't work through. Soon, all three were inside, stretching his ass wider than he thought possible. He began to buck on the invading fingers, and accidentally discovered a place inside the warm cavity that felt incredible when he rubbed it. The stimulation made his cock spasm, leaping, twitching, and flailing around, transforming his dick into a virtual precum dispenser.

Ethan was in heaven. In his wildest dreams, he never thought he'd see Daniel frigging his ass so passionately, of his own free will, while he sat back and watched his new boyfriend's inhibitions collapse. The boy was on fire, in heat. Ethan knew he'd found his prostate, and let Daniel play with the swollen gland inside him for several more minutes while watching carefully for signs of an approaching orgasm. He was close, that much was obvious, but the sensation was still new to him, and he didn't seem capable yet of going over the edge from this action alone. Ethan grinned sinfully when Daniel started punching the spot repeatedly, no longer caring how he looked. He was getting close, too close.

As much as he hated to do it, he decided the horny little bottom needed some redirection.

Just seconds prior to reaching the point of inevitability, Ethan ordered Daniel to remove his fingers and hold his ass open for inspection. As the boy grasped one cheek in each hand and pulled them apart, the ring of muscle gaped open, not much, but enough to make Ethan want to plow through it right here in the living room.

Once Daniel's body had backed away from his aborted orgasm, Ethan easily inserted his own finger and went directly for the magic spot.

"Oh my fucking god!" the boy screamed. A sudden rush of precum was expelled from his cock in response to the pressure on the lump.

"Nice," Ethan whispered. "Are you ready for some more edging, Daniel?"

"You'll make me cum..."

"No I won't. I know what I'm doing, bitch. Just relax and enjoy it."

At this point, Ethan began to play a treacherous game of brinkmanship, seeing how close he could push Daniel to orgasm before denying him once again. He seemed to have an uncanny ability to read the boy's body language, knowing exactly when a single additional punch to his prostate would send him spewing. During the final cycle, his semen was poised for escape when Ethan summarily extracted his finger and slapped his ass viciously. The shock of the stinging blow interrupted the chain of events that usually ends in orgasm and he was stopped cold once more, reduced to trembling on the table.

"Stay put, boy. Don't move a fucking muscle..."

Ethan stood and watched Daniel submissively maintain this undignified position, head and chest on the table, ass in the air, hands pulling his cheeks wide for easy access. The aggressive young man smiled wickedly when he noticed the burning red handprint glowing on the right cheek. He left the room briefly, returning with a small, latex plug which he promptly shoved inside. When Ethan flipped the switch on the base, the evil toy began to vibrate. Daniel was soon wiggling, moaning, and cursing at the dreadful pleasure the device was causing. Ethan returned to the couch and watched in amusement for almost five minutes before ordering Daniel to kneel in front of him.

"I'm gonna leave that thing in your ass until I'm ready to fuck it. It'll make you horny as hell but if you lose your load, I'll toss your sorry twat out on the street. Do you understand me?"

Daniel knew they were still role-playing, but had gotten so caught up in his own pleasure he'd almost forgotten. He couldn't understand why letting Ethan talk to him like this was making him so incredibly hot.

"I understand," Daniel answered between genuine moans of satisfaction. Then, just to top it off, he added a respectful, "...Sir."

Without breaking character, Ethan managed a quick wink at his boy to indicate what a nice touch that was.

"You catch on quick. While we're waiting, you can give me a good cock and ball massage. The point is not to get me off, so don't jerk it, just caress. If you do it right, I'll start leaking, maybe even let you taste some..."

Though Daniel had seen his friend's cock many times, this was his first chance to hold it. Gingerly, he grasped it between his fingers, a combination of nerves and pleasure making them shaky, and was encouraged when he heard his boyfriend moan at the contact. Having never touched another man's cock, he was surprised by the incredible warmth of it. Using only his fingertips, he slowly manipulated the thick shaft, never using more than the most feathery of touches. Similar attention was provided to his balls, hanging loose in their large sack.

Ethan was enjoying the tender caresses and his cock was bouncing nearly as much as Daniel's. Still, the sticky crown had not yet breached his foreskin. Knowing precum was gathering inside the folds, Daniel needed to see it.

