Teaching Angie, TV/TG section

By Joyce Devries

Published on Oct 1, 2007



"Teaching Angie"

Saturday November 19th, 2005

By Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com MSN ID: joyce_devries@hotmail.com Yahoo ID: joyce_devriestv@yahoo.com

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time.

Before reading this, you should read my diary entry, "Sucking Paul"

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, after dating Paul earlier in the year and giving him what he calls "a blowjob of a lifetime", he asked me to come and help his girlfriend at the time for some 'lessons' on how to give a blowjob, I right away told him that I would if I could enjoy her pussy, however a lesbian encounter was not part of the offer, thus I was not interested. Paul told me that would never work as his girlfriend was "straight laced". However in November 2005, I got an email from Paul's then fiancé and an offer, here is the diary entry.

I came home from work on Tuesday November 15th and waiting for me was an email from a person at first, I had no clue who she was, and it was from a woman named Angela and it read:

Dear Joyce,

"I know you have do not know who I am, but I am the now fiancée of a gentleman you know as Paul. I know you and him have had a couple of intimate encounters, but those are in the past he and I are now engaged. He has not stopped talking about you for months, and I have finally decided to contact you. I know this is forward of me, but I would like to get together with you, over a lunch or coffee to discuss a proposal I have for you."

I realized as I read the email, who Angela was and emailed her back and told her that I wanted to talk with her on the phone before we even thought of meeting together. She emailed me back and totally agreed that she wanted the same thing, and we arranged a phone call for an evening, I told her one Tuesday evening was best as I knew my husband Sharon was going to be at the gym and we would have "quiet time" to talk and told her to call me around 9pm, and gave her my number.

The evening for when she was going to call came and I decided that I was going to at least get into some comfy lingerie and wait for her to call. Sharon was gone to the gym and I went to my room and I stripped and then slipped on a pair of my favorite panties, blue lace and satin, bikini style, then a pair of nude stay ups and then finally my custom made black satin and lace peignoir. Promptly at 9pm, she called, I saw with the caller ID, she was probably calling from her College dorm room.

I answered the call and heard a sweet young feminine voice, and it had a tentative and sort of pleading sound to it. She introduced herself and I did as well, and she said that she wanted to talk with me about something and would rather do it face to face, rather than over the phone. She said that we could get together for a coffee sometime, but I suggested lunch, and she agreed and said that she had an open period at school between noon and 2pm, and asked if that would work for me. I lied and told her I was a real estate agent and said that I had some open time on Friday and that we could meet then. She suggested, ironically, the same place I had met Paul, and only a few hundred feet away from where I sat in the back seat of his car and sucked him off two nights in a row. I told her that I had a client meeting in the morning and would make my way there afterwards. I then asked her how I would recognize her in the club/restaurant, and she said she was coming from class, so she did not know what she would be wearing, and since I had only seen a picture of her many, many months ago, I told her I would email her what I would be wearing in the morning, so she could spot me. We both agreed that was probably the best way to go and said goodbye and she said she was looking forward to meeting me in person. As soon as I hung up the phone I knew EXACTLY what the meeting was about and what she would ask, but decided to let her make the first move.

I told my husband Sharon about the meeting and she smiled and asked what I thought it was and I just smiled and she said, "think it is what Paul was trying to get to happen in the spring?". I said nothing and just smiled back, and she said, "my, you must be that good, have fun at lunch, tell me all about it after you meet with her".

I booked the Friday off work and then started debating what to actually wear for the meeting, as Angela had no clue I was not a genetic female, and did not want to appear looking like a slut, and wanted to dress my age. At the same time, wanted to at least show off my legs and impress her, and since I was supposed to be a professional looking real estate agent, decided on one of my career business suits, black with pinstripes, a white satin blouse, and the skirt was about the right length about 2 inches above the knee with a front left slit, that was going to show enough leg, but not slutty. Heel height and hose was going to be left to the day of the meeting, as I was not 100% sure of what I was going to be wearing.

Friday morning came and I got up after the rest of the house left and made my way to the shower and carefully got "squeaky" clean and then after the shower, put on my comfy blue terrycloth robe and made my way downstairs to my room to get ready. Before I started getting dressed, I emailed Angela and also sent a picture of myself in one of my formal dresses, and told her that I wanted to be sure that she had an idea of what I looked like. I sent one of my favorite pictures of myself taken at a garden party, in a formal, green hunter velvet off the shoulder dress, given to me by a former boyfriend. I also described my business suit I was going to be wearing and reminded her that I was coming from a customer appointment. As I sent the email, I realized how out of place I was going to be looking as this was a Friday and it was probably going to be packed with College students, but I really did not care.

Even though it was a bit early, I decided to get ready for the day as I wanted to be dressed perfectly. I grabbed for a favorite pair of burgundy silk and lace panties and slipped them on, and was going to be wearing the matching satin and lace bra, but realized with the white silk blouse that was not going to be possible and grabbed for a favorite white front closure lace bra. Then the decision on the hose colour, and I decided to go for ultra sheer, "nearly black", pantyhose, perhaps a bit much but for formal business, they were perfect. I grabbed a new pair and a pair of white satin gloves and carefully slipped them on ensuring I go no runs in them. After I got them on, I slipped back on my terrycloth robe and a pair of black 2" heels to ensure I did not get a run in the hose. I then decided to sit down, and carefully did my nails, putting on the same shade of polish that matched the lipstick I was going to be wearing. As I waited for my nails to dry, I got an email from Angela saying that she was looking forward to seeing me and that she would be at the club/restaurant for 12:30pm.

After my nails were dry I moved to the bathroom and started putting on my makeup. It was definitely going to be business, so light eyeliner, black, and soft tones of blue on the lower lid of my eyes and light pink on the upper. After a health application of mascara to highlight my lashes, I put on just a health looking application of blush and then put on a coat of my "casual", red pinkish lipstick. I double and triple check my look and knew it was as good as it could get. I picked my favorite long and dangly gold clip on earrings and put them on then got out of the robe and applied a very light application of Halston's perfume to my chest and wrists and behind my ears. I then moved and started getting on the rest of my clothes, first was the pure white silk blouse and as I slipped it on, I loved the way it felt, so smooth and silky, and then grabbed the skirt and slipped it on, and made sure after tucking in my blouse that I pulled it up as high as I could get away with, especially with the front left slit. After I slipped on the jacket, and did it up, made sure the collar of the blouse was the outside, and after looking at myself in the mirror, knew I looked perfect, now the last decision was the heels I was going to be wearing. The ones I had on, the 2" heels, did not do it justice and after trying on three different pair of kid black heels, 3", 4", and such, decided that the 4" black patent heels were the ones I was going with. They were "over the top" for lunch, but since I had gone that far with my outfit already, decided to "go for it", and they did set it off perfectly. Last thing to complete the outfit was a dainty gold anklet on my right leg, my "business watch", long gold dangly earrings, and my rings (making sure not to put on my Wedding rings).

After one final check in the mirror I grabbed my purse and ensured that I had enough money for a cab and to pay for lunch, as I figured that since Angela was a student she would be strapped for cash. I then realized that I would have to explain why I did not have a car and would be arriving and leaving and a taxi and decided to tell her that my car broke down and to make it more believable, would arrive a few minutes late. I checked the time and saw that it was perfect, 45 minutes to go and I called the taxi cab company and they said it was going to be 30 minutes for a ride, and knew it was going to be fine. I grabbed a Glamour magazine and sat on the couch and waited for the taxi. When I saw it pull in the driveway, I grabbed my lighter spring coat from the front hall closet put it on and then my purse and headed out the door into the cool November air to get into the taxi.