While teasing the skin-covered tip, he wormed a single fingertip into the opening, feeling the collected moisture inside, before swiping across the rim. Without warning, the head flared angrily and the skin retreated, liberating the slippery red crown. The boy was fascinated by the smooth, pink skin. Since he was circumcised, his cockhead rubbed against his underwear all day, becoming dry from the exposure to friction. But this skin seemed less thick, more delicate. He had to fight off a sudden impulse to put the musky smelling rod in his mouth, knowing he wasn't allowed to do that yet. This tender massage continued for some time and Ethan grew more slippery by the minute.

Finally, he was ready for a change...

"Listen up, slut! It's time to show me some love. Do whatever you want with my dick, as long as you do it with respect. For you, nothing else exists. Worship it like a god. You may as well get used to cock-worship; you're gonna be doing a lot of it, especially once we get to college. Then you can just sit between my legs while I do homework, hoping I'll reward you with a thick, chewy load of cum. What are you waiting for, dude! Get started. Show me how much you love my fat prick!"

Between his boyfriend's unbelievable confidence, filthy words, and the unrelenting buzzing in his ass, Daniel became overcome with cocklust, swallowing the moist head as soon as Ethan finished speaking. While slurping, sucking, and extracting precum, he alternated between nursing the head and licking along the swollen shaft. Ethan moaned continuously as he worked, pausing only to curse loudly or provide instructions on how to improve his technique.

Until now, Daniel had only been able to suck half of it at once without gagging. Then, during one fateful downward push, as the head hit the back of his throat, it just happened. After a slight bump, he unexpectedly sank all the way to the base. In a single night, he'd not only taught himself how to suck cock, but how to take it to the pubes as well. Moments later, the scratchy, sweaty hairs were regularly tickling his nose as he swallowed the entire pole.

Ethan became ecstatic, more excited than Daniel had ever seen him.

"Goddamn, you fucking bitch! SHIT! Take that cock to the root, fucker! I didn't even have to ask for it, did I? God, that feels so good. Just like that, up and down. Get me really slick and nasty, we'll need it wet when I slide it up your tight little twat."

Although this was the most intense sexual experience of their lives, both knew it was time to kick it up a notch. Ethan ordered Daniel upstairs, laughing derisively while watching him try to navigate the steps with a vibrating plug worrying his ass.

Once in his bedroom, Ethan pushed Daniel onto the bed. After checking his video equipment, making sure everything was in place and powered up, he pulled the plug from Daniel's ass and gave him the dildo he'd used last night.

He then told Daniel exactly what to do with it...

"For the next fifteen minutes, I don't wanna hear a goddamn word. Stick that dildo up your ass and fuck yourself, as hard as you can take it. Moan all you want, but don't say anything. And remember, you don't have permission to nut, so be sure to keep your wad inside. Start pumping, bitch!"

Daniel slipped the dildo into his hole, his eyes rolling back and jaw falling open as he did. When the tip of the device connected with the small lump inside him, he instantly needed to cum; knowing this was forbidden made him crave it all the more. Soon, his breathing was ragged, labored, distressed, and he began to sweat under the heat of this unrestrained, uninhibited self-fuck, each thrust sending him deeper into desperation.

Almost as difficult as trying not to cum, was trying to stay quiet while repeatedly violating his hole; he wanted to scream, he wanted to beg, he wanted to tell Ethan how hot he looked, towering over him with the camera. Something clicked inside his brain and he instantly knew everything Ethan said about him was correct. He did need something in his ass. He would live for this feeling of penetration the rest of his life. It was difficult to believe he'd managed to live eighteen years without discovering this secret himself. This epiphany caused him to pump the dildo faster, giving in completely to the need he felt.

Ethan inched closer to the bed, filming every plunge of the latex cock into his boyfriend's ass...

...but Daniel no longer cared.

"Nice," Ethan whispered. "Holy shit, baby! I'm gonna pound you hard, bitch, so you better be ready. I can tell you like this; it's written on your face and bloated, drippy dick. Just a few more minutes, then we'll try something new..."

Daniel needed more, needed to feel Ethan inside him, now knowing he'd be unsatisfied until the man leering down at him took his cherry. Just the thought brought him close to orgasm, requiring he fight the urge with every fiber of his being. His backed up jizz, the result of a day of extreme edging, was waiting to burst forth as soon as the contractions were triggered. Struggling to maintain control, Ethan told him what he wanted see next...

"Put your legs in the air and show off that cunt. Enlighten me, Daniel. How bad do you need dick in your pussy? Explain this craving while you use your toy. Convince me, and you'll get what you want. I'm gonna record your little confessional so you won't be able to deny it later. Get started..."

Since they'd discussed this earlier, Daniel knew it was part of the game, knew he was expected to play the role of a slut. What he hadn't predicted was how easy it would be. He wouldn't even need to get into character! The vulgar language Ethan wanted to hear seemed plausible now. Once he started talking, he'd mean every nasty word. While staring upward through his legs, pounding his ass brutally, he needed that man inside him, craved it with zeal more intense than he thought possible. Ethan's dick was the only thing that mattered, so Daniel did what he had to do...

...He begged.

"Please, oh god...please! Ethan, I need your cock inside me. I didn't think it was gonna feel this good. All those things you said about me, they were true. I need you, Ethan. I really need you. Please fuck me..."

"More, Daniel. Give me more..."

"Ethan, please. Why are you making me wait so long? I want you. God, I really do! It's the truth and you know it. Please, what else do I have to say? I want it...please..."

"Yeah, but just a bit sluttier," Ethan encouraged. "Tell me again, what is it you want, baby?"

"I want a dick up my hole," the boy groaned lewdly, his swiftly mounting frustration evident from the way he dragged out the words, sounding whiny, something like a spoiled child.

"That's my boy. Now we're talking. So, you want a dick up your hole, huh? Tell me more..."

"Not just any dick, I want your dick. Please, if you'd just go ahead and do it, I swear I'll never let another man touch me. I'll be all yours, Ethan. Shit! Just thinking about your cock has me ready to cum. Here, look. This is how I want you to fuck me..."

Ethan couldn't help but laugh as Daniel delivered numerous, rapid thrusts to his relaxed opening, very nearly forcing an orgasm in the process. The boy was growing hungrier, needier by the second. To the controlling top standing over him, he looked like he had taken another tab of ecstasy.

"What about my jizz, Daniel? Where do you want it?"

"Cum in my ass, Ethan...I want you to cum inside me. I bet that's gonna feel so fucking hot! I need to feel that..."

"So you're saying you want me to cum in your pussy?"

Daniel's eyes took on a wild, almost maniacal character. His lips curled into a snarl and he spat back angrily...

"I hate that word!!!"

Noticing the abrupt change in tone, Ethan quickly hit the pause button on the recorder. When he spoke, his voice was entirely different, not that of bossy Ethan, but sweet Ethan.

"Daniel, you realize we're still playing a game, right?"

The boy took a breath, steadying his nerves, and then forced his response through tightly gritted teeth. He knew was out of place, overstepping his bounds, but he was unquestionably serious and it had to be said.

"I don't care about this damn game," he growled like a feral animal. "You need to fuck me now..."

Ethan smiled, raised his eyebrows, and turned the camera back on.

"You want me to fuck you, huh?"

"God yes, I need it so bad! Ethan, please fuck me..."

"You were about to tell me where you wanted me to cum..."

Daniel took one final breath before saying the word he'd been dreading to speak. Ethan zoomed in closely on his face.

"I want you to cum up my ass. Oh, fuck it! I need you to cum inside my pussy. There, I said it! Do it already! Please, do it already..."

Now that he'd said it once, and realized it didn't trigger the apocalypse, he assumed Ethan would want more. He considered the fact that they were still technically role-playing. "Oh, what the hell," he thought silently. "If it'll get him to fuck me, I'll do it."

And so he continued...

"Please cum in my pussy, Ethan," he said in his whiniest, most desperate sounding voice, even biting his lower lip seductively afterward and allowing his eyes to look their most innocent.

Ethan immediately knew his boyfriend was acting, but was glad he'd finally gotten into it.

"Really," he said while nodding his head approvingly. "Tell me more..."

"It's true. My pussy needs cum. It's hungry, and you need to feed it. Feed it your hot fucking jizz. I'm ready to take you. Look how wet I am. That's all from thinking about you, Ethan..."

This foul-mouthed tirade, mostly acting, but with a kernel of truth, was simultaneously the most degrading and most refreshing collection of words Daniel had ever spoken. He felt slutty, cheap, and sordid, but strangely liberated as well. Despite the pornographic nature of what he'd just said, he now found this game incredibly hot. He knew it would take a while to process this discovery, but there would be plenty of time for that later.