As I slid in the back seat, the taxi driver asked where I wanted to go and I told him, and he said, "no problem mam", and started driving off. As usual, he tried to make small talk and I amused him, but was not really interested and we eventually got to the restaurant, I checked my watch and I was 15 minutes late, which was perfect. I paid for the taxi, which was $17.50 with a tip and grabbed my purse and started towards the entrance of the club/restaurant. As I walked towards the entrance and had a nervous and tingling feeling in my body as I heard my heels click along the pavement. I entered the club/restaurant and felt a familiar look, after being there the times before. I opened my jacket and pulled it off and slung it over my left arm, and looked around the establishment and started looking for Angela. Coming in from the light and was still adjusting my vision when I saw a blonde women in the distance waving and started walking towards her. As I came close to the table she stood up and said, "Joyce right?", I smiled and she put out her hand and said, "so nice to meet you, and you look fantastic", and proceeded to gently shake my hand. I thanked her and told her it was part of my job as I could get more deals done dressed like I was rather in a jeans and sweat shirt. I also apologized and told her that the reason I was late was that my car would not start after I stopped for something at home and decided to take a taxi, she just smiled and thanked me for coming.

At first, I realized that I might appear that I was putting Angela down as I was staring at her in jeans and sweatshirt, and profusely apologized and told her I meant nothing by it and she stared at me and told me that I looked amazing, and that she wished she could look as good when she got out of College. I thanked her and the she said to me, "wish I could look that good in a skirt, your legs are incredible and I love those heels". I blushed and thanked her and as we both settled in to our seats, Angela was already enjoying a coffee, and the waitress came to me and put down a menu and asked if I wanted anything to drink, and I told her I wanted a cranberry juice and soda.

As Angela looked over the menu, I took the chance to check her out, and as Paul described, she was stunning even in a College sweatshirt, jeans and literally no makeup. Her long blond hair was up in a ponytail, and as I looked down, I saw her nails were about as long as mine, but she had no polish on. Even though she was in a sweatshirt, I could see that she was well built, and definitely cheerleader material, her face was perfect. She on the other hand looked me up and down and complimented me again on my look and told me that she thought I like I was dressed up "really special", and I told her it was nothing special, just regular business wear as the waitress came and brought me my drink. The waitress asked, "ready to order ladies" and Angela ordered fajitas and I ordered the soup of the day and my usual Greek salad. The waitress left and she commented back to me that when she got out of College and got a job, she was going to have to do have do a lot of shopping to look as good as myself for business clothing, which both of us laughed together.

That basically broke the ice and we started chatting more and more about getting to know one another. I of course was making up stories left right and center, and she was telling me all about her and Paul and how they got engaged, and during the first 20 minutes that we were talking she never once mentioned why we really had got together. She would not stop talking and told me all about her life and her relationship with Paul and then the moment I was waiting for came and she said, "so I understand you are in a relationship with a another woman". I sipped on my drink and said, "thought you would get around to that, and yes, we live together and have been seeing each other for two years". She then asked me to tell her all about her, and I did, and she did not even flinch as she knew I was bi-sexual and told me that she was happy for me, and about that time, our waitress came with our food.

Then the conversation started getting really interesting and she gently started asking about why I sometimes date men and I told her that I sometimes crave what men have to offer, but have absolutely no desire to be penetrated by them, and then she finally smiled wide and asked what dating her fiancée was like. I smiled back and told her that I did not actually really go on a date with him, but did show him a good time on two occasions, she smiled as she took a bite of her lunch and asked if he was "good". I decided to "take the gloves off", and said, "he was hard and delicious and a great kisser", she smiled and then coyly asked, "so ever considered taking him up on his offer?". I played a little dumb and said back to her, "what to go on another date?", I was having a blast, as it was a little female head game going on, and she said back, "no, I mean sharing your talent with another woman and teaching her". I decided that we had danced around enough with head games and said, "yes, but I told him that I had terms and conditions with it". As we both kept eating, she smiled back and told me that she was not interested at all in sex with another woman, but since Paul could not stop talking about me and what I done with him, she was really hoping if I would reconsider.

I knew this was coming, but after seeing her and how young and sweet she looked and how I would love to ravish her body, decided to play it cool. I told her that I was not into just showing up at their place and engaging in a sex act, to which she quickly stopped me. She told me that she had a plan, and that was, if it did happen it was going to be on a very special occasion and that was on Paul's birthday. She asked if I owned any formal attire, and inside I was laughing my ass off as I owned about 35 or so formal dresses, to her probably one or none, and I calmly told her that I had a couple in the closet that probably would be appropriate for a formal occasion. She smiled wide and said "great, do want to slip into one and we will take you and go to a really fancy restaurant this coming weekend, in Oakville and we will have a great time to celebrate his birthday?, then back to our apartment for more celebration?. I can outfit you with some of my lingerie as we look to be the same size and you can enjoy Paul again?". I had already thought this through in my mind before the meeting with her, first off, she and Paul had no clue that I was not a genetic woman, then, her suggesting wearing some of her lingerie, would probably mean changing with her. I lied and told her since it was coming up to the edge of my period, that I was probably going to be on it and would not want to be in lingerie, and if it was to happen I wanted to be fully dressed the entire time. She smiled back at me and commented about how she does not like to get sexy or have sex when she was on her period and she asked if I was ok if we went ahead with the deal if I would be alright being on my period, and I told her I would as long as I kept on my clothes I would be fine.

Then the question of the outfits came up, and I asked her what she was going to be wearing, as I did not want to be dressed too differently than her. She told me that she was planning on wearing her Prom dress from the year before and I asked her to tell me what it was like, and since I had a good knowledge of formal/Bridal fashions, knew exactly what she would say, as I knew the styles at that time. However, I let her go on and she described it and it was basically a strapless sequined dress, black and gold sequins, floor length A-line, and a high front slit and would be wearing gold high heeled sandals with it. In true girl to girl fashion, she then asked me what I was planning on wearing if in fact, I was going to take them up on their offer, and I told her that I had one dress in mind, but would be a surprise, but I definitely would not look out of place with her wear what she was going to be wearing. Angela smiled and said, "if it is that sexy elegant green velvet number you sent me a picture of, you will have Paul stiff as a board the moment he sees you, as it is awesome looking on you and so compliments your figure". I thanked her and told her I loved wearing that dress, but had a couple of others that might be more fitting for the occasion and what she was planning on wearing and she smiled and said she was looking forward to the surprise.

As lunch was starting to come to an end, I could get a sense that Angela was getting comfortable with me, and the key point that I knew was coming happened and that was when she reached across the table and gently grabbed my hands and said, "Joyce, my friends call me Angie, so please feel free to call me that". My first reaction when she did that was to lean over and kiss her, however I knew that was going to never happen and smiled and thanked her. I got a feeling through my bones and being that something just changed, but did nothing to let her know about my attraction to her. I thanked her and said, "so Angie, what is the plan for Saturday night?, if in fact we do this?". She said what she wanted to do was for me to arrive at the restaurant about 10 or 15 minutes ahead of her and Paul arriving, and then when they arrived it would be a total surprise for Paul when they got there. She told me that she would make all of the arrangements and the dinner and everything was going to be paid by them, time was already set for 6pm. Then a trip back to their apartment and that she went and got a new outfit for the romantic part of the evening, and that when she went to get changed, and if I wanted at that time, I could get Paul into his outfit, which was naked, and then when she came back to the room, the fun could begin.

I said I was comfortable with that and asked what the outfit was, and she went on to describe it and as she did, my mind was racing thinking how sexy she would look. She said it was a Fredericks of Hollywood outfit she ordered, and was a "merry widow", type corset, attached garters, black, satin and lace, with matching black lace thong panties, and she was going to be wearing sheer black stockings with it, but really had not decided on heels. She then commented to me, "but the ones you are wearing right now would be perfect for the outfit". I smiled and thanked her and agreed that they probably would, inside, my heart was thumping, and I nearly lost it physically in my latex vagina, in my mind seeing this woman in lingerie like that. I calmly told her as I sipped my drink that I thought that the outfit sounded very sexy and Paul would love it and she told me that she hoped he would as it cost enough. She also asked me where I got my heels and I told her the store which was in a mall not far from us, but told her I got them a few years before and that I had not see the style recently. She said she was going to talk to one of her girlfriends, as she might have a pair that she could borrow.

We were both finished lunch and the waitress came and asked if we wanted anything else and I spoke up and said, "just the bill please", and she told us she would be right back. After she left Angie reached over and gently squeezed my hands and asked, "so?". I stared back at her, still with the vision of her in the lingerie and calmly said, "I will consider it and get back to her", still holding my hands she said, "oh please do, it would mean so much to me and of course Paul". I told her I would and just about the time she let go of my hands the waitress brought the bill and I asked her to call a taxi for me. Angie reached for her purse and I told her that I was paying for lunch and reached into my purse and grabbed my wallet and put down $20 for the lunch. She thanked me and I grabbed for my purse and told her that I had to use the ladies room, and she grabbed her purse and said she did as well. We both got up and I loved hearing my heels click across the hardwood floor, and carefully looked over at Angie and saw I was a bit taller than her, but since I was in 4" heels and she in running shoes, figured we were perhaps the same height in heels. As we walked I looked around and the restaurant was not crowded, but one thing was perfectly clear, I was the only woman in a skirt!.

We entered the ladies room and both went into a stall, I pick one two away from her and went in. After I hung up my purse on the back of the door, and hiked my skirt up around my waist, was very careful in pulling down my panties and pantyhose. I could already hear Angie, tinkling two stalls down, before I even sat down. I did my business making sure to make the familiar "female tinkling sound" and wiped up, before I could stand up and pull up my panties and pantyhose, heard Angie leave her stall. I carefully pulled them up and adjusted my skirt to ensure the front left slit was right and grabbed my purse and headed out of the stall. Angie was waiting for me at the sink and mirrors, and as I approached she commented, "did 'it' come", at first I had no clue what she was talking about and then it donned on me, my period, and she commented, "as it took me so long to come out of the stall". I smiled at her in the mirror as I opened my purse to find my lipstick and said, "always comes at the most awkward times", she smiled back and said, "don't I know it". I started putting on a fresh coat of lipstick and she commented on how she loved the shade and offered her the lipstick if she wanted to try it and she commented that since she was not wearing any other makeup, it would look odd. I had to agree, but would love to have seen what her lips would have looked like all done up with the shade I was wearing. I fluffed out my hair and then packed up my purse and we both left the ladies room and headed back to the table. I grabbed my light spring coat and Angie put on a light jacket and we both headed out to entrance of the restaurant to wait for my cab.

The chatting was idle, nothing about the Saturday night or what could or could not happen, but as the taxi pulled up to the restaurant, she gave me a little hug and kiss on the cheek and gently said, "please consider it", after the hug, I looked her in the eyes and said I would give her an email with my decision by the end of the day. She thanked me and told me that she needed that for sure, as she had to adjust the reservation if I decided yes. As I slid into the back seat of the taxi, I already knew what my answer was, and it was definitely going to be "yes", and then gave about two seconds worth of thought to what I was going to be wearing, and quickly decided on my knee length, blue sequined dress. Now, I usually like to exercise the 30+ formal gowns I own, by wearing a different one out for every occasion, since I had already worn that out on a date I reconsidered now knowing she was going to be in a sequined floor length gown, I definitely was going to be wearing a floor length blue off the shoulder sequined gown with a very, very light front leg slit. The taxi cab drive made idle chat again as we drove home, and when we got home, I paid the $20 or so for the cab ride and went inside and immediately went and sent my husband Sharon an email to tell her the news. She emailed me right back and told me that the dress I had chosen sounded perfect and that is going to love to hear all about it, and suggested I spend the evening in my room, and spend the entire Saturday as Joyce and she would ensure that she would take care of the other family obligations. My next email was to Angie and I told her that I was willing to go ahead with the invitation.

I got changed and showered and then started getting things out for the next evening. I grabbed my lovely long blue sequined dress and hung it up, and knew that the hose was going to be ultra sheer and nude toe to waist and grabbed a brand new pair of nude, 10 denier sheer toe to waist pantyhose. Next was my bra for the evening, which was going to be a strapless one, that I nicknamed "the band aid", I then pulled out the sparkly blue jewelry, necklace and earrings from my jewelry box and placed them out. Shoes were easy, they were the ones I have worn before with the dress and they were my silver sparkly 4" heels, last thing was a sparkly sequined silver tiny clutch purse that matched the heels, finally I put out my favorite burgundy lace and satin panties. I then got "comfy" and grabbed my custom made black peignoir and wrap and then a pair of "regular pantyhose", and a blue satin and lace pair of panties and slipped them on and finally a pair of low 2" black heels. I stayed dressed in my clothes for the day and chatted with a few people on-line and finally, crawled into bed and dreamed about the evening that was coming up.

I slept in late the Saturday morning and rolled out of bed and left on my lingerie from the night before and Checked email and relaxed. I could hear shuffling upstairs and then finally heard my husband Sharon call out downstairs and say, "we are gone for the day, have fun!", and she left with the family and I knew I had the house for as long as I would need to get ready for the big night. I checked my email, and there was a message from Angie. She sounded excited in her email and told me the restaurant was going to be the "Omega" right here in Oakville, which is an upscale steak and seafood place, and I thought, "for students, they better have saved a bunch of money", as I had been taken there on formal dates in the past, and knew how expensive it was. She told me that I should plan on arriving around 6:30pm or so, and tell the greeter that I was part of the "Best" party, and that I was a little early and they would be joining me shortly, she was planning on arriving with Paul around 6:45pm. I then emailed her back and told her I was looking forward to it and gave her one piece of advice and that was to make sure she wore "colour last lipstick", because if she did not, it would spoil the effect when sucking Paul. After I sent the email, I lounged around the house and then around 4pm, decided that I would start getting ready for the big evening, as I wanted to be totally ready for calling a taxi cab around 6pm, so not to be late, and the restaurant was not that far away from my house, but wanted to be sure.

I grabbed my pink satin makeup coat and made my way to the bathroom and stripped out of my lingerie and went into the shower and I took a very long time to ensure I was very, very smooth. Once I dried off, I slipped on my robe and headed downstairs to my room to start getting ready for the evening. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:30pm, and knew I had lots of time so I was going to take things nice and slow, I had to do one of my best makeup jobs, as due to the surprise that Angie put on me, I had no time to actually make a Salon appointment, as they had no openings for the Saturday, I called and tried, but they were all booked up.

I slipped off the robe and decided to get into my lingerie for the evening, knowing full well, I had to ensure that it was going to tuck and hide everything very well. After slipping on my latex vagina, I put on my burgundy lace and satin panties and then finally my foundation garment and felt the front of my crotch and was pleased on how smooth it was, so in case Paul happened to feel, all he would feel is what Angie was like, or any other female. I then grabbed a pair of white satin gloves and carefully opened the brand new package of ultra sheer nude pantyhose and slipped them on. To ensure no snags, I grabbed for my low 2" black heels to ensure there was not going to be a run in them. Next was the "band aid" bra, strapless and such and I put it on and then slipped on my pink satin robe and decided that I was going to sit down and do my nails before I moved on to do my makeup. I grabbed the polish to match the deep red and rich lipstick I was planning on wear and carefully sculpted out my nails and even though I did not have really long nails, they were active length and at least would look not too bad. After carefully applying my nail polish, after totally letting it dry, I made my way to the bathroom for the careful makeup application.