Right now, he needed to get fucked...

Ethan mounted the camera on the tripod and was between his boyfriend's open legs in a flash. He smacked Daniel's hands from the dildo and gave it a few quick thrusts himself before throwing it across the room, unconcerned with where it landed. Grabbing the boy's ankles, he pushed them until his knees nearly touched his shoulders, doubling him over with his ass pointed at the ceiling. In this position, Daniel's cock, swollen and drippy from more than twenty-four hours of misuse, was pointed directly at his own face.

The head of Ethan's dick teased the gaping hole once, twice, then a third time, before disappearing inside, taking with it the final, tattered shreds of Daniel's former existence. The young bottom's facial expression was priceless, reflecting the incredible, mind-altering ecstasy stemming from the pleasure of being filled. Overjoyed with Daniel's reaction, Ethan knew his buddy had rounded a corner, had given in completely.

"FUCK YESSSSS!!!! I just took your cherry, baby! Your best friend just opened you up. You'll never be the same. You'll be craving cock for the rest of your life, won't you?"

Daniel moaned loudly and squirmed, but shook his head with a determined "yes". It was as if Ethan was reading his mind.

"Your hole is fucking hot, Daniel! It's nice and relaxed from all that warming up I put you through. My dick just slipped right in..."

Groaning as his partner sank deeper still, Daniel closed his eyes to fully focus his attention on the new, exquisite sensation between his legs.

"LOOK AT ME, BITCH!" Ethan yelled, returning the boy's center to him. "That's more like it. Keep your eyes on me. You need to know who's fucking you. I want you to see the man who took your virginity. I wanna watch your face when I start to punch fuck you like this..."

Several rapid-fire hip snaps forced his cock into Daniel with incredible speed, sending him spiraling farther into bliss. Grunting and writhing and grasping at the comforter, the boy knew he could cum any second.

"Yeah, you liked that didn't you? A couple quick pokes and I can send you to paradise. That's fucking power, dude. I totally own you. Any time we're together, you'll be thinking `God, I wish Ethan would fuck me...' At least you'll get what you need. We'll be doing this a lot."

"FUCK!!!!" Daniel screamed. "Ethan, please...can I shoot now?"

"Not yet, hold on. I've been thinking it might be hot to fuck at school. You'd like it. Maybe we could go back to that locker room, maybe in a bathroom stall. If you get bored, I could pretend to be that Joshua guy, you know, the one you had a crush on in middle school. We could make-believe he caught you looking at him, got pissed as hell, and fucked you over one of those benches while his jock buddies watched. How's that sound, baby?"

"Please," Daniel cried. "I can't hold it much longer! Fuck!!! It's like you're pushing it out of me..."

"Don't worry. Before we finish, I'll let you nut. Don't close your eyes. They're gonna stay on mine until I sling a thick, nasty load of spooge up your twat. You know I can last a while, so settle back for a long ride..."

The position Ethan had chosen to take his boy's cherry was designed as a demonstration of power, not intended for comfort, and it was tricky to maintain for both of them. Now that he'd accomplished his objective, he lowered Daniel's torso until his back was resting on the bed. He then bent forward, draping his body over Daniel's, and placed his mouth over his ear, grinding leisurely into his ass the entire time. He gently began to whisper, the breathy words tickling the boy's ear canal.

"I need to say this quietly so the camera doesn't pick it up. Otherwise, it'll fuck up our fantasy. But, I do love you, Daniel..."

This caught the boy off guard, considering how it followed the previous string of vulgarities. Looking into Ethan's beautiful, dark eyes and feeling the most intimate connection he'd ever felt with another human being, he knew felt the same.

"Oh god, Ethan, I love you too."

Saying those words was too much for Daniel.

"I'm gonna cum," he apologized in advance. "I'm so sorry; I just can't help it..."

Ethan immediately stopped all motion, his hips frozen in mid-thrust, hoping he wasn't too late to talk the boy down.

"Don't do it, Daniel. Stop it now! Hold on..."

It took nearly five minutes of coaching, but once again Ethan managed to help Daniel through this perilously close call by whispering in his ear and encouraging him to focus. Finally, when the worst had passed, he asked...

"Are you ready for more of the rough stuff?"