After applying foundation and making sure that everything was perfectly smooth, I started with my eyes. Recently, I had been experimenting with different eye shadow colours, and decided that I was going to go with something different and after applying a formal application of eyeliner, darker for the low light conditions, but not slutty at all, grabbed for my husband Sharon's eye shadow combination that I borrowed from her makeup bag. Her combination was charcoal and brown, dark green, definitely different than what I had worn out on a formal date before, but she had worn it on a few of her formal dates and it always looked good, gave a more "alluring and mysterious" look to her eyes, so I decided that I would try it. I put the dark green on the lower lids and the brown lightly on the upper lids and highlighted the outer edge of my eyes with the charcoal. I then put on a very healthy application of my new mascara, "voluminous" was the name of it and it really did as advertised and made my lashes appear much thicker and rich. After I did my eyes, I stepped back and had to agree that they certainly looked seductive and sensuous. I then moved to my cheeks and make them a little darker than normal with my blush and gave my cheeks nice contour. Next were my lips, and I put on a dark deep reddish pink lipstick, it was the one of the ones Sharon and I have matching and applied a healthy coat, and to finish them off was my new gloss and sealer, and when I was done, heck, even I wanted to kiss them!, and I tested the sealer by pressing a tissue against my lips, and there was no mark, so I knew they were perfect.

I then left the bathroom, and put the lipstick and sealer in my silver sparkly clutch purse and remembered I was supposed to be on my period and went upstairs to Sharon room and grabbed a tampon and then when downstairs and put that in the clutch purse. Other things I could pit in, was touch up powder makeup and my lighted compact, some tissues and $40 for a cab ride home, as I was not sure if they were going to be driving me home. I was amazed that I got it all in as the purse was rather small, I then grabbed the dress, and removed my low black heels and slipped into it, and one of the good things about the dress is that the back is a little lower and I could zip myself all the way up. Then I slipped on the 4" sparkly silver heels and went to the mirror and looked myself over, and I had to admit to myself, that if I saw a woman that looked like I did at that moment, I would want to jump her bones. Then it was the finishing touches and that was my blue sparkly earrings, a sparkly necklace, one of my special sparkly anklets, my gold formal watch on my left wrist and my charm bracelet on the right, which was a pain to get on and finally two sparkly hair barrettes. The very last touch was a healthy dose of my Obsession perfume, behind my ears, on my wrists, and chest, and even on my ankles.

I then took one last look at myself and grabbed my silver sparkly clutch purse and headed upstairs to call a taxi, and I timed it right, it was 6:15pm, and after calling the cab, I went to the closet and got my faux black fur and placed it on the couch. As I waited I poured a glass of wine and watched a little television, and I was getting worried as it was getting close to the time Angie was expecting me there, but eventually, lights were in the driveway and I put on my coat and walked out into the cool night air. The taxi driver, obviously seeing how dressed up I was came and opened the door, and I could see he was checking out my legs as walked towards him. I thanked hum and slid in and after he closed the door, asked me where I was going and we were off. As we drove, he asked what the special occasion, and I told him that I was getting together with some friends to celebrate a birthday. It only took 5 minutes before we were at the restaurant and after paying $12.50 after tip, he quickly got out and again opened the door for me and I thanked him and went into the restaurant.

I checked my watch and 10 minutes before they were to arrive, the greeter was in a black tux and came and helped me out of my black faux coat and took it and hung it up in the cloak room. As he did and smiled and remembered other dates that I had been on and not much had changed. He came back to the front desk and asked what my name was, and I told him I was with the "Best" party, and they would be arriving shortly. He grabbed three menu's and asked me to follow him, and lead me to a table for 4, candle and all and it was in one of the more intimate areas of the restaurant, dimly like and very quaint. He pulled out my chair, and I sat down, and told me that our waiter would be with me shortly. It did not take long before our tuxedo wearing waiter showed up and "said, you look lovely this evening mam, care for anything to drink?" I thanked him and ordered a glass of white wine, and he said he would be right back with it. As I sat and waited I looked around and memories of past dates came flooding back, and as I looked around, saw several couples, older mind you, and the attire was definitely formal, except for one older woman that was wearing a pantsuit. My wine came and I checked my watch and it was 6:50pm, and I figured that they must be running late. I picked up the menu and nearly crapped my panties, the last time I was in that restaurant most of the entries started around $25, and now they started at $40, and myself, not being a big eater decided to find the cheapest thing I could, and the best I could do was $30. Then the moment arrived.

I saw Paul and Angie following the same man in the tux who had seated me and could see Angie smiling wildly. As they came closer, I near came in my latex vagina, Angie looked absolutely STUNNING, her hair was teased up, her blonde hair had wisps running down the side of her face, her makeup was absolutely perfect and really defined her already cute face, she had obviously went to the salon. I could see a flash of her leg as she walked towards me, out from the slit on the front of her dress, and was as lovely as the rest of her appearance, she thought my legs looked good, but hers were spectacular. Her breasts were in full display as the dress obviously had a pushup bra built in, I guessed her breasts were no more than a "C" cup, but a full "C", she had long chandelier style earrings on and a simple strand necklace of pearls. I had a little chuckle inside as I saw her walking in her 4" gold strappy heels, I can always tell when a woman is not used to wearing heels, and she definitely was not, as she looked a little unstable as she walked and hung on to Paul's arm.

Then there was Paul in a blue suit and red tie and white shirt, he looked much different dressed up than the previous times I had seen him. He was about 10 feet away from the table when he figured out it was me, and said, "Joyce is that you?, what are you doing here?", I stood up as they got to the table and walked towards him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear, "Happy Birthday". He was beside himself and did know what to say, and then Angie walked up to me and we exchanged light kisses on the cheek, and she stood back and said, "wow!, you look amazing", I told her she looked like that as well. Paul was still staring in disbelief and Angie turned to him, and said, "Happy Birthday dear, I hope you like what I got for you". Paul still looked like he had no clue, and then with both of smiling and staring at him, I looked over and saw Angie slowly licking her lips in a seductive way and in a sexy voice I said, "oh yes Paul", and licked mine the same way. Paul then blurted out, "you mean???, really?", I went and gave him another peck on the cheek, and whispered in his ear, "Angie begged me to teach her, and how could I say no to such a gorgeous woman", both Angie and I noticed that the front of his pants now had a rather large bulge in it. Angie then said we should get seated as she was hungry, and told me that her and I were sitting on one side of the table and Paul on the other so that he could enjoy both our looks at the same time.

Paul kept on saying, "I can't believe it", over and over and Angie and I chuckled in unison. Eventually the shock wore off and it was about that time that our waiter came back and asked if Paul and Angie wanted drinks and Angie ordered a Singapore sling and Paul order a draft beer. I saw the look on Paul's face when he saw the prices on the menu and Angie saw it as well, and said, "don't worry dear, I saved for this all year long, and Joyce, order whatever you want". As we looked over the menu's, Angie commented on how lovely and romantic the setting was, and I told her I had been there a few times on dates, and the food is always good. Paul and Angie's drinks came, and the waiter put down a loaf of bread and told us he would be back later to take our orders. Then the conversation started and it was basically Paul saying, "how?, when?, how did you contact Joyce?". Angie basically told him the whole story that she had been planning this for a while and that she got hold of me, as she found a piece of paper on the desk that had the computer on it, and emailed me, and then we got together for lunch she proposed the evening. Paul, knowing what my rules were about the evening, and that was that I could enjoy Angie as well as him, had a funny look on his face, as Angie, I was told was very "straight", and would never go through having an intimate encounter with another woman. I just stared at him, and licked my lips slowly again, and I could tell he was a little uncomfortable in his seat, and I looked over at Angie and she was smiling back and me and whispered "tease", I loved it.

The waiter eventually came to take our orders, I ordered chicken cordon blue, Paul ordered prime rib and Angie went with the same I ordered. After he took our order Angie, kept telling how romantic everything was, and could see why you needed to be wearing the appropriate clothing, which we all were. Conversation was pretty tame, I had to make more stories about my work, and we talked about my husband and their engagement. Food eventually came and I started asking Angie about her Wedding plans, her dress, flowers and Bridesmaid's, when it was and such. As soon as I brought that up, she and pretty much did all the talking leaving Paul out, but every once in a while, I would slowly lick my lips and blow him a kiss. The food came and the Wedding chatter continued and found their Wedding was in May of the following year, and they were going to have about 150 guests, there was going to be 10 in the Wedding party, not including Angie. Eventually dinner was over and the waiter came and cleaned up our plates and said that he would be back in a bit to bring the dessert menu's.

Angie announced that she had to use the ladies room, and asked me where it was, and I told her I would show her and we both grabbed our clutch purses and after Paul, being the gentleman, pulled out our chairs, we headed towards the back of the restaurant. As we walked I chuckled and said to Angie, "not used to heels are you", and she told me that she has only worn them a couple of few, but they were always low, and hurt her feet. I asked her how she managed to wear them to her Prom, she told me that as soon as the dancing started, they came off until she had to go home, and then put them back on. She asked me how I managed in heels and I told her that I wear 4" to the office on a regular basis and had no issues and she was amazed, I told her that after almost 20 years wearing heels almost every day, it was not a problem. I looked around and we were definitely getting noticed!, and kindly smiled back at the men and women as we walked.

Eventually we got to the ladies room, and as we entered, all I heard from Angie was "oh my God!", for me, pleasant memories came flooding back. The washroom, was very high class, it had marble floors and walls a huge lighted sink and mirror, all of the taps were brass, and right at the entrance was a big leather couch, we were the only two women in the room. There were only three stalls and Angie went into one of the stalls, and I could hear her doing her business and I did have to go, but decided that I would wait, as the last time Angie thought I was inserting a tampon as I took a little longer than her as I had to be really careful with my pantyhose. I was at the mirror, and even though my lips really did not need it, I opened my purse and Angie came and stood beside me, and I loved hearing her heels clicking on the marble. She opened her clutch purse and looked down at mine and said, "ah, always prepared", referring to the tampon in my purse and I told her that I was going to be changing before we left, so I would be at least fresh and commented, "no need to be in the middle of your training and have to run and change". She laughed and pulled out her lipstick about the same time as me and we both touched up our lips, and I asked if she was wearing colour last, and she smiled and said she was. She again complimented me on my outfit and told me she probably would not be comfortable with the height of the slit on my dress, and I told her that I had the dress altered and she should do the same as her legs looked a lot better than mine. We had a chuckle and as we packed up our clutch purses, she asked if I was excited about the evening and I told her I was, and was looking forward to showing her some of my techniques. Since we were alone, I asked her how long she sucked on Paul before he came, and she told me not long, about 5 minutes, and I told her that was about the same as when I sucked him, and told her that Paul was in for a surprise. She smiled at me in the mirror and asked what it was, and I told her I know how to make him last as long as you wanted and that he would be begging to fill you mouth with his juice. She said, "I am looking forward to seeing that, but he never comes in my mouth". I was a little taken back and asked her why and she told me she thinks the thought is awful and asked if I did, and I told her, "girl after all that work, I want a reward". She laughed and as we left the ladies room, she quietly said to me, "well, you get it all tonight, and it should be a bunch, we have not had sex in two weeks." Our heels clicked in unison as we walked back to the table, I commented on her perfume, as it was floral and lovely and told me it was "Charlie", and commented on mine and knew it was Obsession, as an old roommate she had wore it and told me that it suited me.

As we got back to the table Paul pulled our chairs and helped us get seated and commented that we looked "more lovely than ever". We looked through the dessert menu, and some sort of a and chocolate and cherries dish which was amazing. As I looked over at Angie, and now that I had had a few glasses of wine, my mind started thinking how I could get in her panties and show her how another woman can please another woman like no man could. I was salivating at the though of crawling up her lovely thighs and parting her pussy lips and licking her clit, and perhaps in the "heat of the moment", that it might happen. I wrought back to reality as Paul ordered "special coffee's for us and I could feel the sexual energy at the table get more and more as Angie was making comments like, "ready to give me another dessert?", while smiling at Paul. Paul would smile and say he was and he definitely was getting more and more excited and both Angie and I were as well. After the coffee's, Angie and I both grabbed our clutch purses and headed to the ladies room, and Paul said that he would take care of settling up the bill.

Angie was funny as she walked beside me, the alcohol she had consumed, made her even more unstable on her heels, and she nearly took a header into an old couples table, but I grabbed her arm to stabilize her. As we got into the ladies room, I looked around and we were the only ones in it, and I got in the stall directly beside her and sat down and carefully pulled down my pantyhose, and sat down and did my business, making sure to make sure my peeing sound was natural, I could Angie starting to finish up and grabbed my purse and pulled out the tampon made sure I ripped the paper off the applicator loud enough Angie would hear it, then made sure to take it and make a sound as I put it the dispenser. Angie had left her stall and I carefully pulled up my pantyhose, and made my way beside her at the mirror. As we both applied lipstick and fluffed out our hair, Angie explained to me the plan for the evening and that basically was to at first sit and have some champagne and then as we discussed, she would go and get changed and I was to help Paul get undressed, but asked for me to be sure she came in the room before I got started. I smiled at her in the mirror as I put my lipstick away, and said, "not even kisses and caressing", she said was not what she meant, just smiled back at me, and said, "after all that teasing tonight, just the thought of one of getting near his cock, could make him blow!". We both laughed, and as we left the ladies room, made sure things were not going to get out of hand, and asked if Paul knew I was on my period, and she had not told him, but would on the way home in the car.

When we arrived back at the table Paul said that everything was settle up, and we could leave, and he following Angie and I to the entrance, and he helped us put on our coats, Angie had on a longer coat, and it was sable in colour. We got to the car and Paul opened the doors for us, and we slid into the back seat, and Paul got in the front and drove us to their apartment. As we drove Angie told Paul what the plan was and that I was off limits, as I was on my period and besides, her pussy was the only place his cock was going that tonight, Paul agreed and understood. Their apartment was not that far away, and as we drove I took a chance to eye Angie's legs, and wanted to gently caress her smooth and silky thigh, and we exchange a few knowing looks as Paul pulled into the driveway of the apartment complex. Paul came and opened the car doors and as we entered the building, opened the doors for us, a perfect gentleman. When we got into the elevator, we were alone, and Paul gave Angie a long kiss, then thanked her, and commented on how both of us looked, and how hot he was and we both commented in "unison", I bet. We got into the apartment, and Paul took both our coats and hung them up, I looked around, it was not huge, the living room area had a couch and a love seat, Angie asked Paul to light the candles on the coffee table in the middle of the room, and then Angie left and the Paul asked if I would like to get comfortable, I commented that I would like that, and he took my hand and lead me to the couch, and told me again how stunning the two of us looked, and was really looking forward to the rest of the evening, Paul then lowered the lights and put on a soft rock station for background music.

Angie came back with the champagne and had three glasses, and Paul poured us all a glass, and we toasted the evening, with Paul saying, "to Joyce, being a sport and teaching my lovely fiancée". Angie sat down on the other side of Paul and eventually, the evening really got started and Paul started gently caressing each of our exposed legs, telling how sexy we both were. Angie broke the ice and leaned over and gave Paul a long slow kiss, it last for a good minute, and all the while Paul was still caressing my very exposed leg. Paul then turned to me and I did the same, Paul definitely was hot as his tongue jammed immediately in my mouth, and I reciprocated, and we kissed for a long time. As he was kissing me, Angie got up and said that she would excuse herself and be back, and said, "now Paul, no cumming until I get back!", he said he would wait, and then Angie said, "Joyce, why don't you get Paul ready for the 'festivities'". I told her I would as she walked past us and Paul continued to kiss me and caress my legs and silk thighs.