"Yeah," Daniel breathlessly answered. From out of the blue, he broke out in a grin so depraved it rivaled his lover's. "Is bossy Ethan gonna come back?"

Ethan laughed enthusiastically.

"I was planning on it. Is that OK with you?"

"Oh yeah," he whispered. "...I kinda like him."

"Oh fuck, Daniel! I do love you! Damn!!!"

Since both of them had become distracted and stepped away from their roles, it took a minute to regain their previous intensity level. Eventually, Ethan kicked it back into high gear and his alter ego returned with a vengeance.

"Yeah, bitch! That's right, you heard me. You're my bitch now, a hot fucking, horny nympho bitch, a greasy hole to drop a load into..."

Daniel grunted like a wild animal, feeling his need to cum return. The more time he spent with this version of his boyfriend, the more he seemed to be excited by him.

"Take a few seconds to really feel my cock inside you," demanded bossy Ethan. "I want you to remember this feeling when you're alone, lying in your bed at night, wishing I was there to pound one out inside your hot hole..."

Ethan talked like this for the remainder of their fuck and Daniel allowed himself to get into the scene as well, pretending Ethan thought of him as a hole to fill, nothing more. Astonishingly, he found the fantasy rather arousing. Using his mind and imagination, he considered himself to be Ethan's property, and unexpectedly became agitated as his orgasm approached. What his sweaty, long-haired, tattooed top said next didn't help his struggle to prevent it...

"You probably don't know this, but I sized you up the first day we met. I'm sure you remember that day. You didn't wait five hours to make a pass at me. Of course, back then you didn't think of it as a pass. But come on, asking me to lunch in a quiet place where we could be alone. You needed cock but just didn't realize it. Remember the woods, how I jerked off on your face? I knew right then that you were a cunt in the making..."

"I'm getting close again..."

This time, Ethan didn't try to stop it. In fact, he ignored the comment completely, as though he hadn't heard it. Daniel repeated himself.

"Seriously, if you don't slow down, I'm gonna cum..."

"Of course you're gonna cum," Ethan snarled. "Your pussy's getting fucked. Remember last night, Daniel? You were eating outta the palm of my hand. I knew you'd blame it on the drugs, but what's your excuse now? You're not high, you're not drunk. What you're feeling is the real deal. You know you're my pussy, don't you?"

"Oh yeah," Daniel moaned. "...I'm you're pussy."

"Shit! Your twat is gripping my dick so nice. I'm getting close, baby. You've been such a good little boy today, holding back that nasty load. Why don't you let it go? You have my permission..."

These were the words Daniel had been waiting all day to hear. Without delay, he reached for his ridiculously wet cock. Ethan promptly smacked his hands away.

"No, no, don't use your hands. Let me make you cum. You did it last night in the chair, so I know you can. I can feel how close you are. If your ass gets much tighter, it's gonna cut my dick off. Go ahead and cum, Daniel. Shoot it! Shoot it, NOW!!!"

Releasing all other thoughts and worries, Daniel permitted his body to relax fully, falling helplessly inside his own mind, almost transcendentally, and his long-awaited orgasm finally arrived.

His balls lurched upward aggressively in his scrotum, uncomfortably tight, and his untouched prick began to vibrate spontaneously, twitching and flexing utterly beyond his control. It pulsed wickedly half a dozen times, and then became absurdly rigid, forcing it away from his abdomen, aimed at his face. Ethan could tell he was having trouble going over the edge, so he thrust in again, angling his cock to strike Daniel's prostate. That was all he required. The first deep, internal spasm propelled a thick stream of semen onto his cheek. The warm jizz clung stubbornly there, seeming more viscous than usual, rather like the consistency of glue. The second eruption of ejaculate caught him in the mouth, and he promptly swished the slimy fluid around with his tongue, tasting it, wishing it was Ethan's. The third nearly put out his eye. The burning and stinging was extremely unpleasant, but not painful enough to stop his boyfriend from forcing out a fourth volley, straight up his left nostril.

Before he'd even finished discharging his jizz, his face was covered in fucksnot, the heady, starchy smell of cum seeming to fill the room. His anal ring had been working in overdrive during the fierce orgasm, massaging the cock responsible for this explosion with dynamic, relentless spasms. Ethan could've stopped his own orgasm if he'd wanted, could have held it back, he had that much control. But he wanted to get his nut now, in Daniel's ass. While watching cum rain down on his boy's face, he released his own thick, scalding hot juice.