Paul continued kissing me and caressing my legs and breasts and I reached down and felt his crotch, there of course was a large bulge, but it was very damp and moist and as we continued the heavy petting and caressing, I moved my hands to his waist and undid his belt. He never stopped kissing me and reached down and quickly undid his pants and started to slide them off, we broke our kiss and Paul wanted to get naked quickly. I helped him off with his tie and slowly unbuttoned his shirt, he pulled off his jacket as I undid his buttons. I had to laugh inside as I looked down, his member was poking his blue under ware straight up like a tent, and I knew he wanted me to take them off. Last this was his pants and he quickly removed them after kicking off his shoes. Paul was staring at me with lust in his eyes, and I was caressing his hairy chest, telling him how sexy he looked. We then started kissing and I slowly reached down and pulled his under ware back and exposed his very, very rigid member, and used my thumb and caressed the head and then after we broke our kiss brought the thumb to my lips and in a very sexy manner licked his juices off of it. As I did that, Paul reached down and pulled off his under ware and sat back up and we started kissing, and I reached down again and stayed away from his shaft and just caressed his very full balls, and told him, "I hear Angie does not swallow, so this is all for me?", and he groaned, "oh yes". We kept on kissing and caressing, and he was loving my silky covered legs and thighs and kept moaning how sexy they felt, and I kept on making out heavily with him, and it had been about 10 minutes, and I heard the click of heels on the hardwood floor as Angie was coming towards the living room.

As she rounded the corner from the hallway leading to the bedroom, Paul and I were still kissing and I was still gently playing with his balls, and Paul was the first to stop her and broke our kiss and whispered, "oh my", and I looked over and what I saw would make any warm blooded man get instantly erect. She had a wicked smile and she talked towards us on the couch, and the outfit she put on was stunning to say the least. It was a black merry widow, satin and lace, and her pert breasts were pushed way up, attached to the merry widow was garters that were supporting ultra sheer "nearly black" stockings, topped off with a lace and satin thong. She had let her hair down, and the beautiful long blonde hair almost came down to her ass, she had darkened her makeup a little more and her lips glistened in the candlelit room. She was wearing at least 4" black patent heels and again, was a little unstable in them, but at this point, I could care less. I causally made the comment, "I see you found some shoes", and she just smiled at me and nodded, "yes", and Paul got up off the couch and walked toward her, naked except for his socks and a raging hardon, Angie, very sexily said, "I see you two are having fun, leave any for me?". Paul embraced her and they went into a long embrace, kissing and Paul's hands were all over her body as they did. I took the chance and grabbed my clutch purse and applied a healthy coat of lipstick, and gloss.

After about 5 minutes, they broke their embrace and Angie looked over at me and said in a sexy voice, "ready for my lesson teacher, tell me what to do". I told her to bring Paul to the couch and sit him down and kneel on one side of him on the floor. She lead him by the hand to the couch and had him sit next to me, I then got off the couch and adjusted my floor length skirt by hiking it up and Angie went and grabbed a couple of pillows and handed one to me and I knelt on the right side of Paul and she the other on the pillow. I leaned in to Paul's member, the head glistening with precum and quickly flicked my tongue out and he nearly jumped a foot off the couch. Both Angle and I laughed and before we started, I told Paul that as soon as he was going to cum to let us know, so that my lips were going to be on his member when the came. He just groaned in approval, and then it was a really weird feeling that came over me as I stared at Paul's member, suddenly it was not Paul, but a solid mass of cock that did not really belong to anyone, and was just a tool for my teaching Angie.

As I gently massaged Paul's very full balls, I began slowly showing Angie all the key parts to concentrate on, and told her all about fact the underside of the head was the most sensitive part, and then showed her the underside spot at the base of his member where she needed to squeeze with her thumb to stop Paul from coming. I then described my technique of swirling my tongue all around even when bobbing up and down, and telling her all about if she got tired to simply flick her tongue all over the head, then my final trick and that was to moan loudly while sucking, once I made sure she was set, the lesson began.

I said to her "ready?", and she smiled and leaned down and opened her shiny glossed red lips and started by flicking her tongue on the underside of Paul's member and he flinched and then he started to groan then she started bobbing up and down on his member and as she did, I continued to massage his balls. I told Paul to tell me when she was doing it right and he groaned, "noooooo, not now". First thing I noticed was that she was going way to fast, almost like, "let's get this over with", and I quickly stopped her and she sat back on her heels, I grabbed the base of Paul's member and slowly and methodically, bobbed up and down and swirling my tongue all around his member as I bobbed up and down. Paul kept moaning, "oh that's it, oh God that is it", I was enjoying myself and got right into it, and was enjoying myself, then realized, it was not the purpose of the evening and stopped and wrapped my red painted fingers around Paul's member and slowly stroked it. I then sat back on my heels and explained to Angie that giving head was as much fun for me as Paul, and she should slow down and enjoy. I took my hand off Paul's member and she leaned down and grabbed the base of his cock and slowly started bobbing up and down and I asked Paul how she was doing and he had his head back and groaned, "nooooo". I kept talking to Angie as I massaged Paul's balls and kept trying to tell her to swirl her tongue around and I kept asking Paul how she was doing and obviously, she was missing the point.

I stopped her and we were both sitting back on our heels and I grabbed Paul's member and was slowly stroked it, and flicked my thumb around the tip, spreading the oozing pre-cum all around it, as he was very wet. I kept slowly stroking and then turned my body to Angie and then I got an idea and told her to move her body a little closer to me and she did and asked her to stick out one of her hands middle finger. She had a strange look on her face, but she did and I gently grabbed her wrist of her right hand and she stuck out her middle finger, and I explained to her that I would demonstrate what she should be doing while sucking Paul. As I stroked slowly on Paul, I closed my eyes and very, very slowly wrapped my lipstick covered lips around Angie's perfectly manicured middle finger. Between Paul groaning and moaning in pleasure I swore I heard Angie gasp a little as I started to very deliberately move her finger in and out of my mouth swirling my tongue all around, I kept it up for about 2 minutes and then backed away and let it slide out, and then opened my eyes and knew I had triggered something within her soul. I still was slowly caressing Paul and he was still rock hard, but Angie was staring at me and I quietly asked her if she now knew what she had to do, and her eyes never left mine, and her lips glistened in the candlelight, she was staring at me, directly in the eyes and I stared back, she then said with no emotion, "oh yes". I knew she was "ripe for the picking".

We stared at each other for at least another 2 minutes and I kept stroking Paul nice and slow, his breathing was hard, and we never looked at him, it was like we were in our own world. The tip of his cock was soaked with pre-cum and I finally broke the stare and leaned over and licked off the tip of his member, enjoying his salty juice. Then a thought came in my mind and said to Angie who was still staring at me, "go to the other side of his cock, let's give him what every man dreams about, two women licking at the same time". Angie smiled and moved closer to Paul's member, and she went on one side and started licking up and down his shaft and I did the same on the other side and Paul was moaning, almost out of his mind. Then instinctively, I started bobbing up and down slowly on his shaft as Angie moved away, and then would get out of the way and let Angie have a turn, and then we would stop and lick up and down each side of his cock at the same time, I would keep telling Angie to keep it slow.

Then at one point, we met at the tip of his member and our tongues and lips met, and we both stopped and it was like the world around us disappeared and it was only us staring at one another, and Paul did not exist, I knew we were crossing a very important line, one I was hoping would happen. I still had my hand wrapped around the base of Paul's member, but I was not stroking him, I was staring at Angie, and I was staring deep into her eyes, and she was doing the same, and her lips were slightly parted and glistening in the candlelight, she was truly a beautiful creature, with her long blonde hair and very pretty face. Then "it" happened, again, and I was both shocked and thrilled, she slowly moved towards me, and we never broke eye contact and then leaned over and slowly put her lips to mine and we kissed, very lightly, and tenderly, nothing like I had experienced except with my husband Sharon, and SHE was the one that made the first move. I could tell she was nervous and let her set the pace of the kissing I could taste her lipstick, and knew she could taste mine, her lips were quivering as we kissed and after about 30 seconds she broke the kiss and sat back on her heels and whispered, "oh I am so sorry", all the while staring at me and I quietly told her it was alright and leaned over, and made the move to kiss her again. This time I knew I had what I wanted and proceeded to kiss her a little more aggressively and she responded, matching the kisses, and then I reached down and grabbed one of her hands and brought it to my breasts and quietly told her to caress them through my sequined dress, I moved my hands and slowly started caressing her satin and lace teddy and breasts. She gently started caressing my breasts and was moaning as we kissed and caressed, I heard Paul moan, "that is so freaking hot", and I realized Paul needed to get off or he was going to do it on his own, and stopped kissing Angie and told her that we could continue after we took care of Paul, which she nodded silently, while biting her lip.

We both repositioned ourselves on either side of Paul's member, and before we started I told her to take her thumb and squeeze were I told her as hard and she could at the base of his member. She did and then after nodding to me, started to suck and lick Paul like I taught her, and I looked up at Paul, sweat running down his face and said, "has she got it?", Paul moaned back, "almost". Angie and I both changed back and forth handing Paul's member back and forth, and we brought him to the edge of orgasm at least 6 times, stopping and licking his balls just before he wanted to come, and Angie had her thumb firmly planted on the base of his member, never allowing him to cum, even though he was getting to the point of passing out. Finally, I told Angie to let go of the bottom of his member, and wrapped my lips around his member and started bobbing up and down all the while, flicking my tongue around with earnest, Angie was stroking the back of my head and then I heard Paul scream out, "I'm coming!!!!", and at the same time, I got the most intense orgasm I have ever received in my mouth. The blasts came one after the other and the streams of cum mostly went directly down my throat, finally, he slowed down and I was able to get some in my mouth to swirl around and finally swallow and enjoy. As Paul settled down, I saw that Angie was up beside him, kissing him, and I cleaned him up and looked up at the two of them, and Angie broke her kiss with Paul and got off the couch and kneeled close to me and slowly moved her face to mine and gave me a light kiss and said, "now what?", as she slowly caressed my breast though my dress.

I knew I was in the drivers seat, as neither Angie or Paul knew my true sex and decided that I would take control. Paul was sitting on the couch, his head tilted back breathing hard and recovering, his member getting limp, I got up in my heels, adjusted my dress and then offered Angie my hand and helped her up, and lead her to the couch on the other side of the room. As we passed the table in the middle of the room, both grabbed our champagne glasses and filled them up and then sat down, and no words were spoken as we sipped on our champagne, we kept staring at each other. I made the first move and put down my champagne glass, and Angie took the hint and put down hers and I moved close to her and began kissing her. Very lightly and tender at first, but as our kissing went along it got more and more intense, again, I had to glide her hand to my silky thigh and she started caressing, and I did the same to hers, except, I decided to make the next move. As we kissed I was moaning along with Angie, moved my hand to the tops of her stockings and slowly made my way up to her crotch. As we continued to kiss, I could tell she was really getting into it, her hands were all over my body and at one point, she broke the kiss and moaned, "silky legs", and continued kissing me, and kept stroking my legs. I took my right index finger and moved it over her g-string panties and found they were soaking wet, as we continued kissing, I heard her gasp as I slipped a finger under her panties and found her very wet and moist slit. I slowly inserted the finger and found she was more than moist and used two other fingers, opened her pussy lips and found her clit, she started moaning louder as I gently massaged it.

We broke our kiss and I brought my fingers up to my lips and gave her a sexy smile and the slowly licked her juices off of them, and then said to her, "ready for another lesson?", she had a puzzled look on her face, and I reached over and grabbed my champagne glass and after taking a sip, put it down, told her to "lay back and enjoy the ride". I moved to her and gave her a long kiss and caressed her breast through her merry widow. As she lay back on the sofa, I adjusted my dress and took a look over at Paul, who was now stroking his once again hard member and smiled at him, and took my attention back to Angie. She was caressing my silky legs, and I let her to continue and reached down and slowly slid the straps for the merry widow off her shoulders and tugged down the top of the garment to expose her young, firm breasts. Her nipples were as hard as a rock, and I squeezed them gently and she moaned as I did, I then kneeled down and very slowly licked and sucked back and forth her breasts, all the while allowing one of my fingers to enter her pussy as I played with her clit. Angie was moaning and groaning and obviously loving what was happening to her, moaning comments like, "oh Joyce this feels sooooo good". I moved up and we exchanged a long kiss and after we broke the kiss, I whispered to her, "if you think this feels good, just wait", as I slowly licked one of earlobes.

I got no answer, only moaning, I then removed my finger from her pussy and positioned myself so that I was at the end of the couch and proceeded to work my hands up her stocking covered thighs to her crotch and slowly proceeded to pull her wet lace and satin thong panties down and off her body to expose a well trimmed pussy. In the candlelit room, I could see the moisture of her pussy glistening and looked up at her and she spread her legs a little more and I licked my lips and she reached down and started playing with her nipples. I smelt her musty scent as I moved closer to her pussy, and then slowly spread her pussy lips and took my tongue and flicked it across her clit and she squealed and jumped when I did. I knew that I had to give her an experience unlike a male, and very slowly licked and sucked on her clit and made sure I was gentle, yet providing maximum stimulation. I could feel her getting more and more stimulated and decided to increase the speed of the licking, she started to get a fever pitch and was almost yelling with her moaning and then she reached down and pushed my head back and said loudly in between gasping for air, said, "fingers, I want fingers". I slowly inserted two and moved slowly in and out of her pussy, and continued to lick and suck her clit, after a couple of minutes, she moaned, "more, I want more", I put in a third and continued to suck and lick and moved my fingers around the inside of her pussy. She was moaning and lifting her bum off the couch for more stimulation, I have no idea how long this went on but eventually she got a point that she was grunting and moaning loudly, and she finally came, her pussy clamped down and my fingers and her entire body was shaking. I did not stop licking her and continued moving my fingers around in her pussy, after the first orgasm, I was about to get up and stop and she grabbed the back of my head and yelled out, "more!, more!", and pushed it to her pussy. I continued to lick and suck and I lost count at the number of times she came, but it was at least 5, she eventually said, while breathing heavy, "no more, no more", I got up and she was still breathing hard and gave moved to the top of the couch and leaned down and gave her a long kiss, and I caressed her breasts and she did mine as well.

After we broke our kiss she quietly said to me, "the was the most intense orgasm of my life, I think Paul needs lessons", I gave her a light kiss and said, "too bad I am on my period, then you could have returned the favor", she said that one day she would look forward to it. We both looked over at Paul, who was obviously staring at us, stroking his very erect member and I said, "ready to 'fly solo'". Angie said she was, but as long as I was there when he came, I told her that was not going to be a problem, and Paul never said a word as we both grabbed a glass of champagne and took a drink. We both finished our glass and after Angie adjusted her merry widow, we got off the couch and walked over, hand in hand to a very worked up Paul. Angie leaned over and kissed Paul and said, "enjoy the show?", Paul just groaned and nodded his head, and I giggled and adjusted my dress and knelt down next to Angie as we took our spots beside Paul's member. Angie began to suck and I gently massaged Paul's balls and was asking Paul how she was doing and he groaned, "close, getting better". I kept reminding Angie of the things I told her and she was right into and I took the opportunity to caress her silky stocking covered legs and massaged her breasts. She was not at it long and Paul started groaning, "I'm coming", I quickly reached down and squeezed the base of his member and teasingly said, "not so fast big boy, Angie, keep going". Angie had been sucking him for about 15 minutes and I kept my one hand at the base of his member, and the other I was caressing his balls, and Paul began to moan, "no more, no more", and at one point I said to Angie, "what do you think?, has been a good boy?", Angie stopped and told me her jaw was getting sore. I told her that I would finish him off and opened my lips and surrounded his member and I released the grip of the base of his member. Angie obviously did a good job as about 30 seconds of me bobbing up and down Paul cried out that he was going to cum, and he blew like a volcano, spurt after spurt was coming from his member, some, again, directly down my throat. After about 30 seconds, he stopped coming and I felt him start to go limp and then let him "pop" out of my mouth and licked and cleaned him up, and giggled as he flinch with each lick.