"Yeah fucker, shoot that jizz all over your face! You should yourself! You are fucking covered in spooge. Jesus Christ! Your pussy feels good when you're cumming. It's squeezing me every time you unload! I'm getting close, about to spew...take my nasty fucking cum...SHIT!!!!"

Daniel hadn't anticipated he'd be able to feel Ethan's orgasm. His eyes grew large as saucers when he sensed his master's cock bulge and shudder before the first volley erupted. Only a few moments earlier, he believed nothing would ever feel as good as being fucked. He was wrong. This internal ejaculation made him want to cum again just so they could climax together. Instinctively, he squeezed his ass muscles, voluntarily this time, in a conscience effort to increase Ethan's pleasure and milk as much juice into him as possible. He knew instantly that this experience would grow into an addiction.

He was staring directly into Ethan's eyes when his orgasm finally abated. Slowing the pace of his thrusts, he eventually stopped completely but left his cock inside. The young, extraordinarily talented top spoke to his boy using slow, almost dramatic words...

"You just got bred, bitch. Who owns you now?"

"You do, Ethan."

"Who's cum is that swimming around in your slimy cunt?"


With this admission, Daniel noticed Ethan's face relax and realized their role-playing session was over. Panting heavily and slinging droplets of sweat onto the bed with every movement, his boyfriend gently extracted his cock and rolled over, onto his back, and sighed contentedly.

"Well, how was it?" he asked through labored breathing.

"Fuck, I can't even describe it," Daniel began. "...amazing, that's all I can say. I can't believe how hot that was."

"We can rest for a few minutes, and do it again. But, a promise is a promise. This next time we'll do the whole romance thing. You know, gentle and tender..."

Ethan rolled onto his side, facing Daniel, and pulled the young man into his arms, embracing him playfully.

"Fuck romance," said Daniel unexpectedly. He broke into laughter as soon as he heard the words leave his mouth. "Let's do it like that again!"

And that's exactly what they did...

It had been only a few months since that fateful day in the woods, but since then Daniel had transitioned from jerk off buddy to reluctant sex student to willing boy. His teaching was now complete. Ethan had skillfully brought to the surface, exposed to the light of day, Daniel's long suppressed need for the masculine. They both knew he'd crave it for the rest of his life. Ethan had him right where he wanted, openly desperate for dick - no denials, no excuses. His entire future would be ruled by it, Ethan would see to that.

But those are stories for another day...



Thank you for reading! Listed below are a summary of the changes made to the original posting.

  1. The story was converted to third person narrative from the original first person version (an extremely tedious process). My initial posting was written in first person because, at the time, I enjoyed reading through the eyes of the bottom ("Brian's Visit"). As I got marginally better at writing, I discovered first person was very limiting. I wanted to be able to include more details, things only a genuine narrator would credibly know.

  2. The original top was named Phillip (or Phil). Since I hated the way he evolved in the original story, I couldn't tolerate using that name any longer. So, Phillip became Ethan. I still like that name, just not for this story.

  3. Many text changes were made in chapters one and two in order to improve readability and flow, as well as the way the words appear on the page. Large blocks were split into smaller ones to make it easier on the eyes. The basic storyline in these two chapters was left intact.

  4. The original chapter two was over thirty pages long, more than a third of the entire story. This was excessive. Without changing the content very much, I split this into three shorter sections to give the reader a convenient place to stop for a break.

  5. Everything after original chapter two was heavily revised, discarded, or re-written completely. This was done to make the dominate character more realistic and less of a total monster. Though still fantasy and requiring some suspension of disbelief, I think it is now reasonable to think that, somewhere in the world, someone like this COULD exist. This was not the case with the original version.

I hope you enjoyed what you read. Please feel free to send me an email with your comments. They are highly motivating (which keeps me writing) and I now take the time to respond to each of them. Also, if you have suggestions for future stories, either specific scenes or character archetypes you'd like to read about, let me know that as well.

Yours, stories@nc.rr.com

Other stories by this author "Game Night" -- Completed -- Full text in archive. "Manipulated" -- Completed -- Full text in archive. "Brian's Visit" - Completed - Full text in archive (update coming soon). "Fresh Out Of Training" - Completed - Full text in archive. "Camping With Joey" - Chapter one only.

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