I stood up and there was Angie standing there with a glass of champagne and smiling and she said, "was he 'yummy'?", I told her he was, and she took me by the hand to the other couch and motioned for me to sit down and I did. We both watched as a naked Paul was recovering, and starting to stoke his limp member. Angie put down her glass and moved her lips to mine and we started kissing, lightly, and I felt her hands caressing my silky nylon covered legs. I in put down my glass and in turn caressed her breasts through her merry widow, she was definitely still hot, and after a while of kissing and caressing, broke our embrace and said, she wanted my lips on her pussy again, but she also wanted to feel Paul inside her and him to make love to her. I smiled and told her she could have both if she wanted and she smiled and said, really?. I slowly moved a finger down to her pussy and started fingering her clit and then moved in and started kissing her passionately. After a while we broke our kiss and I whispered to her that I wanted to taste Paul again, and that I would love to lick her pussy, but told her Paul probably could only take cumming one more time and after seeing the time, told her it was getting late. She asked what I suggested we do and as I slowly rubbed her clit, whispered to her that I was going to go over and get Paul good and hard with my lips and then, bring him back over to the couch we were on and have him make love to her and when they were done, clean up Paul's member and then have her sit on my face and I would lick the cum out of her pussy and then get her off. She squealed and told me that sounded perfect, I was a little nervous after pushing my luck this far, but got up, poured some more champagne and looked over at Paul, he was stroking his semi rigid member and told him in a sexy "ready for another birthday present?", he said, "what do you two have in mind?".

I explained to him what we had planned and he just smiled and I could see his member get even harder. I went to him and adjusted the skirt on my dress and wrapped my red tipped red fingers around the base of his member and started sucking with earnest. My idea was go get Paul almost to the point of exploding, and then have him make love to Angie and I wanted him to cum quickly in her so I would have the pleasure of licking her to orgasm, rather than her cumming with Paul. Since I was more interested in licking Angie off again, the first time Paul was close to cumming is when I stopped and looked over at Angie who was staring at us and stroking her pussy and said, "ready?", she moaned a "yes", I got up and took Paul's hand and lead him to the other couch, and it was comical seeing him walking naked with his member fully erect sticking out. Angie laid down and Paul got into position and I guided his erect member into Angie's very wet pussy. As Paul started to thrust in and out of her, I lowered the straps on her merry widow and exposed her breasts and in between kissing her, I caressed and licked her nipples as Paul made love to her.

My plan worked to perfection, Angie was not even close to cumming and Paul could not hold it any longer and only after about 5 minutes, Paul grunted and I could tell he had just blew his load into Angie. Before Paul pulled out of Angie, I told Angie she was going to have to hold Paul's juices for a bit while I cleaned Paul up, and she nodded, and I leaned down, just as Paul took his semi limp member out of Angie, and quickly wrapped my lips around it and got to taste the combination of Angie's pussy juices and Paul, I loved the taste and after I was done, Paul moved to the other couch and Angie asked me how we would do it. I told her to stand and I laid down on the couch and then told her to come and put her knees on either side of my face and lower her pussy until she could feel my lips and then to relax her pussy muscles and I would take care of the rest. She did that and I loved it when she felt my lips on her pussy, she released her load into my waiting mouth. I swallowed and then continued to lick and Angie was moaning loudly, I could hear Paul come over and he was kissing her and she was begging to have her nipples sucked, and Paul took care of that, Angie was in pure pleasure mode, as we both worked on her. Eventually, she discovered that she could start rocking back and forth on my face to increase her pleasure, and she did, and at one point I just stuck out my tongue and she rode my face up and down and then she came with one big shuddering orgasm.

When she was done, she got off of me and I sat back up and she sat next to me and gave me a long slow kiss, then broke it and slowly started licking her own juice off my face, as it was smeared all over my lips and cheeks. I took the advantage to caress her breasts and silk stocking covered legs as she did. We eventually broke our embrace and had another glass of champagne, while Paul sat across from us, naked, and had a semi-limp member. I noticed the time, it was almost 2:30am, and said that I should be going and we all agreed nobody was going to be driving, and Paul and Angie, said they would call a taxi and they would pay for my ride home. As Paul went to call a taxi, I grabbed my clutch purse and ask were the washroom was and Angie directed me down the hall. When I turned on the light, I nearly died, my face looked like a train wreck, makeup was smeared all over the place. I found some of Angie's foundation in the bathroom, and touched up the best I could, and reapplied my lipstick, then sat down and got some much needed relief as my bladder was full.

I packed up my clutch purse and met Angie in the living room, Paul came out the bedroom in a housecoat and headed for the bathroom, and in the call, gave me a big kiss and said, "thank you", I said I should be thanking him, as Angie was delicious, and I asked him how come she had sex with me, and Paul told me it was a bigger shock then learning I was going to be teaching her. I met Angie in the living room and she had gone and slipped on a housecoat as well, and she came and gave me another kiss, and thanked me for everything and said, "you were right that time you said, only a woman knows how to please another woman", I was laughing inside and was thinking and only a TV really knows how to properly please a man as well. I told her to wait until she had a chance to be on the "giving" side of it, she told me she did not know about that, and I then asked her what brought it on, as she had already told me she has no interest in other women. She went on to tell me that she knew that once I said "yes", that she figured that since the sexual energy was going to be there, and knowing I was Bi, that if the opportunity arose, she wanted to see what being with another woman was like. I said, "and?", she told me that was the most intense orgasms she has ever had in her life, I smiled and told her I was glad I was the one that gave her them, and broke her "Lesbian cherry", so to speak, we both laughed and she told me she would never forget it.

About that time, Paul came back in the room and we sat down and we finished off the 2nd bottle of champagne and chatted about the evening, it was fun hearing Paul talk About Angie and I and how hot it looked. About 10 minutes later the buzzer rang it was my taxi, Paul helped me on with my coat, and handed $20 for the cab ride, and then it was a long goodbye kiss with both Paul and Angie, and then I left the apartment and went downstairs to meet the taxi. I was really tired on the way home and was really looking forward to bed. I got home and slipped out of my dress and heels and into one of my favorite black peignoir's and pulled out my vibrator and it did not take long before I exploded in my latex vagina. I cleaned up and got back into bed and I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.

I woke the next day with a big hangover and as I came out of my room, there was a large bouquet of flowers on the living room table, and my spouse made the comment, my someone must have had fun last night, I told her I did and that it was very enjoyable, and she made me tell her all about it.



Paul and Angie told me that after I left they made love till dawn and both of them could not stop talking about me.

Paul and Angie were married the following June, both my spouse and I were invited to the Wedding and it was nice, I had fun seeing Paul's and Angie's face in the receiving line.

Angie and Paul still keep in touch, but only as friends.

Angie now swallows, and Paul has commented to her that her oral skills are much better.

Angie and Paul moved to the West coast, and to this day she has not enjoyed the pleasure of another woman, and they still do not know I am not a genetic female.

So here is the offer: First off, I AM NOT A PRO. This petite, passable TV, would love to meet you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON- smoking male or female, or couple, please contact me, and who knows?,

Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com My MSN: joyce_devries@hotmail.com My Yahoo: joyce_devriestv@yahoo.com

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